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Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

January 18, 2011

1. Recently which state has decided to set up a children's right protection commission, which

will have judicial powers at par with district court - Uttarakhand.

2. What is the GDP growth of India in the second quarter of this fiscal - 8.9%.

3. Which country has became the first country to sign agreements to set up nuclear reactors

in India - France.

4. Who is the new Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh - N Kiran Kumar Reddy.

5. Which country will host the 2018 FIFA World Cup - Russia.

6. Which Company has bagged the 'Golden Peacock Environment Management' award for

the year 2010 - Nokia.

7. Which of the following country has offered uranium, oil, gas prospect for India - Zambia.

8. To which heavily indebted European country, European Union and the International

Monetary Fund (IMF) unveiled a 85 billion euro ($113 billion) bailout package after

Greece was rescued from bankruptcy - Ireland.

9. ‘All Pakistan Muslim League’ is the new Political party launched by Pervez Musharaf.

10. Dilma Rousseff had taken over as first female president of which country- Brazil.

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Feb-2011 months latest questions

1. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2010 is of?cially referred to as the … session of
the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
a. 18th
b. 17th
c. 16th
d. 15th

2. Neutrino Observatory (INO) project is located near which of the following hills?
a. Anamalai Hills
b. Nilgiri Hills
c. Khasi Hills
d. Patkai Hills

3. Where was ? rst the Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit held?

a. Thailand
b. Malaysia
c. India
d. Pakistan

4. Who has been awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine 2010?
a. Richard Heck
b. Ei-ichi Negishi
c. Akira Suzuki
d. Robert Edwards

5. Ajay Jayaram is a well known … player.

a. Badminton
b. Golf
c. Tennis
d. Hockey

6. Toxic red sludge, a waste product from making which metal, burst out of a Hungarian
factory’s reservoir reached Danube River of Europe?
a. Copper
b. Aluminum
c. Lithium
d. Rubidium

7. Who authored Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter?

a. Ruskin Bond
b. Mario Vargas
c. Jonathan
d. None of these
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
8. Suresh Tendulkar is associated with …
a. Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
b. Telecom Regulatory Au- thority of India
c. UN
d. None of these

9. Omkar Singh and Anisa Sayyed are associated with which of the following games?
a. Hockey
b. Basketball
c. Shooting
d. Cricket

10. With which company would you associate Partha S. Bhattacharyya?

a. Coal India Limited
c. IOC
d. Bharat Electronics Limited

11. Robert Edwards shares an association with?

a. Physics
b. Chemistry
c. Biology
d. Mathematics

12. The total number of medals that India has won in Common Wealth Games 2010 is …
a. 101
b. 102
c. 103
d. 105

13. Which of the following is a Tennis Player?

a. Dan Carter
b. Greg Jones
c. Johnny Weissmuller
d. None of these

14. H. R. Bhardwaj is the governor of …

a. Karnataka
b. Kerala
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Andra Pradesh

15. Who has been awarded the Nobel Economics Prize2010?

a. Peter Granger
b. Jilly Cooper

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
c. Dale Mortensen
d. None of these

16. Jaitapur nuclear power plant is in which city?

a. Ratnagiri
b. Nagpur
c. Pune
d. Mumbai

17. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ? agged off the construction of which space centre?
a. Vostochny Space Center
b. Vladimir Space Center
c. Hioto Space Center
d. None of these

18. Who is the State Chief Information Commissioner of Chennai?

a. Hiren Singh
b. R. K. Narayan
c. Vinod Joshi
d. K. S. Sripathi

19. Who is known as the “Father of the Green Revolution in India”?

a. Norman Ernest Borlaug
b. M. S. Swaminathan
c. J. S. Thomson
d. None of these

20. Burning Bright: Irom Sharmila and the Struggle for Peace in Manipur has been written by …
a. Arundhati Ray
b. Deepti Priya Mehrotra
c. Shivani Jain
d. None of these

21. South Korean Pohang-class cor-vette sank because of which of the following torpedoes?
a. Wang Geon
b. Ulchi Mundok
c. Cheonan
d. None of these

22. Naoto Kan, the Prime Minister of Japan was preceded by …

a. Yukio Hatoyama
b. Yon Ki
c. Chiang Zell
d. Yukoto Ziang

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
23. Srikumar Banerjee is associated with which of the following?
a. Atomic Energy Commission
b. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
c. Defence Research And Development Organisation
d. None of these

24. Who built the Brihadishwara Temple?

a. Rajaraja
b. Vengi
c. Rajendra Chola
d. None of these

25. Sutlej River originates from?

a. India
b. China
c. Pakistan
d. None of these

26. Pallavan Double Plus and Pallavan Muthusaram RD are deposit schemes that belong to …
a. Indian Bank
b. Bank of Baroda
c. State Bank of India
d. Allahabad Bank

27. Indian Constituent Assembly adopted the design of Indian National ?ag on?
a. August 23, 1947
b. September 13, 1947
c. August 15, 1947
d. July 22, 1947

28. The Indian National Anthem was sung for the ? rst time in …
a. 1910
b. 1911
c. 1947
d. 1945

29. National fruit of India is?

a. Apple
b. Sugarcane
c. Orange
d. Mango

30. When was the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution adopted?

a. 1970
b. 1972

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
c. 1974
d. 1976

31. Who elects the Vice President of India?

a. Members of Parliament
b. Members of Lok Sabha
c. Only b
d. Both a and b

32. Department of Agricultural Research and Education comes under the Ministry of …
a. Commerce and Industry
b. Agriculture
c. Commerce and Industry
d. Food Processing Industries

33. An insurance plan, ‘JiyoFit’, has been launched by …

a. HDFC standard life
b. Bharti AXA
c. LIC
d. Bajaj Allianz

34. Where is the National Institute of Smart Government located?

a. Hyderabad
b. Mumbai
c. Pune
d. Chennai

35. Defender Z+ is a …
a. Locker
b. Fighter plane
c. Car
d. Motorbike

36. Asia’s 1st EPZ was set up at …

a. Kandla
b. Delhi
c. Falta
d. Noida

37. In which year was the Integrated Defence Staff formed?

a. 1959
b. 1961
c. 1981
d. 2001

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
38. How many Integrated Test Ranges does DRDO have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

39. The Integrated Education for Disabled Children scheme was launched in …
a. 1954
b. 1965
c. 1974
d. 1991

40. When was the Rural Electri? -cation Corporation Limited incorporated as a Company under
Companies Act, 1956?
a. 1969
b. 1971
c. 1989
d. 1991

41. Fort William is located in …

a. Chennai
b. Goa
c. Kolkata
d. Mysore

42. The Indian Tennis player who turned to Hollywood ?lmmaking is …

a. Leander Paes
b. N. Night Shyamlan
c. Vijay Amritraj
d. Ashok Amritraj

43. Tritum is an isotope of …

a. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
d. Phosphorous

44. In which country would you buy things using Lira?

a. Germany
b. Italy
c. USA
d. Myanmar

45. What does the acronym cc in an email mean?

a. Character conversion
b. Column code

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
c. Carbon Copy
d. Computer control

46. “Love” is associated with which of the following games?

a. Tennis
b. Horse riding
c. Lawn ball
d. Billiards

47. Which country will host the Commonwealth Games 2014?

a. Australia
b. Srilanka
c. Scotland
d. Canada

48. The Vrindavan Gardens are located in…

a. Mathura
b. Manali
c. Mysore
d. Mohali

49. For measuring the diameter of a thin wire, you would use …
a. Screw driver
b. Screw gauge
c. Screw metre
d. Measuring tape

50. El sueño del celta has been written by …

a. Pablo Neruda
b. Shakespeare
c. Mario Llosa
d. None of these

1. c. 16th
2. b. Nilgiri Hills
3. a. Thailand
4. d. Robert Edwards
5. a. Badminton
6. b. Aluminum
7. b. Mario Vargas
8. a. Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
9. c. Shooting
10. a. Coal India Limited
11. c. Biology
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
12. a. 101
13. b. Greg Jones
14. a. Karnataka
15. d. None of these
16. a. Ratnagiri
17. a. Vostochny Space Center
18. d. K.S. Sripathi
19. a. Norman Ernest Borlaug
20. b. Deepti Priya Mehrotra
21. c. Cheonan
22. a. Yukio Hatoyama
23. b. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
24. a. Rajaraja
25. b. China
26. a. India Bank
27. d. 22nd July 1947
28. b. 1911
29. d. Mango
30. d. 1976
31. d. Both a and b
32. b. Agriculture
33. d. Bajaj Allianz
34. a. Hyderabad
35. a. Locker
36. a. Kandla
37. d. 2001
38. b. 2
39. c. 1974
40. a. 1969
41. c. Kolkata
42. c. Vijay Amritraj
43. c. Hydrogen
44. b. Italy
45. c. Carbon copy
46. a. Tennis
47. c. Scotland
48. c. Mysore
49. b. Screw guage
50. c. Mario Llosa

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Latest General Awareness - 2011

February 5, 2011
1. Who is the Time’s Magazine Person of the year 2010?

a)Sachin Tendulkar

b)A R Rehman

c)Manmohan Singh

d)Ratan Tata

e)Mark Zuckerberg

2. What is the mascot of 16th Asian Games?


b)Le Yangyang




3. Excise Duty is a tax levied on ____?

a)Sale of goods

b)import of goods

c)export of goods

d)both b & c

e)production of goods

4. What is the present FDI limit in Telecom sector?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju




5. ‘Sacred Games’ is a novel written by ________?

a)Vikram Chandra

b)Arundathi Roy

c)Vikram Seth

d)Manglaya Swinkar


6. Who is the new Chairman of SEBI?


b)Anand Sinha

c)U K Sinha

d)O P Bhatt


7. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the chief guest of India’s 62 nd Republic day. He is


a)President of Malaysia

b)Prime Minister of Indonesia

c)President of Yugoslavia

d)President of Indonesia
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

8. At Present, the number of National Political Parties in India?

a)4 b)5 c)6 d)7 e)none

9. Makhaya Ntini who has announced his retirement from International Cricket, belongs to

which country?

a)West Indies


c)South Africa

d)New Zealand


10. Which is the most corrupt country according to the ranking of global corruption index, a

Transparency International report?

a)India b)Pakistan c)Iraq d)Somalia e)none

Friday, February 11, 2011

1. Which state government has renamed the Brookside Bungalow to Rabindranath Art


a)Mizoram b)Assam c)Meghalaya d)Uttaranchal e)none

2. Who wrote the book “India - Pakistan: Coming To Terms”?

a)Ajit Pawar

b)Ashutosh Misra

c)K R Narayana

d)Shashi Tharoor e)none

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
3. Who has been elected as President of Karnataka State Cricket Association(KSCA)?

a)Rahul Dravid

b)Vijay Mallya

c)Javagal Srinath

d)Venkates Prasad e)Anil Kumble

4. Which animal has been declared as National Heritage Animal by GOI - Elephant.

5. Which of the following nation is the recent one to join Non Aligned Movement(NAM)?

a)Fiji b)Cuba c)Iran d)Colombia e)Egypt

6. DIPP is the nodal agency in the field of foreign investments? what is the full form of DIPP

- Department Of Industrial Policy and Promotion.

7. RBI was considering the proposal to set up satellite banks and ATMs to provide banking

facilities to the villagers in which state?

a)Bihar b)Jharkhand c)Uttar Pradesh d)Assam e)none

8. National Voters Day is observed on _________?

a)Jan 6th b)April 1st c)May 25st d)Jan 25th e)Oct 6th

9. Which country has opened World’s first nuclear bank - Russia?

10. Minimum Support Prices(MSP) is increased based on the recommendation of ?

a)Ministry of Finance

b)Ministry of Agriculture

c)Agriculture Cost and Price Commission

d)both a & c

e)Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
March 23 , 2011
1. Which continent has the highest number of countries?
a. Africa
b. Europe
c. Asia
d. South America

2. The League of Nations is the predecessor of what organization?

a. The Arab League
b. The United Nations
c. European Union
d. Group of Eight

3. What is the name of science through which you can modify the characteristics of an organism
by modifying its DNA?
a. Chemistry
b. Genetic Engineering
c. Biology
d. Organic Science

4. What is the World’s largest island?

a. Japan
b. Singapore
c. Hawaii
d. Greenland

5. What was the basis of the National Calendar of India?

a. Gregorian Calenda
b. Saka Era
c. Moghul Era
d. None of the above

6. In what year was Shah Jahan proclaimed as emperor?

a. 1627
b. 1628
c. 1631
d. 1636

7. Which is the Indian state with the second highest literacy rate?
a. Lakshadweep
b. Goa
c. Kerala
d. Mizoram

8. What is the unit of Radiation Dosage?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
a. Gy
b. RDy
c. RCy
d. Ry

9. Who is currently the First lady of America?

a. Saran Palin
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Michelle Obama
d. Condalisa Rice

10. When was the first Nobel prize awarded?

a. 1890
b. 1896
c. 1901
d. 1969

1. A 2.B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C

March , 26, 2011

1. Which continent has the highest number of countries?
A. Africa
B. Europe
C. Asia
D. South America

Answer A. Africa

2. Which of the following country was the host of First Asian Yoga Championship
held recently?

Answer- (A)Thailand

3- What is the name of science through which you can modify the characteristics
of an organism by modifying its DNA?
A. Chemistry
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
B. Genetic Engineering
C. Biology
D. Organic Science

Answer B. Genetic Engineering

4. Which among the following is India’s largest indigenous Research and

Production nuclear reactor?

Answer B)Dhruva

5- What was the basis of the National Calendar of India?

A. Gregorian Calenda
B. Saka Era
C. Moghul Era
D. None of the above

Answer B. Saka Era

6 – Which is the Indian state with the second highest literacy rate?
A. Lakshadweep
B. Goa
C. Kerala
D. Mizoram

Answer D. Mizoram

7- . Christine Lagarde, who recently headed the G-20 meeting of Finance Ministers
and Governors of central Banks is Finance Minister of which among the following

Answer (B)France

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
8 – When was the first Nobel prize awarded?
A. 1890
B. 1896
C. 1901
D. 1969

Answer C. 1901

9 - In which year, Imperial Records Department (IRD) was established, which is

now known as National Archives of India?

Answer (B)1891

10. Which among the following sports is NOT a part of the London Olympics?
(C)Table Tennis

Answer (B)Baseball

11. Who among the following has been defeated by Saina Nehwal, who has won
the Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold title recently, becoming the First Indian to do so?
(A)Ji Hyun Sung
(B) Wang Lin
(C)Kamilla Rytter Juhl
(D)Shinta Mulia Sari

Answer (A)Ji Hyun Sung

12. Where is going to be established the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education

for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) , the latest & first Category-I
institute of UNECO in South Asia?
(A)New Delhi
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
Answer (A)New Delhi

13. Anant Pai, better known as ‘Uncle Pai’ , who recently died was the creator of
which among the following comic series?
(A)Chacha Chaudhary
(B)Amar Chitra Katha

Answer (B)Amar Chitra Katha

14 – What is the World’s largest island?

A. Japan
B. Singapore
C. Hawaii
D. Greenland

Answer D. Greenland

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
1. Which of the countries does not use Rupee as part of their currency?
a. Indonesia
b. Sri Lanka
c. Bangladesh
d. Nepal

Awards of India are administrated by whom?

a. FilmFare
b. Directorate of Film Festivals
c. Film Society of India
d. Film Screening Society

3. Who organizes the Pulitzer Prize?

a. Columbia University
b. Harvard University
c. Cambridge University
d. Stockholm University

4. Where is Angola located?

a. North Africa
b. West Africa
c. South Central Africa
d. North Central Africa

5. How many countries was the land that was called Yugoslavia divided into?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. None of the above

6. Which of the following is not a specialized UN Agency?

a. Food and Agricultural Organization
b. International Development Association
c. World Health Organization
d. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

7. The layer of gas that surrounds the earth is referred to as the

a. Atmosphere
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
b. Hydrosphere
c. Lithosphere
d. None of the Above

8. What are pair of points that are at opposite ends of the planet called?
a. Antipodes
b. Atoll
c. Apolar
d. Antipolar

9. What is the era that Dinosaurs lived in?

a. Hadean Era
b. Eocene Era
c. Mesozoic Era
d. Protorozoic Era

10. In what year did the Titanic sink?

a. 1906
b. 1912
c. 1918
d. 1924 Answers
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B

April 29, 2011

1. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2010 is of?cially referred to as the

… session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change.
a. 18th
b. 17th
c. 16th
d. 15th

2. Neutrino Observatory (INO) project is located near which of the following hills?
a. Anamalai Hills
b. Nilgiri Hills
c. Khasi Hills
d. Patkai Hills
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
3. Where was ? rst the Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit held?
a. Thailand
b. Malaysia
c. India
d. Pakistan

4. Who has been awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine 2010?
a. Richard Heck
b. Ei-ichi Negishi
c. Akira Suzuki
d. Robert Edwards

5. Ajay Jayaram is a well known … player.

a. Badminton
b. Golf
c. Tennis
d. Hockey

6. Toxic red sludge, a waste product from making which metal, burst out of a
Hungarian factory’s reservoir reached Danube River of Europe?
a. Copper
b. Aluminum
c. Lithium
d. Rubidium

7. Who authored Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter?

a. Ruskin Bond
b. Mario Vargas
c. Jonathan
d. None of these

8. Suresh Tendulkar is associated with …

a. Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
b. Telecom Regulatory Au- thority of India
c. UN
d. None of these

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
9. Omkar Singh and Anisa Sayyed are associated with which of the following
a. Hockey
b. Basketball
c. Shooting
d. Cricket

10. With which company would you associate Partha S. Bhattacharyya?

a. Coal India Limited
c. IOC
d. Bharat Electronics Limited

11. Robert Edwards shares an association with?

a. Physics
b. Chemistry
c. Biology
d. Mathematics

12. The total number of medals that India has won in Common Wealth Games
2010 is …
a. 101
b. 102
c. 103
d. 105

13. Which of the following is a Tennis Player?

a. Dan Carter
b. Greg Jones
c. Johnny Weissmuller
d. None of these

14. H. R. Bhardwaj is the governor of …

a. Karnataka
b. Kerala
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Andra Pradesh
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
15. Who has been awarded the Nobel Economics Prize2010?
a. Peter Granger
b. Jilly Cooper
c. Dale Mortensen
d. None of these

16. Jaitapur nuclear power plant is in which city?

a. Ratnagiri
b. Nagpur
c. Pune
d. Mumbai

17. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ? agged off the construction of which
space centre?
a. Vostochny Space Center
b. Vladimir Space Center
c. Hioto Space Center
d. None of these

18. Who is the State Chief Information Commissioner of Chennai?

a. Hiren Singh
b. R. K. Narayan
c. Vinod Joshi
d. K. S. Sripathi

19. Who is known as the “Father of the Green Revolution in India”?

a. Norman Ernest Borlaug
b. M. S. Swaminathan
c. J. S. Thomson
d. None of these

20. Burning Bright: Irom Sharmila and the Struggle for Peace in Manipur has been
written by …
a. Arundhati Ray
b. Deepti Priya Mehrotra
c. Shivani Jain
d. None of these
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
21. South Korean Pohang-class cor-vette sank because of which of the following
a. Wang Geon
b. Ulchi Mundok
c. Cheonan
d. None of these

22. Naoto Kan, the Prime Minister of Japan was preceded by …

a. Yukio Hatoyama
b. Yon Ki
c. Chiang Zell
d. Yukoto Ziang

23. Srikumar Banerjee is associated with which of the following?

a. Atomic Energy Commission
b. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
c. Defence Research And Development Organisation
d. None of these

24. Who built the Brihadishwara Temple?

a. Rajaraja
b. Vengi
c. Rajendra Chola
d. None of these

25. Sutlej River originates from?

a. India
b. China
c. Pakistan
d. None of these

26. Pallavan Double Plus and Pallavan Muthusaram RD are deposit schemes that
belong to …
a. Indian Bank
b. Bank of Baroda
c. State Bank of India
d. Allahabad Bank
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
27. Indian Constituent Assembly adopted the design of Indian National ?ag on?
a. August 23, 1947
b. September 13, 1947
c. August 15, 1947
d. July 22, 1947

28. The Indian National Anthem was sung for the ? rst time in …
a. 1910
b. 1911
c. 1947
d. 1945

29. National fruit of India is?

a. Apple
b. Sugarcane
c. Orange
d. Mango

30. When was the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution adopted?

a. 1970
b. 1972
c. 1974
d. 1976

31. Who elects the Vice President of India?

a. Members of Parliament
b. Members of Lok Sabha
c. Only b
d. Both a and b

32. Department of Agricultural Research and Education comes under the Ministry
of …
a. Commerce and Industry
b. Agriculture
c. Commerce and Industry
d. Food Processing Industries

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
33. An insurance plan, ‘JiyoFit’, has been launched by …
a. HDFC standard life
b. Bharti AXA
c. LIC
d. Bajaj Allianz

34. Where is the National Institute of Smart Government located?

a. Hyderabad
b. Mumbai
c. Pune
d. Chennai

35. Defender Z+ is a …
a. Locker
b. Fighter plane
c. Car
d. Motorbike

36. Asia’s 1st EPZ was set up at …

a. Kandla
b. Delhi
c. Falta
d. Noida

37. In which year was the Integrated Defence Staff formed?

a. 1959
b. 1961
c. 1981
d. 2001

38. How many Integrated Test Ranges does DRDO have?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
39. The Integrated Education for Disabled Children scheme was launched in …
a. 1954
b. 1965
c. 1974
d. 1991

40. When was the Rural Electri? -cation Corporation Limited incorporated as a
Company under Companies Act, 1956?
a. 1969
b. 1971
c. 1989
d. 1991

41. Fort William is located in …

a. Chennai
b. Goa
c. Kolkata
d. Mysore

42. The Indian Tennis player who turned to Hollywood ?lmmaking is …

a. Leander Paes
b. N. Night Shyamlan
c. Vijay Amritraj
d. Ashok Amritraj

43. Tritum is an isotope of …

a. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
d. Phosphorous

44. In which country would you buy things using Lira?

a. Germany
b. Italy
c. USA
d. Myanmar

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
45. What does the acronym cc in an email mean?
a. Character conversion
b. Column code
c. Carbon Copy
d. Computer control

46. “Love” is associated with which of the following games?

a. Tennis
b. Horse riding
c. Lawn ball
d. Billiards

47. Which country will host the Commonwealth Games 2014?

a. Australia
b. Srilanka
c. Scotland
d. Canada

48. The Vrindavan Gardens are located in…

a. Mathura
b. Manali
c. Mysore
d. Mohali

49. For measuring the diameter of a thin wire, you would use …
a. Screw driver
b. Screw gauge
c. Screw metre
d. Measuring tape

50. El sueño del celta has been written by …

a. Pablo Neruda
b. Shakespeare
c. Mario Llosa
d. None of these

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
1. c. 16th
2. b. Nilgiri Hills
3. a. Thailand
4. d. Robert Edwards
5. a. Badminton
6. b. Aluminum
7. b. Mario Vargas
8. a. Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
9. c. Shooting
10. a. Coal India Limited
11. c. Biology
12. a. 101
13. b. Greg Jones
14. a. Karnataka
15. d. None of these
16. a. Ratnagiri
17. a. Vostochny Space Center
18. d. K.S. Sripathi
19. a. Norman Ernest Borlaug
20. b. Deepti Priya Mehrotra
21. c. Cheonan
22. a. Yukio Hatoyama
23. b. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
24. a. Rajaraja
25. b. China
26. a. India Bank
27. d. 22nd July 1947
28. b. 1911
29. d. Mango
30. d. 1976
31. d. Both a and b
32. b. Agriculture
33. d. Bajaj Allianz
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
34. a. Hyderabad
35. a. Locker
36. a. Kandla
37. d. 2001
38. b. 2
39. c. 1974
40. a. 1969
41. c. Kolkata
42. c. Vijay Amritraj
43. c. Hydrogen
44. b. Italy
45. c. Carbon copy
46. a. Tennis
47. c. Scotland
48. c. Mysore
49. b. Screw guage
50. c. Mario Llosa

April 30, 2011

1. Who among the following has been appointed the National

Security Adviser by the UPA Government ?
(a) Brajesh Mishra
(b) J. N. Daxit
(c) Soli J. Sorabjee
(d) T. K. A. Nair
Ans: ( b ) J. N. Daxit
2. Who among the following is the new Chief Minister of
Karnataka ?
(a) S. M. Krishna
(b) Uma Bharti
(c) Dharam Singh
(d) Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy
Ans: ( c ) Dharam Singh
3. Who among the following has won the Miss Universe 2004
crown ?
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(a) Jennifer Hawkins
(b) Shandi Finnessey
(c) Alba Reyes
(d) None of these
Ans: ( a ) Jennifer Hawkins
4. A solemn ceremony to mark the 60th Anniversary of D-Day
landings of the Allies troops during the Second World War,
was held in
(a) Pearl Harbour
(b) Normandy
(c) New York
(d) Lisbon
Ans: ( b ) Normandy
5. Which of the following cricketers holds the world record
of maximum number of sixes in Tests ?
(a) Chris Carins (New Zealand)
(b) Viv Richards (West Indies)
(c) Sachin Tendulkar (India)
(d) Wasim Akram (Pakistan)
Ans: ( a ) Chris Carins (New Zealand)
6. Who among the following has been appointed the new Chief
Justice of India ?
(a) Justice Rajendra Babu
(b) Justice V. N. Khare
(c) Justice R. C. Lahoti
(d) None of these
Ans: ( c ) Justice R. C. Lahoti
7. Who among the following sports persons got the honour of
lighting the Olympic flame at the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium
in New Delhi recently ?
(a) Anjali Bhagwat
(b) Abhinav Bindra
(c) Viswanathan Anand
(d) K. M. Beenamol
Ans: ( a ) Anjali Bhagwat
8. Who among the following has been appointed new chairman
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
of the National Commission for Farmers ?
(a) Ajit Singh
(b) K. C. Pant
(c) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
(d) Sharad Pawar
Ans: ( c ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
9. Which of the following planets crossed the face of the
sun (in transit) after 122 years recently ?
(a) Mars
(b) Venus
(c) Jupiter
(d) Saturn
Ans: ( b ) Venus
10. Which of the following countries was readmitted to the
Commonwealth recently ?
(a) Nepal
(b) Myanmar
(c) Pakistan
(d) None of these
Ans: ( c ) Pakistan
11. The world governing body of which of the following
sports celebrated its 100 years in existence recently ?
(a) Football
(b) Hockey
(c) Badminton
(d) Cricket
Ans: ( a ) Football
12. Who among the following won the men?s singles title of
the French Open 2004 ?
(a) Guillermo Coria
(b) Roger Federer
(c) Andy Roddick
(d) Gaston Gaudio
Ans: ( d ) Gaston Gaudio
13. Who is India?s first Woman Grand Master in Chess ?
(a) Aarthie Ramaswamy
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(b) Koneru Humpy
(c) S. Meenakshi
(d) S. Vijayalakshmi
Ans: ( b ) Koneru Humpy
14. The age of a tree can be determined by
(a) Measuring its height
(b) Measuring its diameter
(c) Analyzing its sap
(d) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem
Ans: ( d ) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem
15. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
Mountains Continents
(a) The Rocky : North America
(b) The Andes : South America
(c) The Alps : Europe
(d) The Ural : Africa
Ans: ( d ) The Ural : Africa
16. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
(a) ?Purna Swaraj? Resolution : 1929
(b) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931
(c) Formation of the Congress Socialist Party: 1939
(d) Simla Confeence : 1940
Ans: ( b ) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931
17. The Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period is at
(a) Bhubaneswar
(b) Khajuraho
(c) Madurai
(d) Mount Abu
Ans: ( a ) Bhubaneswar
18. Which one of the following is essentially a solo dance ?
(a) Kuchipudi
(b) Kathak
(c) Manipuri
(d) Mohiniattam
Ans: ( d ) Mohiniattam
19. The deepest oceanic trench ?Mariana? is located in
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(a) Atlantic Ocean
(b) Arctic Ocean
(c) Pacific Ocean
(d) Indian Ocean
Ans: ( c ) Pacific Ocean
20. Although fog consists of fine drops of water, we cannot
see clearly through it because
(a) The light rays undergo total internal reflection in the
(b) Fine drops of water in fog polarize the light
(c) The fine drops are opaque to the light
(d) The drops scatter most of the light
Ans: ( d ) The drops scatter most of the light
21. During the Mughal period, which one of the following
were the first to come to India as traders ?
(a) Portuguese
(b) Dutch
(c) Danish
(d) English
Ans: ( a ) Portuguese
22. Who among the following Delhi Sultans is known for
introducing market control mechanism ?
(a) Iltutmish
(b) Balban
(c) Alauddin Khalji
(d) Firoze Tughlaq
Ans: ( c ) Alauddin Khalji
23. Which one of the following mountain peaks of the
Himalayas is NOT in India ?
(a) Annapurna
(b) Nanda Devi
(c) Mt. Kamet
(d) Kanchenjunga
Ans: ( a ) Annapurna
24. A rift valley is formed mainly due to
(a) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(b) The subsidence of the floor of a river valley
(c) The valley formed after the formation of fold mountains
(d) The deepening of a valley by ice action
Ans: ( a ) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust
25. Who is the author of the book, ?The Man Who Divided India? ?
(a) Arun Shourie
(b) Dominique Lapierre
(c) Rafiq Zakaria
(d) Salman Rushdie
Ans: ( c ) Rafiq Zakaria

April 18, 2011


Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
1. Who has taken over as the Director of Operations at the Bangalore based
National Cricket Academy in place of his predecessor Dave Whatmore who
joined IPL team Kolkata Knight Raiders recently?
(a) Kapil Dev
(b) Madan Lal
(c) Sanjay Manjrekar
(d) Sandeep Patil
(e) Karsan Ghavri

2. Of which two sports have actors Mohanlal and Mammootty become

goodwill ambassadors in Kerala recently?
(a) Football & Boat racing
(b) Judo & Table Tennis
(c) Basketball & Cricket
(d) Athletics & Volleyball
(e) Wrestling & Weightlifting
3. Olympic gold medallist Abhinav Bindra will be the new face to promote
guns made by which company?
(a) Mouser
(b) Walther
(c) Uzi
(d) Colt
(e) Smith & Wesson

4. Mahela Jayawardene hit his sixth Test double century in the first Test of
the series between India and Sri Lanka at Ahmedabad recently. Who holds
the record of exceeding the score of 200 runs in an inning for the highest
number of times in Test Cricket till date?
(a) Don Bradman
(b) Brian Lara
(c) Wally Hammond
(d) Marvan Atapattu
(e) Javed Miandad
5. Who won the Shanghai Masters Tennis tournament organised recently?
(a) Andy Murray
(b) Nikolay Davydenko
(c) Rafael Nadal
(d) Roger Federer
(e) Novak Djokovic
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
6. Sachin Tendulkar has the second longest One Day International (ODI)
career currently. Who holds the record for the longest ODI career spanning
20 years and 272 days?
(a) Allan Border
(b) Kapil Dev
(c) Javed Miandad
(d) Brian Lara
(e) Andrew Flintoff
7. China beat India in the final to win the Asia Cup Hockey Championship for
Women in Bangkok recently. Which Indian player was declared the player of
the tournament?
(a) Suraj Lata Devi
(b) Subhadra Pradhan
(c) Mamta Kharab
(d) Madhu Yadav
(e) S. Omana Kumari
8. Who won the 2009 FIFA Under-17 World Cup in Abuja, Nigeria recently?
(a) Netherlands
(b) Switzerland
(c) Brazil
(d) Portugal
(e) Mexico
9. Which of the following statements about the Federation Cup Women’s
Tennis Team tournament organised recently is incorrect?
(a) The final was played at Reggio Calabria
(b) Russia was the losing finalist
(c) The final was played on clay court
(d) The losing finalist was unable to win a single match in the final
(e) Flavia Pennetta, Francesca Schiavone, Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci were
members of the winning team
10. Which of the following statements about the schedule of the 2011 World
Cup announced recently are correct?
I. India and Pakistan are in the same group
II. Bangladesh will host two quarter-finals while India and Sri Lanka will host one
quarter-final each
III. Opening ceremony of the World Cup will be organised in Dhaka
(a) I only
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(b) I and II only
(c) I and III only
(d) II and III only
(e) I, II and III
11. Which of the following was selected as the official broadcaster of 2010
Commonwealth Games recently?
(a) Satellite Information Service Live
(b) International Games Broadcast Services
(c) Nimbus Sports International
(d) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
(e) Big Productions
12. Which well known former Olympic gold medallist is Chairman of the
London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games?
(a) Daley Thompson
(b) Sebastian Coe
(c) Steve Overt
(d) Robin Cousins
(e) Eric Heiden
13. Virender Sehwag was in news recently for missing his triple century in the
India-Sri Lanka series by less than 10 runs. Who is the only batsman to have
scored three triple centuries in Test Cricket?
(a) Allan Border
(b) Donald Bradman
(c) Brian Lara
(d) Both (2) & (3)
(e) None of the above
14. Virender Sehwag was in news recently for his score of 293 runs in the first
inning of the third test match between India and Sri Lanka in Mumbai. Who
has scored the highest number of double centuries in tests for India?
(a) Virender Sehwag
(b) Rahul Dravid
(c) Sachin Tendulkar
(d) Sunil Gavaskar
(e) Both (1) and (3)
15. Which former Test Cricketer of Australia is the Chief Executive Officer of
the Federation of International Cricketers’ Association (FICA) that looks
after the interest of cricketers of Test playing countries?
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(a) Allan Border
(b) Tim May
(c) Kim Hughes
(d) Tom Moody
(e) David Boon
16. Which of the following statements about India’s performance in Test
Cricket are correct in light of recent developments?
I. The victory against Sri Lanka in third test of the 2009 series at Brabourne
Stadium in Mumbai was India’s 100th test victory
II. India is the only country to have not lost a single Test in 2009
III. India’s score of 726 for nine declared in the first innings of the third test of
India-Sri Lanka series at Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai is its highest total in Test
(a) I only
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III only
(d) III and I only
(e) I, II and III

17. Who was appointed as the new captain of the 21-member Indian Hockey
team for the FIH Men’s Champions Challenge tournament in Salta,
Argentina from December 6 to 13?
(a) Tushar Khandekar
(b) Dilip Tirkey
(c) Arjun Halappa
(d) Rajpal Singh
(e) Dhanraj Pillai

18. World Professional Billiards Champion Pankaj Advani accepted the

Eklavya award, the highest recognition for a sportsperson in which state
(a) Delhi
(b) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Kerala
(e) Andhra Pradesh
19. Suresh Kalmadi was elected unopposed as the President of the Asian
______ Association for a third term at Guangzhou, China recently.
(a) Basketball
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(b) Hockey
(c) Weightlifting
(d) Athletics
(e) Shooting
20. Which of the following has acquired the theatrical telecast rights for
cricket matches of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2010 and 2019 for Rs 330
crore recently?
(a) Entertainment and Sports Direct (ESD)
(b) Satellite Information Services (SIS)
(c) Triplecom Media
(d) Fox Sports International (FSI)
(e) Big Entertainment
1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. D
11. A 12. B 13. E 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. A

Budget in 2011-12 –(1)

1. According to economic survey 2011-12, tabled in the parliament on
25, 2011, how many villages in India are still out of telecom loop?
(1) 61,586
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(2) 62,443
(3) 63,342
(4) 62,634
2. Union Railway Minister Ms. Mamata Banerjee presented the Railway
Budget for 2011-12on
February 25, 2011 and fixed the plan outlay for 2011-12 at Rs.57, 630 crore, which
is___ percent higher than the outlay for the year 2011-11.
(1) 38
(2) 42
(3) 44
(4) 40
3. According to the provisions of Railway Budget 2011-12, presented on
February 25, 2011, which of the following combinations of project and
proposed investments is not correct?
(1) New Railway Lines-Rs 9,583 crore
(2) Doubling the Lines-Rs5, 406 crore
(3) Gauge Conversion-Rs 2,470 crore
(4) Acquisition of rolling Stock-Rs 12,380 crore
4. Ms. Mamata Banerjee while presenting the Railway Budget for 2011-12 on
February 25, 2011 fixed the target to load 993 million tones goods during
2011-12 to earn.
(1) Rs.68, 620 crore
(2) Rs.62, 489 crore
(3) Rs.67, 826 crore
(4) Rs.63, 765 crore
5. In the Railway Budget 2011-12, tabled on February 25, 2011, Ms.Mamata
Banerjee has set an ambitious goal of enhancing the sundry earnings to Rs.
4,060 crore during 2011-12, which was___in 2010-11.
(1) Rs. 3170 Crore
(2) Rs. 3,530.34 Crore
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(3) Rs.2, 596.31 Crore
(4) Rs.2, 778.34 Crore
6. Which one of the following projects was not announced by the Union
Railway Minister Ms.Mamata Banerjee in the Railway Budget 2011-12,
presented on February 25, 2011?
(1)Laying of 40 new lines
(2)Gauge Conversion of 1,017 km
(3)Trebling of 1125 km of track
(4)Electrification of 1,000km of track
7. Union Railway Minister Ms.Mamata Banerjee while presenting the Railway
Budget for 2011-12 on February 25, 2011 proposed to set up a 700-megawatt
gas-based power plant at Thakurli,which is situated in the state of
(1) West Bengal
(2) Andhra Pradesh
(3) Manipur
(4) Maharastra
8. How many new express trains were proposed in the Railway Budget 2011-
12 on February 25, 2011 besides three new Shatabdis and nine new Duronto
(1) 56
(2) 58
(3) 62
(4) 54
9. Which of the following statements regarding the Economic Survey 2010-11,
tabled in the Parliament on February 25, 2011 is not correct?
(1) Estimated GDP growth in 2010-12, 8.6 percent
(2) Survey favours phased opening of foreign direct investment in multi-brand
(3) Survey does not favour second green revolution
(4) Efficient taxation of goods and services through GST
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
10. Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee presented the Budget 2011-12
on February 28, 2011.Which of the following is not a key features of this
(1) Gross Tax receipts are estimated at Rs. 932,440 crore
(2) Exemption limit for general category of individual taxpayers was not enhanced
(3) Total expenditure proposed at Rs. 12, 57,729 crore
(4) Rate of Minimum Alternative Tax increased to18.5 percent
11. Which of the following statements is not correct about the Budget 2011-12,
tabled in the parliament of February 28, 2011?
(1) Increase of 18.3 percent in total plan allocation
(2) Standard rate of service tax retained at 10 percent
(3) Allocation of Rs. 900 crore for National Mission for protein supplement
(4) redit flow for farmers raised from Rs. 3,75,000 crore to Rs. 4,75,000 Crore in
12. According to Economic Survey 2010-11, during April 2006 to March 2010,
India witnessed foreign direct Investment inflows worth ____ in the retail
(1) $ 190 million
(2) $ 194.69 million
(3) $ 290 million
(4) $ 294.69 million
13. According to Economic survey 2010-11, presented in the Lok Sabha on
February 25, 2011, while the overall gross domestic product (GDP) has grown
by an average of 8.62 percent during 2004-05 to 2010-11, GDP of the
agricultural sector has increased by only____during the same period.
(1) 3.46 percent
(2) 4.46 percent
(3) 2.46 percent
(4) 5.46 percent

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
14. According to the data presented in the Economic Survey 2010-11, from
2000-2001 to 2009-2010, the growth in wheat acreage was around 1.21
percent, What was the growth in yield?
(1) 1.89 percent
(2) 0.68 percent
(3) 1.59 percent
(4) 1.61 percent
15. In the Union Budget 2011-12 presented in the LokSabha on February 28,
2011, what amount has been proposed to be raised through disinvestment of
Public Sector Undertakings?
(1) Rs. 35,000 crore
(2) Rs. 40,888 crore
(3) Rs. 40,000 crore
(4) Rs. 37,000 crore
16. According to the proposal of Union Budget 2011-12, the government is to
finalise Direct Taxes Code for enactment during 2011-12.When will it be
effective from?
(1) April 1, 2012
(2) May 1, 2012
(3) April 1, 2013
(4) May 1, 2013
17. According to proposals of Union Budget, 2011-12, to empower women and
promote their self help groups (SHG) Women’s SHGs Devlopment Fund is to
be created with a corpus of
(1) Rs. 600 crore
(2) Rs. 525 crore
(3) Rs. 625 crore
(4) Rs. 500 crore
18. Which of the following pairs based on Union Budget 2011-12 estimates is
wrongly matched?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(1) Revenue Receipts-Rs. 789892 crore
(2) Capital Receipts-Rs. 467837crore
(3) Non Plan Expenditure-Rs. 816000 crore
(4) Revenue Deflect- Rs. 307270 crore
19. According to the Union Budget 2011-12 estimates for each rupee that
comes in the government’s ex-chequer the share of different heads has been
listed below. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(1) Borrowings and other liabilities-27 paise
(2) Corporation tax-23 paise
(3) Service tax and other taxes-6 paise
(4) Union Excise duties-11 paise
20. According to the Union Budget 2011-12 estimates presented in the Lok
Sabha on February 28,2011,for each rupee that goes from government’s ex-
chequer.the share of different heads has been listed below. Which of the
following is not correctly matched?
(1) Central Plan-22 paise
(2) Interest Payment-18 paise
(3) Defence-10 paise
(4) subsidies-9 paise
21. According to the Union Budget 2011-12, to further encourage States to
allocate more funds for agriculture over and above their base line expenditure
on farming, an additional sum of ____has been proposed for the Rashtriya
Krishi Vikas Yojana.
(1) Rs. 1190 crore
(2) Rs. 1105 crore
(3) Rs. 1150 crore
(4) Rs. 5110 crore
22. In the Union Budget 2011-12 proposals presented in Lok Sabha on
February 28, 2011, to provide Housing finance to targeted groups in rural
areas at competitive rates, what provision has been made for the Rural
Housing Fund?
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(1) Rs. 2000 crore
(2) Rs. 3500 crore
(3) Rs. 3000 crore
(4) Rs. 2500 crore
23. Handloom weavers have been facing economic stress. In the Union Budget
2011-12, to benefit 15000 cooperative societies and about 300000 handloom
weavers, it has been proposed to provide_____ to NABARD.
(1) Rs. 3000 crore
(2) Rs. 2000 crore
(3) Rs. 3500 crore
(4) Rs. 4661 crore
24. With an objective to bring green revolution in the eastern region of India
i.e. Assam, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand, eastern Uttar Pradesh and
Chhattisgarh, what amount has been allocated in Union Budget 2011-12 for
the programme that will target the rice based cropping system?
(1) Rs. 325 crore
(2) Rs. 400 crore
(3) Rs. 315 crore
(4) Rs. 415 crore
25. To build judicial infrastructure and E-courts project, the plan provision
for the Department of justice has been increased three-fold to in the Union
Budget 2011-12.
(1) Rs. 1000 crore
(2) Rs. 951 crore
(3) Rs. 2000 crore
(4) Rs. 1051 crore
26. In the Union Budget 2011-12 estimates presented in the Lok Sabha on
February 28, 2011 the government has pegged fiscal deflect for 2011-12,
at____ of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
(1) 4.8 percent

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(2) 4.6 percent
(3) 4.9 percent
(4) 4.15 percent
27. Plan expenditure which broadly includes spending on assets and is
perceived to provide a push to the economic growth is estimated to be____in
2011-12, as mentioned in the Union Budget 2011-12.
(1) Rs. 441500.09 crore
(2) Rs. 400000 crore
(3) Rs. 441546.75 crore
(4) Rs. 14546.7 crore
28. In the Union Budget 2011-12 presented on February 28, 2011, a big push
to the infrastructure sector has been announced. What allotment has been
proposed on the transport and the energy sectors out of Rs. 5.92 lakh crore
earnmarked in the Central Plan?
(1) Rs. 2.72 lakh crore
(2) Rs. 1.72 lakh crore
(3) Rs. 1.75 lakh crore
(4) Rs. 1.89 lakh crore
29. Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee has made a total allocation
of____to give a greater to flagship programme Bharat Nirman,covering six
(1) Rs. 56000 crore
(2) Rs. 58000 crore
(3) Rs. 10000 crore
(4) Rs. 85000 crore
30. In the Union Budget 2011-12 proposals,what amount has been allocated
under the Indira Awas Yojana for construction of house for BPL families in
the left wing Extremist(LWE) districts?
(1) Rs. 8096 crore
(2) Rs. 18999 crore

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(3) Rs. 8996 crore
(4) Rs. 7996 crore
31. In the union Budget 2011-12 presented in the parliament on February 28,
2011 by what percentage the defence budget has been raised from Rs. 147344
crore in 2010-11?
(1) 11.59 percent
(2) 12.59 percent
(3) 11.95 percent
(4) 12.5 percent
32. According to the Union Budget 2011-12, an international award with prize
money of Rs. 1crore is to be instituted for promoting the values of universal
brotherhood in the memory of
(1) Mahatma Gandhi
(2) Rabindranath Tagore
(3) Devendranath Tagore
(4) Subhash Chandra Bose
1.(2) 2.(4) 3.(4) 4.(1) 5.(2) 6.(3) 7.(4) 8.(1) 9.(3) 10.(2) 11.(3) 12.(2) 13.(1) 14.(2)
15.(3) 16.(1) 17.(4) 18.(3) 19.(2) 20.(3) 21.(2) 22.(2) 23.(1) 24.(2) 25.(1) 26.(2) 27.
(3) 28.(1) 29.(2) 30.(3) 31.(1) 32.(2)

Budget 2011 -2012-(2)

1) Target of Fiscal Deficit in 2011-12 as given by Indian Finance Minister is (D)
(A) 7.6 percent of GDP
(B) 6.6 percent of GDP
(C) 5.6 percent of GDP
(D) 4.6 percent of GDP

2) The Gross Tax Receipts are estimated at Rs ...........crore (D)

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(A) 2,32,440
(B) 4,32,440
(C) 8,32,440
(D) 9,32,440
3) The total expenditure proposed for 2011-12 is Rs ............ crore, (B)
(A) 2,57,729
(B) 12,57,729
(C) 22,57,729
(D) 32,57,729

4) A sum of Rs......... crore has been provided to enable public sector banks to
maintain a minimum Tier I CRAR at 8 per cent. (C)
(A) 20000
(B) 40000
(C) 60000
(D) 80000

5) Indian Micro Finance Equity Fund of Rs ........ to be created with SIDBI as per
budget 2011-12 plan. (A)
(A) 100 crore
(B) 1000 crore
(C) 10000 crore
(D) 3567 crore

6) Women’s SHG’s Development Fund with a corpus of Rs ........ has been

proposed. (A)
(A) 500 crore
(B) 600 crore
(C) 700 crore
(D) 800 crore

7) Bharat Nirman does not includes ? (D)

(A) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY),
(B) Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Pro gramme
(C) National Rural Drinking Water Programme
(D) Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme for BPL

8) Government expects economy to grow at ........% in 2011-12. (B)

(A) 9.5
(B) 9
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(C) 8.5
(D) 8
9) Government debt is About ......% of GDP as per budget 2011-12 (A)
(A) 44.2
(B) 45.2
(C) 46.2
(D) 47.2

10) Iron ore export duty hiked to ...........per cent. (C)

(A) 16
(B) 18
(C) 20
(D) 22

11) Nominal GDP growth of ........ per cent has been projected in Budget 2011-12
(A) 14
(B) 13
(C) 12
(D) 11

12) New limit for investment by foreign institutional investors in corporate bonds
is $.......billion. (B)
(A) 30
(B) 40
(C) 50
(D) 60

13) Corporate surcharge has been reduced to............% (C)

(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6

14) New increased rate of MAT is ..........%. (B)

(A) 15.5
(B) 18.5
(C) 21.5

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
(D) 24.5

15) Disinvestment target for 2011-12 has been placed at Rs ........ crore. (A)
(A) 40000
(B) 80000
(D) 120000
(D) 160000
16) Who presented the Union Budget 2011-12 in the Parliament on February 28,
a) Manmohan Singh
b) Pratibha Devisingh Patil
c) Hamid Ansari
d) D.Subbarao
e) Pranab Mukherjee

17) The first Union budget of independent India was presented by?
a) R.K.Shanmukham Chetty
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Morarji Desai
d) Indira Gandhi
e) Manmohan Singh

18) Disinvestment Target for 2011-12 has been placed at?

a) Rs. 10000 crore
b) Rs. 20000 crore
c) Rs. 30000 crore
d) Rs. 40000 crore
e) None of these

19) Foreign Institutional Investor-(FII) limit for investment in Indian corporate

bonds raised from $20 billion to?
a) $30 billion
b) $40 billion

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
c) $50 billion
d) $60 billion
e) None of these

20) As per Union Budget 2011-12, Indian Micro Finance Equity Fund of Rs.100
crore to be created with?
a) SBI

21) Rural Infrastructure Develo-pment Fund (RIDF) was set up by the Government
a) 1995-96
b) 1996-97
c) 1997-98
e) None of these

22) The corpus allocated for Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) for
2011-12 is?
a) Rs.16000
b) Rs.17000
c) Rs.18000
d) Rs.19000
e) None of these

23) The target of credit flow to farmers has been raised from Rs.3,75,000 crore of
2010-11 to ……in 2011-12?
a) Rs.4,75,000 crore
b) Rs.5,75,000 crore
c) Rs.6,75,000 crore
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
d) Rs.7,75,000 crore
e) None of these

24) Rural Infrastructure Develo-pment Fund (RIDF) is maintained by?

a) RBI
b) SBI
d) IDBI Bank
e) None of these

25) Eligibility for pension under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
for BPL beneficiaries reduced from 65 years of age to?
a) 64 years
b) 63 years
c) 62 years
d) 61 years
e) 6o years

26) Exemption limit for the general category of individual taxpa-yers enhanced
from 1,60,000 to?
a) 1,70,000
b) 1,80,000
c) 1,90,000
d) 2,00,000
e) None of these

27) As per Union Budget 2011-12, standard rate of Service Tax is?
a) 10 %
b) 11 %
c) 12 %
d) 13 %

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
e) None of these

28) As per Union Budget 2011-12, Defence allocation is?

a) 1.64 lakh crore
b) 1.74 lakh crore
c) 1.84 lakh crore
d) 1.94 lakh crore
e) None of these
29) In the Constitution of India, the Union Budget of India referred to as the?
a) Economic Survey
b) Monetary and Credit Policy
c) Foreign Trade Policy
d) Annual Financial Statement
e) None of these

30) Which of the following department is not a part of Finance Ministry of India?
a) Department of Economic Affairs
b) Department of Expenditure
c) Department of Revenue
d) Department of Disinvestments
e) Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion

31) Which Department principal responsibility is the prep-aration of the Union

Budget annually (excluding the Railway Budget)?
a) Department of Economic Affairs
b) Department of Expenditure
c) Department of Revenue
d) Department of Disinvestments
e)Department of Financial Servies

32) Which of the following is a government body that offers a single window
clearance for proposals on foreign direct investment in the country that are not
allowed access through the automatic route?
a) Securities and Exchange Board of India
b) Reserve Bank of India
c) Export-Import Bank of India
d) Foreign Investment Promo-tion Board
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
e) Bombay Stock Exchange

33) The first woman Finance Secretary of India?

a) Sushma Nath
b)Shyamala Gopinath
c) Chanda Kochhar
d) Shikha Sharma
e) None of these

34) The only woman to hold the post of the finance minister of India?
a) Vijaya Lakshmi Nehru Pandit
b) Sarojini Naidu
c) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
d) Indira Gandhi
e)None of these

35) The Union Budget is always presented first in ?

a) Lok Sabha
b) Rajya Sabha
c) Joint Session of the Parliament
d) State Assemblies
e) None of these

36) Which of the following presents the Economic Survey in the parliament every
year, just before the Union Budget?
a) RBI
b) Ministry of Finance
c) Ministry of Commerce
d) Planning Commission
e) Finance Commission

37) The financial year in India starts on?

a) 1st January
c) 1st April
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
d) 1st July
e) None of these

38) A fiscal year in India ends on?

a) February 28
b) March 31
e)December 31

39) Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A. Gross Tax receipts are estimated at 9,32,440 crore.
B. Non-tax revenue receipts estimated at 1,25,435 crore.
C. Total expenditure proposed at 12,57,729 crore.
D. Increase of 18.3 per cent in total Plan allocation.
E. Increase of 10.9 per cent in the Non-plan expenditure.
a) A and B b) B and C c) C and D d) D and E e) All of the above

40) Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimated to have grown at 8.6 per cent in 2010-
11 in real terms.
B. Government expects econo-my to grow at 9 % in 2011-12.
C. Fiscal Deficit target at 4.6% for 2011-12, down from 5.1% estimated for 2010-11.
D. Central Government debt estimated at 44.2 per cent of GDP for 2011-12 as
against 52.5 per cent recomm-ened by the 13th Finance Commission.
E. 40,000 crore to be raised through disinvestment in 2011-12.
a) A and B b) B and C c) C and D d) D and E e) All of the above

41) Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A. Government committed to retain at least 51 per cent ownership and
management control of the Central Public Sector Undertakings.
B. "India Microfinance Equity Fund" of ’100 crore to be created with SIDBI.
Gover-nment considering putting in place appropriate regulatory framework to
protect the interest of small borrowers.
C."Women's SHG's Develo-pment Fund" to be created with a corpus of ’ 500
D. Corpus of RIDF XVII to be raised from Rs. 16,000 crore to 20,000 crore.
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
E. 1,000 crore to be provided to SIDBI for refinancing incre-mental lending by
banks to these enterprises.
a) A and D b) A, B and C c) C and D d) D and E e) None of these

42) Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

A.Allocation under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) increased from Rs.
6,755 crore to 7,860 crore.
B.Rs.10,000 crore to be contributed to NABARD's Short-term R-ural Credit fund
for 2011-12.
C. Allocation for Bharat Nirman programme proposed to be increased by
Rs.10,000 crore from the current year to Rs. 58,000 crore in 2011-12.
D. Rs. 21,000 crores for primary education to implement Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
E. Defence budget hiked to Rs. 1.64 lakh crore
a) A and B b) B and C c) C and D d) D and E e) All of the above

43) Consider the following statements:

1) Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee unveiled the Union Budget 2011-12 on
February 28, 2011.
2) Economic Survey 2010-11 was presented in the Parliament on Feb 25, 2011.
3) India's Railway Minister Mamta Banerjee presented the new Railway Budget for
the year 2011-12 in the parliament on February 25, 2011.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d ) All of the above e) None of these
16) e, 17) a, 18) d, 19) a, 20) e, 21) a, 22) c, 23) a, 24) c, 25) e, 26) b, 27) a, 28) a,
29) d, 30) e, 31) a, 32) d, 33) a, 34) d, 35) a, 36) b, 37) c, 38) b, 49) e, 40) e, 41) b,
42) e, 43) d


1 -What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?

A. Report B. Field C. Record D. File Answer: B
2 – ‘OS’ computer abbreviation usually means ?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
A. Order of Significance
B. Open Software
C. Operating System
D. Optical Sensor Answer- C
3 – In which decade with the first transatlantic radio broadcast occur?
A. 1850s B. 1860s C. 1870s D. 1900s Answer: D

4 – Most modern TV’s draw power even if turned off. The circuit the power is
used in does what function?
A. Sound
B. Remote control
C. Color balance
D. High voltage Answer: B

5 – Which is a type of Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only

A. Flash B. Flange C. Fury D. FRAM Answer: A

6- ‘.MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?

A. WordPerfect Document file
B. MS Office document
C. Animation/movie file
D. Image file Answer: C

7 – Who developed Yahoo?

A. Dennis Ritchie & Ken Thompson
B. David Filo & Jerry Yang
C. Vint Cerf & Robert Kahn
D. Steve Case & Jeff Bezos Answer: B

8 – The most common format for a home video recorder is VHS. VHS stands
A. Video Home System
B. Very high speed
C. Video horizontal standard
D. Voltage house standard Answer: A

9 – What frequency range is the High Frequency band?

A. 100 kHz
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
B. 1 GHz
C. 30 to 300 MHz
D. 3 to 30 MHz Answer: D

10 – In which year was MIDI(dress) introduced?

A. 1987 B. 1983 C. 1973 D. 1977 Answer: B

11 – ‘DB’ computer abbreviation usually means ?

A. Database
B. Double Byte
C. Data Block
D. Driver Boot Answer: A

12 – Who created Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)?

A. Paul Zimmerman
B. Tim Berners-Lee
C. Marc Andreessen
D. Ken Thompson Answer: A

13 – What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some

distance? It usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-
speed telephone lines.
A. URL (Universal Resource Locator)
B. LAN (Local Area Network)
C. WAN (Wide Area Network)
D. World Wide Web Answer: C
14 – In a color television set using a picture tube a high voltage is used to
accelerate electron beams to light the screen. That voltage is about…?
A. 500 volts
B. 5 thousand volts
C. 25 thousand volts
D. 100 thousand volts Answer: C

15 – What do we call a collection of two or more computers that are located

within a limited distance of each other and that are connected to each other
directly or indirectly?
A. Inernet
B. Interanet

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
C. Local Area Network
D. Wide Area Network Answer: C

List of Padma Awards - 2011

January 27, 2011
List of Padma Vibhusan awardees:

Name Discipline State / Domicile
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1. Dr. (Smt.) Kapila Art - Art Delhi

Vatsyayan Administration and
2. Mrs. Homai Art – Photography Gujarat
3. Shri A Art- Cinema Andhra Pradesh
Nageshwara Rao
4. Shri Parasaran Public Affairs Delhi
Kesava Iyengar
5. Dr. Akhlaq-ur- Public Affairs Delhi
Rehman Kidwai
6. Shri Vijay Kelkar Public Affairs Delhi
7. Shri Montek Public Affairs Delhi
Singh Ahluwalia
8. Shri Palle Rama Science and Andhra Pradesh
Rao Engineering
9. Shri Azim Premji Trade and Industry Karnataka
10. Shri Brajesh Civil Services Madhya Pradesh
11. Prof. (Dr.) Literature and Kerala
Ottaplakkal Education
Velu Kurup
12. Dr. Sitakant Literature and Orissa
Mahapatra Education
13. Late Shri L. C. Public Affairs Delhi *

List of Padma Bhusan awardees:

Sl.No Name Discipline State / Domicile

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1. Shri Satyadev Art – Theatre Maharashtra
2. Shri Mohammed Art - Cinema – Maharashtra
Zahur Khayyam Music
Hashmi alias
3. Shri Shashi Kapoor Art – Cinema Maharashtra
4. Shri Krishen Art – Painting Haryana
5. Shri Madavur Art - Dance – Kerala
Vasudevan Nair Kathakali
6. Ms. Waheeda Art – Cinema Maharashtra
7. Shri Rudrapatna Art - Music-Vocal Karnataka
Krishna Shastry
8. Ms. Arpita Singh Art - Painting Delhi
9. Dr. Sripathi Art - Playback Tamil Nadu
Panditharadhyula Singing, Music
Balasubrahmanya Direction & acting
10. Shri C.V. Art - Classical Tamil Nadu
Chandrasekhar Dance-
11. Shri Dwijen Art West Bengal
12. Smt. Rajashree Social work Maharashtra
13. Mrs. Shobhana Social work Maharashtra
14. Dr. Science and Tamil Nadu
Suryanarayanan Engineering
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

15. Shri S.(Kris) Trade and Industry Karnataka
16. Shri Yogesh Trade and Industry West Bengal
17. Ms. Chanda Trade and Industry Maharashtra
18. Dr. K. Anji Reddy Trade and Industry- Andhra Pradesh
19. Shri Analjit Singh Trade and Industry Delhi
20. Shri Rajendra Trade and Industry Haryana
Singh Pawar
21. Dr. Gunapati Trade and Industry Andhra Pradesh
Venkata Krishna
22. Shri Ajai Trade and Industry Delhi
23. Shri Surendra Civil Services Delhi
24. Shri M. N .Buch Civil Services Madhya Pradesh
25. Shri Shyam Saran Civil Services Delhi
26. Shri Thayil Jacob Literature and Karnataka
Sony George Education
27. Dr. Ramdas Literature and Karnataka
Madhava Pai Education
28. Shri Sankha Ghosh Literature and West Bengal
29. Late Shri K. Medicine - Kerala*
Raghavan Ayurveda.
30. Late Dr. Keki Medicine - Maharashtra *
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Byramjee Grant Cardiology

31. Late Shri Dashrath Art Gujarat *
List of Padma Shri awardees:

Name Discipline State / Domicile
1. Ms. Neelam Art - Theatre Chandigarh
2. Shri Makar Dhwaja Art- Chhau Dance Jharkhand
3. Shri Shaji Art - Film Direction Kerala
Neelakantan Karun
4. Shri Girish Art - Film making Karnataka
5. Ms. Tabassum Art - Cinema Maharashtra
Hashmi Khan alias
6. Shri Jivya Soma Art - Warli Painting Maharashtra
7. Guru (Ms.) M.K. Art - Dance- Tamil Nadu
Saroja Bharatnatyam
8. Shri Jayaram Art - Cinema Tamil Nadu
9. Pandit Ajoy Art - Music-Indian West Bengal
Chakraborty Classical Vocal
10. Smt. Mahasundari Art - Mithilia/ Bihar
Devi Madhubani Painting.
11. Shri Gajam Art - Handloom Andhra Pradesh
Govardhana Weaving
12. Ms. Sunayana Art - Dance - Kathak Maharashtra
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

13. Shri S.R. Art - Carnatic Vocal Tamil Nadu

Janakiraman Music
14. Shri Peruvanam Art - Chenda Kerala
Kuttan Marar Melam- Drum
15. Smt. Art - Dance - Kerala
Kalamandalam Mohiniattam
16. Shri Dadi Dorab Art - Puppetry Delhi
17. Shri Khangembam Art - Traditional Manipur
Mangi Singh Music of Manipur
18. Shri Prahlad Singh Art - Folk Music Madhya Pradesh
19. Smt. Usha Uthup Art - Music. West Bengal
20. Smt. Kajol Art- Cinema Maharashtra
21. Shri Irfan Khan Art- Cinema Maharashtra
22. Shri Mamraj Social work West Bengal
23. Shri Jockin Social work Maharashtra
24. Ms. Nomita Social work Karnataka
25. Ms. Sheela Patel Social work Maharashtra
26. Ms. Anita Reddy Social work Karnataka
27. Shri Kanubhai Social work Gujarat
28. Shri Anant Darshan Public Affairs Karnataka

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

29. Prof. M. Annamalai Science and Karnataka

30. Dr. Mahesh Science and Gujarat
Haribhai Mehta Engineering -
Agricultural Science
31. Shri Coimbatore Science and Tamil Nadu
Narayana Rao Engineering
32. Dr. (Mrs.) Suman Science and Delhi
Sahai Engineering
33. Prof.(Dr.) E.A. Science and Andhra Pradesh
Siddiq Engineering -
Agricultural Science
34. Shri Gopalan Nair Science and Kerala
Shankar Engineering -
35. Shri Mecca Trade and Industry Tamil Nadu
Rafeeque Ahmed
36. Shri Kailasam Trade and Industry Tamil Nadu
Raghavendra Rao
37. Shri Narayan Singh Civil Services Andhra Pradesh
38. Shri P K Sen Civil Services Bihar
39. Ms. Shital Mahajan Sports - Adventure Maharashtra
Sports- Para
40. Ms. Nameirakpam Sports - Manipur
Kunjarani Devi Weightlifting
41. Shri Sushil Kumar Sports - Wrestling Delhi
42. Shri Vangipurapu Sports - Cricket Andhra Pradesh
Venkata Sai
43. Shri Gagan Narang Sports - Shooting Andhra Pradesh
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

44. Smt. Krishna Sports - Discus Rajasthan

Poonia Throw
45. Shri Harbhajan Sports - Punjab
Singh Mountaineering
46. Dr. Pukhraj Bafna Medicine - Chhattisgarh
47. Prof. Mansoor Medicine- Uttar Pradesh
Hasan Cardiology
48. Dr. Shyama Prasad Medicine - Delhi
Mandal Orthopaedic
49. Prof. (Dr.) Medicine - Tamil Nadu
Sivapatham Vittal Endocrinology
50. Prof. (Dr.) Madanur Medicine - Tamil Nadu
Ahmed Ali Gastroenterology
51. Dr. Indira Hinduja Medicine - Maharashtra
Obstetrics and
52. Dr. Jose Chacko Medicine - Cardio- Kerala
Periappuram Thoracic Surgery.
53. Prof. (Dr.) A. Medicine - Kerala
Marthanda Pillai Neurosurgery
54. Shri Mahim Bora Literature and Assam
55. Prof. (Dr.) Pullella Literature and Andhra Pradesh
Srirama Chandrudu Education- Sanskrit
56. Dr. Pravin Darji Literature and Gujarat
57. Dr. Chandra Literature and Rajasthan
Prakash Deval Education
58. Shri Balraj Komal Literature and Delhi
59. Mrs. Rajni Kumar Literature and Delhi

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

60. Dr. Devanooru Literature and Karnataka
Mahadeva Education
61. Shri Barun Literature and West Bengal
Mazumder Education
62. Dr. Avvai Natarajan Literature and Tamil Nadu
63. Shri Bhalchandra Literature and Himachal Pradesh
Nemade Education
64. Prof. Riyaz Punjabi Literature and Jammu and Kashmir
65. Prof. Koneru Literature and Andhra Pradesh
Ramakrishna Rao Education
66. Ms. Buangi Sailo Literature and Mizoram
67. Prof. Devi Dutt Literature and Uttarakhand
Sharma Education
68. Shri Nilamber Dev Literature and Jammu and Kashmir
Sharma Education
69. Ms. Urvashi Butalia Literature and Delhi
# Education
70. Ms. Ritu Menon # Literature and Delhi
71. Prof. Krishna Literature and Delhi
Kumar Education
72. Shri Deviprasad Literature and Uttar Pradesh
Dwivedi Education
73. Ms. Mamang Dai Literature and Arunachal Pradesh
74. Dr. Om Prakash Others - Heritage Uttar Pradesh
Agrawal Conservation
75. Prof. Madhukar Others - Archeology Maharashtra
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Keshav Dhavalikar
76. Ms. Shanti Teresa Others-Nursing Andaman & Nicobar
77. Smt. Gulshan Others - Handicrafts Delhi
Nanda promotion
78. Dr. Azad Moopen Social work UAE *
79. Prof. Upendra Baxi Public Affairs -Legal United Kingdom *
80. Dr. Mani Lal Science and USA *
Bhaumik Engineering
81. Dr. Subra Suresh Science and USA *
82. Prof. Karl Literature and USA *
Harrington Potter Education
83. Prof. Martha Chen Social work USA *
84. Shri Satpal Khattar Trade and Industry Singapore *
85. Shri Granville Literature and USA *
Austin Education

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Nuclear reactors used to produce electricity are based on
1 Nuclear Fusion
2 Nuclear Fission
3 Cold Fusion
4 Superconductivity
Ans: 2
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) was earlier known as
Ans: 2
Q The threat of global Warming is increasing due to rising concentration
. of
1 Nitrous Oxide
2 Ozone
3 Sulphur dioxide
4 Carbon dioxide
Ans: 4
Q The US Census Bureau released its 2010 census figures in March 2011
. which say that the 308.74 million US population comprises a large
number of Asians and they contitute
1 3 percent
2 4 percent

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 5 percent
4 6 percent
Ans: 3
Q As per an announcement made by the International Monrtary
. Fund(IMf)in February 2011, it would lend Sri Lanka
1 $ 215.9 million
2 $ 216.6 million
3 $ 216.8 million
4 $ 216.9 million
Ans: 2
Q According to the State of the World's Children 2011 report released by
. UNICEF, the percentage of adolescents living in the developing nations
1 72
2 75
3 85
4 88
Ans: 4
Q India signed the fourth Tax Information Exchange Agreement(TIEA) in
. February 2011 with a country considered a tax heaven. This TIEA is
1 Bermuda
2 Bahamas
3 Virgin Islands
4 Isle of Man
Ans: 2
Q As per a report published by the World Bank in February 2011, India
. has the scope for generating green power from renewable sources like
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

wind, hydro and biomass up to

1 53,000 MW
2 58,000 MW
3 62,000 MW
4 68,000 MW
Ans: 4
Q The Sixth Economic Census is being done in 2011. What was the year of
. the first Economic Census?
1 1951
2 1961
3 1977
4 1971
Ans: 3
Q Under which of the Rural Development programmes is 'self help
. group'?
1 Prime Minister's Rural Road Yojana
2 Swarna Jayanti Rural Self Employment Yojana
4 Indira Aawas Yojana
Ans: 2

Which of the following is not include in 'Bharat Nirman' plan?
1 Irrigation
2 Rural Roads
3 Education
4 Rural telecommunication

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
Q Who has been made the Brand Ambassador of ICICI Prudencial Life Insurance in
. January 2011?
1 Amir Khan
2 Preeti Zinta
3 Amitabh Bachchan
4 Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Ans: 3
Civil Aviation Ministry has declared to Celebrated its Centenary Year During-
1 2010-11
2 2011-12
3 2012-13
4 2011
Ans: 2
Q In SCOPE Excellence Awards 2008-09, Which of the following got 'Outstanding
. Chief Executive' award for individual category?
1 Arup Roy Chowdhary of NTPC
2 P.S. Bhattacharya of Coal India Ltd.
3 A.K. Chaturvedi of Power Grid Corporation
4 A.K. Ghosh of MECON
Ans: 1
The New ASSOCHAM's Chairman (name announced on December 10,2010) is-
1 Swati Peermal
2 Dilip Modi
3 Ramu S. Deora
4 Naseem Zaidi
Ans: 2
Q Make 2010 (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise 2010) award has been given to-

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Infosys
2 Reliance Industries Ltd.
3 Tata Steels
Ans: 3
India-EU summit was held in December 2010 in-
1 France
2 Belgium
3 Italy
4 Netherlands
Ans: 2
Q Who has been elected as the Chairman of FIEO(Federation of India Export
. Organisation) in December 2010 for the period of two years?
1 Swati Peeramal
2 Ramu S.Deora
3 Dilip Modi
4 C.S. Verma
Ans: 2
Q Who wrote the famous book "Global Crisis Recession and Uneven Recovery" on
. various issues of global recession?
1 C.Rangrajan
2 Montek Singh Ahluwaliah
3 Amritya Sen
4 Y.B. Reddy
Ans: 4
Q 'ICON of the Year' award given by Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of
. India in January 2011, goes to-
1 Arup Roy Chowdhary of NTPC

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 C.S. Verma of SAIL

3 P.S. Bhattacharya of coal India Ltd.
4 B.R.S. Natrajan of BEML
Ans: 2

Government has decided to stop the circulation of 25 paise coin w.e.f-
1 April 1,2011
2 June 1,2011
3 June 30,2011
4 September 30,2011
Ans: 3
Q Which of the following economy has been raised as the freest economy in the world
. for the 17th consecutive year?
1 Singapore
2 Hong Kong
3 United States
4 South Korea
Ans: 2
Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2011 was organised on-
1 January 1-2, 2011
2 January 8-9, 2011
3 January 12-13, 2011
4 January 18-19, 2011

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
Q Wages paid to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment guarantee Scheme
. has now been linked with-
1 Wholesale Price Index
2 Consumer Price Index for Agriculture Labour
3 Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
4 Food Inflation
Ans: 2
Mobile Number Portability Service has been Launched Nationwide w.e.f-
1 January 19, 2011
2 January 20, 2011
3 January 22, 2011
4 January 25, 2011
Ans: 2
Q It is estimated that India wastes more fruits and vegetables than what is consumed
. every year in-
1 U.S.A
2 United Kingdom
3 Germany
4 Brazil
Ans: 2
Q On which of the following dates in 2010 did the safeguard agreement with regard to
. civilian nuclear facilities between India and the International Atomic
Agency(IAEA) come into force?
1 February 28
2 February 21
3 February 11
4 February 4
Ans: 4
Q Who has been selected for the 'Niwano Peace Prize, 2010' for her contribution to
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Ela Bhatt
2 Jhumpa
3 Punam Suri
4 Mandakni Apte
Ans: 1
Q In a rare recognition, the Government of Mauritius decides to introduce a book
. written by Uttarakhand Chief Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank in the School
Syllabus of the island nation, what is the name of the book?
1 Sound of Hills
2 Sparsh Ganga
3 Heaven
4 Amrit
Ans: 2
Q Shikha Sharma recently included in Forbes' Top 100 Powerful women of the
. World list is associated with-
1 ICICI Bank
2 Axis Bank
3 HDFC Bank
Ans: 2

Q Which of the following Country has declared Broadband Service as the

. fundamental right in the Country?
1 Britain
2 Denmark
3 Finland
4 United States of America
Ans: 3
Q Which of the following Company gets the Highest Rank among Indian Companies
. included in Forbes-500 list for the Year 2010?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Indian Oil Corporation
3 Reliance Industries Ltd.
Ans: 2
Which of the Following Indian Private Company is the biggest employer?
2 Reliance Industries
3 Wipro
Ans: 1
World Investment Report is Annually published by-
Ans: 4
Q Which of the following state has registered the maximum growth in Gross State
. Domestic Product in the year 2009-10?
1 Chhattisgarh
2 Kerala
3 Gujarat
4 Goa
Ans: 1
Q Asian Development Bank has approved $132 million to Bihar for the development
. of-
1 Rural Roads
2 Electricity System

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Primary Education
4 Child Health and Nutrition
Ans: 2
Q RBI has decided to issue the new coins with'Commonwealth Games 2010-Delhi'
. theme. The dominations of these coins will be-
1 Rs1,2 and 5
2 Rs 1 and 2
3 Rs 2 and 5
4 Rs 5 and 10
Ans: 3
Q RBI has divested its 71.5% share in NABARD to the government which reduces
. RBI's holding in NABARD to-
1 Only one percent
2 Only five percent
3 Only 7.5 percent
4 Only 10 percent
Ans: 1
Q How many Indian Women have been included in the Forbes' list of Top 100
. Powerful Women of the World?
1 Only 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Ans: 3
According to the Asian Develoment Bank Report for Urbanisation, India ranks at-
1 10th Place
2 26th Place
3 34th place
4 39th Place

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
For the Session 2010-11 the New President of indian Banks Association is-
1 Chanda Kochchar
2 Shikha Sharma
3 O.P. Bhatt
4 R.V. Verma
Ans: 3
Which of the following Day has been declared as Income Tax Day?
1 18 July
2 24 July
3 16 July
4 1 September
Ans: 2
Q In newly proposed Direct Tax code the Highest rate of individual income tax has
. been put at-
1 20 Percent
2 25 Percent
3 30 Percent
4 35 Percent
Ans: 3
Q In Global Hunger index 2010 released by International Food Policy Research
. Institute (IFPRI) , India has been placed at
1 65th Rank
2 66th Rank
3 67th Rank
4 68th Rank
Ans: 2
Q On October15 ,2010 government has launched the new NELP round for allocation,

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

. which is numbered
Ans: 3
Q 'Tourism and Bio-diversity ' is/was the theme of the world Tourism Day
. (September 27)for the year-
1 2009
2 2010
3 2011
4 2012
Ans: 2
Q 'Company of the Year' award in Economic Times Corporate Excellency Awards
. 2010 goes to-
1 Maruti Suzuki
2 Renuka Sugars
3 L& T
4 Mahindra and Mahindra
Ans: 3
Nobel for Economics 2010 has been shared by-
1 Two British and one US Economists
2 Two US and one British Economists
3 One US and one British Economists
4 All three US Economists
Ans: 2
Q The new Chairman and Managing Director of National Housing Bank who took
. charge on September 15,2010 is-
1 R.V. Verma

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 S.Sridhar
3 A.N. Tiwari
4 L. Radhakrishnan
Ans: 1
34th National Game 2011 was held in
1 Bihar
2 Delhi
3 Jharkhand
4 Madhya Pradesh
Ans: 3
India's Youngest Grand Master (Chess) is
1 Saurav Ghosal
2 S. P. Sethuraman
3 Parimarjan Negi
4 K. Hampi
Ans: 3
The winner of Davis Cup 2010 is
1 Serbia
2 Russia
3 Japan
4 South Africa
Ans: 1
The winner of Ashes (Test Series) of Cricket is
1 Australia
2 India
3 England

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 South Africa
Ans: 3
The host of the 2018 world cup football is
1 Japan
2 Spain
3 Brazil
4 Russia
Ans: 4
Which country has emerged as the top Migrant destination country?
1 Australia
2 Canada
4 UK
Ans: 3
Q Who has received the Sahitya Akademi Award 2010 in Bengali Literature
. category?
1 Sunil Gangopadhaye
2 Bani Basu
3 Mahashweta Devi
4 Nanjil Nandan
Ans: 2
Who has received the Sahitya Akademi Award 2010 in Hindi Literature category?
1 Laxman Dubey
2 Mangat Badal
3 Uday Prakash
4 Nanjil Nandan
Ans: 3
Indian Army's Operation Saiyam (Patience) was related to 83
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 North East
2 Battle against Maoist
3 Kashmir
4 Scrap Ammunition
Ans: 4
Which film got Golden Peacock Award in 41st International Film Festival of India?
1 Moner Manush
2 The Boy
3 Abohoman
4 Paa
Ans: 1
The founder of popular social networking site Facebook is
1 Mark Zuckerberg
2 Steve Jobs
3 Larry Page and Sergey Brin
4 Bill Gates
Ans: 1
Times Magazine's Person of the year 2010 is -
1 Nitish Kumar
2 Barack Obama
3 Wen Jiabao
4 Mark Zuckerberg
Ans: 4
Q Along with which of the following countries India shared Sultan Azlan Shah
. Hockey Cup 2010?
1 South Korea
2 Spain

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Argentina
4 Australia
Ans: 1
India in December 2010 signed Fighter Aircraft
1 United Kingdom
2 France
3 Russia
Ans: 3
Justice Srikrishna Committee recently submitted its report on
1 Kashmir Problem
2 Tax Reformation
3 Sikh Riots case
4 Telangana Issue
Ans: 4
Q "Nomadic Elephant" was the joint military exercise recently held in India between
. India and
1 Sri Lanka
2 Malaysia
3 Indonesia
4 Mongolia
Ans: 4
World's tallest building is
1 Qutub Minner, Delhi
2 Effiel Tower, Paris
3 Burj Khalifa, Dubai
4 Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
Q How many pacts did India sign with China during Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's
. visit to India?
1 Seven Pacts
2 Six Pacts
3 Ten Pacts
4 Nine Pacts
Ans: 2
Satyanand Mishra has been appointed as the new
1 Chief Election Commissioner
2 Chief Information Commissioner
3 Chief of Research and Analytical Wing
4 Director NIA
Ans: 2
Q In 2010 Lech Kaczynski were among the 96 killed in air crash. He was the
. president of
1 Germany
2 Belgium
3 Holland
4 Poland
Q During the French President Nicolas Sarkozy's visit to India in December 2010,
. India signed with France
1 Three Atomic Pacts
2 Four Atomic Pacts
3 Five Atomic Pacts
4 Six Atomic Pacts
Ans: 3
The winner of the Asia Cup football in the year 2010 is

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 China
2 Japan
3 South Korea
4 India
Ans: 2
The FIFA best Football Players of the year 2010 are
1 Lionel Messi and Marta
2 Lionel Messi and Kristino Ronaldo
3 Kaka and Robinho
4 Lionel Messi and Kaka
Ans: 1
The winner of Ranji Trophy 2010
1 Baroda
2 Mumbai
3 Delhi
4 Rajasthan
Ans: 4
India's first Atomic Power Plant is
1 Kota
2 Tarapur
3 Sriharikota
4 Kalapakkam
Ans: 2
The largest state of India (area wise) is
1 Uttar Pradesh
2 Maharastra

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Madhya Pradesh
4 Rajasthan
Ans: 4
Q Narsimham Committee (2nd) constituted in 1997 and which submitted its report on
. April 23,1998 is related to -
1 Banking Reforms
2 Telecom Reforms
3 Legal Reforms
4 Financial reforms
Ans: 1
The Mascot of FIFA 2010 world cup is
1 Zakumi
2 Le Yangyang
3 Stumpy
4 Stylo
Ans: 1
The mascot of 16th Asian game 2010 is -
1 Le Yangyang
2 Shera
3 Stumpy
4 Zakumi
Ans: 1
The CWG (Common Wealth Game) 2010 Mascot is -
1 Zakumi
2 Shera
3 Stumpy
4 Le Yangyang

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 2
The 2011 Cricket World Cup mascot is -
1 Stumpy
2 Stylo
3 Shera
4 Zakumi
Ans: 1
Where is Bangabandhu stadium?
1 Kolkata
2 Dhaka
3 Patna
4 Delhi
Ans: 2
Which one of the following duration is related to XI five year Plan In India?
1 2005-10
2 2006-11
3 2007-12
4 2008-13
Ans: 3
Q Which one of the following states as having the highest Human Development index
. in the year 2001?
1 Assam
2 Kerala
3 Uttar Pradesh
4 Madhya Pradesh
Ans: 2
Q 'Smart Money' is a term used for -

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Internet banking
2 Credit Card
3 Saving Account in the Bank
4 Current Account in the Bank
Ans: 2
The State having highest scheduled caste population in India is-
1 Rajasthan
2 Maharashtra
3 Madhya Pradesh
4 uttar Pradesh
Ans: 4

Q. As per World Statistics 2008' what approximate percentage of world approximate

percentage of world population lives in Asia?
1 61%
2 63%
3 65%
4 66%
Ans: 1
Recently the Bank of Rajasthan has been merged with-
1 H.D.F.C
3 State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
4 State Bank of India
Ans: 2
The new Presient of CII(Confederation of Indian Industry) is-

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Rahul Bajaj
2 M.Dalmia
3 Hari Bhartia
4 Sunil Mittal
Ans: 3
The Cabinet Secretary of India is-
1 G.K.Pillai
2 Chandrashekhar
3 T.Srinivasan
4 Madhukar Gupta
Ans: 2
Q Which state was most affected by the blockade of the highway by the Naga
. Students Union in 2010?
1 Nagaland
2 Manipur
3 Arunachal Pradesh
4 Mizoram
Ans: 2
What is the name of the President of Iran?
1 M.Khominenni
2 E.Moussavi
3 M.Ahmedinejad
4 S.Chisti
Ans: 3
The Chief Minister of Karnataka is-
1 B.S. Yeddiurappa
2 S.M. Krishna

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Deve Gowda
4 Rosiah
Ans: 1
The Prime Minister of UK is-
1 Tony Blair
2 Gordon Brown
3 David Cameron
4 David Miliband
Ans: 3
G-8 Muskoka Initiative is concerned with-
1 Curbing international terrorism
2 Promoting maternal and child health
3 Settling International disputes
4 Reducing greenhouse gases
Ans: 2
Q India has become the largest recipient of the world bank loans during fiscal ending
. June, 2010. The country Which follows India is-
1 South Africa
2 Brazil
3 Mexico
4 Iran
Ans: 3
Q Which train was introduced for tourists with the help of Railway Minister in
. Rajasthan on January 11,2009?
1 Princely Rajasthan on Wheels
2 Royal Rajputana on wheels
3 Great Rajputana on wheels
4 Royal Rajasthan On Wheels

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 4
Q Which automobile company has been allotted 600 Acres land of
. Khuskheda(Bhiwadi) for manufacturing cars?
1 Ford
2 Toyota
3 Honda Cial
4 Volkswagen
Ans: 3
Q Rajasthan State industrial Development and Investment Corporation(RIICO)has
. signed as MoU with a Japanese Company for Establishment of Japanese units in
Neemrana industrial area. that Japanese company is-
1 Jetro
2 Hetro
3 Honda cial
4 Mitsubisi
Ans: 4
Q Which one among the following statement is 'incorrect'? New Industrial and
. investment Policy of Rajasthan 2010 is introduced and it states that-
1 During next five years 51 lakh persons will get employment
2 13 Sectors are more important to be focused
3 Land will be available to industrialists on easy terms
4 Incentive will not be accorded to Private Public Partnership
Ans: 4
Q As per new guidelines issued by SEBI, Companies are required to list shares within
. how many days of the closure of the Initial Public Offers (IPOs)?
1 12 Days
2 15 Days
3 21 Days
4 30 Days
Ans: 1
Youth festival 2011 will be Organized in January 2011 at-
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Goa
2 Udaipur
3 Bhubaneshbar
4 Hyderabad
Ans: 2
Q Which of the following markets are independently regulated by Forward Market
. Commissions?
1 Mutual Funds
2 Commodity Exchanges
3 Stock Market
4 Foreign Exchange Markets
Ans: 2
Q Which of the private telecom operator became the first to introduce 3G Services in
. the Country?
1 Airtel
3 Airtel
4 vodafone
Ans: 2

Q. In its review of Monetary Policy 2010-11 made on November 2, 2010, RBI did not
1 Only CRR
2 Only Bank Rate
3 Both CRR and Bank Rate
4 Repo and Reverse Repo Rate
Ans: 3
Q Which Country Stands at the top in 2010 Human Development Index(HDI)
. rankings of 169 Nations in Human Development Report 2010?
1 Norway

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Australia
3 New Zealand
4 United States
Ans: 1
Q Human Development Report 2010 Classifies India in the 'Medium Human
. Development' category and places at..... rank out of 169 Countries.
1 116
2 117
3 118
4 119
Ans: 4
Q Government has Formed a high level infra Finance committee under the
. chairmanship of-
1 Y.B.Reddy
2 Rakesh Mohan
3 C. Rangrajan
4 Y.K.alagh
Ans: 2

Which of the following organization recently Celebrated the Silver Jubilee Year of its
3 G-20
4 G-8
Ans: 1
With which Country India is Exploring Shale Gas Reserves ?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 France
2 Germany
3 United Kingdom
Ans: 4
Q In which Nation , the Two day summit of Finance Ministers of G-20 nations was
. held in October 2010?
1 India
2 South Korea
3 China
4 Canada
Ans: 2
Which of the following nation is not a part of TAPI Gas Pipeline Project?
1 Tajikistan
2 India
3 Pakistan
4 Turkmenistan
Ans: 1
Newly Inaugurated helpline 'Udyami' is to assist-
1 Micro, Small and Medium enterprise
2 Large Capital industries
3 Only Female entrepreneur
4 Farmers introducing technology in farming
Ans: 1
Q The Goods and Service Tax (GST) Proposed to be Introduced in 2011 covers taxes
. like-
1 Trade/Sales Tax
2 Service Tax

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Service, Excise etc.

4 Excise , service, VAT etc.
Ans: 4
Q Lal Bahadur Shastri Award 2010 for Excellence in Public Administration
. Academia and Management has been given to-
1 Zia Modi
2 Aruna Roy
3 Kapil Sibal
4 Arvind Kezeriwal
Ans: 2
Q Which of the Following State became the first state to Introduced Public Service
. Guarantee Act 2010?
1 Madhya Pradesh
2 Gujarat
3 Bihar
4 Haryana
Ans: 1
On Which day, the first World Statistics Day was Celebrated?
1 October 18, 2010
2 October 19, 2010
3 October 20, 2010
4 October 21, 2010
Ans: 3
Q In Economic times Corporate Excellence Awards 2010, who has been declared
. 'Business Leader of the year'?
1 R.C. Bhargava (Maruti Suzuki)
2 Aditya Puri (HDFC)
3 Mukesh Ambani(RIL)
4 Ratan Tata (Tata Group)

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 2
Q National Green Tribunal(NGT) has been constituted in October 2010. Who has
. been appointed its first chief ?
1 Lokeshewar Singh
2 S.K.Puri
3 Y.S.Dadwal
4 Anil K. pandey
Ans: 1
Q Which of the following animal has been declared as 'National Heritage Animal' in
. October 2010 by the Union Government?
1 Tiger
2 Elephant
3 Lion
4 Camel
Ans: 2
Q Which of the following State registered the highest growth rate in Gross State
. Domestic Product (GSDP)during 2009-10?
1 Goa
2 Maharashtra
3 Chhattisgarh
4 Punjab
Ans: 3
Global Hunger index released by IFPRI in October 2010 Places India at-
1 58th Rank
2 67th Rank
3 69th Rank
4 74th Rank
Ans: 2
Q How many economists shared Nobel Prize in Economics for the Year 2010?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 2
2 3
3 4
4 Only one person got it
Ans: 2
The Newly Introduced Indian Rupee symbol is based on -
1 Roman Script
2 Devnagri Script
3 Both (a)and (B)
4 None of the above
Ans: 3
Which of the following is not a Financial Regulator?
Ans: 3
Q Which of the following direct tax registered negative growth during the first half of
. 2010-2011?
1 Corporate Tax
2 Income Tax
3 Wealth Tax
4 Securities Transaction Tax
Ans: 4
At Present What is the RBI'S share in NABARD equity?
1 99 Percent

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 51 Percent
3 49 Percent
4 1 Percent
Ans: 4
Japanese Grand Prix Champion is
1 Fernando Alonso
2 Sebastian Vettel
3 Felipe Massa
4 Mark Webber
Ans: 2
Shangai Master (Singles title) winner is-
1 Roger Federer
2 Rafael Nadal
3 Andy Murray
4 Robin Soderling
Ans: 3
India this year retained Border Gavasker Trophy after defeating-
1 Australia
2 Kenya
3 New Zealand
4 Pakistan
Ans: 1
In Global Gender Gap Report India has been ranked-
1 50th
2 112th
3 20th

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 90th
Ans: 2
In Global Hunger Index India has been ranked-
1 50th
2 67th
3 25th
4 30th
Ans: 2
Q Which Indian woman has not figured in the Forbes' 100 Most Powerful Women
. List?
1 Indra Nooyi
2 Shikha Sharma
3 Chanda kochhar
4 Savitri Jindal
Ans: 4
'Conversations with Myself' is the book written by-
1 Nelson Mandela
2 Mario Vargas Llosa
3 Prince Charles
4 None of the above
Ans: 1
World AIDS observed on-
1 December 1
2 December 5
3 December 3
4 December 4
Ans: 1
Minorities Rights Day in India is observed on- 101
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 December 15
2 December 18
3 December 25
4 December 30
Ans: 2

Howard Jacobson is the winner of-
1 Nobel Prize for Literature 2010
2 Pulitzer Prize
3 Man Booker Prize for 2010 for fiction
4 None of the above
Ans: 3
Miss World 2010 is-
1 Adriana Vasini
2 Alexandria Mills
3 Emma Wareus
4 Mansavi Mamgai
Ans: 2
The Noble Prize winner for 2010 in medicine is-
1 Liu Xiaobo
2 Mario Vargas Liosa
3 Robert Edwards
4 Akira Suzuki
Ans: 3

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

g won
2010 for
Physics ?
1 Konstantin Novoselov
2 Andrei Geim
3 Both of the above
4 None of the above
Ans: 3
Who Among the following did not bag the Nobel Prize 2010 for Economics?
1 Christopher Pissarides
2 Peter Diamond
3 Dale Mortensen
4 Akira Suzuki
Ans: 4
Q Who is not the winner among the following Nobel Prize 2010 winners for
. Chemistry?
1 Akira Suzuki
2 Ei-ichi Negishi
3 Liu Xiaobo
4 Richard F.Heck
Ans: 3
National Voters' Day Will be observed on-
1 January 20
2 January 25
3 January 10
4 January 5
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 2
Who has been Awarded LG ICC Test PLayer of the year Award For 2010?
1 Gautam Gambhir
2 Virender Sehwag
3 Villiers
4 None of the above
Ans: 2
Under LG ICC Awards for 2010 Sachin Tendulkar was given-
1 Sir Garfield Sobers Cricketer of the year Award
2 LG People's Choice Awarded
3 Both of the above
4 None of the above
Ans: 3
K.Vijay Kumar has been appointed as Director General of-
Ans: 1
FIC which was a news in recent month stands for-
1 Food India Corporation
2 Fast Intermediary Craft
3 First Interceptor Craft
4 None of the above
Ans: 3
Q BJP recently swept local bodies elections in-

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Rajasthan
2 Gujarat
3 Himachal Pradesh
4 None of the above
Ans: 2
The theme of 17th ASEAN Summit was-
1 Towards the ASEAN Community from vision to action
2 Action Oriented Approach of ASEAN Community
3 ASEAN with New Actionable Approach
4 None of the above
Ans: 1
Where was 17th ASEAN Summit held?
1 Hanoi
2 Islamabad
3 Delhi
4 Colombo
Ans: 1

CSC which recently was in news stands for -
1 Convention on Supplementary Compensation
2 Conference on supply of Commandos
3 Committee on Supplementary Competition
4 None of the above
Ans: 1
Q US announced one of the largest weapons sales in its history worth nearly $60
. billion to-

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Kuwait
2 Saudi Arabia
3 Pakistan
4 Afganistan
Ans: 2
Which country recently completed its 20 years of unity?
1 France
2 Germany
3 Belgium
4 Japan
Ans: 2
General Elections were held in October 2010 in-
1 Uzbekistan
2 Kyrgyzstan
3 Kazakhstan
4 South Africa
Ans: 2
BASIC Group does not include?
1 Brazil
2 South Africa
3 India
4 Cambodia
Ans: 4
Q Which country won highest number of gold medals in XIX Commonwealth
. Games?
1 Australia
2 India

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 England
4 Kenya
Ans: 1
India recently signed $1 billion line of Credit Agreement With-
1 Bangladesh
2 Nepal
3 Vietnam
4 Sri Lanka
Ans: 1
Q Indian Prime Minister in October 2010 visited three East Asian Countries . Which
. of the following was not included in his itinerary?
1 Japan
2 Malaysia
3 Vietnam
4 Laos
Ans: 4
India recently signed cultural accord with-
1 Germany
2 Australia
3 Malaysia
4 Indonesia
Ans: 1
India has recently signed Social Security Agreement with-
1 Japan
2 South Korea
3 Germany
4 Italy

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 2
Q As per the draft of Lok Pal Bill recently finalised by the Union Government, the
. Lok Pal Would be a-
1 Four Member Body
2 Three Member Body
3 Five Member Body
4 Six Member Body
Ans: 2
India's medium altitude and long -endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)is-
1 Rustom 1
2 Lakshya
3 Arjun
4 None of the Above
Ans: 1
Q On January 26,2011, the foreign dignitary who will be the chief Guest at Public day
. Parade is-
1 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
2 Naoto Kan
3 Wen Jiabao
4 None Of The above
Ans: 1
Q Indian Navy on October 14,2010 inducted its latest Fast-Attack Craft(FAC) at the
. southern Naval Command in Kochi. The Craft is -
1 INS Tarang
2 INS Kalpeni
3 INS Viraat
4 None of the above
Ans: 2
Q Which of the following Provisions is not incorporated in the judicial Accountability

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

. Bill recently approved by the cabinet?

1 The Bill Will Mandate Judges to declare assets and liabilities
2 Oversight Committee to be headed by a retired chief Justice of India.
3 Public can lodge Complaints against Judges with a national oversight Committee
4 The Bill also requires the judges to have close association with any member of he bar
Ans: 4
Q In October 2010 , India was elected to Security Council as a Non-Permanent
. Member after-
1 10 Years
2 19 Years
3 5 Years
4 8 Years
Ans: 2
Q With which of the following countries has India recently agreed to establish hotline
. between the two countries commerce and industries ministries?
1 Poland
2 Germany
3 England
4 Japan
Ans: 2
Which of the following organizations prepares topographical maps of India?
1 geographical survey of India
2 Survey of India
3 Geological Survey of India
4 Archaeological Survey of India
Ans: 1
The winner of Ranji Trophy Cricket championship held in January 2010 was
1 Uttar Pradesh

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Mumbai
3 Punjab Eleven
4 Delhi Eleven
Ans: 2
Q Who is the foreign Secretary of who accompained the externals Affairs Minister to
. Pakistan in july, 2010?
1 Anil Kakodkar
2 Niruparma Rao
3 Shikha Sharma
4 None of the above
Ans: 2
Q Which of the following states is set to become front runner in driving with supplies
. of BS III petrol and Diesel?
1 Kerala
2 Delhi
3 Karnatka
4 Goa
Ans: 2
Pollutant from motor car exhaust that causes mental disease is
1 NO2
2 SO2
3 Hg
4 Lead
Ans: 4
Q Which one of the following petroleum refinery products has the lowest boiling
. point?
1 Kerosene
2 Diesel
3 Gasoline

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Lubricating oil
Ans: 3
Which one of the following is a medium range surface-to-air missile?
1 Trishul
2 Nag
3 Prithvi
4 Akash
Ans: 4
Which one of the following is the longest National Highway in India?
1 NH2
2 NH7
3 NH8
4 NH31
Ans: 2
DTAA stands for
1 Direct Tariff Avoidance Agreement
2 Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
3 Direct Taxation Avoidance
4 Double Tariff Avoidance Agreement
Ans: 2
Q Which of the following awards is given by UNESCO to those who popularise use of
. science in life?
1 Booker Prize
2 Kalinga Award
3 Kalidas Award
4 Magsaysay Award
Ans: 2
The Stock Market index of London Stock Market is referred to as 111
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Footsie(FTSE)
2 Sensex
4 Bullish
Ans: 1
Centre for
m is located
1 Tamil Nadu
2 Karnataka
3 Andhra Pradesh
4 Kerala
Ans: 1
Q In collaboration with David Hare and Alexander Duff, who among the following
. established Hindu College at Calcutta?
1 Henry Louis Vivian Derozio
2 Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
3 Keshab Chandra Sen
4 Raja Rammohan Roy
Ans: 4
Q Other than Venezuela, which one among the following form South America is a
. member of OPEC?
1 Argentina
2 Brazil
3 Ecuador
4 Bolivia
Ans: 3
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Chevron
2 Nicholas Piramal
3 Pfizer
4 Zydus Cadila
Ans: 1
WiMAX is related to which one of the following?
1 Biotechnology
2 Space Technology
3 Missile Technology
4 Communication Technology
Ans: 4
In the context of Indian wildlife, the flying fox is a
1 Bat
2 Kite
3 Stork
4 Vulture
Ans: 1
Q The three year grant agreement inked between India and the Global Fund to fight
. AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) to support NACO programmes is
pegged at
1 $128.4 million
2 $182.4 million
3 $148.2 million
4 $124.8 million
Ans: 1
Who among the following won the 2010 Nobel Prize for Medicine?
1 Andre Geim

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Richard Heck
3 Akira Suzuki
4 Robert Edwards
Ans: 4
Q Who is the Australia's first woman Prime Minister who was sworn in on
. September 14, 2010.
1 Julia Gillard
2 Dilma Rouseff
3 Nikki Haley
4 Simonetta Sommaruga
Ans: 1
Q Which country became the new chair of the International Atomic Energy Agency
. in September 2010?
1 India
2 Sri Lanka
3 Pakistan
4 China
Q The first village in India, where Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh launched the
. AADHAR project in September 2010, is
1 Rohtak
2 Misamari
3 Nandurbar
4 Tembhli
Ans: 4
The India women boxer recently won her fifth consecutive World title is
1 M. C. Mary Kom
2 Sarita Devi
3 Kalpana Choudhary

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Pinky Jhangra
Ans: 1
Q Who of the following has been included in the 'Hall of Fame' by I.C.C. in March,
. 2010?
1 Sachin Tendulkar
2 Sunil Gavaskar
3 Kapil Dev
4 Anil Kumble
Ans: 3
Q Which one of the following states bagged the 'National Rural Health Mission
. Award' of the Government of India in April, 2010?
1 Uttar Pradesh
2 Orissa
3 Madhya Pradesh
4 Rajasthan
Ans: 4
Q Air Force Exercise Garuda-2010 was held by India jointly with which of the
. following countries?
1 France and Singapore
2 Australia and France
3 Singapore and Australia
4 None of those
Ans: 1
Q A World Expo 2010 as a grand event to showcase the best achievements of human
. civilisation has been opened on May 1, 2010. Where was this expo opened?
1 In Shanghai
2 In Kuala Lumpur
3 In Tokyo
4 In Moscow
Ans: 1
Q Who of the following is the fourth woman Judge appointed in the Supreme Court
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Justice Fatima Beevi

2 Justice Sujata Manohar
3 Justice Gyan Sudha Misra
4 Justice Ruma Pal
Ans: 3
Q Who of the following has been appointed as Chairman of Mumbai Stock Exchange
. in March, 2010?
1 Prof. Rakesh Mohan
2 Prof. Bhagawati
3 S. Ram Dorai
4 Prof. Manoranjan Misra
Ans: 3
Q Russia has agreed recently to construct how many units of nuclear Reactor at
. Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu?
1 02
2 04
3 05
4 06
Ans: 1
Q Presidents of USA and Russia recently signed a historic treaty committing their
. respective country to drastically reduce arms. It was signed on-
1 15 January, 2010
2 18 May, 2009
3 08 April, 2010
4 12 February, 2010
Ans: 3
Q To insulate the country from disruptions in supply of crude oil, India has
. established `India Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd.' It will construct
underground storages at three places. Identify the place which has not been
selected for the purpose.
1 Vishakhapatnam
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Manglore
3 Padur
4 Ankaleshwar
Ans: 4
Q An Offshore Patrol Vessel was inducted into Coast Guard in March 2010. It is
. named-
1 Eagle
2 Vishwast
3 Jatayu
4 Aashwast
Ans: 2
The percentage of nuclear energy in India's total energy generation is-
1 60%
2 27%
3 10%
4 2%
Ans: 4
Q The name of the ICBM developed by India with a strike range of more than 2000
. km is-
1 Prithvi
2 Trishul
3 Akash
4 Agni-II
Ans: 4
Which one of the following organizations in not related to science and technology?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
The fastest computer of the world is-
1 Tianhe-1A (Made by China)
2 J-8
3 Yenha-3
4 T-3A
Ans: 1
Q Which of the following Indians has been forecast to be the richest man in the world
. in 2014 by Forbes magazine?
1 Mukesh Ambani
2 Ratan Tata
3 Anil Ambani
4 Azim Premji
Ans: 1
Sushil Kumar of India recently became the first Indian to grab gold medal in-
1 World Wrestling Championship
2 World Boxing Championship
3 World Swimming Championship
4 None of the above
Ans: 1
Who recently clinched Italian Grand Prix and Singapore Grand Prix?
1 Fernando Alonso
2 Sebastian Vettel
3 Casey Stoner
4 None of the above
Ans: 1
Pankaj Advani has recently bagged National Snooker Title for- 118
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Fourth time
2 Fifth time
3 Third time
4 Second time
Ans: 2

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju


..... is the process finding errors in software code.
1 Compiling
2 Assembling
3 Interpreting
4 Debugging
Ans: 4
If a memory chip is volatile, it will-
1 Explode if exposed to high temperatures
2 Lose its Contents if current is turned off
3 Be used for data storage only
4 None Of These
Ans: 2
The general term 'peripheral equipment' is used for -
1 any device that is attached to a computer system
2 large scale computer systems
3 a program collection
4 other office Equipment not associated with a desktop Computer
Ans: 1
Q ..... is a set of Keywords, s symbols, and a system of rules for constructing
. statements by which humans can communicate the instructions to be executed by a
1 A Computer Program
2 A Programming Language
3 An Assembler

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Syntax
Ans: 2
Q A ...... contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an
. algorithm.
1 Programming Language
2 Programming Structure
3 Syntax
4 Logic chart
Ans: 3
Q Codes consisting or Bars or lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer-
. readable are known as-
1 A bar code
2 An ASCII Code
3 A Magnetic Tape
4 A Light Pen
Ans: 1
Q Which of the following is the storage area whit in the computer itself which Holds
. data only Temporarily as the computer processes instructions?
1 The Hard Disk
2 Main Memory
3 The Control unit
4 Read Only Memory
Ans: 4
A collection of interrelated records is called a-
1 Management Information System
2 Spread Sheet
3 Database
4 Text file
Ans: 3

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Every Component of your computer is either -
1 Software of CPU/RAM
2 Input Devices and Output Devices
3 Application software or System Software
4 None of these
Ans: 2
Data that is copied from an application is stored in the-
1 Driver
2 Clipboard
3 Terminal
4 Prompt
Ans: 2
Which of the following is not an output device?
1 Plotter
2 Printer
3 Monitor
4 Touch Screen
Ans: 4
Q Which of the following Devices have a limitation that we can only read it but can
. not erase and modify it?
1 Tape Drive
2 Hard Disk
3 Compact Disk
4 Floppy Disk
Ans: 4
Q Which device can understand difference between Data and programs?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Input Device
2 Output Device
3 Memory
4 Microprocessor
Ans: 4
Multiprogamming Systems......
1 Are easier to develop than single Programming systems
2 Execute each job Faster
3 Execute more jobs in the same time period
4 None of these
Ans: 3
The simultaneous execution of two or more instructions is called-
1 Sequential Access
2 Reduced Instruction set computing
3 Multiprocessing
4 None of these
Ans: 3
Q Which Device as used as the standard Pointing Device in a Graphical User
. Environment?
1 Keyboard
2 Mouse
3 Joystick
4 None Of These
Ans: 2
Q ...... is a procedure that requires users to enter an identification code and a
. matching password.
1 Paging

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Logging on
3 Time-Sharing
4 Multitasking
Ans: 2
An example of Telecommunication device is a -
1 Keyboard
2 Mouse
3 Printer
4 Modem
Ans: 4

A character of information is represented by a(n)-
1 Byte
2 Bit
3 Field
4 None of these
Ans: 1
The Process of writing out computer instructions is known as-
1 Assembling
2 Compiling
3 Executing
4 Coding
Ans: 1

Q. Memory Unit is one part of-

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Control Unit
2 Central Processing Unit
3 Output Device
4 Input device
Ans: 2
The Central Processing unit contains which of the following as a Component?
1 Memory Regulation Unit
2 Flow control Unit
3 Arithmetic Logic Unit
4 None 0f these
Ans: 3
Data (information) is stored in computers as-
1 Files
2 Directories
3 Floppies
4 Matter
Ans: 1
Which of he following menu types is also called a drop-down menu?
1 Fly-out
2 Cascadng
3 Pop-up
4 Pull-Down
Ans: 4
A modem-
Translates along Signals from a computer into digital Signals that can travel along
conventional telephone lines

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Translates digital Signals from a computer into analog Signals that can travel along
conventional telephone lines
3 Demodulates digital Signals from a computer.
4 None of these
Ans: 4
Personal Computers can be connected together to form a -
1 Server
2 Supercomputer
3 Network
4 Enterprise
Ans: 3
Which type of file is created by Word Processing Programs?
1 Database File
2 Storage File
3 Worksheet File
4 Document File
Ans: 4

Ctrl,shift and alt are called...... keys.
1 Adjustment
2 Function
3 Modifier
4 None of these
Ans: 4
What are .bas, .doc, and .html examples of ?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Extensions
2 Domains
3 Database
4 Protocols
Ans: 1
What characteristics of Read Only memory ROM, makes it useful?
1 ROM information can be easily updated.
2 ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive Data storage.
3 Data in ROM is Nonvolatile, that is , it remains there even without electrical power
4 ROM chips are easily Swapped between different brands of computers
Ans: 3
print in....
1 Landscape
2 Portrait
3 Page Setup
4 Print view
Ans: 2

To access a mainframe or supercomputer ,users often use a-
1 Terminal
2 Node
3 Desktop
4 Handheld
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 1
The.... of software contains list lists of commands and options.
1 Menu bar
2 Title bar
3 Formula bar
4 Tool bar
Ans: 1
Numbers in table columns are usually-
1 Right-aligned
2 Left-aligned
3 justified
4 Centered
Ans: 2
Q A ..... contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used
. commands.
1 Menu Bar
2 Toolbar
3 Window
4 Action Bar
Ans: 2
The.... tells the computer how to use its components.
1 Utility
2 Network
3 Operating System
4 Application Program
Ans: 3
Q What disk is used to cold boot a PC?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Steup disk
2 System disk
3 Diagostic disk
4 Program disk
Ans: 2
The..... manual tells you how to use a software program.
1 Documentation
2 Programming
3 Technical
4 User
Ans: 1
A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document-
1 Anchor
3 Hyperlink
4 Reference
Ans: 3
The first page of a Web site is called the.......
1 Homepage
2 Index
3 java Script
4 Book Mark
Ans: 1
A CD-RW disk-
1 Has a faster access than an internal disk

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Is a form of optical disk, so it can only be written once

3 Holds less data than a floppy disk
4 Can be erased and rewritten
Ans: 4

Compiling creates a(n)-
1 Program Specification
2 Algorithm
3 Executable Program
4 Subroutine
Ans: 3
Q Which of the following is a popular Programming Language for developing
. multimedia Web pages, Websites and web-Based applications?
4 Nine of these
Ans: 2
In Excel,..... contains one or more worksheets.
1 Template
2 Workbook
3 Active cell
4 Label
Ans: 2
Q The Method of file organisation in which data records in a file are arranged in a
. specified order according to a key field is known as the-
1 Direct access method
2 Queuing method

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Predetermined method
4 Sequential method
Ans: 4
A tuple is 1 -
1 Column of a Table
2 Two dimensional Table
3 Row of a Table
4 key of a Table
Ans: 3
The Software that allows users to surf the Internet is called a/an-
1 Search Engine
2 Internet Service Provider (ISP)
3 Multimedia Application
4 Browser
Ans: 1
Q If a new device is attached to a computer,such as a printer or scanner, its....... must
. be installed before the device can be used.
1 Buffer
2 Driver
3 Pager
4 Server
Ans: 2
OCR stands for-
1 Optical Character Recognition
2 Optical CPU Recognition
3 Optimal Character Rendering
4 Other Character Rsrtoration

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 1
A vision statement is .....
1 not required for established companies
2 not required due to competition
3 not required as no one understands them
4 a long term inspiration
Ans: 4
Non-product selling means .....
1 selling variety of products
2 selling only one product
3 selling seasonal products
4 selling services
Ans: 4
Marketing is a function undertaken by ......
1 All DSA's
2 All front-office staff
3 Whole organization
4 All of these
Ans: 4
In Excel, Charts are created using which option?
1 Chart Wizard
2 Pivot Table
3 Pie Chart
4 Bar Chart
Ans: 1
Q You can start Microsoft Word by using ..... button.

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 New
2 Start
3 Program
4 Control Panel
Ans: 3
Bank marketing is same as ......
1 Transaction marketing
2 Service marketing
3 Indoor marketing
4 All of these
Ans: 2
"Conversion" in sales language means ......
1 converting a buyer into a seller
2 converting a seller into a buyer
3 converting a prospect into a client
4 All of these
Ans: 3
"Referrals" means......
1 Leads provided by operation
2 Sales persons
3 Front-office staff
4 Management staff
Ans: 1
Marketing of services is known as .....
1 Transaction marketing

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Door-to-door marketing
3 Relationship marketing
4 Internal marketing
Ans: 3
With a CD you can .....
1 Read
2 Write
3 Read and Write
4 Either Read or Write
Ans: 3
For creating a document, you use ..... command at File Menu.
1 Open
2 Close
3 New
4 Save
Ans: 3
Q When you save to this, your data will remain intact even when the computer is
. turned off .....
2 motherboard
3 secondary storage device
4 primary storage device
Ans: 3
When you turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test .....
1 RAM test
2 disk drive test
3 memory test

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 power-on self-test
Ans: 2
What type of device is a computer printer?
1 Input
2 Output
3 Software
4 memory
Ans: 4
The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is .....
1 multiprogramming
2 multitasking
3 time-sharing
4 multiprocessing
Ans: 4

E-mail addresses separate the user name from the ISP using the .... symbol.
1 &
2 @
3 %
4 *
Ans: 2
In MICR, C stands for .....
1 Code
2 Colour
3 Computer
4 Character

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 4
All the deleted files go to .....
1 Recycle Bin
2 Task Bar
3 Tool Bar
4 My Computer
Ans: 1
Q Various applications and documents are represented on the Windows desktop
. by .....
1 Symbols
2 Labels
3 Graphs
4 Icons
Ans: 4
What is the permanent memory built into your computer called?
Ans: 2
The pattern of printed lines on most products are called ....
1 Prices
3 scanners
4 barcodes
Ans: 4
Q Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called ... keys.

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 modifier
2 Function
3 Alphanumeric
4 adjustment
Ans: 1
Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
1 function
2 space bar
3 arrow
4 control
Ans: 4
Physical components that make up your computer are known as .....
1 Operating Systems
2 Software
3 Hardware
4 Web Browsers
Ans: 3
Computers use the .... number system to store data and perform calculations.
1 binary
2 octal
3 decimal
4 hexadecimal
Ans: 1
To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the ... key.
1 pageup

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 a
3 home
4 enter
Ans: 3
The term PC means
1 Private Computer
2 Personal Computer
3 Professional Computer
4 Personal Calculator
Ans: 2
Q A _________ is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into
. information
1 Computer
2 Processor
3 Case
4 Stylus
Ans: 2
Q A _________ is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into
. information
1 Computer
2 Processor
3 Case
4 Stylus
Ans: 2

_____ is processed by the computer into information
1 Number
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 Data
3 Picture
4 None of these
Ans: 2
What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
1 Txt
2 Wrd
3 Doc
4 none of these
Ans: 3
The background of any Word document -
1 is always white colour
2 is the colour you preset under the Options menu
3 is always the same for the entire document
4 can have any color you choose
Ans: 4
Back up of the data files will help to prevent -
1 loss of confidentiality
2 duplication of data
3 virus infection
4 loss of data
Ans: 4
The _________ of a system includes the programs or instructions
1 Hardware
2 Icon
3 Information

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Software
Ans: 4
What is correcting errors in a program called?
1 Debugging
2 Compiling
3 Interpreting
4 None of these
Ans: 1
A compiler translates a program written in a high level language into
1 Machine Language
2 An algorithm
3 A debugged program
4 None of these
Ans: 1
The primary purpose of software is to turn data into
1 Web sites
2 Information
3 Programs
4 None of these
Ans: 2
The primary purpose of software is to turn data into
1 Websites
2 Information
3 Programs
4 Objects
Ans: 2
CPU stands for - 140
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Computer Processing Unit

2 Central Processing Unit
3 Computer Protection Unit
4 None of these
Ans: 2
IC chips used in computers are usually made of
1 Lead
2 Silicon
3 Chromium
4 Gold
Ans: 2
One kilobyte is equal to
1 1000 bytes
2 1024 bytes
3 100 bytes
4 1023 bytes
Ans: 2
Which of the following is not an example of Operating System?
1 Windows 98
2 BSD Unix
3 Microsoft Office XP
4 Red Hat Linux
Ans: 3
Which supercomputer is developed by the Indian Scientists?
1 Param
2 Super 301

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Compaq Presario
Ans: 1
One Gigabyte is Approximately equal is
1 1000,000 bytes
2 1000,000,000 bytes
3 1000,000,000,000 bytes
4 None of these
Ans: 2
Check the odd term out
1 Internet
2 Linux
3 Unix
4 Windows
Ans: 1
The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are
1 Syntax error
2 Symantic error
3 Logical error
4 Internal error
Ans: 1
What is the control unit's function in the CPU
1 To transfer data to primary storage .
2 TO store program instructions.
3 To perform logic functions.
4 To decode program instructions.

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
What is the best way to have a data and the slide number appear on every slide?
choose Tools, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click
Apply to All
choose Insert, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click
Apply to All
choose View, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click
Apply to All
choose File, Header and Footer, click Slide tab, select the desired options, click Apply
to All
Ans: 2
What do you use to create a chart?
1 Pie Wizard
2 Excel Wizard
3 Data Wizard
4 Chart Wizard
Ans: 4
When we opens an Internet site we see www. What is the full form of www?
1 world wide word
2 world wide web
3 word widing works
4 words wide spiderman web
Ans: 2
Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer?
1 Ctrl + Alt + Del
2 Ctrl + Alt + Tab
3 Ctrl + Shift + Del

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Ctrl + Alt + shift

Ans: 1

Which of the following statements is true?
1 Minicomputer works faster than Microcomputer
2 Microcomputer works faster than Minicomputer
3 Speed of both the computers is the same
The speeds of both these computers cannot be compared with the speed of advanced
Ans: 1
The background of any Word document -
1 is always white colour
2 is the colour you preset under the Options menu
3 is always the same for the entire document
4 can have any colour you choose
Ans: 2
The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the
1 mouse
2 logo
3 hand
4 cursor
Ans: 4
Which function calculates the largest value in a set of numbers in Excel?
1 Average
2 Count
3 Minimum

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Maximum
Ans: 4
To move to the bottom of a document, press -.
1 Auto Summarize
2 Home key
3 Ctrl key + End key
4 End key
Ans: 3
The Word function that corrects text as you type is referred to as -.
1 Auto Summarize
2 Auto Insert
3 Auto Correct
4 Track Changes
Ans: 3
To find and load a file that has been saved -
1 select the Close command
2 select the New command
3 select the Save command
4 select the Open command
Ans: 4
What displays the content of the active cell in Excel?
1 Name box
2 Row Headings
3 Formula bar
4 Taskpane
Ans: 3
In Word you can force a page break -. 145
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 by positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing the F1 key
2 by positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing Ctrl + Enter
3 by using the Insert/Section Break
4 by changing the font size your document
Ans: 2
Which of the following refers to a small, single-site network?
Ans: 1
By default, your documents print in - mode.
1 Landscape
2 Portrait
3 Page Setup
4 print View
Ans: 2
Q How do you prevent emailed word documents from always opening in the Reading
. Layout?
From the Tools Menu > Options > General Tab > uncheck the Allow starting in
Reading Layout'
From the View Menu > Reading Layout > General Tab > uncheck the `Allow staring
in Reading Layout'
From the Format Menu > Autoformat > Edit Tab > uncheck the `Use with emailed
4 All the above
Ans: 1
Q Which of these is a quick way to copy formatting from a selected cell to two other
. cells on the same worksheet?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Use CTRL to select all three cells, then click the Paste Button image button on the
Standard toolbar
Copy the selected cell, then select the other two cells, click Style on the Format menu,
then click Modify
Click Format Painter Button image on the Formatting toolbar twice, then click in each
cell you want to copy the formatting to
Use Alt to select all three cells, then click the Paste Button image button on the
Standard toolbar
Ans: 3
Select the odd one out -
1 Interpreter
2 Operating System
3 Compiler
4 Assembler
Ans: 2
Q Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to
. largest?
1 Character, file, record, field, database
2 Character, record, field, file, database
3 Character, field, record, file, database
4 Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database
Ans: 3
The Assistant is -.
1 an application that allows you to take notes and save them in a file
2 an animated character that provides help and suggestions
3 a button on the standard Toolbar that executes the Print command
4 a collection of frequently misspelled words in a dictionary file
Ans: 2
Q Suppose you have columns of data that span more than one printed page. How can

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

. you automatically print the column headings on each page?

Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and enter the row that contains
these column headings under Print titles
Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Page tab, click the Options button, then
enter your choices
Click Page Preview on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and enter the row that
contains these column headings under Print titles
Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and make a selection under the
Print heading
Ans: 1
How do you print your slides in a handout that includes lines for notes?
1 In the Print dialog box, select Handouts and set the number of slides per page to 3
In the Print dialog box, select Handouts and a number of slices per page, then select
the Include comment pages option
3 In the Print dialog box, select Notes Pages instead of Handouts
4 It cannot be done
Ans: 2
Which of the following describes a relational database?
1 It provides a relationship between integers
2 It consists of separate tables or related data
3 It retrieves data related to its queries
4 It provides a relationship between floats
Ans: 2
What do you press to enter the current date in a cell?
1 CTRL +; (semicolon)
2 CTRL + SHIFT + :(colon)
3 CTRL + F10
4 CTRL + F11

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 1
What happens when you press Ctrl + V key?
1 A Capital V letter is typed into your document at the cursor point
2 The selected item is pasted from the Clipboard
3 The selected item is pasted from the Clipboard
4 The selected drawing objects are distributed vertically on the page
Ans: 2
ATM means
1 Any Time Marketing
2 Any Time Money
3 Any Time Machine
4 Automatic Teller Machine
Ans: 4
CRM means -.
1 Customer Relationship Management
2 Customer Retention Manager
3 Customers' Relatives Meet
4 Channel Route Market
Ans: 1
A presentation means
1 Display of products
2 Explaining the utility of products or plan
3 A gift
4 Display of Communication skils
Ans: 2
Q The term PC means

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 Private Computer
2 Personal Computer
3 Professional Computer
4 Personal Calculator
Ans: 2
Silicon Valley of India is located in
1 Dehradun
2 Bangalore
3 Hyderabad
4 Srinagar
Ans: 2
A term associated with the comparison of processing speed is
Ans: 3
An octal number 237 is equal to the binary number
1 010 011 111
2 010 111 011
3 011 101 101
4 011 000 001
Ans: 3
A dot-matrix printer
1 is an input-output device

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

2 is an output device only

3 is an input device only
4 None of these
Ans: 2

Magnetic disk a medium known as
1 Serial access
2 Direct access
3 Sequential access
4 Sequential and rotational access
Ans: 2
Which of the following is true?
1 Plotters are not available for microcomputer systems
2 Micro-computer are not programmed like conventional computers
3 Mini-computers are task-oriented
4 The contents of ROM are easily changed
Ans: 3
ROM is composed of
1 Magnetic cores
2 Micro-processors
3 Photoelectric cells
4 Floppy disks
Ans: 2
The computer code for interchange of information between terminals is
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Hollerith
Ans: 1
A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU, for I/O operations, is a
1 Channel
2 Buffer
3 Register
4 Core
Ans: 2
A characteristic of the ASCII code is
1 its limitation to a maximum of 96 character configuration
2 its use of the zone codes 1010, 1011 and 1100
3 its independence from Hollerith code
4 All of these
Ans: 3
A decimal equivalent of m second is
1 0.000001 sec
2 1000000 sec
3 0.001 sec
4 1000 sec
Ans: 1
Which one of the following a file?
1 Floppy disk
2 Magnetic drum
3 magnetic tape

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 None of these
Ans: 4
An I/O device which provides photographic outputs for printing galleys, is the
1 Camera printer
2 Automatic typesetter
3 Radix printer
4 All of these
Ans: 4
A term used interchangeably with diskette is
1 Disk cartridge
2 Disk pack
3 Floppy disk
4 Packette disk
Ans: 3
A peripheral device used in a word processing system is
1 Floppy disk
2 Magnetic card reader
4 All of these
Ans: 4
MS-DOS is the name of a/an
1 Application software
2 Hardware
3 System software
4 None of these
Ans: 3
Which of the following floppy sizes exists? 153
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 5.25 inches
2 4.75 inches
3 6 inches
4 8 inches
Ans: 1
A characteristic of card system is
1 slowness in processing data
2 using cards as records of transactions
3 needing a larger data staff
4 All of these
Ans: 4
Q The daily processing of corrections to customer accounts best exemplifies the
. processing mode of
1 batch processing
2 real-time processing
3 time-sharing
4 off-line processing
Ans: 1
Q Which of the following terms could be used to describe the concurrent processing
. of computer programs via CRTs, on one computer system?
1 Time sharing
2 On-line processing
3 Interactive processing
4 All of these
Ans: 4
The retrieval of information from the computer is defined as
1 collection of data
2 data retrieval operations

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 output
4 data output collection
Ans: 3
An advantage of a distributed word processing network is
1 increased number of reports handled
2 less delay in inter-office communications
3 greater corporate control over outputs
4 All of these
Ans: 2
Q The individual within the operations group who ordinarily uses a variety of
. keyboard devices, is the
1 Data Clerk
2 Keypunch Operator
3 Data Entry Clerk
4 Computer Operator
Ans: 3
Which one of the following is not a computer language?
Ans: 3
Which of the following packages is used for composition in printing press?
1 Lotus
2 dBase
3 Page Maker
4 Word Perfect

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
Which one of the following is not a programming language of a computer?
Ans: 3
In computer language, one kilobyte equals
1 1000 bytes
2 1024 bytes
3 100 bytes
4 8 bytes
Ans: 2
'Foxpro' is
1 a medicine
2 a disease
3 a computer language
4 an animal
Ans: 3

The brain of a computer is
2 CD
3 Floppy disc
4 Megabyte
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 1
The most widely used commercial programming computer language is
Ans: 2
Who was the inventor of mechanical calculator for adding numbers?
1 Charles Babbage
2 Peano
3 Newton
4 Pascal
Ans: 4
Q Who wrote the book 'Computer Liberation and Dream Machine', the first book on
. personal computers?
1 John McCarthy
2 Ted Nelson
3 Niklaus Wirth
4 Karl Capek
Ans: 2
Charles Babbage invented
2 Difference engine
3 Electronic computer
4 Punched card
Ans: 2
Q Transistors are associated with which computer system?

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

1 First generation
2 Fifth generation
3 Second generation
4 None of these
Ans: 3
First generation computer systems used
1 Transistors
2 Vacuum tubes
3 Magnetic cores
4 Silicon chips
Ans: 2
Which one of the following is a stored program machine?
1 Micro-processor
2 Calculator
3 Analog-computer
4 Micro-computer
Ans: 4
Computers can be classified in which of the following hierarchical orders?
1 PC, Large, Super Micro, Super Computer
2 Super Micro, PC, Large, Super Computer
3 PC, Super Micro, Large, Super Computer
4 Large, Super Micro, Super Computer, PC
Ans: 3
Q The unit of hardware, which an operator uses to monitor computer processing, is
. the
1 Card Reader

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

3 Line Printer
4 Console
Ans: 4
The computer device primarily used to provide hard copy is the
2 Line Printer
3 Computer Console
4 Card Reader
Ans: 2
Consider the following statements about Internet facility:
1 It serves as the largest one-line information system.
2 It provides the most dependable and latest mode for sending E-mail.
3 Recurring expenditure on communication E-mail is very high.
4 It is often misused and has triggered cyber-crimes.
Ans: 1
Which is/are the main provisions of Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000?
1 Finalisation of contracts through electronic media.
2 Legal recognition to digital signatures and documents.
3 Making hacking with computer system an office.
4 All of the above
Ans: 4
Which of the following circuit is used as a 'Memory device' in computers?
1 Rectifier
2 Flip-Flop
3 Comparator

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

4 Attenuator
Ans: 2
Q The memory of a computer is commonly expressed in terms of Kilobytes or
. Megabytes. A byte is made up of
1 eight decimal digits
2 eight binary digits
3 two binary digits
4 two decimal digits
Ans: 2
For reproducing sound, a CD (Compact Disc) audio player uses a
1 quartz crystal
2 titanium needle
3 laser beam
4 barium titanium ceramic
Ans: 3
Q When a CD (Compact Disc used in audio and Video system) is seen in sunlight,
. rainbow like colours are seen. This can be explained on the basis of phenomenon of
1 reflection and diffraction
2 reflection and transmission
3 diffraction and transmission
4 refraction, diffraction and transmission
Ans: 4
Pickup wrong definition
1 Off line - is a system peripheral equipment not controlled by CPU
2 Online - is system in which peripheral equipment is in direct contact with CPU
3 PL/I is the acronym Peripheral Listing /Index
Program or routine is a set sequence of instructions given to computer for problem

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Ans: 3
A computer programmer
1 enters data into computer
2 writes programs
3 changes flow chart into instructions
4 does total planning and thinking for a computer
Ans: 4

Terminal is a
1 device used to give supply to a computer
2 Point at which data may leave or enter the computer
3 point where wires are interconnected
4 an input/output device
Ans: 2
Errors in computer results could be due to
1 encoding of data
2 transmission of data
3 manipulation of data
4 all of the above
Ans: 4
Register is a
1 Set of capacitors used to register input instructions in a digital computer
2 Set of paper tapes and cards put in a file
3 Temporary storage unit within the CPU having dedicated or general purpose use
4 part of the auxiliary memory
Ans: 3

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

WAN means -
1 Wide Area Network
2 Wine Area Network
3 Woll Area Network
4 Wide Allen Network
Ans: 1
MAN is a -
1 Cost
2 Company
3 Network
4 Country
Ans: 3
Which of the following is the universal gate?
1 NAND-Gate
2 OR-Gate
3 AND-Gate
4 NOT-Gate
Ans: 1
Q The translator program that converts source code in high level language into
. machine code line by line is called -
1 Assembler
2 Compiler
3 Loader
4 Interpreter
Ans: 4

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju

Author’s Name
Book's Name Author's Name
A Gift of Monotheists Ram Mohan Roy
A Minister and his
Morarji Bhai Desai
A Nation is Making Surendra Nath Bandhopadhye
A Pair of Blue Eyes Thomash Hardy
A Passage to India E. M. Foster
A Revenue Stamp
Amrita Pritam
A Strange and Sublime Address Amit Choudhary
A Suitable Boy Bikram Seth
A Tale of Two Cities Charls Dikens
A Voice of Freedom Nayantara Shehgal
A week with Gandhi L. Fischer
Adventures of Sherlock Homes Arther Canon Doel
All the Prime Minister's Men Janardan Thakur
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
Allahabad Prasasti Harisen
Amukta Malyad Krishna Deva Raya
An Unknown Indian Nirod C. Choudhary
Anand Math Bankim Chandra Chattopadhaye
Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy
Aparajito Bibhuti Bhushan Bandopadhyay
Apple Cart G. B. Shaw
Aranyak Bibhuti Bhushan Bandopadhyay
Arogyaniketan Tarashankar Bandopadhyay
Astyadhaye Panini
Bakul Katha Ashapurna Devi
Ban Palashir Padabali Ramapada Chowdhury
Bandit Queen Mala Sen
Bela Obela Kalbela Jibanananda Das
Bengali Zamindar Nilmoni Mukherjee
Bicramanchadev Bilhon
Blind Beauty Boris Pasternak
Buddhacharit Asha Ghosh
Captive Lady Michel Madhusudan Dutta
Causes of the Indian Mutiny Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan
Charitraheen Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Chidambara S. N. Panth
Circle of the Region Amitabha Ghosh
City of Job Charnak Nisith Ranjan Roy
Commedy Errors Shekhspear
Conversations with Myself Nelson Mandela
Coolie Mulkraj Anand
Crisis of India Ronal Segal
Das Capital Karl Marks
Death of President W. Marchent
Decamaren Bocachio
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
Desert Village Oliver Goldsmith
Devdas Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Devi Chaudharani Bankim Chandra Chattopadhaye
Devine Comedi Dante
Divine Life Sivanand
Economic History of India Ramesh Chandra Dutta
End and Means Huxlay
Faust Goethe
Ferary Queen Edmond Spensar
Freedom at Midnight Lapierre & Collins
Friend Not Master Ayub Khan
Book's Name Author's Name
Ganadebata Tarashankar Bandopadhyay
Gathering Strom Churchil
Ghulam Giri Jyotiba Phule
Global Crisis Recession and
Y.B. Reddy
Uneven Recovery
Great Indian and Their Landmark
Manohar and Sarita Prabhakar
Guid R. K. Narayanan
Gurdbaho Bakpatiraj
Hero of Nymph Aurobindo Ghosh
Hind Swaraj M. K. Gandhi
Hindu View of Life S. Radhakrishnan
Historica Herodotus
I follow the Mahatma K. M. Munshi
I Van Ho Walter Scot
Ignited Minds - Unleashing the
DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
power within India
In an Antique Land Amitabh Ghosh
India 2020 - A Vision for the
DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
New Millennium
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
India Divided Rajendra Prashad
India Wins Freedom Abdul Kalam Azad
Indian Epigraphy D. C. Sircar
Indian Village S.C. Dube
Indian war and Independence D. V. Savarkar
Indica Megasthenis
Infinite Jest David Foster Wallace
Inheritance of Loss Kiran Desai
Jalsaghar Tarashankar Bandopadhyay
Jhara Palak Jibanananda Das
Jinnah- India, Partition,
Jaswant Singh
Jungle Book R. Kippling
Kanterbary Tells Geofray Chosar
Kidnapped Stevenson
Kubla Khan Coleridge
Lalit Bihar Ashwa Ghosh
Life Devine Aurobindo Ghosh
Mahabhashya Patanjali
Man and Superman G. B. Shaw
Midnight Children Salman Rushdi
Mitakshara Vijnaneswara
Modernization of Indian
Yogendra Singh
Mother Maxim Gorkay
Mother India Katharin Mayo
Murder in Cathedral Elliot
My Country My Life Lal Krishna Advani
My Experiments With Truth M.K. Gandhi
My Indian Years Lord Hardinge II
My Journey DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
Myth of Independence Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Neel Darpan Dinbandhu Mitra
Netaji Dead or Alive Samar Guha
New Dimensions of India's
A. B. Vajpayee
Foreign Policy
New India Annie Besant
One Night @ the Call Centre Chetan Bhagat
Padma Nadir Majhi Manik Bandopadhyay
Pakhtoon Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Palli Samaj Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Paradise Lost John Milton
Book's Name Author's Name
Parineeta Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Pather Panchali Bibhuti BHushan Bandopadhaye
Poverty & Un-British Rule in
Dadabhai Naoroji
Pratham Pratisruti Ashapurna Devi
Precepts of Jesus Ram Mohan Roy
Principles of Sociology Herbert Spencer
Prison Diary Jay Prakash Narayan
Problems of the East Lord Curzon
Putul Nacher Itikatha Manik Bandopadhyay
Races and Cultures of India D.N. Majumdar
Rajtarangini Kalhan
Ramcharit S. K. Nandi
Rashmirathi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
Saket Mathili Saran Gupta
Satyarth Prakash Swami Dayanand
Shadow Line Amitabh Ghosh
Shadow of Ladakh B. Bhattacharia
Shape of Things To Come H. G. Wells
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
Sitaram Bankim Chandra Chattopadhaye
Social Structure of Values Radha Kamal Mukherjee
Straight from the Heart Kapil Dev
Subarnalata Ashapurna Devi
Tahakak - E - HInd Albiruni
Talisman Walter Scott
The Bandit Queen Mala Sen
The City of Joy Dhominic Lapier
The Discovery of India Jawahar Lal Nehru
The God of Small Things Arundhuti Roy
The Harry Potter Series J. K. Rowling
The Indian Struggle Subash Chandra Bose
The Indian War of Independence V. D. Savarkar
The Judgement Kuldip Nayar
The Masque of Africa V. S. Naipaul
The Miracle of Democracy:
Mr. T. S. Krishnamurthy
India's Amazing Journey
The Nadars of Tamil Nadu D.N. Dhanagre
The Nehrus; Motilal and
B. R. Nanda
The Prince Maciavaly
The Satanic Verse Salman Rushdi
The Science of Bharat Natyam Saroja Vaidyanathan
The Silent Cry Kenjaburo Ue
The Spirit of Islam Syyed Amir Ali
The White Tiger Aravind Adiga
Theory of Relativity Alexander Doma
Three Marketiars Einstein
To all fighters of freedom, Why
J. P. Narayan
Truth, Love and A Little Malice Khushwant Singh
Devalraju Subramanyam Raju
Two Leaves and a Bud Mulkraj Anand
Two Lives Vikram Seth
Unhappy India L. Roy
Urbashi R. D. Dinkar
Utopia Thomas Moor
Vision of the Past Michel Madhusudan Dutta
Volga Se Ganga Rahul Sankritayan
War and Peace Tolstoy
What Congress and Gandhi have
B. R. Ambedkar
done to the untouchables
Wings of Fire DR. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam


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