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Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

Module 5 – Email Marketing Secrets

Important Learning Advisory:

To experience better learning, it is recommended that you print and follow this transcript
while listening to the MP3 audio. There is ample space at the bottom of every page for
you to write your own notes and jolt down ideas. Happy learning!

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

You are about to unearth the secrets of injecting quick bursts of cash into your bank
account, spending nothing more than a few minutes crafting your very own persuasive
emails! This is E-mail marketing at its best, and very soon you will be joining the ranks of
top direct response and online marketers! Now if you have already built your opt-in
mailing list, you probably wonder what to do with it next. And above all, you ask yourself,
“How do I make money from this? And over and over again?” Your question is about to
be answered in a while.

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

A lot of top marketers always preach that “the money is in the list”. But is it really? After
years of experimenting with e-mail marketing and list building, I have reached to a
conclusion that the money isn't in the list after all. I know this goes against the common
belief that the money is in the list, and that a lot of marketers out there are preaching it. I
suspect they are just parroting ancient advice without verifying it. Because my research
and trial and error have suggested that the money is in the RELATIONSHIP with the
subscribers after all, not the “list” itself.

To merely treat these names as a “list” shows a huge disrespect to the people who
trusted you enough to part their details with you. And to me, every name opted into my
list are REAL people behind their computers. Just imagine – if you have a list of 1,000
subscribers, and while this number may seem insignificant in comparison to top notch
experts who have a strong following of tens or even hundreds of thousands of

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

subscribers – just imagine if these 1,000 people are magically teleported to stand in front
of you right now. Massive crowd, isn’t it? That’s the beauty of the Internet: you can
connect to just about anyone from around the world, ignoring borders, and your
customer doesn’t have to be a local at all!

So I also arrived at one strict conclusion: The marketer with a better relationship with the
subscribers makes the most money. That being said, when you build your mailing list,
you must have a clear goal. Yes, we all want to make money from our mailing list and
this is actually the reason why we are building it. But we must not neglect that if you
want to make money from your mailing list, you must first build a better relationship with
your subscribers so that they can start to trust you first; trust you enough to part their
money with you.

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

The next thing I want to talk about is the purpose of e-mail marketing. A lot of amateur
marketers, when they build their mailing list for the first time, they always have wrong
assumptions and wrong goals about e-mail marketing.

It is not to give free content, unlike contrary to what a lot of newbies have thought.
The purpose of e-mail marketing, at the same time, is also not to sell. If it's not to give
free content and it is also not selling for the matter, so what is the purpose of e-mail
marketing? The purpose of e-mail marketing is to pre-sell. I want to make an emphasis
here: PRE-SELL.

You don't send e-mails to your subscribers to give free content. The harsh truth is that
nobody has the time to read one long e-mail of content that is free and there's no call to
action. Because the life style of most people from around the world today is that they

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

wake up early in the morning, they quickly check their mails and they will delete anything
that is not useful before they go to work or continue with the rest of their lives in the day.
At the same time, it is also not to sell. Because if the purpose of e-mail marketing is to
sell, then a lot of spam e-mails should be quite reliable today, don't you think?

Expert marketers on the other hand, they already defined their purpose of e-mail
marketing and all they do is just pre-sell. You don't attempt to do any hard-selling in your
e-mails. You just pre-sell. Give a nudge.

And then there is this popular question: Should I write a long e-mail or short e-mail?

After experimenting with hundreds of e-mails, I found out that the shorter e-mails
normally out-performs the longer e-mails. Now this is not a universal truth because in

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

some cases, I have found out that long e-mails do perform better than short e-mails in
terms of response.

But overall, I find that short e-mails are better because you get straight to the point, you
encourage the person to take action a lot faster and because as I've said earlier, people
in general are always busy. They want to get things done quickly, they want to read
things quickly as well. Anything that does not interest them, they will delete from their
inbox. And don't forget that since other competitors are also using e-mail marketing as a
mean of reaching the same target prospects, this means you are competing for attention
therefore, your message has to be short, snappy and straight to the point.

This is why short e-mails tend to outperform long e-mails most of the time. So how do
you format your e-mail? Now if you are a direct response marketer, chances are you are
going to be using text e-mails. So you'll want to have your e-mail formatted in a very
sexy and compelling way so that it's easier for your subscriber to read your e-mail and
easily get the point driven to him.

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

So here are some steps to format your e-mail so that it can be easily read and look
professional at the same time:

First thing first is that you must limit your text to 55 characters per line, no more than that.
This is because a lot of e-mail browsers and inbox readers, they cannot read e-mails
that are more than 55 characters per line or 65 characters per line. So it is safer to limit
to 55 characters per line.

Next thing is you must have a call to action. You don't just send an e-mail talking about
your story. This is where a lot of people are giving away free content or always wonder
why they are not making any money. You don't just give content away. You must have a
call to action. You must have your subscriber do something and this is always why you
have a call to action. You want the prospect to take action all the time. It can be clicking

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

on a link, it can be taking a survey, it can be replying to your e-mail, it's up to you. But
normally the call-to-action would be clicking on a link so that you can send him to a sales
letter and let the sales letter do the rest of the selling. This is why pre-selling in your e-
mail is very important.

Then the next thing you'd want to have is a P.S (Post script). As you can tell that writing
an e-mail to your subscriber is like writing a personal letter to one person, having a P.S
is good for giving reminders, showing hidden benefits and making another call to action.
Again, I want to remind you to keep your e-mail short. No more than 2 to 3 pages in a
word document.

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

So you might be wondering, what kind of contents are you going to write in your e-mail?
Even if it is a promotional e-mail or an e-mail that you want to talk about a real story and
followed with a call to action, how do you write your e-mail?

It's actually very easy even if you think you are running out of ideas or you think that you
don't know much. All you have to do is go back to your 6 basic 'WH' questions and
answer them in your promotional e-mail:

 Who?
 What?
 Why?
 When?
 Where?
 How?

So when you answer these questions accordingly and write your e-mail and have all
these WH questions answered, this means that you have systematically written your
promotional e-mail very easily and answered all of your subscribers' objections,
questions and countered skepticism for that matter without him even realizing that you
are actually basically just answering your own 6 questions.

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

The next thing I want to talk about is your call to action. As mentioned earlier, the call to
action is the most important thing and it is the primary goal of your e-mail marketing
campaigns. You want the person to take a call of action of any kind. It can be clicking on
a link to visit a sales letter and let the sales letter do the selling therefore you make a
commission or a sale. You can get a person to do a survey. You can also get a
subscriber to reply to your e-mail with a testimonial and so on.

The most important thing is that you must have a call to action. If there's nothing in it for
your subscriber, then do not send the e-mail at all. That being said, every time you are
about to write to your subscriber, you must have a clear goal: What you want your
subscriber to do?

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

Now, how would you like to know the secret to doubling your sales? It's actually very
easy. You see, after sending your first promotional e-mail, let's just say you made 10
sales. The next thing you'd want to do is send a follow-up e-mail, is that correct? And
this is what a lot of expert Internet marketers do; they always send a follow-up e-mail.
It's actually very easy. You don't have to make it very complicated. All you have to do is
copy the same first e-mail that you sent out, which was your first promotional e-mail),
and change the headline to something like: “Have you seen this yet?” “A gentle
reminder…” "This is selling out fast…” or you can add the word "RE:" in front of your
initial e-mail headline and send it all over again.

The body of the e-mail can remain the same as the first one. Maybe you can change the
first paragraph to something like "This is a gentle reminder" or "Have you seen this yet?"
Something along those lines.

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

And there, you can just double your sales that way. Believe it or not, although this is over
simplified, this is how a lot of successful Internet marketers are making twice the amount
of money with very little effort, actually - no effort at all! Easy, isn't it?

Now, how would you like to know the secret to tripling your sales? Actually, this is just
the same as what I was mentioning to you earlier: Just copy back the first e-mail and
send it again on the third time. That's all there is to it!

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

Now here are 4 types of follow-up e-mails that you can send out besides your
promotional e-mail:

You can send a reminder e-mail and ask if the subscriber has seen this yet. Because
some subscribers may have genuinely missed out your first e-mail. They could be busy,
they could have been away for the weekend or for any reason they may have not seen
your first e-mail, it's good to send them a reminder and they will actually appreciate it.

"Frequently Asked Questions" e-mail where you can answer popular questions and
counter objections.

Module 5 - Email Marketing Secrets

Unmentioned benefits that you have not covered in the previous e-mails at all. Maybe
because it was too long and therefore, you saved it for the second e-mail. Or target a
different sub-niche altogether or different group of customers altogether.

Last call e-mail. This creates an urgency or scarcity factor especially if you are offer are
genuinely running out of time or running out of copies of the product.

This concludes the Email Marketing Secrets course!


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