Teaching Notes and Answer Keys For The Extra Reading and Writing Exercises

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Extra reading INDEX


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Teaching notes and answer keys

for the extra reading and writing exercises

Extra reading 1 Extra reading 2

Read the sentences and write T (true), Tick off (✓) the information you get
F (false) or NT (not in the text). about Rajasthan.
• Start by asking Ss to look at the photo. What do • Ask Ss first what they know about India. Keep a
they think the text may be about? record of this information on the board.
• Ask Ss if they know anything unusual about • Next ask Ss about the text type. Ask them if they
monkeys. This can also be given to them in think the letter is formal, informal or neutral. Elicit
advance as a task for this class. from them what elements may tell them whether
• Make a list of the information Ss give or have it’s formal, informal or neutral. Write the list on
brought. Ask Ss to read the text and tick off which the board.
of their pieces of information is mentioned in the • Ss read and check their predictions.
text. • Go back to the list on the board and check.
• Ss read the text and check their predictions. • Before doing the exercise, ask Ss if any of the
headings would be inappropriate for this type of
Answers letter.
2 T 3 T 4 NT 5 F 6 NT • Ss solve the exercise.

Answer the questions. age ✓ country of residence ✓ abilities ✓
• Ask Ss to answer the questions without going back
to the text.
Read again and circle the correct
• Ss read the text again and check if their answers
are correct.
• As a follow-up activity, Ss can produce more • Ss can try to solve the exercise without going back
questions on the text. to the text.

Answers Answers
1 She felt sad and lonely 2 She was nice and friendly. 1b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 c
3 Because she didn’t want to eat. / She cried and cried.
4 Happy.

Write Ai Ai’s habits or transformations

in the correct column.
• Ss can do this exercise individually and then check
in pairs before the general checking.

Possible answers
1 eats and plays 2 nice and friendly / aggressive / friendly
3 didn’t smoke / smoked / doesn’t smoke

for teens 3 ©Pearson Education 2006 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Extra reading INDEX

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Extra reading 3
Write T (true), F (false) or NT (not in the Answer these questions.
• Ss can answer the questions without going back to
• Ask Ss what text type it is. Ask them what they the text.
expect to find. • You can also divide the class into two groups.
• Ask Ss what Argentinian mountains they know. Group 1 answers odd-number questions and group
You can ask them to compare the mountains, e.g. 2 answers even-number questions.
the Catedral is more beautiful than the Tupungato, • As a follow-up, Ss can come up with more
the Aconcagua is higher than the Aconquija, the questions for the other group.
Aconcagua is the highest in America.
• Ask them to read the title and to tell you what Answers
information the letter may contain. 1 Exhausted. 2 She fell under the mule. 3 By mule. 4 Don Basilio.
5 Very early . 6 Because they have to get up very early.
• Ss read and check their predictions as to elements
and topic.

2 T 3 NT 4 F 5 F 6 T 7 NT 8 F 9 F 10 F

for teens 3 ©Pearson Education 2006 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Extra writing INDEX

Name: Date: Class:

Extra writing 1 Extra writing 3

• Tell Ss that the focus of this exercise is meaning,
Read the text in Extra reading 3.
not grammar as the starting point. Have them
answer questions so that they should have some • Ask Ss to focus on the organisation of the text as
ideas before they start writing. they did for Extra writing 2.
• Make sure Ss understand the difference between • Make sure they understand the headings.
answering questions and organising a text (and the
possible relation that exists between them. What Answers
do we get to know through the question? What is 1 Hi
2 Introduction to topic
not said in the question?). You can solve an
3 Description of situation
example first with a different set of questions. 4 What happened
• This is a good opportunity for process writing. Ss 5 Plans for the future
hand in their first draft. 6 Final comment
• Give the drafts back to Ss with comments –not 7 Bye
corrections. The focus again should be on meaning.
Some questions may guide Ss into being more specific
or descriptive, or maybe into giving some opinion or Copy the headings from Exercise 1 in
expressing attitudes. the correct order. Then complete the second
• Ss hand in a second draft together with their first column with information from the letter.
one for them to see that the process is as important
• Ss include information from the letter.
as the result.
• Remind Ss that notes are not complete sentences.

Extra writing 2 Make a chart for you.

Read the text in Extra reading 2. • At this point, you may elicit from Ss what else they
can include as headings, e.g. description of the
• Have Ss focus on the organisation of the text. Make
place, frequent activities, feelings, attitudes. They
sure Ss understand the headings.
do not need to stick to the previous organisation.
• Make them aware of the fact that writing springs
from reading.
• Check the order. Write a letter to a friend telling him /
her about your experience.
1 Introduction • Ss should use the information in the chart.
2 Information about hometown • Make sure they see that at this point they have
3 Description of situation / problem in hometown already got the structure of the text and the main
4 A particular situation / problem in hometown ideas. Now they only have to translate the ideas
5 Information about people in hometown into sentences.
• Encourage the writing of two or three drafts.
Complete this chart.
• Ss should write the headings in the correct order.
Then they go back to the text and complete the
chart with information from the text.
• Make sure Ss understand that this type of chart can
guide their writing.
• Remind Ss that as they’re writing notes, they
needn’t write full sentences.

Complete this chart with your

information. Then use the information and
write about you and your hometown.
• Ss can complete the chart in groups. At this stage,
collecting information and ideas is crucial.
• Remind Ss again that notes are not full sentences.
• When Ss start writing, tell them to go back to the
Extra reading 2 if they have doubts.
• Encourage the writing of two or three drafts.

for teens 3 ©Pearson Education 2006 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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