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Very short answer type questions (1Mark)

1. Why is democracy preferred as the better form of government than dictatorship?

Ans. Democracy is preferred as the better form of government because it ensures people’s
rule and enhances the dignity of the individual.
2. What are the basic elements of democracy in practical sense? / What are the common
features of democracies of the world?
Ans. The basic elements of democracy are formal constitutions, regular free and fair
elections, political parties and fundamental rights to citizens.
3. On what factors democracies differ from each other?
Ans. Political situation, Social situation, Economic achievements, cultural situation
4. What is transparency in a democracy?
Ans. Transparency means that a citizen has the right and means to examine the process of
5. In which country of South Asia, democracy is not preferred over dictatorship?
Ans. Pakistan.
6. What should be the basic outcome of democracy?
Ans. The most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces an accountable,
responsive and legitimate government.
7. State the economic inequalities in democratic countries like South Africa and Brazil.
Ans. In democratic countries like South Africa and Brazil, the top 20 percent people take
away more than 60 percent of the national income, leaving less than 3 percent for the
bottom 20 percent population.
8. Democracy is not free from corruption. Is it true?
Ans. There is no denying the fact that democracy is not free from corruption, but it is only
in a democracy that people can openly expose this evil and ask for its elimination.
9. List the factors on which economic development of a country depends.
Ans. Economic development of a country depends on several factors like Country’s
population size, global situation, cooperation from other countries, economic
10. How can you say that democracies are based on political equality?
Ans. Democracies are based on political equality as they ensure and promote universal
adult franchise. All citizens have equal weight in electing representatives.
11. In which sphere democracy stands much superior to any other form of government?
Ans. Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting
dignity and freedom of the individual.
12. Which country is suffering from adverse form of economic inequality?
Ans. Bangladesh is suffering from the adverse effect of economic equality, that is poverty,
as more than half of its population lives in poverty.
13. Which country in Europe has successfully negotiated differences among ethnic
Ans. Belgium.
14. What has been done in India regarding the dignity and freedom of the citizens?
Ans. The democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and
discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity. For example,
untouchability has been abolished.
15. What is most distinctive about democracy?
Ans. The most distinctive about democracy is that its examination never gets over. As
democracy passes one test, it produces another test. As people get some benefits of
democracy, they ask for more and want to make democracy even better.
16. The basic outcome of democracy is
a) Political, social and economic outcome
b) Military outcome
c) Restricted and limited welfare policies
d) Elimination of poverty
Ans. a) Political, social and economic outcome

17. If a government provides its citizens a right and means to examine the process of
decision, it is-
a) An accountable government
b) A responsive government
c) A transparent government
d) A stable government
Ans. a) An accountable government

18. People’s right to choose their own leaders is called as the-

a) Right to initiate
b) Right to Plebicite
c) Right to vote
d) Right to Referendum
Ans. c) Right to vote

19. Which of the following options helps in promoting transparency in the governance?
a) Right to education
b) Right to information
c) Right against exploitation
d) Right to speech and expression
Ans. b) Right to information

20. ____________make/s the government legitimate.

a) Credibility of politicians
b) People’s movements
c) Free and fair elections
d) Holding of powers
Ans. c) Free and fair elections

21. Decisions in a democracy are more acceptable to the people because they are -

a) Taken swiftly and implemented quickly

b) Taken by giving privileges to the people
c) Taken through elites’ votes
d) Taken after following due processes
Ans. d) Taken after following due processes

22. Economic growth depends on which of the following?

a) Size of the population of the country
b) Territory of area of the country
c) Global scenario
d) Cooperation among various nations
Ans. d) Cooperation among various nations
23. The factor on which dictatorship is better than democracy:
a) Population control
b) Employment generation
c) Public opinion
d) Economic growth

Ans. d) Economic growth

24. In which country more than half the population lives in poverty?
a) Sri Lanka b) Bangladesh c) Nepal d) India
Ans. b) Bangladesh
25. Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting-
a) Economic growth
b) Dignity and freedom of the individual
c) Economic equality
d) Reduces discrimination
Ans. b) Dignity and freedom of the Individual
26. Why are decisions delayed in democracy?
Ans. Because democratic governments are based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation.
27. What do democracies ensure regarding decision- making?
Ans. Democracies ensure that decision making is based on norms and procedures.
28. In what aspects do the democracies have better success rate?
Ans. Democracies have a greater success rate in setting up regular and free elections and
providing conditions for an open public debate.
29. The record of democracies is not impressive on two counts. What are they?
a) They are not attentive to the needs and demands of the people.
b) The democracies are not free of corruption
30. Why is there an overwhelming support for democracy all over the world?
Ans. Because a democratic government is people’s own government.

Short answer type questions (3Marks)

1. “Democracy is better form of government than any other form of governments.”

Justify the statement.
Ans. Democracy is considered a better form of government than dictatorship or any other
government due to following reasons:
1) It promotes equality among citizens.
2) It enhances the dignity of the individuals.
3) It improves the quality of decision making because it is based on deliberations and
4) It provides a method to resolve conflicts. It tries to reduce tensions. The majority
works with the minority.
5) It provides room to correct its own mistakes. A law can be amended in the public
interest on the demands of the people.
2. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate
Ans. 1) Accountable government
i. It is answerable to the people as it is a form of government in which people rule
themselves through their elected representatives.
ii. Citizens have the right to examine the process of decision making, that is the
mechanism of transparency.
iii. Practices and institutions like regular, free and fair elections and open public debate.
iv. Democracy provides a transparent form of government. In India right to information
is an example of this process.
i. Elections are not always free and fair.
ii. Public debates are not always effective.
iii. Decisions are delayed
i. However overall democratic governments do not have a very good record when it
comes to sharing information with citizens. But whatever be the case it can be said that
democratic governments are better than non democratic governments.
ii. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation, so some delay is bound
to take place and decisions are acceptable and effective. The cost of time democracy
pays is perhaps worth it.
2) Responsive government
i. Democracy produces a government, which is responsive to the needs and expectations
of the people.
ii. It is expected that it fulfills the demands of the people.
iii. It is expected that democratic government is largely free from corruption.
i. It has been observed that democracies often ignores the needs and demands of the people
so it is not fully responsive.
ii. There are even cases of corruption in democratic countries.
i However non democratic countries are also not free from corruption, neither they
are more sensitive to the people.

3) Legitimate government
i. A democratic government is a legitimate government because it is elected by the people.
ii. It is formed by the rules provided by the constitution of the country.
iii. The party which gets a majority in the legislature forms the government and other parties
form the opposition.
iv. It is people’s own government.
v. That is why countries all over the world are supporting democracy because it is people’s
own government.

3. Do democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens? Clarify. / How
does democracy accommodate social diversity? Explain any three ways.
Ans. Democracy accommodates social diversities in the following ways.
i. Democracy develops competitive attitude: Democracy usually develops a procedure to
conduct competition among the social differences.
ii. Reduces social tension; This reduces the possibility of social tensions becoming violent.
For example in Belgium there were equal numbers of seats for both Dutch and French
iii. Democracy evolves mechanisms to negotiate: No society can fully resolve conflicts
among different groups, but we can learn to respect these differences and can also evolve
a mechanism to negotiate the differences. For example majority and minority can resolve
their differences through negotiation and talks.
iv. Democracies abilities: Non democratic regimes suppress internal social differences.
Democratic government has the ability to handle social differences, divisions and
v. Democracy represents the general view: The majority always needs to work with
minority so that governments function to represent the general view. For example both
the groups are given equal importance.
4. What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities? / The
ideals principles and norms of democracy require certain conditions to be implemented.
Justify the statement.
Ans. The following are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social
i. Democracies accommodate social diversities when it is well understood that
democracy is just not the rule of the majority and that the rule of the majority is not
just the rule of a single religious or social community.
ii. It does not believe in any type of discrimination based on the class, caste religion etc.
All the citizens have the right to voice their problems without any fear.
iii. In democracy, majority always needs to work with the minority and the government
represents the general view.
iv. Democracy remains a democracy only as long as every citizen has a chance of being
in majority at some point of time.

5. How does democracy stand much superior to any other form of government in promoting
dignity and freedom to the individual? Explain with suitable examples.
Ans. Democracy stands much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity
and freedom of the individual. This statement can be explained by giving the following
i. Basis of Democracy: The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of
democracy. All the democracies in the world accept this as a principle and this is a
great achievement.
ii. Dignity of women: Democracy ensures dignity of women. In democracies, equal
treatment and respect to women has been accepted. Now it has become easier for
women to struggle against discrimination and injustice.
iii. Women’s status: In many democracies, women were deprived of their right to vote
for a long time which they have achieved now. In India, 1/3rd seats have been
reserved for women in local bodies.
iv. Dignity of disadvantaged castes: In India disadvantaged and discriminated castes
have been granted equal status and equal opportunities.
v. No discrimination: Discrimination on the basis of caste, religion has been banned.

Long answer type questions (5 marks)

1. Describe the economic growth and development in a democracy.
Ans. i) During the years between 1950 and 2000, dictatorships have slightly higher rate of
economic growth.
ii) However the economic development of a country depends on various factors such as
population, global situation, cooperation from other countries, economic priorities
adopted by the country.
iii) The difference between dictatorships and democracies is negligible.
iv)However, democracy is not a guarantee for economic development but at the same
time we hope that democratic governments may not lag behind other governments.
V) Lastly, a democratic government has other benefits also.

2. “Democracies are not appearing to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.”

Analyse the statement.
Ans. I agree to this.
i. A small number of ultra-rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and
incomes. Their share in the total income of the country has been increasing.
ii. Those at the bottom of the society have very little to depend upon. Their incomes
have been declining and they find it difficult to meet their basic needs of life.
iii. In India the poor constitute a large proportion of voters. No party wants to lose
their votes but they do not seem very interested in addressing the question of
iv. The situation is much worse in some other countries. In Bangladesh, more than half
of its population lives in poverty.
v. People in several poor countries are now dependent on the rich countries even for
food supplies.

3. How is democratic government different from non-democratic governments in the

decision making process?
Ans. The differences between democratic and non-democratic governments are as follows:
Democratic governments Non democratic governments
i. Democracy is based on the idea of i. No such deliberations and
deliberations and negotiations. discussions are held.
ii. Democratic governments take public ii. Non democratic governments do
opinion before reaching a decision. not care for public opinion.
iii. There is transparency in democratic iii. There is no transparency under non
governments. For example, there is democratic governments.
right to information.
iv. It is accountable to the people. iv. It is not accountable to the people.
v. Democratic governments are v. These are forced on the people.
legitimate, these are people’s own

4. “What is most distinctive about democracy is that its examination never gets over”.
Ans. i. Democracy’s examination never gets over. As it passes one test, it has to undergo
another. As people get some benefits of democracy, they ask for more to make
democracy even better.
ii. When we ask people about the way democracy functions, they will always come up with
more expectations and many complaints.
iii. The fact that people are complaining is itself a testimony to the success of democracy. It
shows that people are aware and critically examining those in power.
iv. A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democracy.
v. It transforms people from mere subjects to citizens taking active part in the democratic
process. For example most individuals today believe that their votes make a difference
to the way the government is run and to their own self interest.

Value based question:

Is having democracy enough? Why? Give value points related to democracy.
Ans. It is very much true that democracy is people’s rule. But only having democracy or
democratic government is not enough unless it ensures democratic participation and
accommodation of diversities. It requires certain conditions for its successful functioning,
i. Alert and enlightened citizens.
ii. Critical approach of the citizens.
iii. Equality among citizens.
iv. Consciousness and awareness

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