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Sub: Radio Organization

Time: 1 Hour Marks: 30

1. State true or False: 10

a. Commanders must receive without delay, all information to the successful conduct of operation.
b. The success of communication depends upon the intimate knowledge.
c. Communications personnel must have a clear picture of the detailed command organization.
d. Directional Aerial is a disadvantage of communication network.
e. Simplex method uses one frequency.
f. The cross-band or the Commonwealth complex uses more than three frequencies.
g. An active satellite contains at least one transceiver.
h. COMPLAN is divided into 4 main groups in general.
i. GMDSS stands for Global Maritime Distress & Security System.
j. Shore stations in the world-wide network provide a link for minor communication centers within an area.

2. Choose the best answer: 05

a. How many principal methods of Radio communication?
i. 3
ii. 5
iii. 6
iv. Infinity
b. What is the meaning of RATT?
i. Radio Auto Teletype
ii. Radio Armed Teletype
iii. Rocket and Aircraft Teleprinter
iv. None
c. Which complex uses 3 frequency?
i. Duplex
ii. Half Duplex
iii. Cross Band
iv. Simplex
d. MRL is used for________
i. Local Area
ii. Long Range
iii. Short Range
iv. All Above
e. Which one is not strategic communication?
i. Shore to Shore
ii. Shore to Ship
iii. Ship to Ship
iv. Ship to Shore
3. What are the basic requirements of Naval Communication? 3

4. What is strategic communication? How many categories? Define those. 5

5. Write short note on following: 2x2=4

a. LCN
b. X-Guard
6. What is the use of satellite communication? 3
Answer Script

1. True or False
a. Commanders must receive without delay, all information to the successful conduct of operation. TRUE
b. The success of communication depends upon the intimate knowledge. TRUE
c. Communications personnel must have a clear picture of the detailed command organization. TRUE
d. Directional Aerial is a disadvantage of communication network. FALSE
e. Simplex method uses one frequency. TRUE
f. The cross-band or the Commonwealth complex uses more than three frequencies. FALSE
g. An active satellite contains at least one transceiver. TRUE
h. COMPLAN is divided into 4 main groups in general. FALSE
i. GMDSS stands for Global Maritime Distress & Security System. FALSE
j. Shore stations in the world-wide network provide a link for minor communication centers within an area. TRUE

2. MCQs:

a. How many principal methods of Radio communication?

i. 3
ii. 5
iii. 6
iv. Infinity
b. What is the meaning of RATT?
i. Radio Auto Teletype
ii. Radio Armed Teletype
iii. Rocket and Aircraft Teleprinter
iv. None
c. Which complex uses 3 frequency?
i. Duplex
ii. Half Duplex
iii. Cross Band
iv. Simplex
d. MRL is used for________
i. Local Area
ii. Long Range
iii. Short Range
iv. All Above
e. Which one is not strategic communication?
i. Shore to Shore
ii. Shore to Ship
iii. Ship to Ship
iv. Ship to Shore
3. a. Reliability
b. Speed
c. Security

4. Strategic communication is the term associated with long range communications designed to link military
commanders with each other, their defense ministries and their sub-ordinate units and ships. 4 categories –

a. shore to shore

b. ship to shore

c. shore to ship

d. direct method

5. a. LCN: When direct communications are required by ships and their operational commanders and the ship is
operating in the local area, then LCN (local command net) is used.

b. X-Guard: To maintain a continuous receiver watch, with a transmitter, ready for immediate use. A complete
log is to be kept.

6. a. Shore to shore lines between HQs

b. Circuits between shore HQs and Ships (MRLs)

c. To replace the area broadcast for suitably fitted ships

d. Ship to shore

e. Ship-ship circuits may also be set up, either by ‘patch’ through a shore terminal or in some cases direct

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