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Introduction to Human Computer Interaction

Marius James B. Insigne January 31, 2022

BSIT-1A Mr. Cepriano Aga

Task 1

Historical Evolution of Human Computer Interaction

 ENIAC 1946 - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer was the first programmable,
electronic, general-purpose digital computer made in 1945. ENIAC was formally accepted by the
U.S. Army Ordnance Corps in July 1946.
 VISUAL DISPLAY UNIT - Computing a device with a screen that displays characters or graphics
representing data in a computer memory. It usually has a keyboard or light pen for the input of
information or inquiries.
 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKETCHPAD - an innovative computer program developed by Ivan
Sutherland in 1963 for his PhD thesis. Sketchpad paved the way for human-computer interaction
(HCI). Sketchpad is considered the ancestor of contemporary computer-aided design (CAD)
programs. Sketchpad is also known as Robot Draftsman.
 PROGRAMMING TOOLKIT 1963 - Smaller systems created larger systems and components.
Tools that help programming with a given programming language with the help of some
software engineering method.
 WORD PROCESSESOR 1968 - Design of NLS (oNLine System). An electronic device (later a
computer software application) for text, composing, editing, formatting, and printing. The word
processor was a stand-alone office machine in the 1960s, combining the keyboard text-entry and
printing functions of an electric typewriter with a recording unit, either tape or floppy disk (as used
by the Wang machine) with a simple dedicated computer processor for the editing of text.
 PERSONAL COMPUTER DYNABOOK 1970 - Developed smalltalk at Xerox PARC.
 WINDOWS AND WIMP INTERFACES - Simultaneous jobs at one desktop, switching between
work and screens, sequential interaction.
 THE IDEA OF METAPHOR - Xerox star and alto were the first systems to use the concept of
metaphors, which led to spontaneity of the interface.
 DIRECT MANIPULATION 1982 - First used in Apple Mac PC (1984) that reduced the chances for
syntactic errors.
 HYPERTEXT 1945 - To denote the non-linear structure of text.
 MULTIMODALITY 1980 - is the application of multiple literacies within one medium. For example,
understanding a televised weather forecast (medium) involves understanding spoken language,
written language, weather specific language (such as temperature scales), geography, and
symbols (clouds, sun, rain, etc.).
 COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK 1990 - Computer mediated communication.
 WWW 1989 - The first graphical browser (Mosaic) came in 1993.
 UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING - Currently the most active research area in HCI. Sensor
based/context aware computing also known as pervasive computing.

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