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Topic 1: Some people say that the government should support the poor by giving them money, while
others say that the poor should be given opportunities to earn money for themselves. What is your

In our modern era, doing unpaid work is growing in popularity. However, which way to aid the
disadvantaged people is still a controversial issue. Personally, I do believe that the first step to help
those individuals is to give them chances to earn money for themselves, rather than give them money.
On the one hand…..
*Support the poor by offering them money (short-term help for those in need)
It can initially relieve their sufferings immediately
- A lot of ppl can’t even meet the basic needs -> suffer a lot: hunger, the extreme weather,
homelessness, etc
-> takes a detrimental toll on physical suffering, illnesses, which may be the obstacles
preventing them from making any progress in life.
- Children can’t afford tuition fees -> have no chance to enroll in schools -> less likelihood of
getting out of poverty
 Give ppl money: relieve their current suffering/ in many cases: open a new future for their
On the other hand…..
*Give chances to earn money for themselves
1, Be a motivation
- If/ cater them for all equipment -> dependence. Once the funding dries up => end up in poverty
>< provide opportunities like: being a builders or some community work-> earn for their own
livelihood -> encourage to cherish for further promotion STABLE INCOME, SKILLS => DO
VARIOUS JOBS => sustain themselves in the long run => Reduce the burden on the society
2, Appreciate their own efforts and achievement
- Make ends meet by themselves -> respect the money -> steer clear of not living lavishly on
restaurants or night clubs
- Once they weathered the worst of the storm, they will realize the real value of life and be more
responsible for society.
3, Long-term solution:
- Poverty is still now a serious problem -> there are massive number of poor ppl -> with only the
money given by governments, they may find it hard to manage to purchase basic necessities in daily
- Instead, given opportunities to earn money -> governments provide them job -> stable icomes + learn
social skills (find a better one in the future with higher salary)
*Outro: To sum up, I still hold a belief that giving them chances is better than providing them with

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