Globalization Paper

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Political Science 002

Modern World Governments

Globalization Paper
This object of this paper is to discuss a question involving the topic of globalization. The
issue of globalization has been an issue with strong discussion and debate since the
end of the Cold War. The debate has been focused on the advantages and
disadvantages of globalization. One of the topics we have focused on in class and will
continue to focus on this semester is globalization and so it is important that we focus
on global awareness and how it impacts local communities.
Please choose one of the following six questions to write a short essay. Research
sources are not required to use on this paper. However, if you need to use research
sources, please include a bibliography page. The page requirement is three pages,
double spaced, at 12 point font, minimum. The maximum page limit is five pages,
double spaced.
Here are the questions:

1. Has globalization gone too far, not far enough, or has it been heading in the wrong
2. Does the global economy reduce or increase global poverty?
3. Does economic globalization lift all boats, or is it a modern form of empire?
4. Are globalization’s characteristic interactions and institutions exploitative, and, if so,
does this generate moral duties?
5. Do well-off peoples have to give up advantages and luxuries for the benefit of the
global poor?
6. What practical challenges and constraints do states and individuals face in
responding to their global moral duties?

The due date for the paper is due on October 26 th. Please turn in the paper via email.

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