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HISTORY OF BASKETBALL  Here's a fun fact when James Naismith first

 Invented by James Naismith - December invented this game, one of his students said
1, 1891 at the International Young Men’s you should probably name it Naismith ball
Christian Association (YMCA) Training after you but Naismith didn't agree that was
School (now Springfield College), a great idea so he decided that he would
Springfield, Massachusetts. listen to the student a little bit more and see
what exactly he had in mind and the
students said well since we play with
 It was the winter of 1891 to 1892 inside a
baskets and there's a ball we should call it
gymnasium at springfield college then
known as the International YMCA training
school located in springfield
Massachusetts.  To keep playing the game constantly with
having just a ball go into the basket and
 It was a group of restless college students
ever come through the hoop so he then
the young men had to be there they were
decided to cut a hole in the peach basket
required to participate in indoor activities to
which then allowed the ball to fall through
burn off the energy that have been building
but then later added a backboard and also a
up since their football season ended the
metal ring to enhance the game
gymnasium class offered them activities
such as marching calisthenics and  Because naismith students enjoyed the
apparatus work game so much they started going to other
ymcas and spreading the word of the game
 Two 18 inch square boxes to use as
and teaching all the skills and rules of the
goals the janitor came back with two peach
game by 1895 basketball started being
implemented in different high schools for
 One at each end the height of that lower
the boys and girls team but with different
balcony rail happened to be 10 feet a man
was stationed at each end of the balcony to
 But in 1898, the first college team actually
pick the ball from the basket and put it back
had a basketball team and that was kansas
into play
university before we get into the full
 It wasn't until a few years later that the
evolution of the game
bottoms of those peach baskets were cut to
let the ball fall loose Naismith then threw up
the 13 original rules which described among
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction
other faucets the method of moving the ball
with one or both hands.
and what constituted a file a referee was
2. The ball may be battled in any direction
with one or both hands never with the fist.
3. A player cannot run with the ball the player
 The game would be divided into two 15-
must throw it from the spot on which he
minute halves with a 5-minute resting
catches it allowance to be made for a man
period in between
who catches the ball when running at a
 Naismith's secretary typed up the rules and
good speed if he tries to stop.
tacked them on a bulletin board.
4. The ball must be held in or between the
 A short time later, the gym class met and hands the arms or body must not be used
the teams were chosen with 3 centers, 3 for holding it.
forwards and 3 guards per side 5. No shouldering holding pushing tripping or
 Two of the centers met at mid court, tossed striking in any way the person of an
the ball and the game of basketball was opponent shall be allowed the first
born infringement of this rule by any player shall
count as a foul the second shall disqualify  Play begins with a jump ball between two
him until the next goal is made or if there is central players
evident intent to injure the person for the  Game was played with a soccer ball players
whole of the game no substitute allowed. wore black full sleeve walden jerseys and
6. A foul is striking at the bar with the fist long gray trousers
violation of rules three four and such is  Naismith retired from coaching he has 55
described in rule five. wins and 60 losses for his career
7. If either side makes three consecutive files  In 1905 the president wanted sports to be
it shall count for a goal for the opponents canceled due to the injuries players were
consecutive means without the opponents having in football because he felt it wasn't
in the meantime making a foul. safe enough and so the college pushed
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is back and said no they didn't like the idea of
thrown or battled from the grounds into the canceling sports so he said you need to
basket and stays there providing those have a committee come up with a way to
defending the goal do not touch or disturb make the game safer and so they did and
the goal if the ball rests on the edges and that committee is now known as the ncaa
the opponent moves the basket it shall committee
count as a goal.  They had their first NCAA championship
9. When the ball goes out of bounds it shall be in 1939.
thrown into the field of play by the person  The 1920s had amateur semi-pro small pro
first touching it in case of a dispute the leagues which consisted of two to three
empire shall throw it straight into the field teams that were in a similar area
the thrower in is allowed five seconds if he
 The pro leagues in the 1930s started to
holds it longer it shall go to the opponent if
grow and people started taking it more
any sight persists in delaying the game the
serious in 1937 the NBL was created and
empire shall call a foul on that side.
they received sponsorships from general
10. The empire shall be the judge of the men
electric in the nbl the home team got to
and shall note the files and notify the
choose if they wanted four minute quarters
referee when three consecutive files have
or three 15-minute quarters they played in
been made he shall have power to
bowling alleys and even ballrooms which is
disqualify men according to rule 5.
much different than the huge arenas they
11. The referee shall be judged of the ball and
play in today
shall decide when the ball is in play
 In 1945 Walter Brown establishes the
inbounds to which side it belongs and shall
basketball association of america brown
keep to time he shall decide when a goal
had the brilliant idea of using the hockey
has been made and keep account of the
arenas as a place to hold games so there
goals with any duties that are usually
was no longer small venues being used for
performed by a referee.
such a growing game also realized that
12. The time shall be two minute halves with
they could do this across the country with
five minutes rest between.
other hockey arenas thus
13. Decide making the most goals in that time
 Growing the game even more from 1946 to
shall be declared the winner in case of a
1949 NBL and BBA were competing against
draw, the game made by agreement of the
each other to see who had the best
captains be continued until another goal is
basketball league once they realized being
separate wasn't the best idea so executives
 In 1950 Earl Lloyd was the first black player
in the nba picked in round 9 and was the
 Teams consist of nine players per side: 3
100th pick sheesh
forwards, 3 centers and 3 backs
 While the sport was growing in the 1910s to from an opposing player so that they can score
the 1920s in the us it was also growing themselves.
internationally the countries that caught on The game is played in 4 x 12 minute quarters in the
NBA, 4 x 10 minute quarters Internationally,
were eight countries Argentina,
or 2 x 20 minute halves in NCAA. The highest
Czechoslovakia, Greece, Latvia, Italy, score at the end of time wins.
Portugal, Romania and Switzerland. They There are no ties in Basketball, so if the scores are
formed what we know as fiba this tied at the end of regulation,
information is so vital because we have overtime periods will be played to determine the
acquired some different playing skills and winner.
methods from the international players that Wow, that was the shortest video ever!
Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. Whilst
have come to play in the nba this launch of
Basketball is an easy game to understand,
the league definitely helped the influence I’ve just explained the basic concept of the game.
 The sport being included in the olympics in There are a lot of things in Basketball that you’re
1936 fiba had their first world cup in 1950 not allowed to do.
so I think that covers the basics of how the So to make it easy for you to understand, there are
basketball and nba got started as a whole generally two types of things you
can’t do: Violations and Fouls.
Violations are generally called when you break one
of the rules. The main violations include:
NINH EXPLAINS - THE RULES OF Shot clock violation – as earlier stated, your team
has 24 seconds in which to shoot
BASKETBALL the ball. If you’ve not shot the ball within this time, a
The object of the game is for your team to score shot-clock violation is called
more points than the opposing team. and the ball is awarded to the other team. Double
Teams are made up of 15 players, with 5 players Dribble – In basketball, you are
on the basketball court at any one time. only allowed to dribble the ball and stop once. If a
They consist of two forwards, two guards and a player then begins to dribble again,
center. this is known as double dribble, and the ball is
The game starts with a tip off. Once someone has awarded to the other team.
won possession of the ball, Travelling – If a player takes too many steps
they have up to 24 seconds to shoot the ball without dribbling the ball, this is
towards the opponent’s basket. travelling, and (surprise surprise) the ball is
These baskets are 10 feet above the ground on a awarded to the other team.
court that’s generally about 94ft long Three in the key – A player cannot stay in the key,
by 50ft wide (in the NBA), and varies depending on which is this section of the court,
where you play. for more than three seconds. Charging – A violation
To move the ball up the court, you can either pass in which an attacking
the ball to a teammate … or dribble players runs into a stationary defender. Possession
the ball, where you bounce the ball up and down of the ball is then awarded to the defending
repeatedly whilst in motion. team.
To score points, a player must shoot the ball into There are other violations that I’ve included a brief
the opponents’ basket. description of here, but the ones
You get two points for any shots scored within this I previously mentioned are the ones you’re most
arc. likely to encounter in the game.
If a player scores from a shot outside this arc, this Eight-Second Violation - After a basket, the
scores three points. offensive team has eight seconds to get the
Any free throws that are awarded to your team ball over midcourt. Palming - A violation in which a
scores 1 point. player moves
Failure to shoot the ball within 24 seconds results in his hand under the ball and scoops it while
a shot clock violation, and the dribbling.
other team is awarded possession of the ball. The Goaltending - When a defensive player interferes
opposing team will try and take the ball illegally with a shot on the rim or on a downward
off you by either blocking shots, rebounding a path to the hoop; the shot is assumed in and the
missed shot, or by stealing the ball away offensive team receives the basket.
Basket interference - Interfering with the basket rim
during a shot.
Back-Court Violation - Touching the ball in the
backcourt after it has entered the frontcourt
and was not last touched by the other team.
FOULS Fouls are the most complicated thing to
in Basketball, but I’ll try and explain this in the
easiest way I know how.
Personal Fouls occur when a player commits illegal
contact against another player.
Imagine two players, an attacking player with the
ball, and a defending player without the
ball. Now imagine two giant cylinders that surround
them that extend from the floor to the ceiling.
Neither of those two players is allowed to
encroach into each other’s cylindrical space. If an
attacking player makes contact with
a defender in his space, then it’s called an offensive
foul against the attacker.
If a defender makes contact with an attacker in his
space, then it’s called a defensive
foul against the defender. Any foul in the act of
shooting results in
free throws being awarded to the attacking team.
Two shots for fouls inside the arc and three shots
for fouls outside the arc.
If the shot went in and the shooter was fouled, the
points they scored count and they are
awarded one extra shot. Any team that commits 5
or more fouls in any
quarter will have free throws awarded against them
per subsequent foul, and
Any one player who has racked up 5 fouls
(internationally) or 6 fouls in the NBA is fouled out –
can no longer participate in the rest of the game.
Flagrant Fouls – Flagrant Fouls are severe fouls
that occur
when a player has made violent contact against
another player. This always results in the
other team being awarded two free throws.
Technical Fouls – Are fouls that don’t fit the
description of either a personal or
flagrant foul. Technical fouls can be awarded for
fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, or
abuse from players and coaches against referees.
Two technical fouls equals an automatic ejection
the game.
This is a lot to take in, especially understanding
how the fouls work, but as you watch or play
basketball, the rules will become clear.

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