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Business Communication 

Key features of effective communication

-> Sender or transmitter of the message
-> clear message
-> appropriate medium (way in which message is sent)
-> receiver
-> feedback to confirm receipt and understanding. 

Effective communication - The exchange of information between people or

groups with feedback.
-> The effectiveness of the communication cannot be judged without

Why is effective communication important 

-> Staff motivation - and thus labour productivity. Effective communication with
aid motivation if staff are encouraged to participate through group discussion.
-> The number and quality of Ideas generated by the staff 
-> Speed of decision making
-> Speed of response to market change. 
-> Reduces the risk of errors - incorrect understanding and responses may
lead to many internal problems.
-> Effective coordination between departments. 

Communication methods - the media used in communication 

Communication media - the methods used to communicate a message.

Oral communication 
It allows for two way communication and feedback and this should encourage
good motivation.
-> It is instantaneous and evidence of who attended the meeting and therefore
if you receive the message can be retained.
-> It is the sender or the transmitter to reinforce the message with appropriate
body language.

 Some oral communication may be ambiguous - no written record of what was

-> It might not be appropriate for complicated and Technical matters.
-> It can be costly in terms of time. 

Written communication 
This includes letters, memos, notices on boards, reports, minutes of meetings
and diagrams for technical matters -
-> Written messages should be accurate and they allow for the transmission of
detailed data.
-> They eliminate supporting body language.
-> They do not allow for immediate feedback.
-> There is no evidence that the message has been received and/or

IT and web-based media (electronic media)

These have the benefit of speed and are often combined with written records.
Drawbacks -
-> They may require staff to be trained.
-> They reduce social contract and can create a sense of isolation.
-> Direct interpersonal contact is lost and most of these media do not allow the
user body language to help convey messages.
-> There are security issues with Computer technology.
-> There is increasing evidence that it can lead to information overload as a
result of the speed and low usage cost of these methods. Too many
messages can prevent the really important communication from being noticed
and acted upon. 

Information overload - So much information and so many messages are

received that the most important ones cannot be easily identified and quickly
acted on - most likely to occur with electronic media. 

Visual communication 
This can be used to accompany and support oral, written or electronic
The impact is increased if colour and movement are used -  this form of
communication is particularly useful in training or in marketing. 

Strength and weaknesses of communication methods  

Oral -
Strengths - 
-> Direct
-> can be varied to suit the needs of receiver
-> easy to understand 
-> Can be questioned quickly.

Weaknesses -
-> need to listen carefully
-> affected by noise
-> passive
-> no permanent accurate record
-> can be quickly forgotten.

Written -
Strengths - 
-> recorded - permanent record
-> more structured
-> easy to distribute
-> cannot be varied
-> can be referred to again

Weaknesses -
-> often difficult to read
-> message identical to each receiver
-> no body language
-> feedback slower
-> no immediate response
-> may be misinterpreted
-> costly and time-consuming

Visual -
Strengths - 
-> more interactive
-> demands attention
-> often easier to Remember
-> create greater interest
Weaknesses -
-> needs close attention
-> sometimes too fast
-> not always clear
-> interpretations by receiver can vary

IT/Web based -
Strengths - 
-> great speed
-> interactive
-> messages can be sent to many people
-> encourages response
-> Overcomes global boundaries
-> good image for external communication

Weaknesses -
-> cannot always be received
-> relies on receiver responding and acknowledging
-> expensive in hardware
-> risk of communication overload
-> security issues
-> diminishes interpersonal contact 

Factors influencing choice of appropriate media 

Managers will consider these factors before deciding on the best
communication method -
-> importance of written record
-> advantages to be gained from staff input or two way communication
-> cost
-> speed
-> quantity of data to be communicated
-> whether more than one method should be used for clarity and to be sure
that the message has been received.
-> size and geographical spread of the business 

Barriers to effective communication 

Any factor that prevents messages being received and correctly understood is
termed ‘a barrier to communication’.
-> These barriers are often much more of a problem for large businesses with
operations in more than one location and with several levels of Hierarchy

Communication barriers - Reasons why communication fails.

1 Failure in one of the stages of the communication process

-> The medium chosen might be inappropriate.
-> if a receiver forgot part of a long message given to them orally
-> a misleading or incomplete message 
-> The excessive use of Technical language or jargon (terms that are
understood by a specific group but not by others)
-> If there is too much information.
-> if the channel of communication is too long.

2 Poor attitudes of either the sender or the receiver

-> if the sender is not trusted ( because a previous misleading messages or
unpopular decisions)
-> unmotivated or alienated workers make poor receivers.
-> intermediaries (may decide not to pass on a message or change it)
-> the sender may have such a poor opinion or perception of the receiver that
no effort is made to ensure clarity of message or to check on understanding.

3 Physical reasons 
-> Noisy factories are not the best environment for communication - poor
quality of the external environment can limit effective communication.
-> geographical distance can inhibit effective communication.

Reducing communication barriers 

There are 6 steps managers should take in order to minimise the impact of
communication barriers -
-> ensure the message is clear and precise but adequately detailed
-> keep the communication channel as short as possible
-> make sure that channels of communication are clear to all involved
-> built-in feedback to the communication process so that problems with
receipt or understanding of the message can be checked quickly
-> establish trust between senders and receivers.
-> ensure that physical conditions are appropriate for messages to be heard
or received in other ways.

Formal communication networks 

Formal communication networks - The official communication channels or
routes used within an organisation.

The chain network

-> Used in a hierarchical structure.
-> One person, at the top, starts off the communication message and this is
passed on to the next person on the lower level.
-> Designed for authoritarian leaders.
-> it has the weaknesses of long change of command and one way
-> individuals at the end of the chain can feel isolated and demotivated.

The vertical network

-> The boss communicates with the subordinates directly and individually.
-> could be used in a small department or any situation with a narrow span of

The wheel network

-> The leader is at the centre and it can be a two way communication.
-> the leader is in control and can limit formal contract between the others. 

The circle network 

-> Each person or department can communicate with only two others.
-> It is a decentralized network in there is no obvious leader.
-> the rate of communication is slow and this method does not allow the
receiver to question the message or ask for the explanation.

The integrated or connected network

-> This allows full two way communication between any group members or
with all of them.
-> it could assist in solving Complex problems where input from all group
members is needed.

One-way or two way communication 

one way communication - does not allow feedback from the receiver of the
-> does not allow the receiver to question the message or to ask for the
-> there is no assurance for the sender that the message has been received,
understood and acted upon.

two way communication - allows for feedback from the receiver.

-> More motivating because it allows for participation.
-> essential for democratic leadership styles to operate.
-> time consuming and inappropriate for some messages that give 3 year
information that cannot be argued with 

Horizontal communication
Vertical communication happens when people from different levels of
Hierarchy communicate with each other. main direction of communication in
formal hierarchies. 
Horizontal communication occurs along an organisation chart - between
people who have approximately the same status but different areas of

Problems of horizontal communication -

-> different departments may not understand the culture, ways of working,
objectives, problems or technical language of others.
-> The outlook and objectives of different departments could conflict. 

There is a lack of sympathy for the needs of other sections.

Informal communication 
Informal communication - Unofficial channels of communication that exist
between informal groups within an organisation.

Alternate views of informal communication 

Some managers want to reduce informal communication as much as
-> It waste valuable working time
-> it spread gossip and rumours and these can be unsettling and lead to
feelings of insecurity
-> it may result in informal groups banding together to resist management

Some managers think informal communication serves useful purposes

-> all informal communication can help create important feelings of belonging
in social Cohesion
-> management can use the grapevine to test out new ideas and see what the
unofficial reaction might be.
-> can help to clarify official messages by talking them over with friends

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