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Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería 1

Instituto de Estudios Superiores

Campus Universitario Albert Einstein
Unidad IV: Conclusions

Name: ______________________________jason urbina__________________________________

Class No. 24
Exercises- Conclusions

I. Identify which of the following functions a conclusion should perform and which functions
they should not perform. Tick icon ( ) Cross icon (X)

____ Restate the thesis statement (being careful to use different words)
1. ____x____ Introduce new ideas.
2. _____check___Make a final comment about the essay's main idea.
3. ___x_____Cite important quotations from the text.
4. ____check____ Draw a logical conclusion based on the supported evidence you have used to
write your essay.
5. _____x___Highlight limitations of research.
6. ___check_____Make a review of the literature which has been read.
7. _____check__Suggest areas for further research and study.
8. _____x___Make comparisons with other essays/research/studies.

II. Matching.

Instructions: Read the following concluding paragraphs. Identify the techniques that are used in
the paragraph choosing the correct technique.

1. To conclude, one cannot argue against the necessity for federal firearm-access prevention
laws. They keep weapons out of hands of unauthorized users, reduce all kinds of gun-related
violence, and they are a constitutional and practical means of gun control. If you want this
country to stop being the most violent of all western countries, call or write to your
representatives in Congress and demand that they pass federal firearm prevention laws.
Techniques used:
 Summary of the arguments or reasons _________
 Restatement of the thesis _________
 Suggestion (call for action) ___.........._____
 Prediction (positive or negative outcome) _______
 Question _________

2. In summary, federal firearm- access prevention laws prevent unauthorized individuals from
having access to guns. This in turn reduces three types of gun-related violence: accidental death,
third-party shootings and suicides. Moreover, access prevention laws provide a constitutional
and practical means of gun control. These facts provide conclusive evidence that a federal
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería 2
Instituto de Estudios Superiores
Campus Universitario Albert Einstein
Unidad IV: Conclusions

firearm- access prevention laws is needed. If a federal law is not passed, the United States will
continue to have the unfortunate distinction of being the most violent of all western societies.
Techniques used:
 Summary of the arguments or reasons _________
 Restatement of the thesis ____,,,,….._____
 Suggestion (call for action) ________
 Prediction (positive or negative outcome) _______
 Question _________

3. Do we as Americans want to continue to be known as the most violent of al western

countries? If not, call or write to your representatives in congress and demand that they pass
federal firearm prevention laws. After all federal firearm-access prevention laws keep weapons
out of the hands of unauthorized users, reduce all kinds of gun-related violence, and they are a
constitutional and practical means of gun control. Given these facts, one cannot argue against
the necessity for federal firearm-access prevention laws.
Techniques used:
 Summary of the arguments or reasons _________
 Restatement of the thesis _________
 Suggestion (call for action) ________
 Prediction (positive or negative outcome) _______
 Question __,,,_______

III. Drawing Conclusion

1. Today, many hubcaps are made of plastic, but not so long ago; they were made from stamped
metal. These earlier hubcaps featured all kinds of designs. Wreaths, emblems, crests, spokes,
and geometric patterns were popular. Some hubcap designers became quite well known.
Today, these hubcaps of the past are collectors’ items. Some are exhibited in hubcap
museums; others are part of private collections. A ranch displaying hubcaps in California has
even become recognized as a state historical landmark because of its “twentieth century folk
art environment.”
Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.
a) From this paragraph you can conclude that
b) Everyone wants to collect old hubcaps.
c) Today’s cars lack interesting hubcaps.
d) Hubcap designers made a lot of money.
e) Hubcaps often fall off car wheels.

2. Scientists have been learning more about ears. Until recently, most people thought both ears
did the same work. However, studies have now shown that the right and left ear process
sound differently. If you are listening to someone speaking, your right ear is responding. If you
are listening to music, your left ear is more attuned. Researchers think this new information is
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería 3
Instituto de Estudios Superiores
Campus Universitario Albert Einstein
Unidad IV: Conclusions

important in helping people with hearing loss. For example, a student with hearing loss in the
right ear might need more help in school because the right ear is critical to learning situations.
From this paragraph, you can conclude that
a) People really don’t need two ears.
b) The left ear is important to musicians.
c) The right ear is larger than the left ear.
d) The left and right ears are interchangeable.

3. The Romans had a name for it. They called it “nomenet omen,” meaning that names are a
person’s destiny. In other words, someone’s name can determine what that person does.
Researchers who study this have come up with some convincing examples. For example, Cecil
Fielder was a baseball player for Detroit. William Wordsworth was a famous poet. A well-liked
weather reporter on television is Storm Field, and a popular entertainer is Tommy Tune. Larry
Speakes was a presidential press secretary. Guess what David J. Lawyer does!
From this paragraph, you can conclude that
a) Everyone named Fish works in oceanography.
b) All names relate to people’s professions.
c) Someone named Rose might become a florist.
d) A doctor named Kwak is not trustworthy.

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