Water Resources Engineer, Hydraulic Engineer, Civil Engineer

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Wei Guo (EIT, A.M.

1301 Barthelow Dr., Apt 32D, College Station, TX 77840
Email: ; Tel: 979-739-2510
Finding an entry level full-time position in Civil Engineering with an emphasis
on water resources
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
May 2009
Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering, focus: Water Resources Engineering; GP
A: 3.0.
Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding, Hebei, China
July 2007
Bachelor of Engineering, Agricultural Water Resources Engineering; GPA: 3.76.
Precision Reservoir Modeling Inc.
July 2009-Present
Voluntary Hydraulic Engineer, Fluid flow modeling
* Reservoir simulation study and hydraulic analysis using HEC-RAS
Water Resources Group, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University
Oct 2007-Aug 2008
Student Worker, Evolutionary Computation in Water Distribution System
* Integrated and called EPANET in Matlab using Visual Basic
* Analyzed and Optimized Virtual City Model "Micropolis" in EPANET using Geneti
c Algorithm method
* Identified contamination sources in Virtual City Model
Student Worker, Physical modeling of the Pump Station in Las Vegas
* Painted, caulked, and screwed the parts of the channel framework and the pipe
* Connected the pump to the pipe network and examined water leakage
* Ran, tested, and analyzed the pump station model
Water Resources Engineering Lab, Dept. of Water Resources Engineering, Agricultu
ral Univ. of Hebei
Part-time Research Assistant
Apr 2006-May 2007
* Studied the performance of micro-sprinkler and trickle irrigation
* Analyzed the Water Resources Optimization Model to evaluate and optimize the
water resources and make up the irrigation schedule
* Engineering Hydrology, Surface Hydrology, Stochastic Hydrology
* Hydraulic Engineering, Advanced Hydraulic Engineering
* Water Resources Planning and Management, Storm Water Management
* Special Topic in Civil Engineering Application of Evolutionary Computation
* Civil Engineering Application of GIS
Steel Concrete Structure Lab, Agricultural University of Hebei
Jul 2006
* Designed the Steel Concrete Structure
* Drew the arrangement of reinforcement bars and cages
West-Ocean Reservoir, Tang County, Baiyang Shallow Lake Authority, Anxin County,
Hebei Sep 2005
* Completed geological survey and understanding fieldwork
Wangkuai Reservoir (the 2rd largest reservoir in Hebei Province), Quyang County,
and Dragon-Gate Reservoir(the worst leaking reservoir in Hebei), Mancheng County
, Hebei Jul 2005
* Carried on geological prospecting fieldwork
* Studied and evaluated the reinforcement measures for reservoirs
* Surveyed and analyzed the causes of the dangerously weak reservoirs
Qing Dynasty Western Imperial Mausoleum, Yi County, Hebei
Sep 2004
* Supervised the Water Resources Engineering survey group
* Drew the hill contour map using the surveyor's transit and air bubble level
Storm Water Management, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Drainage, Flood Control, Water Re
sources Planning & Management
Engineer In Training (EIT), Texas Board of Professional Engineers (No. 42212)
Aug 2009
Graduate Fellowship of Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University
Best Debater of College of Urban and Rural Construction, Agricultural University
of Hebei 2003-2004
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Associate Member, Texas Section
May 2009-present
American Society of Civil Engineers, Student Member, Texas A&M University
Jan 2009-May 2009
American Water Resources Association, Vice President, Texas A&M University
Aug 2008-May 2009
* Invited and maintained correspondence with speakers
* Prepared and post flyers
* Made announcements during class
* Organized and presided over meetings
HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, HEC-1, HEC-2, EPA-SWMM, EPANET, Matlab, Visual Basic, ArcGIS 9
.x, MS Office, AutoCAD, Windows 9x/NT/XP/Vista
Eligible for Optional Practical Training

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