A Review of Gauge Radar Merging Methods For Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in Hydrology

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Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne

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A review of gauge–radar merging methods for

quantitative precipitation estimation in hydrology

Jack L. McKee & Andrew D. Binns

To cite this article: Jack L. McKee & Andrew D. Binns (2016) A review of gauge–radar
merging methods for quantitative precipitation estimation in hydrology, Canadian Water
Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 41:1-2, 186-203, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/07011784.2015.1064786

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Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 2016
Vol. 41, Nos. 1–2, 186–203, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07011784.2015.1064786

A review of gauge–radar merging methods for quantitative precipitation estimation in

Jack L. McKee* and Andrew D. Binns
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
(Received 12 November 2014; accepted 18 June 2015)

In the case of a significant precipitation event, hydrological models play a key role in flood mitigation. To develop a
hydrological model that produces results with a high degree of confidence, it is imperative that the model be provided
with accurate quantitative precipitation estimates as input. For flood forecasting purposes, quantitative precipitation esti-
mates at high spatial and temporal resolutions are preferable. Rain gauges and weather radar are the most widely used
instruments for near real-time collection of precipitation estimates. While rain gauges and radar demonstrate certain
strengths, both instruments suffer from a wide variety of well-known errors which inhibit their ability to provide optimal
precipitation estimates for hydrological models. Considering this, several methods have been developed to merge the
estimates of these two instruments in order to minimize their individual weaknesses and take advantage of their respec-
tive strengths. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of gauge–radar merging methods and assess
the opportunity for near real-time application of gauge–radar merging methods in hydrology. Methods presented include:
mean field bias correction, Brandes spatial adjustment, local bias correction with ordinary kriging, range-dependent bias
correction, Bayesian data combination, conditional merging, kriging with external drift and statistical objective analysis.
While comparison of gauge–radar merging methods is difficult, several factors, including gauge network design, storm
type and the temporal resolution of adjustment, have demonstrated a large effect on the overall accuracy of a particular
merging method. The majority of research carried out on near real-time application of gauge–radar merging methods has
been conducted outside of Canada. Further research is recommended to assess the capability of using gauge–radar
merging schemes with Canadian radar products for precipitation estimation in hydrological applications, including
operational hydrological modelling for flood forecasting.

Les modèles hydrologiques jouent un rôle clé dans l’atténuation des inondations dans le cas d’un événement de
précipitations significatives. Pour élaborer un modèle hydrologique qui produit des résultats avec un degré élevé de
confiance, il est impératif que le modèle soit fourni avec des estimations quantitatives de précipitations précises. Des
estimations quantitatives de précipitations à résolutions spatiales et temporelles élevées sont nécessaires pour la prévision
des inondations. Les pluviomètres et le radar météorologique sont les instruments les plus couramment utilisés pour la
compilation en temps quasi réel des estimations de précipitations. Alors que les pluviomètres et le radar montrent cer-
tains avantages, ces deux instruments (présentent/connaissent) une grande variétés d’erreurs bien connues qui inhibent
leur capacité à fournir des estimations de précipitations précises pour les modèles hydrologiques. Tenant compte de ce
fait, plusieurs méthodes ont été développées pour combiner les estimations de ces deux instruments afin de minimiser
leurs faiblesses individuelles et de profiter uniquement de leurs avantages. L’objectif de ce manuscrit est de fournir un
examen exhaustif des méthodes de combinaison des données des pluviomètres et du radar et d’évaluer la possibilité de
leur application en temps quasi réel en hydrologie. Les méthodes incluses dans ce manuscrit sont les plus courantes dans
la littérature et les plus souvent utilisées en pratique. En tout, huit méthodes de combinaison des données des plu-
viomètres et du radar ont été examinées dans ce manuscrit. Bien que la comparaison des méthodes de combinaison des
données sur les pluviomètres et le radar soit difficile, plusieurs facteurs, comme la conception des réseaux de plu-
viomètres, le type d’événement de précipitation et l’ajustement de la correction temporelle, ont démontré un effet impor-
tant sur la précision globale d’une telle ou telle méthode de combinaison. La majorité des études effectuées sur
l’application en temps quasi réel des méthodes de combinaison des données des pluviomètres et du radar ont été menées
à l’extérieur du Canada. D’autres études sont recommandées pour évaluer la possibilité d’utiliser de telles méthodes de
combinaison avec des produits du radar au Canada pour l’estimations quantitative de précipitations et la prévision des

Introduction in Canada (Sandink et al. 2010). The Institute for Catas-

Throughout Canadian history, flooding events have had a trophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) estimates that currently
major impact on society, causing billions of dollars in preventable damages due to extreme rainfall exceed
damage and resulting in the loss of life. Flooding events CAD $2 billion a year in Canada (Kovacs et al. 2014).
are by far the most common natural disaster experienced In the past few years, costs associated with flooding have

*Corresponding author. Email: lmckee5@uwo.ca

© 2015 Canadian Water Resources Association

Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 187

been rapidly escalating. Flooding events in 2011 in with inaccurate rainfall data.” Inaccurate rainfall data
Manitoba and Quebec resulted in damages of CAD $1.1 directly compromise the integrity of the model and the
billion and $78 million, respectively (Thistlethwaite and associated critical decisions made using model output
Feltmate 2013). Damages due to 2013 flooding in (Golding 2009; McMillan et al. 2011). In particular, for
Alberta caused by a combination of snowmelt in the small watersheds, the timing and location of rainfall is
headwater regions and extreme rainfall resulted in dam- critical in reproducing hydrographs. There is thus an
ages exceeding CAD $6 billion (Environment Canada urgent need to acquire reliable precipitation estimates at
2014). Flash flooding in Toronto in July 2013 due to a high spatial (e.g. a few km or less) and temporal (e.g.
high-intensity short-duration rainfall event resulted in hourly or less) resolutions (Berne and Krajewski 2013).
damages of CAD $1 billion (Environment Canada As a result, in recent years significant efforts have been
2014). The federal, provincial and municipal govern- made to develop accurate methods to estimate rainfall
ments of Canada have largely been responsible for accumulations at higher spatial and temporal resolutions
covering the rising costs of these damages, which has during rainfall events.
resulted in significant impacts to the Canadian economy Rain gauges and weather radar are the most widely
(Environment Canada 2013a). used instruments for acquiring rainfall accumulations for
Riverine flooding events are a result of increased use in hydrological models (Berne and Krajewski 2013).
runoff from the surrounding contributing basin which While these rainfall measurement techniques have their
causes the stream to exceed the level of the banks individual strengths, both techniques result in errors
(Dingman 2002). While this increase in flow can be due which can limit their ability to produce accurate input
to a number of hydrological, meteorological and human- for hydrological models. Considering this, numerous
induced factors (Takeuchi 2001), precipitation is the techniques have been proposed to merge rain gauge and
most influential factor controlling the frequency and radar measurement techniques (hereafter referred to as
magnitude of flooding events (Environment Canada gauge–radar merging methods) at high spatial and
2013b). One of the most important tools for flood temporal resolutions in order to obtain greater accuracy
mitigation is the use of hydrological models for flow pre- in rainfall accumulations. For hydrologists and engineers
diction (Takeuchi 2001). A hydrological model, which developing hydrological models for reliable operational
conceptualizes the complex physical characteristics of a use, the choice of a suitable rainfall estimation technique
basin (Dingman 2002), is used to analyze stream flow is a critical decision. The vast number of gauge–radar
rates and water levels in near real-time as they respond merging methods present in the literature makes this
to rainfall events. Output from these models is used to decision a challenging task.
provide early flood warning, allowing for time to evacu- The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive
ate affected areas, shut down vulnerable transportation review of the acquisition and merging of rain gauge and
infrastructure, deploy emergency workers and establish radar rainfall data for input into hydrological models. To
emergency short-term flood protection for important achieve this goal, the following objectives will be satis-
structures (Looper and Vieux 2012). fied:
Despite their many benefits, a lack of confidence in
hydrological modelling outputs often leads to underuti- (1) Provide a review and description of the uncer-
lization of this tool for flood mitigation (McMillan et al. tainty associated with the use of rain gauges and
2011). The validity of a model depends on the accuracy radar for the acquisition of rainfall data;
and reliability of input parameters and initial and bound- (2) Describe and compare pertinent gauge–radar
ary conditions (Zhu et al. 2013). Of these parameters merging methods to produce greater accuracy in
and data, rainfall inputs prove the most important rainfall accumulations; and
(Golding 2009). Additionally, accurate rainfall is needed (3) Identify and discuss factors which influence the
in hydrological model calibration to produce parameter accuracy of gauge–radar merging methods as
sets which represent basin characteristics. Widespread input into hydrological models to aid in the
use of hydrological models has demonstrated the need selection of an appropriate rainfall estimation
for accurate rainfall fields in order to produce runoff and technique.
stream flow predictions with a high degree of confidence
(Beven and Hornberger 1982; Kalinga and Gan 2006; The use of radar in hydrological modelling is widely
Cole and Moore 2008; Xu et al. 2013; Berne and studied academically; however, it is not yet widely
Krajewski 2013; etc.). According to McMillan et al. implemented operationally. This paper will assist in
(2011, p. 84): “No model, however well founded in identifying circumstances in which the addition of data
physical theory or empirically justified by past perfor- derived from radar output is beneficial in hydrological
mance, can produce accurate runoff predictions if forced modelling.
188 J.L. McKee and A.D. Binns

Rainfall estimation: rain gauges point rain gauge values that generally produce a uni-
Historically, rain gauges have been the main source for form rainfall field (Sinclair and Pegram 2005). Accord-
quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) for use in ing to previous research investigating the impact of
hydrological models, and remain one of the most popular gauge network design on interpolation accuracy (see
and widely used rainfall accumulation collection methods e.g. Rodriguez-Iturbe and Mejia 1974; Xu et al. 2013),
today (Environment Canada 2013c). Rain gauges mea- the interpolation accuracy of rainfall data sets is depen-
sure the depth of rainfall over a set time for a given dent on optimal network density and spacing. However,
location. Therefore, the primary goal of a rain gauge is optimal gauge density and spacing is for the most part
to obtain representative measurements of rainfall over never achieved in a river basin (Smith et al. 2007).
the area which the measurement represents (World Mete- Economic and practical considerations result in gauge
orological Organization [WMO] 2008). Rain gauges networks that provide poor representation of the rainfall
typically cover an area of 200 cm2 (Vuerich et al. 2009). field over the basin (Volkmann et al. 2010). Huff
Several types of recording rain gauges are used in prac- (1970) demonstrated that a rain gauge network density
tice, including: tipping bucket rain gauges, weighing rain of one gauge per 65 km2 is required in order to
gauges, optical rain gauges and disdrometers. The major- achieve an average sampling error in recorded rainfall
ity of automatic recording rain gauge networks in accumulations of less than 5% for 6-hour rainfall
Canada consist of a series of automatic weighing gauges accumulations. The density required, however, will
and tipping bucket gauges (Environment Canada 2013c). change depending on operational considerations.
While rain gauges have the ability to provide accurate According to the US Army Corps of Engineers (1996),
point measurements, they are subject to numerous the optimal network design should consist of evenly
sources of error and uncertainty that limit their use in distributed gauges at a spatial density determined by:
operational flood forecasting models (Sinclair and N ¼ A0:33 (1)
Pegram 2005). These sources of uncertainty and the
where N = the number of gauges, and A = the area of
effect of this uncertainty on hydrological modelling
the basin in mi2. The World Meteorological Organization
capabilities will be discussed in the following two sub-
(WMO) recommends rain gauge densities dependent on
catchment type (e.g. one gauge per 250 km2 for a moun-
tainous catchment or one gauge per 900 km2 for a plains
Uncertainty associated with rain gauge measurements catchment) (WMO 2008). A number of different factors
Wilson and Brandes (1979) identified two critical sources affect the optimal network density of rain gauges, includ-
of error which have a significant impact on the ability to ing climatic patterns, topography (Lobligeois et al. 2014)
use rain gauge measurements for hydrological modelling and storm type (Huff 1970). For example, Barge et al.
purposes. These include: (1) the inability of point (1979) assessed that during a summer thunderstorm in
measurements to accurately characterize the spatial southern Alberta, a recording rain gauge measured a
distribution of the rainfall field; and (2) systematic and rainfall depth representative of an extreme rainfall event.
calibration errors. If the hydrological model had been based on rainfall
The first error relates to the inability of a rain recorded by this gauge alone a flood warning would
gauge to measure the spatial variability in a rainfall have been issued. However, through subsequent qualita-
field. Distributed hydrological models require a spatial tive observations of weather radar and a review of the
distribution of rainfall over a basin in order to deter- subsequent stream flow data, it was evident that the rain-
mine the rainfall–runoff response in the watershed. Rain fall was localized directly above the gauge. A dense rain
gauges can provide only fractional coverage of the gauge network is desirable for operational flood forecast-
entire spatial domain and are thus often unable to pro- ing of such localized rainfall events; however, as men-
vide an accurate representation of the variability in a tioned above, the installation of such a network is not
rainfall field. Considering this, a network of gauges practical (Zhu et al. 2013). Therefore, rainfall is often
(consisting of a series of gauges distributed throughout mischaracterized during high-intensity, small-spatial-scale
the basin) is used to produce a spatial distribution and events, leading to significant error in predicted stream
approximate rainfall accumulations at ungauged loca- flows (Golding 2009). Several methodologies have been
tions. Spatial distribution of rainfall from point rain developed to optimize the location and density of rain
gauge values can be determined using well-known dis- gauge networks (see e.g. Pardo-Iguzquiza 1998; Jung
tance averaging techniques such as inverse distance et al. 2014).
weighting, kriging, Thiessen polygons and splines Secondly, systematic and calibration errors affect the
(Dingman 2002). Rainfall fields, however, often exhibit accuracy of gauges through losses due to evaporation,
a high degree of spatial variability (Tao et al. 2009), splash-out, wind effects, valley effect, tree cover, build-
which is often uncaptured through the interpolation of ing cover or miscalibration (WMO 2008). These errors
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 189

affect the measured depth and the calculated resulting 2 to 65%, respectively. This study indicated that in an
spatial distribution of rainfall. According to the WMO environment dominated by high-intensity rainfall events
(2008), two types of wind effects hinder the accuracy of with significant spatial variability, rain gauge density and
rain gauges: placement can strongly influence predicted stream flows
from hydrological modelling, leading to increased uncer-
(1) The effect of the wind translating the droplets of tainty in model results. The errors within gauge measure-
rainfall so that they miss the rain gauge; and ments due to systematic and calibration issues also often
(2) The effect of the gauge changing the trajectory lead to significant error in subsequent modelling efforts.
of the wind so that the characteristics of the rain- Habib et al. (2008) examined the effect of tipping bucket
fall are different around the gauge than elsewhere uncertainty on the accuracy of hydrological models for a
in the watershed. mid-sized watershed in southern Louisiana, USA. These
authors determined that wind and dynamic calibration
Larson and Peck (1974) examined the results from effects can cause variations in hydrograph peak runoff
several studies on the effect of wind-blown rainfall on estimations on the order of 5 to 15%.
the accuracy of final depth measurements; a 12% error These uncertainty issues can have a detrimental effect
exists in wind loading of 5 m/s and a 19% error exists on the ability to use rainfall estimates from rain gauges
in wind loading of 10 m/s with no wind shield. The data alone for input into hydrological models for accurate
were extrapolated to determine that during the wind flood forecasting purposes. McClure and Howell (2013)
loading of an average thunderstorm (10 to 35 m/s) the outlined the failure of the Alberta Environment River
error would be in the range of 20 to 40% (Larson and Forecast Centre to provide warning to the residents of
Peck 1974). Other environmental effects, such as trees, High River, Alberta, during the June 2013 flooding
buildings and valleys, can adversely influence rain gauge events. By the time a flood warning was issued, the
measurements with the magnitude of the error dependent majority of the town was already inundated with flood
on the siting of the gauge. Ideally, gauges should not be waters. Hours before flooding occurred, the forecasters
situated in valleys or in areas with trees or buildings updated and ran the hydrological model and found that
where measurements can be obstructed (WMO 2008). the flood waters would peak at 650 m3/s, a flow rate not
As seen in basins across Canada, due to economic con- great enough to fully flood the town. However, hours
siderations, gauges tend to be located improperly close later the flood flow reached 985 m3/s which resulted in
to the above obstructions (Volkmann et al. 2010). As an complete flooding of High River. One of the main rea-
example, operational purposes require the Upper Thames sons attributed to the failure to accurately predict this
River Conservation Authority (UTRCA), located in event is the lack of accurate rainfall estimates and poor
Southwestern Ontario, to install their rain gauges to or missing gauge readings. The economic consequences
correspond with locations of stream gauges. As a result, of the inaccurate predictions in this example identify the
many rain gauges in the watershed tend to be located in need for re-examination of rainfall inputs used by
valleys and in close proximity to trees, where streams Canadian flood forecasting centres. The need to improve
are generally present. Lastly, gauge quality control is of rainfall estimation has been identified by numerous
critical importance, as rain gauges are prone to malfunc- authors (see e.g. Wilson and Brandes 1979; Kouwen
tioning (Steiner et al. 1999). Without proper maintenance 1988; Borga et al. 2000; Beven 2002; Goudenhoofdt and
and calibration, gauges can suffer from errors associated Delobbe 2009; Looper and Vieux 2012; etc.) leading to
with misreading, an error that is prevalent in many of the investigation of other methods to increase the
Canada’s automatic recording gauges. accuracy of rainfall estimation.

Effect of rain gauge uncertainty on hydrological Rainfall estimation: radar

modelling Weather radar (radio detection and ranging) transmits
Highly variable rainfall fields have a demonstrated effect pulses of microwave signals to detect precipitation in the
on runoff modelling (Schilling and Fuchs 1986). The atmosphere. The microwave pulses travel out from the
impact of rainfall field variability was investigated by radar station until they come into contact with particles
Faures et al. (1995) who studied the effect of varying present in the atmosphere. The reflected energy of the
gauge density and placement on hydrological modelling wave is captured by the radar tower, and the quantity of
results for a 4.4-ha semi-arid watershed in southeastern reflected energy (reflectivity in dbz) is related to raindrop
Arizona, USA. By varying the gauges used to generate size, type and distribution. In the case of rainfall, the
the rainfall input for the model they found that the peak raindrop size and distribution is related to the reflectivity
runoff and the runoff volume varied significantly with a using the Marshall–Palmer reflectivity droplet size ratio,
coefficient of variation which ranged from 9 to 76% and Z-R (Marshall and Palmer 1948), following:
190 J.L. McKee and A.D. Binns

Z ¼ aRb (2) States have adopted S-band radar for their Next Genera-
tion Radar (NEXRAD) network, which uses a 10-cm
where Z is the reflectivity factor measured by the radar
wavelength requiring more energy and a larger dish. S-
station (in dBZ), R is the rainfall intensity (in mm/hr),
band radar was selected as the southern states experience
and a and b are empirical coefficients determined during
numerous high-intensity rainfall events every year and
the larger wavelength is not as easily attenuated during
For conventional radar, there exist several different
these heavy precipitation events (Xie et al. 2006).
types of radar towers in operational use today, distin-
Radar for QPE for use in hydrological models began
guished according to emitted wavelength characteristics
in the early 1960s. Radar was seen to have immense
as either S-band, C-band or X-band (see Table 1). The
potential in the field of hydrology, as it facilitates the
typical size of precipitation particles is a determining fac-
observations of both the location and movement of areas
tor in the size of wavelength used, as there exists an
of precipitation within the range of the radar tower, cap-
optimal size ratio between the precipitation particle and
turing the immense spatial and temporal variability in
the radar wavelength (Berne and Krajewski 2013). The
rainfall fields with a high degree of resolution (Wilson
optimal size ratio ensures maximum detectability of pre-
and Brandes 1979). Wilson and Brandes (1979) reported
cipitation while minimizing beam attenuation, as the
one of the first summaries of weather radar to determine
attenuation by precipitation has a greater effect on smal-
a quantitative measurement of rainfall for use in flood
ler wavelengths (Berne and Krajewski 2013). Therefore
forecasting. For a small catchment in Oklahoma, USA,
X-band radar tends to be the most easily attenuated, with
these authors determined that the spatial distribution of
S-band radar being the least affected by attenuation of
radar had a marked influence on the ability to provide
the wavelength. However, the larger S-band wavelength
real-time flash flood warning in comparison to rain
does not detect light rain or snow as well as the smaller
gauge data. Similarly, Vehvilainen et al. (2004) found
wavelengths do (WMO 2008).
that for small catchments in the Baltic Sea region, radar
The Canadian federal government agency Environ-
estimates substantially increased the accuracy of flood-
ment Canada (EC) operates 30 C-band and one S-band
forecasting hydrological models during extreme rainfall
radar stations across the country, covering land compris-
events. Collier (1986) compared the accuracy of hourly
ing approximately 90% of the population (Environment
rainfall estimates made using rain gauge and radar data
Canada 2009). Each radar location has an effective range
and determined that in order for the rain gauge network
of 250 km with Doppler capability up to 120 km around
to provide a spatial distribution of the rainfall field as
the site (Environment Canada 2013a). According to
accurately as radar, a rain gauge network spacing of one
Environment Canada (2009), the purpose of the
gauge every 20 km2 was needed. Despite these advan-
Canadian Meteorological Radar Network is to provide
tages, in the early stages of its application the lack of
the country with continuous weather surveillance to
knowledge and understanding of the inaccuracies
enable advanced warning of severe meteorological
associated with radar imagery limited its widespread use
events. The Canadian C-band radar stations emit 5.6-cm
for hydrological modelling (Jayakrishnan et al. 2004;
wavelengths, requiring a smaller dish size and less
Golding 2009).
energy to operate, thus making it relatively cost effec-
tive. The selection of the optimal radar tower is largely
dependent on climate. Accordingly, for the Canadian cli- Uncertainty associated with radar
mate, C-band radar was selected as it is better suited for
The lack of confidence in radar QPE is due to the indi-
the detection of solid precipitation (snow) than S-band
rect measurement of the intensity of a rainfall event
radar is (Environment Canada 2009). Roughly 80% of
(Environment Canada 2013d), which introduces uncer-
the weather radar in use around the world uses C-band
tainty in measurement accuracy (Goudenhoofdt and
radar stations (Environment Canada 2009). The radar
Delobbe 2009). Even with substantial improvements in
networks in Western Europe all rely on C-band radar
radar signal treatment, significant error still exists in the
networks for meteorological surveillance. The United
conversion of raw radar data into QPE (McMillan et al.
2011). Creutin et al. (2000) characterized three major
sources of radar error for QPE: (1) electronic instability
Table 1. Weather radar characteristics (modified from WMO and miscalibration of the radar system and Z-R relation-
2008, Table I.3.3). ship; (2) beam geometry; and (3) fluctuation in atmo-
Band Frequency (GHz) Wavelength (cm) spheric conditions. All three categories of errors can
have a significant impact on the ability to use weather
S 2–4 5.77–19.3 radar in hydrological applications. According to Golding
C 4–8 4.84–7.69
(2009), it is the above sources of error that limit the
X 8–12 2.75–5.77
widespread use of radar in hydrological modelling.
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 191

The first error outlined by Creutin et al. (2000) propagation, clutter and visibility effects as significant
relates to the use of the Marshall–Palmer relationship sources of error in the estimated rainfall leading to over-
introduced in Equation (2) above. This relationship can estimation in predicted peak flows by 10%. Krajewski
be calibrated at each radar location. Once calibrated, the et al. (2010) attempted to determine if there had been
coefficients are held constant (Steiner and Smith 2000). substantial improvements in radar processing technology
Each droplet, however, does not hold true to the same since the study by Wilson and Brandes (1979) that
ratio. Furthermore, the ratio does not hold true for each would lead to improvements in the accuracy of radar
storm event, and consequently will tend to either under- QPE. Using upgraded radar and the same gauge network
estimate or overestimate the rainfall rate. Vieux and in Oklahoma, USA, as Wilson and Brandes (1979),
Bedient (1998) and Morin et al. (2006) investigated the Krajewski et al. (2010) discovered decreased magnitudes
effect of manipulating the Marshall–Palmer relationship of error in QPE compared to the errors Wilson and
on simulated hydrographs and found that small manip- Brandes (1979) had found 30 years earlier, concluding
ulations in this relationship can cause substantial changes that improvements in radar hardware and software have
in the simulated hydrograph. substantially improved radar rainfall estimation. However
The second and third categories identified by Creutin Jayakrishnan et al. (2004) and Neary et al. (2004), still
et al. (2000) are dependent on the radar environment. determined that radar data must undergo correction
These errors include beam broadening, clutter, anoma- before they can be used in hydrological modelling.
lous propagation, visibility effects, variability in time and Uncertainties related to the radar environment also
space of the vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR), beam have a profound effect on hydrological modelling confi-
power attenuation and issues related to the microphysics dence. Bell and Moore (1998) investigated the effect of
of precipitation. These errors affect the measurement of using raw radar data for hydrological modelling and
reflectivity from the atmosphere and can result in signifi- determined that raw radar-derived rainfall estimates sig-
cant measurement uncertainty. For example, Michelson nificantly increased the accuracy of the hydrological
and Koistinen (2000) demonstrated how beam broaden- model in small catchments, while it had no significant
ing in a study conducted in the Baltic Sea caused radar impact in larger basins. Vehvilainen et al. (2004) summa-
accuracy to significantly deteriorate the further the beam rized similar findings, concluding that in small catch-
traveled. Furthermore, spatio-temporal sampling errors ments (less than 500 km2) where response times are on
can result from the fact that radar measures rainfall at the order of hours, hydrological models can benefit from
significant heights above the ground. Between the mea- the high temporal and spatial resolution of radar data.
surement location and the ground, the rainfall can move Borga et al. (2000) explored the impact of mountainous
substantial lateral distances or even evaporate before topography on radar QPE, comparing the results of
reaching the ground. Errors in reflectivity result in sig- stream flows simulated with raw radar against stream
nificant errors in the subsequent rainfall estimation. A flows simulated with gauge rainfall. Due to significant
full description of radar environmental errors can be beam blocking in mountainous regions, radar simulations
found in Environment Canada (2013d). provided the same accuracy in hydrological modelling as
gauge only-driven results (Borga et al. 2000). Therefore,
the use of raw radar for rainfall estimation can
Effect of radar uncertainty on hydrological modelling potentially increase the accuracy of the rainfall input for
Numerous studies have attempted to assess the various specific conditions; however, an understanding of loca-
errors in radar QPE to quantify the corresponding effect tion-specific factors is required in order to determine
on the accuracy of hydrological models. These studies whether radar will aid in rainfall estimation.
have indicated that uncertainties due to the errors related A recent Canadian example of the error associated
to calibration and processing can have a detrimental with radar QPE was observed during an extreme rainfall
effect on confidence in hydrological modelling results. event occurring on 8 July 2013, where heavy rainfall in
Borga (2002) studied the impact of errors in radar rain- the Greater Toronto Area caused widespread flash flood-
fall estimates on rainfall–runoff modelling in the Brue ing resulting in CAD $1 billion in damage and affecting
Catchment in England. Focusing mainly on range-related approximately 300,000 residents (Environment Canada
errors, VPR effects and errors due to miscalibration of 2014). During this event, the single polarized product
the Marshall–Palmer relationship, Borga (2002) observed from the EC radar tower at King City, Ontario (just
that the errors significantly affected stream flow simula- north of Toronto) estimated that approximately 27.2 mm
tions resulting in errors of similar magnitude to those in of rain fell on the city (Boodoo et al. 2014), while the
gauge-only simulations. Kouwen and Garland (1989) rain gauge at Pearson International Airport in Missis-
examined the impact of radar-generated rainfall on a sauga recorded 126 mm over the same period (Govern-
fully distributed hydrological model in the Grand River ment of Canada 2014). This discrepancy is suggested to
watershed in southern Ontario, identifying anomalous be a result of attenuation of the C-band wavelength and
192 J.L. McKee and A.D. Binns

dome wetting (Boodoo et al. 2014). This example further techniques. Each category follows a similar set of
demonstrates the potential magnitude of radar errors and assumptions. In the following sub-sections, the merging
subsequent consequences caused by using radar QPE methods will be discussed according to these two
operationally for hydrological modelling. categories.

Bias reduction techniques

Gauge–radar merging methods Gauge–radar merging methods categorized as bias reduc-
Neither rain gauges nor radar has demonstrated the tion techniques attempt to correct the bias present in
ability to provide an accurate depiction of the rainfall radar accumulations using rain gauge accumulations as
field. Rain gauges provide accurate point rainfall esti- the real rainfall value. The radar field represents a back-
mates, but their spatial resolution is limited by the low ground guess which is subsequently adjusted by the
density of a gauge network and the errors associated known (rain gauge) information. According to Koistinen
with interpolation schemes to fill in missing data. and Puhakka (1981), the assumptions for bias correction
Radar, on the other hand, provides accurate spatial and schemes include:
temporal resolution of the rainfall field at significant
heights above the surface of the earth, but numerous (1) Gauges represent the true rainfall accumulation at
measurement errors result in inaccuracies in rainfall the gauge locations;
depths at the ground. The problems associated with (2) Radar represents the true spatial and temporal
each measurement technique have led to numerous aspects of the rainfall field;
attempts to merge rainfall estimates from the two (3) Gauge and radar measurements are valid for the
instruments. This merging allows for the extraction of same locations in time and space; and
each instrument’s strengths while minimizing individual (4) The relationships developed between rain gauges
weaknesses (Erdin 2009). According to Wilson (1970, and radar at gauge locations are valid for other
p. 495): “the combined use of radar and rain gauges locations in time and space.
to measure rainfall is superior to the use of either
separately.” It has since been recognized that the It is important to note that these assumptions,
combination and adjustment of radar rainfall data with although necessary for the adjustment of radar using rain
rain gauge accumulations can significantly improve the gauges, are false and often lead to erroneous correction
accuracy of rainfall estimates and subsequent hydro- factors. Four gauge–radar merging methods categorized
logical modelling results (see e.g. Kouwen 1988; as bias reduction techniques will be discussed separately
Vehvilainen et al. 2004; Kalinga and Gan 2006; Kim below.
et al. 2008; Looper and Vieux 2012; etc.). An exten-
sive review of the literature reveals a number of merg-
ing methods that have been developed for operational Mean field bias reduction
use to address the limitations of each individual mea- The mean field bias (MFB) reduction was the first merg-
surement instrument. This paper summarizes the vast ing method proposed for the correction of measurement
majority of gauge–radar merging methods in opera- bias in radar accumulations (Hitschfeld and Bordan
tional use today. Two merging methods not discussed 1954). This method attempts to remove the bias intro-
in this paper are co-kriging (Krajewski 1987) and sur- duced in radar rainfall estimates through the uncertainty
face fitting using a multi-quadric surface (Cole and in the radar-calibrated Z-R relationship (Borga et al.
Moore 2008). Co-kriging is not included as its use has 2002; Hanchoowong et al. 2012). The correction is,
decreased due to the approximation methods employed therefore, represented by a single correction factor
(Todini 2001) and poor suitability for real-time applied to the entire radar field. Since the rain gauges
applications (Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe 2009). Sur- are assumed to represent the true rainfall accumulation
face fitting using a multi-quadric surface is not dis- values for bias correction techniques, the mean of the
cussed as its use has been extremely limited. gauge accumulations is assumed to represent the true
Numerous statistical modifications of the merging mean of the rainfall field. Thus, the radar estimates must
methods presented in this paper exist (see e.g. Moore produce the same mean rainfall accumulation at the
et al. 1989; James et al. 1993); however, the underly- gauge locations.
ing assumptions of the methods are largely identical to A static, long-term bias correction factor for radar
the versions presented in this paper. accumulations based on rain gauges was first recom-
Gauge–radar merging methods can generally be mended by Hitschfield and Borden (1954). However, the
divided into two categories (Wang et al. 2013): (1) bias multiplicative bias in the reflectivity–intensity relation-
reduction techniques and (2) error variance minimization ship varies temporally, causing the impact of the static
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 193

correction factor on the accuracy of the radar rainfall Brandes spatial adjustment
estimates to fluctuate substantially (Smith et al. 2007). A Brandes spatial adjustment (BSA) is part of a broader
dynamic MFB correction was adopted by Wilson (1970) category of local bias correction schemes. Local bias cor-
to continually update the mean correction factor on vari- rection schemes are similar to MFB correction in that the
ous temporal scales. The following two steps are taken rain gauges represent the true rainfall accumulation.
in order to apply a MFB correction: However, where MFB assumes that the radar biases are
evenly distributed across the entire spatial domain, BSA
(1) The weighted correction factor is calculated assumes that the biases are spatially dependent. First pro-
using a simple arithmetic mean demonstrated posed by Brandes (1975), BSA sought to distribute cor-
with the following equation according to Wilson rection factors across the radar field. Brandes (1975)
and Brandes (1979): proposed the use of the Barnes objective analysis scheme
N (Barnes 1964), a scheme based on the assumption that
Gi “the two dimensional distribution of atmospheric vari-
C¼ (3) ables can be represented by the summation of an infinite
Ri number of independent waves” (Barnes 1964, p. 397).
i¼1 BSA uses a distance-weighting scheme with a smoothing
factor to determine the influence of a known data point
where C is the correction factor, Gi is the measured on the interpolated value of a specific radar bin. Proxim-
rainfall at gauge i, and Ri is the radar measured rain- ity controls the influence: the closer the known data
fall at gauge i. The radar measured at the gauge is point is to the unknown data point, the greater the influ-
taken as the spatial integration of rainfall for the radar ence of the known data point. The method determines
bin above the rain gauge. The correction factors are the value at unknown points as a sum of the determined
obtained at a set time step (e.g. hourly, daily, etc.). weights. The technique is a combination of a surface fit-
ting and weighted averaging interpolation methods.
(2) The correction factor is then applied to the entire Brandes (1975) suggested two iterations through the
spatial domain of the radar as it is multiplied with objective scheme in order to develop optimal correction
the radar value at each bin location in order to factors. The following four steps are taken to determine
develop the adjusted radar image. the correction factors at each radar bin:

MFB correction has become a widely recognized and (1) The correction factors are calculated at each rain
applied technique for adjusting radar rainfall grids due to gauge location based on differences between
its simplicity and ease in implementation in near-real radar estimations and rain gauge accumulations.
time. The MFB technique has become a standard merg- Similar to the MFB method, the radar measured
ing method for radar images (see e.g. UK Nimrod sys- at the gauge is taken as the spatial integration of
tem; US NEXRAD). Wilson (1970) examined the effect rainfall for the radar bin above the rain gauge.
of MFB correction on estimated rainfall accumulations The correction factors (Ci) are obtained at a set
for extreme rainfall events in Oklahoma, USA. For a time step (e.g. hourly, daily, etc.) using:
catchment of 2590 km2, Wilson (1970) determined that
the root mean square error was reduced by 39% after the G
C¼ (4)
radar was adjusted using the MFB approach. Wilson and R
Brandes (1979) discovered large discrepancies (greater
than 60% difference) between rain gauge measurements (2) The weights (WT) for each radar bin i from each
and radar measurements for severe rainfall events in gauge location are determined by:
Oklahoma, and determined that by applying a simple  2
MFB correction scheme, this discrepancy decreased by d
WTi ¼ exp (5)
24%. Borga (2002) used radar corrected with MFB for EP
stream flow predictions in the Brue Catchment, England,
and found that corrected rainfall increased model effi- where d is the distance between the gauge and the
ciency (i.e. Nash–Sutcliffe) by up to 30% as compared to centroid of bin i, and EP is a smoothing factor based
radar-only rainfall. Many further studies have attempted on the rain gauge density.
to combine MFB correction with other merging methods
to generate rainfall estimates at a greater degree of (3) The correction factors are interpolated across the
accuracy (see e.g. Borga et al. 2002; Jayakrishnan et al. radar rainfall grid, using two passes (F1 and F2)
2004; Kalinga and Gan 2006; Krajewski et al. 2010; of the multi-pass Barnes interpolation (Barnes
Looper and Vieux 2012; etc.). 1964), determined by:
194 J.L. McKee and A.D. Binns

technique for spatially distributing gauge–radar correc-

tion factors over the entire radar domain. The difference
ðWTi ÞðGi Þ between the LB and BSA techniques lies in the
F1 ¼
(6) distribution of the correction factors. Where Brandes
(1975) proposed using the Barnes objective analysis
i¼1 scheme (Barnes 1964) to distribute the correction factors
in two dimensions for BSA, LB adopts the geostatistical
N method of ordinary kriging to distribute the correction
ðWTi ÞðDi Þ factors over the radar spatial domain. Kriging is an opti-
F2 ¼ F1 þ (7) mal interpolation technique which applies a weighted
WTi moving average to produce the best local estimate of a
i¼1 regionalized variable (Babish 2000). Kriging is based on
where: a model of the spatial covariance of the data. In this
Di ¼ Ci  F1;i (8) case, the regionalized variable is the correction factor at
the gauge location which describes radar bias at discrete
In the above expressions, WTi is the weighting of locations across the radar field (Seo and Breidenbach
each gauge on radar bin i and Di is the difference 2002). Babish (2000) provided a simple explanation of
between the gauge and the first-guess estimate. kriging with the following two parts: (1) the semivari-
ance calculated between each of the regionalized vari-
(4) The spatially interpolated correction factors at ables is used to generate the shape of the variogram
each bin are multiplied by the radar rainfall as: (which displays the semivariance between regionalized
variables as a function of distance); and (2) the vari-
Rnew;i ¼ ðRold;i ÞðF2 Þ (9) ogram is then used to determine the weights needed to
define the effect of the regionalized variables on the
where Rnewi, is the new corrected precipitation value interpolation. A full explanation of ordinary kriging can
at bin i, and Roldi, is the original rainfall value mea- be found in Wackernagel (2003).
sured at bin i. The following steps summarize how the correction
factors at each radar bin for the local bias correction
BSA has been demonstrated in numerous studies. technique are determined:
Wilson and Brandes (1979) analyzed the effect of MFB
and BSA on the accuracy of radar rainfall estimates in (1) The correction factors (obtained at a set time step)
Oklahoma, USA. These authors observed that the root are calculated at each rain gauge location based
mean square error in radar rainfall estimates was reduced on differences between radar estimations and rain
from 43–55% without adjustment to 18–35% with a gauge accumulations (Equation 4). Identical to the
MFB adjustment and 13–27% with BSA, demonstrating MFB and the BSA scheme, the radar measured at
that BSA provided significant improvement in the accu- the gauge is taken as the spatial integration of
racy of radar estimates and improved performance over rainfall for the radar bin above the rain gauge;
MFB correction. Using the BSA method to correct radar (2) A variogram is developed to explain the spatial
derived rainfall for use in a distributed hydrological correlation as a function of the inter-station dis-
model, Kouwen (1988) observed a significant improve- tances. From this variogram, kriging weights are
ment in the radar-corrected simulated flows against using then determined for each interpolated location.
rain gauge- or radar-only rainfall accumulations. Looper The weights are then used to develop the unknown
and Vieux (2012) analyzed the impact of using radar correction factors at the interpolated bin locations;
rainfall adjusted with BSA versus rain gauge-only rain- (3) The new grid of correction factors is multiplied by
fall in a fully distributed hydrological model for flood the original radar values to obtain the new cor-
forecasting purposes in San Antonio, Texas, USA, rected rainfall field.
observing that correlation between observed and pre-
dicted flows significantly increased with the use of the James et al. (1993) analyzed the performance of the
BSA merging method. LB merging method against BSA and rain gauge-only
data in a hydrological model for the Yockanookany
watershed in Mississippi, USA. Their analysis examined
Local bias correction with kriging the effect of the calibrated radar estimates on modeled
Local bias correction with ordinary kriging (LB) applies hydrograph accuracy. The authors found that the LB and
many of the same concepts identified for the BSA BSA merging methods produced significantly superior
merging method. This method was first proposed as a results in terms of root mean square error as compared
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 195

to rain gauge-only data. While LB and BSA both pro- Bayesian data combination
duced improved results, neither method proved superior. The Bayesian data combination (BDC) is used not only
as a method to eliminate the bias found in radar
accumulations by forcing it to the rain gauge data, but
Range-dependent bias correction also to minimize the variance between the two measure-
The range-dependent bias merging method assumes that ments (Todini 2001). It is also assumed that a rain gauge
radar biases are a function of distance from the radar cannot be directly compared to the integration of radar
tower (Michelson and Koistinen 2000). As mentioned pixels of over 1 km2. Todini (2001) proposed the tech-
above, the accuracy of radar estimates deteriorates with nique to krige the gauge estimates to fit the same grid as
distance from the radar tower due to overshooting of the the radar grid. According to Todini (2001), the difference
beam, beam broadening, VPR and beam attenuation between radar and interpolated rain gauge estimates is
(Andrieu and Creutin 1995). Michelson et al. (2000) pro- assumed to be an intrinsic random field, which can be
posed a method which equates the rain gauge to radar characterized by an experimental variogram. As outlined
ratio as a function of distance, where the relationship is by Todini (2001), the following steps are performed to
expressed in log-scale and the range is approximated by apply the BDC merging method:
a second-order polynomial whose coefficients are deter-
mined through observation and fitted using least squares (1) The rain gauge estimates are block-kriged to fit
fit. The correction factor ðCRDA Þ is determined from: the radar grid. The difference between the two
measurements at each grid location is taken;
(2) The error field is fitted with an experimental vari-
log½CRDA  ¼ ar2 þ br þ c (10)
ogram to develop a smoothed error field;
where r is the distance from the radar tower to the radar (3) A Kalman filter approach is applied to combine
bin, and a, b and c are coefficients determined through the kriged gauge estimates with the modeled
observation and fitted using least squares fit (Michelson error variogram in a Bayesian framework.
and Koistinen 2000).
The range adjustment scheme has been shown to be Todini (2001) examined the reduction in bias and vari-
best applied in combination with other merging methods ance using the BDC merging method in the Reno catch-
(see e.g. Michelson and Koistinen 2000; Todini 2001; ment of Italy, and observed a significant reduction in both
Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe 2009). For instance, bias and variance from the uncorrected radar accumula-
Michelson and Koistinen (2000) examined the effect of tions. Wang et al. (2013) tested BDC against both uncor-
combining range-dependent bias correction with BSA in rected radar and radar corrected with MFB for an urban
the Baltic Sea Region and found that correlation with an catchment in London, England. These authors determined
independent gauge network was a significant improve- a substantial reduction in the root mean square error for
ment as compared to unadjusted radar. Goudenhoofdt both correction methods against uncorrected radar, and a
and Delobbe (2009) used the methodology of Michelson further improvement in root mean square error for BDC
and Koistinen (2000) and came to similar conclusions, compared to the MFB merging method.
observing a significant decrease in the mean absolute
error between adjusted radar and unadjusted radar.
Conditional merging (kriging with radar correction)
Conditional merging (also known as kriging with radar
Error variance minimization techniques correction) uses kriging to extract the optimal data from
each observation set (Pettazzi and Salson 2012). Estab-
Error variance minimization techniques attempt to elimi-
lished by Sinclair and Pegram (2005), conditional merg-
nate the bias present in radar accumulations, while mini-
ing uses a similar approach to BDC in attempting to
mizing the variance between the two measurements.
remove the bias, while minimizing the variance of error.
With minimization of error variance, both radar and rain
The process is based on the assumption that the radar
gauges are assumed to be subject to systematic and ran-
observation produces a true field of unknown values,
dom errors that cause the difference between the mea-
while the rain gauges produce an unknown field of true
surements. Following Wang et al. (2013), error variance
values (Sinclair and Pegram 2005). The spatial structure
minimization techniques are based on the assumption
of the observed field is based on the radar data and the
that the error field can be fitted with a mathematical
rain gauge data is fitted into this field using ordinary
model. Four gauge-radar merging methods categorized as
kriging (described above), thus combining the strengths
error variance minimization techniques will be discussed
of each technique (Pegram 2003). The corrected field is
separately below.
determined by the following steps:
196 J.L. McKee and A.D. Binns

radar data. For more information on KED, refer to

(1) The radar values interpolated over each of the Wackernagel (2003).
gauge locations are found and are kriged in order Erdin (2009) investigated the accuracy of applying
to create the radar kriged field (Rk ); KED for extreme rainfall events over Switzerland. In a
(2) The difference between the kriged radar field and comparison with LB and radar only rainfall, Erdin
the original radar field is taken to obtain a cor- (2009) concluded that both KED and LB outperformed
rection field with the following equation: raw radar data alone, and KED exhibited the greatest
accuracy in determining rainfall accumulations. LB,
eR ðsi Þ ¼ Rðsi Þ  RK ðsi Þ: (11) however, outperformed KED at establishing the spatial
structure of the rainfall event. Schuurmans et al. (2007)
(3) The correction field is added to the kriged rain
compared KED to ordinary kriging of rain gauge data
gauge surface (Gk ) to obtain the corrected rainfall
over the Netherlands and found that by taking into
estimates [Corr. Precip(si)] at location si by the
account radar as secondary information, KED produced
following expression (Sinclair and Pegram 2005):
more accurate rainfall estimates, particularly over larger
Corr. Precip ðsi Þ ¼ GK ðsi Þ þ eR ðsi Þ: (12) areas.
Pettazzi and Salson (2012) compared the accuracy of
conditional merging with raw radar on an independent
Statistical objective analysis
rain gauge network in Italy. Conditional merging was
tested for a summer 2011 precipitation event over the Statistical objective analysis (SOA), first proposed for the
city of Galicia, Italy, which resulted in extensive flood- combination of rain gauge and radar data by Pereira et al.
ing. These authors observed that conditional merging (1998), takes advantage of the optimal interpolation equa-
was able to significantly reduce mean absolute error and tions of Gandin (1965) to generate a corrected field of
root mean square error in comparison to raw radar data. rainfall estimations. The optimal interpolation equations
Kim et al. (2008) conducted a similar study, examining minimize the expected final error variance. SOA is a com-
the effect of conditional merging on the accuracy of putationally intensive merging method (Goudenhoofdt
generated stream flows from a fully distributed hydro- and Delobbe 2009) which computes precipitation esti-
logical model in the Anseong-cheon basin in South mates at a grid point as a weighted linear function of a
Korea. Four approaches of rainfall estimation were used: background guess corrected by observations. For the case
(1) kriged rain gauge only; (2) radar data alone; (3) radar of a rainfall field generated by radar and rain gauges
corrected with MFB; and (4) rainfall corrected using Pereira et al. (1998) proposed the use of radar as the back-
conditional merging. Kim et al. (2008) determined that ground field, to be subsequently corrected using rain
conditional merging provided predicted stream flows that gauges as the observations. The final precipitation field is
had the lowest mean absolute error, root mean square generated following:
error, normalized peak error and peak timing error, in X
comparison to observed stream flows. Pa ðxi ; yi Þ ¼ Pr ðxi ; yi Þ þ wik Pg ðxk ; yk Þ  Pr ðxk ; yk Þ ;
Kriging with external drift
where Paðxi ; yi Þ is the final analyzed precipitation at the
Kriging with external drift (KED) belongs to a collection grid point i, Prðxi ; yi Þ is the radar rainfall estimate at grid
of hybrid non-stationary geostatistical methods that use point i, wik is the posteriori weight at grid point i based
auxiliary information to improve spatial prediction on rain gauge location k, Pgðxk ; yk Þ is the rain gauge esti-
(Hengl et al. 2003). In this technique, the rain gauge data mate at rain gauge k, Prðxk ; yk Þ is the radar rainfall esti-
is used as the primary regionalized variable and radar mate at rain gauge location k, and x and y are
data is used as the auxiliary information (Erdin 2009). coordinates. The SOA scheme generates weights which
KED is similar to ordinary kriging, except the mean is minimize the expected error variance of the final precip-
now a deterministic function of the radar field. The rain- itation field using the following linear system for the
fall (P) at location i,j can then be modeled by: generation of the system of weights:
Pi;j ¼ a þ bRi;j þ zi;j (13) X

where α and β are the intercept and slope of the linear e2a ¼ 1  qki Wl ; (15)
trend based on the radar data and zi;j is the random pro-
cess approximated locally by the regionalized rain gauge where qki is the background cross correlation between
variable. Therefore, a þ bi;j Ri;j is the deterministic part grid point i and rain gauge location k, e2a is the normal-
of the kriging scheme (drift parameter) modeled by the ized background error and Wl is a posteriori weight. For
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 197

a full review of the derivation of the SOA equations, see are determined through a sensitivity analysis of gauge
Daley (1991). density. First, studies conducted in basins with a high
Gerstner and Heinemann (2008) investigated the density of rain gauges often conclude that rain gauge
impact of using SOA on an hourly temporal resolution estimates alone outperform gauge-adjusted radar. This is
to determine the influence of SOA on accuracy of rain- due to the ability of the high-density rain gauge network
fall estimations in Western Germany. These authors to characterize the spatial variability in the rainfall field.
found that in 78% of the comparisons between SOA For example, Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) deter-
merged rainfall estimations and raw radar alone, there mined that rain gauges alone had greater accuracy than
was a marked improvement in the root mean square MFB and range-dependent bias correction at densities
error. This improvement resulted in a reduction by 48% greater than one gauge per 330 km2 and 250 km2,
in the root mean square error averaged over the 8-month respectively. The density in the study was decreased to a
study period. Kalinga and Gan (2006) studied the effect minimum of one gauge per 175 km2, where it was found
of using SOA to merge rain gauge and radar rainfall esti- that even at this density spatial adjustment and error
mates on modeled stream flow accuracy from a semi- variance minimization methods still provided better accu-
distributed model in the Blue River Basin of South racy than rain gauges alone. Second, changes in density
Central Oklahoma. These authors concluded that the use affect individual merging methods differently. Gouden-
of SOA as compared to raw radar alone substantially hoofdt and Delobbe (2009) found that the impact of
increased model efficiency (Nash–Sutcliffe), particularly gauge density varied between gauge–radar merging
during stratiform events. methods, with a decrease in density having the largest
effect on spatial adjustment methods and error variance
methods, while having a less pronounced influence on
Selection of appropriate gauge–radar merging MFB reduction and range-dependent bias correction.
methods Finally, the increase in accuracy due to increasing the
The selection of appropriate gauge–radar merging meth- gauge density is not linear – substantial increases in
ods is influenced by several location-specific environ- accuracy occur initially as gauge density increases; how-
mental and operational factors. These factors can ever, at a certain gauge density the increase in accuracy
influence the reliability of radar estimates and gauge– asymptotically approaches a finite value. Biggs and
radar merging methods, and include: Atkinson (2011) observed that while the role of rain
gauge density is significant, the greater accuracy pro-
(1) The rain gauge network density; vided due to increases in network density yields at a cer-
(2) The climate and storm characteristics; tain point. In a 2065-km2 basin of the Severn River,
(3) The proximity of the radar station; England, these authors observed that the use of six
(4) The basin response time; and gauges for radar correction provided similar accuracy to
(5) The time-step of adjustment. using 12 gauges. The accuracy decreased with less than
six gauges, demonstrating the influence of gauge net-
In the selection of an optimal rainfall estimation tech- work density on the accuracy of gauge–radar merging
nique it is important to understand the influence of the methods. It is important to note, however, that the results
above factors on the uncertainty of the rainfall estimate. from these studies are not transferable between basins as
These factors are inter-related, which makes quantifying the effective density is influenced by basin topography,
the exact numerical uncertainty on the final accuracy a climate, gauge distribution, temporal time-step of adjust-
difficult task. Therefore, in the selection of an optimal ment and merging method selected. Therefore, it is
estimation technique, all factors need to be considered. recommended that a sensitivity analysis be conducted in
Furthermore, the diversity of geographic locations in order to identify the effect of gauge density on rainfall
case studies conducted makes comparison of the merging estimations for any particular basin.
methods difficult and presents an obstacle for establish- Numerous studies (e.g. Stellman et al. 2001; Kalinga
ing best practices. This section discusses these influenc- and Gan 2006; Erdin 2009; etc.) indicate that storm type
ing factors separately, summarizing previous attempts to has a significant influence on the accuracy of the gauge–
compare various merging methods and identifies radar merging methods. These studies reveal that radar
opportunities for future research. tends to under-estimate rainfall during large magnitude
convective events and over-estimate rainfall for strati-
form storms. Smith et al. (2007) examined the effect of
Influencing factors using radar-corrected rainfall rates for flash flood
Rain gauge density can play a large role in the forecasting in a small urban catchment in Baltimore,
assessment and accuracy of gauge–radar rainfall esti- Maryland, USA. The rainfall rates were corrected on an
mates. In general, there are three main conclusions that event basis using the MFB reduction merging method.
198 J.L. McKee and A.D. Binns

Individual event biases (gauge to radar ratio) were rainfall. In instances where larger time-steps (greater than
identified ranging from 0.41 (overestimation) to 2.77 24 hours) can be used to accurately model basin
(underestimation). According to these authors, the varia- response, rain gauges alone can often accurately quantify
tion in the individual event biases varied as a result of the rainfall field (Gjertsen et al. 2004). While the addi-
storm type and magnitude, with convective storms pro- tion of radar has been demonstrated to be beneficial in
ducing higher biases and larger magnitudes than strati- modelling small basins, larger basins can also benefit
form storms. Smith et al. (2007) concluded that from the addition of radar in remote areas where rain
correcting based on storm type significantly increased gauge density is extremely limited.
correlation between observed and predicted flood flows. The temporal resolution of rainfall accumulation
From the analysis of the variation in accuracy due to plays a significant role in the accuracy obtained in radar
storm types, it is evident that the addition of radar rain- and rain gauge accumulations. Rainfall accumulations
fall estimates is beneficial for the estimation of rainfall with a high temporal resolution are often required for
from convective cells and provides little to no added flash flood modelling. According to Berne and Krajewski
benefit in the estimation of rainfall from stratiform or (2013, p. 357):
frontal events. This is due to the timing and distribution
of the rainfall and its impact on the error of rain gauges because precipitation exhibits a strong spatial and tempo-
alone. Convective cells are characterized by localized ral variability over a large range of scales, the hydrologi-
cal research and operational communities need more
high-intensity rainfalls of short duration which are often reliable precipitation estimates and forecasts with
mischaracterized by rain gauges but picked up by radar, increasingly high resolution (i.e. a few kilometers-min-
whereas stratiform or frontal events are characterized by utes and below) to adequately capture the dynamics of
widespread low-intensity rainfalls of relatively long dura- precipitation events in space and time.
tion which rain gauge networks can characterize. In
order to adjust radar estimates in stratiform events, local The time-step required for modelling can affect the use
bias adjustment is often unnecessary as MFB correction of radar in hydrological modelling for two main reasons.
alone can significantly increase accuracy. Therefore, in First, altering the time-step of adjustment (i.e. the time-
basins in which high-intensity localized rainfall events step in which rainfall accumulation comparisons are
are a concern, the addition of radar for rainfall estimation made) is important due to the spatio-temporal sampling
can substantially increase the accuracy of the estimated errors caused by the assumption that gauge and radar
rainfall field. measurements are valid for the same locations in time
As indicated, proximity to the radar tower influences and space (Kitchen and Blackall 1992). Rain gauges pro-
the accuracy of the radar estimate. The accuracy of radar vide point measurements while radar provides a volumet-
rainfall estimates deteriorate with distance from the radar ric integration of the atmosphere at a significant height
tower. This is due to a variety of errors, including beam above the rain gauge. The direct comparison between the
broadening, beam overshooting, beam attenuation and two data sources at different elevations causes spatio-
the area of integration. According to Michelson and temporal sampling errors. The magnitude of these errors
Koistinen (2000), at distances greater than 50 km from is affected by the temporal scale at which the accumula-
the radar tower, the addition of range-dependent bias cor- tion comparison is made, with the comparison naturally
rection increases the accuracy of the rainfall estimates. becoming stable for longer time-steps as the error
Therefore, for basins located outside of 50 km, a range- fluctuations are averaged out over time. By increasing
dependent bias correction scheme should be introduced the time-steps, however, the comparisons may miss out
to mitigate the error due to range-related biases. on the short-term variations due to variable meteorologi-
The need for radar in QPE is dependent on the basin cal conditions that may, in turn, affect the accuracy of
characteristics related to the response time of the basin the adjusted radar estimate. It is important to find a bal-
being modeled. The addition of radar is beneficial in ance between the two error sources (Gjertsen et al.
basins with response times on the order of hours 2004). Spatially-dependent bias correction methods are
(Gjertsen et al. 2004). This is because these basins are most affected by a change in the time-step. This is due
heavily affected by high-intensity localized events that to the fact that at shorter time-steps variations between
require rainfall estimation on small spatial and temporal the gauges and radar are more pronounced, leading to
scales to quantify. This generally includes basins which large variations in the correction factors at individual
are smaller in size with surfaces conducive to generating gauge locations. These large variations, however, tend to
high volumes of excess runoff in short periods of time; be averaged out in the MFB method and in error vari-
i.e. urban, clays, saturated conditions, etc. For larger ance methods where more weighting is placed on the
basins with slower response times the addition of radar gauge observations in situations with large error fluctua-
has been demonstrated to be less beneficial, as flows are tion between gauge and radar. Second, gauge estimates
shown to be less affected by short-duration high-intensity and gauge-adjusted radar converge to similar levels of
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 199

accuracy as the time-step required increases above 24 Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) concluded that error
hours. As the time-step increases above 24 hours, the variance minimization methods outperformed bias correc-
spatial and temporal advantages offered by radar tion schemes due to the use of optimal interpolation to
decrease in importance as the error due to spatial and combine the two data sets, which took into account the
temporal variations in gauge estimates are averaged out. covariance structure of the data, reducing bias and mini-
The vast majority of the studies presented in this paper mizing variance. The variability of results from the studies
have identified case studies in which the gauge–radar presented in the literature make drawing general conclu-
merging schemes were conducted on daily or event- sions on gauge–radar merging methods difficult. Further-
based temporal resolutions. This resolution is often too more, factors that influence accuracy make the selection of
coarse for operational purposes in basins with quick an estimation technique for operational purposes challeng-
response times. Further research into the effect of ing. With geographic and operational concerns playing a
gauge–radar merging methods on hydrological models at key role, it is important to test each individual merging
an hourly resolution (or less) is still required. method to assess which best suits the environment and
The inclusion of radar data presents an additional constraints of a particular location. Few studies examine
issue in terms of data management and computational the wide range of available gauge–radar merging methods
requirements. In selecting an appropriate merging for a variety of different scenarios (i.e. temporal resolu-
method, it is important to examine the computational tion). Therefore, the effect of each of the influencing fac-
requirements. Radar data sets are large and efficiency is tors on different merging methods has not been
required in collection and storage. Manipulation of the determined. Due to the variability in rainfall fields, water-
data sets with the incorporation of rain gauges can be shed geography, rain gauge networks and radar environ-
computationally intensive. More complicated merging ment, it is challenging to establish standard practice
methods such as the error variance methods requires regarding gauge–radar merging methods. The lack of stud-
greater computational effort than simple MFB and local ies conducted in Canada, particularly those conducted at
correction methods. The ability to collect, merge and high temporal resolutions (e.g. on an hourly basis), using
store radar data is important to consider while dealing EC radar makes further assessment necessary. This should
with large radar data sets. determine whether EC radar merged with rain gauge data
can be applied on an hourly basis to generate accurate spa-
tially distributed rainfall fields for use in hydrological
Comparison of gauge–radar merging methods models.
No previous study has provided an in-depth comparison
of all gauge–radar merging methods discussed in this
paper. Case studies are primarily done to assess the viabil- Opportunities and recommendations
ity of implementing one of the merging methods, compar- Several radar-related challenges persist that, if answered,
ing the corrected rainfall against rain gauge-only data or could significantly improve the quality of radar estimates
radar-only data. Several studies have compared various in hydrological modelling. First, the development of
merging methods in particular geographic locations (see measures to improve radar estimates in mountainous ter-
e.g. Kim et al. 2008; Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe 2009; rain environments is required, as the interaction between
Erdin 2009; etc.). The results of these studies tend to be this type of terrain and the atmosphere increases rainfall
similar to the conclusions of Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe pattern variability. Second, the incorporation of snow
(2009), who compared seven major merging methods in a algorithms is required to enable the continual determina-
study conducted in the Netherlands. The mean absolute tion of snowpack. This is particularly important for
error and the root mean square error were used as mea- northern regions such as Canada, where spring melt is
sures of accuracy to compare the daily estimated corrected the dominant source of flooding events. Third, merging
rainfall values against an independent rain gauge network. methods need improvement at shorter time-steps in heav-
Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) examined: (1) mean ily urbanized basins where rainfall estimates are required
field bias correction; (2) range-dependent adjustment; (3) on the order of minutes in order to quantify the predicted
static local bias correction and range dependent adjust- flow in the appropriate time frame. Currently, merging
ment; (4) Brandes spatial adjustment; (5) ordinary kriging methods have been shown to improve accuracy mainly
of rain gauge data only; (6) conditional merging (kriging at time-steps of 1 hour and greater. However, at time-
with radar based error correction); and (7) kriging with steps of less than 1 hour, accuracy approaches that of
external drift. These authors determined that all correction raw radar alone due to spatio-temporal sampling errors
and merging methods outperformed raw radar alone. In involved in the direct comparison of radar and gauges.
terms of the greatest accuracy, KED was determined to Quantifying the spatio-temporal sampling uncertainties at
provide the best representation of the rainfall based on shorter time-steps will aid in developing greater accuracy
spatial distribution and accumulated rainfall volumes. in rainfall estimation techniques.
200 J.L. McKee and A.D. Binns

Recently, greater focus has been put on the viability of using gauge–radar rainfall estimates from
incorporation of radar and rain gauge data into QPE Environment Canada’s radar network. Such research is of
ensemble products with satellite imagery and numerical the utmost importance in order to advance the use of
weather models. The incorporation of radar-based rainfall radar-based ensemble products in operational applications.
estimates as input can make substantial improvements in
QPE ensemble products. These products rely on empiri-
cally based modelling of the uncertainties associated with Acknowledgements
the individual estimation techniques to develop a product This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and
in which the uncertainty is known. A recent example is Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through an
the development of the Canadian Precipitation Analysis Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship provided to the first author.
(CaPA) system in Canada. The current operational form
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