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Photostory check

o Answer the questions. FOCUS

these - those
1 Where is Tom?
Read and complete.
2 What year is it? What's that? It's a train.
What are these? They are jeans.
3 Ooes the doctor understand the word 'sean'?

4 Who is Claire? Singular Plural

~ this
5 What has Claire 90t for Tom? ••


What are these? What's that? What are those?

Oh, I see, Can Ispeak

with the Queen?

& Show Columbus the new world. CircIe e Write the questions.
the correct option. 1 What are these? ? .....• They're cassettes.
1 Look at that /~birds. 2 ? .....• It's a IV.
2 This / These is a sean. ? ----'l•.
~ They're planes.
3 That / These are history books. 4 ? ----'l•.
~ It's a spaceship.
4 These / This is a picture of you. ? .....• They're COso
5 That / Those are buses. 6 ? ----'l•.
~ They're cinemas.

Q WB Ex. 2, 3 Be4 page 69

Nineteen 19
The body
Vocabulary The body

o Look at the picture and write the missing words.

o ~<.\.Imagine an inhabitant from new
planet Sedna. Describe him/her.
one foot ~ twofeet ~
- l

f} OLook at the picture again. What is o " ' an hair. He/She has
missing? A "Sednian hosn t got y
Use his, ber, their. got ...

1- His arm
2 and 10 - Their legs

e ~)))
Now listen and check. O

20 Twenty
Vocabulary States: hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, OK

ti Tom is tired. )

Lucas is cold.

o (J))) Look at the pictures and write the states. Then listen and check.

1 tired 2 3 4 _ 5 _ 6

FOCUS o Circle the correct option.

Objective pronouns
It's Sunday and Jack's parents are at the club. His
Read and complete.
sister is with 1 they /~ [ock is at home. He
Martin is in hospital. The Spencers are with him.
Charles: Listen to me, Martin. You're not OK but you doesn't feel well (he's got a terrible headache), but
can come home with uso he's not alone, his aunt Julia is with 2 he / him.
Martin: And my parents?
3 She / Her can make some tea for Jack. Then, he
Charles: Don't worry. We can phone them.
can watch TV with 4 she /her. What's on TV? Old
l You you films and old series? Julia loves 5 they /them!
He We
her They
It it
o Complete with the right pronoun.
Complete the rule with before or añer. 1 Dr Williams? Can you see ~ this afternoon?
We use objective pronouns the verbo
2 My eye is red, doctor. Can you look at __ ?
3 Sorry, but these pills are horrible. 1 hate .
4 Peter is cold. Please, give a sweater.
5 Mercedes is in bed. Make some tea for

l've 90t a headache.

Twenty-one 21
Never on Mondays
o g;J))) Copy and complete the speech bubbles (1-8) in the picture with the sentences (a-h)
in the box. Then Iisten and check.

a We are always thirsty. e 1often walk to school.

b 1wash my hair every doy. f 1have a shower every doy.

e 1never do any exercise. I'm always tired. g 1usuolly watch television 011evening.
d 1always wash my hands before 1eat. h 1sometimes eat fruit and vegetables.

1/ a/ways wash my
hands before / eat.

f} Copy and complete the table with the Healthy habits

sentences from Exercise 1. Add more ideas. Unhealthy habits
/ a/ways wash my
hands be(ore / eat. / watch te/evision a/l

22 Twenty-two
ATTENTlON o Rewrite in your notebook the sentences
Frequency adverbs putting the frequency adverb in the
corred place.
alwa s 100%
usually 75% 1 I'm tired. (usually)
often 50% /'m usua/ly tired.
sometimes 25%
never 0% 2 My dad works on Sundays. (sometimes)
3 My cousins watch TV in the evening. (often)
4 My friend exercises at weekends. (usually)
5 My mother's sister is cold. (always)
~ Write six true sentences about yourself.
Use all the frequency adverbs. ~ WB Ex. 1 Se2 page 71


How often do you go to parties?

On Saturdays. / Every Saturday. / Sometimes.

1 1 aways do my homework in my
" 9~ Answer the questionnaire. Then,
ask around and compare results.
c::::4 Example 1_ How often do you wash your hands?
~ 3 o Every day.
~ Have you got healthy habits?
c4 4
1 How often do you wash your hands?
~ a every day b sometimes e never
2 How often do you ha ve a bath / shower?
a every day b on Saturdays e never
3 How often do you wash your socks?
a every day b every Sunday e very often

4 How often do you sleep for eight hours?

a never b every night e at weekends

5 How often do you eat vegetables?

a every day b not often e never
6 How often do you drink water?

a every day b not often e never

1 always go to school with my sister.
7 How often do you eat fish?
1 am always at home in the evening.
a every day b sometimes e never
Complete the rule with before or afler. 8 How often do you drink mil k?
We use frequency adverbs islam/are.
a often b sometimes e never
We use frequency adverbs all other verbs.
9 How often do you do any excercise?
a every morning b at weekends e never

~ WB Ex. 3 Se 4 page 71

Twenty-three 23
Integration 2

Life is not easy.The world is 1

complicated and you are so young.
Parents, school, homework are. .
sometimes problematic. But thlS. 15
an extremely important and active
period for you: you go to a
different school, you make new
friends, have parties, have
opinions, ideals, hopes.
• • • • •• • • • • • • • • •
Physical activity is of great help.
. . d of big transformations.
It s a peno Teen athletes, for example,.
There are enormous usually feel good. They trarn,
transformations in your bodies, .for
d you usually feel tired, eat healthy food and sleep
examp Ie, an 'H l'
between 9 and 12 hours. ey.,
nave headaches, or feel tense or
they say, 'we're not aliens!
depressed. We've got problems tool' Yes,
Sometimes you don't eat or sleep
they're right, but a healthy
well [too much TV? too much
lifestyle surely can help.
junk food?).

o~ Read the text and write T (true) f) ~)))This is an interview for an article about
or F (false). teenagers. Listen and answer the questions.

1 How old is Michael?

He's /3.

1 The world is easy for teenagers. 2 How often do es he go to bed at 11:00 or 12 :OO?

2 School is sometimes a problem. 3 Does he sleep well?

3 Teens never feel depressed. 4 Are headaches a problem for him?
4 Teen athletes sleep well.
5 Sometimes, teen athletes have
~ WB Ex. 1, 2 8: 3 page 72 ~ Round up 1 pages 73-74
got problems.

24 Twenty-four
House chores

~))) Look and listen

What are you l'm washing my

1 doing, Claire? clothes, Tom.


There's no network. It
doesn't work. Oh, but there's
a message from Sue.

And where is the

computer? And
the video?

26 Twenty-six
Photostory check
lB 11I
o Answer the questions. o Write the chores and the objects under
the corresponding heading.
1 Have the Spencers got a television or a
2 Does Tom's cell phone work? What do we do? What do we use?
1 c1ean the house a vacuum c1eaner
3 Is there a message on Tom's cell phone?
3 _
4 _
Vocabulary House chores

fj gJ))) Read. Then listen and number.

o Answer the questions.

1 Does your mother cook every day?
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

2 Can you cook?

3 Can your dad iron?

4 Do you make your bed?

5 How often do you tidy your room?

6 Does your father do the house chores?

~ WB Ex. 2 I!c 3 page 75

iron the clothes

ni" I

washing machine

vacuum cleaner

Twenty-seven 27
He isn't helping -

Present continuous (1)
f} Complete the sentences.

Read and complete. 1 Mum is in the bedroom. She is making

Look at the photostory. In picture 1, the bed.
Claire is washing her clothes. In J
picture 2, Mr Spencer is washing the dishes and Mrs 2 Fede and Lucila are in the living room. They
Spencer is helping him. Tom isn't helping them. In
______ maths.
picture 3, the Spencers aren't working in the house.
They are talking with Tom in the living room. Claire 3 Pia and Mercedes are in their bedroom. They
isn't talking, she's reading a book.
_______ to music.
4 Ignacio is hungry. He a
I am washing my clothes.
He/ __ washing the dishes. hamburger.
__ /You/ are listening to the radio.
They 5 Julia and Sandra are thirsty. They
_______ some water.
I washing my clothes.
He/ __ isn't washing the dishes.
We/ __ / helping.

o 9~ Memory game. Look at the story

on page 26. Close the book and test your
o Look at the picture and complete the memory.
sentences. Use the verbs in the box in
Example ¡In piaute 1, Tom is talking with C/aire and
the correct formo
C/aire is washing her clothes.

• play • listen • read • ea~

• study • clean • use ~
1 Bob isn't studying history.
2 Bob
the blackboard. DD
3 Roger and Nick
4 Kim ______ a sandwich.
5 Meg and Pam
to music.
6 Lucy a computer.
7 Sharon a book.

28 Twenty-eight
Present continuous (2)

Read and complete.

Teacher: Do you remember the classroom
picture on page 28?
Tom: Yeso
Teacher: Is Sharon studying history?
Tom: No, she isn't. She's listening to music.
Teacher: Are Roger and Nick working?
Tom: No, they aren't. They're playing football.
Teacher: What about 80b? Is he cleaning the
Tom: Yes, he is. o Look at the picture on page 28 again and
answer the questions.
Is he/ __ studying? 1 Is Sharon cleaning the blackboard?
Are you / __ / they playing? No, she isn't.
1 listening to music?
2 What is Sharon listening to?
Short answers
Yes, he / she No, he / she 3 Where is Kim going?
Yes,we/_/_ No,_/_/they
4 Are Roger and Nick studying?
Yes, 1 No, r

5 What are Meg and Pam doing?

o gJ))) Listen and complete.

o Write the question. 1 Tom's reading in the living room.
Example I Meg / TV 2 Mumis _
Is Meg watching TV?
3 The children are _

1 Susan / history 4 Kimis _

2 Bob and Roger / music 5 Bobis _

6 Thedogis _
3 The girls / football

4 Stan / on the computer

S Kim / her homework G Write fhe questions in your notebook.

~ WB Ex. 3 page 76
Exampíe I What are you doing?
I'm studying maths.

1 No, I'm not. I don't like jazz.

2 They're drinking water. They're thirsty.
What's Lucy doing? She's playing on the computer.
3 My brother? He's sleeping.
What are the girls doing? They're reading a book.
4 A novel. She loves romantic novels.

Twenty-nine 29
Is there any milk?
Countable and uncountable nouns a/an, some, any, a lot of (revision)

Read and complete.

Today Tom is helping with the housework. Good for him! But ... there are
some problems. For example, there isn't any detergent, there isn't a
washing machine or a vacuum cleaner. Yes, there's an iron, he can iron
the clothes. Then, he can make a cake for tea. Is there any milk? Are there
any eggs? Well, there's some milk, but there aren't any eggs. He can't make
a cake, but there are a lot of biscuits. He can make a nice tea for the family.

Countable nouns Singular Countable nouns Plural Uncountable nouns

Affirmative There is a cake. There are two cakes. There is milk.
There is an orange. There are some oranges. There is water.
There are a lot of
Negative and There isn't a vacuum cleaner. There aren't eggs. There isn't coke.
interrogative There isn't an iron. There aren't books. There isn't sugar.

o O Read the text and write the words in FOCUS

the right column. There is/are (revision)

Read the text again and complete the table.

There is an iron.
uncountoble There some milk.
Countoble _____ some problems.
___ isn't a vacuum cleaner.
There any detergent.
______ any eggs.

___ there an iron? Is any detergent?
___ there any eggs?

Short answers
Yes, is. / No, there _
Yes,there . / No, aren't.
«) Write 2 more nouns in euch column.

& Circle the correct option. e Circle the right option.

1 I'm drinking a /8water. Do you remember Sue, Tom's friend? She lives

2 Have you got some / any cheese? in a house. l(Jfl)/ There's a nice house. There

3 Sue has got any / a lot ofproblems. 2 is / are four rooms: 3 a / an kitchen, 4 a / an
enormous living room, and 5 two / any bedrooms.
4 Do you need an /any iron?
Look at her bedroom. There 6 is / are a big bed,
5 We're doing some / a homework.
and 7 they are / there are 8 some / any posters on
the wall. 9 They are / There are fantastic!

30 Thirty
o ~~ Read the text in Exercise 3 again. " gJ))) Listen and write
F (false).
T (true) or
Which is Sue's bedroom, A or B? Write
about the differences.
Tom is helping with the housework. Claire is at
Example Sue's bedroom is room .In room A home, and she's helping, too. Now the telephone is
there is / are but in room B there ringing.
isn't / aren't
1 Claire is at school. [IJ
2 Paula is at Claire's house. O
3 Claire can help Paula. O
4 Claire's mum is tired. O


Why is Claire helping her mum? Because she's tired.

Why is her mum tired? Because she works a loto

o Match parts A and B and make complete

sentences. There is one extra reason in
part B.

1 Tom is eating
a hamburger
a because he likes

2 Mumand Dad b because they are

are sleeping thirsty.

3 Juan and Fede e beca use it's rainy.

are drinking
d because she has
a headache.
4 Mr Spencer is e beca use he's
eating chocolates
5 Sue is taking an f beca use they are
aspirin tired.

& Go back to Exercise 6 and write

questions with Why ... ?

Example I Why isTom eating a hamburger?

~ WB Ex. 1, 2 Se3 page 77

Thirty-one 31
Integration 3

I can't concentrate!

We are cleaning
the house and you're
not helping or

Vicki is 13 years old.

She goes to high school
and she has an importcnt
test tomorrow. She's not
a very good student;
she watches TV in her
free time and she doesn't
do her homework.

o~ Read the comic and answer the & ~))) Lístento a telephone conversation
between Paul and Phil and circle the correct
1 What does Vicki do in her free time?
1 Phil always / sometimes / never talks with his sister.
2 Is she abad student? 2 Phil's talking with his sister because he loves her /
she's a very good sister / she's makinq a sandwich
3 What is Vicki watching?
for him.

4 Why can't Vicki talk with Mike? 3 Phil's parents are watching TV / doing the house
chores / working at the offlce.
5 Why can't her parents cook dinner for her?
4 Phil is not a good example for Paul because he
helps his parents / he doesn't study / he can't go to
Paul's house.

t) WB Ex. 1, 2 8: 3 page 78

32 Thirty-two
Progress Test A

Vocabulary Grammar and communication

o Find the secret word. €) Match the question to the answer. There
is one extra answer.

l'm in the _ DJ What are those? a Pencils.

1 Opposite of fato fIJ Why is she taking b Every Tuesday.
2 Water, please! I'm ... an aspirin? e Because she's
3 4 He's very ... DJ How often does she got a
study history? headache.

o::J What is she doing? d No, there isn't.

5 A sandwich, please. I'm ...
BJ Is there any food in e A pencil.
6 Alice is my mother. I'm her ...
the fridge? f She's studying.

8 Iohn's hair is not brown, black or grey. It's ... o Complete with there is / there are
(affirmative or negative), some, any.
9 10
-I'm thirsty. Is there 1 water?
-No, 2 , but I've got 3 milk.
-Great! Have you got 4 sandwiches?
-Well, there aren't any sandwiches at home,
1 I
but some biscuits.
2 I 5

-'3 I I I I I I I •
4 I
5 I o Circle the correct option.
6 I I My name is Mercedes. l have got 1long / slim hair and
-7' I

2blond / blue eyes. l 3live / lives with my family in a
--9 r small house. Our grandmother lives with 4 her / uso
10 I I I • We've got two cats. We love 5 they / them. 6 They / Them
are nice. My mother 7 gets up / get up early

o Match the word to the picture. 8 every day / in the aftemoon and makes breakfast. We
9don't / aren't eat a lot. I'm at home now with my
There is one extra picture.
sister. She 10 does / is doing her homework and l am
IIJwash up
helping 11 she / her. Poor sister. She's got a 12 headache
fIJ set the table
DJ make the bed
I've got a new CD by Chayanne. l love 13 he / him. He's
DJ clean the house
great! l can't listen to it now 14 but / because my 15
daughters / parents are listening to their music!

Score Vocabulary •• 40 pts

Grammar •• 60 pts

Total •• 100 pts

Thirty-three 33
Consolidation 1

New technologies tor the house

3 You can have an intelligent

____________ athome 4
1 A famous company is presenting with only a very small
a revolutionary . It 2 There are intelligent _ implemento With this
has got a nice woman's voice, for floors. These machines have intelligent implement you
and knows 90 phrases in English. got infra red sensors and can programme the time
"Put the detergent, close the lid, detectors, and they can clean your _
and relax", the voice says. When any type of floor in the house. starts, the temperature, an
the clothes are in the machine, it Because they come with a remote the cooking time. When tt
senses them and chooses the control, you can set the food is ready, this
correct programme. Amazing! programme, sit in a chair, and ... mechanism interrupts thr
there it goes! cooking process, and you:
• slow cooker • fridge • iron • washing machine • vacuum cleaner food is always warm.

O~ Read these art:i
& Rend the texts again
the correct nUlIlb and cOlllplete with
for the h eJes on new er.
the ten with th . h OUseand cOlllplete
erlg tw d 1 The appliance in artic1e 1
Tbere is one exn- or frolll the box
aword. . 2 Th' - - can speak
e apphance in article .
timer. - has got a
o Now, lIlatch each
correspondin .
artleJe to the 3 The appliance in artic1e
9 plcture. detectors. - has got

4 The appliance in artic1e .,

in the kitchen. - isn t always

5 The appliance in article .

to the Internet. - 1S connected

34 Thirty-four
o iJ))) Listen to the second part of the
interview. What do they talk about?
Tick (11') the topics .


• •• •

_ in your house? The

o ~~ Díscuss men's and women's
responsibilities in your family. Record
4 ls there ~ ---b-ab-1-y-'yes'. is it interactive?
the answers.
Qnswer IS pro . , o' This ts a
l'rn sure the answer IS n .
NOw,. with a screen, similar Example ¡In my (ami/y, my mother always cooks dinner
very speCla~t~computer. Actually, it and my brother sometimes washes up.
tothemom or
. uter. This revo1utionary Men Women
IS a comp TV d radio receiver.
invention has 90t a an receive • cook lunch or dinner
it there's more. You can
Butwal, h
íls ond al so surf t e
Qnd send e-mOl t • wash up /
• clean the house

• iron the clothes

• set the table

8 (1))) This is an interview with Max • other

Brendon. Listen to the first part of the
interview and write T (true) or F (false).

o ~<.\.Look at the number of tallies (!/ /)

He's an expert on comics. T in the table in Exercíse 5 and write a
2 Max is studying the role
Men sometimes cook dinner, but they never iron
of women in British films.
the clothes ...
3 Max doesn't read Mafalda.
4 Jane fetson does the shopping.
S Rosie ís [cne's daughter.
~~.~. ~~~~~I

© )oaqUln, S. Lavado - Quino

Thirty-five 3S
Song 1
%(qve They -I'm goin' crazy
~))) Listen and answer. They say I got a lot of _
Is the singer happy or sad? Got no common sense
(He's) I nobody left to believe
Yeah -yeah yeah yeah
~))) Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Can anybody find __ somebody to love? Somebody
Each moming lIdie a little Can anybody find _
Can barely stand on my _
somebody to love?
(Take a look at yourself)Take a look in the mirror and cry Got no feel I got no rhythm
Lord what you're doing to _
I just keep losing my beat
I have to spend all my years in believing _ I'm I'm alright
But I just can't get no relief Lord I ain't gonna face no defeat
Somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (somebody) I just gotta get out of this prison cell
___ anybody find me somebody to love? One day I'm gonna be free Lord

I work hard (he works hard) of my life Find me somebody to love find me somebody
I till I ache my bones to love (x5)
At the end (at the end of the )
1take __ my hard eamed pay all on my own Somebody (x5)
I get down (down) on my knees (knees) Find me somebody find me
___ 1start to pray (praise the Lord) Can anybody find me so
'Til the tears run down from my eyes Find me somebody to 1
Lord somebody ooh somebody Find me find me find
Can anybody flnd somebody to love? Find me somebody
Somebody to love
Fmd me somebod
Now and then

~))) Look and listen

This street looks different.

I don't understand.

That's impossible!. .. I was born

in 1990! What's happening?

38 Thirty-eight
Photostory check ATTENTlON

o Write T (true) or F (false).

1 was born in October / in 1988.
1 was born on October 24t\ 1988.
1 Tom is confused. D
2 Tom is waiting for Sue. D
3 Sue is talking with Tom. D €) Write complete sentences. Use in or on.
4 Today is [une 25th, 1990. D León Gieco 20/11/1950

J.R.R. Tolkien January

J.K. Rowling 1965

Vanina Oneto 15/6/1973

1988 nineteen eighty-eight
1850 eighteen fifty
2001 two thousand and one 1 León Gieco was born on November 20th, /950.

3 _
was born 4 _
Read and complete.
Tom and Claire are thirteen, but Claire was born in
[une, 1942, and Tom was born in 1990! FOCUS
were born
__ I
in 1990/ in ¡une.
Look at these children. Their
names are Carlos, Franco,
GO Write complete sentences. Use the Cristina, Fernanda and Esther.
dates in the box. There are three extra They are brothers and sisters.
dates. They were born in 1943, on
[uly 15th• Quintuplets!
• 1778 • 1892 • 1911
• 1952 • 1973 • 1989 We / You / 1--=====~bo~r~n~1 on July 15 •

o Complete with was born or were born.

San Martín
1 Steven Spielberg and Brad Pitt were born
on December 18th•

2 Manuel Belgrano in 1770.

3 Borges on August 23rd, 1899.

4 Pablo Picasso and [ohn Lennon _

in October.
5 Emanuel Ginóbili on [uly 28t\
Examp/e I Guillermo Vi/as was born in /952.
~ WB Ex. 1, 2 Se3 page 79
o t(J))) Now listen and check.

Thirty-nine 39
The fifties

The 1950s was a very important decade in the

USA. The country was very rich at that time and the people
were crazy about new technology: TV sets, washing machines,
and very big cars (Cadillacs and Chryslers were very
popular). The television and the washing machine were
inventions of the fifties. The personal computer, the
cellular phone or CD-player were not
inventions of the fifties.

The word 'teenager' was born in this

period, too. Teenagers in the 1950s
were an important group, with their
opinions, music and clothes - just like
today. Jeans and leather jackets were
very popular with boys, but they weren't
popular with girls. The fashion for girls
was skirts and dresses. Teenagers were
crazy about Rock'n Rol!. This music was
born in the 1950s and Elvis Presley was
the 'king'.

o Tick (ti) the inventions of the 50s. Then

f} Complete with was, wasn't, were or weren't.
read the text and check your answers.
1 Spiderman wasn't born in the 50s. He was
born in the 60s, in 1962.
2 Marilyn Monroe is dead. She a famou:
o WASHING MACHINES O JEANS actress from the 50s. She blondo
O CELL PHONES O THE TELEVISION 3 Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo _
from the 50s. They Italian painters
O PERSONAL COMPUTERS O CDs from the 15 century.


N O SKIRTS 4 We very young in the fifties. We
___ born in 1952.
5 My grandparents old in the fifties.
They born in the 30s.

was/were (1)

Read and complete.

Today is Monday. Yesterday was Sunday.
The 1950s was a very important decade in the USA. Today it's April 17th• Ten days ago it was April T".
The people were crazy about new technology. Last month was March.

l/He / __
We / You /
/ It was important.
o Quiz time.
1 Today is Wednesday. Yesterday was Tuesday
2 This is the year 2015. Last year was the year
1 / __ / She / __ was not important.
3 Today is Saturday. Nine days ago it was _
/ You / were popular. 4 Today is Friday. Yesterday was _
S We are in October. Nine months ago it was

~ WB Ex. 1 Be 2 page BO

40 Fortv

This is an interview with Quino, the
creutor of Mafalda, the famous comic
strip character.

Interviewer Do you live in Argentina, Quino?

Quino No, 1live in Milan now. But my
wife and 1were in Argentina last
year, in an exhibition of my
work in Bahía Blanca.
Interviewer That was the exhibition at the
Museum of Contemporary Art.
Quino Ves, it was! Were you there?
Interviewer Ves, 1was. It was last August.
Now, tell us Quino, where were
you born?
Quino 1was born in Mendoza,
Argentina, on [uly 17th•
Interviewer Were your parents born in o Match the questions to the answers.
Mendoza too? There is one extra answer.
Quino No, they weren't. They were 1 Where was Quino a No, they weren't.
immigrants. born?
b No, he was from
Interviewer Where were they from?
2 Was Quino from Mendoza.
Quino From Spain. Córdoba?
e Last year.
lnterviewer Were Mafalda and her friends 3 Where were his
different parts of you, little d They were from
parents from?
'Quinos'? Spain.
4 When were Quino
Quino 1don't know. Maybe they were ... e He was born in
and his wife in Bahía
was / were (2) " Complete the questions about Quino.

Read and complete. 1 When ~ Quino born?

Was he / __ / it from Italy? 2 Quino born in Bahía Blanca?
Were we / __ / they immigrants?
3 his parents born?

Short answers 4 ______ the exhibition?

Ves/ No, I / __ / she / __ was / _
Ves/ No, we / you / __ __ / weren't. o Answer the questions in Exercise 5.

1 He WQS born on July 17th•

Wh- questions Answers
Where was l/he / __ / it In Bahía Blanca. 2
lost year?
When __ we / you / __ born? In [uly, 3 _

4 _

Forty-one 41
An teen from th, 50s
James Dean was a famous film actor in the 1950s. He was born on ?
February 8th 1931, in Indiana, USA. He didn't have any brothers o(
sisters. Girls liked him very mucho Actually, they were crazy 4

about him. He had a lot of fans all over the world.

James Dean was born in Indiana, but he didn't live there

when he was an actor; he lived in New York. He liked
cars, dancing, and writing poems toa.

His life was very short. he

had a fatal accident on
September 30th 1955 in
his Porsche.

Girls and young women had a lot of

photos of James Dean in their bedrooms.
He was really popular with girls.

I have sorne memories of those days. My

mother had a big photograph of him
on her night-table, and my father was
furious! He didn't like James Dean. Actually, he didn't like
his photograph on my mother's night-table.

Do you have photos or posters of actors or singers in your


Simple past (1)

A fflrmative

lived in New York. / in Argentina.

In the 1950s 1/ you / __ / she / we / they a lot of fans. / posters of him.
big corso
didn't live in Indiana.
In the 1950s 1 / you / he / __ / we / they ___ like posters of actors.
didn't cell phones.

o Write T (true) or F (false).

1 [umes Dean was born in the 1930s. [TI 4 All his fans were boys. D
2 He was born in New York. D 5 His accident was not serious. D
3 In 1955, he was 26 years old. D 6 My father was furious beca use
I was a [ames Dean's fan. D
WB Ex. 1, 2 Se 3 page 81

42 Forty-two
f} Complete with like, have or live in the pasto
Use the affirmative or negative formo FOCUS
Simple past (2)
Malena Solda is a young Argentinian actress. She
was born on [une 1 1977. She was a very pretty
Post form of verbs
baby: she 1 had blond hair and very big eyes. go - went eat- _

She loved acting and singing. At school, she ___ -saw ___ -drank
2 a lot of girl friends, but she 3 _ get up -
many boy friends. She was a very good student,
but she 4 sports or maths. She 5 _

her first contract on TV when she was 16 years

old. It was a programme for teenagers. Young
people 6 this programme very much 8 gJ))) Listen to Kathy talking to her
beca use a11the actors were very young and it was grandmother and correct the statements
about their problems. In those days, she 7 _ below.
in the city, she B in a house in the
province of Buenos Aires, with her 1 Kuthy's grandmother dídri't have any
parents and her two brothers. boyfriends when she was a teenager.
'1 9 a big bedroom. Kathy's grandmother had three boyfriends.
It was very smoll,' she
says. She 10 a 2 At weekends, her grandmother went to a disco.
dog,Pandora, butshe 3 On Sundays, they saw one film.
11 a cat.
4 She saw Rebel Without a Cause' eight times.

Now, she doesn't live

with her family any 5 Her grandmother didn't like [omes Dean.
more. She lives in
her flat in the city.

o ~<.\Was yesterday a good day for you?

Write about your day. Use the verbs in
the box.

• went • saw • ate

• drank • had • got up

~Read \\
When my granny was young.
\\ yesterdaf, [hatJ, a, =r Jood
When my grandmother was young, she always dAy. lweH%···
went to the cinema on Tuesdays, beca use ít was
only 0,20 cents and they saw three films. She saw
cowboy films, romantic films and, of course,
[ames Dean's films (the boys dídn't see romantic
films). After the film, she and her friends ate some
pizza and drank some cola. They didn't go to bed
very late because they got up at 7:00 in the

Forty-three 43
Integration 4
Famous People from the 20th Century G ~~ Look at the information about
Argentinian Nobel Prize Luis Federico
Leloir and write a biography.

" I was born in New

York in 1923, but my
parents were Greek. I was
a famous opera singer and
Ilived in Greece for some
years. At first, I had problems
with the American public beca use I didn't
speak English well, and they were very cruel to me.
After some years, everything was fantastic. "

Date of Birth:
Se tember 6th 1906
Place of Birth:
" I was born in New Zealand in
France (Argentinian 2arents)
1919. I was the first man to
reach the top of Everest, on May wife and dau hter
29 ,1953.
My companion and I Characteristics:
very intelligent, honest,
didn't sleep or eat much -especially near
modest, rigorous
the top-, but we drank hot tea with lots of sugar. "
University of Buenos Aires,
School of Medicine
Medieal Doctor and biochemist
" I was born in Atlanta, USA, (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1970)
in 1929. I was a civil rights Likes:
leader. I had a dream: justice technology, nature, animallife,
action films
for everybody: for black
people and for white people. stupidity and arrogance, sports
That was my religion. "

Example I Luis Federico Leloir was born in France.

o~ Read. Then circle the correct answer.

He ...

1 Maria Callas had problems because she didn't

t) ~~ Guess the persono Imagine you are (J
of the famous people in this unit. Your part
sing well / she didn 't speak English well / she asks questions to find out.
was cruel.
Example • Were you English?
2 During the climbing, Edmund Hillary slept a
oYes, I was. / No, I wasn't:
lot / slept very little / didn't sleep.
• Were you born in New York?
3 Martin Luther King was an army / a civil rights
~ WB Ex. 1, 2 8: 3 page 82
/ a band leader.
~ Round up 2 pages 83-84

44 Forty-four
Did you get any cards?

¡J))) Look and listen

Tom is not happy. He's very sad. And

he's lonely too beca use he's not with
his family or with Sue, his girlfriend.
And today's Valentine's Day! But... look!
There is a valentine card on his bed!
From Sue? .. Mmm ...

Impossible to see you.

2 l'rn in the past. Love
you too, Tom

Tom, I sent you the valentine cardo

You looked so sad and lonely.

46 Forty-six
Photostory check
o Read the statements and write T (true) 8 Complete these sentences. Use worried,
anqry, afraid, happy, sad, lonely,
or F (false).

1 10m had a valentine cardo O 1 She saw a terror film yesterday. She was
really afraid
2 10m and Sue can't meet because
she is very tired. O 2 He's beca use he hasn't got

3 Claire had a valentine cardo O friends and doesn't go to parties.

3 lheyare because their

children are doing badly at school.
Vocabulary Feelings 4 I'm watching a wonderful film on IV.
I'm _

happy angry
sad worried
5 We're

beca use our friend is

6 She can't go to the party. She's very

o Look at the pictures and write ___________ with her parents.

o iJ))) Listen and answer the questions.

1 Is Ann happy? No, she isn't.

2 How is she feeling?

3 Can the teacher help Ann?

4 Is the teacher happy with Ann?


How are you feeling today?

Horrible / sud / hoppy

How do you feel at weekends?

a Joy is happy. Super
b _

e _ o Answer these questions.

d _ 1 How are you feeling today? Fine.

e _ 2 How do you feel on Mondays?

3 How do you feel at weekends?

4 How is your classmate feeling today?

5 How is your teacher feeling today?

~ WB Ex. 2, 3 Be 4 page 85

Forty-seven 47

o Read the texts and choose the best title

••••••••••••••••• ..."
for this lesson. 1697
n a group of Englishmen
1 Romantic celebrations

2 Stories from the past

3 The legend and the story

I travelled to America and
established a colony in
the Indians' territory. The
Indians didn't like this

invasion of their territory
•• •• and became their
n many countries, Saint Valentine and • enemies. Life was very
love are synonyms. But is this difficult for the white
association historically correct or is it people, but Pocahontas,
only a legend? St Valentine was a a young Indian princess,
Christian doctor who lived in Rome in the was in favour of peace and did
3,d Century AD (after Christ). In those days, a lot to help the colonies and
the Christian religion was illegal and St stop conflicts. The story
Valentine married Christian couples in says that she was in
secreto The Romans were very angry and love with one of the
put him in prison. Englishmen, [ohn
When he was in prison, he met a young Smith. Disney made
woman -she visited the prisoners, helped • a very romantic ,
them and gave them comfort. Before he film of this story. ~
died -he was executed on February 14th_ ~
he sent a note to her and, at the end of Past simple - Regular verbs
the note, he wrote 'From your Valentine'. I

Read the texts and complete the box.

This was probably
Present Past
the first valentine
live lived
card, or the marrv
beginning of a execute

legend. visit

.~......... heln

• Complete the rule for regular verbs.

Verbs with final -e, add

Verbs with final vowel or consonant,
Verbs with final -y alter a consonant,
change and add

48 Forty-eight

G iJ))) Listen and repeat. o ofComplete this story with the past simple
some of the verbs in Exercíses 2 and 3.

Cindy 1 lived in a small town in the South

- Group 2 Group3_- of England and she 2 to school there.
Group 1 invited- - One day when she was on her way to school
asked -= listened
she saw a boy, Richard. Richard 3 _

in a restaurant near the school. He 4 _

her to his birthday party on 14th February -

Valentine's Day. Cindy liked the boy very
much so she 5 the invitation. The
party at eight o'dock. It was six
8 (J))) Copy and complete the table in

Exercíse 2 with the verbs in the box. o'dock and she didn't have time to go to the
Then listen and check.
shops, but Cindy was a creative girl: she made
a card for him.

.laughed • walked
• celebrated • wanted
• accepted • worked
• decided • remembered
• talked • studied
• lived • happened
• suffered

Past simple - Irregular verbs

Gobock to the texts. Read and complete.

Present Post
become " Complete with the right verbo
give gave Valentine's day was asad day for Mia. She
meet ____ a card to Lucas, her boyfriend.
make Lucas didn't send one to her, but he 2 _

put one to his friend Isabelle in Paris. Lucas

and Isabelle 3 some months ago.
Isabelle 4 on holiday in Córdoba,
and they 5 friends. Maybe Mia
hasn't got a boyfriend any more.
~ WB Ex. 1, 2 Be 3 page 86

Forty-nine 49

o Leonie and her family moved

from London to Dublin two months
a90. She chuts with her school
friends by e-mail. Read this e-mail
from her friend Nat.

Hi leonie!

How's Dublin? Are you having tun? Sorry I didn't write

last weekend, but it was my brother's birthda~r and we

were really busy.

On Saturday, we went to Atton Towers. It was really

good tuno We went on a roller coaster called 'Nemesis

(80 km per hour!). We had lunch in Pizza HuI and then

my brother went on another roller coaster called

'ütüivion', I went to the shops with mum and we bought some souvenirs. We wanted to go

to the 3D cinema, too, but we didn't have time.

ün Sunday, I didn't do anything special, but in the evening Joe and louise came home and

we watched videos. Tom didn't come. That was strange ...

What about your weekend? Did you have tun? What did you do? Where did you go? E-mail

me soon.



Write T (true) or F (false).

1 Leonie is in Dublin. [l]

2 Leonie liked Alton Towers. D
3 Nemesis and Oblivion are

roller coasters. D
Natalie went to the 3D cinema. D
Nat wrote the e-mail. D

50 Fifty
8 o ~N)Listen to the intonation in this

• What did you do last night?

o ~)))NOW listen and repeat.

1 Where did you go last Friday?

2 Who did you go with?

3 When did you go there?

4 What did you have to eat?

o and
~))) Complete the dialogue. Then listen

Lisa: What 1 _d_id

__ you do on Friday?
Susan: 1 went to the cinema with my cousin,
Lisa: What 2 see?
Susan: Planet ofthe Apes.
Lisa: 3 like it?
Pastsimple - Ouestions
Susan: No, 1 didn't. It was rubbish.
Nat is phoning Leonie.
Lisa: And what 4 do on
Read and complete.
Leonie: Did you have fun last weekend?
Susan: 1 went to the funfair in the park.
Nat: Ves, 1 did.
Leonie: Where did you gol Lisa: Really? Who 5 go
Nat: 10 Alton Towers. with?
Leonie: What did you do? Susan: 1 went with Laura and Danny.
Nat: 1 went on the roller coasters. Lisa: 6 have a good
Leonie: Did you go back horne late?
Nat: No, 1 didn't.
Susan: Ves, 7 . Laura won a
Leonie: What time did you arrive horne?
prize in the shooting gallery.
Nat: At seven.
Lisa: Oh, yeah? What B _

Yes/No questions Short answers

Oidyou / we / they Ves, 1 / we / you / __
Susan: A giant inflatable banana!!!
have fun? did.
___ he / she like it? No, he / she _
" ~~ Ask your classmates about last
Wh· questions
What you / __ /
they do? Example I Where did you gol What did you do?
Where he / she gol
~ WB Ex. 1 Se 2 page 87

Fifty-one 5 I

••••••• 4

A. btz -f hisrory


'Chc Vikin~s
Do you know where the word Thursday comes
frorn? It's a combination of two words, 'Thor' and
'day': Thor's day. Thor was the god of thunder in
Scandinavian mythology. Many familiar words in
English originally carne from the Vikings'
language. Why? Who were the Vikings?

'Chc Ori~ins
The Vikings lived in Scandinavia and were expert
navigators; they made excellent and beautiful
ships. One thousand and two hundred years ago,
they sailed from Scandinavia in their long ships
and invaded England. That was the beginning
of the Viking Age.
The children did not go to school. They helped
'Chcir life and everyda.-y their parents at work and learned about history
a.crivirics and religion frorn stories. They became adults at
Some Vikings were pirates. They were very violent
the age of 15 or 16.
and there were terrible battles between the Vikings
and the English. They robbed and killed the local 'Che end
people - people were really afraid of them. The Viking Age finished in England in 1066. In
Other Vikings were not violent. They had a family, the famous battle of Hastings, the Normans
made their houses and worked. The Viking women conquered England and ... that was the end of the
did the housework and helped their husbands. Viking Age.

o~ Read the text and answer the f} ~)))Now listen to another story and
circle the correct option.
1 Who was Thor? He was the god ofthunder.
2 Where did the Vikings live in the
1 This story is about Aztlan € Azt~
2 Tenoch was a king / a leader.
l'h Century?
3 Tenochtitlan was a city / a temple.
3 When did they invade England?
4 In 1350, they became very poor /a big empire.
4 Were ull the Vikings violent?
5 Tenochtitlan is today's Mexico city / Lima.
5 Did the children go to school?
6 When did the Viking Age finish? Why?

52 Fifty-two
Who's the girl in the picture?
GJ))) Look and listen

One day, Tom sees Sue in the street. He

wants to talk to her, but she doesn't want
to talk to him or see him. And then ...

Are you going to see

him tomorrow, doctor?

Sue comes into the room.

She's going to have a party /5 C/aire going to go
for him at the cybercafé. Tom is well now. He's
to the party too?
".¡; at Sue's house talking
with Sue and her mother.

When Tom had the accident, he went back in time
to the 1950s. He met Sue's grandmother and her
friend Claire. Incredible, but ... he can prove it!

/ncredib/e! Do you know the gir/

in the picture, Mrs C/arke? Yes, she was my
rnother's best friend, ...

54 Fifty-four
Photostory check

o Circle the correct answer. e Write true sentences.

Use want to in the
or negative.

1 Where is Sue in photo 1? 1 1/ maths

a At home. b In the street. 1don't wont to study moths.

2 My father / gym
2 What decade is it in photo 1?
a The fifties. b The presento 3 My mother / the house chores

3 What decade is it in photo 4? 4 My friends / cinema

a The fifties. b The present.
5 1/ on the computer
4 Why is Tom in hospital?
Because he ...
a has a headache. b had an accident.
o What do they want to do?
5 Who are the two women in the photo? 1 María: Can 1 drink some cola?
a Sue's grandmother b Sue's mother She wonts to drink some cola.
and a friendo and a friendo 2 Silvia and Ricardo: Can we go out this
3 Alex: Can 1 watch the tennis match?
ATTENTlON 4 Sole: Can 1 play on the computer?
5 Marcos: Can I have a shower now?
In photo 1, Tom wants to talk to Sue, but Sue doesn't
6 Pía and Luces: Can we speak Spanish now?
want to talk to him.

o ~~ Ask your classmates.

~ Complete with the right verb in the
correct formo

1 Alice wants to wotch TV.

2 Charles wants ________ to music.
What do you want to do ...
3 Does Melanie want to the
a this evening?
4 Andrew and Paul want ____ some b tomorrow?
e next weekend?
5 The children don't want

vegetables. d next summer?

6 Why do you want _____ to Australia?
~ WB Ex. 1, 2 8c 3 page 89

Fifty-five S S
Going to future (1)
Read aud complete.
Tom's future: The doctor is going to do some tests next week. Tom is going to be fine. His friends are going to have a
party for him tomorrow. He's not going to see Claire again.

Affirmative and Negative

am going to / am not going to do so me tests next week.
He/ _ _____ / isn't going to have a party tomorrow.
We/ _ / They are / _ see Claire again.

o Match A and B. Then write complete f) ~~ Look at the photo. What are Tom
sentences. There is one extra reason in B. and Susan going to do?

o 0 Example Tom is going to drink some cola. Susan ...

1 Marce!a is going lo
buy some cola.
l a hungry

Sue's rucksack
2 Matías and Sebas are b thirsty

going to take an
aspirin. e cold

3 The children are

going to study maths. d headache

4 1am going to make a

e tired
5 Vero is not going to
f test
go dancing.

1 Marcela is going to buy some cola because

she's thirsty.
2 _

3 ~ ~<.\.Write true sentences about your


4 After school: TV,homework, shower, read.

This weekend: maths, golf, volleyball, video,

5 _
a party.

Example I After school, I am going to watch TV.

56 Fifty-six
Going to future (2)

Read and complete.

Claire is in the pasto Is she going to see Tom again? No, she isn't. Are the Spencers going to be sad? Yes, they are. But
it's good for Tom. You can't live in the past and in the present.

Yes / No questions
Is he z _ going to see Tom? Yes, / she is.
No, he / ísri't.
___ we / they / you going to be happy? Yes, they / we / you _
No, / they / you _

o Make questions and answer them. ATTENTION

V Ves /)( No
1 Tom / film / tomorrow )( What's your teacher going to do?
She's going to play tennis.
Is Tom going to see a {11mtomorrow? No, he isn't.
When is she going to play tennis?
2 Claire / be sad V On Saturday.
3 Torn's parents / TV / Sunday evening )( Where is she going to play?
At the club.
4 the Spencers / radio / Sunday evening V

S the Spencers / buy / washing machine )(

6 we / party / tomorrow V
ti Write the questions.

o ~~ Guess your teacher's plans for the

weekend. You can ask only five questions.

Example 1_ Are you going to cook?

oYes, I amo / No, /'m not.

o Match the questions to the answers.

There is one extra answer.

1 What is Milena a Because she's

Milena: Hi, Agustín. Where are you going?
going to do? tired.
Agustín: To the club.
2 Why is Bea going b After school.
Milena: What are you going to do?
to bed? e The new Brad
Pitt film. Agustín: I'm going to play football.
3 Where's Tom going
to swim? d Because she is
Milena: ---------------?
4 What's Lucy going Agustín: At five.
e At the club. Milena: ---------------?
to see?
Agustín: Matías? No, he isn't.
S When is Agustín f She's going to
write a letter. Milena: ---------------?
going to study?
Agustín: Because he's got a test tomorrow.

Fifty-seven 57
Come and visit me


Oea; Andy,
Hows lífe'
Your ne I~ Argentina? Ar,
Oid you ~efr¡ends? Are you e¡.OU happy with
in the pas~dl my e-mail abo~tg Out a lot?
. ncredible, huh? my eXperience
Well, I'm back .
looking into th ;he present now d'
don't e Iuture H an 1m
Worry! Id' . ey. '. he .
accidentsl 'h ~n t Want to ha" y ... walt ...
, . 1, e Iut ve any
next month' ure is: 'tonight" more
going to h . '. ok? For eXam ,tomorrow'
Sue?). TheaVe ~ pizza With S/Ie, tonight I'm '
and go to n, Were going to m e (remember
a party . eet some e .
But ... what b
to come a. Out you? Whe
the River~~d Vlsit me? Are w: "" you going
Oecembe ? lVerpool match t gOlng to see
r. ogether in

Ok, pal, write to m I

e. Wantto
Ch organise
, au ' ami' ('
go IS m Your visit .
10m Y Spanish

PS. Guess h
t W ate L
asee Arsenal_'. ast Week, Paul
Brilliantl LlVerpool in th A and I Went
. e remier League.

o Answer the questíons.

1 Who is Andy?
He 's Tom 's friend in Argentina.
2 Where's Tom now?
3 What is he going to do tonight?
4 What match are they going to see in
5 What does Tom want to do for Andy?
6 What did Tom and Paul do last week?

f} ~~ Look at the pictures. Ask and

answer questions about Andy's visit to

Example 1_ Are they going to have pizza?

oYes, they are.

~ WB Ex. 1, 2 Se3 page 91

58 Fifty-eight
l1Q;JJJ Rea d

Clail'e's dial'y.

iedabout TOI-H/. He-ir

e Read the first part al Claire's diary and

Wl'ite T (frue), F (faJse) 01' DI( (don't knoW).

1 The party started at 8:00. {§E]

2 Claire wanted to ses Tom. O o~ Write abaut Claire and l es, and
3 Tom didn't go because he wos Worried. O imagine what they are going to do on
Satul'day, nexr week.
4 Amy doesn't know Sue. O
5 Sue liked the book. O Examp/e I cinema,
They're going to see a film. After the
they. ..

o the
Read the rest of the dial'y and answel'

1 Did Claire like the games? a Imagine

~ What happened that Saturday?
You'l'e 1ames and teU youl'
No, she didn't. friends about it.

2 What did they eat at the party? Examp/e I Last Saturday, C/aire, Tom and I went to
3 What did James do? the cinema together. We saw. .. After the
cinema, we...
4 1s Claire going to talk with James tomorrOw?
5 Is Claire going to Watch IV? Why (not)?

Fifty-nine 59

Anne Bonny was born in Ireland Queen Boudica

around 1697. She and her parents sailed Around the year 59, a
across the Atlantic to Charleston, in the south big part of England
of the USA. Her father bought a plantation became a province of
and they lived there. Apparently, she didn't the Roman Empire. At
like her life on the plantation and wanted that moment, the true
adventure. leader of the territory
She was a teenager when she married [umes was Queen Boudica. The
Bonny. He worked at sea and sometimes was Queen wanted to save her people
a pirateo Her father was really angry with her from the Romans, but the Romans did
and didn't want to help her. Anne was very not want to leave the territory and were terribly
angry, too, and she destroyed her father's cruel, especially to her and her daughters.
plantation. She started a violent rebellion. Her army
Anne separated from her husband and destroyed important cities and killed about
became a real pirate, with swords and pistols. 70.000 Romans. The Romans were furious -first,
There are many stories about her aggressive because the rebellion was terrible and second,
personality. beca use their enemy was a woman!
Finally, the Romans killed the rebels and stayed
there for three centuries.

o Complete the faet fHe. Anne, Boudica or

the two ladies?

She was from Ireland.

She lived in England.
She married when she
was a teen.
She was aggressive.
She was brave.

f) ~~ Memory game. Read the

information about the two ladies again.
Close your book. Test your classmates'
Examp/e • She was from /re/and.
o Anne!
• Yes!
8 g;;J))) Listen
and complete the
information card about Mary Ann
Evuns, another unusual woman. o ~. Interview George Hiot.

Example • When were you born?

o 1was bom in 181 9.
• Did you have any brothers or sisters?
Real name
Mary Ann Evans
Place of birth

Year of birth
o ~<.\.Write about Alfonsina Storni,
another special woman.

Did you know that Alfonsina Storni, the

Argentinian writer, was not born in
Argentina? Use the information to write
School about her.

Example I Alfonsina Sto mi was born in...

First job as a writer

Husband's name

C1efoAW U1.ClI~ i,o/Ll'lÁ'

(j C:::l
cc __:V •• , 1."!-<lt'll (V (j) gCtt1'll§oÍ-n~JaQ)Ce<!oj'
JCUT"'{) C-¡';'I. CV11Q/'1Dv..¡,te.cLa~Q/;:ro<Und,
_V o
a,y fl,eJlI ~
fl'\,O/ cy o u- \.lJ al'lt

Sixty-three 63
Song 2

I saw He
SlianOino Here
09 THe

o ~)))Lísten to the song and write Whoah, we 12talked / danced through the night,
T (true) or F (false). And we held each other tight,
And before too long 1 fell in love with 13she / her.
1 The man was at a party. D
Now 1'1114always / never dance with another
2 The girl didn't see the mano D Since 1 saw 15 she / her standing there.
3 The man is happy. D
We11,my heart went "boom",
When 1 crossed that room,
)))Lísten again ond circle the correct 16 But / And 1 held her 17 head / hand in mine ...
option. Then Iisten and sing.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4! Whoah, we 18 talked / danced through the night,

And we held each other tight,
Well, she lwas - were just 17, And before too long 1 fell in love with 19 she / her.

You know what 2 she / 1 mean, Now 1'1120always / never dance with another

And the way she 3 danced / looked was way Since 1 saw 21 she / her standing there.

beyond compare.
So how could 1 dance with another (ooh)
When 1 saw 4she / her standing there.

Well she 5 is looking / looked at 6 me / her,

and 1, 1 could see
That before too long I'd full in love with 7 me / her.
8 She / 1 wouldn't dance with another
When 1 saw 9 she / her standing there.

Well, my heart went "boom",

When 1 crossed that room,
10But / And 1 held her 11 head / hand in mine ...

64 Sixty-four
o Order the words to form questions.
1 your what's name? 4 from where you are?
What's your name?

2 old how are you? 5 do live where you?

3 your where parents are? 6 is number what your telephone?

& Now match these answers to the questions 8 Answer the questions.
in Exercise 1. Write the number of the
question in the box. 1 What's your name?

1 I'm twelve years ald. rn 2 How old are you?

2 It's 63289l. O
3 I'm fram Landan. O
3 Where are you fram?
4 I live at 32, Nelsan Raad. O
5 They are at wark. O
4 Where do you live?
6 My name is Susano O
5 What's your telephone number?

o Look at this card and write about the new


Spielberg Hisnameis _
Age: o
133 Pacifie Street, San Dieg
(619) 136 4557
Telephone number:

Sixty-five 6S
o Complete the table .
. .
gr_y ( Alice ) ( Peter )
wh_te (Diana)

( Bob )

o Look at the pictures and answer the ~ Complete the text with the correct form
questions. of the verbs be and have got.

We are all very different in my family. 1 1~

1 Who is tall with short, blond hair?

Atice tall and slim. 1 2 long, black hair and 1

3 blue eyes. My brothers 4 short

2 Who has got black hair and a beard?
and fat and they 5 short, blond hair.

3 What is the name of the person with a They 6 brown eyes. My mother 7 __

moustache? (not) very tall and she 8 grey hair and

green eyes and my father 9 short and

4 Who has got long, brown hair? fat, and he 10 any hair.

5 Who is short and fat?

6 Who is not very tall?

66 Sixty-six
o Find eight family members ~ .¡. •
(F A T H E R) v
I o QU R K S
U N e z 1 (ather
N T o Z M N S 2

e o u e L I T

L T S o N E E
E X I J D e R
B R o T H E R
e z s M A I K
M o T H E R P

8 Complete thesentences with the correct 8 Complete the sentences with the correct
family member. form of the verb in brackets.

1 My sister's daughter is my __ n_ie_ce _ 1 I live (live) in Berlin.

2 My sister (work) in a hospital.

2 My brother is my father's _
3 The boys (play) football at
3 My andmy aremy weekends.

parents. 4 1 (not like) pizza.

4 My father's sister is my _ 5 Julia (not like) tea.

6 The girls (not go) swimming

5 My aunt's daughter is my _
on Fridays.

6 My mother's brother is my _ 7 you (like)

7 I haven't got a or a _
8 your teacher _
I'm an only child. (explain) new words in class?

9 Peter (live)
with his father?

10 you (speak)

Sixty-seven 67
Integration 1
o Complete the sentences with do, does, don't 8 Make questions.
or doesn't,

Do you like music? 1 live / you / where / do /?

Yes,I _ Where do you Iive?

2 Eva's parents like her new 2 play / you / a musical instrument / do /?


3 Tom live in England now.

3 does / what / Eva / at weekends / do /?
He lives in the USo

4 Mark speak English?

Ves,he _ 4 live / Paul / does / with his brother /?

5 Susy play an instrument?

No, she _ 5 in England n / they / live / do

6 What's the time?

Sorry. 1 know.
6 she / what time / get up / does /?

7 what / play / sports /? / you / do

f} Answer the questions. Write short
8 Mark and Sue / do / music /? / like
1 Do you live in Rome?
No, I don't.

2 Does your teacher speak English?

o Write questions.
1 Do you go to school in the morning?
3 Do you like pizza?

No, I don't go to school in the morning.

4 Do the boys in your class play football? 2

Ves, my teacher is very tallo

5 Does your mother work? 3

No, we don't play tennis on Tuesdays.

6 Do you play the guitar? 4 _

Ves, he likes computer games.

5 _

Ves, I've got blond hair.

6 _

No, they don't like sports.

68 Sixty-eight
o Complete with this, that, these, those.
1 This is 3 ____ arerny
rnyhusband. 4 Who are _
2 isrny people?

son, Peter. They're your wife

and children!

o Complete with this, that, those, these, it, they,

2Is _ 3 Look at the children!
1 Are those No, _ Are your
your No, _
your bags? aren't. friends?
isn't. _ No, _
____ are
is rny schoolbag. aren't.

o Order the words to write sentences.

1 that I brother/ is I your?
o Match the questions to the answers.
There is one extra answer.
Is that your brother?
1 What are these? a It's an apple.
2 Alíce's/ those I are I parents?
2 Who are those b Ves, he is.
e No, they aren't.
3 in I Fernando's I that I lives I brother I house
3 Is that tall rnan
d They are rnaps
your father? for school.
4 you I in/ do I live I house I this?
4 Is that sweater
e They are rny
black or brown?
sister's friends.
5 is I what I this?
5 Are these rny
f It's black.
s No, she isn't.
6 are I cassettes/ Ariel's I those?
6 What's that?

Sixty-nine 69
o Order the letters to find parís of the body.

1 mar __ Q_rm
__ 4arhi _ 7omthu _ 10dahe _
2ofot _ Ssneo _ 8dhna _
3egl _ 6eey _ 9rae _

8 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

• temperature • headache • cold • hot

• thirsty • hurts ·kHft~t;' • tired

8 Complete this letter with me, you, him, her,

it, us or them,
1 A sandwich? Yes, please! I'm very

2 Can I have an aspirin? I've got a

3 Bílly's got a thermometer. He's got a

4 She can't walk. Her leg _

S Brrr ... 1 Shut that window, please. I'm

6 Can I have a glass of water? I'm very

7 Can you open the windows? I'm very

8 I can't play tennis today. I'rn very

70 Seventy
o Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in 8 Write complete questions using How
the box. often ••• and a verb from the box.

• go • wash • do • do • clean • watER

• brush • have • eat • drink • eat • brush • walk

1 1 wa/k to school. 1 you / TV?

How often do you watch TV?
2 1 a shower every day.
2 she / teeth?
3 1 my teeth after dinner.

4 1 a lot of vegetables.
3 they / salad?
5 1 my hair every morning.

6 1 to the gym on Saturdays.

4 David / exercise?
7 1 orange juice.

8 1 my exercises in the gym. 5 you / shoes?

6 Zack and Mel / to school?

G Order the words to write sentences.

1 usually / she / washes / hair / her o Ask questions with when, what time, how
She usually washes her hair. often.

2 go / gym / they / morning / every / to / the 1 How often do you do your homework?

1 do my homework every day.

3 watch / 1/ TV / day / every 2 _

She visits him on Fridays.

4 do es / he / never / exercise 3 _

They have breakfast at 7.

5 have / they / often / shower / a / in the 4 _
morning We usually go to the cinema on Wednesdays.

5 _
6 are / we / tired / always He speaks English every day.

We've got gym on Tuesdays.

TV? Never!

Seventy-one 71
Integration 2

o Answer the questions. 8 Write five sentences with the information

in the box. Use: always, usually, sometimes,
1 How often do you have a shower? nevero
/ have a shower every day.

2 How often do you eat fruit? vegetables yoghurt cereals

My friends '[unk food' hamburgers hot dogs

3 How often do you do exercise? My father fruit juice milk cola

My mother sleep well eat well exerdse

4 How often are you hungry?

1 / never eat vegetab/es.

5 How often do you do your homework? 2 _

3 _

6 How often are you at home in the morning? 4 _

5 _

& Rewrite the sentences with the frequency expressions in the corred position.
Then, tick (11') the healthy habits.

Julia is a/ways at home for dinner.

1 Julia is at home for dinner. (always) ~

2 Peter is at the club on Tuesdays. (never) D

3 Julia eats fruit. (often) D
4 Peter eats fruit. (never) D
5 Julia has a shower. (every day) D
6 Peter has a shower. (on Mondays) D
7 Julia does exercise in the morning. (usually) D
8 Peter do es exercise. (never) D

72 Seventy-two
Round up 1
o Match the question word with the answer. o Read the descriptions and draw simple
pictures of the people.
1 What a grey
1 A girl with long hair.
2 When b in London
2 Aman with a moustache and short hair.
3 Who e It's a car 3 A woman with long hair and big eyes.

4 Whatcolour d at4 4 A short boy with short hair.

S A slim girl with short hair.

S Where e Tony
6 A fat man with a beard.
6 Whattime f on Tuesday

Now complete the questions with one of
the question words.

1 Where do you live?

In NewYork.
11 11
2 ____ 's your favourite colour?
It's blue.
3 ____ do you have breakfast?
At 7:00.

4 ____ 's your boyfriend?


S ____ do es she like?


6 's yourmum?
She's at home.
o Complete the sentences with one of these
7 do they play football?
• parents • douqhter s son· nephew • niece
On Saturday mornings.
• Hnele • aunt • cousin • grandson

1 My father's brother is my unc/e

o Complete the names of the family
members. 2 My uncle's daughter is my

7 w f 3 My sister's son is my

4 My father's sister is my

3 u 9 hu a d S My daughter's brother is my

4n h w 6 My daughter's son is my

5 e s n 11a t 7 My sister's daughter is my

8 My father and mother are my

9 My son's sister is my

Seventy-three 73
Round up 1
" Complete witb this, that, these or those.
4 are
1 That is my 3 is
my friends.
friend Tom. 2 are my family.


o Find eight I state' words -+ .J, .

o Choose tbe right option.
This is a letter from my friend Mónica from
P I E O K P A S E Brazil. 1 ccnt read 1 her /CIDverywell.
2 She / It is in Portuguese! 3 She / Her lives in
I J D K O A L M P Florianopolis with her mother. 1 write to
H Z A X N I e v E 4 she / her in English and she writes to 5 l/me
O T e B E N O M R in Portuguese. 6 l/Me live with my family in
T I H O L I L I A Buenos Aires. Mónica and her mother visit
T R E K Y N D T T we / us every year and we / us visit
"--' 7 8

H E R E A D W Q u 9 they / them every January. My brother lives

E D A S e H D F R in Brazil too, but 10 he / him lives in Rio. We
e H u N G R Y L E phone 11 he / him every week.

o Write a word from tbe box on the

picture. 1 hair

2 _
o O Write tbe words in tbe coreect order.
3 _ 1 plays / he / usually / football
He usually plays football.

2 cinema / often / go / they / the / to

7 _
3 homework / she / her / never / do es

4 never / coffee / 1 / drink

5 teeth / she / brushes / every day / her

6 swimming / go / we / every week

9 _ • crm s nose 7 have / holidays / you / every year
• leg • eye
8 cycling / David / every morning / goes
• feet > hand
• ear a..fta.H:
Q Now usk questions to tbese answers.
• mouth
1o _
• head 1 How often does he play football?

74 Seventy-four
Round up 1
" Complete with this, that, these or those.
4 are
1 That is my 3 is
my friends.
friend Tom. 2 are myfamily.


o Find eight 'state' words ~ .J.. . o Choose the right option.

This is a letter from my friend Mónica from
Brazil. 1 can 't read 1 her /(ff)very well.
2 She / It is in Portuguese! 3 She / Her lives in
Florianopolis with her mother. 1 write to
H Z A X N I e v E
4 she / her in English and she writes to 5 l/me
O T e B E N o M R
in Portuguese. 6 l/Me live with my family in
T I H O L I L I A Buenos Aires. Mónica and her mother visit
T R E K Y N D T T 11 7 we / us every year and 8 we / us visit
H E R E A D W Q u 9 they / them every January. My brother lives
E D A S e H D F R in Brnzil too, but 10 he / him lives in Rio. We
e H u N G R Y L E phone 11 he / him every week.

& Write a word from the box on the

picture. 1 hair

2 _
o O Write the words in the correct order.
3 -~ 1 plays / he / usually / football
He usually plays football.

2 cinema / often / go / they / the / to

7 _
3 homework / she / her / never / do es

4 never / coffee / 1 / drink

5 teeth / she / brushes / every day / her

6 swimming / go / we / every week

9 _ • arm • nos e 7 have / holidays / you / every year
• leg • eye
B cycling / David / every morning / goes
• feet s hand
• mouth
o Now ask questions to these answers.
10 _
• head 1 How often does he play football?

74 Seventy-four
o Read the c1ues and answer the anagrams.
1 We use it after breakfast, lunch and dinner. DSHWAERSHI

2 We use it to wash the clothes. SHWIGNA NCHAIEM

3 We clean the house with it. CUMUVA LENAERC

4 We iron the clothes with it. RINO

5 We use it for cooking. OKCORE

G Write the names of the house chores under each picture.

1 vacuum the house 2 3

4 _ 5 _

6 _ 7 8 _

8 Order the words to make sentences.

How often do es your mother cook dinner?
1 do es cook mother dinner how your often?

2 table 1 set the usually

3 father chores sometimes does house do your the?

4 irons sister clothes my never her

5 make our never beds we

6 do always the up we washing

Seventy-five 75

o Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 Adrian is wearing a to the radio.

2 He is cooking b a comic.

3 He is doing e a sweater.

4 Julia is listening d on the phone.

5 We are reading e the blackboard.

6 The boys are playing f dinner.

7 The teacher is cleaning g football.

8 I am talking h the washing up.

G Write sentences in the present continuous tense.

1 I (K read) a comic. I (./ read) a book. I'm not reading a comic. I'm reading a book.

2 My brother (./ play) the guitar. He (K do) his homework.

3 They (./ study). They (K use) the computer.

4 he (talk) on the phone?

5 they (make) the bed?

6 you (study)?

8 Write the questions.

1 Is your father having a shower ? No, he isn't having a shower. He's cooking.

2 -----------------------------------? No, they aren't playing football. They're

watching television.

3 -----------------------------------? My sister? She's studying.

4 -----------------------------------? I'm reading a comic.

5 -----------------------------------? Yes, we are playing backgammon.

76 Seventy-six
o Match the two parís of the sentences,
1 There's a any radios in the room?

2 There are b a jacket on the fioor?

3 There aren't e a computer on the desk.

4 Is there d any books on the table.

5 Are there e two chairs in the living room.

8 Look at the fridge and at the cupboard and complete the sentences with
there is/isn't, there are/aren't and alan, some, any, a lot of.

's some salad. water.

isn't any milk. packets of tea.

yoghurt. biscuits.

eggs. bottles of cola.

apple. coffee .

• Look at the picture again. Write questions and answer them:

1 packet of / in / there / cupboard / coffee / is / the / a 3 any / there / cola / of / are / bottles
Is there a packet of coffee in the cupboard?
No, there isn't.

2 there / cheese / in / any / fridge / the / is 4 sweets/ in / there / any / are / cupboard / the

-----------------------------------? -----------------------------------?

Seventy-seven 77
I ntegration 3
o Complete the table. Who does the housework in your home?

Me Mydad My sister

never sometimes

-: (":;l, ~,>-:,,~l-': •..

:~~. "'d:¡'.:;~

tt Look at the table and complete the sentences.

1 I never do the washing up.

2 My mum _

3 Mydad _

4 Mybrother _

5 Mysister _

6 1 _

8 Complete these sentences.

1 Why is she wearing a jacket? Beca use it's very cold.

2 __________________ history? Because they've got a test tomorrow.

3 __________________ the house chores? Because my mum has a headache.

4 __________________ a cake? Because it's my birthday.

78 Seventy-eight
o Write the following dates in words.

1 21/6/1985 4 2/12/1999
It's the twenty-f¡rst of June, nineteen eighty-f¡ve.

2 5/5/1955 5 31/3/2006

3 16/7/1992 6 27/2/1885

8 Complete the sentences with in or on.

1 1 was born __ in__ July. 5 'D Oay' was 1944.

2 Christmas Oay is 25th Oecember. 6 'D Oay' was 6th [une.

3 New Year's Oay is I" [anuury. 7 Spring day is September.

4 My parents were born 1967. 8 Labour day is 1st May.

8 Write sentences.

Emanuel Ginóbili, 28/7/1977. Quino, 1932. Fito Páez, 13/3/1963.

Malena Solda, 1977. Soledad Gorda, 12/6/1981. Iván Rutkauskas, 1989.

1 Emanuel Ginóbili was born on the 4 _

twenty-eighth of July, nineteen seventy seven.

2 5

3 6 _
o Complete the sentences with was or were.

1 Helen and Mel were at 3 Mydog in the 5 Myaunt in Paris

school yesterday. park yesterday. last year.

2 I at home last 4 The children at 6 The boys in the

Saturday. the swimming pool yesterday gym last Monday.

& Complete with the post simple of be. 8 Complete the conversotion with the post
Then rewrite the sentences in the of be (offirmotive or negotive).
A: Where 1 _w_e_re_ you last night? 2 _
1 was at the cinema last night.
you out?
I wasn't at the cinema last night.
B: No, 13 14 at home. There
2 We at the sports centre yesterday.
5 a brilliant film on IV.

k 6 it a science fiction film?

3 Mark bom in 1988.
B: No, it 7 o It 8 a historical film.

It 9 about the story of Christopher

4 My friends at schoollast Monday.
Columbus and the discovery of America.

A: What film 10 it?

5 I in Mar del Plata last weekend.
B: '1492'

k 11 it good?

B: Yeah, it 12 o It 13 really

interesting and some of the actors 14 _


A: Who 15 they?

B: Well, Gerard Depardieu 16 _

Columbus and Sigoumey Weaver 17 _

Queen Isabel. The music 18 good too.

A: 19 your parents with you?

B: No, they 20 o They 21 _

ata party.

80 Eighty
o Write the post simple of these verbs.
o Write the post simple of these verbs.
1 be was - were 3 have
1 see saw
2 like 4 live
2 go

3 eat

o Complete the sentences 4 drink

1 I live in Mendoza now, but ten years ago I 5 getup

__ I_iv_ed__ in Canada with my family.

2 When my father was a teenager, he

_____ volleyball, but now he likes o Use the post of the verbs in Exercise 4
ond complete the texto

3 Lastyear, we a Renault 12, but

now we have a Chevrolet 1988.

4 I a car fan when I was in

primary school, but now I'm a motorbike fan.

e Complete the text with the verbs in the

post tense, negotive ond offirmotive

When I 1 was (be) seven, my family and I

2 (live) in Italy, but we 3 _

(not/live) in Rome. We 4 (live) in a city Last Saturday, I 1 went out with my friends.

near Rome. My mum 5 (not/be) very We 2 to the cinema and, we 3 _

happy because she 6 (not/speok)

a horrible film. After the cinema, we hod a
Italian. Then, my dad 7 (have) a new
birthdoy porty. It wos greot! We 4 a lot
job in San Pablo. He 8 (not/líke) it, but
of cake and sandwiches, ond we 5 cola
the solory 9 (be) very good. We
ond juice. We 6 back home ot 12, ond
10 (live) in San Pablo for 2 yeors, but we
I7 to bed ot 1:30. And thot's it! Thot wos
11 (not/be) happy. First, becouse my dad
my Soturdoy.
12 (not/like) his job; second, my mum

13 (not/hove) any friends, ond third, I

14 (not/like) the school. We live in

London now. It's greot, but we don't like the

Eighty-one 81
Integration 4
o Write true sentences about your activities.

/ went out /ast night. / / didn't go out /ast night.

1 (go out/ last night)

2 (see a film/last Sunday)

3 (have lunch at home/ yesterday)

4 (go to a tennis match/ last Tuesday)

S (eat pasta/ three days ago)

6 (sleep well/ last night)

f} Read the information and write a biography in your notebook.

Name: Brad Nolan

Date of Birth: April d", 1910
Family: five brothers, no sisters
High School: in Seattle
University: no
Marriages: three (3 wives)
Profession: actor (very popular/ a lot of fans)
Fortune: 50 million dollars
Houses: house in Malibu, villa in Spain,
castle in Scotland
Cars: three Porsches and one Ferrari
Drinks: always champagne
Food: always in restaurants
Likes: cars, parties, popularity
Dislikes: dogs, sports, classical music
Date of death: April s-, 1987

His name was Brad No/an. He was ...

8 What do you know about your grandparents or aunts and undes?

Write about one of them.

My uncle / grandfather / aunt Ana / was born in... He/She ...

82 Eighty-two
Round up 2
o Complete the sentences. Use the words below. Then, match each sentence to a picture.

• washing up • washing
• iroBiB§ • cleaning • making
• cooking • doing

1 Peter is ironing his trousers. III

2 The girls are their homework. D
3 My father is doing the D
4 Julia is chicken for dinner. D
5 lam myroom. D
6 Mymumis the bed. D
7 The boys are the clothes. D

fj [oín the sentences with because. There is one extra sentence.

1 I didri't have breakfast a he doesn't like it.

2 I'm going to the supermarket b I had a temperature.

3 He doesn't drink coffee e we didn't sleep well.

4 They aren't watching TV d there ísn't any food.

5 l saw the doctor e l dídn't have time.

f they don't like the programmes.

8 Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Use the present continuous tense.

• eat • listen • play • swim • watch • drink • write • brush

1 The children are playing football. 5 Tina somewater.

2 I a letter. 6 They pizza.

3 Mike in the river. 7 [umie his teeth.

4 We television. 8 lan toa en.

Eighty-three 83
Round up 2
o Read the answers and complete tbe questions. o Imagine today is Tuesday, April26th,
2005. Wbat time expressions can be used
1 Why / eat / pizza? Because I'm hungry. to refer to tbese dates?
Why are you eating pizza?
1 April 22nd four days ago
2 Where / gol He's going to the cinema.
2 March 2005 _

3 2004 _
3 drink / tea? No, she's drinking coffee.
4 February 2005 _

5 ApriI24 lli _
4 cheese / fridge? No, there ísn't any.
6 1999 _

5 Where / play / golf? They're playing at the club. 7 Tuesday, April LZ" _

8 Saturday/Sunday, April zs- / 24 th

6 Why / in bed? Because he's got a cold.

7 vegetables / kitchen? Yes, there are a loto o Complete the conversation witb the
correct form of the verbs.

A: A: Hi! 1 Were (be) you on holiday last

" Wbat does Andy do? Look at tbe pictures month?
and write sentences. Use words from tbe
B: Yes, 12 (go) to the south.
A: Alone?

• cook • wash the car B: No, 13 (go) with some friends.

• make the beds • do the washing up We 4 (live) on a camping site.
• iron the clothes We 5 (have) a great time.

A: 6 (be) the weather good?

B: It 7 excellent. It 8 (not/roín)

and it 9 (be) always sunny.

A: What about the food?

B: Well, that 10 (not/be) very good. We

11 (not/eut) very well. We 12 _

(eat) biscuits, hamburgers, and ... a lot of

junk food. And we 13 (drink)
horrible coffee. Really, we 14 _
1 He does the washing up.
(not/cook) very often. And sometírnes, we
2 _ 15 (have) a headache. But that's OK.
3 _ We 16 (be) very happy. Lísten,
17 (you/qo) to school now? Because
4 _
we can go together.
5 _
A: Cool! Let's walk to school together.

84 Eighty-four
o Find six words related with feelings ~ ,¡. • o Complete the text with the verbs in the box.
• was (x3) • were (x3) • v¡asft't • saw
e o W E A T E
• ate • didn't feel • didn't go
e (s A D) F L R • drank • didn't play • didn't sleep

H A N G R o U • didn't have • had (x2) • liked

Last Saturday, I 1 __ w_as_n_'t
__ happy. 1 2 _
W o R R E D
a temperature and 13 to play
basketball with my friends. 1 4 _
N H A P P y N
really bored at home. But surprise! At 4 o'dock

in the afternoon, all my friends from school

& Order the words and write the sentences
or questions. 5 at home.

They 6 basketball because they

1 ate / lot / chocolate / of / a / we
We ate a lot of chocolate. 7 worried about me. We

8 two films at home, and we

2 you / feeling / how / today late /?
9 them. 1 10 bad

any more. We 11 some bread and

3 didn't / television / yesterday / he / watch
butter, and 12 hot chocolate. It

13 great but my parents

4 do / on / feel / Mondays / how / you /?
14 worried. At night, I 15 _

well because my headache 16 _

5 very / she / yesterday / bored / was
terrible, but 1 17 a temperature!

8 Match the problem with the reason.

1 I'm tired a because there is a problem at home.

2 I don't feel happy today b because 1don't eat well.

3 Billy is bored e beca use they never like my music.

4 My sister is sad d because his TV doesn't work.

5 I'm angry with my friends e because her best friend went to live in Chile.

6 My parents are worried f beca use yesterday 1went to bed very late.

Eighty-five 85
o Write the past simple of these verbs. 8 What is the past of the verbs in the box?
Write them in the correct column.

1 like Iiked
• start • study • become
2 work • invite • give
• do
3 play • read • accept • play
• take • walk • write
4 celebrate

S invite
Irregular past Regular past
6 listen

7 give 1 took

8 walk
9 dance
10 finish

11 make 4

12 go
13 write
14 start

o Now use the past of the verbs in Exercise 1 to complete the texto

Last weekend my friend Julia 1 celebrated her 19 the food very much too. It was
birthday. She was fourteen years old. She excellent. Julia's mother 10 a lot. She
2 all her friends and family. It was 11 a cake and a lot of good things. She
fantastic. My sister and J3 Julia a CO, was very tired, but happy. Finally, the party
and all her friends 4 a poem for her (a 12 11 o'dock and we all
ridiculous poem!). The party 5 at 7 13 home to bed. We didn't take a taxi or
o'dock. We 6 to a lot of different types a bus, we 14 beca use we live very near
of music, we 7 a lot, and we [uliu's house. It was only 5 minutes. Great party.
8 some brilliant games. Super!

86 Eighty-six
o Read Nicola's diary. Complete the answers.
Saturday Apri\ 2\"

Cinema with Jane

& Mar. Met
Jane's elder
r: brother Kevin.I

Tuesday April 24'"

Monday April 23 d
Sunday Apri\ 22
Maths exam. Dld
Susan's birthda
- fine. Pla ed
art . Fun! Kevin tennis with Sarah.
waS rhere.
Friday Apri\ 27'"
Thursday April 26'"
Wednesday Apri\ 25'" Sta ed at home.
Doctor. Watched videos.
Dinner with Dad.
Headache. Feel
pizza and .uice.
reat now!

1 Oid Nícola go to the cinema on Saturday April Z'l"? Yes ,she did

2 Oíd she go to Susan's birthday party on Sunday April 22nd? ,she

3 Oíd she buy a T-shirt and jeanson Monday April 23rd? ,she

4 Oíd she and her mum go shopping together on Tuesday April 24th? ,they __ .

5 Oíd she see the doctor on Thursday April Zó"? ,she

6 Oíd she and her dad have dinner together on Wednesday April 25th? ,they __ .

7 Oid she go out on Friday April Z?"? ,she

8 Oid she watch videos on Friday? ,she

fj Match the question to the answer. There is one extra answer.

1 Where did NicoIa go with her friends on 21st April? a At the cinema.

2 When did Nícolo and [une have a maths exam? b At six o'clock.

3 Why did NicoIa go to the doctor's? e Because she had a headache.

4 Where did Nicolu see Kevin? d A pair of jeans.

5 What did Nícolo buy? e On 23rd April.

f To the cinema.

Eighty-seven 87
Integration 5
o Write the sentences in the past simple.
1got up at half past eight yesterday.
1 1 get up at half past eight. (yesterday)

2 1 have fish for lunch. (last Tuesday)

3 She begins class at nine o'clock. (this morning)

4 Peter goes to the swimming pool. (yesterday)

5 My sister doesn't like chocolate. (when she was a child)

6 1 don't make breakfast. (this morning)

7 What time do you get up? (yesterday)

8 Where do you see your friends? (last Monday)

f} Read the dialogue and complete the questions.

Brian: Where 1 did you go yesterday?

Bona: We went to the cinema.

Brian: What 2 ?

Bona: We saw Shrek.

Brian: Where 3 after that?
Bona: We went to the hamburger bar.
Brian: Whnt+ ?
Bona: A cheeseburger.
Brian: WhatS ?
Fíono: Orange juice.
Brian: Whattime 6 ?
Bona: We went home at half past nine.

8 Write questions and short answers o What did you do last Sunday? Write a
about the dialogue in Exercise 2. short paragraph.

Last $unday, ,...

1 Fiona go / to cinema
Did Fiona go to the cinema? Yes, she did.

2 She see / Planet of the Apes

3 She go / to pizzeria

4 She eat / salad

5 She drink / orange juice

88 Eighty-eight
o Use phrases from the box to complete the speech bubbles.
a Do you want to go to the swimming pool? b Do you want to go to the cinema.

el don't like swimming. d Come and play with me.

e Yes!1 want to see Shrek. f 1 don't want to play tennis.

3 _

f} Read the dialogue and complete it with e Order the words to make sentences.
want to or wanted to.
1 to / want / l/film / that / see / don't
Mother: Get up, Lizzie. It's time for school.
I don't want to see that (tlm.
Lizzie: 1don't 1 want to get up. 1don't
__________ go to school. 2 play / to / football / Tuesday / want / we / on
Mother: Lizzie, do you 3 go to
Marina's birthday after school?
3 didn't / she / cook / yesterday / to / dinner /
Lizzie: Yeso
Mother: Ok. Get up and have a shower
because you didn't 4 _

have a shower yesterday. 4 she / time / what / up / to / want /get / does?

Lizzie: Mum! 1 5 have a

shower yesterday, but it was very
5 club / to / wanted / Sunday / go / to / last /
late for school!
the / 1
Mother: 1don't 6 listen to you!
Hurry up! Your father 7 _

have his shower. 6 brother / live / Venezuela / wants / in / her / to

Lizzie: Mothers! They never B _

listen to us!

Eighty-nine 89
o Match the two parts of the sentences. Then match each sentence to one of the pictures.

[] 1 Peter is going to go asome friends.

D2 Susan is going to eat b me.

D3 We are going to meet e a video.

D4 I'm going to go to ---- d bowling.

D5 The boys are going to watch e a party.

D6 My boyfriend is going to visit f a pizza.

90 Ninety
o Order the words to make sentences.
1 to / 1 / see / film / going / am / a I am going to see a (¡1m.

2 some / going / she / drink / milk / is / to

3 your / is / father / going / dance / to / ?

4 are / going / we / bowling / go / to / ?

S he / going / not / is / speak / to

6 friend / sing / is / to / not / going / my

& Write complete sentences.

1 my dog / eat the hamburger My dog is going to eat the hamburger.

2 theteacher/speak

3 l/play tennis

4 my friends / go to a party

S we / not play volleyball

6 my unde / not play football

7 1 / not do my homework

8 you / have lunch?

9 she / get up at 7:00?

10 my mother / buy a car?

o Answer the questions.

1 What are you going to do tomorrow? I'm going to play football.

2 What are you going to study next dass?

3 What are you going to eat tonight?

4 Are you going to the cinema next week?

S What is your teacher going to do this afternoon?

6 What are you going to do next Sunday?

7 What are you going to wear tomorrow?

8 What is your best friend going to do after school?

Ninety-one 91
Integration 6

o Complete the text with plans or e Write questions for these answers.
intentions using the correct form of the
verbs in the box. 1 What are you ~oin~ to eat?

I'm going to eat spaghetti.

• play • go ·start ~
2 VVho, _
• have (x2) • do
• stay (x2) • watch • get up He's going to see his grandmother.

I've got a lot of things planned for this
weekend. On Friday night
1 [' .
m gomg to see They're going to live in Italy.

a film with some friends. We 2----------- 4

Planet of the Apes. Then my best friend
Yes, we're going to play tennis.
3 at my house. We
4 early on Saturday and we
5 tennis. The match No, he's not going to watch the film.

------------ at 10.00. I 7----------- 6
lunch at home and then I 8----------
I'm going to visit my friends.
shopping in the afternoon. In the evening, we
a party. On Sunday; I

10 at home and I
o Write questions for these answers.

1 Did you Iike the concert?

11 my homework.
Yes, I liked the concert.

f} Complete the text with the past tense. Use
the verbs in the box. She lived in Germany.

• be (x3) • atiWe • have • want
• cook • go (x2) • play • eat He wanted an ice cream.

• watch • stay 4

They played at four o' dock.

Last week, I 1 h_a_d a wonderful weekend.
It 2 a long weekend beca use 5
Monday 3 a holiday and I
Yes, they were Italian.
4 to school, of course. My friends and
I5 to the cinema, 6 _

volleyboll, and 7 a great time. On It was hot and sunny.

Sunday, Brad 8 at my house and we 7
9 the football match together. My
No, they dídn't look at the map.
mum 10 a great dinner and we
11 8
______ a loto The next morning, we
________ to get up early, beca use we She watched a film.
_______ very tired!

92 Ninety-two
o Match the infinitive on the left with the o Order the words and write the sentences
post form on the right. or questions.

1 take a ate 1 isl to I letter I going I a I he I write

He is going to write a letter.
2 come b went
2 want I stadium I go I the I to I don't I we Ito
3 do e got

4 drink d gave 3 to I is I IV I she I watch I going I ?

5 eat e saw
4 going I up late I what I to I tomorrow I time I
6 get f did
you I get /?
7 go g took
5 you I eat I do I want I what I to ?
a have h slept

9 make carne
6 visit I to I did I cousins I she I not I want I her

10 see drank
7 at I are I arrive I not I to I they 17:00I going
11 sleep k had

12 give I made a he I study I does I to I evening I want I this I ?

8 Complete the sentences with the past

simple of verbs from exercise 1. (» Write questions for these answers.

1 I __ w_e_n_t
__ to the cinema last week and I 1 What time did you eet up?
_____ the new Walt Disney film. We got up at half past eight.
2 My sister up very late yesterday
I went to the disco.
because it was Saturday. 3

3 Yesterday my little sister tea for Harry visited his cousins.

the family. It was very strange; we
They gave her a present.
chocolate sandwiches and we
cold tea.
She slept in the kitchen.

4 I'm very tired today. I only five 6

The dog disappeared at five o'clock.

hours yesterday.
5 Monday was a terrible day for me. 1 He did it beca use he was sad.
three exams. a
Elaine arrived on Friday.
6 It was Nicolas's birthday yesterday. I
hima book.
Martín lived in Mexico.

______________ ~_~ ~ __ .:..N:.:.:.:.inety-three93

" Complete the dialogue witb the verbs in o Write questions for tbese answers.
the corred tense. Affirmative, negative
1 Is your father having a shower?
or interrogative.
No, he isn't having a shower, he's cooking.

No, they aren't going to play football, they

are going to watch TV.

Yes, they had long ships.

He died in 1967.

I'm studying.

He makes his bed every day.

A: Hi Rache!! Where 1 are you going (go)? 7

2 (you / go) to the club? No, she doesn't want to iron her clothes.
B: No, 1 3 (be). 14 (go)
to the video shop. o Answers tbese questions about you.
A: What 5 (you / rent)?
1 Where were you yesterday at 11 o'clock?
B: A Leonardo Di Caprio film. 'Titanic'. Yesterdayat 11 o'c/ock 1 was at school.
6 (you / want) to watch it with me?
2 What time did you arrive home yesterday?
A: No, thanks. 17 (see) it last year.
3 Where you tired?
B: That's OK. 1 8 (watch) it this
evening with Helen and Tommy.
4 When did you go to the dnema (the last time)?
A: When 9 (they / arrive) from
South Amenca?
B: They 10 (arrive) three days ago.
S What díd you see?
They 11 (have) a great time there.
A: 12 (they / go) to Argentina? 6 How often do you go to the cinema?

B: No, they dídn't. But they 13 (visit)

Brazil and Chile. They 14 (vísít) 7 Are you going to see a film next weekend?

Argentina next year.

A: 15 (they / have got) family in 8 Are you studying English now?
South America?
B: No, they haven't. What's the time? 9 Do you want to study English?
A: 50'clock.
B: My god! The shop 16 (close) in 10 Do you like it?

fifteen minutes!

94 Ninetx-four
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 My dog's name is Daniel. 1 I'rn in the living room. (1 slim 2 thirsty
(1 sad 2 happy 3 angry 4 afraid 3 vacuum cleaner 4 tired 5 hungry
5 worried 6 lonely) 6 daughter 7 arm 8 blond 9 hot
2 1 Yesterday 2 Last 3 Tomorrow 4 Next 10 moustache)
Grammar and communication
3 1 ate 2 loved 3 listened 4 read 5 went Grammar and communication
41e 2c 3a 4b Sf 3 la 2c 3b 4f Sd
5 1 had 2 last 3 was 4 were 5 wasn't 4 1 any 2 there ísn't 3 some 4 any
6 had 7 went 8 took 9 was 10 asked 5 there are
11 am going to call 12 to talk 5 1 long 2 blue 3 live 4 us 5 them
6 They 7 gets up 8 every day
9 don't 10 is doing 11 her 12 headache
13 him 14 because 15 parents

8 lsal ssaJ80Jd V lsal ssaJ80Jd

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Datos de catalogación bibliográfica

Corradi, Leonor
For teens 2 Student's Book / Leonor Corradi y Augusta
Rabinovich. - 1" ed. - Buenos Aires: Pearson Education S.A., 2005.
96 p.; 30x21 cm.

ISBN 987-1147-18-X

l. Inglés-Enseñanza. 1. Rabinovich, Augusta. 11.Título

CDD 420.7

Pearson Education S_A. The publisher and the authors would like to thank the following
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(CI092AAG) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. the series:

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Angélica Ambroggi, María Cecilia Asinari, Marisa Atun, Patricia
© Pearson Education S.A. 2005 Moscoso, Patricia Suárez Rotger, Sandra Rosana Uhalde, E.E.M. N°13
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