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Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería 1

Instituto de Estudios Superiores

Campus Universitario Albert Einstein
Unidad IV: Conclusions

Name: _____________________jason urbina___________________________________________

Class No. 25
Exercises- Technical Instructions

I. Identify which of the following functions a Technical Instruction should perform and which functions
they should not perform. Tick icon ( ) Cross icon (X)

1. _x____ Imperative or future tense is used for instruction steps.

2. __si___ Instructions are numbered and/or arranged in sequential order.
3. ___x__ Instructions arranged in a visually pleasing and easy to follow way.
4. __si___ Explanations of why an instruction is carried out are provided when necessary.
5. __si___ Instructions are clear, easy to understand, and free of unnecessary information.
6. ___si__ Language used in the instructions meets audience needs; if special terms are used, they are
7. ____x_ Illustrations (if provided) enhance the text and improve clarity.

II. Reorder the following Technical instructions.

How to use a blender?

_____2___ Put your ingredients inside.

______6___Clean the blender. Take off the blades from the jar and wash the two parts separately.
_____1___Make sure the blender is plugged in, clean, and in working condition.
_____5____Open it up and pour it out.
_____3____Close the lid and hold the cover tightly.
_____4____Blend! Try experimenting with the buttons. Choose an appropriate speed setting depending
on what you are blending.

III. Write the correct instruction for each picture.

1. How to make a bird feeder?

You will need:

Margarine tub
Different colored paper or paint
Hole punch
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería 2
Instituto de Estudios Superiores
Campus Universitario Albert Einstein
Unidad IV: Conclusions

Instructions: (They are not in the correct order)

1. Finally, fill your bird feeder with bird food.
2. Decorate it by sticking on pieces of brightly colored paper. Then wait for it to dry.
3. Empty the margarine tub.
4. Hang the bird feeder outside.
5. Thread some wool through each of the holes, and tie the two ends together.
6. Use a hole punch to put four holes in the top of the margarine tub, so that you have two holes
facing each other.

1. Empty the margarine tub.

2.Decorate it by sticking on pieces of brightly colored paper. Then wait for it

to dry.

3. Use a whole punch to put four holes in the top of the margarine tub, so
that you have two holes facing each other.

4. Thread some wool through each of the holes, and tie the two ends

5. Hang the bird feeder outside.

6. Finally, fill your bird feeder with bird food.

2. How to make a dumper truck?

You will need:
1 large cereal box.
2 small cereal boxes
Shoe box lid
Thin strip of blue paper
4 bottles tops
Red and yellow paint to decorate
4 round lids
Scrunched up newspaper.
Grey paint
Black paint
Sticky tape

1. Paint the truck red and yellow.
2. Cut the small cereal box in half, lengthways.
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería 3
Instituto de Estudios Superiores
Campus Universitario Albert Einstein
Unidad IV: Conclusions

3. Paint four round lids black. When they are dry. Stick them around the bottom of your truck to
make wheels.
4. Scrunch up pieces of old newspaper and paint them grey to make some boulders for your truck to
5. Stick two bottle tops onto lower front of the truck to make the headlights.
6. Stick it on top of the larger cereal box using tape on one side only.
7. Stick a shoebox lid on the highest part of the truck to make a roof.
8. Stick a strip of the paper just underneath the roof to make a window.
9. Cut the second small cereal box in half, widthways and stick this on the other end of the large
cereal box, standing upright.

1.Cut the small cereal box in half, lengthways.

3. Paint the truck red and yellow.

4. 9. Cut the second small cereal box in half, widthways and stick
this on the other end of the large cereal box, standing upright
1. Paint the truck red and yellow.





8.Paint four round lids black. When they are dry. Stick them around the bottom
of your truck to make wheels.


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