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Lamigo, Jayvee R.

Purposive communication

1.Write one paragraph summary of the content of the video .( 10-20 sentences)
Sherry argues that many people looking for a job are looking for something specific.
Acceptance, camaraderie, and contact are the most critical aspects of most people's lives. To find
that interaction with others, they use their phone. Because of this, our society is facing a significant
dilemma. People, rather than relying on others, depending on their Phones. Sherry says in her
speech that when people need to interact socially, they resort to their phones. They are
preoccupied with their phones and do not give their full attention to the other. Individuals are
present in the room or surroundings when Friends, Coworkers, and family members feel
abandoned and want to know what's going on. They are not given the attention or interaction they
require. It's true. It's not too late to change your ways. How we interact If we stay away from our
phones, we can improve our relationships with others. We use our phones to "assist" us in social

2. Give/write your reaction. Same length as in No.1

Your thoughts and feelings online, but it's harder to do so when you're alone, away from the
computer screen. Unlike the virtual world, one can interact with real people. I can't tell you how
much I appreciate sharing my experiences. It's easy to share your thoughts and feelings online,
but it's harder to do so when you're alone, away from the computer screen. Unlike the virtual
world, one can interact with real people. You can't just throw in a "haha" as a filler into an
embarrassing situation. Circumstance or we can utilize emojis to communicate our emotions to
others. Face-to-face communication has grown less common as a result. When you can converse
online without feeling stressed, it's ideal. We've grown apart, becoming more distant. It was
controlled by something that was supposed to make our lives better. As a result, we must stop
this over-dependence before it becomes a problem. Too late, before our off-screen relationships
evaporate for good.

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