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Semana 5/Unidad III

Inglés Básico I

Actividad de Evaluación Formativa

1. Instrucciones generales

Estimado(a) estudiante:

Una vez realizada la lectura comprensiva del material de estudio de la semana,

lo(a) invitamos a realizar una serie de ejercicios de aplicación de conocimientos.

El objetivo de esta actividad es poner en contexto práctico lo aprendido


Para responder las preguntas y/o realizar los ejercicios, refiérase principalmente a
los contenidos trabajados en las semanas previas. También puede recurrir a
fuentes de información segura en Internet.

2. Responda, fundamentadamente, las siguientes preguntas:

Ejercicios Inglés Básico I- A1, S5

I.- Observe las siguientes oraciones y complete con There is o There are:
1. ____ (be) there a drusgstore in your town?
2. Check the timetable because I don't think there ____ (be) any metro after
eleven o'clock.
3. How much sugar ____ (be) in my cup of tea?
4. At this time of night there ____ (not be) many people in the subway.
5. There ____ (be) a lot of money in my wallet
6. Nowadays there ____ (be) a lot of ways to study French.
7. There ____ (be) very little passion in this project.
8. ____ (be) there many men in your class?
9. There ____ (be) five books missing from the library.
10. There ____ (not be) any juice in the fridge.

II.- Elija la alternativa correcta de cuál cuantificador corresponde:

1.- Tamara drinks ____ milk-one litre per day
a) no
b) a few
c) a lot of
2.- Jorge won Kino, he has got so ____ money, he doesn´t know what to do
with it.
a) much

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

Semana 5/Unidad III

b) a few
c) a lot of

3.- Teresa doesn´t speak English, only _____ words

a) lot of
b) a few
c) very
4 .- Would you like some more cake? Yes, please, but only ____
a) few
b) a few
c) a little
5.- I haven´t watch ____ of those movies yet.
a) a little
b) some
c) any
6.- Excuse, but can you give ___ informatión about touristic places? ?
a) some
b) few
c) lot of

III.- Complete las oraciones con el uso del Presente Simple:

A: _____ you (live) in Talca?
B: No, I _____ (not live) in Talca. I ____ (live) in Concepción, but my sister
_____ (live) there.
A: And _____ she (like) it?
B: Yes, she _____ (love) Talca. She _____ (work) in a drugstore in the
mornings. In the afternoons, she _____ (play) piano or she _____ (watch) TV
at home. In the evenings, she usually _______ (visit) some friends or she
_____ (do) her duties. She _____ (study) English on Saturdays.
A: _____ she _____ (visit) you in Concepción?
B: She ________ (not come) to Concepción very often. I usually ______
(visit) her in Talca

IV. Complete las siguientes oraciones con el adverbio de frecuencia que


1.- Do you catch the metro at 8 o´clock (always)?

Do you ___________ always catch the metro at 8 o ´clock?
2.- Susana is late for the meeting (occasionally)
Susana is ___________ late for the meeting
3.- We do not watch tv (never).
We________ watch tv
4.- We play football at the weekend (often).
We _____ play football at the weekend
5.- I cook pasta on weekends (sometimes)

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

Semana 5/Unidad III

I ________ cook pasta on weekends

3.- Is
4.- Are not /aren´t
5.- Is
6.- Are
7.- Is
8.- are
9.- are
10.- is not /isn´t

Don´t – Live - Lives
Loves –Works – Plays – Watches – Visits – Does - Studies
Does – visit
Doesn´t – visit

1.- Do you _ALWAYS always catch the metro at 8 o ´clock?
2.- Susana is _OCASSIONALY late for the meeting
3.- We_NEVER watch tv
4.- We OFTEN play football at the weekend
5.- I SOMETIMES cook pasta on weekends

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

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