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Modelling of substation grounding grids

A. El-Morshedy, Ph.D., A.G Zeitoun, Ph.D., and M.M. Ghourab

Indexing terms: Modelling, Transmission and distribution plant, System protection

Abstract: The aim of this study is to perform scale model tests on various grounding grids with and without
ground rods to determine their effective resistance to ground and the surface potential distribution during
ground faults. The results obtained from the scale models will provide guidelines for accurate and safe design of
modern complex grounding systems of AC substations.

1 Introduction 2 Electrolytic tank

In modern extra-high-voltage and ultrahigh-voltage AC The dimensions of the electrolytic tank used for the experi-
substations, grounding has become one of the dominant ments are 1.70 m x 1.00 m x 1.10 m. The inner surface of
problems of system design. It is essential to have an accu- the tank is covered by a conducting sheath. Tap water has
rate design procedure for the grounding system. Ground- been used as the electrolyte which serves as an adequately
ing is of major importance to increase the reliability of the conducting medium and represents homogenous earth. Its
supply service as it helps to provide stability of voltage electric resistivity, as determined by the 4-electrode
conditions, preventing excessive voltage peaks during dis- method, is 27 Qm.
turbances, and also a means of providing a measure of The model grid was supported below the surface of the
protection against lightning. electrolyte under tension so as to provide a horizontal
It is required that the voltage rise during a fault be kept configuration with the minimum distortion and sag. Nylon
to low levels. This dictates that ground resistances in high- fish lines were attached to the grid, at different locations,
voltage substations must be very low. The most common to maintain the regular shape of the grid. To take mea-
method of obtaining low values of ground resistance at surements, a probe consisting of a copper wire inserted in
high-voltage substations is to use interconnected ground a plastic tube, for mechanical support, was used. Only the
grids. A typical grid system for a substation comprises 4/0 tip of the wire was touching the surface of the water. The
bare standard copper cable buried at a depth of from 30 to probe was supported on a 'T'-shaped wooden frame which
60 cm parallel to the surface of the earth and spaced in a rested on the edges of the tank and could be moved across
grid pattern of about 3 to 10 m. At each junction of 4/0 the surface of the electrolyte at a constant depth in a
cable, the cables are securely bonded together [1]. Such a straight line in any direction over any part of the grid.
grid not only effectively grounds the equipment, but has Scales mounted along the tank edges permitted accurate
the added advantage of controlling the voltage gradients at positioning of the grid and probe.
the surface of the earth to safe values for human contact.
Ground rods may be connected to the grid to have low
values of ground resistance when the upper layer of soil in
which the grid is buried is of much higher resistivity than 3 Experimental layout
that of the soil beneath. The experimental layout is shown in Fig. 1. An alternating
The best configuration of the grounding grid requires current is used to avoid polarisation. The applied voltage
studying the effect of the parameters usually encountered
in practice. Such parameters are the length of the ground-
ing grid, the number of meshes in the grid, the diameter of 1 \JS
the grounding conductor, the depth of burial of the grid
and the effect of using ground rods. It is impractical to ..water level
investigate the effect of these parameters on full-size grids \£)
because of the lack of controlled conditions and variations
in soil resistivity at the site. Scale models offer a practical
and inexpensive alternative solution. Scale model tests are tank-
generally employed to determine grounding resistance and
surface potential distributions during ground faults in the return m
case of complex grounding arrangements where accurate electrode
analytical calculations are seldom possible [2-4].
The approximate formula for the percentage mesh
potential given in Reference 3 indicates that if all dimen-
sions of the grid are reduced by the same factor, the per- Fig. 1 Experimental layout
centage mesh potential remains unchanged. The shape of
current and equipotential surfaces are unaltered. There- to the model is obtained from a 220 AC source through a
fore, it is possible to simulate the actual grounding grids variac. The magnitude of this voltage is kept constant
with the help of scale models and the potential profiles during the different tests.
measured on a model may be used to determine the corre- By measuring the voltage applied to the model and the
sponding potentials on a full-scale grid. current flowing through the electrolyte between the model
grid and the return electrode, the effective grid resistance
Paper 4670C (P8, P9), first received 6th January and in revised form 8th April 1986 can be obtained. The potential of the test probe with
Dr. El-Morshedy and Dr. Zeitoun are with the Department of Electrical Engineer-
ing, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. Mr. Ghourab is with
respect to the return electrode is monitored by a voltmeter
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt of a very high internal resistance.
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 133, Pt. C, No. 5, JULY 1986 287
4 Scale factor selection the centre of the mesh. The maximum percentage value of
EtOuch is given by
There are several points in choosing the proper scale factor
for the model grids. One of these is the maximum size grid F _
V -A — V •
grid mxn X <nn
which could be accommodated in a given size tank. h
touch - y 1UU

Another is the original specifications for this grid. grid

A scale factor of 100 :1 is a convenient choice for the where Vmin is the minimum surface potential.
size of grid used. Typical grid conductors are made for 4/0 The maximum step potential Estep occurs along the
copper, with a diameter of 1.35 cm. The conductor diam- diagonal just outside the grid where the slope of the
eter of the model is 0.135 mm, but this size of wire is not recorded surface potential against distance is maximum.
available and it is difficult to construct a model with this Both mesh and step potentials are normalised to the
small diameter. A few tests showed that it is not necessary grid potential so that the results may be compared to the
to scale the wire diameter by the same scale factor as the full scale case. The grid resistance is also inversely pro-
other grid dimensions. This will be discussed later in portional to the scale factor of the model. If a scale factor
Section 6.4. As the wire diameter is always small compared of 100 is used, the resistance measured on the model will
with the mesh spacing, a change in wire diameter has no be 100 times that which would exist in the full scale situ-
effect on the potential profiles. Thus all model grids are ation for the same ground resistivity.
made of 1 mm conductor diameter, which is available, and Typical profiles for a 16-mesh grid of 10 cm x 10 cm,
it is also easy to build models with this diameter. 1 mm conductor diameter, at a depth of 1 cm are shown in
A few tests were carried out to determine the maximum Figs. 2 and 3 for the normal and diagonal profiles. The
size of a model grid which can be used in the tank avoid- surface potential is given as a percentage of applied grid
ing the distortion of the electric field due to the tank walls. voltage and the horizontal axis is in cm measured from the
It is concluded that the maximum size of the model grid ABCDEF
used must be 25 cm x 25 cm to minimise boundary effects i
due to the tank walls.

5 Test procedures 80 !
vol tage

The grid was first installed and adjusted to the proper 75

depth. The grid was then energised and the voltages and 70
currents were monitored and the grid resistance could be

obtained. The probe carriage was aligned over the centre o 60
line of the grid. The potential values were recorded at
intervals of 2 cm starting from the grid centre and ending 55
at approximately 10 cm outside the grid. The positions c 50
considered cover the area of one quarter of a grid, due to & 45
symmetry. a 40
6 Test results 30
For a scale factor of 100 :1, a variety of grids with outside 50 5 2.5 0 2.5 E 50
dimensions 10 m x 10 m, 20 m x 20 m, 25 m x 25 m and distance from grid centre line,cm
10 m x 20 m were modelled and tested in uniform soil. Fig. 2 Normal profiles of surface potential for a 16-mesh 10 cm x 10 cm
The effect of changing the parameters usually encountered grid, 1 mm conductor diameter, 1 cm depth
in practice was examined. These parameters include
number of meshes, depth of burial of the grid, grid conduc-
tor diameter and the effect of using ground rods with dif- /

ferent lengths. /

/ /
The maximum number of meshes for a model grid was / •


16 and the maximum length of the modelled ground rods /

was 7 cm. The maximum depth of the model grid was A B C D E F

4 cm, with the majority of the tests run at a depth of 1 cm. a, 80

For all grids tested, the applied voltage and current §* 75

were recorded in addition to the surface potential profiles. 1 70
The potential profiles were recorded along lines parallel to •o
the side of the grid, and along lines parallel to the diagonal S. 6 5
of the grid. The profiles are designated by the distance of 0 60
that profile from the centre line profile or from the diago- ? 55
nal profile. The location of the profiles were chosen such | 50
that maximum and minimum potentials throughout the 1 45
grid could be determined. §40
The maximum mesh potential is found at the point
% 35
within the grid boundary where the surface potential is in
lowest. The mesh potential is then the potential between 30
this point and the grid; it is in fact the touch potential, 50 5/2* 2.5/T 0 2.5/2" 5/2 50
Etouch, which would be experienced by a person standing at distance from centre
this point and touching some apparatus connected to the Fig. 3 Diagonal profiles of surface potential for a 16-mesh
grid. It is generally found in the corner mesh at a point in 10 cm x 10 cm grid, 1 mm conductor diameter, 1 cm depth

288 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 133, Pt. C, No. 5, JULY 1986

centre of the grid. From these figures, the maximum and 6.2 Effect of length of ground rods and number of
minimum potentials throughout the grid could be deter- meshes
mined. To determine the effect of length of ground rods and
number of meshes on grid resistance and maximum values
6.1 Effect of ground rods of touch and step potentials, a series of tests were per-
Ground rods are of particular value when the upper layer formed on a 20 cm x 20 cm grid, at a depth of 1 cm, with
of soil in which the grid is buried is of much higher resis- either 4 or 16 meshes. The lengths of the tested ground
tivity than that of the soil beneath. There are two philos- rods varied from 0 cm to 7 cm. The ground rods were
ophies in grid design. The first one recommends the located at each conductor junction.
extensive use of ground rods in grids, practically one at Fig. 5 shows the main diagonal potential profiles for a
each cross connection [5]. The second trend in grid design model grid with different lengths of ground rods, whereas
ignores the ground rods or, if necessary, a few ground rods Fig. 6 shows the diagonal profiles for square grids with
are installed. different number of meshes. Figs 7 and 8 illustrate the
To examine the effect of adding ground rods to the 80 r16mesh
grounding grid, a 16 mesh grid 10 cm x 10 cm with 25 75
ground rods of length 3 cm located at each conductor §,70
junction, 1 mm conductor diameter at a burial depth of | 65
1 cm was tested. Fig. 4 gives the normal profiles of surface

.5 45
S 40
II 3025


I ?0
S> 6 5
50 10 0 10 50
distance from grid centre
3 60 Fig. 6 Diagonal profiles of surface potential for a 20 cm x 20 cm grid,
| * 55 with different number of meshes, 1 mm conductor diameter, 1 cm depth
1 50
8. A5

3 35 60

50 5 55
distance from grid centre line,cm 50
Fig. 4 Normal profiles of surface potential for a 16-mesh 10 cm x 10 cm
grid, with 25 ground rods of 3 cm length and 1.5 mm diameter, 1 mm con- 45
ductor diameter, 1 cm depth
potential as a percentage of applied grid voltage. From 35
Figs. 2 and 4, it is concluded that the addition of driven
rods will decrease the grid resistance by about 50%,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
whereas the maximum value of touch potential decreases length of ground rods,cm
by 12%.
Fig. 7 Grid resistance against length of ground rods for a
20 cm x 20 cm grid, 1 mm conductor diameter, 1 cm depth
4 mesh
16 mesh
90 a*
85 O
O 75
'C 35
1 70
"o 30
o> 65
o 60 25

55 20
c 50
& 45
m 10
u 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
50 10 0 10 -v-1 length of ground rods,cm
distance from grid centre 50
Fig. 8 Maximum touch potential against length of ground rods for a
Fig. 5 Diagonal profiles of surface potential for a 16-mesh 20 cm x 20 cm grid, 1 mm conductor diameter, 1 cm depth
20 cm x 20 cm grid, with ground rods of different lengths, 1 mm conductor 4 mesh
diameter, 1 cm depth 16 mesh

IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 133, Pt. C, No. 5, JULY 1986 289

variation of grid resistance, maximum Etouch as a function It is concluded that the grid conductor diameter has a
of the number of meshes and the length of ground rods. small effect on the grid resistance and on the percentage
The values of Etouch are taken along the main diagonal of
the grid in the corner mesh.
It is concluded that the resistance of the grid decreases
with the increase of the length of ground rods. The
maximum value of Etouch decreases with the increase of the o

id vol
number of meshes and with the increase of the length of
ground rods.
6.3 Effect of grid depth 65
Tests to determine the effect of grid depth on grid per- g 60
formance, in uniform soil were conducted. The grids tested c 55
were 25 cm x 25 cm, with different numbers of meshes. o
o. 50
The grids were tested at depths of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 cm.

Figs. 9 and 10 show the variations of the grid resistance, 45

50 50 10 0 10 50
distance from grid centre line,cm
Fig. 11 Diagonal profiles of surface potential for 4-mesh 20 cm x 20 cm
40 grid, with different conductor diameters, 1 cm depth

Table 1 : Effect of conductor diameter on the grid per-
30 formance
Grid conductor Grid resistance % Etouch % Estep
« 25
diameter, mm Q
20 0.5 62.78 33.5 11.0
0 1 2 3 4 1.0 62.2 32.0 9.5
depth of grid ,cm 2.0 59.3 31.5 9.0
Fig. 9 Grid resistance against grid depth for a 25 cm x 25 cm grid, with
different number of meshes, 1 mm conductor diameter
touch and step potentials. Thus the effect of conductor
4 mesh
16 mesh diameter can be neglected.

5 6.5 Comparison between the effect of ground

rods and the additional horizontal conductors
£ 50 The effects of ground rods against the additional horizon-
tal conductors on the grid resistance, maximum values of
i 45 touch and step potentials were investigated. Scale model
3 grids of 20 cm x 20 cm with 4 and 16 meshes. For the
u 40 4 mesh model grid, ground rods of 7 cm length were added
5 35 at each conductor junction.
A comparison of these test results is presented in
E 30 Table 2. It is concluded that, for approximately the same

a Table 2: Effect of ground rods against additional horizontal
conductors for a 20 cm x 20 cm grid
e 20
depth of grid,cm 16-mesh 4-mesh

Fig. 10 Maximum touch potential against grid depth for a length of ground rods, cm 0 7
25 cm x 25 cm grid, with different number of meshes, 1 mm conductor diam- Total conductor length, cm 200 183
eter gr,d
51.8 42
4 mesh Maximum Etouc 32 25
16 mesh

maximum touch potentials against grid depth and number length of conductor, ground rods are more effective in
of meshes. These curves indicate that these quantities are terms of reducing the grid resistance and maximum value
inversely related to the depth of the grid and the number of touch potentials than adding horizontal conductors.
of meshes.
6.6 Rectangular grids
6.4 Effect of conductor diameter A series of tests were performed for 10 cm x 20 cm rec-
To determine the effect of increasing the grounding grid tangular model grids with rectangular meshes. Fig. 12
conductor diameter on the grid resistance and the percent- gives the normal profiles for a 16 mesh grid with 1 mm
age touch and step potentials, a 20 cm x 20 cm, 4-mesh conductor diameter, at a depth of 1 cm.
square grid with different conductor diameters was tested. Table 3 gives the values of resistance and maximum
The potential profiles for grids with 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mm touch potentials for 10 cm x 20 cm model grids with dif-
conductor diameters are plotted in Fig. 11. Table 1 gives ferent numbers of meshes. It is seen that the grid resistance
the values of grid resistance and maximum values of touch and maximum touch potential decrease with the increase
and step potentials for the tested grids. in the number of meshes.
290 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 133, Pt. C, No. 5, JULY 1986
Table 3: Dependence of grid performance on number of and those obtained from model tests for 25 m x 25 m
meshes for rectangular grids, 10 cm x 20 cm grids, buried at a depth of 1 m, with different numbers of
Number Grid Maximum touch 0.8
of meshes resistance, Q potential, % of
grid voltage
4 70 32
8 68 30.5
16 66.7 28.7

60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
55 number of meshes along one side
g 50 Fig. 13 Grid resistance against number of meshes for a 25 m x 25 m
a* grid with experimental and theoretical methods
I (i) Schwarz
40 (ii) Laurent
35 (iii) Recent Laurent
(iv) Koch
30 (v) J. Nahman
50 5 2.5 0 2.5 5 50 (vi) Scale model
distance from grid centre line,cm
Fig. 12 Normal profiles of surface potential for 16-mesh 10 cm x 20 cm
rectangular grid, 1 mm conductor diameter, 1 cm depth 50

0i 45
7 Comparison between model tests a
and theoretical equations 75 40

A comparison between experimental and theoretical •o 35

results of the grid resistance and mesh potential was "o 30
carried out to obtain the nearly accurate theoretical
method which can be used.
Some analytical methods using simplified equations are 1 "
| 20
used [6-8] to obtain the resistances of 25 m x 25 m o
square grids with different numbers of meshes, at a depth r. 15
of 1 m. The resistivity considered was that of water. Scale
E 10
model tests on these grids were performed, and the resist-
ance values are obtained for different numbers of meshes.
By dividing these values by the scale factor, the full scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
resistance values are obtained. number of meshes along one side
Table 4 presents a comparison of the grid resistances Fig. 14 Corner mesh potential against number of meshes for a
25 m x 25 m grid, with experimental and theoretical methods
Table 4: Comparison between theoretical and experimental # Thapor eqn.
values of resistance O scale model
Grid resistance, Q
meshes is given in Fig. 14. It is noticed that the scale
Number of Schwarz Laurent recent Koch J. Nahman Scale model values are higher by about 8%.
meshes Laurent model
1 0.54 0.747 0.594 0.594 0.648 0.518
4 0.536 0.658 0.540 0.594 0.567 0.493
16 0.527 0.585 0.498 0.594 0.513 0.443 8 Conclusions
64 0.513 0.538 0.467 0.594 0.474 0.424
During these investigations experimental methods are used
to calculate resistance, mesh and step potentials for several
obtained from model tests and simplified equations. grounding grids, with and without ground rods, at differ-
Fig. 13 shows the results obtained from model tests and ent depths, number of meshes, and different grid conductor
theoretical equations for 25 m x 25 m grids, buried at a diameters.
depth of 1 m. It is noticed that the values of resistance (i) The resistance of the grid decreases with increasing
obtained using recent Laurent equation is the closest one the number of meshes. The decrease is quite rapid at the
to the values obtained from model tests, the percentage beginning but slow when the number of meshes exceeds
deviation is about 9%higher than the experimental values. 16; a better way of reducing the resistance is to increase
The mesh potential can be obtained mathematically as the area enclosed by the grid. Also the values of mesh and
a percentage of the grid potential rise by the Thapor equa- step potentials are inversely related to the number of
tion [3]. A comparison between these theoretical values meshes.
IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 133, Pt. C, No. 5, JULY 1986 291
(ii) The grid resistance, mesh and step potentials are assistance they received with the experiments from the
slightly reduced with the increase of conductor diameter, technical staff.
but the variation is small for sizes of conductor that would
be used. 10 References
(iii) Addition of driven rods to the grid decreases the
resistance, but if the grid area is increased, the addition of
1 'IEEE Guide for safety in alternating-current substation grounding'
rods do not help to decrease the grid resistance. Also mesh IEEE no. 80, 1961
and step potentials are decreased with increasing the 2 ARMSTRONG, H.R., and SIMPKIN, L.J.: 'Grounding electrode
length of ground rods. potential gradients from model tests', Trans. Amer. Inst. Electr. Eng.,
(iv) The grid resistance, mesh and step potentials are 1960, PAS-79, pp. 618-623
decreased with increasing the burial depth of grid. 3 THAPAR, B., and PURI, K.K.:'Mesh potentials in high-voltage
grounding grids', IEEE Trans., 1967, PAS-86, pp. 249-254
(v) Additional conductors in the form of ground rods 4 CALDECOTT, R., and KASTEN, D.G.: 'Scale model studies of
are more effective in improving grid performance com- station grounding grids', IEEE Trans., 1983, PAS-102, pp. 558-566
pared with additional horizontal conductors. 5 JENCEN, C : 'Grounding principles and practice, II—Establishing
grounds', Electr. Eng., 1945,64, pp. 68-74
6 SCHWARS, S.J.: 'Analytical expressions for the resistance of ground-
ing systems', Trans. Amer. Inst. Electr. Eng., 1954, PAS-73, pp. 1011-
9 Acknowledgment 7 LAURENT, P.G.: 'General fundamentals of electrical grounding tech-
niques', translated from Bull. Soc. Fr. Electr., 1957,1, pp. 368-402
The authors appreciate the facilities made available in the 8 NAHMAN, J., and SKULETICH, S.: 'Resistances to ground and mesh
High Voltage Laboratory, University of Cairo, and the voltages of ground grids', Proc. IEE, 1979,126, (1), pp. 57-61

Book Review
Short-circuit currents in three-phase systems rents for a range of zero-to-positive sequence impedance
Richard Roeper ratios and phase-angle differences.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, John Wiley & Sons, 1975, A section follows on the calculation of the impedances
167pp., £17.95 of synchronous machines, asynchronous motors, trans-
ISBN 0-471-90707-3 formers and various power system components including
cables and overhead lines. A useful table of equivalent cir-
cuits for two- and three-winding transformers for positive,
In the design of electrical machines and power systems an negative and zero sequence systems is given, and examples
essential element is the calculation of the maximum cur- of meshed systems with multiple infeeds are shown.
rents likely to occur due to short-circuit faults. This book The short-circuit impedances of various fault systems
provides a logical and systematic approach to short-circuit met with in practice are also listed and these form a useful
analysis for the practising engineer based on the Verband reference source.
Deutscher Electrotechniker (VDE) regulations. The whole text is based on the VDE Regulations 0102
It commences with a section describing the transient Parts 1/11.71 and 2/11.75 which require the use of an
short-circuit currents which occur during the period from equivalent voltage source, and the author includes a com-
fault initiation until the steady-state fault condition is prehensive array of circuits incorporating this idea.
reached. A single-phase, constant voltage system is con- Although neglecting resistance can simplify matters, the
sidered initially with the short circuit remote from the gen- use of a programmable calculator enables the complex
erator. The loaded and unloaded cases are described impedance terms to be easily included in short-circuit cal-
before the analysis is extended to the three-phase situation culations.
with short circuits close to the generator. Fault currents in The author concludes with a brief section on digital
interconnected systems and the short-circuit characteristics computer calculation of short-circuit currents. It would
of various motor loads are then described. have added greatly to the usefulness of the text had this
A brief introduction to symmetrical components follows section been expanded to include a selection of modern
and the positive, negative and zero sequence impedances analytical methods. However, the extensive use of worked
presented by various power system devices are detailed. examples coupled with the tables of characteristic values of
The symmetrical component method is then applied to the the parameters of a range of synchronous generators,
determination of fault currents in a range of unbalanced transformers and other equipment make this book an
systems. These calculations are made with and without extremely useful source of data.
taking the system load into account, in the latter case The VDE regulations are based on electrical practice in
using a method based on the VDE recommendations Germany and may be at variance with other countries'
which is simple to apply. A series of asymmetrical short- systems, particularly with respect to neutral earthing.
circuit fault situations are next analysed using symmetrical However, if these differences are borne in mind and some
component theory applied to a simple generator/ variations in notation are accepted, this book should be of
transformer/transmission line circuit. The formulas great value to all power systems engineers.
required to calculate the initial short-circuit currents are N.M. LEVY
deduced for a range of fault situations. Useful graphical
results are presented, comparing various short-circuit cur- 4738C

292 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 133, Pt. C, No. 5, JULY 1986

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