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What monetary rewards can and cannot do: How to show employees the money

Article  in  Business Horizons · March 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2012.11.007

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Harry Joo Ryan Gottfredson

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What monetary rewards can and cannot do:

How to show employees the money
Herman Aguinis *, Harry Joo, Ryan K. Gottfredson

Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 1309 E Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-1701, U.S.A.

KEYWORDS Abstract Monetary rewards can be a very powerful determinant of employee

Motivation; motivation and performance which, in turn, can lead to important returns in terms
Compensation; of firm-level performance. However, monetary rewards do not always lead to these
Human resource desirable outcomes. We discuss in this installation of Human Performance what
management; monetary rewards can and cannot do, and reasons why, in terms of improving
Individual employee performance. Also, we offer research-based recommendations including
performance; the following five general principles to guide the design of successful monetary reward
Employee retention systems: (1) define and measure performance accurately, (2) make rewards contin-
gent on performance, (3) reward employees in a timely manner, (4) maintain justice in
the reward system, and (5) use monetary and nonmonetary rewards. In addition, we
offer specific research-based guidelines for implementing each of the five principles.
In short, our article summarizes research-based findings and offers recommendations
that will allow managers and other organizational decision makers to understand
when and why monetary reward systems are likely to be successful in terms of
enhancing employee motivation and performance.
# 2012 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. Show me the money Jerry: What can I do for you, Rod? You just tell me.
What can I do for you?
A well-known scene from the movie Jerry Maguire
(Crowe, 1996) portrays the high value that employ- Rod: It’s a very personal, a very important thing.
ees give to monetary rewards. The scene involves Are you ready, Jerry?
the following shortened telephone conversation be-
tween Jerry Maguire, a sports agent played by Tom Jerry: I’m ready.
Cruise, and Rod Tidwell, a National Football League
wide receiver played by Cuba Gooding, Jr.: Rod: Here it is: Show me the money. Oh-ho-ho!
Show! Me! The! Money! A-ha-ha! Jerry,
doesn’t it make you feel good just to say
that? Say it with me one time, Jerry!
* Corresponding author
E-mail address: (H. Aguinis) Jerry: Show me the money!

0007-6813/$ — see front matter # 2012 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
BUSHOR-1018; No. of Pages 9


Rod: Yeah! Louder! systems that allows us to reconcile seemingly con-

tradictory conclusions about the positive and nega-
Jerry: Show me the money!! tive effects of monetary reward systems. However,
given the much lamented science-practice divide in
Rod: I need to feel you, Jerry! management and related fields (Cascio & Aguinis,
2008), this research does not seem to have reached
Jerry: (Screaming) Show me the money!!! Show me many managers and other organizational decision-
the money!!! makers. Accordingly, next we discuss what monetary
rewards can and cannot do, and why, in terms of
Rod: Congratulations, Jerry, you are still my agent. improving employee performance. Then, we offer
research-based recommendations including five
As was the case for Rod Tidwell, monetary rewards general principles to guide the design of effective
can be a very powerful motivator, and the effect that monetary reward systems. In addition, we offer
monetary rewards have on motivation often trans- specific research-based guidelines regarding the
lates into other positive outcomes such as employee implementation of each of these principles. In short,
retention (Jewell & Jewell, 1987). Moreover, our article distills research-based findings and offers
Stajkovic and Luthans (2001) conducted a study in- recommendations that allow for a better under-
cluding more than 7,000 employees with identical job standing of when and why monetary reward systems
responsibilities and found that objective perfor- are likely to be successful in terms of enhancing
mance improvements–—measured in real-time by a employee motivation and performance.
meter in each employee’s work station–—were high-
est among employees in a monetary incentive inter-
vention program compared to those who received 2. What monetary rewards can do and
social recognition or performance feedback instead. why
In addition, benefits of monetary rewards seem to be
global and have been documented not only in the Examples of monetary rewards include base pay,
United States but also in many other countries and cost-of-living adjustments, short-term incentives,
industries around the world including China (Du & and long-term incentives (Aguinis, 2013). The avail-
Choi, 2010), Australia (Cadsby, Song, & Tapon, 2007), able empirical evidence documents that monetary
and England (Campbell, Reeves, Kontopantelis, rewards are among the most powerful factors af-
Sibbald, & Roland, 2009). fecting employee motivation and performance. For
However, monetary rewards do not always lead to example, Locke, Feren, McCaleb, Shaw, and Denny
desirable outcomes. First, generous amounts of (1980) found that an employee’s productivity in-
monetary incentives sometimes fail to motivate creased by an average of 30% after the introduction
(Beer & Cannon, 2004) and may even lead to coun- of individual monetary incentives. Other types of
terproductive outcomes such as financial misrepre- rewards and interventions do not seem to have such
sentation activities (Harris & Bromiley, 2007). a powerful effect (Locke et al., 1980; Stajkovic &
Second, when promised very high amounts of mon- Luthans, 2001).
etary incentives, employees can ‘choke,’ or suffer In spite of the research-based evidence, manag-
declined performance levels as a result of sharply ers and other organizational decision-makers often
increased fear of failure (Chib, De Martino, Shimojo, seem to lose sight of the principle so eloquently
& O’Doherty, 2012). Third, employees can develop a encapsulated by former Avon CEO Hicks Waldron: ‘‘It
sense of entitlement to certain amounts of payouts took me a long while to learn that people do what
(Beer & Cannon, 2004) and, as a result, actual you pay them to do, not what you ask them to do’’
payouts that fall short of their expectations can (Cascio & Cappelli, 2009). One likely reason for the
cause various negative reactions such as pay-level lack of generalized acceptance of this principle is
dissatisfaction and intentions to quit the organiza- that results of employee surveys seem to suggest
tion (Schaubroeck, Shaw, Duffy, & Mitra, 2008). that monetary rewards are not among the most
This point is humorously illustrated in National important motivating factors. However, what em-
Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Chechik, 1989), in ployees say is the value of monetary rewards does
which the main character Clark Griswold (played by not always reflect what they think or what they
Chevy Chase) goes on a bizarre rant in front of his actually do (Rynes, Gerhart, & Minette, 2004). In
family after finding out that his usually generous fact, although pay is not often acknowledged as a
Christmas cash bonus was not given out for the year. critical factor in most surveys, it is one of the most
There is an important body of scholarly research important factors leading employees to accept job
on motivation, individual performance, and reward offers (Feldman & Arnold, 1978). Thus, in addition
BUSHOR-1018; No. of Pages 9


to its role as a motivator, greater absolute pay levels of motivation (Mitchell, 1997). As noted by Aguinis
relative to the competition, as well as a better (2013, p. 275), ‘‘[if] an organization is trying to solve
alignment between monetary rewards and perfor- performance problems by focusing on money only,
mance, allow organizations to attract and retain one result is expected for sure: The organization will
individuals who exhibit the highest levels of perfor- spend a lot of money.’’
mance, need for achievement, and leadership qual- Second, monetary rewards do not necessarily
ities (Rynes et al., 2004). Further, higher levels of improve the quality of jobs: what is generally la-
pay and better pay-performance alignment are es- beled ‘job enrichment’ (Grant & Parker, 2009). Job
pecially valued by top performers: a minority of enrichment is an important motivator because indi-
highly sought-after employees who contribute viduals derive personal meaning from enriched jobs.
to the majority of organizations’ output (Aguinis, For example, increasing employees’ pay levels does
Gottfredson, & Joo, 2012b; O’Boyle & Aguinis, not necessarily enhance the level of autonomy and
2012). Not surprisingly, organizations that provide participation in decision-making enjoyed by em-
higher pay levels and tie pay to individual perfor- ployees. Also, monetary rewards per se do not
mance enjoy high levels of return on assets (Brown, enrich jobs by enhancing the variety of skills that
Sturman, & Simmering, 2003). employees use at their jobs or the perception of
The reason why monetary rewards can be a pow- positive impact that employees’ work has on others.
erful motivator of employee performance and also Finally, monetary rewards do not have a built-in
help attract and retain top performers is that they mechanism that prevents such rewards from unin-
help meet a variety of basic needs (e.g., food, tentionally encouraging unethical and counterpro-
shelter) and also higher-level needs (e.g., belonging ductive employee behaviors (Kerr, 1975). For
to a group, receiving respect from others, achieving instance, Green Giant, a producer of frozen and
mastery in one’s work) (Long & Shields, 2010). For canned vegetables, once rewarded its employees
example, monetary rewards provide employees for removing insects from vegetables. It was later
with the means to enhance the well-being of their found that employees began to bring insects from
families, as well as pay for leisure activities with their homes, placed them in the vegetables, and
friends and colleagues, thereby helping satisfy the subsequently removed them to receive the mone-
higher-level need to belong in groups. Employees can tary rewards (Aguinis, 2013).
also use monetary rewards to purchase status sym- In sum, monetary rewards can improve employee
bols such as bigger houses (satisfying the higher-level motivation and performance because they can sat-
need for respect from others) and pursue training, isfy a wide range of low- and high-level needs (Long
development, or higher education (satisfying the & Shields, 2010). However, the use of monetary
higher-level need for achieving mastery). Further, rewards does not always lead to desirable out-
monetary rewards in and of themselves are often comes. Next, we offer research-based recommen-
valued as a symbol of one’s social status (Saleh & dations on how to design and implement effective
Singh, 1973) and acknowledgment of one’s personal monetary reward systems that will maximize posi-
accomplishment (Trank, Rynes, & Bretz, 2002). tive outcomes and minimize negative ones.

3. What monetary rewards cannot do 4. Best-practice recommendations on

and why how to use monetary rewards
There are limitations to what monetary rewards can
do in terms of enhancing individual and firm perfor- Our best-practice recommendations regarding how
mance. First, monetary rewards do not improve to use monetary rewards effectively include five
employees’ job-relevant knowledge, skills, and general principles, each of which is accompanied
abilities (KSAs). That is, although monetary rewards by specific guidelines regarding implementation is-
can motivate employees to work harder, they do not sues. Table 1 provides a brief summary of our rec-
necessarily improve KSAs, unless monetary rewards ommendations.
are invested in training and development activities
(Dierdorff & Surface, 2008). Individual performance 4.1. Principle #1: Define and measure
is determined by both motivation and KSAs (McCloy, performance accurately
Campbell, & Cudeck, 1994). So, relying on monetary
rewards as the exclusive solution to performance Performance should be defined and measured accu-
problems is counterproductive when the cause for rately for a monetary reward system to be truly
poor performance is a lack of KSAs rather than a lack effective (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2000). Specifically,
BUSHOR-1018; No. of Pages 9


Table 1. Research-based recommendations on principles and implementation guidelines for using monetary
rewards effectively
Principles Implementation Guidelines
1. Define and measure  Specify what employees are expected to do, as well as what they should refrain
performance accurately from doing.
 Align employees’ performance with the strategic goals of the organization.
 Standardize the methods used to measure employee performance.
 Measure both behaviors and results. But, the greater the control that employees
have over the achievement of desired outcomes, the greater the emphasis should
be on measuring results.
2. Make rewards contingent  Ensure that pay levels vary significantly based on performance levels.
on performance  Explicitly communicate that differences in pay levels are due to different levels
of performance and not because of other reasons.
 Take cultural norms into account. For example, consider individualism-collectivism
when deciding how much emphasis to place on rewarding individual versus team
3. Reward employees  Distribute fake currencies or reward points that can later be traded for cash,
in a timely manner goods, or services.
 Switch from a performance appraisal system to a performance management
system, which encourages timely rewards through ongoing and regular
evaluations, feedback, and developmental opportunities.
 Provide a specific and accurate explanation regarding why the employee received
the particular reward.
4. Maintain justice in  Only promise rewards that are available.
the reward system  When increasing monetary rewards, increase employees’ variable pay levels
instead of their base pay.
 Make all employees eligible to earn rewards from any incentive plan.
 Communicate reasons for any failure to provide promised rewards, changes in the
amount of payouts, or changes in the reward system.
5. Use monetary and  Do not limit the provision of nonmonetary rewards to noneconomic rewards.
nonmonetary rewards Rather, use not only praise and recognition, but also noncash awards consisting of
various goods and services.
 Provide nonmonetary rewards that are need-satisfying for the recipient.
 Distribute nonmonetary rewards based on the other four principles of using
monetary rewards effectively.
 Use monetary rewards to encourage voluntary participation in nonmonetary
reward programs that are more directly beneficial to employee or organizational

performance measures must be reliable (i.e., yield goals of the organization (Aguinis, Joo, & Gottfredson,
consistent and error-free scores across raters, time, 2011). Establishing this alignment helps an organiza-
or other contexts) and also valid (i.e., reflect all tion promote employee behaviors that contribute
relevant performance facets and not irrelevant to meeting organizational goals and the bottom
ones) (Aguinis, 2013). line.
There are four guidelines regarding how to im- Third, methods used to measure employee per-
plement this first principle. First, there is a need to formance should be standardized (Chen, Tsai, & Hu,
specify what employees are expected to do, as well 2008). This involves not only standardizing rating
as what they must refrain from doing. Otherwise, forms and techniques (e.g., by standardizing the
employees may increase performance in areas that questions asked in interviews) but also providing
are not desired by the organization, including coun- raters with standardized training on how to accu-
terproductive behaviors illustrated earlier through rately measure performance. For example, frame-
the Green Giant example. In short, inaccurate def- of-reference training achieves standardization
initions and measures of performance may lead to by helping raters similarly interpret and assign nu-
the fallacy of rewarding A, while hoping for B (Kerr, merical scores to the same behaviors (Aguinis,
1975). Mazurkiewicz, & Heggestad, 2009).
Second, when defining performance, we suggest Fourth, though both results and behaviors should
aligning employees’ performance with the strategic be measured, it is important to correctly decide how
BUSHOR-1018; No. of Pages 9


much emphasis to place on each. When employees ‘individualism-collectivism.’ In general, people in

have greater control over the achievement of de- countries such as the United States and Australia,
sired outcomes, then more emphasis should be which are more individualistic, place great value on
placed on measuring results (Grote, 1996). For ex- individual achievement. Alternatively, people in
ample, it is better to emphasize the measurement of countries such as China and Guatemala, which are
behaviors for employees who have not yet had a more collectivistic, place great value on group
reasonable period of time on the job to develop the identification. Accordingly, employees in individu-
necessary knowledge and skills to complete their alistic countries tend to prioritize their own individ-
tasks (Aguinis, 2013). ual interests above the interests of groups in which
they belong (e.g., extended family). On the other
4.2. Principle #2: Make rewards hand, employees in collectivistic societies tend to
contingent on performance value interdependence and place the interests of
the groups they are affiliated with above their own.
The second principle is that monetary rewards must Thus, monetary reward systems that emphasize
be tied to performance as closely as possible, and individual rewards will be more successful in more
not to irrelevant factors such as number of years in individualistic compared to more collectivistic soci-
the organization or unquestionably following a eties. For example, the average U.S. worker, and
supervisor’s directives (Trevor, Reilly, & Gerhart, more so for high-performing employees, prefers pay
2012). A monetary reward system that closely links systems that are strongly contingent on individual
pay to performance helps attract, retain, and moti- performance (Trank et al., 2002). On the other
vate the best, while sorting out the rest. Without a hand, the greater an organization’s collectivist na-
strong connection between pay and performance, ture (e.g., an organization located in a collectivist
employees are less likely to believe that increasing country), the greater the emphasis should be on
effort will result in additional pay, thereby leading rewarding team performance in addition to reward-
to lower levels of motivation (Aguinis, 2013). We ing individual performance (Aguinis et al., 2012c).
offer three specific guidelines regarding the imple-
mentation of this second principle. 4.3. Principle #3: Reward employees in a
First, pay levels must vary significantly based on timely manner
performance because employees are not likely to
change their motivation levels when there is a small The third principle involves the need to reward
difference in the amount of pay between high per- employees in a timely manner (Aguinis, 2013). It
formers and low performers (Aguinis, 2013; Rynes, is better to reward employees shortly after they
Schwab, & Heneman, 1983). Even if there is a strong have exhibited exemplary behaviors so that the
connection between performance and supplemental behavior-reward link is established more clearly.
pay (e.g., bonuses), small amounts of additional However, assigning a cash bonus to an employee
remuneration promised for higher performance lev- every single time an exemplary behavior occurs is
els will fail to motivate employees to exert the not practically feasible. In light of this, we offer
additional effort. three specific guidelines regarding the realistic and
Second, it is important to explicitly communicate effective implementation of this principle.
to employees that they are being paid differently First, managers can distribute fake currencies or
because of different levels of performance and not reward points that can later be traded for cash,
because of other reasons. As stated by Baldwin, goods, or services (Merrill, Aldana, Garrett, & Ross,
Bommer, and Rubin (2013, p. 262), ‘‘Nothing is likely 2011). For example, Dave Warren, president of the
to burn out your star performer as much as equal manufacturing company Energy Alloys, imple-
rewards, whereby everyone receives the same. . . mented a reward program called Energy Bucks.
regardless of performance.’’ Ultimately, it is em- Managers and supervisors carry printouts of fake
ployees’ perceptions of whether rewards are con- money that are distributed to employees based on
tingent on performance that drives them to exert their on-the-job performance on an ongoing basis.
more or less effort (Trevor et al., 2012). To maximize At the end of the day, employees can use the fake
this perception, organizations should not only main- money to purchase various products at the company
tain a performance-contingent monetary reward store or save it for bigger purchases in the future
system but also explicitly communicate the (Witt, 2005). As another illustration, First Data
performance-contingent nature of the rewards. corporation, a financial services firm, has a program
Third, it is important to take cultural norms into in place called Bravo! designed to ‘‘recognize
account (Aguinis, Joo, & Gottfredson, 2012c). For employees for their unique contribution to the
example, consider the cultural dimension labeled company and foster a community of excellence
BUSHOR-1018; No. of Pages 9


that rewards everyone who reaches beyond the the people who maintain the reward system provide
expected’’ ( personal treatment and information in a just man-
Supervisors are able to distribute Bravo! points to ner?’’) (Ambrose & Schminke, 2009). Next, we offer
their employees on the spot based on performance; four implementation guidelines regarding this
points can then be redeemed for gift cards, electron- fourth principle.
ics, home accessories, sporting goods, and travel First, to maintain distributive justice, it is impor-
options. tant to only make promises of rewards that are
Second, we suggest that organizations switch actually available (Aguinis, 2013). Otherwise, unful-
from a performance appraisal system to a perfor- filled promises tend to incite negative emotions and
mance management system (Aguinis et al., 2011). counterproductive behaviors (Bordia, Restubog, &
Performance appraisal systems usually involve a Tang, 2008).
formal, end-of-the-year performance evaluation Second, to maintain procedural justice, when
form that managers unfortunately often fill out increasing monetary rewards, it is better to increase
carelessly because it is a requirement from the employees’ variable pay rather than their base pay
human resource department, and employees typi- (Aguinis, 2013). The reason for this recommendation
cally receive no ongoing feedback and developmen- is that employees typically see variable pay as more
tal opportunities (Aguinis et al., 2011). In contrast, a contingent on performance and thus less stable over
performance management system involves ongoing time (Kuhn & Yockey, 2003). Therefore, if the
and regular evaluation, feedback, and developmen- amount of compensation received from variable
tal opportunities (Aguinis, 2013). When an organi- pay, as opposed to base pay, fluctuates (e.g., de-
zation has a performance management rather than a clines) due to changes in performance levels, an
performance appraisal system, the regular interac- employee is more likely to accept the fact than feel
tions centered on evaluating and developing perfor- injustice.
mance will provide useful information so that Third, also related to procedural justice, orga-
employees will be able to receive rewards in a nizations should make all of their employees eligible
timely manner. to earn payment from any incentive plan, instead of
Third, we suggest that managers provide a spe- only a select group of individuals (Aguinis, 2013). For
cific and accurate explanation regarding why an example, if the top executives of a company are
employee is being rewarded. For example, avoid promised stock options and profit-sharing depending
making vague statements such as ‘‘good job’’ and on their performance, extending this to lower-level
instead provide explanations such as, ‘‘Our monthly employees fosters the perception that they are in a
figures show that of all the tellers during the month just workplace. In turn, this perception increases
of April, you conducted the most transactions’’ the motivation levels of all employees in the orga-
(Aguinis, Gottfredson, & Joo, 2012a, p. 109). Em- nization (Ambrose & Schminke, 2009).
ployees are more likely to repeat desired behaviors Fourth, to maintain interactional justice, it is
if they have a specific and accurate understanding of important to provide a thorough and convincing
why they received a reward (Aguinis, 2013). explanation for any circumstances such as budget
constraints or organization-wide pay cuts that make
4.4. Principle #4: Maintain justice in the it no longer feasible to keep promises of rewards
reward system that were previously available (Greenberg, 1990).
Even when no explicit promises are made, employ-
The fourth principle is that organizations maintain ees tend to form expectations, such that a thorough
justice in the reward system (Greenberg, 1990). It is and convincing explanation is also warranted when
important to have a just reward system not only changes are made to actual amounts of payouts or
because it is the right thing to do, but also because the system (Schaubroeck et al., 2008).
employees’ perceptions of justice lead to a variety
of desirable attitudes (e.g., organizational commit- 4.5. Principle #5: Use monetary and
ment) and behaviors (e.g., performance) while nonmonetary rewards
reducing undesirable outcomes (e.g., counterpro-
ductive work behaviors) (Ambrose & Schminke, The fifth principle involves the use of nonmonetary
2009). There are three types of justice perceptions rewards in addition to monetary rewards. The rea-
in the context of a reward system: distributive son is that nonmonetary rewards serve to develop
justice (i.e., ‘‘was the allocation of rewards to and motivate employees in ways in which monetary
various employees just?’’), procedural justice rewards do not (Long & Shields, 2010). As we men-
(i.e., ‘‘were the procedures used to allocate re- tioned earlier, paying employees more does not
wards just?’’), and interactional justice (i.e., ‘‘did necessarily improve their job-relevant knowledge
BUSHOR-1018; No. of Pages 9


and skills or enrich the characteristics of their jobs rewards typically satisfy these criteria because they
(e.g., job autonomy, positive impact on others). But, ‘‘are usually available (there is an unlimited supply of
certain nonmonetary rewards are designed to do just praise); all employees are usually eligible; and nonfi-
that. For example, valuable training and develop- nancial rewards are visible and contingent, [and]
ment opportunities, offered as rewards for good usually timely.’’
performance, help not only motivate employees Fourth, we suggest that organizations use mone-
but also increase their job-relevant knowledge and tary rewards to encourage voluntary participation in
skills (Brown & Sitzmann, 2011). Further, greater nonmonetary reward programs that are more direct-
discretion over redesigning one’s own job as a per- ly beneficial to employee or organizational perfor-
formance-contingent reward motivates employees mance (Dierdorff & Surface, 2008). For example,
by satisfying their need for autonomy (Wrzesniewski the food and beverage department in Argosy Casino
& Dutton, 2001). Next, we offer four specific imple- makes cross-training a nonmonetary reward that an
mentation guidelines regarding our fifth principle. employee must earn with good performance. Given
First, it is not necessary to limit the provision of such, the department adds 50 cents to an employ-
nonmonetary rewards to noneconomic rewards, be- ee’s hourly pay rate for every new skill learned. As a
cause nonmonetary is not equivalent to noneconom- result of this creative use of both monetary and
ic (Long & Shields, 2010). Instead, nonmonetary nonmonetary rewards, the department reported
rewards involve not only praise and recognition that it experienced high levels of voluntary partici-
but also various goods and services. The difference pation in the training program, as well as improved
between monetary and nonmonetary rewards is that attraction of job applicants and retention of em-
the former involves cash, whereas the latter can be ployees (Davidson & Freundlich, 2011).
relabeled noncash rewards. Examples of nonmone-
tary rewards include formal commendations and
awards, a favorable mention in company publica- 5. Conclusions
tions, receiving praise in public, letters of appreci-
ation, status indicators such as an enhanced job Monetary rewards can be a powerful influence on
title, a more flexible work schedule, greater job employee motivation and performance. However,
autonomy, paid sabbaticals, and more interesting monetary reward systems do not always live up to
work (Aguinis, 2013). Other examples of nonmone- expectations. A likely reason is the much lamented
tary rewards include training and development, science-practice gap in management and related
tuition reimbursement, coveted parking spaces, a fields (Cascio & Aguinis, 2008). In other words, al-
gym membership, a new piece of furniture, going to though there is considerable empirical research on
social events or vacations with coworkers, and even what monetary rewards can and cannot do in terms of
an opportunity to get out of one’s least favorite improving individual performance, such research
project (reserved for top performers only) (Douglas, does not seem to have reached many managers
2012; Schappel, 2011). and other organizational decision-makers. We relied
Second, make sure to provide nonmonetary re- on the available research results to distill five prin-
wards that are need-satisfying for the recipient ciples that, if followed, will allow organizations to
because effective nonmonetary rewards motivate take advantage of what monetary reward systems
people by satisfying their desires (Long & Shields, have to offer. However, the devil is in the details.
2010). For example, if a manager gives a Celine Dion Thus, we also offered research-based guidelines re-
concert ticket to an employee who has no interest in garding the effective implementation of each of
the singer, this will likely have no effect on the these five general principles. We hope that the adop-
employee’s motivation or, worse, may send the tion of our five principles, as well as their implemen-
signal that the manager does not care about tation using our specific guidelines, will allow
the employee. This situation can be avoided by organizations to improve their performance by ad-
simply asking what the employee wants. dressing employees’ number one request: ‘‘Show me
Third, distribute nonmonetary rewards based on the money!’’
the other four principles of using monetary rewards
effectively. Just like with monetary rewards, non-
monetary rewards should be based on accurate def- References
initions and measurement of employee performance
(Principle #1), contingent on performance (Principle Aguinis, H. (2013). Performance management (3rd ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
#2), provided in a timely manner (Principle #3), and Aguinis, H., Gottfredson, R. K., & Joo, H. (2012a). Delivering
the reward systems must be just (Principle #4). effective performance feedback: The strengths-based ap-
As noted by Aguinis (2013, p. 275), nonmonetary proach. Business Horizons, 55(2), 105—111.
BUSHOR-1018; No. of Pages 9


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