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Audioscripts INDEX PRINT

Get Ready Unit 2

Lesson 1. Exercise 2.
B. Physical description. Exercise 1b.
Listen and match.
Listen and write the letter.
Narrator 1: Let’s play a guessing game. You can ask three questions. 1 She works at a hospital. She’s a doctor.
Narrator 2: OK. Has this person got long hair? 2 He helps doctors. He’s a nurse.
Narrator 1: No. 3 She works underwater. She’s a diver.
Narrator 2: Are the person’s eyes green?
Narrator 1: Yes, they are. 4 She designs buildings. She’s an architect.
Narrator 2: Has this person got brown hair? 5 He repairs cars. He’s a mechanic.
Narrator 1: Yes. 6 She paints. She’s an artist.
Narrator 2: I know!

C. Feelings. Exercise 1. Lesson 1. Exercise 3.

Listen and check. Listen and check.
Number 1 is worried. She’s a doctor.
Number 2 is angry. He’s a nurse.
Number 3 is sad. She’s a diver.
Number 4 is happy. She’s an architect.
Number 5 is lonely. He’s a mechanic.
Number 6 is afraid. She’s an artirt.

D. Illnesses. Exercise 1. Lesson 2. Exercise 4.

Listen and complete the speech bubbles. Use the words in the box. Listen and complete the sentences.
- What’s the matter? Caroline: Hi mum! I got an e-mail from Uriel.
- I’ve got a headache. Mum: How is he?
- I’ve got a stomachache. Caroline: He’s happy. He is always fine when he is with his favourite
- I’ve got a temperature. brother!
- I’ve got a toothache. Mum: Yes, I know. He loves talking with him. And they can only meet at
- I’ve got a cold. Christmas or sometimes New Year.
- I’ve got a cough. Caroline: Yes, it’s sad. But well, he is with him now, and they’re having a
great time together. Sandra and their son, Álvaro are there, too.
Mum: What about his nephew Álvaro? What does he do?
Caroline: He goes to school from Mondays to Fridays, like all 13-year-olds,
and he goes out with his friends on Saturdays and Sundays. But
Unit 1 listen, he’s working on a project at school three times a week. It’s
Lesson 1. Exercise 4. a radio programme, and they interviewed Uri!
Listen and write true or false.
Alex: Hi, Julia! How’s your radio programme?
Julia: Very exciting! Lesson 3. Exercise 4. Listen and check.
Alex: And the people?
Julia: Cool! I like Derek very much. He’s 16. Tall and handsome. Very Instructor: Be careful, Tim, you are driving at 80 km an hour.
outgoing, ... and he lives near my home, ...and he...
Alex: OK, OK. Stop. What are the others like? Tim: Impossible, I always drive at 60 km per hour!
Julia: They’re OK. Instructor: Tim, you are driving at 80!
Tim: Sorry! Why do you shout at me when I make a mistake?
Instructor: I never shout at you, and I’m not shouting now!
Tim: Yes, you are! I don’t want to take any more lessons with you.
Lesson 2. Exercise 3.
Listen and complete the sentences about Tom’s likes and
Phil: Hi, Tom! Do you want to go to the theatre tomorrow? Unit 3
Tom: What? No, thanks! Lesson 1. Exercise 3.
Phil: OK, but do you want to go out tomorrow?
Tom: Go out? Sure! But after 8, because I want to help my mum with Listen and number.
her work. 1 We never travel by taxi.
Phil: Help your mum? Do you like doing that?
2 Susan doesn’t like travelling by plane.
Tom: I don’t mind.
Phil: Hey Tom, look at those girls. Let’s talk to them. 3 He usually goes to work by bus.
Tom: Talk to them in the street? Remember I’m very shy. I hate 4 I went to Córdoba by train.
that! 5 I like travelling by underground because it’s very fast.
6 My dad goes to his office by car. He doesn’t mind driving in the city.
7 I feel sick when I travel by boat.

Consolidation 1 Unit 5
Exercise 3. Lesson 1. Exercise 2.
Listen and write true or false. Read. Then listen and write the number
Grandfather: Yes, I do. I was a member of one. 1
Greg: Oh! You don’t say! -The computer is off. Do you want me to start it up?
Grandfather: I was a hippie. That was back in the sixties. Those were good
times. 2
Greg: What clothes did you wear? - What’s Julia’s telephone number?
Grandfather: We wore bright coloured T- shirts and trousers. Men usually - Here, let me punch it.
had very long hair and a beard. We all had a huge peace
symbol. I still wear it. Do you like it?
- I want to listen to some music. Which button do I have to press?
Greg: It’s not my style, really. So you weren’t violent.
Grandfather: Not at all! We were very peaceful, and we loved nature and 4
natural life. - The door is locked.
Greg: Do you have any hippie friends? - You have to press the code, here it is.
Grandfather: Some of my friends live in El Bolsón, in the south west of
Argentina. They moved there a long time ago. They still make 5
rings, bracelets and ear rings. - I can’t hear anything!
- Don’t worry! I’ll turn off the radio.

Unit 4
- Oh, no! The washing machine is not working.
Lesson 1. Exercise 2. - You have to plug it in first.
Listen and write the number.
Number one twisted her ankle.
Number two cut his finger.
Lesson 2. Exercise 3.
Number three tripped over a book.
Number four fell off his bicycle. Listen and answer the questions.
Number five hurt her head. Julia: Your invention is really fantastic!
Number six broke his arm. Christian: Thanks a lot. I hope you understand that this mechanism is in its
experimental period.
Julia: What are you doing next?
Lesson 2. Exercise 5. Christian: We’re travelling to Massachusetts next month to show it to some
experts in robotics, and after that, we’re taking it to the NASA
Listen and number the actions.
laboratory. And then we’re coming back home to finish the
Eric: I went to the cinema at four. school year!
Donna: At four? But I phoned you at 6. Julia: Finish school? How old are you?
Eric: I was having a bath at 6. Christian: We’re 17. We have to finish school. Of course, I’m starting
Donna: I sent you an e-mail at 7, but you didn’t answer it. university next year, and Carlos too. We’re taking up engineering.
Eric: At seven? Let me think. Oh, yes! I was at the supermarket. I was
doing the shopping with my mum. When we arrived home, my
dad was using the computer, so I couldn’t check my e-mails. Unit 6
Donna: That’s strange! I saw your mother at 7.30 in the supermarket,
and she was alone. Lesson 1. Exercise 2.
Eric: Oh, oh! Listen and check.
a Can I sit with Erica?
No, I’m sorry, you can’t.
Integration 4. Exercise 2. b Can I open the window?
Listen and draw a tick in the right column. Yes, you can.
c Can I come in?
Reporter: This is a real tragedy. Can we help in any way? No, you can’t.
Member: Of course. We are still looking for victims, and we need help, lots d Can I go to the toilet?
of help. We must work very fast. We must clean everything, Yes, you can.
because there’s danger of infections. You mustn’t drink regular e Can I eat my sandwich?
water. You must be very careful. No, I’m sorry, you can’t.
Reporter: Can we send medicines? f Can I have a pencil?
Yes, you can.
Member: Yes, that’s great. You don’t have to send any special medicine;
g Can I read my comic?
aspirins and antibiotics are fine.
No, you can’t.
Reporter: What about food? Can people send food?
Member: Oh, yes. We must give people healthy food and mineral water.
And we must also get clothes. You mustn’t send money. Lesson 1. Exercise 2.
Reporter: Any other urgency? Listen and check.
Member: Oh, yes. Everybody must have this information. People must a (sound of a recorder)
cooperate. Only solidarity can help us in this tragedy. b (sound of saxophone)
c (sound of drums)
Audioscripts INDEX

d (sound of a keyboard) It’s fantastic, really.

M: Thank YOU for coming.
e (sound of a bass) R: When did you start working with animals?
f (sound of a piano) M: Oh, forty years ago. I was twenty at that time.
g (sound of a guitar) R: How many people work in the centre?
M: Not many, two vets, four nurses and my personal assistant.
R: Do you have to come here every day?
M: I usually do, but it’s not necessary.
Lesson 2. Exercise 2a. R: Do you live near the centre? How do you come here?
Listen and write a tick or a cross. M: Sometimes on foot, very often by bike, but never by car. I need
Mother: Hi, guys. I’m home. Where are you?...Oh, Tom. I can’t believe it. exercise.
Isn’t this your medicine? You haven’t taken it! I told you to take it R: What is more difficult, being a vet or a psychologist?
at 6, and it’s 10! M: I’m a vet and a psychologist at the same time. I can’t tell.
Tom: Mum, you’re wrong. I’ve taken it. Look. Now there are only 9 pills, R: Do you remember any special dog?
and there were 10! M: Yes, Max. He was the most terrible and laziest dog in the centre.
Mother: Sorry, my mistake. Has Alice eaten fruit? At the beginning, I couldn’t do much with him, but after some
Tom: I don’t know, Mum. She was here a minute ago, and she was time, he accepted me as a friend and he became the best dog.
eating something. I think it was a hamburger. Now he’s living in Scotland.
Mother: Oh, I see. I asked Bob to copy the CD for school. I need it. Has he R: Can we have a look at your patients?
finished? M: Of course. This way...
Tom: No, he hasn’t finished.
Mother: Oh, he’s terrible. What about Sheila? Has she done her
Tom: Yes, look, it’s there on the table. Skills Test 2
Mother: Good for her. Has Ron phoned Stu? Gerard, a reporter from BBC is interviewing Maria.
Tom: Yes, of course! G: So tell me, were you born here in Rio?
Mother: One last thing, Tom. Has Megan read the history notes? M: Yes, I’ve always lived here. Although it’s very crowded, I love this city!
Tom: Well, I’ve got the notes, so she hasn’t read them. G: Have you seen the Maracana?
M: Yes, of course! You cannot be from Rio and not know the Maracana.
G: Were you there for a football match?
M: Yes, I always watch my favourite team, and also for concerts.
Consolidation 2. Exercise 3. G: What’s the best concert you’ve seen?
Listen and correct the information. M: Os Paralamas’ live concert last summer. It was fantastic, better than Os
Tribalistas’ concert. It changed my life.
Bingham: Come out of that, you pig. Why are you under my bed? Come
G: Why?
out! Put your hands up. What am I going to do with you? Who
M: While they were singing their new song, they stopped and asked the
are you? Are you alone?
huge audience, “Hey, do you know the name of this song?” I shouted
Ledbetter: I know my position is ambiguous.
“Saudades.” After the show, the band leader came to me and said, “Well,
Bingham: Ambiguous? You are a burglar, a stupid burglar. You are lucky I
you’re the winner. We’re meeting you after the concert tomorrow.” I
haven’t killed you. I know what I’m going to do with you. You’re
couldn’t believe it! I met the band the following day, and I loved all of
going to finish my packing. You’re going to put all that gold and
them. They were all very friendly, especially the saxophonist, Monteiro
that money into those bags now!
Jr. He was the friendliest of all!
Ledbetter: But let me explain. I’m not a burglar, I wanted...
G: Wow, a great experience.
Bingham: Shut up! Do you think I’m an idiot? OK, it’s time to move. Come
M: Absolutely!
on! Move!

Consolidation 2. Exercise 5.
Listen and answer the questions.

I met him there, in Kingston, Jamaica. I was walking in the street, after my
siesta, when I saw him. He was very dirty and looked a bit crazy. “Sir,” he said,
“do you have some minutes for an incredible story?” “Incredible?” I said.
“Yes!” he said, “I am one of the unhappiest men on earth.” I was bored and
with nothing to do, so I had an idea. “Have you had dinner?” I asked. “No, I
haven’t,” he replied, “for many days.”

So I paid him dinner in a very cheap restaurant, and while we were eating, he
told me his story. Although his story was difficult to believe, I felt sorry for the
guy. I got him a bed for the night and next day, after I verified his story, I gave
him some money, some clean clothes, and helped him go back to England.

Skills Test 1
This is an interview between a reporter from BBC News website
and Dr Mugford.
R: Thank you Dr Mugford. I’m very happy to be here at the centre.

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