Blue Watch Sub: Radio Organisation

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Time: 1 hour Marks:30

1. What is Civil fixed network? When military traffic should be send by commercial
Channel? 5

2. What are the principal methods of radio communication? When the Receipt
method is used? 3

3. Write are the principles governing transmission on the ship-shore system? 3

4. Short note:
a. MRL
b. Active Satelite

5. True/False: 1x10

a. To assign proper precedence and classification to messages is not the

responsibilities of the message drafter?
b. Strategic communications can be divided into 4 main categories.
c. Direct method is not a main category of strategic communication.
d. Duplex method used two frequencies.
e. The ship and the shore station use the same frequency in half duplex
f. An anti jam COMPLAN would be used when the threat jamming exist.
g. Satellite communication can not be used for shore-shore lines between
h. The broadcast method is the primary method for passing message from
shore to ships at sea.
j. Generally Strategic Communications at long ranges are achieved by the use
of radio bands HF and SHF.
k. Every message from a ship at sea must be considered important.

6. Choose the correct answer: 1x5

a. What is the true paramount of naval communication?

i. Reablity ii. Security iii. Speed iv. Ability
b. Which complex ise one frequency?
i. Half duplex ii. Cross band iii. Full Duplex iv. Simplex
c. In LCN which is used?
i.Simplex ii. Duplex iii. Cross band iv. Both (i) and (ii)
d. In general how many main groups of complan are?
i. 2 ii. 5 iii. 7 iv. No limit
e. Advantge of Shore to Shore include,
i. Fixed station
ii. High powered transmission
iii. Moderate effective torpedo firing range
iii. All the above

1. What is Civil fixed network? When military traffic should be send by commercial
Ans: Ref: Radio organization, page 1-7

2. What are the principal methods of radio communication? When the Receipt
method is used?
Ans: Ref: Radio organization, page 1-3

3. Write are the principles governing transmission on the ship-shore system?

Ans: Ref: Radio organization, page 1-8, art: 2.7(e)

4. Short note:
a. MRL : Ans: Ref: Radio organization, page 1-11
b. Active satellite: Ans: Ref: Radio organization, page 1-12

5.True/False: 1x10

d. To assign proper precedence and classification to messages is not the

responsibilities of the message drafter? - FALSE
e. Strategic communications can be divided into 4 main categories.- TRUE
f. Direct method is not a main category of strategic communication. - FALSE
g. Duplex method used two frequencies.- TRUE
h. The ship and the shore station use the same frequency in half duplex
method. - FALSE
i. An anti jam COMPLAN would be used when the threat jamming exist. -
j. Satelite communication can not be used for shore-shore lines between HQs.
k. The braodcast method is the primary method for passing message from
shore to ships at sea- TRUE
j . Generally Strategic Communications at long ranges are achieved by the use
of radio bands HF and SHF.- TRUE
k. Every message from a ship at sea must be considered important.- TRUE

6.Choose the correct answer: 1x5

l. What is the true paramount of naval communication?

√i. Reliability ii. Security iii. Speed iv. Ability

m. Which complex has one frequency?

i. Half duplex ii. Cross band iii. Full Duplex √iv. Simplex
n. In LCN which is used?
i.Simplex ii. Duplex iii. Cross band √iv. Both (i) and (ii)
d. In general how many main groups of complan are?
√i. 2 ii. 5 iii. 7 iv. No limit
e. Advantge of Shore to Shore include,
i. Fixed station
ii. High powered transmission
iii. Moderate effective torpedo firing range
iv. All the above√

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