Re-Constructed Unplugged Workshop Lesson Plan by Chris Ożóg

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Re-constructed Unplugged Workshop Lesson Plan by Chris Ożóg


• Pre-class: write 5 principles from Dogme 95 on the board. Cover with

• Board: “Dogme. Denmark. Cinema. 1995. Special Effects. Manifesto. ” –
Pwk: 2mins to discuss what on earth this could possibly be. Brief class fb.
• Reveal Dogme 95 manifesto. Participants read and compare ideas, then
try to think how this could apply in ELT.

Postman task

• New pairs. Write Qs about Dogme they want answered, considering

points from the warmer and anything else. Bring these to Ben or myself
who write answers.
• After asking all Qs, write up 5 key points of Dogme
• Put these on the wall, participants move around and come up with a
top 3 from all those on the all.
• Class feedback, highlighting common principles agreed on
• Compare with the 3 core precepts from Teaching Unplugged
• Discussion


• In original pairs, discuss what they have learnt and the implications of
this for classroom practice.

[Throughout, keep a ‘vocabulary’ column of terminology and ideas that come

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