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Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

Module 9 – Social Media Traffic Building

Important Learning Advisory:

To experience better learning, it is recommended that you print and follow this transcript
while listening to the MP3 audio. There is ample space at the bottom of every page for
you to write your own notes and jolt down ideas. Happy learning!

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

Hello and welcome to this special course on Social Media Traffic Building Methods. In
this course, I am going to teach you how to combine some of the best web 2.0 tools in
generating an avalanche of targeted, red hot traffic to your websites. Although there are
many 2.0 websites out there that are popular today, I'm going to be only talking on only
two of the most popular traffic building methods involving the use of social media. They
are none other than and

This is the amazing thing about social media traffic methods. Not only are they free, the
return of investment can also be infinite! This is what‟s responsible for creating a lot of
Internet millionaires today. The amazing part is that they are not using paid traffic to get
all the traffic they need. They are, in fact, just using free traffic methods. We are living in
the most exciting times of the Internet and there has been no previous time ever where
people can actually build their businesses so quickly online using free methods.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

How does that sound to you? Exciting? Now let's get started.

The first social media traffic tool I'm going to talk about is Facebook. A quick overview on
Facebook: I'm sure you probably have an account with because
Facebook is the most popular social networking website on the Internet. But if you don't
have an account with by now, whoa, you really are missing out a lot! You
better head over to and register for your account right away if
you haven‟t just yet. Signing up is free.

Now, Facebook was not popular until just a few years ago. You see, when it first started
out, it was actually just between some university students who were doing this as a pet
project. Later on, it went from obscurity to being the most popular social networking
website on the planet. At the time of this video, there are more than 200 million users

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

worldwide using, logging in every second even as I am speaking. Do you

know what this means? Lots and lots of targeted prospects you can target, anyone you
want. Again, how does that sound to you? Good or good?

Now, I'm going to jump in on how you can shape up your Facebook profile and how you
are going to use Facebook to drive traffic to your websites. Later, I am also going to
teach you how to integrate Facebook with your Twitter account. More on that in a while.
But basics come first.

Let's talk about your Facebook profile now. You see, everybody has their own unique
way of writing about themselves. I'm sure you've seen some of your friends by now who
has Facebook and they are quite different with their styles of writing and how they
portray themselves. But hey, this time you are going to use it for business reasons

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

because you want to get customers. Not just any friends visiting your Facebook profile.
You want to get paying customers.

So that being said, you have to shape up your Facebook profile a little bit different. I
want to put an emphasis on 'a little bit different' because you are not going to come up
with a profile of a typical salesman. This is just going to drive people away. People don't
like to be sold to; they like to buy.

To get started, you should have a clean and consistent profile photo. By definition of
“consistent”, I mean that you must have this professional photo that you'll always use
and people will recognize you by. You'll notice that a lot of top celebrities today or top
experts who are quite well known in their industry, they always have some consistent
photos or portraits of themselves that people always identify with. You see, the problem
with using different types of photos of you at different times is that people don't really
remember you. You make yourself less memorable, you see. So have one or a few
consistent photos that you are going to use over and over again. It's ok to update once in
awhile but leave it at that. Since your photo is everything, it's going to portray your public
perception, make sure it is something that is clean and clear. I really advise you to go to
the nearest camera shop and get a professional photo shot done. It's going to cost you a
couple of hundred bucks but it's really well worth the investment, because first
impression is everything in business. It's very hard to win people if you have a bad
impression with them and it's very rare for you to win them back on the second
impression. So make sure you score on the first impression.

Next thing we are going to do is craft out your 'About Me' profile in your Facebook
account. Now, I recommend a rough ratio of 80% business related and 20% being
personal. Why would I recommend this ratio? It's because as mentioned earlier, you are
going to use this Facebook profile to draw targeted customers and targeted business
partners. Although it is going to be your personal space, it's ok because that is what
Facebook is for. By portraying that you are quite passionate with what you do, it's going
to radiate a very positive energy and it is going to attract like-minded people to you. You
see, it's all about law of attraction. If you craft out a profile that is negative or highly
emotional, you will draw such a crowd. But if you talk about something that you are very
passionate about in your business, your writing conveys a lot of positive energy, you will
draw like-minded people who share the same passion as you and have the same goals
as you do.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

At the same time, don't be talking all about business because that's just going to make
you boring and it makes you less personal as well. So this is where I encourage you to
be a little bit personal as well. You can talk about the things you do outside your
business; your interest, your hobbies, what do you do in your spare time and so on. So
people do know you have a life and not just working all the way.

Next, as an Internet marketer, this should go without saying: you are going to publish
links to your main websites. If you own multiple websites, I suggest short listing down to
just a few main websites that you own. The next thing you are going to do is that you are
going to install Facebook applications to your account. These are 2 applications that you
should install right away. They are called Networkedblogs and Twitter. You can easily
search for them on your “Facebook search” function and get them right away. Again,
these are free. How Networkedblogs and Twitter come into play will be explained more
in awhile.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

There are some things that you shouldn't be doing on Facebook as well and I am going
to cover this because although some of them may appear obvious, the thing is that it
does appear less obvious to some people. So I am not going to take that risk and I am
going to cover everything so that you don't make these mistakes.

First things first, remember you are in business here so whatever you write on Facebook,
your words carry substance. If you spit out nonsensical updates or status updates that
don't really help people or portrays you in the negative light, people will start to see you
differently especially in the not so good way. It makes you appear less serious or I would
rather say, less professional.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

Just imagine if you took up so many random quizzes, random Facebook games or this
thing called, 'Farmville' and so on. This is kind of ok and maybe you'd want to do this on
a different Facebook account where you are keeping it personal.

But when it comes to using it on business purposes, I really advice you to stay away
from doing all of these. Another „no-no‟ is attacking other users on Facebook. This is
really a serious violation because being in business requires you to build good
relationships with your customers and your potential business partners. So refrain from
attacking other users on Facebook in as much as you may disagree with his opinions.

This also goes hand-in-hand: Sparking unwanted controversy on Facebook. This is

something that you will want to avoid doing as well. Some controversy is healthy but only
some. Especially if you are doing it to encourage a healthy discussion. If you are doing it
with the intention of attacking an opinion or someone's belief system, that is really
another no-no as well. So avoid these altogether.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

That being out of the way, let's talk about how you can get targeted friends on Facebook.
I am going to assume that your Facebook account is now new or you are in the stage
where you want to get even more friends but targeted friends being added to your
Facebook account.

Believe it or not, it is actually quite easy and you can build your Facebook friends list into
the thousands like some of the top marketers are doing right now. Besides exhausting
your current list of friends or people that you've already know, here's how you can
expand your list of friends on Facebook even if you have not met them before. You can
join relevant groups in your niche. Let's just say you are in the weight loss niche or body
building niche. Okay, let's talk about body building here. So you start joining groups that
are related to body building because everybody here shares the same passion and

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

Normally it is quite ok to join groups and request to add friends because when they see
your profile to find out who you really are, some of them may be cautious about people
who are just requesting to add them as friends. They will see that they have something
in common so you both immediately connect. I guarantee your friend request
conversions will be sky high.

Another way is to join relevant fan pages in your niche as well. Fan pages are a little bit
different from groups but normally fan pages are more driven towards celebrities and so
on. Again using the body building niche as an example, you definitely know some body
building celebrities in your niche and people who are following this celebrity are definitely
sharing the same passion as you do.

The next thing you'd want to do is encourage your blog and forum visitors to add you on
Facebook as well. This is a way to getting yourself out.

Last but not least, make use of your name card space. Do you have a name card? Do
you give it around when you meet people in person? Now this is your quick way and
your quick ticket out to get even more targeted friends on Facebook.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

How to build traffic funnel from your Facebook account? Here are some ways. Your
latest blog post. Every time you have friends being added on Facebook, you're updating
your status or sharing content on Facebook, how do you use traffic from Facebook to
send out to external sites that you have? The first and easy way is your latest blog post.
So every time you write your latest blog post, you can post it on your Facebook account
and your friends on Facebook will click on your link and visit your latest blog post. This is
a quick way of generating some publicity for your blog and getting in traffic as well.
That's very easy because people do like to read content and if you have something very
valuable to share, people will love it all the more.

The next thing you'd want to do is post a link to your latest product that you are selling.
Every time you are launching a new product, you can also post it on Facebook. This is
how some marketers are actually making hundreds to even thousands of dollars just by

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

doing this. Remember what I said about social media traffic being the best free traffic of
the 21st century? This is it!

You can also share videos that you've made whether you have embedded on Youtube
or you share it on your website. Nowadays, people don't just read. They also watch and
listen. So sharing videos makes you more personal and people will have a more positive
perception about yourself.

You can also start your own group of fan page when it merits. Next, I want to talk about

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

Twitter in a nutshell, is a micro-blogging tool where people use this service to post short
messages, normally 140 characters and below, answering to the common question,
"What are you doing now?"

Twitter wasn't popular until just a couple of years ago, just like Facebook. It started to
experience critical mass when it got to be even more popular and now as of March 2009,
Twitter has an estimated database of more than 6 million users who are using Twitter
around the clock and from around the world.

Twitter is another good way of quickly putting out your message without writing a lengthy
e-mail or writing a lengthy blog post and you can send out this message instantly (which
is called a 'tweet') to your list of Twitter followers. You can treat your followers of Twitter
as what I call, an alternate mailing list, whereby if you are using an opt-in list, you'll be
sending out e-mail to subscribers. But when you send out a message through your
Twitter account, you are sending out to your Twitter followers.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

How to craft your Twitter profile? First thing‟s first: your username. I know this is going to
be quite obvious but again, it needs to be said. Being in this business, you should name
your username after your real name. No such thing as “skaterboy86” or weird
usernames like that. If you are not in business and you're having a personal Twitter
account, that is perfectly fine. But remember, you are in business so it is best to have
your real name match your username or at the very least, your username match the
name of your company or your product brand at the very least.

The next thing you need to craft out is your personal bio. This is where Twitter is a little
bit more generous where they let you describe yourself in 160 characters or less. But
since you have only so many characters to describe yourself, you can only write a short
message to give out a quick impression. Here's a quick formula that you can easily use
for yourself:

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

Expertise 1, expertise 2 and your personal message

Here is an example: “Joe Bradson. Internet Marketer. SEO expert. Hiking enthusiast.”
See, that's an easy way to expressing yourself in 160 characters or less!

Next, you are going to be asked for your link and you can only put in one link so it better
be your personal blog or your main website. Of course, your photo which is a thumbnail
of 100 x 100 pixels. Unlike Facebook, you can only put in one photo as well so make
sure this is your best photo or the consistent photo that you've been using all this while.

Now, I'm going to take one step further for your Twitter profile. You see, by registering
for a free account with Twitter, you are using the default backgrounds in Twitter. So

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

when people visit your Twitter page, you'd want to be different and standout from the
rest of your competitors and the rest of the 'me too' marketers as well.

You should customize your Twitter background to be unique to you. One option is to get
a graphic designer to do it for you and this going to cost a little bit but it's going to be
worth the investment. However, if you want to do it free, there is this website called You can get your own Twitter backgrounds
there for your own use.

Now that your account is already set up and assuming that it is new, means you have
nothing in your Twitter account right now, you are going to need to update your Twitter
account status frequently enough. So what is the recommended frequency? I encourage
5 to 10 times in a day. Anything less and your account will appear to be “dead” or less

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

active. You are just starting out so get the momentum spinning. You can afford to post
less tweets in a day as your account progresses, and at the end of this module I will
show you an easy way to automate your tweet postings in advance too. This will save
you plenty of time and effort by doing everything just once!

What Can You Tweet About? Here are some ideas: You can tweet about your latest blog
post. Every time you write a blog post on your Internet marketing blog or your business
blog. The thing about sharing messages on Twitter is that you are only limited to 140
characters or less. So this is an incentive to get your Twitter followers to follow through
by giving a short link or a short teaser on your Twitter account and followed by a link to
your blog post for the full content. This is how you can generate quick traffic to your blog

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

You can also tweet about your latest product launch or your latest product launch
development here. This is what a lot of top marketers are doing today where they build
their pre-launch, they throw out teaser a lot easier than before and then when they finally
launched their product, people are following them like mad.

But what if you are not into launching products because it is too tiring for you? No
problem! You can always promote other people's products as an affiliate. This is another
alternative way to generate commissions as an affiliate this time. Ever since Twitter
came about, affiliate marketing got even easier.

But hey, it is not all about selling. You can also offer tips and quotes every now and then
to share with your followers, inspire them and motivate them. This really adds value to
your Twitter profile and it really encourages people to follow you further.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

All that being said… How to Get Followers on Twitter? Here are some ways you can
start off right away assuming you are starting from scratch. You can encourage visitors
from your blog, forum profile, and e-mail signature to follow you on Twitter. And if you
are a member of other social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace and so on,
you can also publish your Twitter username over there and have people follow you.

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

While those methods can help you get some followers for starters, how would you like to
know how to get followers on Twitters the sneaky way? Here's how it goes: this is a
sneaky way to get a lot of followers on a daily basis!

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

First of all, you identify the top experts with a strong following of 10,000 followers and
above. Regardless of whatever niche you are in or industry you're in, I'm sure you
already know some of the rising experts or the most established experts in your industry

Identify who they are and make sure they already have a strong following of 10,000
followers and above to make this worth your while. After that, what you are going to do is
that in each of this top experts' profiles, you are going to follow and un-follower them 3 -
5 times a day. Of course you are going to spread this frequency out every few hours
from these actions.

The reason of doing this method is because every time you follow them, this will put you
at the top of their list of followers. So that you get some exposure. Of course, there are

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

going to be other people who are going to follow them as well so this means you will be
pushed down to the bottom of the page or to the next page. So you start un-following
and then re-follow again. This is how you can get exposure and try to get people to
follow you.

The next thing you'd want to do is that you are going to look for the latest 10 or 20
followers of these experts and follow them too. From now on, for every 24 hours, you are
going to un-follow anyone who has not followed you back. The kind of conversion rate
we are looking at is ideally 50% where everyone in 2 people follows you back.

But of course to make sure that if you want to really follow you, you must make sure that
it is really worth your while. So be sure to at least tweet a few times a day to show that
your account is active. And speaking of active, you'd want to follow only active users and

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

users with real photos. Do not follow any users who has not updated their account for a
long time or their account is protected or they are using fake photos like cartoon photos,
celebrity photos or stock photos.

Now, how would you like to know yet another sneaky way? Alright, remember the
process that I've explained to you just now? That does not require any kind of software
or whatsoever. You can just do it the way it is right away. But that's going to be a little bit
tiring if you don't mind. But if you do mind, I suggest you get this Twitter follower adding
software called, 'Humming Bird'. It is at this website URL:

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

This software will help you add followers on Twitter on autopilot and you can choose to
follow anyone you want and un-follow anyone you wish to remove. Isn‟t that a whole lot
easier? This is for you if you have some money to spend.

The next step is to set your Twitter account on pure automation. These are 2 external
tools that you can use online and the best part is again, they are free. The first website is
called This website was formerly known as
Register for a free account here and integrate this with your Twitter account so that you
can set to send out any future tweets at any time of the date you want.

The next one is to have a Twitter application installed on your Facebook profile so that
every time you update on Twitter, the same status will also reflect on your Facebook

Module 9 - Social Media Traffic Building Methods

account, allowing you to update only once and having reflected on both these social
networking websites.

So imagine, when you integrate Twitter and Facebook, what are you going to do with all
the traffic? I'm going to leave this to you on how you plan to monetize on your traffic and
I hope you've learned a lot from this course by now. After you use social media traffic
methods for your online business, take my word for it, you won‟t ever look back!


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