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4500 S Four Mile Run Drive, Unit 1203

Arlington, VA 22204
(703) 998-2968
Cell: (571) 213-3986
* Retired May 3, 2009 from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
* 21 years legacy INS Deportation Officer Law Enforcement experience.
* Possessed TS/SCI security clearance.
* Received (19) consecutive "outstanding" performance ratings during my last 21
years service to legacy INS/ICE.
* Certified course developer and instructor. Instructed various immigration law
and intelligence related course subjects at the Immigration Officer Academy, FL
ETC, Brunswick, GA, Border Patrol Academy, Charleston, SC, and 287(g) Certificat
ion Sites to basic academy recruits and journeyman level officers/agents.
* Certified OPR Fact Finder (Internal Affairs)
* Participated in numerous significant detail assignments to federal and state
joint task force operations due to Title 8 and tactical operational expertise th
roughout career.
* 3 years Army Military Police
* Traffic Investigator
* AWOL Apprehension Unit
Office of Detention & Removal Operations (DRO)
Position: Unit Chief, GS-1801-15 1/2009 - Retired 5/3/2009
* Designated Unit Chief of the Detention & Removal Operations (DRO) Intelligenc
e Operations responsible for the management of the HQ DRO Intelligence Operation
s Program for the collection and dissemination of intelligence information glean
ed from field operational activities relating to the arrest, detention, and remo
val of foreign nationals, especially in the arrest, detention, and removal of Sp
ecial Interest Aliens (SIA).
* Supervised seven DRO Intelligence staff officers and one mission support spec
ialist to administer and oversee the DRO national intelligence program.
* Identified trends related to illegal entry, gang activity, smuggling organiza
tions (alien, narcotics, and or weapons), force protection, and national securit
y to protect the homeland.
* Responsible for restructuring, reorienting and reshaping immediate and long t
erm plans, objectives and schedules to meet substantial changes in priorities of
DRO intelligence program.
* Responsible for determining policy formation and long range planning as well
as recommending any prospective changes in the functions or programs relating to
intelligence operations within DRO.
* Responsible for all planning, coordination and organization efforts for all e
mployees in order to ensure timely accomplishments of objectives as well as maxi
mum utilization of personnel.
* Evaluate, supervise, and problem solve conflicts concerning subordinates.
* Maintained and established relationships with officials from the State Depart
ment, Intelligence Community, FBI Terrorist Screening Center (TSC/TSOC), Transpo
rtation Security Agency (TSA), outside Law Enforcement Agencies, and DHS compone
nts, as appropriate.
* Coordinated and deconflicted cases to execute orders of removal on foreign na
tionals whom listed No Fly List, or deemed as having direct or indirect links to
national security.
* Administered and coordinated the Third Agency Visit (TAV) Program that involv
ed outside agencies requests to interview foreign nationals or utilize as a CI w
hom DRO detained having an intelligence value.
* Possessed a TS/SCI security clearance. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's
Name: Greg Archambeau, Supervisor's Phone: 202-732-3153.
Office of Detention & Removal Operations (DRO)
Position: Intelligence Staff Officer, GS-1801-14 01-14
* Managed the collection and dissemination of law enforcement information and i
ntelligence within the DRO Program.
* Ensured that all intelligence, developed or received, is evaluated and dissem
inated to the appropriate ICE operational entity as it pertains to homeland secu
rity, criminal activities, infrastructure protection, and the illegal movement o
f people, narcotics, money, and cargo entering, transiting or operating within o
ur national borders.
* Developed the intelligence infrastructure for DRO facilities and field operat
ions to collect, develop and disseminate, intelligence and actionable leads eman
ating from DRO facilities & operational activities derived from DRO detainees.
* Utilized various computer indices to research, identify, and locate pertinent
information, data, and transmit communications via secure encrypted databases (
* Coordinated intelligence emanating from DRO facilities for dissemination to t
he Office of Investigations (OI), ICE Office of Intelligence, DRO, Intelligence
Community, and the other Government Agencies based upon collections requirements
* Co-developed the DRO Leads Intelligence Report, a web-based intelligence coll
ection report database, located in the Significant Event Notification System (SE
N), which centralized the collection and reporting of intelligence derived from
field offices nationwide into a singular electronic reporting system for analysi
s and development of strategic and tactical intelligence reports (HIRs/HSIRs).
* Composed numerous "white paper proposals" on various operational intelligence
initiatives having national impact, such as procurement of FTE's and deployment
proposals, devised budgetary plans with justifications.
* Authored policy memorandums involving the development of IT intelligence data
bases, such as the DRO Leads Intelligence Report, SPOT, Third Agency Check (TAC)
, and Third Agency Visit (TAV), training, and operational policies.
* Founding work group member of Operation Last Call (OLC), a national ICE intel
ligence collection and reporting initiative that established the DRO intelligenc
e program inclusive of IT databases, training, and policies.
* Developed intelligence training course initiative's, such as the ICE Human In
telligence Training course (ICEHIT), which was a 3-week comprehensive interview/
debrief intelligence course taught at FLETC, Brunswick, Georgia.
* Co-authored intelligence training courses currently taught at Federal Law Enf
orcement Training Center (FLETC) DRO Basic Academy, Deportation Officers Transit
ion (DOT) Course, ICE Human Intelligence Training (ICEHIT), and an intelligence
course for the 287(g) Certification course.
* Served as a subject matter expert representative and liaison capacity on beha
lf of DRO Intelligence Operations to coordinate intelligence initiatives between
ICE, the intelligence community, third agencies, and law enforcement agencies i
nvolving foreign nationals, in particular Special Interest Aliens (SIA).
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Western Regional Office
Detention Removal Operations (DRO)
Laguna Niguel, CA
Position: Deputy Assistant Regional Director, GS-1801-1301-13
* Served as a staff officer advisor and point of contact to support Field Offic
es located within Western Region in key issues regarding Personnel, Budget, Cont
racts, Procurement, Chief Counsel, Investigations, Border Patrol, Inspections, a
nd Adjudications.
* Responsible for the oversight, planning, coordinating, organizing, and direct
ing the execution of Detention & Removal Operations (DRO), within the jurisdicti
on of Western Regional Field Operations, on behalf of the Assistant Regional Dir
ector For DRO.
* Performed on-site field office inspection reviews to evaluate and analyze loc
al factors and area specific conditions to assist the Assistant Regional Directo
r in tailoring operational strategies to maximize results within jurisdictional
* Provided guidance to field offices to resolve problems requiring the interpre
tation and application of policy and complex phases of law, budgetary, contract,
procurement procedures, personnel issues, and operational policies to include t
he composition of comprehensive position papers and reports to address and detai
l specific operational problems and recommendations for their resolution.
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, District Office
Detention, Deportation & Parole (DD&P)
Honolulu, HI
Position: Supervisory Deportation Officer, GS-1801-13 01-13
* Responsible for the day-to-day supervision of three Deportation Officers, a S
DEO, six DEO's, and a Docket Clerk. Provided first line administrative and techn
ical supervision of officers and clerical staff assigned to DRO in the enforceme
nt of laws, regulations, statues, and polices pertaining to the apprehension, de
tention, control, and removal of aliens, pursuant to Title 8 Immigration & Natio
nality Act (INA) and United States Code (USC).
* Planned work distribution and delegated those assignments to subordinate Offi
cers to expected workloads encompassing detained and non-detained dockets.
* Responsible for all planning, coordination and organization efforts for all e
mployees in order to ensure timely accomplishments of objectives as well as maxi
mum utilization of personnel.
* Evaluate, supervise, and problem solve conflicts concerning subordinates.
* Provided recommendations to my ADD for the resolution of problems involving m
ore complex legal issues or unusual situations requiring the interpretation and
application of law and or service policy.
* Reviewed incoming/outgoing case files to assess case dispositions to provide
instructions to ensure case resolution or follow-up actions were taken by delega
ting case assignments to subordinate officers to ultimately finalize cases withi
n their respective dockets.
* Supervised case dockets and directed appropriate action(s) were undertaken.
* Supervised and performed "fugitive warrants" operations to locate and apprehe
nd aliens subject to a final order of deportation and, or criminal extradition w
* Prepared and presented cases to US Attorney's offices for criminal prosecutio
n within the US District Court.
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, District Office
Detention, Deportation & Parole (DD&P)
Honolulu, HI
Position: Deportation Officer, GS-1801-7/12 01-7/12
* Responsible for oversight and management of assigned cases from initial recei
pt of detained alien through effecting physical removal from the United States.
* Performed initial review of cases to: determine adequacy of initial action by
apprehending officers, ensure documentation and action will satisfy legal suffi
ciency requirements, verify the presence of necessary evidence or testimony.
* Conducted inquiries, interviews and sworn testimony to prepare cases for subm
ission for court action.
* Administered/obtained sworn statements and issued subpoenas.
* Prepared Charging Documents (NTA), Warrants of Arrest, Warrants of Deportatio
n, Demand for Surrender, Breaches of Bond, Notices of Parole Revocation, and Not
ices to Excludable Alien, pursuant to Title 8 INA.
* Conducted extensive legal research to support the Service's decisions on depo
rtation/exclusion cases and assist INS and U.S. Attorneys in representing the go
vernment in court actions.
* Prepared and presented criminal cases to US Attorney's for criminal prosecuti
* Made recommendations on custody conditions, whether they should remain at lar
ge or taken into custody.
* Responsible for ensuring that all detention facilities that housed detained a
liens were in compliance with regulations and detention standards for inmate cus
* Established and maintained liaison with a variety of Federal and local enforc
ement agencies, foreign governments, embassies, consulates, public interest grou
ps in the preparation of court cases, arrangement of travel documents and by pro
viding alien support services while in custody.
* Performed "fugitive warrants" operations to locate and apprehend aliens subje
ct to a final order of deportation and or criminal extradition.
* Adjudicated various applications such as employment authorization, extension
of stay (EOS)/status, stays of deport, voluntary departure, parole etc.
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, District Office
Detention, Deportation & Parole (DD&P)
Honolulu, HI
Position: Detention Enforcement Officer GS-1801-7 12/1988- 4/1991
* Responsible for the receipt, processing, detention, transportation and genera
l welfare of aliens detained in INS custody.
* Searched aliens' person for possession of contraband items and for any eviden
ce that may aid investigative/deportation staff.
* Identified, documented, and safeguarded alien property during custody insurin
g proper receipt; handling and safekeeping procedures were adhered too.
* Responsible for taking alien fingerprints and photographs to document identif
ication data for record keeping.
* Interviewed aliens to obtain personal data to complete booking processes, and
or complete travel document applications for submission to foreign consulates t
o obtain travel documents.
* Maintained custody of detained aliens; explain detention rules and provide gu
idance, escort detainees by motor vehicle to adjust their personal affairs, and
escort to state or federal court proceedings.
* Prepared pertinent booking applications for transfer of alien(s) to the custo
dy of US Marshal Service those aliens accepted for criminal prosecution.
* Escorted aliens to and from immigration court and provide security during tho
se proceedings.
* Provided protective services by escorting aliens ordered deported deemed a fl
ight risk to their homelands abroad.
* Notified and arranged Meet and Greets with other field offices for the transf
er of alien(s) to their office, or arrange for the verification of the alien's d
* Performed "fugitive warrant" operations to locate and apprehend aliens subjec
t to a final order of deportation.
U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Honolulu International Airport
Immigration Inspections Division
Honolulu, HI
Position: Immigration Inspector, GS-5 6/1988- 12/1988
* Responsible for the inspection of arriving passengers and crewman from aboard
to determine their admissibility into the United States, pursuant to applicable
immigration laws, regulations, and statutes though oral interview, computer dat
abase queries, and visual inspection of travel documents presented.
* Utilized a computer program database (TECS, NAILS, NIIS, etc.) to aid in the
inspection process to detect and identify those person(s) deemed ineligible for
* Processed, obtained sworn statements, and served charging documents (I-122) t
o aliens for placement into exclusion proceedings to determine their admissibili
ty into the United States, upon review and judgment of an Immigration Judge.
United States Army Military Police 4/1976- 4/1979
Position 1: Traffic Investigator
142nd MP Company, 8th Army, Yongsan, Seoul, Korea 10/1976- 8/1977
* On August 1976, selected to attend Traffic Investigation Training and awarded
Q-9 skill identifier "Traffic Accident Investigator" on December 1976.
* Responsible for responding to and investigating traffic accidents that occurr
ed in Seoul and outlying areas that involved U.S. military and U.S. civilians.
* Utilized marked Police sedan with the use of emergency equipment to expedite
the arrival upon an accident scenes.
* Assessed accident scene to determine the severity and the proper recourse to
obtain medical attention for injured, notified fire rescue in the event of fire
or potential thereof; established sufficient warning to passing motorists, reque
sted additional police units as necessary to protect the scene, and to restore v
ehicular movement.
* Searched, analyzed, recorded and documented pertinent facts and data to recon
struct operator(s) actions and conditions immediately prior to the accident. Ide
ntified, and evaluated unsafe actions and conditions to reveal the contributing
factors and the direct cause(s) of the accident.
* Physical evidence was collected and evaluated denoting vehicle positions, sev
erity and location of damage, the patterns of debris disbursement, length and ty
pe of skid marks. Photographs were taken of the scene for further evaluation.
* Documented accident vehicle locations by methods of triangulation, or line co
* Skid marks were measured, and evaluated for the precise path of travel, evasi
ve actions, point of impact, and the speeds of the vehicle(s) upon impact.
* Conducted skid tests to reveal the drag resistance of the roadways to calcula
te the exact speeds of the vehicle(s) at impact.
* Identified witnesses and obtained sworn statements.
* Composed type written Police reports detailing the reconstruction of the acci
dent identifying the unsafe actions and conditions, emphasizing the direct cause
of the accident, based upon the analytical evaluation of the investigative data
* Testified in civil and criminal court proceedings.
* Investigated traffic accidents ranging from fender benders to accidents invol
ving fatalities.
298th MP Company Ft Stewart, GA W/Duty Orlando, Florida
Position 2: AWOL Apprehension Unit 8/1977- 4/1979
Naval Training Center, Orlando, Florida
* Assigned to a ten-man Army Military Police Unit, with duty at the Naval Train
ing Center, Orlando, Florida, to identify, locate, and arrest active duty Army m
embers deemed Army Deserters.
* Unit's operational jurisdiction covered the states of Florida and southern Ge
* Obtained arrest warrants via teletype issued by the Provost Marshal 24th Infa
ntry Division, Fort Stewart, GA.
* Received and reviewed Army member personnel files believed to be residing, wi
thin our operational area, to initiate actions to locate their whereabouts to ta
rget their arrest.
* Operated marked and unmarked Military Police sedans equipped with emergency e
quipment and radio.
* Certified to carry 45.CAL as our primary sidearm, M-16, and 870 Remington 12
gauge shotguns.
* Utilized various location techniques to include the assistance of the local P
olice Departments and the use of their computer databases to aid in locating fug
itive Army members within their city and or county limits.
* Worked closely with local Police authorities, who provided back up, if necess
ary, while operating within their AOR.
* Unit received an Army accommodation citation for arresting 1076 Army deserter
s without incident or mishap.
Immigration Officer Basic Training, FLETC, Brunswick, GA 12/1991
Detention Enforcement Officer Academy. FLETC, Brunswick, GA 3/1989
Traffic Investigation School, Yongsan, Seoul, Korea 10/1976
U.S. Army Military Police School, Fort McCallen, AL 8/1976
Jacksonville Community College, Jacksonville, Fl, 12 credits 1984
Seminole Community College, Orlando, FL, 63 credits (no degree) 1982
Job Related Training
SIG 40.Cal Transition Course 4/2009
OPR Fact Finder Course 2/2008
ICEPIC Training 7/2007
Internet Travel Manager Training 02/2004
CIRs Training WRO 09/2002
Employment Issues Course LDC 04/2001
State Hawaii Criminal Offender Database Training 04/2001
NDC- Non Deadly Force Recertification Training 03/2001
NDC- Non Deadly Force Baton & OC Spray Training 03/2000
Street Survival Course 09/1998
Basic Supervisory Training Course 03/1998
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Training 03/1997
Transitional Firearms Training (40. cal) 02/1997
Consenting Alien Protection Officer (CAPO) Training 03/1996
FLETC & INS Course Development & Instructor Training 03/1996
Journeyman Deportation Officer Training 02/1995
Post Academy Training 12/1994
FLETC & INS Course Development & Instructor Training 07/1994
Immigration Officer Basic Training, FLETC 12/1993
IMMACT 90 Phase I Training 08/1991
Detention Enforcement Officer Basic Academy 01/1990
EEO Counselor Training 04/1990
INS Inspector Training (in-house) 08/1988
Federal Police Academy 07/1986
Sterling Institute of Management 12/1984
Metallurgist Technician Training 09/1983
Advance Heat Treating Methods 12/1982
Army Traffic Investigation Training 12/1976
Army Military Police Academy 07/1976
Army Basic Training 04/1976
Robert Mattey, Unit Chief, HQ/ICE/DRO (202) 497-3960
Charles DeMore, SDDO, ICE/DRO, Los Angeles, CA (408) 918-3811
Anthony Gordon, Unit Chief, HQ/ICE/DRO (202) 732-3154
Brian Casey, Staff INTEL Officer, HQ/ICE/DRO (202) 732-3153
Robert Culley, DFOD/SND/ICE/DRO (619) 550-5097
Jacob Castro, AFOD/SNA/ICE/DRO (956) 389-7529
Mirian Colic, DAD/CIS/Laguna Niguel, CA

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