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1. What is difference between Shariah and Fiqah and discuss main pillars of Islam
2. Discuss basic principles of zakat & its rules for gold, sliver, shares, securities & debts
3. Explain the rules of zakat for agriculture products, fruits and crops
4. What are the conditions of zakat on cattles like camels, cows and sheep
5. Discuss the rules regarding time, manner of distribution and transference of zakat
6. What is Kharaj and discuss its kinds & factors for determining kharaj of land
7. Explain Jizyah and its kinds. When it becomes due and who are exempted from it
8. Define the term spoils of war. How it is divided
9. What are different types of mines and treasures and explain their tax treatment
10. Discuss three types of revenue and how do they resemble & differ from each other
11. What are main assets and liabilities of public treasury
12. Discuss in detail various channels of distribution of zakat
13. Explain various types of secular revenues and what is their use under Islamic laws
14. What are main duties of public registrar
15. How public domains are utilized like waste land, mines, water and other public places

1. Define financial market. What are its types and role in economic growth
2. Briefly discuss various kinds of financial institutions
3. Discuss the activities and responsibilities of various departments of central bank
4. Explain the main instruments of monetary policy, adopted by central bank
5. What is impact of policies of international financial institution on our economy
6. Discuss various modes of Islamic financing, offered by commercial banks
7. How the foreign direct investment can be increased for our country
8. What are main challenges to commercial banking sector in today’s economy
9. Explain the CAMELS Framework , used to judge financial health of banking sector
10. Discuss various reform which have been adopted by commercial banks for their improvement
11. What are different types of deposits and loans offered by commercial banks
12. How an investment bank does work. Discuss its scope in Pakistan economy
13. Discuss main features of letter of credit. Explain its procedure step by step
14. Explain the functions of foreign exchange market. Discuss the factors which affect foreign exchange
15. What is role of leasing companies in capital investment of Pakistan
16. Discuss main principles of insurance. What are its prospects in our economy
17. What are different types of insurance companies and various insurance schemes offered by them
18. Explain the pros and cons of nationalization of banks in our country
19. Discuss the role of micro finance sector in economic growth of a country
20. What are main principles of employment of funds by commercial bank
21. Discuss the objects of SME and problems faced by SME in Pakistan
22. What is process of money laundering and what to do against money laundering
23. Explain various types of bank frauds and how can we avoid it
24. Discuss the role of financial institutions to improve agriculture sector of our country
25. How financial institutions can play vital role in adjustment of balance of trade

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