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Check-in Activity

Each person reports on a

difficult experience that
week (thorn) and then a
positive experience that
week (rose).
Check-in Activity
Write a short confession
or message to anyone
here in the class.
Introduction to Communication Media | Comm 101
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Wrong Slice of a Pie

Article 3 Section 4
1987 Philippine Constitution
No law shall be passed abridging the
freedom of speech, of expression, or of
the press, or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble and petition the
government for redress of grievances.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Topic: Models of
Course Instructor: Mr. Merwin D. Javier
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Topic: Models of
Laswell's Model of Communication
Aristotle Model of Communication
Berlo's Model of Communication
Shannon and Weaver's Model of Communication
Osgood-Schramm's Model of Communication
Helical Model of Communication
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Laswell's Model of
The linear approach frames
communication as a one-way
process that transmits a message
to a destination.

A model that suggests communication

moves only in one direction. The Sender
encodes a Message, then uses a certain
Channel to send it to a Receiver who
decodes (interprets) the message.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

This model of communication is also impacted by two other

components: the absence of feedback, meaning the
receiver is not able to immediately respond, and noise,
anything that can cause a disruption in the way the
message is received or understood.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Though Lasswell's model was developed to

analyze mass communication, this model is
used for interpersonal communication or
group communication to be disseminated
message to various groups in various
situations. When Lasswell developed the
model in 1948, it was meant to study media
propaganda from countries and businesses.

Harold Laswell
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Aristotle's Model of
The Aristotle’s communication model
is a speaker centered model as the
speaker has the most important role
in it and is the only one active. It is
the speaker’s role to deliver a
speech to the audience.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

According to this model, the speaker plays a key role

in communication. He is the one who takes complete
charge of the communication.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Logos appeals to reason. Logos can

also be thought of as the text of the
argument, as well as how well as

writer has argued his/her point. Pathos appeals to the

emotions and the

imagination, as well
Ethos appeals to the writer’s
as to beliefs and
character. Ethos can also be
thought of as the role of the writer

in theargument, and how credible

his/her argument is.

Introduction to Communication Media

BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Aristotle model of communication is the

golden rule to excel in public speaking,
seminars, lectures where the sender
makes his point clear by designing an
impressive content, passing on the
message to the second part and they
simply respond accordingly.

Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Berlo's Model of
Berlo’s model of communication
takes into account the emotional
aspect of the message. Berlo’s
model of communication operates
on the SMCR model.

S - Source
M - Message
C - Channel
R - Receiver
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Berlo’s model believes that for

effective communication to take
place, the source and the
receiver need to be on the same
level. Only then communication
will happen or take place
properly. Hence, the source and
the receiver should be similar.

David K. Berlo
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Criticisms of Berlo's Model of


1. There is a lack of feedback. The

effects are practically unknown.
2. It does not mention the barriers to
3. There is no room for noise.
4. It is a rather complex model.
5. It is a linear model of communication.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Shannon - Weaver's Model of

Shannon and Weaver model is the most
popular model of communication and
is widely accepted all over the world.

The Shannon and Weaver Model of

Communication is a mathematical
theory of communication that argues
that human communication can be
broken down into 6 key concepts:
sender, encoder, channel, noise,
decoder, and receiver.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

The first model of the communication

process was developed by Claude
Shannon and Warren Weaver. The aim
was to enable engineers from the Bell
Telephone Company to transmit
mechanical messages more effectively.

This is the loophole of Shannon Weaver

model. The message while reaching the
final destination might get distorted
sometimes as different people interpret
messages in a different way.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

In 1948, Shannon was an

American mathematician,
Electronic engineer and Weaver
was an American scientist both
of them join together to write an
article in “Bell System Technical
Journal” called “A Mathematical
Theory of Communication” and
also called as “Shannon-Weaver
model of communication”.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Osgood - Schramm's Model of

Schramm believed that
communication is actually a two way
process between the first party and
the second party.

Osgood-Schramm's model of
communication is known as a circular
model because it indicates that
messages can go in two directions.
Hence, once a person decodes a
message, then they can encode it and
send a message back to the sender.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Charles Egerton Osgood

popularized the notion that
communication was circular
rather than linear, meaning that
it required two participants
taking turns sending and
receiving a message. For his
part, Schramm is considered one
of the pioneers of the mass
communications field
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Helical Model of

Helical Model of communication
was proposed by Frank Dance in
1967 to throw some more light on
communication process. Dance
thought of communication process
similar to helix.

It understands communication in a
broader perspective and considers
almost all the activities of an
individual from day one to till date.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Helical Model of

Helical Model of communication
was proposed by Frank Dance in
1967 to throw some more light on
communication process. Dance
thought of communication process
similar to helix.

It understands communication in a
broader perspective and considers
almost all the activities of an
individual from day one to till date.
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Helical Model of view

communication as:
1. Cyclical,
2. Influenced by time and
3. Continuous,
4. Non-Repetitive, and
5. Accumulative (getting
increasingly more complex
and ‘knowledgeable’)
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences
Introduction to Communication Media
BatStateU Lipa | College of Arts and Sciences

Good communication is
the bridge between
confusion and reality.
American-African Preacher

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