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Airish V.


HUMSS 12- St. Theodore

Inquiries, Investigation, Immersion

Student Engagement

The use of Art as a Tool to Enhance Learning in Academics of Columban College-Asinan

HUMSS 12, Senior High School Level


This Research Study aims to discover the attachment of Art in Improving learning in Academic

Specifically, the study sought to find answers to:

1.How does the art affect with learning academics?

2. Is there significance giving importance on implementing art?

3. How does implementing arts will benefit the students in engaging schoolwork?


1. Increased self- confidence and self- understanding, enhanced communication skills, and
improved cognition are among the reasons for teaching the arts.
2. Integrating art with other disciplines reaches students to take who might not otherwise b
engaged in classwork.
3. Through arts, students develop skills to help them master their craft, do well
academically and succeed in life.


1. Students-participants conclude that, arts affect with learning academic. Through

improvement of skills and boosting the confidence of the learner.
2. Students-participants conclude that, it is significant to give importance to implement art.
Because it both benefits the teachers and learners.
3. Students-participants conclude that, the implementing of art will benefit the students in
engaging schoolwork through enhancement of their skills.

1. Teachers can help students having difficulty to learn via traditional methods
through arts.
2. Arts can be an interesting tool for learning that can give a point of reference for
future learning.
3. That the future researchers conduct experimental investigations in the impact of
arts or the implementing of art in the academic performance of the students.


Sharing your Research

The use of Art as a Tool to Enhance Learning in Academics of Columban College-Asinan

HUMSS 12, Senior High School Level


School is a workplace for students where they enhance their skills and knowledge. Thus,
educators have their own ways on how their students will adapt the lesson properly. On a
Kindergarten Student, Ninety Percent of Children’s Brain was developed by the age of Five to
Six. According to SeneAcademy, the intellectual development of children can expand with the
use of implementing art. As they tackle lessons, they can get the enjoyment because of fun
activities that art offer.

Studies prove that the connection of Arts and Education. A 2002 report by the Arts
Education Partnership revealed that schoolchildren exposed to drama, music and dance are often
more proficient at reading, writing and math. In the current generation, involving art makes them
engage more efficiently in the given tasks. Other past studies, like the 2006 Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museum study on Art Education, showed a link between arts and education and
improved literacy skills.

This study aims to determine the effects of the school giving importance on implementing Art
with their teaching styles on the students of Columban College-Asinan. We also aim to enhance
the students’ learning and adapting the given lessons. For this purpose, this research seeks to find
information that prove focusing on Art may help the development of a student absorbing new

- According to Brian Kisida and Daniel H. Bowen, author of the “Brown Center
Chalkboard.” Engaging with art is essential to the human experience. Almost as soon as
motor skills are developed, children communicate through artistic expression. The arts
challenge us with different points of view. Furthermore, he added an empirical evidence
that support his study; he stated “A critical challenge for arts education has been lack of
empirical evidence that demonstrates its educational value. Thus, he proved that
advocating “art for art’s sake” specially on teaching needs to be sufficient for the

- Merryl Goldberg, by the title of her book, Arts and Learning: An Integrated
Approach to Teaching and Learning in Multicultural and Multilingual Settings, she
clearly stated that the relationship between the arts and education in the United States has
long been tenuous and controversial. There are those who believe that the arts play a vital
role in the education of young people. Others believe that the arts are extras, secondary to
the “basics” that students must be taught. Educational policy and financing within the
United States tend to reflect the views of the latter. Where the arts are given a place in
schools, they are often taught as separate subjects and are relegated to a low slot on the
priority hierarchy; when budgets must be cut, the arts are usually the casualties. Teachers
across the country who integrate arts and learning in their classrooms continually provide
testimony to the importance of the arts in the teaching and learning process.
Unfortunately, policy and funding have not kept pace with the experiences of teachers
and students. As a result, most teachers are not trained to use the arts in their classrooms.
Merryl Goldberg’s Arts and Learning provides a strong foundation for teachers who want
to make the arts an integral aspect of their teaching and learning.

- According to Center for Online Education, Teachers and students alike benefit
from schools that have strong art climates, a 1999 study called "Learning in and Through
the Arts" demonstrated. People have been so wrapped up in showing how arts education
benefits students, many haven't stopped to consider how it also impacts educators. The
report studied students at 12 New York, Connecticut, Virginia and South Carolina
schools to compile their results. Not only were students at schools with high levels of art
education earning higher scores on critical thinking tests, but teachers also seemed
happier. Part of the increase in their satisfaction was a result of their charges, who were
found to be generally more cooperative and expressive and enjoy a better rapport with
educators. That wasn't all, however, as teachers at schools that emphasized arts education
enjoyed greater job satisfaction, were more interested in their work and likely to be
innovative and pursued personal development experiences. It's not a trivial finding, as
what is good for instructors is often very good for their students as well. This is
something those at online colleges for education should keep in mind.

- According to Ólafur Ellieson, engaging with art is not simply a solitary event. The
arts and culture represent one of the few areas in our society where people can come
together to share an experience even if they see the world in radically different ways. The
important thing is not that we agree about the experience that we share, but that we
consider it worthwhile sharing an experience at all. In art and other forms of cultural
expression, disagreement is accepted and embraced as an essential ingredient. In this
sense, the community created by arts and culture is potentially a great source of
inspiration for politicians and activists who work to transcend the polarizing populism
and stigmatization of other people, positions, and worldviews that is sadly so endemic in
public discourse today.

- Bryan Saraum, teacher from Children’s Shelter from Cebu, clearly states the
activities that he had done for his Grade two students: He taught the students basic lines,
colors, shapes, borders, which he stated that They really had fun doing their self-portraits.
The room was totally quiet as they studied how best to recreate their picture. This activity
motivated them to develop concentration, coordination, fine-motor skills, and creativity.
Some of them even extended their art skills by creating their own style. Which he
believed "Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory. We come from
the Creator with creativity. I think that each one of us is born with creativity." Thus, art
plays important role specially for the students.

- As stated by Alice A. Pañares, from the different cases presented here of the art of
Filipino child, we can see the need for more studies and research on the Filipino Child in
the seventies, who is a ‘McLuhan’ child, living in a multimedia environment. Which he
added, the lack of research and studies on the Filipino Child and his art is compounded
by a gap in the professional preparation of art educators in our country today. Unlike
music education, which is taught a major field of concentration both in the graduate and
undergraduate level in several universities, art education is offered in few universities and
is usually relegated as a subject one has to take in education or fine arts.


1. How does the art affect with learning academics?
2. Is there significance giving importance on implementing art?
3. How does implementing arts will benefit students in engaging schoolwork?

HUMSS Grade 12 of Columban College-Asinan
The researcher will distribute/send the questionnaire, after gathering data from
respondent’s answers and recommendations. The researchers will collect it for
tallying the scores and to apply the statistical treatment to be used with the study.


1. Arts became the helping hand of the learners so that they can cope up in their
2. Implementing arts helped to develop critical thinking and the ability to interpret
the world around us.
3. It develops the learner’s skills, decision-making, risk-tasking, and inventiveness.


1. The arts provide challenges for learners at all levels.

2. Art education connects students with their own culture as well as with the wider world.
3. Integrating art with other disciplines reaches students who might not otherwise be
engaged in classwork.


1. Teachers can help students having difficulty to learn via traditional methods through arts.
2. Arts can be an interesting tool for learning that can give a point of reference for future
3. That the future researchers conduct experimental investigations in the impact of arts or
the implementing of art in the academic performance of the students.








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