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Venom's Drip

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: XCOM (Video Games) & Related Fandoms
Relationship: Viper (XCOM)/Male OC, Female OC/Male OC
Character: Viper (XCOM) OC, Various Canon Cameos (XCOM), The Commander
Additional Tags: Alien/Human Relationships, re-socialization, Post-War Trauma, Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, AU, post-Chimera Squad setting,
Viper (XCOM) - Freeform, Slice of Life
Stats: Published: 2022-02-20 Chapters: 13/13 Words: 74433

Venom's Drip
by CyrexWingblade


The Venom's Drip is a little hole in City 31's wall, and its owner, Zethra, has a comfortable-
enough life ruled by routine. Unfortunately, one of her regulars throws her life for a loop,
and she realizes she's nowhere near as healed as she thought she was.
Reaching Out
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

For a slow night, business was decent. Zethra had about six customers scattered about the space,
the news droning in the background. Only a couple of regulars, ironically. The muton sitting at the
bar, curling his bulk over a small tumbler, tapped for a refill.

A quick slither of her coils, and she had him topped off. He slid a little tip over, too, and she made
sure it disappeared under her four-fingered claw before he thought better of it. Reliable customer,
but grumpy.

Most of the others were hybrids. There was a cute couple in one corner actually sharing a fruity
mixed drink, the rest varying degrees of 'brooding loner.'

None of them could hold a candle to the brooding of her other regular, though. She never knew
what to do with him, but he always ordered a single, neat whiskey, and nursed it for hours, before
leaving a good tip at the end of his night.

Her bar had no rules against humans. Money was money, and City 31 was all about 'living together
in peace' after all.

She just never expected a human to actually volunteer to drink in a bar either empty or filled with
non-humans. Especially when the bartender herself was a viper.

At least the human put himself in the furthest edge of her space. If any of her other regulars were
offput by him, they hadn't complained, so it stayed on balance so far.

“Turn that crap off, would you?”

Zethra blinked blood-red eyes, startled at the sudden growl from the muton. “Huh?”

He waved heavily at the TV. “Sick of that cop-aganda crap.”

The viper glanced up, seeing that headlines were focusing on a cartel bust by the now-famous
Chimera Squad. It was basically just a SWAT team, but was part of the Reclamation Agency rather
than the police force, and had earned big political and media attention for being completely mixed-

She'd kinda liked hearing about it herself...

Still, he was a regular, and he tipped well. She writhed over easily, and clicked the volume down.
“Mute okay? Some folks read the captions, Vark.”

He grumbled some annoyance, but nodded, sipping his drink sourly. With how forward-set his
head was by nature, it almost looked like he was trying to dive into the tiny thing.

And then another voice sounded. Her eyes rolled into her skull as she restrained a deep groan.

“Why are you upset by a mixed-species squad making a big bust?”

The other regular. The damn human. The brooding quiet one who barely spoke to order his one
drink each night, and he suddenly gets chatty with her most easily irritated other regular.
Vark twisted his head around his left shoulder, narrowing his large eyes at the scruffy, aged
human. “None of your business!”

The human shrugged. “I'm just curious. Isn't that exactly the type of thing you'd want to see?”

The other customers were aware now. The couple was eyeing the door, the other loners mixed
between hoping a fight would actually break out, and hoping it wouldn't.

Vark twisted so he could face the human without standing, but he did thump the bar. Hard. A
muton's fist could punch through granite. The building felt it. Zethra grimly glanced around,
estimating if she had to pay for repairs now.

Vark spat, “Puff pieces about a show-off squad that lets them dodge harassment problems! I don't
need to hear it, especially not while I'm trying to enjoy my drink!” He jerked a finger toward the
human. “Now you're ruining it, too!”

Zethra slid closer to the edge of the bar, ready to slip out and stop this. The human was looking at
Vark in open confusion, frowning, but apparently missed how much of a threat the muton was.

Abruptly, he bowed his head again, just saying, “Yeah, fair enough.”

Thank God. She eased just a little, side-eyeing Vark to see if he would back down.

Vark did linger, eyes narrow... but he slowly turned back to his drink.

The tension eased, the air lightened, and the other customers weren't moving for the door. She let
out a soft exhale that echoed slightly in her powerful throat.

Starting on clean-up near closing, she only had one thing spoiling her evening. The human was still
there. He'd never stayed this late before. Nursed his drink for hours, maybe, but never pushed to
closing like this. He was her last customer, too. After the confrontation with Vark, she was worried
he was going to try to start something with her.

At last, he knocked back the remains of his drink—another first to her eye—and actually brought
the glass with him to the bar, his long-coat sliding off his stool heavily. She hid her relief as she
collected the glass, seeing him already getting cash out for his usual hefty tip.

The money was on the counter already, but he did speak.

“Can I ask you a question?”

Damn. It.

It was a very conscious memory of all the money he'd left after his single drinks that kept her from
flatly declining. Even so, her expression was glacial, her hood trimmed back, as she answered,
“Depends on the question.”

He looked at her seriously.

It made her realize it was the first time they'd actually locked gazes in the entire time she'd served
him drinks. He was appraising, analytical, and surprisingly sharp despite his clearly aged frame.

“...What do you think of Chimera Squad?”

It took so long to actually come out, she'd been about to prompt him, but she blinked in confusion
instead. That wasn't really the question she'd expected.

“Uh... I... like seeing some kind of gesture to be inclusive, I guess. Most humans still want us all
dead, so...” she trailed with a shrug.

“Do you also agree with the Muton from earlier?”

The way he said that word. There was a very strange, clinical calmness to the description. Her eyes
narrowed a little, thoughtful and suspicious in equal parts.

“Human police consider us the new whipping dog, but if I remember my human history right, they
make a habit of that anyway.”

The man nodded, clearly listening to her answer instead of reacting sharply to it. He was troubled,
looking down through the world, frowning so much it made his beard and mustache bristle out.

“...So it's a token gesture, whether appreciated or not?”

His voice was distant, most of his mind still far away.

She nodded slowly. “Yeah, that's about the size of it.”

He finally reanimated, pulled out another tip equal to the first. “For your time,” rushed past his
lips, and he departed with a rush.

It was so abrupt she hadn't actually processed his departure yet, and she finally rattled her head a
little, her hood swaying just a touch.

Giving a hefty sigh that hissed down in her chest, Zethra made the money vanish, and went about
shutting down properly. She disappeared upstairs, the lights shutting off, and the sign outside for
the Venom's Drip finally dimmed as well.

The human was back the next day, but earlier than was his usual. Zethra was more annoyed by that
difference than she should be, she knew that. Once a habit was formed, she was fairly dependent
on it. Disruptions put her off kilter.

And as he came up to order his drink, which she had already poured before the door finished
closing, she could tell he was off by more than schedule. He was patting his pockets, distracted. It
was especially apparent on him, because she knew he was usually laser-focused and simple.

Attempting to knock him on track, she just placed his drink in front of him, an eyeridge of golden
scales cocked.

He stopped, focused on it, then rattled his head free of some cloud before planting his usual money
on the counter. “Have a moment?”

Oh no.

She restrained a groan, and just gave him an expectant look.

“I don't want to bother you during work, but I'd like to speak with you. Socially. At some point.
When you're not working.”

She couldn't stop it this time. A perplexed and horrified expression spread over her features like
acid melting through concrete. “...A... are you asking me out on a date?”
The red on his face was only matched by the clear social pain that literally made him wince. “U-
uh, n--” he stopped a simple 'no,' so her head hung forward dismally, but he tried to explain further.
“I'm not trying to presume anything, one way or another.”

Getting that out seemed to calm his side of this train wreck. He regained some of his focus.

“I won't be upset if you just say 'no.' I... wanted to ask to socialize with you... whatever that

She had already dropped the mask, so she just gripped the side of her head for a moment, eyes
shutting. Thank God this moron had come in so early no one else was here to see this disaster.
Finally, she spread her arms, planting her hands on the counter, and stared at him frankly. “Do you
have a fetish for snakes?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose with a fairly loud groan. “N-no. I'm not...” He finally
straightened. “I've already eaten up much more of your work time than I intended, but to be clear, I
know I'm racist, and I'm trying to fix that. You're reasonable and you're used to handling things
with calm demeanor, so I wanted to actually talk with you, without it being an obligation or
pressure because I'm your customer. Obviously, I will accept your answer if you just say 'no.'”

She squinted at him. That little speech was, admittedly, very different from anything she'd mentally
prepared herself for. Someone admitting their racist was... odd enough, but trying to 'fix it' by …
making an alien friend? “...For now, the answer is no,” she finally said, but her tone was calm,
serious, not biting or sarcastic like she'd intended a few seconds before.

He just bowed his head, hands up, and took his drink before hurrying over to his usual table. He
noticeably faced further away from the bar than usual this time, and she was embarrassed enough
herself that she wasn't bothered by it. And he'd just admitted he was racist, anyway, so her anxiety
couldn't waste energy second-guessing his reasoning.

Heaving a deep sigh that hissed, she got back to prepping for her usual busy hours.

“Thanks, Zeth. Hey, you feeling alright?”

She blinked after placing the drinks down for one of the booths left of the entrance. One of her few
other regulars was there, a hybrid woman. Always ordered a screwdriver, then changed to soda.
“Huh? Yeah, why?”

The hybrid woman shrugged. “You're just not all here, is all. Personal stuff?”

Zeth glanced off with dry, awkward humor. “Yeah, basically.”

“Aw. Need to vent?”

“Nah, don't worry. I'm fine. Thanks, all the same.”

The customer smiled simply, and let Zethra escape without further attempts. That was a relief.

The evening had turned busy, which normally would've improved her mood thinking about all the
tips she'd rake in. Mr. Awkward in the corner had rather ruined that, since he was still off in his
corner. She couldn't even be upset, really, his usual departure time wasn't for another hour or so.

Going through the motions for other new customers, making sure they stayed topped off, she
eventually got back behind the bar and had a few minutes to think. For some reason, a nagging
sense of obligation was tickling her brain about the human's request. Despite him trying to avoid it,
he was one of her best customers, and she couldn't restrain the anxiety that after today, since she'd
turned him down, he'd just... not show up.

Her brain had had a few hours to pick apart and doubt his words, now. Her brain wanted him to be
an awkward charmer trying to seduce a snake woman for kicks, or a crazy anti-alien nutjob who
had the patience for a long-con just to get her alone and murder her.

Long before ADVENT's occupation had been overthrown, humans finding her species sexually
attractive had gotten under her skin. She'd always been glad her post was in the middle of nowhere.
At least until...

She rattled her head clear of dark memories. She didn't need that now. This bar was her escape
from all that, her declaration of independence from the past. She wouldn't ruin it by choice.

Zethra paused while cleaning a glass. If—and it was a big 'if'–he was being honest, then this
incredibly awkward request was his attempt to do the same. He admitted he hated aliens, but he'd
never actually looked at her wrong or with disgust. He'd never gotten violent. The worst was
questioning Vark, and as stupid as it had been, his actual questions weren't out of line. Just stupid.
...Ignorant. Ignorant and he was trying to fix that.

Her head slumped. Now her anxieties could go the other way. What if this was his last chance
before he snapped? What if that was why he'd finally spoken to her, asked her to talk? If she didn't
help him, at least once, he might go on some crazy, angry-human-man rampage, and get everyone

She doubted that, too, but...

Zethra restrained her groan to avoid upsetting the customers at the bar (all of whom were
thankfully very chatty with each other), and moved to the register. She got a little notepad, and
started scribbling something down.

And to make it less obvious to the entire bar, she poured a second whiskey, neat, and folded the
note just under it with the coaster. Sliding around smoothly, bumping the divider open with her
cargo-style skirt, she drew up near his table.

The man was physically startled, their eyes locking. He was anxious enough she imagined he was
expecting her to kick him out. That amused her somewhat.

Zethra placed the drink near his first, and then rested her fingers near the coaster, whispering, “Do
not abuse this, or you'll never be allowed in here again,” firmly.

And she glided off without another word.

The human was openly surprised, and downed the first drink before pulling the second closer, and
slipping out the note to unfold it discretely.

Once. Call me around 1pm on Saturday.

We'll discuss an evening get-together for the same day.

Don't make me regret it.

-Zethra (989-555-3489)

It was clear he was gently astonished, and didn't really move for a few minutes. At last, he folded
the note away, slipped it into his coat, and downed the new drink... then pinned the usual tip with
extra for the second drink under the glass.

He went straight for the door, but for some reason, he paused there, and glanced to the bar. Their
eyes locked, and he just tipped his head to her before slipping outside.

Zethra realized that the look he gave her before he left made her feel like she did the right thing.
...It just also ruined her Saturday. Oh well.

How punctual someone was told you how OCD they were. With the 'around 1pm,' either the
person would go insane wondering if they were supposed to call earlier to show interest, later to
show they were casual, or exactly at 1pm because that was the only precise statement in the entire
message. Zethra liked testing this, and seeing who fit into what group.

Her phone went off at 1:01pm. Within the margin of error between phone companies, local times,
personal preferences. Oh yeah, he was OCD alright.

She tapped the screen and lifted it. “Hello?” Might not be him, after all.

“Hello. This is Zethra?” Oh, it was him. Not a phone-comfortable person, either, there was a lot of
tension in his voice.

“Maybe, who's asking?” It wasn't JUST to be mean. Partially, but not entirely. She didn't want to
give away her information freely.

“Oh! Yes, sorry. This is David... The human from your bar.”

That's right, he'd never given his name. She'd never bothered carding him. Traces of gray and a
bushy beard, however well-kept, made carding him a bit moot.

“Ah, good. You're very prompt,” she commented with an audible smirk.

He cleared his throat. “Old habits die hard, I suppose. You wanted to decide a good place to meet
this evening, yes?”

And straight to the point, too. Either he had no social graces at all (entirely possible with how little
she knew of him), or he was just that anxious on this call. With how sharp he was to her eye in
person, she suspected it was the call, but too early to be sure. “That's the plan, yes. Obviously,
needs to be somewhere that's open to both humans and non-humans.”

“Yes, of course. I don't know how comfortable you are taking public transport, so do we want to
choose something closer to your bar?”

Zethra tightened her eyes. So he knew she lived alone, above the bar, and didn't have a vehicle.
With how regular he was, that wasn't outside the realm of passive observation, but it was a level of
detail and certainty that immediately set off her red flags. “...Distance isn't an issue.”

His pause indicated he caught the ice suddenly in her voice. “...Apologies. Do you have a preferred
place in mind?”
She was conflicted now. A strong urge to just hang up pulsed through her, but she could also
recognize (if he wasn't a psycho) that he was trying damn hard to meet her where she was mentally.
She had already agreed to this much... She rolled her eyes at herself. “There's a cafe at Lector and
32nd, about a block down 32 nd. Let's meet there around... six.”

“Lector and 32nd, down 32 nd, understood. The name, just to be safe?”

Precise, and used to responding promptly. He was reacting to her like a military superior. More red
flags. She cleared her throat, “Cafe Defenestration. You'll get the joke, when you see it.”

There was a pause, and when he responded, there was some sincere humor in his tone, “So this
isn't an elaborate plan to throw me out a window?”

Zethra laughed naturally, a small, light one. She hoped she wouldn't regret that. “Nah, I'd be a lot
more blunt if that was the plan. David,” she added his name awkwardly after stopping herself from
saying 'human.'

“I suspected as much,” he still sounded in good humor, finally somewhat relaxed. “So, tonight at
six, at Cafe Defenestration. Any other details?”

Good, he wasn't pressing to keep up small talk. “Just don't waste time dressing fancy, it's another
hole in the wall, just like my place.”

“Understood. Tonight then?”

Zethra nodded to herself. “Tonight. Don't stand me up, I'll take it personal.”

“Would be my loss. See you then.”

And he actually ended the call.

Zethra looked at her phone with mild surprise for a moment. That little send off was... actually
somewhat charming. She cringed at herself immediately.

And she had no idea how to fill in nearly five hours with this social Sword of Damocles over her
head now.

He got the joke. The cafe had a mostly glass front 'wall,' with cartoonish depictions of people
being thrown through it, complete with fake cracks in the panes. The street it called home was
certainly still part of the less well-off portions of City 31, but he wouldn't have called it a hole in
the wall.

And he was early. Another old habit. She wasn't around, at least not yet, and he wasn't sure how
the cafe would take to him just waiting inside. He opted to lean against part of the neighboring
structure's front wall, and play at checking his phone to look less like a loiterer.

With a few glances and peripheral vision, he confirmed it was a very casual, mixed-species cafe.
Mixed-species usually meant 'non-human' by default, but he was glad he wasn't the only planet-
native present today. Granted, the other humans were off on their own, reading or playing with
their phones, but at least they didn't seem to raise tension.

She chose well.

“...And here I was worried about being the early one.”

He jerked, and looked out the opposite way. Zethra had slid up silently from the crosswalk to his
left, and she'd dressed differently than he expected. Her attire was always casual, usually just a
wide-neck T-shirt and jean-skirt tailored for her a viper's lower half. This time she had something
akin to a sweater over khaki, and a light jacket. Plentiful pockets.

“Old habit,” he offered with a self deprecating smile. “I wasn't sure about going in before you were

“Would've been fine, but we may as well get drinks now. Come on.”

She gestured casually, sliding past him, and he fell in behind, just right of her tail.

He only realized that moment how easily he could stomp on her tail, and now the threat of it was
distracting him.

At the counter, she ordered a fruit smoothie, which surprised him, but he quickly added a simple
black coffee, and a scone.

She was moving to pay as normal, but he slipped cash for the pair of them across the counter
quickly, just muttering, “On me, today.”

Zethra paused faintly, side-glancing him, then the barista. Apparently David was casual enough
that it didn't look sketchy, as the barista just tipped their head as a thanks for the business, and had
the two drinks and the snack ready in a moment more.

Leading the way to a table in the back, Zethra waited until she'd coiled in to settle before speaking.

“That really wasn't necessary.”

David paused mid-sit, locking gazes with her. He finished settling himself, and said, “No offense
intended. You're doing me a favor by meeting. I didn't want to seem ungrateful.”

“This isn't a date,” she stated coldly, her expression flat.

“Indeed,” he simply returned, meeting her eyes openly, clasping his hands on the table.

She eyed him for a moment, then relented, and sipped her smoothie. “So, what exactly are you
hoping to chat about to deal with your racism problem?” Harsh, perhaps, but she didn't want to drag
this out or linger awkwardly either.

David nodded, taking a moment. He sipped coffee to buy time. “...Why did you open a bar?”

Her suspicions wanted to take offense, but this was too convoluted a situation to jump down that
road immediately. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, she answered sincerely, “Figured only way
to move forward from a war and occupation is to put down roots in the new world. Didn't know
what else to do, and an old comrade offered the suggestion. Haven't had a reason to regret it yet.”

David tilted his head, and she was caught by the intent focus in his gaze. He was engaging her
words sincerely, and with more conviction than she was used to seeing.

“...I imagine you've had the occasional asshole human making a mess?”

“Fewer than I expected, actually. I think my regulars—other than you—“she added pointedly,
“scare most of them off.”

“And the few you did get?”

“I have a gun behind the counter if they don't listen to the first warning.”

He flicked a faint smile, looking down to his drink.

He had relaxed at the mention of a gun. He was more familiar with that than people. More flags
were going up in the back of her mind.

“What made you start hanging out in an alien bar?” she challenged back when he didn't
immediately continue.

David winced, thinking about his response. Another sip of coffee bought him time. “...I was getting
too angry for no reason. After... everything,” he loosely coiled his hand to the side. “I needed to...
don't have a better term for it, sorry, but 're-humanize' the old 'enemy' in my eyes.”

“Enemy, you say.”

He just nodded, not hiding it.

“So you're former resistance?” she opted to confirm openly with the chance.

“...I assumed that was obvious,” he answered grimly.

“Mostly, yeah, but I couldn't be certain.” She narrowed her eyes, leaning onto her elbows on the
table. “I'm former ADVENT.” She wanted to see his reaction.

“...Aren't all non-humans?” he carefully challenged first.

“No, actually,” she answered, eyeridges up. “A lot of the non-humans in City 31 are too young.
They were fresh off the lines when ADVENT came tumbling down. I served.”

His eyes tightened, and hers sharpened, reading him.

“...You used human terms for that,” he finally replied.

Zethra eased back slightly. That was what he focused on? “...So?”

David looked down at his coffee, his hands snaking around it to soak in the heat as memories tried
to chill him. “The Elders controlled you all. The psionic network was... potent. If you were proud
of your work, you would be much colder toward me. If you hated being enslaved, you wouldn't
have wasted time using the word 'serve.' You specifically phrased it like a soldier in a human
military. ...Maybe a conscript?” he checked, lifting his eyes finally.

That was unsettling. He wasn't some grunt in the resistance. Most people didn't even realize how
the psionic network had worked, yet alone psychological effects of being part of it. She was silent,
looking at him warily.

His eyes fell down again. “I apologize. I'm not trying to offend you. I don't socialize well.”

“With aliens?”

“At all.”

“No old war buddies?” she had to prompt with a faint smirk.

“A lot, actually. Very good people. ...I just... can't talk to them properly.”
She stopped, watching his expression fracture into something openly pained, his eyes shutting, his
brow knitting tight. “...Why not?” she had to prompt.

“I have trouble remembering who I'm talking to,” he answered, staring down through the table.

He wasn't lying, she could see that. It was just such a nonsensical response. “...Brain damage?” she
offered quietly, specifically not being cruel on that topic. If he was a wounded survivor of the
occupation, and trying to reach out to his old enemy, that was... honorable enough she didn't want
to be vicious.

“N-well... yes, I have brain damage, but it's not memory related,” he answered with a little rattle of
his head.

“...Can you please explain?” she prompted as gently as she cared to. Nothing made sense yet.

David sighed heavily, and reached up to rub his temple. “I was... It's trauma from experimentation,
is the quickest explanation.”

Zethra stopped short, her eyes flaring. Occupation survivor was one thing, but if he was one of the
experimental victims, she never would've expected him to be calm enough to speak around non-
humans, yet alone trying to reach out.

It hadn't been an issue at the time, the Elders' orders were clear. Humans were fodder for the
'Project,' and they were experimented on by the thousands. Most of those humans died in vats...
Anyone who survived that would be psychotically furious, she had to assume.

“...And you can talk to us?” she had to put voice to it finally, her head angled away somewhat.

When he looked up this time he almost seemed afraid, like a child opening the dark closet at night.
“I have to...”


“Because I don't want to be the monster they turned me into...” he answered, looking down again.

“...Who's 'they?'”

He rattled his head again. “The Elders.”

Zethra was too confused to be upset. Her brow creased, she shut her eyes, and she finally asked,
“You were experimented on directly? By the Elders?”

David groaned, rubbing his temple again. “N-not exactly, it's... convoluted.”

Zethra leaned forward again, elbows on the table. “Okay, we're clearly getting off track, and this
isn't helping you. Let me go back a few steps here. Why, specifically, do you have trouble
remembering who you're talking to with your old comrades?”

David winced, but met her eyes anyway. “...Because I have thousands of versions of them in my

She blinked a few times. She didn't want to snap in frustration. She could see he was being sincere.
“...I don't understand,” she finally just relented.

David sighed again, and gulped down a lot of coffee. “I was used for the network. Tactical
calculations. On my side, it was... endless dreams. Lives that never happened. My friends were
used as the base, and different... versions of things were played out to simulate what the Elders
wanted handled tactically.”

Zethra eased back slightly, glancing around as she thought back... Her eyes flared briefly. No, that
couldn't be it...

Near the end of the occupation, something had gone very wrong with the network. The nearly
flawless commands that just poured through it had suddenly cut off, and the local commanders had
to pick up the slack. Everything went to garbage after that.

ADVENT fell within months of that happening.

Zethra swallowed, which was painfully exaggerated in a viper's throat. “Y-you... were the tactical
computer feeding out to the whole network...?”

He gripped the mug again. “Yes.”

She'd thought it was literally that: a computer. Something the Elders had created to keep the army
functioning at peak efficiency. It always struck her as odd that there was no back-up when it went
down... But there was no back-up, because they couldn't replicate... this human?

“T-there's no way your brain could've handled that...” she had to rasp out, easing further back in her

His eyes lifted to hers with a painful clarity in them. “It didn't. ...I'm just high-functioning. I can
still... analyze a battlefield.”

Zethra was gripping at her coils under the table. She was afraid. She was terrified, and she wasn't
sure why. Suddenly this old human felt like a monster. Something that could just open up and
swallow her whole. “...A-and you don't want to kill us all?” she whispered out.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “...Part of me did. That's why I'm reaching out. I don't want to
be that thing. I did my job, once I was free, and I made sure I was out before I could make... awful

She calmed herself, taking a few steady breaths. “...So you can't turn to your real friends about any
of this, because... you have all those simulated versions of them still in your head?”

David nodded. “When I focus fully, I can pull the real history out, but it's... digging through wet
sand. It keeps filling back in as soon as I relax my focus.”

“S-so you're... reaching out to aliens, because none of us have a thousand versions in your head?”

“And I don't want to be a genocidal asshole, yeah, basically,” he clarified bluntly.

Zethra looked down and aside. “I-I... don't think I can help you with that mountain of baggage,
David. I'm just a bartender.”

“I... was just hoping to get to know someone. Remind my brain how real you are. I didn't mean to
dig all this up...”

Damn it, just give her an out. Her own past was crawling up her spine now, and she didn't want to
deal with this. She'd been prepared for stupid, ignorant questions about her being a snake, not
actual PTSD and trauma. “I-I sympathize, honestly. You're... going through a lot more than I
would've ever thought, but I...” She gripped the side of her head.
She jerked, staring at him. His hand was gently gripping her arm. It wasn't a grab, really, just a
touch, and their eyes locked. He was worried.

“Do you need to let something out...?” he whispered softly.

“L-let go, please.”

Her voice was trembling, hissing from how tight her throat was. Damn it all!

His arm recoiled instantly. “I'm sorry, that was thoughtless.”

“N-no, that's... I...” she grabbed her head again. She didn't want to talk about it, she wanted to
forget! She needed to be distracted from the memories, not shoved into them. Anger at herself
coiled inside, and she finally glared at him.

It wasn't fair, she knew that, but she was falling apart, and anger was all she had to pull herself

“You heard what I said, didn't you!?” her voice was low, sharp, not loud. “I was ADVENT. I
helped kill your people. Hell, maybe I was one of the guards that kept you in that hell that fried
your head! You get that, right!?”

David just nodded to her, looking at her openly with those damn, laser focused eyes.

The anger couldn't keep up. Water was in her eyes, and she was breathing heavily. “Why aren't you

“Because I slaughtered a lot of your people when I got out. I can't view it as a debt to balance,
either way, or I'll just... stop,” he answered softly, a deep kind of tired etching through his features.

Slaughtered. That sobered her. It was easy to forget he was her old enemy as much as she was his.
She only saw the aged human regular at her bar. The fact he was resistance hadn't really settled into
her brain fully yet. And with what he said... “...You're not just resistance. You're XCOM.”

He nodded, grim-faced.

“...You don't sound like a front-line soldier.”

“I wasn't.”

Her eyes tightened.

Those months it had taken ADVENT to collapse. Not only had their tactical support collapsed first,
but the resistance almost immediately turned into a lean, calculating machine. All the critical spots
were getting hit, and the resistance forces were gone before the army could really mobilize. It had
been obvious, even to grunts like her, that some kind of tactical genius had come into the fight,
right when ADVENT had lost their tactical edge.

“...Who were you?” she finally whispered at him.

He sighed, looking down through everything again. She was going to, at best, storm out as soon as
he said it. Well... there were consequences to being who he was. She had done more than her share,
he couldn't lie directly to her. “...I was the Commander of XCOM.”

She stared, eyes widened, still somewhat watering. He wasn't just an enemy. He was THE enemy.
The psionic network had always muted their emotions, forced them obey even when they were
desperate to flee unless they truly snapped mentally, but the Commander of XCOM was their
boogeyman. The awful thing that was coming for you at night. When it wasn't just resistance
fighters, when it was the insanely well-geared XCOM squads that were dropping down onto your
holding, every soldier there was ready to break and run. And it wasn't just how brutal the XCOM
soldiers themselves were. They reacted so flawlessly, tore apart defensive tactics, and just kept
rushing like a wave.

Her pain was too close to the surface to ignore now. Memories were flooding her brain, and she
ducked her head sharply, her talons digging into the table. He didn't poke or prompt, he was silent,

She'd hated the cold. Why vipers were deployed in the New Arctic had never made sense to her.
And that day, slithering through the biting ice, she'd found them. Her sister's fire-team. They were
just butchered, lying in their own blood, around the wreckage of a pylon that the commanders had
promised them would end the XCOM threat forever.

Her sister especially. She was nearly cut in half. Something had cut into her so hard, and so fast,
her armor never had a chance to deflect it. And it had cauterized, too. Only a tiny puddle had
formed compared to what it should have been.

She'd snapped. Network be damned, Elders' whispers at her spine, she dropped there and pulled her
sister to herself, howling and wailing like a beast. The network had pulsed and battered her mind,
but she wouldn't just leave her sister to rot.

The network had crushed on her mind so intensely she blacked out. She woke up days later, numb
in every way, with no idea of her sister's body.

ADVENT collapsed a few weeks after that.

The real world finally bled into her senses again. The cafe, her hands creaking on the table, and
David looking at her with calm... acceptance, however sorrowful he was. She had no idea how long
she'd spaced out, and he hadn't said a word.

“...I know it's not fair,” she rasped heavily, “but I have to ask you about a mission.”

He tipped his head.

She controlled her breathing. “New Arctic, a little before you broke the network. Your ship was
brought down.”

David nodded to confirm.

“A fire-team of vipers were one of the last waves to get to the pylon before you destroyed it. Do
you remember them?”

“I do,” he answered simply.

“...You remember how they were killed?”

“Plasma blade.”

She twitched. That was it. The cold factual tone. It was the way he'd said 'Muton' before. That was
the Commander. The analyst that could break down a war into movement and timing.

“I-I... want to know... how they died.”

David tilted his head faintly. She was clearly on the verge of a breakdown herself. He was always
teetering on that edge. This was probably the last conversation they would ever have, and he had
no reason to deny her need for information at this point. “Three of my best were on the pylon when
that squad arrived. The pylon was priority, so that fire-team of vipers and a codex were able to get
very close positions once it was blown up. I had a policy of never leaving my people behind if they
were alive, so I ordered a fighting retreat once the pylon went down. Two of my three best were
able to start running, but those vipers were about to pin them down.

“Before they could, that third soldier of mine took his plasma blade, and went through both of
them. Brutal, but fast. He didn't linger or try to torment them. He murdered them because I ordered
his squad to fall back, and he knew those vipers would probably take down one of the others. He
was praised for his actions after we escaped.”

Zethra was trembling, and she hated it. One soldier? Her sister would've felt so humiliated as her
life faded out. “...Was your soldier challenged at all?”

“No. He was one of my best for a reason. He'd killed more, faster, in worse conditions. That squad
never had a chance.” David had no reason to sugarcoat the atrocity. He'd done it. He'd ordered it.
He'd been relieved Wolf took the vipers out so fast.

Zethra finally broke down, but she tried to at least contain it. She sobbed tightly, looking down to
the wall to hide as tears started to drip down her snout. “...My sister was one of those vipers.”

Sincere confusion broke his focus. “...I... apologize, but... 'sister?'”

She glared at him, but the fire couldn't stay in it. He was too sincerely confused. And his
expression wasn't disgusted or judgmental. He saw her pain, he was empathetic even, but he was
lost. “...It happened sometimes,” she managed tightly. “A spawn would be small, or a group of a
single spawn would stay together for longer than usual. Avess was only a few minutes older than
me, but she... looked out for me. I was exhausted after a late patrol, she wanted me to recover, so
she deployed with a partner and the codex to that emergency summons. If she hadn't pushed me to
sleep, I'd just be another dead viper in the snow.”

David closed his eyes, breathing out deep and long. “...I can only confirm that your sister was
fearless. She never tried to flee, even when she realized what was happening.”

“I should've been with her!”

“No. You needed rest.”

Zethra jerked, staring at him for that response. It was simple, instant, and sincere.

“Soldiers need rest,” David reiterated simply.

Zethra finally sank her head, but her breath was calming. “...You're not angry at me for being one
of the ones that was ready to kill your people.”

“And you're still talking with me despite me murdering your sister.”

“You keep calling it 'murder.' That's not how soldiers describe killing in combat.”

“I had no reason to soften the terms of your sister's death to you. I'm the responsible party.”

“That soldier is the main one responsible.”

“He did exactly what I expected of him, and he knew that. If I'd given the order to spare your
sister's fire-team, he would've been angry, but obeyed. Those deaths are on my hands. That's what it
means to be the one in charge.”

Zethra looked down again, swallowing. At least he wasn't ducking responsibility, and he wasn't
trying to claim nobility, either. “...You'd do it all again?”


“Even now?”

“If I'd ordered the slaughter of your sister's squad just out of malice, just out of my bias and hatred,
I would change it if I could, but that situation was purely desperation and survival. I can't apologize
for it, but I will accept the consequences of doing it.”

“So if I tell you never to show your face in my bar again?”

“You had the right before you knew any of this, anyway.”

Zethra slowly breathed a few times, calming her jittering emotions more fully. “You... don't sound
racist. You sound lonely.”

David looked down. “I have racist tendencies, and coming to your bar has helped me overcome a
lot of the worst ones. ...I can't deny I'm lonely.”

“Are all of your friends affected by the simulations?”

“...Two of them aren't.”

“You should get in touch with those two. I think it'll do you more good than some random viper

“...I'll take your advice, but you're not just a random bartender to me, Zethra.”

She winced down to the side. “Please don't go there.”

He blinked, “Sorry?”

“I don't want to be someone special to you, David. I came here today because I didn't want to be
the reason some old human snapped and went on a killing rampage. I'm not kicking you out of my
bar, but I don't want... relationship nonsense involved.”

He bowed his head, but nodded. “Understood.”

Zethra coiled up out of her chair. “...Thanks for covering the drink, and I appreciate your honesty.
Please don't assume anything beyond that.”

He met her eyes, though she could tell he wanted to keep his head down, and waved mildly.
“Understood. Enjoy your evening.”

Zethra took a breath, waved mildly back, and slid out.

Once she was about a block away, she gripped at her heart, her eyes staring down through the
world. “...At least he remembered you...”
Chapter End Notes

I'll have more detailed notes after the final chapter, but just to confirm, this is set about
a year after Chimera Squad's story ends, and can be viewed as an AU sequel from that
point forward, since it's not totally clear if the Commander would be retired or not in
canon. There is... a lot unique about this story for me personally, but I'll leave that for
the final chapter's note. I hope you enjoy this little tale that surprised even me.

Also, I intended to cross-post on, but parts of this story absolutely dip into
explicit/MA material, and it wasn't worth trying to fight it if anyone raised a stink
about saying just 'M.' I personally think it's probably a solid M in the end, but I could
see someone saying it goes over that line, so... fuck it, it's rated explicit.
Pain and Longing

She had never been more relieved she stayed closed on Sundays. All of her pain around Avess
being wrenched right back to the surface was too much, she needed recovery time. She kept the
downstairs fully locked and secured, and had a long, hot, soaking shower. Contrary to popular
human belief, vipers weren't cold blooded like the Earth creatures they were named after. A hot
shower was just a nice, muscle-relaxing waste of water.

Even so, Zethra could tell that Avess wasn't going to leave her thoughts any time soon. She'd have
to figure out how to get back to a state of balance so she could at least work the next day.

In fresh clothes, she pulled out an old storage unit from under her bed, and cracked it open. She
paused, built herself up, and slid the lid fully off. Her old combat armor, folders of documents, and
a few other items.

Sentimentality had been hammered out of them by the network during the occupation. Despite that,
one of the hybrid soldiers had found a camera on a patrol, and alerts hadn't gone through their
region in weeks, so the network wasn't being hyper vigilant either. That soldier went around, taking
pictures around the base.

Zethra still had one of them. Her and Avess. They looked stiff and grim, except for Avess' arm
being slung over Zethra's shoulders, and the the barest hint of a smirk.

A smile formed on Zethra's lips as she looked over the picture. A flash of holding Avess' torn body
in the snow returned, and she winced. Instinctively, she started to put everything away, but she
stopped herself, and pulled the picture back out. She ran a finger over Avess' face. “...You always
took care of me. Right to the end.”

She placed the picture back more gently, and pulled another item out. It was like a metal seal of
some kind. Her ADVENT tag. Technically, it was part of her armor, and the network made
physical signs of origin and unit moot, but for some reason the armor fabrications still included
seals for each region. Or at least they had.

Zethra gripped it in her hand, looking at the ADVENT symbols and numbers for her and Avess'

“You know the funny thing, Avy? I hate the Elders as much as the humans do. Think I might've
preferred dying in a vat to being a slave...”

She turned the symbol around, idly playing with it while thinking. “...Would you be angry with me
for not going off on him? Would you try to kill him?”

She glanced off, remembering the conversation more directly. “...Why aren't I angry at him? He
admitted he killed you. I've wanted to hunt down those bastards ever since...”

As she put the emblem back, she paused again. That awkward moment, when David gripped her
arm. It had actually been so gentle that fact alone surprised her, but his facial expression with it
was what quenched the fire of her anger so fast. He was worried for her. It was too sincere and
obvious to be casually faked. And would a bartender be worth the effort for an agent that could
fake that?

“If you actually hated my kind, I don't think you'd be able to look at me like that,” she muttered
Zethra sighed, and put the container back under her bed before she pushed herself up. “I can't hear
your ghost, Avess, and I feel like you'd be happy I had something to live for now. If you want me
to be mad at him, you're gonna have to haunt me. Deal?”

She smirked a bit at the silence, for some reason feeling like it was really a response.

Fully upright, she glanced around her simple apartment. She yawned and stretched idly, pondering
her movie collection. Curling up with an old favorite might be the best plan for such a draining

For some reason, she hesitated, and looked to her phone. She cringed a little, but as she thought
back on her conversation with David, she realized she didn't really understand what he was afraid
of becoming. He treated her like a person, with all the social awkwardness that entailed, and even
his interaction with Vark had been socially strained, not bigoted.

Without really processing why, she picked up her phone, checked the history, and clicked on his
call. It only rang twice before it patched through.


It was him, alright, but he was hesitant and cautious in his tone.


“...Yes. Zethra?”

“Yes. I needed to ask you something.”

He paused. “...About your sister?”

It was a logical assumption, she realized, but it still caught her, for some reason. “N-no, actually.
About you. You said you don't want to turn into the monster they made you into?”


“What monster is that? You don't react to me like a racist person. Even your awkward stand off
with Vark—the Muton—“she realized he might not remember their name, “wasn't really racist. So
why did you need to reconnect with non-humans?”

He was silent for a long while. She checked her phone to make sure it was still connected, but
otherwise waited patiently.

“...I hate them, Zethra. I hate them so much it makes hating everything too easy.”

“Who's 'them?'”

“The Elders. I wanted... needed them to hurt, to die so badly by the end of the occupation, that I
was... too cold to everything else. I watched a codex be tortured in undeath just to get the
information we needed. I let body parts be turned into armor. I had so many ADVENT killed just
for intel, because I didn't care how we extracted it. I saw it in myself, I did my best not to let it get
out of control, but it was there. If the war had gone on any longer...”

Zethra's eyes tightened. That finally made sense. He wasn't racist against vipers or mutons, not
directly. He absolutely was psychotically furious... at the Elders. Who were all dead. “...You killed
the Elders? That's how it all finished, right?”
“Yes. ...I made sure they felt it, too.”

There it was. Darkness poured out of his voice. And sorrow.

She tilted her head slowly. “...Do you regret how you did it?”

“...Not as much as I should.”

“But a little?”

“Very little. It's... a rational recognition that I was out of line. I never gave them a chance to
surrender. They were fighting for their lives, and I just... didn't care anymore. I wanted their pain
for what they did... And I know that's not healthy.”

Zethra looked off, through the wall of her loft. “Did you... did you know how enslaved we all

“Not immediately, but it was clear soon enough, yes.”

She saw Avess, dead in the snow, in her arms. That was the 'clean' version. The merciful death he
didn't regret. What would his rage do to the Elders...?

“...Would you prefer I not come to the bar? I... wasn't sure.”

She rattled her head out of her thoughts at his worried question. “...You welcome at the bar, David.
I... I wanted you to know that I hated them, too. Humans aren't the only ones glad those bastards
are dead. Just... thought you should hear it from one of us.”

David was silent for a long while again. “...T... thank you.”

She hadn't expected him to be capable of a sound that meek. “...No worries. Anyway, I just...
wanted to get that off my chest. See you next time you stop by, alright?”

“Of course. ...Good night.”

“Night,” she said instantly, and clicked the line off.

But she was staring at the phone. The gentleness of his voice with that farewell... it got under her
skin somehow. Or... gave her goosebumps?

She rattled her head free of whatever awful mess that was, and slithered to her movies. She really
needed to just lose herself in a fantasy world for a bit now...

Normalcy. It was delightfully standard the next day. She had a handful of afternoon regulars,
decent tips, and the evening crowd started right when it should according to her instincts. A
healthy crowd, too. It wasn't a slow Monday. She was glad to see as many new faces as regulars.

Anxiety only started to build again the closer it came to David's usual arrival time. Despite her own
words, she had no idea how to deal with his presence after all the revelations from their

If he did show, she'd be socially tormented, trying to act natural. If he didn't, she'd feel like she cost
herself one of her best regulars, and also been unfair to him, somehow.

The constant distraction of new drink orders was welcome, for once. She couldn't linger in those
dark thoughts.

Practically on a timer, the door opened at last. She started to pour a whiskey before risking a glance

David was cleaned up. No trench-coat, for once, and his hair and beard were neatly trimmed. His
usual collared shirt and slacks only stood out because of the absence of the coat, but he also looked
healthier, somehow. More light in his step.

Zethra had to keep her mouth shut. She didn't know how to process this disruption of her routine on
top of everything else, and there were too many witnesses if she screwed up. She smiled simply,
professional, and placed his drink for him as he finished stepping up to the bar.

He returned the smile, nodding to her, and simply placed the usual money on the counter, near her
hand, and slipped his drink away while departing for his usual table on the far side.

Mostly motor-habit had her sweep the money away, and she turned aside. Only half-way through
putting the money in the till did she realize how relieved she was that he just took the drink and

And part of her was glad he came. Stability was good, she told herself.

Roughly an hour went by, and Zethra's confidence had grown significantly. It was a smooth night,
still, even Vark just quietly sipping his usual a few stools down from a hybrid couple. He hadn't
even shown annoyance at his favorite stool being taken. Maybe he was in a good mood? She
couldn't honestly tell.

Glancing over, Zethra noticed one oddity. David had finished his drink. Not rapidly, she'd seen it
with something to sip only a few minutes ago, but he'd actually finished. Now he was just reading
something on his phone, occasionally glancing around the bar in his analytical way.

With more confidence, Zethra decided on something. She picked up her notepad to be official, and
slid around, through the tables, gliding up to his naturally.

He didn't seem startled, but the gentle surprise in his eyes and the reflexive smile caught her
anyway. She didn't show it, and smiled casually. “Need a refill for once?”

He huffed a little laugh, looking down. “Maybe just a beer? Something light.”

Zethra shrugged. “You can just sit there. You tip well enough,” she confirmed with a more openly
amused smirk.

He actually blushed, laughing a bit more at the table. For some reason, she liked that it caught him
playfully. “I like having something to sip, honestly, Just... got carried away tonight.” He lightly
flicked out more than enough cash for a beer between two fingers.

She snatched the cash out of sight with a confident turn to her smile. “You got it.” As she started to
angle away, she paused just enough to side-glance him, and add, “You clean up well,” before
gliding off.

An impish smile formed as she heard him clear his throat sharply in her wake.

David's apartment was simple. One bedroom, kitchenette, though it did have its own laundry space.
Other than news postings on the desktop computer to one corner (out of line of sight of the
windows...), it was mostly clean and barely used.

For once, he sat in his lounge chair, staring at his phone awkwardly. He'd done similar before
calling Zethra, but a different number was on the screen, waiting to be confirmed this time. At
length, he sighed, and confirmed, then held it to his ear.

After barely a full ring, it answered. “Hi-hello? This is Lily!”

There was mechanical banging and whirring around her in the background.

“Lily, hello. It's... David,” he trailed awkwardly, realizing he'd so rarely used his first name with
the old staff.

“David...?” she similarly led off in confusion before realization dawned, and she yelped, something
crashed violently, and she scrambled with the phone with clicks and pops. “C-Commander!? Oh
my gosh, HI! I-I didn't e-expect to, uh... HI!”

Wincing sympathetically for flustering her so badly, he smiled out of it, and replied, “Sorry to be so
abrupt, Lily. You can just call me David. I'm very specifically retired, and you know that.”

“O-Okay, C—David! I... is it bad if I admit it's weird hearing you call me Lily?”

“It's weird to say it, sorry, heh. I didn't want you to think I was some bill-collector by starting with

She giggled sincerely, and it was a relief to hear it. “You're fine, sir. --Ack, ROVR, no, not that

Another set of bangs and crashes.

“Sorryonesec!” she blurted into the phone, and David just waited, practically able to visualize the
poor woman scrambling around whatever workshop she'd secured for herself, stopping her robotic
companion from making worse of a mess.

At last, she returned, breathless. “Okay! Sorry about that! Ahem. S-so to what do I owe the

“H-honestly, Lily, I'm... just trying to reach out in the ways I can. Check in. Be... a friend.” He
groaned at his own phrasing. “S-so, what are you up to these days?”

“O-oh... oh...” Lily clearly had to shift mental gears so severely she was forced to slow down. “W-
well! I'm actually working for a private research lab, but they're very tied to the infrastructure
improvements for City 31! You know that place, right?”

David cracked a faint smile. “I moved there, actually.”


He winced at her squeak.

“Yes,” he managed meekly.

“I-I'm sorry, it's just... We all knew you... u-uh,” she realized she'd stumbled onto dangerous
ground. “C-Commander, is something wrong?” she finally asked in a tone of admitting defeat.

He sighed softly, accepting it as well. “Nothing ground breaking, Shen. I'm sincerely just trying to
stay in touch with old friends. Especially friends who aren't tied to... my difficulties.”

“I'm sorry for being so awkward, sir. I'm... really glad you consider me a friend.”

“We all grew closer than 'comrades.' We were fighting too hard to stay alive to do otherwise. That
ship was one giant fox hole.”

“Huh, ooooh, ain't that the truth. Sometimes I miss... parts of it.”


“So, um... are you... starting to have an easier time talking about your... trouble? It was... hard

“Yes, Shen. It was kind of you to reach out back in the day, I just... couldn't process being human
at the time. Too overwhelming.”

“So you've made enough progress to start chipping away at the human thing?”

“Heh, more or less.”

“I'm so glad, sir. Really.”

“I appreciate it, Shen. So... any particular engineering challenges you're struggling with, or just a
matter of finding the time?”

She giggled again. “Always about finding time, yes, sir. Got a few projects in progress right now,
mostly related to water purification systems, and also waste processing. Turns out, mixed species
sewage is as complicated as it is gross!”

David had to cringe. “...Poor woman.”

She snort-giggled this time. “Thankfully, I only have to deal with the straight chemistry of it, not
the... hands-on portion. This is one particular job I'll be HAPPY to let the grunts handle when it
comes time for practical testing.”

David smirked. “Now, now, Lily, be a good commander, and show them you're on the line with

She whined. “But siiiiir. It's disguuuuusting. Have you ever had to deal with Muton poop!?”

He shivered and nearly gagged. “F-fair point, but I think you see mine?”

She groaned and wailed playfully. “Yesss.”

After a moment, their humor calming after shared laughter, Lily began again more gently, “So has
anything been particularly helping you? Good therapist...?”

David glanced down. “Therapist did help. Some good... techniques when it gets too much. It's still
too exhausting to be around the others for any real length of time, though.”

“Aw... I understand, sir. I'm just... sad for you.”

“Me, too,” he offered in simple humor, and she giggled gently.

Lily replied, “Sounds like you got more help from just getting back into the world?”
“You could say that. I... socialized a bit, recently. Not sure what else to call it.”

“Oh, did you make a new friend out here?”

“Might be premature to say 'friend,' but yes, basically. Local bartender. We met for coffee the other

Lily was silent for longer than usual. “You... went out with a bartender?”

David grumbled slightly. “I-it wasn't a date, Shen...”

“But it's so cute! This a guy or gal bartender?”

This was getting into tricky territory rapidly. “She owns the bar. I probably should've said 'bar-

“Oooh, private business! That's brave in City 31! She must be a tough cookie!”

“...Yes,” he confirmed warily. It sounded like Lily was building to something.

“Is she pretty?” Lily couldn't hide the giggle in her voice.

David deadpanned. Several possible responses flitted through his brain, and he didn't really like
any of them. He cleared his throat a bit. “She's not interested in that kind of thing, Shen,” he finally
chose, his voice soft, careful.

Somehow, he could hear Lily's impish grin.

“That implies you are.”

“Sheeeen. I'm barely fit for socializing at this point.”

“You didn't say 'nooooo.'”

He was blushing violently as he groaned. “Ilikeher,” hissed out through his teeth.

“Yay! You are so cute! Though if she's super young, I am going to be very judgy, Commander.”

He glanced off awkwardly. Technically, there couldn't be a viper older than 25ish, and most were
far younger than that. The psi-network maturation made them adults, but now that Lily had pointed
out the problem, he was suddenly very worried about his own behavior.

“...You got so quiet. OH MY GOSH, sir, you are terrible! Please tell me she is at least legal!?”

David sank his face into a hand, groaning. “Shen, she's... not human...”

Apparently Lily had been grabbing a drink, because she spewed a sip out violently, and then went
stone silent.

After a torturous pause, she finally asked, “...Hybrid...?” in a quiet, weak voice.

He hated that term, but it had grown too popular to fight against it. All of the non-humans were
hybrids, he knew that better than most. “...Viper,” he finally admitted. Shen's judgment was...
going to hit hard, he only realized now.

More silence. At length, Lily managed, “...And... you... you really do like her?”
“...Yes. She's... a very kind person, actually. Unusually so.”

“Does she... know...?”

“Now, yes.”

“And she's not... upset?”

“I don't know fully, but she's still talking to me. Pleasantly so.”

“I... I apologize for how I sound, sir, I know it's... not fair, after I poked so much. I just... never saw
that coming.”

“...Me neither.”

“If... if she earned your respect, sir, she has mine, too. I... I guess... good luck with it?”

That was a relief. She was trying to be supportive instead of showing disgust. “...Thank you, Shen.
I really appreciate that.”

Finally, she giggled a little again. “I'll uh... give it some time before I tease you again. You realize
how much you just opened the flood gates, right?”

He groaned. “Starting to...”

Lily laughed more openly. “Thank you for calling, sir. Are you going to be okay if I cut us off
here? I'm getting a smidge behind.”

“Of course, sorry, Shen.”

“Don't apologize. I meant it. I appreciate the call. We'll talk again soon, okay?”

“Okay... thank you, Shen.”

“No problem, Commander. Bye bye.”

He mumbled a return of the farewell, and clicked the phone off.

He hadn't admitted it to himself yet. That he did like Zethra, was drawn to her. He'd stayed focused
on his goal, to socialize, re-integrate. He was such a mess... He had no idea how to move forward,

Zethra didn't want to admit how distracted she was by David over the next few workdays.
Something was clearly off for him. He still came and left at the right times, had ordered a second
drink once, but he looked a bit disheveled again, and was distracted to the point of being startled
whenever she checked on him. The fact that she checked on him and he wasn't noticing how odd
that was also nettled her.

Even so, she didn't want to brush across the topic. Especially not at the bar. They'd managed to
avoid making her work hours painfully awkward, she wanted to keep it that way.

But then, this anxiety was part of awkwardness, wasn't it?

She stuffed that realization down deep and hard. At length, she just went around to check on her
patrons, looping from the far side, so that David would be her last stop.
When she reached him this time, he noticed her, and gave a little tip of his head... while shifting his
empty glass out, with a small fold of paper pinned beneath it.

Zethra made sure he saw her grip the paper, but kept up appearances otherwise. “Refill?”

“Don't know yet,” he offered with a worn smile, but unable to meet her eyes. “I'll come up and
order, if so.”

She just nodded, controlling her fresh anxieties as she slithered smoothly back behind the bar. She
had to pour a few more drinks and serve them after her round, but once she got back, she used
opening the till to disguise checking the note.

May I call you again?

If I may, same time as before?

Zethra made herself fold and put it away before she could lock up with anxious thoughts. It scared
her. She was downright afraid, heart hammering, muscles clenched. This was too much. She knew
the signs, even if she didn't want to. He was reaching out to her, despite being emotional and
delicate. There were only so many reasons for that.

“...Excuse me?”

Her head jerked, and her eyes snapped to the customer that had walked up to the bar. They were
apologetic, but she quickly smiled.

“Sorry, lost in space, apparently. What do you need?”

She handled their order quickly, and then busied herself reorganizing bottles on the back wall to
hide her face.

Her head was a mess. Avess' dead body, Avess screaming in anger, but also David's surprisingly
kind, soft voice, and how honest and clear he was even about his worst behavior. Zethra felt like a
traitor, and also felt... She did want to talk to him. She wanted to get him to admit why he was
acting so off despite seeming so improved just before.

He was also the reason her sister was dead. Despite her own thoughts that Avess might even be
happy for her to move forward, her anxieties wouldn't be killed so easily. They never really went
away. Surely Avess would be furious? No, no she wouldn't... but she understandably would be.
Wouldn't she?

Zethra realized her hands were shaking, and she gripped them together, rubbing slowly, trying to
focus and calm herself. She didn't know what to do, and she was still at work! She couldn't break
down now!

I shouldn't talk to him, but I... I... YES, damn it, I want to! I can't stop that part! Avess, please, stop!

She gripped her head, nearly snapping right there, grimacing at the bottles.

Her sister... wouldn't hate her for this. Even if she was furious, she wouldn't turn to hate. And
Zethra knew David was hurting, too. He'd reached out again. Carefully, trying to meet her where
she was at.

Zethra took a steady breath, spread her hands out with a little stretch, and then pulled her notepad
to scribble on it quickly.

When she turned, intending to head to his table, she froze. He was right there at the bar, an
apologetic expression, and the usual tip held out between two fingers.

“...I'm sorry,” rasped out of his lips.

Zethra blinked, then reanimated. She reached to take the tip, but also shoved her note into his
palm. “Don't be. Good night.”

The note surprised him, but he nodded to her, easing a little, and departed without further delay.

Zethra exhaled heavily again, relieved that was over for the moment, and feeling like she did the
right thing.

Outside, David looked at the note once he was down the block, his eyebrows rising.

Let's skip to the end.

Meet at the cafe.

Same place, same time.

And for nearly the first time in his life, his heart skipped a beat.
Cold Realities

Zethra had been a mess of nerves that night after agreeing to meet him again. Stress didn't vanish
just because a decision was made. It was also a few days before they'd meet. She really should've
known better.

It took an hour or two into her shift for her to properly wake up and be fully alert due to lack of
sleep. Nightmares of a furious Avess murdering David, and blaming her for not helping do it had
kept her awake or kept her sleep fitful.

Her mood was improved enough to embarrass her when David came in looking much better. He'd
cleaned himself up again, and other than a soft, quiet 'are you okay?' he didn't try to linger near her.

She'd admitted to lack of sleep, but nothing else, and he'd picked up on her lack of desire to discuss
it, at least while on shift.

She was grateful for the normalcy. In return for him not disrupting her day, she smiled privately for
him when she checked on his drink later that night. The ease with which he smiled back confirmed
it helped relax his worry about her state.

Sleep came easier after that. He was all but a regular again, everything was normal. A few other
customers got rowdy once or twice, but a viper was intimidating enough when unhappy that it
defused fast.

Fears about Avess' anger faded enough to not choke her, and her anxiety about what exactly was
between herself and David lessened as she just lived her life for those few days. Nothing was fixed,
but her life wasn't exploding in her face.

As a result, when Saturday finally came around, she was embarrassed by her excitement, rather
than much else. It wasn't a date, but having to remind herself it wasn't only made her feel idiotic.

She realized it was novel to feel wanted. Though, if it turned out he just had a snake fetish, that
was all going to implode into feeling like an idiot and being furious at him at the same time. For
the moment, he appeared to actually value her presence for her experiences and her manner. The
part that actually mattered to her. If that really was the case, she couldn't deny it was deeply
soothing. To be herself, and still draw someone in naturally. Whatever that draw was.

After bathing and dressing, she paused. In her bathroom, she opened her medicine cabinet, and
stared at an unused jar of some variety. She was hesitant, shy, but finally nodded to herself, and
took it out.

Trying to apply what she'd told him before, David went inside the cafe himself, despite being
early. One risk he did take, ordering the same smoothie she'd ordered last time, and had it waiting
for her on the far side of the little table. He passed the time for his too-early arrival by nibbling his
scone, and faintly sipping his coffee. He didn't want to drain it before she even arrived.

He hadn't really 'socialized' at all since joining the military in his youth. It just wasn't how he was
wired. The closest experience he had to this was back in highschool, and he didn't want to base any
behavior on how he was when that young. As a result, he felt like a scout in unknown territory, that
was assumed hostile. He wanted to keep open, honest communication going between Zethra and
himself, but if he told her he was... attracted, even if clear about not presuming anything, there had
to be a significant chance she would be so uncomfortable (at best) that she'd prefer not to spend
time around him, at least not alone.

Every time the door opened, he checked it. So early had he arrived, that he'd already grown used to
'disappointment' when it wasn't her.

So when it was, he took a second to register her presence, and had to double-take.

She was radiant. Her clothes were still casual, but they were brighter, and... somehow cleaner than
usual. Something was different about her scales, too. Not distracting to anyone but him, but it was
there, and it gave her yellow scales a subtle, rainbow shimmer, the cream-colored ventral scales
shone like fine porcelain, and the darker patterns on the back of her hood almost seemed like they'd
been misted down. He'd never seen anything like it before.

Thanks to Lily's push, he finally admitted, in his head, that Zethra was beautiful.

She spotted him after a quick scan around. Zethra hoped her relief that he was actually there didn't
show too obviously. She immediately noticed that he'd ordered her drink for her, and instinctively
smiled in light amusement. That was sweet...

She cleared her throat gently as she slid toward him. Despite her own anxiety, she could plainly see
he was transfixed by her face, and her shy worry blossomed into warm relief and pleasure. As she
sat down, smoothly curving her hip-tail into the chair, she ran her hands down the edges of her
hood to make sure it wasn't too flared. “And if I didn't want a smoothie?” she had to 'greet,'
smirking in good humor at him.

“I apologize, and go up with you to cover whatever you do want,” David returned after a quick
blush at the topic.

Her response was to take a sip of the drink casually, then slide it out of her way. “Thank you,”
finally flowed out of her lips, sincere, but she also kept herself serious. “So... what's on your mind,
this time?”

David flashed a smile, ducking his head as he coiled his hands around his coffee again. “...You,

She showed open surprise. It stroked her ego, and gave a little thrill in her gut (which only made
her blush at the realization), but was also worrying. She hadn't expected herself to be the full topic,
at least. “M... me...?” meekly tumbled out of her mouth at last.

David glanced off, apparently feeling guilty. She was clearly worried by that topic. “Yes. I... took
your advice, and reached out to one of my old friends. It was good. A little awkward, but good. It...
clarified a few things for me.”

Zethra sipped her drink to think for a moment. The reality of the concerns if he was interested in
her came tumbling back in over her childish excitement. They were both veterans of opposite sides.
Neither of them knew how to handle people well, not in any kind of real relationship. They were
both so damaged... “So your friend gave you some perspective?”

“Exactly, yes. And you and I have been refreshingly honest with each other from the get-go. I'm
very fond of that, and I don't want to start... hiding things.”

Yeah, that.

Zethra sighed heavily, bowing her head. Cold reality was finally cracking into her skull. A part of
her wanted it... The rest of her knew how bad of an idea it all was. “...You're attracted to me.”

David watched her body language closely, the lack of expression in her face, the distant focus of
her eyes. That said everything that mattered. “...Yes. I apologize. I... very much value your
perspective. I don't want to ruin that. I... didn't want to hide this element of myself.”

She blinked, and found his eyes again, this time analyzing him right back. He didn't look away, but
he didn't hide the gentle sadness that had settled over his features. And her eyes were easy to stare
into, of course.

“...You're not upset that I'm not acting shy or excited?” she started bluntly.

He huffed a weak laugh. “Childish fantasies I can't deny I had, but it's the reality of your company
that created my attraction. You aren't a love-struck woman. You're a survivor, and I admire your
strength in overcoming... so much to get where you are. I'm jealous of it, in fact. I can't hold a
candle to how far you've come.”

This time, Zethra glanced off, though she was otherwise stony. Did he realize how flattering all
that was? Was he being a manipulative charmer, or was this genuine? Her instincts felt it was
genuine, but her anxiety was screaming in warning. “...You're laying it on a little thick, David,” she
rasped softly. She didn't want to be so harsh, that softened her tone, but she couldn't comfort him as
part of her wanted to.

He ducked his head with a lifted hand. “Apologies. I promise it's true, but I don't know how to...
pace things, socially.” Currently, he was holding tight to the relief that she hadn't snapped in
disgust or stormed away. Weary annoyance was far better than disgust or anger.

However, as his eyes analyzed her manner, he couldn't help noticing her scales again. He dropped
his gaze. “Since I've dug the hole so deep, just one more shovel-load.”

She blinked at him in wry humor. “What...?”

“You look beautiful.”

He kept his gaze down, his tone careful and measured, but his voice was clear, not whispered.

Zethra jerked slightly, her head retreating, as a long-controlled blush finally flared across her
cheeks. “...Huh? T-these are normal clothes...”

“Flattering, regardless. And... something is making your scales shine. I've never seen that before.
It's lovely.”

He kept his eyes rigidly rotated to the table, but he was staring through it, his peripheral vision
soaking up every detail of her body language.

Zethra's blush worsened. He noticed it after all. She'd hoped it had just given her a cleaner look,
nothing more, but it did put a sheen on her scales. The closest thing to make-up vipers had, at least
currently. “T... thanks... I... just wanted to look nice today.”

She winced at the half-truth. She'd wanted to look nice for him. She'd known that well enough, she
hadn't lied to herself. She wanted to be impressive and attractive because her childish ego wanted
that response from someone who liked her.

“Mission accomplished,” David offered simply, a kind smile showing as he finally looked up into
her eyes again.
Zethra gave a wan half-smile back, and then closed her eyes, sighing at herself. “...I dressed up for
you.” She rammed it out of her lips before she could stop it again.

David's blush flared as much as his eyes widened.

She couldn't look at him, not yet. She forced the words out. “You're charming. I like your attention.
It feels authentic, and that... means a lot to me. I just... don't see a relationship doing well.”

Her eyes only opened to look at the wall, sad, but honest. “We're both broken people, David. We
have so much haunting us. I think we'd... hurt each other faster than we could heal each other.”

David couldn't stop staring at her, his mind whirring with this revelation. It was the strangest pain
he'd ever felt. The new feelings were reciprocated in some way! But that cold reality was just as
sharp as a knife. His voice finally strained out, a rasping whisper. It was enough of a struggle that
she looked to him with concern out of her grim reverie.

“I... wish... I could argue that point...”

His eyes were watering, but he couldn't really move. Alarmed worry spread over Zethra's features,
seeing how far she'd accidentally pushed him over his own threshold. A hand reached up slightly,
her mouth agape, trying to think of what to say to pull him back from his brink.

“...I want to be whole for you,” strangled out at last.

Zethra became harrowed. He'd just reached into her chest and broken her heart in half with a few
words. From him, between them, that sentiment was so catastrophically clear and powerful. He
was a broken, shattered wreck, trying to pick up its own pieces... for her. Even as those pieces kept
falling through ruined hands.

“...David,” she started, despite a tremble in her voice. “We've only had one real conversation. Don't
put everything you are on me so fast. That's just going to hurt you worse.”

“...I know you're right,” he managed back, swallowing a lump in his throat. “I just can't stop
wanting to hear from you.”

Please stop tearing my heart out. Zethra actually had to look away, gripping at her sternum. “D-
David, I... I'm glad we're being so honest, too. I... I don't want to make you go away, or stop
coming to the bar, but I... I need to...” Don't run out on him, you coward! Not now!

David forced a throat-clear. “Thank you for coming today, Zethra. Get home safe.”

She stared at him in quiet horror.

His eyes were in pain, but he smiled gently. “I haven't been fair, and you've been very kind. You've
done your part. You can go rest.”

Her words were gone. She had quaking pain in her eyes, but words wouldn't come. Her throat
writhed and shivered, but no sound would come!

David just tipped his head to her. “It's okay,” whispered out. “Go home.”

Zethra swallowed heavily, stricken, but she needed it. The escape was all her brain could lock onto.
This was too much, she couldn't handle this. She needed processing time.

“Thankyou,” hissed from her lips with desperate force, and she coiled up, fleeing across the cafe,
and out of sight in barely a few seconds.

David let himself just... shut down for a time. She was paying too high a price for his burdens. It
wasn't right...

She'd passed out as soon as she got home. No shower, no change of clothes, just collapsed into a
couch and unconscious. Awful nightmares coiled and stormed, this time only partially pulling
Avess up. Zethra herself as a monster, a mindless killer, slaughtering people for no reason. Or
sometimes she killed David, tearing him to shreds, or spewing poison all over him, or biting his
throat out.

Still other visions showed Avess being murdered by David, but cruel and harsh, torturous, and
Zethra tore him apart for it. Also, David, weak and grieving... and she tore him to shreds anyway,
even as he told her it was alright, that it wasn't her fault.

Waking more tired than before she passed out, she found it was the next morning. With chemicals
caked on his scales, and her clothes thoroughly sweat-soaked (and sweat between her scales just
made them feel even worse), she heaved herself to her bathroom, and relied on the awful
discomfort to power her through getting showered.

Not truly awake yet, even so, too exhausted to really process anything, she went through the
motions of making a breakfast, all but sleep walking. Only after she'd eaten and drunk a full glass
did she start to feel remotely alive again.

At last, she sank back in her chair, groaning and rubbing a hand over skull. Leaving him like that
was the worst thing she could have done. He was exposed, vulnerable, and she ran. He 'got it,'
maybe, but that didn't change the facts. She'd specifically wanted to avoid hurting him like that. No
one with this kind of pain deserved that, and he wasn't such an alien-hating monster that she'd
enjoy his suffering. They never would have spoken if he was.

She'd needed it, though. She couldn't escape that either. Being wanted, being important enough to
someone to make them want to fix the unfixable. She couldn't handle that. Oh, she wanted it, but
she couldn't handle it. Even ignoring the obvious problems of a human and viper relationship,
especially between two actual veterans of the occupation, they were both traumatized, and didn't
have basic stability in their heads. High functioning, she could manage her bar, but only barely.
And she had no idea what he did all day.

Which was part of the problem. They barely knew each other. The connection had formed too fast,
probably out of pure desperation for connection from minds just barely starting to heal enough to
remember that was a thing.

But the connection was there. Knowing she'd left him in pain was like claws tearing into her chest
all over again. She knew what it was like to be left alone, abandoned with suffering and grief. She
wasn't supposed to do that to anyone else. It was too awful. Elders did that to people. Not her... it
wasn't supposed to be her.

Tears starting pouring out of her eyes as she hung backwards over her chair as only a viper could.
“God, I'm so sorry...” gasped out with her sobs.

But, she still couldn't handle it. Part of her screamed to grab the phone, call him, meet him,
probably try to hug him and apologize, let him know he wasn't something to be left as refuse on the
The rest of her was too afraid or shattered. That warmth and focus in his eyes could be snatched
away too fast, like yellow blood in the snow. All the good parts were stained and torn with the
horrors of her life. Every beautiful thought was anchored to a miasma of death and agony.

He wanted to be whole for her. He wanted to hear her.

Zethra actually cried out, snap-curling over herself, gripping her skull and squeezing it. “Please
stop, I can't... I can't...” she wheezed, her entire body coiling tighter and tighter, as vice-like as a
viper could be. And vipers could crush bones.

Torturous perfection crystallized through her mind. Someone wanting those things, just because
she was who she was. It pulled all the most delicate parts of her right to the front, and reminded her
just how broken she was inside. She knew nothing about him, only his old job, and he was military.
He'd led missions against her kind, and he was a caring, compassionate regular at her bar. That was
it. And she was desperate for his connection.

He deserved better than someone grabbing onto him just because he was offering it. Was it because
it was him, or just because anyone felt that way? She couldn't tell which was really driving her
forward. And that was too cruel to him.

Zethra finally eased just a fraction. Her eyes cracked open. That was it, the core of it. She had to
understand herself well enough to be sure it was David she cared for, longed for, and not just any
connection at all. And she simply couldn't be sure. Not yet.

She rubbed her sternum, swallowing thickly, catching her breath. Could she call him? Her
emotions spikes violently, and she winced. No, she couldn't call him. Not just yet. She still needed
some recovery time.

Taking a breath, she steadied herself. If he came in tomorrow, as usual, she'd arrange a call or
something with him. He deserved clarity, she had to give him as much as she could. Rest today,
control emotions tomorrow.

Hopefully, that would work.

At least by next morning she felt functional. Not good, but functional. She focused her pre-shift
day on cleaning up her apartment, then the bar itself properly. She hadn't done a proper job
Saturday because of anxiety over the … 'not date,' and Sunday because she was melting down.

Once she was finished, she had a few bags of trash to run out, so she gathered them up, and slid out
her main entrance.

The Venom's Drip was actually built sideways. The entrance faced the alley between its building
and the next on the block. She liked it, and just kept some clear signage on the 'front' side that the
entrance was around this way.

So she still had the entrance in eyeshot when she reached the dumpster further down the alley, and
hefted her first couple of bags in. Glass bottles were such a pain.

She knew someone was around, but it was an alley off a public street, so her instincts had been
dulled a bit. It was the leering laughs and sound of scraping metal that alerted her.

Her eyes dilated, old training kicked in, and she sprang back from the dumpster, landing back on
her tail like a spring, muscles braced for various possible maneuvers now.
She was surrounded by five humans. They were common thugs, to her eye, mixed builds, attire,
skin tones, but the vicious glee in their hateful eyes told her everything she needed to know. That,
and the mixture of bats, crowbars, and pipes in their hands.

“Back off, this is my property!” she barked firmly, eyes panning across the five of them on either
side of the dumpster, three to her left, two blocking her approach to her bar.

“And that's the problem, ya alien bitch. This is human property, and we're getting rid of all the
alien-blooded freaks that took it from us.”

The speaker was on her left, keeping a large pipe held back, ready to snap in for a swing

Zethra narrowed her eyes tensely. If she straight-up killed them all, it would ruin business, if not
cost her her home. City 31 was barely holding itself together after all the terrorist nonsense,
Chimera Squad's work notwithstanding. If a viper murdered five humans outside her viper-owned
bar, which barely got any human customers anyway, she knew exactly how the politicians would
fight over it.

Unfortunately, five to one was awful odds, even for someone trained in killing. If she didn't go for
immediate take-downs, she wasn't confident she would survive their attacks.

A flash of Avess, dead in an alley instead of snow, made her face twitch darkly.

And as fast as she settled on killing to defend herself, a flash of David being poisoned by her, his
body horrifically warping and discoloring filled her mind.

Zethra gasped, grabbing the side of her head.

The pipe swung in, slamming across her gut. Zethra bellowed a hissing shout of pain, crashing
against the alley wall, losing her posture entirely.

“S-stop!” she cried, trying to regain her bearings.

Before the now-enclosed thugs could finish their barrage on her, a new voice rang out, cold and
loud in equal parts.

“That's a really bad idea, gentlemen.”

Zethra assumed she was already loopy despite not being hit in the head. That couldn't be Da—yes,
it was.

He was standing at the end of the alley, back in his trenchcoat, but otherwise cleaned up. The
expression on his face was dark, firm, and focused. She'd never seen it like that, but immediately
had to assume that was the Commander coming out of his skin again.

“Who the hell are you, old-timer? You wanna let these freaks take everything you have, too!?” the
same speaker shouted, his fellows hollering support.

“You're confusing ADVENT with the people that worked for them. But that's also besides the
point. None of you have fought a viper before.”

The thugs shared a little laugh, Zethra still gripping her stomach, but tensed, not wanting to disrupt
things with violence if David somehow could pull a miracle out of his coat.
“And how do you know that, old-timer? We're all old resistance!”

The others actually raised their fists with a shout.

David shook his head. “No, you're not. Resistance that saw action would've never gotten that close
to a viper, especially one that's cornered. You'll all be dead in forty seconds. Incapacitated in ten.”

It was his cold confidence that finally cracked their bravado. A couple of them shared wary
glances. The speaker finally snapped, “What the hell you talkin' about!”

David nodded faintly toward Zethra. “Poison. A viper's venom glands can spit out a condensed
poison that atomizes in atmosphere. Covers about a four meter radius... which you're all standing
inside. And since this nice, contained alley doesn't let much wind through, it'll settle, heavy and
thick. Your lungs and heart will shut off within ten seconds of exposure. You'll suffocate and die
in the thirty seconds after that while your brain runs out of oxygen and your muscles cramp so
violently you break your own bones.” His head tilted forward, dark and vicious finally, “And she
can do that in less time than you take to swing your arm.”

Zethra saw them all glance her way, and she just let her expression fall into her old battle mask.
Gripping her stomach or not, her mouth was ready, and her neck was free.

“Honestly, her restraint is the only reason you're not all dead already. I'd walk away,” David added.

The speaker was unsettled enough to lack his fire, but he glared at David anyway. “So you're fine
with these freaks taking your world after all, huh, gramps?”

“The ones that took our world are dead. I helped kill them. Now walk—the hell—away, before this
woman defends herself like she already should've.”

The speaker seemed ready to push it with David, but one of his fellows finally changed, reaching
out to grip his shoulder.

“Dude, no. He's XCOM.”

The speaker finally looked worried, glancing between his friend and David. “What--!?”

David just stood, dark and firm, not a hint of worry or fear.

At last, the group's will broke. They quickly twisted, running deeper, to flee out the other path of
the alley.

Only once they were out of sight did Zethra drop lower, panting, while holding her stomach.
David's mood snapped to worry and urgency as he bolted over to her, crouching at her side. “What
do you need?”

“Didn't... brace for it properly... ugh. Inside...”

David got under one of her arms, and helped her get upright. They took a few seconds to get to her
door, and she opened it roughly since they were so awkwardly held together.

“Down, down,” she groaned immediately past the door.

David immediately lowered her so she could just prop herself up against a booth against that wall,
and she started to hold both her stomach and her throat, which he finally saw looked inflamed or
bulging for some reason.
“Did they hit your neck?”

She shook her head. “Bucket. Please.” She pointed at the bar, clearly struggling to speak.

David ran over, actually vault-sliding the bar. Apparently, he was still fit. Sure enough, a bucket,
filthy as it was, waited there. He grabbed it, ran back to her, and made sure she saw it.

“Stay back!” she croaked out as she grabbed it.

David backpedaled sharply.

Zethra effectively vomited poison into the bucket. The thick, blue-green fluid was viscous this
time, not turning into a deadly cloud as he'd always seen his soldiers face.

It was clearly arduous and painful for her, her whole body curling with the effort of spewing the
deadly fluid out of her glands and mouth. David winced in sympathy, seeing her powerful muscles
rippled under her clothing and scales, but she'd clearly warned him away in case of fumes. A viper
was immune to their own poison, for obvious reasons.

At long last, she seemed to finish, sliding the bucket aside, and just hung on the side of the booth,
mostly on the floor as she was, panting.

David reached a hand out, but didn't budge yet. “C-can I help you, at all?”

“Water,” she croaked. “Please.”

He bolted back to the bar, found the right faucet, and filled a glass quickly.

It was waiting in front of her face a moment later, and she gripped it, pouring a lot of it into her
mouth, gargling, and swallowing most of it in a few seconds.

At last, she seemed able to start recovering, catching her breath.

David lowered to his haunches near her. “I've never see the poison stay fluid.”

Zethra glanced up to him. A life or death situation had somehow calmed them both down, she
realized. “Not common,” she rasped, still a bit short of breath. “I wasn't sure how much was a bluff
or not with you going on,” she smirked a little.

David chuckled weakly. “So it's a... misfire?”

“Closer to... emptying the barrel.”

He nodded, then let more concern show through. “How's your gut?”

“Nauseous still, but fading.” Zethra finally eased a little more upright, calmer, more focused.
“...Not that I'm ungrateful, but why the hell are you here so early?”

David tipped his head to her question. “I wanted to apologize to your face after a... reasonable
amount of time for you to breathe without me making things worse. I figured a work day would be
the best bet.”

Zethra blinked, considering his words. “...Apologize to me?” she finally confirmed in open

David tilted his head at her confusion, but answered, “I've been too unfair to you. I've made your
job stressful, I've made you deeply uncomfortable socially, and you've always been very kind to me
despite it. I... wanted to own up to that, and tell you that I'll stop coming by. I need to get my head
more right, and maybe, some time down the road, I can be a real friend to you, and not this... mess
that you keep having to clean up because you're a good person.”

She had no response at first. Her eyes just glanced between each of his own rapidly, her brain
whirring through emotions and fears so fast she couldn't really settle on any of them. Only one
thing really stuck out in the storm, and it lanced through her just as painfully as his too-kind words
on Saturday. He was leaving.

He was right. He needed real healing time, away from an infatuation, so he could see it properly.
She needed the same.

But him leaving hurt. The idea of not seeing him curled over his drink before she closed up the bar

Before she could think, her arm shot out, grabbing his. David just startled, which quickly turned
into worry for her. “Zethra--!?”

“Stop by sometimes, still!”

He was frozen, staring at her panicked expression. She was openly afraid, anxious, not hiding her
emotions like he knew she had to so often.

“...You want me to?” he finally settled into the question, his voice gentle as his smile.

She nodded rapidly. “Because I need to apologize, too.”

It was his turn to be wildly confused. “Pardon...?”

“I never should've run out on you. That was a vital moment for you, and you needed support. I
just... I just couldn't handle being a support. I'm sorry.” Her eyes watered, but she mostly kept her

David's expression softened with gentler surprise, and then he reached out to just touch her
shoulder, their arms mildly coiled around each other with her grip on his. “Zethra, you did nothing
wrong. That's part of what I'm apologizing for. You didn't trick me, or let me down. You were
unbelievably kind to such a strange old human.”

It let a little humor return, and they both laughed weakly. Their arms slipped apart, but he didn't
stand yet, and she didn't try to sit up more.

“...Did it really take a combat situation to calm us both down?” Zethra asked aloud, giving him a
dry, tired smile.

He burst out with a fuller laugh. “I think it did!”

“God, we're both so messed up,” she muttered, chuckling.

He kept chuckling. “We are, but at least you get to be a beautiful mess?”

Her blush exploded, and she stared at him. “Really? Flirting?”

David ducked his head, still amused, but apologetic.

“...Well you're a handsome mess, so there.”

It was his turn to blush, and they shared another small laugh.

Calming, finally pushing herself a little straighter, she became fully serious. “I meant it. Don't just
vanish, please? We... I don't think either of us can handle a real relationship yet, but I... I like seeing
you around, okay?”

David tipped his head to her. “Understood, ma'am.”

She gave him a look. “Come on...”

He smiled. “I like seeing you, too. It's just how I talk.”

She did relax, nodding to him. “Fair enough.”

“So... do you need help with anything before I head out?”

She glanced around, then back to the bucket with a wince. “...Honestly, I need to handle this
myself. I'd rather not kill you with my vomit by accident.”

David chuckled, and stood up, but he also offered his hand to her.

She took it, and rose up with his little pull. He couldn't really lift her weight, but it offered a good
anchor for her balance.

“...Stay safe, okay?” she whispered.

“You too, please.”

She nodded, and he stepped around to the door.

Realizing something, she turned. “Hey, stupid question.”

He paused, looking at her expectantly.

“...What do you do all day?” she asked with a little smile.

David laughed. “I'm legitimately retired. Keep myself busy with reading, mostly. Also chess.”

Zethra gave a little moue, nodding. “I see. ...Been to the main library yet?”

“No, actually. My 'to do' list for reading is massive already. Catching up on all the books I missed
because of... work.”

Zethra tipped her head. “Got it. Maybe... down the line, we should go together? An excuse to

David raised his eyebrows, clearly touched by her offer. “...That... sounds lovely, yes.”

She smiled, and didn't hide the sadness lingering with it. “...Seriously, stay safe.”

“And you,” he returned with a sagely tip of his head to convey the gravity of his own intent.

They shared a final, small wave, awkward as it was, and then he was gone.

Zethra stood there, breathing, for several minutes.

She wanted to be strong enough to be a support for him, too.

Struggle and Strength

“So, David. You want to tackle the memory confusion very directly, because it's preventing you
from properly engaging your friends. Am I understanding your goal correctly?”

He nodded, sitting in a simple chair, facing across a desk to a polite, soft-spoken man.

“Okay. I've given Dr. Tygan's notes a very thorough examination. Your friend impressed upon me
how unique your trauma has been.”

“I appreciate you taking the time,” David answered fully.

The therapist tipped his head. “Your trauma is unique, but the effects can be diagnosed with a
variety of known, tried and true methods. Now, I understand, you have received therapy for
elements of this in the past, yes?”

“Yes. It was much worse back then, I could barely function once my work ended. The other
therapist helped me with coping strategies and grounding methods.”

“And these aren't enough, now that you've had some time to get your feet under you?”

“Exactly, yes. I... met someone. A very kind person. I... wanted to be able to forge a bond with her,
but... I'm not stable enough.”

“Were you able to communicate this self-understanding to her, or was your relationship not that

“We did communicate about it, yes. She has her own trauma to deal with, too, which just confirmed
the decision. We... plan to touch base periodically, but...” David trailed off, glancing down.

“My only concern, thus far, is that you have a realistic understanding of the timeline. You're
clearly very grounded, and grasp your wounds well. That decision, I can tell, was very difficult for
you. Do you understand this treatment may take years to get you to a place of true stability?”

David nodded. There was no guarantee he and Zethra would ever grow closer. Too many
unknowns, and too much to heal from, but he had to try.

“Alright. I have a suggestion you may find appealing, but also challenging.”

David was attentive.

“Temporarily, I would like to focus our efforts on one of your friends that is affected by these
synthetic memories. Are there any specifically egregious examples, or is everyone uniformly

David looked around as he thought through the lifetimes of fake information in his head. In truth,
there was more fake than real in his memories, simply because they outnumbered his waking life
by several fold. “One has always been particularly jarring for me, yes. Deathstrike. Lin is her real
name, but... we became friends as Deathstrike and 'the Commander.'”

“She sounds like a good example to choose then, yes. What makes her case so specifically

“In my... false memories, she was traumatized, and coped with it by allowing herself to be
cyberized, heavily. She was reliable, but her kind warmth had trouble staying afloat in that
mechanical body. I worked with her a lot in the... versions that never happened. To help her. Keep
her grounded, keep in touch with her friends. In truth, that technology never even existed. She was
helped by one of her friends while I was... taken. He did a much better job than I could've, so it was
much better for her, but I... I cared very much for the 'false' version of her by the end of those
versions of things.”

The therapist nodded sagely, making notes as he listened. “May I ask a challenging question?”

“That's the point.”

The therapist smiled a little. “Do you care more for the 'false' Deathstrike than the real one?”

David bowed his head. “I think... part of me does, yes. I re-learned the real woman, of course, got
to know her properly, but those memories keep disrupting me, or I mention things that never
happened, and she's... very kind about it, but I can tell it disturbs her.”

“I'm glad you're able to be so honest with yourself on this, David. That's very important. I have a
two-fold suggestion, and I believe we'll be focusing most of our work toward these goals, if you

David gestured for him to continue.

“The first part is for when you are speaking with your friends affected by this problem. When you
genuinely aren't sure if your memory is part of reality, or part of the simulations, simply preface
that to your friend. 'This may be from my dreams,' or 'I can't remember clearly on this, I'm sorry.' A
more natural preface can help them brace and comprehend your perspective, and should smooth
over the minute-to-minute missteps.”

David slowly nodded. “So... I need to work on making that a habit while talking with them?”

“Exactly. You'll find your own, personally preferred methods for it, these are simply suggestions
to help you socialize and reconnect. Logical?”


“The second part is to internally segregate the most easily verified portions of reality away from
the simulations. Based on Dr. Tygan's notes, you are comfortable in the confidence that all of your
memories on the Avenger are real, yes?”

“Correct. I was able to properly filter between dreams, nightmares, and being awake during that

“Good. Then we would consider that one portion. From the time you arrived on the Avenger,
forward, you can be confident of reality. Those are the memories and references that will be safest
to touch on and utilize among your friends and old associates.”

David nodded.

“Are there any earlier portions that you can confidently separate from the simulations?”

“Only my life before I was put in command of XCOM itself. Everything from moment on is

“I understand. I'm sorry this will be so challenging, David. With that in mind, and knowing you
want to make progress on sorting out reality from simulation, I suggest you use reaching out to
your friends to also help create anchor points. Concrete memories you can reforge together. Ask
your friends how they remember you, any special moments they recall about you that made an
impact. Your own memories should start to reconnect with these over time.”

David rubbed his hands together. “So... reach out to my friends, and openly ask them to help me
with this?”

The therapist smiled. “Exactly.”

Zethra rubbed her hands along her pant-skirt to control her anxiety. She nearly dug her talons in,
but she didn't want to rip her most comfortable one. She kept her eyes gliding around the simple
office with a boring view of the street below to her right. The chair was decent, but nothing fancy,
and the currently-empty desk ahead of her was clearly well-used.

She was relieved that all the files and paperwork were neatly filed away and out of view. She didn't
want her own folder exposed casually to other patients.

The door gave a gentle knock, and she stiffened before the door opened for the person she was
waiting for.

A hybrid woman in a simple business dress smiled warmly as she came a little closer, offering her
hand. “Zethra, yes?”

Zethra started to rise up, but a gentle staying gesture from the woman's other hand let her stay in
her chair.

“Staying relaxed is important, too. I just wanted to greet you properly.”

Zethra swallowed thickly, and shook the offered hand. “Thanks. Yes, that's me. Y-you're Dr.

The woman simply eased toward her desk after the hand-shake, but she did glance up with gentle
concern. “Did they call me a 'doctor' to you? I'm a licensed therapist, but I don't have my doctorate
yet. Is that a concern?”

Zethra blushed, jerking. “N-no, they didn't, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thi--!?”

“Easy, Zethra. I wasn't insulted. I was worried you might feel lied to by our staff, and that's the
worst possible foot to start on at a critical moment like this,” Veron offered with a kind smile

It did help Zethra calm a bit, but she kept rubbing along her skirt. “O-okay. And, n-no, I'm fine
with it. W-what makes this so critical?”

Veron gestured gently, her expression remaining warm. “You came to get help. That's as critical as
it gets, Zethra, and I'm very grateful you were willing to give us a try.”

Zethra finally cracked a smile. “I-it's not really that big a deal.”

Veron shrugged gently. “It is to me, at least. So please, speak your mind. You indicated when you
scheduled with us that you're struggling with grief and combat trauma?”

Zethra swallowed again, but was glad she was being gently pushed into the topic. It made it easier
somehow. “Y-yes. M-my sister, Avess. We were as close as you could get under the network. I...
feel responsible for her death. Or at least not dying at her side,” she admitted, glancing off with a

“So you feel it was your responsibility to fight to the death at her side, no matter what?”

“...Yes? Isn't... isn't less than that awfully selfish after everything she did for me?”

“Did you do nothing for her in reciprocation as her sister?”

Veron's tone remained gentle and sincere, far less judgmental than her question alone would imply.

Zethra shook her head quickly. “N-no, I did, I... We watched out for each other, but she... she
always took care of me, helped me. I... I wasn't there that day because she made me rest after a late
patrol the previous night. I... found her body in the snow, and...” Zethra trailed off as her throat
locked up, her eyes dripping down her snout.

“The network never let you grieve properly?” Veron tested carefully, more grave herself.

Zethra just shook her head.

“I'm very sorry, Zethra. The network never allowed proper emotional expression.”

She glanced up. “You served?”

Veron nodded, and gestured gently to her desk. “It's why I'm here. A very kind human helped me
after it all changed. I saw how vital that was, and I wanted to offer similar to anyone I could.”

Zethra smiled a little. “You... are a lot more together than I am.”

Veron shrugged a little. “A lot of factors affect that, Zethra. I never lost a sister to the fighting, and
saw little direct combat. You clearly saw the brunt of the conflict, and paid a high price. May I...
challenge some of your assumptions...?”

Curious, Zethra tilted her head. She wiped her eyes a bit, and nodded. “Here to get help, no point
fighting it.”

Veron smiled gently. “Then you've come a very long way on your own. That's something to be
proud of, Zethra.”

Zethra glanced off shyly. “G-go ahead?”

“Thank you. ...Do you have evidence that Avess expected you to die beside her? Even in a case of
certain defeat?”

Zethra blinked, and stopped to think carefully for a moment, a hand rubbing along her arm to
protect herself. “...I mean... the network always expected that.”

“Agreed, but did Avess expect it?”

The longer she thought on the specific point, the more unsure Zethra became. “I... suppose I don't
have much evidence, no. I... She... She used to tell me that we'd have each other's backs. No matter
what. I... I didn't have hers.”

“Avess specifically wanted you to rest, yes?”

“Y-yes, but no one knew what that mission was going to be. Most of our alerts were very simple
things. That was... that was XCOM.”

Veron did jerk slightly, old fear pulsing through her despite her own progress. She did calm it
quickly, and gestured. “Do you believe Avess would have changed her mind if she had known?”

“I don't know!” Zethra cried abruptly, curling over herself.

Veron cringed. “I'm so sorry, I'm only attempting to follow a thought-path with you, Zethra.
There's no accusation here. We are probing your mind to find answers and gain perspective.”

Zethra nodded, but was panting. “I wish to God I knew. That's a big part of it! Why I came today.
I... I can't tell if she'd be furious with me, or just be glad I lived. I-I mean, I think she'd just be glad,
but I can't... I can't trust it!”

“And why can't you trust that?”

“Because I don't want to remember a lie!” Zethra burst out, emphatic, not angry. “Even if she hates
me, I want the truth! She deserves to be remembered properly!”

Veron smiled again, leaning onto her desk to catch Zethra's eyes more directly. “You do remember
her properly, Zethra. Your fear and pain is twisting your memory because you weren't allowed to
process a deep wound. Like a broken limb, it healed badly, and it's so much harder to fix it after.
The fear, the mistrust of yourself, of your memories of her, are the pain of a broken bone that needs
to be reset.”

Zethra looked down, pensive, meek after her outburst. “It's... it's bound up with something else,

“I'm listening, Zethra.”

She swallowed, nodded, and started, “I... met someone through my job. A regular at my bar. Quiet,
human, for the longest time I assumed he was just getting away from a nagging wife or
something,” she huffed a weak laugh.

Veron shared the humor with a little smile, still listening.

“He... he asked me out to talk. Just talk. Socialize. I made it clear I didn't want a date or any of that,
and he... I believed him when he accepted that boundary.”

“Wonderful to hear. Go on?”

“We talked. He... he's incredibly honest. That's what really got my attention. No real ego about
anything, and he... uh... God, this is complicated, I don't know how to summarize it...” she groaned,
rubbing her head.

“Just keep trying. You can restart as many times as you need to, I'll follow along.”

Zethra nodded a little. “The p-point, I think, is that I believe he's a good person, but he's also... he...
he's retired XCOM, too.”

Veron simply showed surprise, but didn't wish to stop Zethra's explanation.

“And he's got... a ton of trauma himself. He was reaching out to me because he felt I was safe. He
called me reasonable, saw how I handled things at the bar, kept things calm. He was trying to make
sure he saw us, the old ADVENT races, as people. He was actually reaching out to not hate us,
despite everything he went through. That... impressed me.”

“I agree. It takes an incredible level of will power to overcome hate, especially from a violent

Zethra half-smiled, and rubbed her arm again. “He told me about his problems, I told him about
mine. He listened, took some of my suggestions, and he seemed to actually really do better after

“But...?” Veron prompted gently.

Zethra nodded. “But, he... I... We both realized we were... attracted to each other, but we're both
such messes it couldn't work right. And this ties back to Avess, because I... I don't know if she
could forgive me for wanting to... be close with XCOM.”

Veron smiled in soft happiness. “You're both very mature. That was a hard decision. May I ask you
something, though?”

Zethra nodded, feeling timid, but not fighting. She wanted help, she needed to be able to handle...
whatever this mess in her head was.

“Is he XCOM?”

Zethra blinked. “I... I just explained...”

“He was, yes. But is he XCOM? Is he actually the enemy trying to kill you, here and now, today?”

“...W-well... he's... he says he's retired, yeah. He refers to it as his 'work' that's 'done.'”

“So he's put down that mantle, hasn't he?”


“And you were glad to put down the mantle of ADVENT once you had the chance, yes?”

“Of course!”

“So is he truly the enemy that Avess fought against?”

Zethra winced. She didn't feel right exposing the full detail of David's past. It was his, she just was
also tied up in things now. “...He... he was in charge of the mission where she died.”

Veron's eye-ridges lifted in open shock. “Y-you... discussed it so freely?”

Zethra nodded heavily. “He's honest, like I said. He didn't hide from my questions. I was
suspicious of him, of course. He was mostly a stranger before that talk, still. When I found out how
high up the chain he was, I... asked about that day. He remembered. In detail.”

“And does he understand that his actions killed your sister?”

“Explicitly, yes. He... he couldn't apologize for it, but sympathized. Sincerely. He wasn't
dismissive of her, but... yeah, they were fighting to the death at the time.”

Veron eased back, folding her hands together as she considered the situation. “I can certainly see
how this would agitate your feelings about your sister's loss. You are still attracted to him despite
these facts?”

Zethra blushed violently, but nodded.

“That is no small thing, to overpower that kind of pain, Zethra,” Veron commented, seeming
impressed, and still warm and welcoming in manner.

“A-agreed. It's... I feel like I'm betraying Avess with these feelings, by being too easy on him, but
I... I genuinely don't see how he could handle things better? The war is over. He's not trying to
slaughter us, and he... he was put through a lot by the Elders.”

“That would explain respect and understanding. You seem to feel romantic attraction, unless I

Zethra's blush returned with a vengeance. “T-that's correct, yes.”

“So what attracts you? What makes you want to be intimate with him?”

How could she say these things so casually!? Zethra curled up in embarrassment. “H-he's... sincere,
and gentle, despite everything. It... it lowers my guard so fast that I panic, and I freak out. I can't... I
can't be there for him, even though I want to be.”

“...That's why you came today?”

Zethra nodded gently.

“I only have one concern, Zethra.”

She looked up, attentive, serious, her embarrassment calming.

“Healing is for your own sake, not another's. It's wonderful to be inspired by caring for another, but
please don't anchor your healing to another person's needs. You deserve to stand up and be whole.”

Zethra nodded. “That's the thing, though. I... I thought I was, already, but being around him made
me realize how far gone I still am. That's why I'm here. I know... he and I may never be whole
enough to actually share anything other than a few chats, but I... I want to try.”

Veron smiled again. “You have a wonderful compassion, Zethra. That's a triumph with all you've

Zethra ducked her head, bashful.

“So... the real core of your pain is that you can't be sure Avess would... accept your situation and
feelings with him?”


“The unfortunate truth is that there's no clean answer, Zethra. You will never know Avess' true
thoughts, because she's can't share them with you. Trying to find it is only going to cause you more

Zethra looked down sadly.

“What I think is best, and how I would like to guide your therapy, if you agree, is to focus toward
you accepting your own will and agency, completely independent of her memory. You will always
love your sister, and in the end, even if she didn't approve of your relationship with him, you would
still have every right to pursue it, because it's something you sincerely value and believe in. No one
has the right to pull you away from that.”

Zethra seemed meekly hopeful. “Is it... is it really okay to just... set her aside?” She cringed at even
saying it, her heart clenching.

Veron leaned forward again. “Zethra, you will never set your beloved sister aside. You are simply
allowing yourself to live. To be alive. To find joy. And if Avess loved you, as you know she did,
she would eventually accept that, too, whatever anger she might feel.”

“Am... am I allowed to do that?” Zethra rasped, staring through the floor.

“Yes, Zethra, and that's exactly what we'll be working to help you accept, too.”

She looked up, tears in her eyes, but nodding. “Yes, please, help me.”

“Glad to.”

David lounged in his chair, only a small lamp dimly illuminating the living room. He appeared
deep in concentration, eyes closed, but brow knit.

The phone ringing sincerely startled him, and he blinked rapidly, as if drowsy, while trying to
recover the device and confirm what number was ringing him. Recognizing it, he animated
eagerly, answering, “Yes, hello?”

“Commander? I-i's... well... Deathstrike?” the surprisingly timid, but sweet voice tried in return.
Despite being a Chinese national originally, she'd studied in England, and somehow wound up with
a near Cockney accent when speaking in English.

David smiled warmly. “It's so good to hear from you. Thank you so much for returning my call. I-I
know it might be easier to call me 'Commander,' but you're welcome to call me David, if you like,

No one knew why 'Deathstrike' was shortened to DT. It started on a deployment in the middle of a
firefight, where correcting a letter was so low on the list of priorities it didn't get attention. From
that day forward, it was the only accepted abbreviation for her callsign.

“O-oh, goodness. Hearing you say 'DT' is a thing! I-if i's alrigh' with you, Commander is probably
easier for me, yeah.”

“Shen had the same problem,” David offered in warm humor. “I hope I'm not keeping you from
anything? I know my message was out of the blue for you, and I know my... old rank has a lot of
influence on you guys. I don't want to be unfair.”

Deathstrike giggled gently. “No, no, i's fine, sir. Jus' surprising! I's actually a bi' of a relief, if I'm
honest. We... None of us really knew how ta help ya...” she trailed sadly again.

“I know, and I didn't make that any easier, Deathstrike. I'm really sorry about that. I'm... reaching
out for a few reasons, if you've got time?”

“Of course! Go ahead, please.”

“I'm getting therapy again, and working on a few techniques to manage my problems. I'm trying to
reconnect, and at least show proper appreciation for everything each of you did for me. I... also
want to ask for your help with something,” he winced a little with the last part, deep embarrassment
wanting to choke him down and hang up the phone.

“Aw, I'm so glad ta hear tha', sir! Between Hitch and my therapist, I'm doing loads bet'ah these
days. And you never did us wrong, sir, please don' feel tha' way. I... I mean I know rank was
always there, bu'... we felt like friends, yeah. I's why I was so... guilty I couldn' help ya...”

“We are friends, Lin,” David made sure to clearly and softly state first.

He could almost hear the little, shy smile on her end.

“And you did a lot to help me. I just was too deep in a hole no one could dig me out of at the time.
I needed... time. Away from it all. I think I've gotten enough now to start the work of getting out of
that hole.”

“Tha's wonderful, sir. So how can I help?”

David had to half-smile with relief and appreciation. She was such a sweet person, she always had
been. He'd always been glad Hitch looked out for her as much as he did. “I'm... basically trying to...
rebuild the real memories of my life. I... how much do you know about what's wrong with me?”

“O-only some rumors, honestly, sir. We didn' wan' ta pry, bu' we all talked, because we were
worried for ya...”

“Then I'll clarify so you know where I'm coming from, if that's alright?”

“Please, yeah.”

It took him a few minutes to articulate it afresh. The endless lifetimes mimicking his comrades and
friends in slightly different situations, just to get his brain to process tactical threats. The concept
alone had Deathstrike horrified for him, but when he made it clear just how many versions of 'her'
existed in his mind, she was clearly daunted, and emotional for him.

“...Oh God... C-Commander, I'm... I'm so sorry... I-I had some idea, bu' i' wasn't... N-no where near

“I've always admired your empathy, Deathstrike. I just needed to be clear what I'm working on
before asking for your help. May I now?”

“Please, anything I can do ta help, sir...”

He had to smile gently again before he spoke.

“Is it okay if I ask about some... tough memories for you, too?”

She paused, taking a breath. “...Yes.” She sounded stronger. A moment to brace, but she was ready.

God, she was so much stronger than him.

“...Thank you, Deathstrike. The... original Berserker attack. The one that... kinda set everything off
for you.”

“...Yes, sir,” she was softer in tone, but still strong, just quiet.

“I'm... confused on how it happened. Too many versions of it in my head. I... I was very sure you
were attacked through a wall, and when you panicked, your gun killed Zhang.”
She squeaked a little. “K-Killed him!? N-no'.. exactly, sir.”

“I'm very sorry, I know this is... absurd...”

“No, no, don' get down on yourself, sir. I see wot you're tryin' ta do. I was attacked through the
wall, yeah. I panicked. It just... tha' monster roarin' righ' in my ear was like I didn' even 'ave a
helmet on. I started firin' before I actually aimed, and several rounds clipped poor Zhang. I' pu' 'im
in medical for a week, and I was... a wreck for that mission. Blubberin', fallin' apart. The others
helped me, even in the middle of all tha' hell.”

David focused firmly as she spoke, trying to find the version that fit her words. There was one like
it, buried deeper than he'd expected it to be. “It... it was Sledge that talked you through on the

“Yes! You 'ave i' righ'!”

She sounded so sincerely happy for him. David huffed a little laugh.

“Thank you.”

“Happy to, sir. Do you need me to keep goin'?”

“I think I'm finding the thread now. Let me just check a few other things with you?”

“Of course!”

This was working. He was digging it out at last, and it was lingering this time. Her voice, her
emotion was giving it the anchor it needed to linger despite all the noise.

He could do this.

Small, but real changes. Zethra had to focus on that. It started with the picture of her and Avess
from her locker. Now it was framed, and hung just behind the bar. She had to look at it regularly,
her customers could see it, and it forced Avess' part of her life into her present. She couldn't hide it
away, ignore it, dismiss it. She loved her sister, and she wanted to remember her.

Reactions surprised her. She'd just been happy to feel like a victory over herself with the small
gesture, but as some customers saw it and commented, her own emotions shifted and adapted in
ways she'd never expected.

Vark had noticed it, grown simply puzzled, and then asked after the 'other viper' in the image. That
he could tell Zethra apart from other vipers impressed her. Even other non-humans had a tough
time distinguishing her kind apart. It gave Zethra an excuse to explain her sister, and the story
behind the picture itself.

Vark had smiled. An actual, real, warm, happy smile. The idea of someone finding a camera
despite the network's hold, running around snapping pictures, he loved it.

Avess made Vark smile. That's how Zethra's heart felt it, and that was so deeply soothing.

Another of the regulars, the hybrid woman who had checked on Zethra when David's situation was
just starting to affect her, asked after the picture as well, playfully adding that Zethra made the
armor look good.

“Our comrades were all we had.”

The more sober comment had caught Zethra. The hybrid woman just nodded seriously, shared
experience carried between them without words to explain, and then she'd returned to her preferred

Shared experience, even at the barest level. Zethra hadn't realized how much she needed that.

Other reactions were simpler, mostly surprised that Zethra was an actual veteran rather than a post-
occupation youth. Vipers didn't show age very clearly to anyone but the most detailed eyes.

Another customer, a fresh face, had paused seriously, and then focused on Zethra, and directly
asked how she was handling the stress of post-network life. Zethra wrote down the number for the
therapist office she was using herself, and gave it to them.

She saw them on their phone just a few minutes later.

Granted, she felt like she was moving at a glacial pace, despite how good the sessions were. Little
tricks and techniques to help assert herself, without blowing Avess off. She'd broken herself into
pieces, she needed to slowly glue it all back together. Or stitch it, rather, so it could heal properly.

Thus far, the only problem was the strangely intense pang whenever she looked at David's empty
table. Fear still rose in her gut and clenched her heart, fear of losing him completely, and fear of
engaging with him. She just... couldn't quiet reach across that gap yet. But it did feel like she was
inching closer...

It had been a couple of months since that weirdly fateful morning. Only the usual, one-off asshole
humans trying to start something since then. Each one quickly bailed with a simple opening of her
mouth. Fully. With fangs out.

Thanks to David, she learned that most of the actual veterans of the resistance focused their hatred
more, or got over it faster by choice. They weren't the ones carousing around, looking for trouble.
Next time a small gang decided to harass her, she wouldn't waste time trying to be peaceable. She'd
save their lives by scaring them nearly to death.

A new routine settled over her life, between therapy, trying to make little changes for herself, and
no David during the evening hours at her bar.

As a result, she didn't think much of it when her phone rang while she was preparing to open.
Usually it was just someone getting directions, or confirming her hours... or a wrong number.

“Hi, you've reached Venom's Drip.”

“...Hello, Zethra.”

She actually gasped, her eyes flaring. “D-David!?”

“Sorry to reach out so abruptly.”

“N-no! It's fine! I... I'm glad to hear from you,” she realized she could say it truthfully, smiling a
little. “What's going on?”

“I had... planned to stop by tonight, like old times, but then I realized just showing up out of
nowhere might be literally the worst possible thing I could do, so I wanted to call ahead and
confirm if that would... be alright?”
Zethra's eyes stayed wide as she glanced around, thinking. She was... excited. Fear was a minor
element, just social anxiety manifesting, not a soul-crushing weight behind her excitement. She
was just... eager to see him. “...Just for your usual, right?” she chose to confirm with some idle

“Exactly so,” he answered in the same tone.

He was taking it slow, keeping his promise. Her smile came easier.

“I'll have it ready for you at your usual time, David.”

He chuckled gently. “Looking forward to it, Zethra. Stay safe.”

“You, too,” she returned, and let the line click off.

Zethra looked at her phone, her smile growing a bit. He sounded good. Maybe he was making
progress like her.

It was going to be nice to see him.

Normally a slow night would've stressed her, but tips had been good recently, and with David
expected, she was grateful of a little bit more privacy. She hadn't expected to be so excited. The
pain of his absence was clear in her mind, but immediately flipping to the ridiculous, opposite
extreme was new to her.

Zethra specifically looked at the picture a few times, letting her mind feel whatever it was going to
feel. The picture was normal, seeing the pair of them almost-smiling, despite ADVENT armor, was
normal. Her memento of Avess wasn't trying to fly off the wall to attack her for being excited to
see David again.

She blushed as she processed what she'd just fully articulated to herself, and cleared her throat with
a faint hiss before busying herself with cleaning cups.

The door opening again had her glance up, and openly smile with happy warmth. David looked
good. He was clean, his beard and hair trimmed and neat, his old jacket still worn, but his clothes
beneath fresh and vibrant. And those keen eyes of his locked on her just as fast. His smile was
somehow both small and blindingly bright. Maybe it was his eyes causing that... She'd never
noticed how vibrantly blue they were before.

Choosing to be playful, she made a show of lifting his already-poured glass onto the counter, then
waiting by with a smug grin.

David chuckled as he walked up, already getting the old money out. In that tiny moment between
her smug smile and him reaching the bar, he wondered if she knew how radiant she looked. Some
kind of invisible cloud had lifted off of her since he last saw her. She was happily alert, naturally
focused, her body language fluid and powerful at once. She wasn't someone hiding a killer behind
their skin, she was comfortable in it.

“Like usual, right?” he 'greeted' softly, controlling fond humor as he placed the money down.

“Just like usual,” she affirmed, keeping her playful humor clear despite a little show of a shaking

He picked up the glass, tipping his head to her, and was clearly mid-step to move toward his old
haunt, but his eyes had flicked past her only briefly. It was the first time she'd left his focus since
he opened the door.

Zethra was only worried for a split-second. The way he froze, she worried something had triggered
him badly. She immediately considered rushing over the bar to help get him outside, or maybe
upstairs so he could breathe and recover alone, but that split-second plan was paused by the far
more dreamy haze that somehow mixed with his laser-focus gaze... at the picture.

This time, Zethra realized she could still move. Something did try to press in on her spine, try to
settle in her gut, but she was still so glad David had stopped by for his drink. And he didn't look
afraid, just stunned.

She turned, and actually lifted the frame off the wall. She brought it close, and offered it to him
with a gentler turn of her mood and smile.

David glanced up to her eyes, though still a bit hazy, his head tilting. He seemed to ask without his
voice if she was sure of this.

Zethra nodded gently, shoving it out a little further with her hands. Her voice she didn't trust in that
moment, but everything else... she could handle. For now, at least.

David set his drink down, and took the frame with both hands like it was a genuine treasure.
Despite the cheap frame from a corner store, he was cradling it... exactly like the priceless
memento it was for Zethra.

She didn't think she'd ever be able to explain to him how much that meant to her. The tender care
he took with something not his own, showing the respect she'd want to show it herself.

Zethra watched his eyes practically etch every line and curve of the image into his brain with that
reverent attention. He was looking at his old enemy. Vipers in combat armor, barely showing
emotion beyond that tiny smile and one arm across the other's shoulders. Yet, he clearly didn't see
an enemy.

“...Avess?” he finally whispered out, still focused on the image, but confirming the obvious to be

“Yeah, on the left. I'm the... timid one.”

He saw why she wanted to describe herself that way. Her hood was ducked a little, her face more
harrowed, almost afraid, but nothing in her pose indicated she wanted to escape the other viper's
touch. It was the camera getting the brunt of the fear. It was so clear that literally only the woman
with her could have 'captured' her for this event.

And Avess herself had a war in her face. That tiny smile was cracking despite a bit of pain hiding
in her eyes. Physical pain. She was smiling through it. Smiling through the network's crushing
control. Smiling because she was with her sister, sharing something with her.

Water was in his eyes. The blur forced his focus to break, and he looked up slowly to see Zethra's
worried expression. She was empathetic, afraid that she'd hurt him with this... treasure. David
found it easy to smile for her, despite everything, and carefully handed the frame back.

Once it was safe in Zethra's hands, their gaze never breaking, he trusted himself to say, “I'm so
sorry she isn't here with you...”

It wasn't just the old platitude. They both knew the whole story, and she knew he meant it exactly
as it truly was. He'd stopped that happy future, the sister vipers running a bar together. He was
grieved by that fact.

Zethra was having trouble thinking, but it wasn't a crushing storm like it had been. She swallowed,
and lifted a hand gently to hold him where he was. David seemed to wait as she wished, so she
turned, replacing the picture on the wall first. After, she turned back to him, and offered a little
smile. “I wouldn't be here, either... if you hadn't ended the occupation the way you did.”

His voice was a soft whisper now. His eyes were caught between grief and joy so potently Zethra
almost felt overwhelmed on his behalf.

“You're sure you don't hate me?”

There it was. The core fear was exposed. He was steady enough, he could hold himself together,
but the picture changed the dynamic too much to ignore what it demanded.

Keeping her voice quiet for privacy's sake, Zethra realized her conflict was absent now. She wasn't
going to fall apart right when he needed some support. She smiled gently with, “I'm sure, David.”

She watched it overtake him. His eyes shivered shut, single tears dripping free, as deep, heartfelt
relief washed over his frame. A marvelous, gentle smile returned to his lips.

That moment eased, and he opened those brilliant, blue eyes at her. All he could do was smile, a
lighter, more sociable one, and raise his drink off the bar with a little salute.

Zethra relaxed into a happy smile, nodding to him as he finally went over to his table, and settled

They definitely had a way to go, yet, but that'd just found the light at the end of the tunnel.
Outside These Walls

Zethra was happy with how that day went. After the risky success of their interaction over her
sister's picture, David had settled in, relaxed. She'd gone over a couple of times to check on him
and his drink. They shared happy smiles, both knew the other was still holding back plenty, but
they both knew why. The tension could be ignored for the sake of a little taste of normal, and it
was soothing.

“Oi, Zeth, you're in outer space again.”

Her head rattled, her hood almost flapping with it, and she locked her crimson eyes on the hybrid
regular, the screwdriver-then-soda woman. “Oh! Sorry! What do you need?” she recovered easily
enough, smiling.

It was actually a few days since David's visit. He wasn't coming every day, not yet, so Zethra had
settled back into her routine, just with satisfaction for the small victory of that day.

“Refill on my soda, and a question!”

Zethra raised an eye-ridge at the woman, lightly amused even so. “Questions are mighty
expensive,” she chose to return, taking the glass and refilling it with some fresh ice and the cola she
knew the woman wanted.

“My charming smile isn't payment enough?”

She even put on the show of batting her eyelashes with clasped hands. It... did not work well on a
hybrid's exaggerated eyes, but the act was flawless.

Zethra still took pleasure in being dryly immune. “Nope.” She planted the glass for her, smirking a

“Ugh, fine. I want to invite you out on the town with a couple of friends. I only ever see you

Zethra was full-stopped by that. She blinked a few times. “...What?”

The woman flopped onto the counter. “Zeth, you're killing me...”

Zethra shook a cloud out of her head again. “Why would it even occur to you?” she had to ask in
sincere bewilderment.

Calming, sincere and more serious, the hybrid leaned up, gesturing to the picture. “You're making
changes, and you're a lot more... emotional these days. As in, you have them. You're not just in
customer-service mode with a plastic smile.” Then she puffed up playfully, arms akimbo, “I got
help re-socializing, so now I'm trying to yank you out the door to do the same!”

Zethra was caught. She hadn't thought anyone else would even notice her changes. They were
massive for her, embarrassingly draining at times, but part of her knew how tiny they were in the
big scheme. One of her other regulars inviting her out... Was this going to be a trend? That was
worrying in and of itself.

“I-I'm... flattered, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that, ma'am.”
The hybrid turned dismal. “Did... did you just 'ma'am' me?”

Zethra twitched. “...If I say 'no', can we pretend I didn't?”

“It's Lor. Just call me Lor.”

Zethra cleared her throat. “I-I'm a private person, Lor...”

“Yes, I remember being that way myself. Stay safe inside your personal little bunker, build your
nice social walls, watch the world go by in peace.” Lor suddenly leaned on the counter again.
“That's not living.”

Zethra blushed, feeling so called out she felt eyes staring at her from every direction. They weren't,
but she felt it. “I-I have my own pace...”

“And we all need a nudge every now and then! Come on! Tonight, after you shut down. There's a
club uptown that goes way later. You'll meet some friends, drink fruity nonsense because you guys
can't get drunk, and dance to your heart's content!”

Zethra glanced off awkwardly. “I-I close pretty late for my own schedule...”

Lor half-dove over the counter, grabbing one of Zethra's hands. She was too startled to fight it, and
Lor just grinned like a child up at her while holding onto her hand.

“Zeth, you need to slither out of your walls, hon. Just try it. If you end up as miserable as you're
afraid of, I'll walk you back home myself, and never bring it up again, I swear.”

Zethra was so deeply uncomfortable. She didn't want to be gripped, but Lor was so sincere, she
didn't want to be vicious about yanking her arm back. “...I-I'll... give it one hour, then I'm going

Lor's grin exploded afresh, she shook Zethra's hand rapidly with both of hers, and finally released
to retreat. “Perfect! I'll swing by with my friends just after closing, okay?”

A group to pick her up? Zethra showed open worry, and Lor waved it down.

“They're good people, trust me.”

Lor winked, paid for her refill, and hurried back to her booth.

Muscle-memory let Zethra take the money on the counter, and she settled into grim discomfort,
side-glancing Avess' picture. “...Don't you start.”

She could practically see her sister smirk.

Lor and her two hybrid lady-friends were waiting for her just as promised, preventing Zethra's easy
escape of being stood-up. Just the fact all three were hybrids made her feel like she stuck out far
too much, but then they all-but-literally dragged her along by the hand, Lor sharing happy,
energetic chatter with both of the others as they rushed down the sidewalk.

Her friends were pleasant, Zethra couldn't deny it. Cherry and Dua. Cherry chose her name because
she just really loved the fruit that much, and Dua apparently just liked the phonetic sound of hers.

The trio had fought together under ADVENT, and Zethra couldn't stop painful comparisons to how
her and Avess could've been... but their energy and happiness was infectious. She couldn't keep
brooding. They were literally pulling her out of her armor of dark thoughts, and making her
shoulder sore by doing it.

“Oh, oh, Zeth, I've been dying to ask a viper a question, but I know it's super dumb and also
personal, but Lor says you're like, the nicest viper she's met, so could I please ask it?” Cherry listed
off, speaking so fast Zethra wasn't even sure it was English until it got to the end.

Lor groaned. “Cherry, noooo...”

Dua facepalmed. “We've talked about this.”

“Please, please!” Cherry persisted. She was slightly more petite than her friends, perhaps a 'runt'
from a batch that was still able to hit the metrics to avoid being recycled.

Zethra was already short of breath just from being dragged along. “I just reserve the right to not
answer, okay?”

“See!?” Cherry proclaimed joyfully.

Lor and Dua shared the groan this time, Lor adding, “Zeth, seriously, it's an awful question. Just
say the word, and we'll knock her down a peg.”

Cherry frumped, but Dua nodded.

“I'd rather it was asked honestly than whispered about?” Zethra offered with a shrug. That kind of
question was usually only about one thing...

Lor and Dua sighed, but waved for Cherry to continue.

“Thank you!” Cherry hopped right into Zethra's face, making the viper's eyes widen a bit before
she could adapt. “I know it's super personal, but I can't get it out of my head. Vipers all wore
armor, but it only covered the top half! Now they all go around with skirts and stuff. So was it
like... actually naked for the poor things, or no?”

Zethra blushed, pinching the top of her snout like she had the bridge of a normal nose. Lor and Dua
looked off awkwardly, but Cherry just maintained her childish eagerness.

“...The network repressed us so much no one could really care about feeling... exposed. Now, yeah,
we don't like being 'naked.'”

Cherry blushed violently. “Oh my God! You were all really--!? I'm so sorry!”

She then clamped onto Zethra with a hug like a vice.

Zethra's blush remained, as well as a mildly panicked form of social horror as she looked between
the other two women, silently pleading for help.

Lor and Dua actually made a show of prying poor Cherry off Zethra.

“Wah, you guys are so mean!”

Zethra took a breath.

“...I HAVE SO MANY MORE QUESTIONS, but I can't ask now because I know how
embarrassing it is!” Cherry added with a shout at the sky.
Zethra mirrored the other two with a dismal sigh and sink of her head this time.

Lor had more firmly put her foot down about 'personal questions' for Cherry, who pouted, but
relented at last. Zethra thanked Lor with a little glance, and Lor was apologetic.

Thankfully, they reached the club soon.

Zethra was overwhelmed at first. People were tightly packed, she had to keep her tail tight to avoid
tripping or being stepped on, and the music was so loud. Vibration was already painfully clear to
any viper, this was like being stuck inside a speaker. It was hard to hear or see with the laser lights
and fog machines.

It was so lively, though. A few humans were even in the mix of the dancing, writhing mass of
people shifting with fast, electronic music.

And she wasn't the only viper, which was a partial relief right out of the gate. One liked to lift
herself taller than standard while dancing, so she was almost like a landmark in the throng of
people. Zethra mused she was staying so tall because it trimmed down her tail profile on the
ground, so the frantic dancing didn't get her tailtip trampled.

It wouldn't do lasting harm, but a crush on the tail still hurt.

Lor didn't waste breath on words with how loud it was. She gestured clearly, and led her little
group over to the bar on the side. There was a smidge more breathing room there, too, so Zethra
felt like she could relax physically at last.

The bartender was a muton, which surprised her for a blink. He was so... debonair, which just
jarred with everything else. A clean white shirt, black vest, black slacks, all clearly tailored to fit
him flawlessly. He was mixing drinks with practiced motions, which was all the more impressive
with his massive, meaty hands.

And the club he worked at was more like a raver hang out than a high end bar.

“...You look a little high-class for this dump,” Zethra chose to call to him with a laugh in her lips.

He smirked at her, clearly appreciating the recognition.

“People see Muton, they assume meat-head. The attire sets them straight faster.”

And he was more articulate than her. Her eyes widened, but she quickly shifted to showing happy,
impressed emotion, tipping her head to him.

Lor grinned with her other friends, and then finally ordered for them.

Despite herself, Zethra approved of Lor's choice for her. It was an incredibly fruity cocktail.

Vipers tended to prefer stronger flavors, since the actual booze meant nothing to them. Viper
bodies were poison control facilities with fangs, almost nothing could really 'poison' or 'intoxicate'

Cherry was trying to shout something to them, but it was drowned out between her higher pitch and
the violent vibrations of the music. Zethra quickly looked to the others to try to find meaning, and
Lor nodded to Cherry, then gave her clear gestures (rather like a squad-leader...) to keep everyone
together as they shifted across the club.
They got to a booth on the opposite side of the club, but something made the three hybrids pause.
Zethra stopped, glancing among them. Dua seemed to have realized something, and looked...
panicked, but not from danger. Social? She quickly shared a comment with Lor, and Lor went
white, big eyes wide like stars in a night sky. All three of them looked to Zethra the next instant,
clearly afraid of something.

Zethra shrank. “What is it?” She made a big show of her shrug and little shake of her head to be
clear if they couldn't hear her.

Lor immediately came closer, leaning right to her ear-pit. “I am so sorry, Zeth. There's... a
performer tonight, and... I... I swear I didn't know. I thought she performed on another night this

Zethra was now just utterly confused. “...Why is that a problem?” She still had to 'shout' even so
close just to hear her own voice.

Lor looked uncomfortable, and leaned closer again. “She... she really leans into the 'sexy viper'

Zethra turned dismal instantly. Side-glancing Lor, she could see the woman was sincerely put-out,
guilty. This wasn't a set-up to 'loosen her up,' they had sincerely wanted to give a nudge, not
wrench her sensibilities into a pretzel.

“...Does she strip?” Zethra had to confirm, still dismal, now wondering exactly what kind of club
this was.

Lor shook her head clearly. “But she may as well. I'm so sorry, Zeth, I... I screwed up. Do you want
to leave?”

Dua and Cherry were similarly contrite, even Cherry just putting her drink down on the table, her
mood tanked. She probably felt it keenly after her... question.

Zethra didn't want to deal with this. She didn't want to ruin their night, she didn't want to be here,
she didn't want to see a viper succeed by appealing to the worst, creepiest part of the human
acceptance of her kind.

That wasn't fair, though. She bought a bar, but she'd had help. Maybe this performer had only been
able to get by keeping humans and intrigued others hopeful for something crass to stop them from
wanting to skin her alive.

Or maybe the woman just liked being a sex symbol.

Zethra couldn't relate to it, but she knew her little corner of reality was an isolated one.

“...I'll... give it a chance, but if the show goes too far, I'm out, okay? You guys can stay, I'll just go
home.” She tried to enunciate clearly to make up for the lack of sound travel.

Cherry lit back up hopefully, Dua just seemed surprised, and Lor remained concerned.

“Zeth, I wanted you to get out and live a little, I'm not trying to specifically make you
uncomfortable. I can walk you home?”

...That was the right tone. Zethra relaxed more. “I'll give it a chance. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Lor finally smiled a little, tipped her head, and they all finished settling into their booth.
The conversation was difficult in the loud noise, but otherwise surprisingly natural. They talked
about work, annoying customers, delicately danced around how they transitioned from ADVENT
to free living.

Lor was careful not to let the topic focus on Zethra, but it came out that Cherry actually found
humans attractive. Men and women, both, in fact. Dua was simply confused by the idea, admitting
she didn't really understand 'being attracted' to anyone. Lor affirmed that was fine, too... and then
'quietly' admitted she had a bit of a thing for Mutons and Vipers.

Zethra chose to spin that around dryly. “So you enjoy the show we're about to get, hm?”

Lor blushed violently, and was staring so rigidly off to the side it had to be accurate, while Cherry
and Dua burst out laughing so hard they leaned against each other.

“Well, I'm glad I'm one of the ugly ones then. Flirting with customers isn't my thing,” Zethra tried
to playfully dance off the topic to ease up the pressure on Lor finally.

Lor did chuckle. “You're not ugly,” came out first with a little shake of her head.

Zethra blushed, glancing off, some real discomfort returning.

“And you totally flirt at work.”

She gawked, staring in complete shock at Lor instantly. “What!?”

Cherry and Dua both stared in fascinated amusement. “She does!? With who!?” Cherry had to

Lor actually lifted a hand, shaking her head. “Nope. Not giving details. That's her business. Just
calling her bullshit out.”

Zethra's blush flared over her entire head, her hood suddenly feeling like it was a pan on a stove.
Did her entire bar know!? She thought she'd been subtle!

Dua couldn't just drop it with such a severe reaction, though. “Well, you clearly caught her out,
damn. Get good tips out of it?” she chose to ask with a far too big smile as she sipped her drink.

Zethra cleared her throat heavily, and had to just noncommittally waggle her head a little, glancing

Cherry gaped in mock scandal. “You are so gutsy!”

Zethra wailed, “No, I'm not!”

She was saved, ironically, by the entire soundscape of the club changing. The crowd started
hollering and cheering despite the almost somber, deep start of the music, like waves pulsing out
from the speakers.

Zethra blinked, the others looking up. They were still wary of her reaction, but they were clearly
interested to watch. Lor, so exposed, didn't waste effort hiding how hungrily her eyes were
searching for the performer.

The lights shifted and writhed to a point of the ceiling, in fact, and Zethra took a second to process
what she was seeing. Once she did, she had to blush a little herself.

The performer wasn't just beautiful. Oh, sure, her scales were treated and slicked down with
something to make them shine like beacons under the laser lights, but as the music grew heavy and
fast, a seductive female voice singing over it, the viper dance was coiling and writhing through
artistically modified supports along the ceiling.

She poured through arcs and loops, her body convulsing rhythmically, clearly patterned to the
music itself, as if it was somehow pulsing her body through the air.

And she was draped in silks that sparkled. Vibrant colors, with a few black-light dyed to take over
when the lights danced away.

When she finally paused her rush across the ceiling, dead-center in the club, everyone hollering
with the music already, she shifted her dance.

Her tail slipped through several grip points around her, and she lowered her body down as her arms
fluidly gestured with the dance.

In time with the lyrics clearly inviting a lover close, she gestured with her claws, as if she was
pulling the whole crowd up to her face, then caressing over herself.

Zethra was sympathetically embarrassed, but she knew the dancer was clearly comfortable. She
was confident, even aloof. She had a flawless mood of a seductress. Bored, but with a hint of
interest to get the hook in. 'I'll give you attention if you impress me.' And everyone wanted her

She was able to watch until the dancer's tongue slid free of her lips, and started to coil through her

That made heat rise uncomfortably. Zethra jerked her head away, her brow knitting. More power to
the woman, but Zethra didn't want to see that.

...Would David like this? Would he be captivated by this... seduction?

And it wasn't interest in her mind. It was fear and self-loathing. What if he just wanted a snake
woman to do this for him? What if it didn't matter if it was her, or someone else? Part of her
violently rebuked that, but it caused enough fear that she couldn't dispel it.

This wasn't her. She didn't want these things. What did he want, really? She shouldn't care what he
wanted. He wasn't here. Lor, Cherry, and Dua were here... fixated on the show, and she couldn't
blame them. They had no reason to feel like it was stripping their clothes off in front of a crowd.
And she didn't even know why she felt that way.

Zethra risked one more glance up. The dancer was barely hanging to the ceiling by the end of her
tail. That would be painful, but it looked flawless to the crowd. She was practically hovering over
their eager finger-tips as she caressed and accentuated herself with her hands, and she managed to
coil and wave her body to the beat even so.

Zethra twisted out of her seat, drink forgotten, and slithered toward the exit. With the crowd so
fixated, she had a clear path. Hands stuffed into her jacket, she was out on the street in seconds, and
finally tilted her head back, her hood flaring to cool in the chilled air, her lungs taking their time
with a deep breath.


She blinked, twisting to see the worried Lor stumbling out of the doorway.
Cherry and Dua joined a second later.

“Why didn't you say something? We promised we'd take you home!” Cherry added, clearly fitted
to Lor's guilty, but hurt expression.

Zethra slumped a bit, glancing off. “You guys were enjoying it. You should go back to it. I'll get
myself home easy enough.”

“No,” Lor said clearly, straightening, calming her own emotions. “I promised you I'd walk you
home. Come on. You did your part, now I do mine.”

Dua and Cherry were clearly ready to move along with her.

Zethra took another breath with closed eyes. “You guys can still enjoy this evening. I'm tired, and...
worn out. I don't want to drag you across the city all night.”

“I promised,” Lor repeated, and this time there was steel in her voice.

Zethra did feel the difference finally. There was something about keeping her word that was more
deeply rooted in Lor than she'd expected. Zethra glanced among the three for a few seconds. The
other two clearly supported Lor, whether they'd privately disagree or not.

“...How about a round at my place, to wrap up?”

Tension eased, and all three hybrids smiled warmly.

“That'd be great,” Lor confirmed clearly, nodding.

They were loosely split between the closet table and the bar, casually laughing, sipping drinks.
Zethra couldn't deny it was pleasant, relaxed. The trio opened up a little more about their work
together under ADVENT. It really was reminiscent of herself and Avess. They'd been grown
together, and just got lucky with being assigned together from that point forward. Like herself, they
had fringe posts most of the occupation.

Cherry shifted a little shyly at last, putting her drink down as she sat at the table. “So, um... could I
ask something?”

Dua and Lor stared at her.

“I-I know! I just... am curious...”

Zethra groaned, but kept it playful. “I DEFINITELY reserve the right not to answer, okay?”

“Of course!”

“Then go ahead.”

“W-who were you flirting with?”

The only thing that caught Zethra was how sincere the question was. Cherry wasn't teasing, or
particularly playful. She remained shy, even meek.

Lor and Dua seemed intrigued by her unusual manner, too.

“...Why do you ask?” Zethra chose to poke back first, angling her head.
Cherry blushed, glancing down. “I... I like a few people, actually, but I... I lock up when I'm near
them. I can barely talk. I... was wondering... how...”

Lor actually coo'd, making Cherry frump and scrunch her shoulders. Dua just smiled adoringly.

Zethra showed sincere bewilderment. “C-Cherry, I'm no expert. I... barely socialize at all.”

“But you still flirted! That's why I'm asking... how...”

“Cherry, you are too pure for this world,” Lor had to offer back, amused, but clearly sincere in her

Cherry scrunched up more, but this really only made her look like an angry kitten, and even Zethra
was desperately avoiding bursting into giggles.

“YOU'RE ALL TERRIBLE!” she wailed at last.

Dua and Lor had to let their laughter loose, waving to apologize mid-offense. Zethra coughed
violently to stop herself from the same, and tried to answer at last, “C-Cherry, I... thought I was
being subtle, and... not actually flirting. I'm kinda hoping Lor has it wrong, and is thinking of the
wrong person, so I'm... not the one to give advice about this, you poor thing.”

“But you... you clearly like someone enough to think about it?”

And now all the knowing smiles or smirks were aimed at Zethra, and she glared at the traitors to
either side.

She exhaled, steadying herself, and answered, “It's really convoluted and weird, in my case, Cherry.
Please, sincerely, don't use me as your template for this.”

“...uuu, is that a story?” Dua prompted, clearly eager.

Lor was amused, but lifted a hand. “Easy, easy. That's really private stuff. We don't want to make
her regret letting us drink her booze for free, huh?”

“Maybe free for THEM,” Zethra huffed at Lor.

A building 'ooo' and laughter filled the bar.

After that naturally calmed, Cherry folded her arms on her table and pouted. “I just want to know
how to be... sexy and charming. All the time.”

The others couldn't stop soft laughter this time.

“Hon, you figure that out, you let us know, okay?” Lor properly replied, still half-laughing.

Zethra leaned back, and realized she had the perfect revenge opportunity. “So, Lor... How quickly
did you get shot down when you asked that dancer out?”

Dua and Cherry gaped in shocked amusement, Lor's face turning several shades of red as she stared
through reality. It took her several seconds, Zethra waiting for it with her impish grin clear, and
Lor raised a finger to speak, “...It is only the fact that I deserved that stopping me from kicking
your scaly ass, Zeth.” Her tone was still humorous despite her threat, it was just also clear by the
severity of the blush that she was sincerely humiliated as well.

“Okay, okay... I mean, you didn't answer, but that's fair,” Zethra went for the jugular.
Dua actually hid her face and grin with her hand, Cherry cackling like a baby. Lor looked up and
off, admirably restraining her embarrassed frustration.

“...She burst into giggles, and said I wasn't her type.”

Lor was a trooper. She was showing a little smile, she was keeping the mood light, but there was a
little water in her eyes, and her blush hadn't faded a shade.

Cherry and Dua both pouted for her. “Aw, Lor...”

Zethra relented at last, and actually leaned over, pulling Lor into a hug.

“My vengeance is complete, you took it like a champ, you poor thing.”

Lor actually sagged with relief, and gave Zethra's arm a squeeze across her shoulders. “Yes, please,
let me forget.”

“That's a really mean way to shut someone down though,” Cherry persisted with her pout.

Zethra retreated before opting to hug someone freaked her out, and Lor just relaxed up to smirk.
“Honestly, Cherry, I probably couldn't have gotten much better. It just... definitely clipped my
wings for a while, yeah.”

“Hey, you had the guts to ask her to her face. I couldn't have done that,” Dua admitted simply.
“Nothing to be ashamed of to my eye.”

Lor half-smiled. “You're sweet, Dua.”

“No, she's right,” Zethra added. Making a decision, she took a breath, and added, “Admitting I
liked someone resulted in a panic attack and basically going into a coma for a day.”
Oversimplification, possibly, but this was for Lor's sake.

All three of them blinked at her in gentle shock.

“Are you okay?” Cherry confirmed softly.

Zethra blushed this time. “F-fine now, just... giving Lor some moral support, you know? She
handled it well, it just didn't work out.”

Lor reached over to touch her shoulder. “...The... person,” she made herself keep it vague, “did
they hurt you over it?”

Zethra blinked at the sincere worry and anger already building in Lor's eyes. “Wha...? N-no! No,
he's... very kind...” her blush flared violently as she realized what she let slip out.

“Wow... I've... never seen a viper blush that much,” Dua had to admit, sincerely startled.

Zethra groused. “Oh shut up.” She could feel her entire hood burning.

Finally, laughter returned.

“Did he... let you down gently...?” Cherry had to check after. She was clearly eager for any kind of
romance in her life, and vicarious engagement seemed plenty for her.

Zethra rubbed her arm. “It's... really complicated, Cherry.”

“Ooooh,” all three echoed.

Zethra blinked. “Wait, what?”

“He's married?”

Zethra slapped her face. “NO!”

“Then what's complicated?” Cherry had to return in exasperation.

“Cherry, I...” Zethra trailed mid-enunciation. She paused to think, and then finished anyway, “I
have PTSD. It's severe. I can't properly support someone else in a relationship right now.”

Dua and Lor were shocked at such an open admission, both serious and unsure how to reply.
Cherry was sincere enough to carry through regardless. “But... isn't the whole point to support each

“After you can support yourself, yeah,” Zethra offered gently, showing a weak, but real smile.

Cherry blinked a few times. “Y-you... can't...?” She partially realized it was an offensive question,
but she was so genuine no offense could really form.

Zethra glanced back to her picture of Avess, then to Cherry. “Getting there. Just not yet.”

Cherry was troubled, but quieted. She was clearly chewing on new thoughts. Dua leaned a little
closer. “You sound pretty damn together, Zethra. Takes a lot to admit those things.”

“It has, yeah,” Zethra admitted with a rueful laugh.

This time Lor leaned over and gave her a side-hug.

And, finally, Zethra could admit it was nice. It was comforting. Someone cared, understood how
hard these tiny things were. “...Thanks.”

“And thanks for coming out with us,” Lor returned before she let go, careful not to push too far on
Zethra's boundaries. “Sorry about that... fiasco.”

Zethra waved it down.

Dua checked her phone. “Oh God, it's so much later than I thought. We need to let this poor
woman go to bed, ladies.”

“Yes, you do,” Zethra playfully retorted.

They all laughed again as they started to pick up. Zethra waved down their offer to help clean, and
they shared well-wishes before they departed the bar.

After she had everything cleaned up again, she stood there for a moment, sinking her head back.
She was exhausted... but it felt good. Like it was a strain she'd needed.

That stupid thought came back. David ogling that dancer. With her sitting right beside him, his
eyes laser-locked on that undulating tube of temptation and shallow pleasure. So much painful
jealousy flared up over something that didn't even exist.

She froze, her head snapping down, her eyes wide.

He had entire lives of that in his head. Entire relationships...

What if she woke up tomorrow, and he... and Avess was just a dream? What if she woke up and
someone told her her sister never actually existed? All the memories were still there, but it never
actually happened.

Zethra grabbed her sternum. Her heart was pounding like a jack-hammer, and she felt cold and
dizzy. She rapidly tumbled her coils down to the floor, a claw digging into the back of the counter
to keep her head off the floor.

“...How are you sane...?” she rasped, tears in her eyes. Just one, just her sister, being reduced to a
dream. She wouldn't recover.

And if someone had specifically done that to her?

She'd ring their damn neck until she felt the spine crunch to tiny pieces in her tail.

There was no rational reaction to that. Not that scale of... theft. The word was so weak for what it
was, but that was the term. Something precious and vital, the core of who you were, stolen away in
an instant, utterly shattered into oblivion with no hope of recovery. It never existed.

He'd given his answers already. She'd asked how he didn't hate them all, but in this moment, this
harrowing realization, she couldn't fathom how. How could any of them be anything but a reminder
of what was taken?

If he was anyone else, he'd have completely snapped. A blubbering mess, with no mind left to

Was that strong a mind actually... fixated on her? Was it actually grieved for her sister?

She immediately wanted to grab the phone and call him. Her rational mind kicked back in, and she
checked the time. It was nearly 3 in the morning. Frustration broiled, and she thumped the floor.
She had to wait.

The more she understood, the more horrified she was for him. But life went on, and interrupting
what little sleep he probably got was not a kindness. She had to wait.

Zethra picked herself up heavily, but she felt strangely stronger, despite how drained her body was.
There was something outside herself she cared about, and that... helped.

David waited as the phone rang in his ear. He was steadying himself slowly, rubbing along his
knee with the free hand.

The line clicked. “Who's this, mate?”

It was a gruff voice, and clearly Australian. A flick of a smile marked David's face.

“Wolf? It's... the Commander.”

“Hah, ya alrigh' then, sir? Deathstrike mentioned you two been in touch again!”

“You two still in touch, too?”

“A-course! Wotcha take me for? DT's 'ad me back almost as much as Raven!”

“Glad to hear it. How is Raven, anyway?”

“On the line, sir.”

Her voice was ragged from experience rather than smoking. The old sniper had seen more with her
one eye than most armies.

“I had a feeling. I'm glad you two are still keeping each other safe.”

“Ah, shuddup,” Wolf grumbled, Raven laughing lightly.

“...Married yet?”


Raven laughed harder.

“Nobody discussin' marriage over the phone! Ya cheeky c--!”

“WOLF!” Raven interrupted quickly.

“Right, right...” he muttered.

Only Raven could restrain the dynamo that was Wolf, and only Wolf could get that old killing
machine to smile. David had always rooted for them, but as some of his best operatives, he'd had to
put them in the worst fights more often than not.

If he'd gotten one killed, he probably would've only asked the other to wait to the end of the war to
kill him for it.

“It's so good to hear you both,” David finally added.

They both caught the oddly powerful tone from their old leader.

“...Honestly, same here, sir,” Wolf managed more quietly, Raven offering an affirming little grunt.

“Is there anything going on with you two that you are comfortable discussing over the phone?” he
tried to keep it light.
“Retirement sucks,” Raven retorted instantly. “Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's all done, but
damn, if I don't get stir-crazy.”

“Yeh, that,” Wolf confirmed. “We're tryin' ta keep busy with training and security work, but it's
just... not enough to keep the blood flowin'.”

“But you didn't call just to hear us whine, sir,” Raven returned. “Ask what you need to ask. We
owe you plenty.”

David closed his eyes. “...I really appreciate it, but... I also want to actually reconnect properly.
There's... also something I need to hear your opinions on,” he added with a worried glance to the

“Sounds right ominous, ey?” Wolf muttered. “Lay it on us, sir.”

“Yeah, we're listening,” Raven confirmed.

David exhaled softly. They were never ones for small talk. It was probably best not to fight it.
“...Do you both remember the time we were brought down? In the New Arctic region?”

“A-course. Closest shave we had.”

“And I couldn't hit the broad side of a fucking barn,” Raven growled.

“Oi, ya did fine by the end,” Wolf ameliorated her bruised ego with the softest tone anyone ever
heard out of his throat.

David half-smiled, but anxiety over his topic was keeping him grim. “Do you recall that last squad
near the pylon? The codex and the two vipers?”

“They were on the far side of cover from my perch,” Raven listed off instantly.

“Yessir,” Wolf returned instantly. “DT had the Codex down fast, I popped a decoy and dropped the
two snakes quick. What about it?”

David closed his eyes. It was a completely natural response from Wolf, he just had no idea how to
approach the topic now.

“...You did well, but I... I have to ask a very strange question.”

There was a pause.

“Ask, sir,” Raven prompted finally.

“...If I'd ordered you not to kill those vipers, what would you have done?”

He could almost hear their confusion.

“...Did they have intel...?” Wolf tried first.

David squeezed his fist slowly on his knee. “...No. If I was just... being soft. If I didn't want them
to die, but I wanted you out of there.”

“...That's not how you operate, sir,” Raven pointed out slowly.

“I know,” David affirmed, though pain was obvious in his voice.

Wolf's voice came through slowly. “Orders are orders, sir. I'da called you a fuckin' idiot for
endangerin' us like that for no reason, but as long as we had a legit way out with them behind us,
we'd've left 'em.”

“We wouldn't second guess your orders, sir. Even if we were... confused,” Raven affirmed.

All three of them knew that if the vipers had lived long enough to chase, Raven would have
dropped them both before they made the first row of new cover.

“...Thank you,” David breathed out slowly, his hand relaxing over his knee. “...can I ask another
strange question?”

“Of course,” Raven prompted again.

“...Do you still hate them all?”

“Are you asking if I regret any shots I took?” Raven checked, serious, but calm.

“No. Specifically not. I stand by the orders given, and how you both carried them out. I... Can you
two forgive the soldiers for what the Elders forced them to do?”

The pause was longer this time.

Wolf's voice came through first. “War's over, and the mixed cities are... normal cities. Do I trust
any of 'em? Not really, no, but it's peacetime now, sir. We're not part of those fuckin' nutters that
try to kill 'em in the streets, if that's what you're worried about?”

“N-no, no! I... I know you two would never be so... undisciplined.”

A faint laugh echoed across all three of them despite the grim topic.

“Sir, are you worried we're going to come kill some new friends?” Raven challenged directly.

David twitched. “N... no...”

“Whoever you're worried about, do you trust them?” Raven continued simply.


“Then we trust them, too. You did everything we ever asked, sir. We got you back from those
fuckers, and you went straight to work before the stitches were out. You pulled us, hands and knees
dragging, into freedom again. Not a single one of your troopers would second guess you now. No,
we're not super friendly with anyone from the old enemy team, but we got the intel on the network.
Enough of them were breaking loose and helping us fight, the Skirmishers, especially Reckoner,
bled with us through the worst of it. We're not gonna paint them all with one brush... just don't ask
me to kiss one, alright?”

David burst with a laugh, and the tension finally broke loose. Wolf was chuckling, and Raven's
smile was audible.

The relief was so extreme that David had to wipe some dampness from his eyes as he gathered his
breath again. “...I can't explain how badly I needed to hear that from you two. Thank you.”

“No worries,” Wolf started, Raven giving a soft affirmation. “Can I ask you something, though?”

“We killed a lot of vipers. Why didja ask about those two?”

David swallowed, but didn't want to hide things. “...The first viper you cut down was... very close
with a new friend of mine. Sisters. I... can't regret what we did, but...”

“...New friend knows?” was Raven's only concern.


“...Is she looking for Wolf?”

“No, Raven. I didn't give names at this point. I took responsibility for my orders.”

“...You know the score, right?”

Wolf was anxious, “Easy, Raven...”

“He knows I'm not going psycho, I'm just confirming.”

David was serious, but there was a faint smile there, “Raven, I don't think anyone on this planet
could stop you from protecting Wolf if something came trying to hurt him. ...I only ask that you
don't jump to conclusions about this person.”

“You sure she won't try if she finds out who actually cut her down?”

“...I'm sure, yes,” David realized as he said it. The way she reacted to him after hearing the truth...
It didn't seem like Zethra to want to get revenge after how they'd discussed it.

“Family's a game changer for most people, sir,” Raven persisted calmly.

“I'm sure; I won't ask you to be. Just please don't shoot on sight if some strange situation arises.
Allow a chance to diffuse. That's all I ask.”

“...Fair. If there's a chance at all, I'll give it.”

“Fair,” he returned in kind.

“Ya done talkin' about me like I'm not sittin' right beside ya now?” Wolf chimed in again at last.

Raven chuckled, and David laughed softly.

“So this... sister. Got your attention?” Wolf asked in turn.

David blinked, and was nodding to himself before he answered. “Very much so. She... is far kinder
to me than I deserve.”

Both Wolf and Raven made thoughtful little sounds, hearing several levels of meaning in that
simple response.

“So,” Raven began afresh, “do you need help with the memory stuff?”

David huffed a weak laugh. “I do have a few moments I could use help with, yes. I haven't eaten
up too much time?”

“Sir,” Wolf started, “we have so much time, I'm happy to set it on fire.”
The phone ringing snapped David awake. Dark dreams had gripped his mind, so the otherwise
annoying sound was actually quite welcome. He couldn't help stopping and staring for a beat when
he recognized Zethra's personal number.

He hadn't added it into his call IDs, that felt too easily abused, and he'd never forgotten that first
note. He just couldn't stop good memory from working.

Snapping out of his trance, he answered, “Zethra?”

“David, hi.”

Her voice was clipped, her breath shoving it out.

“Can we talk?”

He blinked rapidly. She didn't sound afraid, just... agitated. “O-of course, what's wrong?”

“No, no, I mean in person? Is that okay?”

A blush reached his cheeks despite the situation. “Y-yes, when?”


This was too much. He was stunned, but something was wrong. He forced his gears to shift, and
his mind calmed, his eyes focused. “Zethra, what's wrong?”

“I realized something, and it's very private information for you. I don't want to talk about it over the
phone, but it should be private. My bar is all I can offer. Before I open.”

David was trying, but he couldn't fathom what could possibly fit that description. She had some
revelation about him? Maybe old XCOM intel? Just being who he was made him a target. Maybe
someone wanted to leak his location and she was trying to warn him? That didn't quite fit either,
though. “...Zethra, I would love to, but are you sure that's alright? You looked so happy last time, I
don't want to ruin that for you.”

She had to just stop for a moment on her end, smiling sadly at his concern. She knew full well he
wanted to be around her more. “...I don't know how you do it...” she trailed, then refocused, “and
that's the point. Please? I promise I'll be fine.”

That was probably a lie, but she was determined to do her best.

David let the Commander sink back inside his skin, and became a bit meek. “I-if you're sure, of

“Great, see you soon, okay? Please come over as quick as is reasonable for you.”

And she clicked the line off.

He took a moment to breathe, and then hurried to his bathroom.

Zethra felt a bit guilty when he stepped through early-unlocked door only twenty minutes later.
Just getting across town enough for that would be daunting. He also couldn't see her immediately,
so she waved from one of the booths on the side.

“Over here.”
He locked on, and hurried over, before he awkwardly paused, and just slipped into the booth.

“You sounded agitated on the phone. Are you certain you're alright?” he asked softly.

Zethra leaned onto her elbows, her long head actually rather close to his with the posture. “I'm
worried about you, because I finally understand something.”

He couldn't stop a blush from forming, but he was sincerely confused as well. “I've... been alright
recently, Zethra. I promise. It's touch and go at times, but progress.”

She eased back a little, showing a smile. “I believe you, but this is... deeper than that. When you
told me what happened to you, I... rationally accepted the facts, but I didn't 'get it.' I realized it last

David settled a bit, spreading his hands on the table. Confusion still remained, but he was listening,
attentive. It was easy to be for her, beyond his lifetime of practice at it.

Seeing he was focused, she went on, “I had this random spike of jealousy about you last night.
Completely irrational, nothing based in reality.”

For some reason, he blushed, and he wasn't sure why. Perhaps just that she'd think of him so
intensely without him being present. “...I'm sorry, if I did any--!?”

“You didn't! It was just my anxiety creating a nonsense situation that made me jealous! But that
was the thing. It never actually happened, and I was reacting to it like it had!” Zethra finished
emphatically. “And then I realized...” her eyes actually widened and watered, “what if I woke up
one day, and everyone told me Avess never existed? That everything I remembered about my sister
never actually happened?”

David's eyes widened slightly.

Zethra shook her head. “I'd be done, David. I'd snap, right then and there. Just my sister being
stolen from me, so completely and absolutely? There wouldn't be anything left to save, and God
help whoever caused me to go through that loss.” She leaned forward again, her eyes locked on his
with violent intensity. “How? How did you stay sane, yet alone thrive? You're credited by
everyone, enemy and ally alike, with being the core of why ADVENT was defeated. How could
you possibly withstand having so much taken from you, without falling apart?”

She was nearly fully crying with it. The empathetic horror and agony of so much loss, so much
erased from meaning outside of memory. No common ground, no way to call someone else in to
verify it, just gone.

David felt the tears dripping down his face. “...I didn't,” he whispered first.

Zethra jerked back subtly, deeply worried by his admission.

It clearly took great effort for him to speak. His fast mind was fully tasked just to get cogent
thought out. She could watch it shifting through him, moving his jaw, trying to work his tongue.

“By... the time... I realized what had been done to me, everyone around me needed my help. They
were desperate, they'd spent lives and precious resources to get me out. My world being torn apart
just... didn't matter.”

His hand reached up, and Zethra gently froze as he caressed her jaw. It was a feather-touch that
sent lightning through her scales, but she could see he was deep in a haze.
“You wouldn't fall apart, Zethra. If it actually happened, you'd realize people around you needed
you. No matter how many holes are punched through you, your heart still beats, you can still

His hand softly fell away. “So I helped. I helped them free the home they remembered, even
though I couldn't tell which one was mine anymore. I did my best to keep my friends safe, even
though I couldn't tell which friends they were outside of a battle. And I... put all of my rage, hate,
and pain toward the ones who took it all from me, because that would help, too. That would give
them what they were counting on me for.”

He finally bowed his head, his eyes clenching shut, his brow knitting. “But butchering them didn't
help me. It just made another hole. And then my hate had nowhere to go, nothing to focus on. I
could feel it happening. How little concern I had for civilians or surrendered enemies. How willing
I was to rip information out of them. No one wanted me to stop, they all believed in me. I had to
make the decision. I didn't want... I didn't want to show them all what I'd turned into after they
treated me so well!”

He burst into sobs, shaking where he sat.

Zethra didn't know how to articulate what she felt, seeing him finally let it show. The agony and
guilt, the confusion and hurt.

But she'd been alone, lost and hurt.

He didn't have to be.

Zethra slipped out of her seat, and came around to him. She wrapped her arms around his
shoulders, one hand pulled his head to her neck, as her tail lifted across his legs to keep them both

His hands clawed into her jacket and arm, grasping with desperate, grateful power as he quaked and
shook with anguish.

“You're not a monster,” she rasped over his head. She pet his hair, she gently squeezed him close.
“You're wounded...”

“I killed your sister!” choked out of him.

“And I'm still here, with you, because you're not a monster.”

Sobbing took back over, his hands clenching fistfuls of her jacket over and over as he huddled into
her frame. She used her tail and other arm to almost-constrict him, the comforting pressure of
closeness, while her hand continued to gently brush over his hair. She let a flap of her hood rest
against his head around her hand as well, letting her eyes shut as she let him fall apart. He didn't
have to try holding all the thousand strings together. He could let it fall, and he wouldn't go with it.
She had him.

Neither of them had any idea how long it took. Eventually, his sobs lessened, his breath steadied
down to gently trembling flows of air, and his gently shaking frame stayed hidden in her embrace.
When his hands finally relaxed their grip, the joints creaked louder than her jacket.

He shifted tenderly. He wasn't retreating. In fact, he was barely cogent. His head just angled a little
to brush his forehead against her neck. Instinctive affection, gratitude, appreciation for being kept
safe and warm.
The webbed lightning that tiny touch sent through her entire body made her scales tighten, and her
eyes shudder. It was conscious willpower stopping her from uncoiling her embrace to gasp for air.
He wasn't doing anything wrong, either. After that tiny shift, he was still again, utterly content to
stay exactly like that, unmoving beyond breath and heartbeat.

The nearly violent thrill slowly eased through her frame, though it left her short of breath, and she
just held onto him still, trying to ignore the heat rising in her face and hood. She had genuinely
never experienced it before, but her reasons for calling him here, for embracing him, were not tied
to that reaction.

“...Thank you, Zethra.”

It was such a quiet, weak whisper. She more heard him through her bones than with her ears. Even
that tiny rush of air across her neck made her resist a shudder. She swallowed, hoping it wasn't
disruptive to him so close, and managed, “You're not alone, David.”

A faint moan sounded as his only response in that moment, and she could tell he had no desire to
leave her embrace. She let it linger again, letting their breath soothe each other.

At last, he shifted subtly. “Are you alright?”

Zethra opened her drowsy eyes. “I am.”

“I'm not causing trouble for you like this?”

“Let yourself be, David. I'm fine.”

He eased again. One of his hands rather naturally slipped down, and when it found her tail across
his lap, he just lifted his hand to softly rest it against her scales.

Unfortunately, she'd relaxed enough herself that her self-control didn't have time to stop her
reaction. She gasped, pulsing both of them with her powerful core as her body thrummed with that
lightning again.

She locked up with embarrassment, her head getting hot, and David realized he'd done something
wrong, his hand jerking back, and his frame tensing to try to let her choose how to move.

“I'msosorry,” whispered from him desperately.

“N-no, no, it's okay,” she had to stop her voice from trembling. “But if you're settled again, I'll pull

“I am,” he managed quietly.

Now entirely too aware of how entangled she was around him, Zethra cursed herself as she eased
her tail off his frame, and unwrapped her arms to retreat fully.

Finally separated, he looked up to her, their gaze locking. The gentle regard in his eyes was
overpowering in that quiet moment, and he saw a hazy longing in her red pools she'd never let
show before.

Now it was getting too much. Zethra cleared her throat, but didn't want to completely deny what
they'd just shared either. Trying to compromise, she reached up, and softly tried to smooth some of
his hair down.
Now his eyes fluttered, and his frame gently pitched with the touch, pushing a soft gasp from his

Her blush flared, and she snapped her hand back instantly. “S-sorry! I-I messed up your hair.
Ahem.” She distracted herself with adjusting her jacket, and then glanced toward the bar. Her eyes
locked on the time, and panic took her.

She was supposed to open in five minutes.


David jerked, and stared up at her as she started to coil-bound to the bar itself, whipping her jacket
off. She actually full-hopped, sliding her massive form over most of the counter to drop behind it,
and started blitzing through her start of day checklist as quickly as she could, hissing more curses
as she went.

David recovered enough to stand up, though he was definitely still overwhelmed by everything that
had just happened to him, and made his way toward the bar. “W-what's wrong?”

“I open in—Four minutes!” she cried in dismay, and kept working as fast she could. “Dammit,
dammit! I haven't cleared out the pipes properly!”

She'd given herself plenty of time! How could they possibly have... She froze up, blushing. She'd
wrapped herself around him for nearly two hours?!

“How can I help?”

She blinked up at him. He was disheveled, clearly not fully aware yet, but his eyes were trying to
focus and lock with their usual precision.

She really did need help. She couldn't be everywhere at once.

“...There are valves under here. I need each one drained into the bucket, and the bucket dumped in
the sink!”

David hurried around, dropping his jacket on a table near the edge of the bar, and rolled up his
sleeves as he found the first valve. She tail-bumped the bucket to him, and started whirling through
her other preparations as he got to work on the draining.

She knew, she KNEW, someone would come in right at opening. It was guaranteed, because for
once she wasn't prepared, and it would probably be a damn health inspector!

She had a minute left! It was doable, she just needed— “The garbage!” she cried in despair.

David put the bucket away. “I'll take care of it. Where is all of it?”

She stared at him in hopeful shock, then jerked, and tail-swept three different bins out. “I'll replace
the bags, please hurry!”

He swiftly yanked each one out, tied them so they wouldn't explode on him, and ran out the door.
She was able to reline them, replace them, and stand herself upright to welcome customers literally
one second before she was due to open.

A few minutes later, David returned without the trash, and he returned to his coat. “Everything
good now?” he checked with gentle humor.
Zethra let out a sigh and laugh that hissed, leaning on her hands. “Yes, we're good. I'm sorry for
freaking out. I have a routine, and I just knew someone would show right away for once, and I just-

“It's fine,” David interrupted in a soothing voice. He casually wagged a finger over. “Do you keep
your jacket somewhere specific? I could put it away before I get out of you h—way,” he corrected
with momentary panic.

She blinked, the rest of reality finally clicking back into her brain. She had a full shift ahead of her,
she'd called him here at the crack of dawn (for her). Of course, he would leave. “O-oh, uh... no, no,
the jacket's no big deal. I'll... deal with it.”

David nodded, controlling so many different longings he couldn't even count them, and smiled
before starting for the door.

He gave a soft start as a powerful grip caught his arm. He twisted, and met her eyes.

“I know I messed up your day. Are you sure you're okay to head home? You can crash upstairs?”
she offered quietly.

Honestly, he was still a bit out of it, but getting home should've been easy. The offer, especially
from her, sent a thrill through his system regardless. “I... really appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine
to get home, Zethra. I...rather assumed my presence would be very disruptive to your work.”

“If I said it wasn't, what would you do?” Zethra returned somewhat cryptically, but too serious to
be joking.

His lips parted, then his jaw shut, and he swallowed. “...I want so much, but I need to not hurt you,”
he whispered instead.

“Did I hurt you?” Zethra returned, sincerely turning the question around, real fear in her eyes.

Even so caught in a storm as he was, he instantly answered, “No! ...No, Zethra, far from it...”

That intense, yet gentle regard was back in his eyes.

“I... I feel alive again, around you,” he finally rasped out. “I... I don't want to pressure you. I know
you're working so hard on your healing process. I couldn't bear to ruin it.”

Zethra only then realized she'd been clutching his arm the entire time. She unclamped her hand, but
lifted it to rest on his shoulder, not pulling it back. “You're not pressuring me for anything. I want
to know what you'd do, if you knew it was safe?”

His eyes watered. “I'm... I'm so afraid of hurting you with my answer...”

“Don't be afraid. ...Do you think I'm weak?”


“Then trust me. Be honest with me, like you've always been. If I can't handle it, I'll tell you.”

He closed his eyes against his fear, and forced the words out, “I'd stay in your arms.”

She did blush, but she smiled. “I... I can't keep your in my arms all day, I'm afraid, but... Your table
is available?”
He glanced off to it, already clearly relieved he hadn't ruined something with his admission.
“You... you won't be disrupted with me nearby today?”

“Honestly, I'm worried about you. I'll rest easier knowing you're safe.”

David smiled so happily. “I guess I'll have to give a really big tip to cover that much table-time?”

They both cracked into laughter, and she set her arms on her hips with a smirk. “Damn right,
buster. I mean, at this point, you may as well just start wiring me money from your juicy
retirement fund.”

He facepalmed, and she cackled.

“Go sit.”

She actually patted his arm and back casually as she turned off to return to the bar.

David moved over to his table in a happy daze. Once he was finally seated, he couldn't avoid
wondering if she realized how amazing she was. Glancing over, watching her busy herself with
double checking her inventory, he felt he'd never seen a more wonderful view.

Not only had there not be a health-inspector as soon as she opened, it was an unusually slow day.
By noon, David shifted from chatting with her across the room, to sitting at the bar, to being stir-
crazy enough to want to help with chores around the place.

Since it was so quiet, she got him mopping.

While he was working, she had to check something in her supply closet. Passing by him, she
decided to hip-bump him for no reason and slither on like nothing happened. He stopped short,
stared, then smirked, and started planning his counter assault.

When she returned, carrying an armful of napkins and other basics, he pulled a detailing rag off his
shoulder, and lightly whipped it at her back.

She squeaked, her tail curling, and he had to look away quickly before his blush became too
obvious. She was blushing because she squeaked.

“You tell anyone, you're a dead man,” she only half-playfully warned as she continued around to
the bar.

“Yes, ma'am,” he returned, clearing his throat to control a laugh.

She giggled quietly.

Zethra learned it was actually really nice having an 'employee' around. He was cleaning down the
tables during the downtime, and as a handful of customers came in, he brought drinks to them so
she didn't have to leave her little fort behind the counter.

Their hands touched on one trade off, and they both paused for just a moment, their eyes locking.
With a customer waiting, David cleared his throat gently, and hurried off to deliver it.

Other than that, it was delightfully normal for her. She just hoped business picked up the rest of the

Eventually, David settled back in at his table, near when he would have normally arrived, in fact,
and she brought his drink to him. She hadn't even thought about payment, and was mildly confused
when he offered her the usual generous tip.

“Y-you've been working for me all day,” she muttered gently, slipping the money out of his fingers
with far more hesitation than normal.

“I was running mad in my skull. You helped me.”

There was such calm confidence in his response, she felt strange resisting it further. She finally
smiled a little, tipped her head in silent thanks, and slid along.

A little later, Lor showed up. Zethra waved with a sincerely warm smile, and placed the
screwdriver on the counter for her.

Lor laughed lightly. “Zeth, you beautiful snake, you know me too well!”

“It's my job!” Zethra returned with a casual toss of her hands.

Once close enough, after paying and taking a first sip, Lor leaned a little. “I'm still plotting my
revenge for what you did to me the other night.”

Zethra blinked. “We were just balancing things out,” she reminded with mock-innocence.

Lor showed an evil little smile. “Uh huh, sure. Check this out.”

Lor then turned, taking another sip, and Zethra's face went slack with horror as Lor started to bee-
line directly for David. There was no way to disguise or excuse it. He was the only person in that

And if Zethra tried to bolt out and interfere, it would only make Lor's point for her. Zethra was
quietly sputtering to herself as she tried to think of what she could do to stop this.

David noticed the approach of course, and had always seen the friendly report between the two, so
he wasn't as defensive as he normally would have been.

Lor came up with a beaming smile. “Hi there! I'm Lor!” She offered her hand off a rod-straight
arm, making his eyes cross at her fingertips.

David slowly eased backward to straighten from her hand, and shook it cordially. “David.”

“David! That's such a nice name! Everyone thinks I took mine from a TV show, apparently. Star
Journey, or something?”

David controlled his smile. “Oh, do they? What brings you to my little corner of the bar tonight,

“I'm great friends with Zethra!” Lor continued, playfully leaning on his table with her elbows. “She
always seems to be checking on you!” The second comment was energetic, but she dropped her
voice so low it was basically a whisper.

David raised an eyebrow, glancing up to see Zethra's socially horrified expression. He was starting
to get the idea, but was perilously short on details. “Is she? I always found her attentive to all of her

Lor's smile turned impish. “Are you defending her honor, sir?” She even added a playful tone,
clearly referencing something she watched or read.
“I certainly find she conducts herself with honor, even in small things,” David chose to respond
sincerely rather than just joking. Perhaps Lor was testing him for Zethra's sake. He didn't want to
seem fake by accident.

Lor shifted her tactics a little, eyeing him up, smiling a little to herself. She sipped her drink again.
“I guess you are kinda cute. What's the phrase? 'Silver fox?'”

David gestured at his head. “Need a little more silver before I qualify, if so.”

Him smoothly, but utterly ignoring the flirt got Lor's attention more seriously.

“Meh, you know how young most of us hybrids are. You're an old timer to me!”

David showed an almost devilish little turn to his smile. Zethra, watching from a distance, felt heat
in her hood from seeing such a mischievous turn to his eyes. Was he flirting!? What were they

“You're not that young, Lor,” was David's simple beginning.

Lor showed mock offense. “Calling a woman old, sir? How scandalous!”

“No, no. I respect veterans.”

She blinked, startled out of her act.

David showed a kinder expression, and gently gestured up near her left eye. “Rank-implant scars,
and you're hiding your neck with high-collars most of the time. The first few waves of ADVENT
armor caused interface injuries.” He lifted his drink for a sip. “You have more combat experience
than I do, probably.”

Lor swallowed softly, clearly caught by him catching those details.

Seeing he'd hit her too hard with the analysis, David bowed his head to her. “I apologize. I intended
no offense, or bad memories. You and Zethra always get on well. I like seeing it. She deserves
good friends.”

Lor did ease a bit, and she then gulped down most of her drink. “Okay, yeah. I get it... I get it,” she
muttered, mostly to herself, glancing back to meet eyes with Zethra, who was now gently
concerned at the transformation her other friend had gone through after talking to David. It was
almost like Lor was apologizing across the room, and then looked back to David. “I... was just
trying to tease Zeth a little. I wasn't expecting a real conversation.”

“She is fun to tease,” David offered with a return of light humor.

Lor laughed before she could stop it, and then cleared her throat a little. “Well, I'll let you enjoy
your drink, and uh... just...” her voice dropped to a very soft whisper, “don't do her wrong, okay?”

David blinked, but then seriously tipped his head to her before she moved off.

Zethra had the soda waiting for Lor as she arrived.

“You okay?” she started softly, sincere.

Lor nodded, sliding money across for the soda. “I uh... was just gonna mess with him a little, to rile
you up. I... get it now.”
Zethra blinked. “Get what?”

Lor finally smirked again around her drink. “Why you're hot for him.”

Zethra's hood turned red as her eyes widened.

Lor grinned fiendishly. “There it is! I win!”

Zethra groaned a deep hiss out as she deflated, relaxing.

“...But you are, though,” Lor added as a parting shot, finally meandering off to her booth.

Zethra fumed, hoping her anger made her whole head turning red less of a give away.

David appeared a moment later, ostensibly with his empty glass, but he caught her mortified gaze,
tipping his head a little.

“You okay?” he mouthed more than asked.

“Y-yes, Lor just... knows how to get a rise out of me,” she managed quietly, itching her forehead a

“She likes engaging you. It's nice to see.”

Zethra half-smiled. “You're sweet, David. She's also a pain in my tail,” she deliberately raised the
volume of her voice at the end, and both she and David glanced over to see Lor cheerfully flipping
Zethra off.

It let all three of them laugh.

Needed Rest

David actually stayed to closing time. It didn't bother her, which somewhat surprised Zethra, but he
also stuck around to help clean up. Once she'd flipped her door-sign, he started picking up chairs,
inverting them onto their tables. She focused on wiping things down, and properly draining a few
of the pipes.

At one point, she glanced up, watching him work. Even in something so mundane, he was
analytical, planning approaches, moving with purpose. Very little wasted movement.

She realized, finally, that it had been a wonderful day. Work had been boring as usual, sans Lor's
hijinx, but everything from the intense morning, to working together, to being silly and relaxed. It
felt... perfect.

For some reason, this wonderful, happy thought drudged up the jealous flare from the other night,
and she winced, grimacing down at the counter as she remember the dancer, and how everyone
practically drooled for her.

“Are you okay?”

She jerked, looking up into those somehow-blazing blue eyes, lit with concern. She turned
awkward, self-conscious of her cause for being distracted. “F-fine, honestly. Just... thought of
something stupid.”

“...Do you want to talk about it?” he offered gently.

She hesitated. What would have normally been a fast 'no,' was now something she didn't really
want to hide from him. “...It is really stupid, are you sure?”

He folded a stool back down, settling in. “Never been more so.”

She had to slump with a smile. It really was charming. So much so that she couldn't mesh it
together in her head. The terrifying 'Commander of XCOM', and this hurt, gentle creature that
respected her so much. He was just 'David.' “...Okay. You remember I mentioned getting jealous
over literally nothing? Like actually upsetting myself over a completely fabricated event?”

He nodded. He wasn't likely to forget anything about that morning for quite some time.

Zethra took a breath. “Last night, Lor and her friends dragged me out to a club, to get me out and
about. Lor's idea,” she confirmed with a little gesture.

David nodded, following.

“It was noisy, but interesting in a few ways. Before we really got settled, it turned out there was a
special performer there. A... dancer. A viper dancer.”

David tilted his head, mildly intrigued, but still just listening.

She was privately glad he didn't immediately show a desire to hear about the dancer.

“Lor realized it might upset me, so they warned me it might make me uncomfortable. I didn't want
to mess them up that badly after everything, so I... stayed long enough to see part of the
David only seemed gently puzzled, and remained attentive. He didn't try to ask questions yet.

Zethra sighed gently. “It... She... It was a ridiculously sexy dance, basically. And, props to her, she
had that entire room wrapped around her tail-tip. I just... I don't like pandering to that whole...
mess. The sexual thing, it... makes me really uncomfortable. So, especially when she started
adding her damn tongue into the performance, I freaked out. I... I was afraid that... that if you were
there, you'd be staring at her, too. Lost in her beautiful, sexy moves, while I just... sat there...”

Zethra actually wilted even as she stood there in her own bar, the very memory of the idea crushing
in around her.

David saw her gentle pain, and it stabbed through him. He started to reach out, but wasn't sure that
was helpful with the topic. “So... the imagined moment was that you were jealous of me ogling the

Zethra nodded subtly to his confirmation.

“Well... for what it's worth, I prefer to avoid exotic dancing of any kind. I... can't process it
respectfully, so I avoid it.”

She blinked, easing, looking at him curiously. “What do you mean? You can't process it...?”

David became uncomfortable, but he was clearly building himself up to answer, not dodge the
question. “I... I'm a very 'default' human male in that category, Zethra. At a certain point, my body
responds whether I want it to or not. And I don't... enjoy looking at someone like that. I don't deny
the appeal, I'm not saying I'm particularly virtuous about it. I just... don't like how it makes me
react. It's unfortunate, to be honest, because that kind of dancing is very strenuous. The performers
deserve their pay and then some. I just... can't watch it.”

Zethra blinked a few times. “So... So you'd... You would drool at her, and that's why you wouldn't
watch at all?”

David nodded sadly. “I'm sorry to feed your fear, but I don't want to hide things. I cherish how
honest we are.”

Zethra felt a very strange conflict in her gut. A bit of anger did snap flare, the jealousy broiling up,
but she also actually heard his words. He didn't want to ogle someone, so he avoided the situation
itself. “...I... appreciate that you try to avoid ogling people.”

David tipped his head subtly. “I can see I hurt you, too, though. I'm very sorry, Zethra.”

She lifted a hand to stop him. “Don't apologize. It's still mostly just my brain being unfair to both
of us. You weren't there, it never happened. I mean... I guess... I want to ask another unfair

He gestured. “Go ahead.”

“Do you... do you go to strip clubs, and such...?”

He was a retired, lonely man. She... had to assume.


She blinked. His tone was sharp and firm.

“Y... you don't at all?”

He shook his head. “Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint. I... look at things I shouldn't often enough,
but I don't go to those places.”

She relaxed enough to smirk at him. “Oh, porn collection, huh?”

He blushed vibrantly, coughing to the side. “I-I don't... keep anything...”

She leered at him. “Don't lie now, David...”

“I-I'm not,” he muttered weakly. “I-I've looked, yes, but I don't keep any of that in my home. I don't
intend to defend that behavior, I...” He cleared his throat. “I'm sorry.”

She sank down a coil. “God, it's no fun to tease you. You just collapse.”

David frumped a bit, and she finally giggled a little.

She realized another jealous flare was starting up, and she wanted to lance that boil fast. She leaned
on the counter. “One more unfair question.”

“...Go ahead.” He was gun-shy, but didn't want to hide from her.

“Did you start looking at vipers during these little... lapses?”

His head was turning red as he shut his eyes with despair. “...Yes...”

“And yet you say you don't have a snake fetish?” she kept going, but there was a little tinge of
playful tone continuing.

“N-no, it's not... I... I didn't... I didn't... want that before...”

She lifted her eye-ridges to silently prompt him.

“It's because I'm attracted to you!” he finally forced out in a rush, scrunching up, his fists clenching
on the counter.

She blinked, blushing a little herself.

“I-I'm not trying to defend it, I just... it's not a fetish. You... you made me realize how beautiful
you are. It... works on every level. Good and... crass.”

Zethra's brain was now very confused emotionally. She was disappointed in him in some fashion,
but also oddly impressed, and beyond that, she couldn't really fathom being the reason someone
found something attractive. She wasn't sure what part to respond to, and she just locked up a bit.

David wilted more with each second of silence. “Do... do you want me to leave?”

That snapped her loose. “What? No!”

He was startled, but equally relieved.

Zethra rubbed at her skull. “No, no, sorry. I'm not... My brain's not really being fair to you at the
moment. If you have a snake kink, we know each other well enough that I know you don't treat
people badly because of it. You can just admit it.”
David winced a little. “I... I sincerely don't, Zethra. I... You're beautiful, from nose to tail-tip. The
way you move is... hypnotic. The way you focus, the way you smile. And... being held by you
was... beyond words,” he admitted meekly, bowing his head, blushing bright. “Before you, vipers
were just people I had to stop myself from hating. I couldn't see anything attractive in them,
because I was too broken. You... opened my eyes, and now I... can't stop seeing how breathtakingly
beautiful you are.” His eyes glanced up, still meek, but sincere.

Zethra's brain finally started to accept what he'd said. A blush started to grow over her face and
hood. “You... really think I'm beautiful?”

“Yes,” he answered instantly, smiling a little.

“I really need you not to lie to me on this one. You're saying you fell for me, not just that you think
vipers are sexy?”

David became empathetically hurt. “Zethra, do you really think I'm lying to you about this?”

“Just say it, please,” she answered, but tears were in her eyes abruptly. “I can't accept it until I hear
it now.”

“I fell for you, Zethra. I fell for you because you're kind to a fault, strong as an ox, and smarter than
I am. You reached out and did what you could for a broken mess like me, even while you're falling
apart yourself. Your heart shone through, and showed mine how to heal... and then I finally started
to see how incredibly beautiful your body is, too,” he finished with a little laugh.

She was wide-eyed, quietly crying, their eyes locked. His gentle humor faded to tender concern for
her hurt she appeared to be.

Abruptly, she burst out, “You're the first human I've found attractive.”

He did blush afresh, but also smiled. “I'm... genuinely flattered.”

She struggled, her throat writhing, but she finally got more words out. “B-because you're so honest.
You don't have an ego, even though you're one of the few people who could justify it. You didn't
try to defend things you believed you had to do, because you knew how much they hurt other
people. And even through you were torn apart inside, even though everything was stolen from you
in the worst way, you kept reaching out, trying to find peace, so you wouldn't bring war. And you...
and you always looked at me so gently when I was in pain, just like... right now...” she finally lost
her voice, just staring, blinking through her tears.

David started to weep gently again, and he lifted his hand toward her. He wouldn't reach her, it was
an offer, gentle and soft.

Zethra lifted her mirrored hand to his, and their mismatched fingers laced together, hands
squeezing tight.

“...I'm sorry I... asked you... so many... unfair questions,” she got out between choked sobs.

David shook his head. “They weren't unfair,” rushed out of his lips.

Zethra was fighting it, but she was over the threshold now. She was quaking in pulses with
attempted sobs, her eyes squeezing shut around steady lines of tears, her fangs starting to bare in a
pained grimace for the battle against her own emotions.

David couldn't bear how hard she was fighting. He didn't let go of her hand, but he rose up, sliding
over the bar. She was only slightly surprised. He brought her hand with him, coiling her own arm
across her front, and wrapped his arms around her as best he could.

A guttoral, hissing roar finally broke out of her throat, and she started to melt down. David sank
with her, both of them falling into her own coils. Their hands released, and she seized onto him. He
held her tight, grabbing into the back of her shirt and squeezing her close, bowing his head just past
her one arm as she hung her own over his back.

“I miss my sister!” she barked out through her sobs. “I'd miss you... if you left! I'd miss this...
stupid... fucking bar... if it was taken! I don't know... what I'm doing! But I... don't want you to

“I'm here... I'm here,” David offered in soothing waves. “I'm not going anywhere... Worst case, I'm
just across town...”

She coiled tighter around him, her head lazily sliding against his shoulder and almost clunking
against his skull.

“I-I'm... so scared... I don't... want to lose you... but I don't know... how much... I can give...”

“You don't have to give anything, Zethra,” he rushed softly at her ear, reaching a hand up to caress
down the back of her hood. “Just spending time with you today has been bliss. It's okay. You don't
have to give anything. I'll stay, I'll go, but you're not losing me.”

“I don't want that... stupid fucking... dancer... to steal you from me!”

“No one's stealing me from you. I promise you that.”

“T-They should! I'm a wreck! You deserve better!”

David pulled his head back, and brought his hands in to cup her jaw. It startled her enough to lock
their eyes together. He gazed deep into her red pools, holding her stare with a level of intensity
she'd never seen him bring to bear on her.

“No one. On this damn planet. Deserves better than you,” he listed out with firm, nearly violent
power, giving a little pulse of his hands at her cheeks to add to the emphasis gently. “I've never met
anyone willing to go so far for a stranger just because she thought he might snap if she didn't! You
are the rare, beautiful person that we need more of, Zethra, and I swear to God, if anyone tells you
otherwise, I'll show them what I did to the Elders, and I won't regret it for one damn second.”

All she could do was stare in the wake of that. Still weeping, but shocked so deeply to her heart she
couldn't move. He had tears in his eyes despite the astonishing power that had just come pouring
out of him. Power that came out of him to defend her, even from herself.

“...Why do you think I'm the strong one?” she finally rasped through her lips, her throat barely

David softened into a happy smile, bringing one hand from her jaw, to softly caress over her face
and head. “Falling down under crushing weight isn't weakness. It just means you need to rest. You
have pushed so far, for so long, for so many people, Zethra. I can't even fathom how strong you

“B-but you... held your mind together... just to help your people... when anyone else... would've
gone mad.”
“I didn't hold anything together. I ignored it. Zethra... I was in a thousand pieces, until you reached
out to me. And then you tried to carry my endless weight on top of your own, and didn't even try to
resent me for it. My God, Zethra, I wish you could see how amazing you are.”

Zethra finally relented, just clenching into fresh tears... and pushed her head forward to press her
forehead into his. David shifted his hands to hold her shoulders, letting his eyes fall shut and savor
the gentle touch between them, both tumbled into her coils as they were.

After a long, lingering, peaceful silence, Zethra finally took a deep breath. “...I need to finish
cleaning up.”

David nodded gently, and eased back, glancing around to confirm how best to lift himself off her
coils without hurting her.

“...Mind if I pick you up?” she offered with a wan smile.

He blinked, then shook his head.

She bear-hugged him, and just stretched herself up, neatly planting him on his feet the next
moment. “Good?”

David was blushing, but smiling, too. “Oh very good. Please do that any time you want.”

She swatted his shoulder without any real power in it, and they both chuckled.

“Can I help with anything else?” he checked as he went around wide to replace the stool he'd
borrowed for the start of their conversation.

Zethra wiped her face with her hands, then yawned mightily. Most humans found it terrifying to
see a viper's full jaw extension, but David didn't even blink, he just waited for her to speak.

“Honestly, it's all paperwork now. Thanks for... everything, David,” she chose with a little helpless

He was yawning himself now, and just gave her a thumbs up with a smile as soon as his mouth
could make one.

A quiet fear crystallized up her spine. “Are you safe to get home after all this?”

David blinked. “Oh. I'm a bit groggy, but I should be fine, Zethra. No worries.”

As he retrieved his coat, she fidgeted.

“...You could crash on my couch?”

He paused, gently confused. “Wouldn't... that scare you?”

Zethra shook her head. “I'm... I can't shake the feeling something awful is going to happen to you
when you step out that door today, so I... I'd... probably relax more if you stayed tonight. S-So I
can... be sure...” Her blush returned vibrantly, as she glanced off, shy and surprisingly meek.

“I'd... love to stay, Zethra, but I need you to be comfortable in your own home. Are you sure...?”

“J-just for tonight. I'm... worried. After everything. I think I'll be more rational in the morning,” she
finished with a half-smile.
David smiled back. “Then... that actually sounds lovely. I am... surprisingly tired.”

“God, me too,” Zethra immediately burst out like she'd been holding in a breath. “I think
everything just wore us both out...”


“So, just hang out for a minute. I'll wrap up this paperwork, and I'll give you the 'grand tour' of my
tiny apartment.”

David chuckled, and plopped into the booth nearest the door to wait. She smiled over at him before
she focused down on her work.

Zethra was annoyed at herself for how much she was blushing just leading him up the narrow
stairs to her loft. He was a complete gentleman about it, no mischievous looks like the one he gave
Lor, and he stayed a few steps behind her tail to make sure she had room to maneuver.

She unlocked the door, slipped in, holding it for him.

“Sorry about the mess,” she muttered self-consciously.

There were dishes in the sink, some clothes she was furious with herself for forgetting to clean up,
and she suddenly realized how trashy her couch looked.

“If this is a 'mess,' you're doing just fine,” David returned, smiling warmly as he looked around.

It smelled like her. This was so clearly her space, her safe haven. He drank in the details with his

Zethra glanced at him, and felt surprisingly good for how pleasant his mood was just being in the
room. “W-well, thanks. Anyway, obviously, this is the couch. I... didn't realize how beat up it
looked until now. I'm so sorry.”

David laughed in a soft manner, moving over to it and simply plopping himself down in one
corner. “Comfortable and worn in is the best kind, especially for sleeping.”

Zethra half-smiled, glad he was responding so positively. Her stress was ebbing away at a pace.
Sliding a little further along before she closed and locked the door, she gestured to a door in the
corner. “Only pain in the tail is my washroom is connected to the bedroom. You want to go first?”

David glanced over, and she tried to ignore how much he blushed at the knowledge the door was,
indeed, her bedroom.

“...I think, for tonight, I'll be a rebel, and just pass out. Can I use it in the morning?”

Zethra chuckled gently. “Sure.”

She started into the kitchen first. She was too self-conscious not to try cleaning up a little.

“Want a hand?” he called.

She waved it down. “No, no, please rest. I just forgot about this junk.”

David felt uncomfortable relaxing while she was working. He couldn't shake the idea that she only
cared so much about cleaning up because she had a guest. He wasn't sure it was worth the 'fight' to
get her to stop, either.

Glancing off, he started examining her vast movie collection. “...I feel like I should apologize. I
never asked what your hobbies are.”

Zethra blinked, glancing out, seeing where he was staring. Even she didn't know why him looking
at her collection made her blush. “O-oh! It's... I mean I don't think that's a hobby? Watching

“Oh, it counts. And you have so many... How did you find these? The occupation got rid of all of
them, didn't it?”

Zethra chuckled a little. “Come on, XCOM had to do black market business, didn't it? Especially
right after the fall, all kinds of things started popping up. Once my friend explained what they were
to me, I tried one out, was completely captivated, and starting snapping up everything I could

David smiled, leaning back, more at ease. “If I told you that was incredibly cute, would you
throttle me?”

“Maybe, maybe not. Do you have the guts to find out?” she returned, grinning at her own behavior.

“Your hobby is adorable.”

They both laughed lightly.

“I don't know why you'd notice. You don't really watch movies, do you?” she returned more
sincerely once the laughter calmed.

“Only because I couldn't find any of the good ones. Haven't had a chance to sit and enjoy one for...
a long time.”

Finishing up the last dish, she slid out to find him contently sitting where she left him, just smiling
up at her.

That simple moment, David in her home, relaxed, smiling at her, sent a thrill through her gut so
intensely she was stopped short. He grew gently concerned, and she rattled her head out of it,
smiling back. “Sorry, I'm fine.”

She quickly slid around to snatch up her dirty clothes.

“...I'm sorry for making you self-conscious.”

She froze, glancing up at him. He had a wan smile this time.

“Nothing wrong with a 'lived in' home, you know?”

Zethra cleared her throat, which mildly trumpeted. “I just... thought it was cleaner than this when I
made the offer.”

David didn't want to push on the topic too hard, so he just accepted it, and looked to her movie
collection again. “...You remember the idea for the library you had?”

She blushed again, but straightened and nodded at him.

“We should do movie nights some time, too. Just go through your favorites.”
Zethra had to smile, glancing down and lightly itching the side of her face. “...That sounds really
nice, actually, yeah.”

David tipped his head to her, and then shifted to lay on his side in the couch, pulling one pillow to
be his headrest. “Thanks for letting me crash here.”

Zethra glanced to him as she gathered up the last couple of clothing items, and realized that he
looked so peaceful. He was relaxed, settling in, his body ready to rest. It was soothing just to look
at him that way. “...No problem,” she whispered, and smiled as she realized he was already fast

Having to pass the couch to get back to her room anyway, she paused, hesitated, and then gently
reached down with one hand to just caress over his head softly.

Even asleep, he moaned subtly, his frame somehow spreading out, even more relaxed.

Why that response had her body tingling, she had no idea, but she blushed violently, and carefully
pulled her hand back so she didn't disrupt him.

Once her door was closed, and she was 'safe' from herself, she realized what an insane day she'd
just had. Immediately after that, she realized she hadn't completely failed out or collapsed. She'd
helped David, been there for him, and he... had been there for her, with a normal, damn-near
perfect day in between.

Could this work? Already? Were they... healed enough to try healing each other? Or was that just
her now-too-obvious infatuation screaming in her skull?

She shrugged. She couldn't answer it. But she knew for certain that this had been one of the best
days of her life, however sad or glorious that fact was.

It would've been so nice if Avess could've been here, to share stories with...

Zethra stopped short again. She'd been moving to her bathroom out of habit, and so was staring at
her own reflection as she realized something.

A happy, normal thought about her sister. She missed her, that was always there, but there wasn't a
wracking, awful pain with it. It just... would've made the day even better.

No nightmare vision, no rush of pain that Avess would be so furious with her for being so happy
with David. And that was it. She was happy. This had been a wonderful day, as simple and stupid
as it all was. Even with exploding emotions, it had been so warm and natural. Even Lor teasing her
and David. There was no residual panic or awful twist in her gut at the memory. It was just
hilarious. Especially Lor flipping her off.

Zethra actually stifled a giggle at the thought.

And that never would have happened if Lor hadn't put the effort in to drag her out. Damn the
dancer, that night had been wonderful, too. And also, don't damn the dancer, now she had real
answers from David about that mess, and she never would've thought to ask if her brain hadn't
twisted on her like a traitor because of that performance.

And she never could've accepted Lor's pushy help without all those tiny steps, without the picture
on the wall, without falling apart in front of David, and knowing immediately that she never
wanted that to happen again, if he needed help.
...She had a lot of people to thank. She clutched at her heart, this time for the gentle peace still
shimmering inside it for this perfect day. She glanced to the side, toward where David was
sleeping. “...I can't push you, either, but... I think I'm ready.”

And for some reason, she thought of her sister's little smile.

Her eyes snapped open in the dark. Something was wrong. Old instincts woke her fast, but she still
wasn't sure what had set them off. She glided out of her bed like a wraith, and then finally caught
consciously what her body had reacted to.

David was suffering. In his sleep.

She was through the door the next instant, and came over the back of the couch to check on him.

He was twitching and gasping, a severe nightmare—maybe a night-terror?—convulsing and

wrenching his frame even unconscious.

Leaving him to suffer like that wasn't right. She reached down to brace his shoulders with gentle,
but firm grips. “David? David! It's alright, you're safe!”

The first call of his name barely registered, but her more urgent, worried voice cracked through the
fog. His eyes flared open without comprehension at first, and she was harrowed by the lifeless stare
he gave the ceiling for that first instant. Even physically awake, his mind was stuck in the miasma.
It was so deep and so real to him, he couldn't pull out immediately.

“David,” she called gently again, putting her eyes in line with his. “David, it's okay. You're safe...”

At long last, life lit in his eyes, and they locked onto hers. Then he reanimated fully, gasping a bit,
glancing around as his hands instinctively reached in and gripped her arms. She would have
blushed if not so worried for him. He wasn't trying to fight her off, he was holding onto her.

“You're okay?” he asked abruptly, staring up at her again. “You're alright?”

Zethra nodded instantly. “I'm fine. It was just nightmares, David. You're safe. Do you know where
you are?”

The sheer relief that sank his body back into the couch was astonishing. He looked almost worn
out again, as if he'd been straining all night. “You're alright,” he repeated to himself breathlessly.

A bit self-conscious, she pushed around her own hesitation, and she shifted one hand to rest over
his heart. “That's right. I'm fine. So are you. Breathe easy. You're safe.”

His hand moved on instinct, it was clear. He wasn't fully cogent yet, as his fingers coiled into her
hand on his chest, and squeezed securely. It was calming him, soothing him. Zethra resisted her
blush, grateful she could help in some way. It was just also very thrilling how fervently he was
grasping her hand, and in such a state...

After a moment more, he seemed to become actually aware at last. He took a few breaths, looked
around, and then realized he was squeezing her hand, and she was half-hung over the back of the
couch to help him.

“Oh God, you poor thing. I'm so sorry!” he blurted out, trying to ease up. “That can't be
Zethra had to blink, then burst into gentle giggles in his face. He blushed, pausing, and she just
used her other hand to reach over and playfully tussle his already-messy hair.

Their hands hadn't let go, either, even as they mutually came away from his heart.

“I'm fine. My stomach supports my weight all day, you goof.”

He laughed a little, nodding to her.

Still, it was bothering him on her behalf, so Zethra simply slid over the back on his side, now that
he was sitting up, and slipped around to be in front of him, 'crouching' down to look up at him.

“Did you want to talk about what you saw?”

Her thumb rubbed his fingers, his fingers gently squeezed around her hand.

“Little different than usual,” he whispered first, nodding. “Usually it's... being threatened, or not
being able to give my people orders that would save their lives, and watching them die horribly.
This was... the reverse.”

Zethra tilted her head, silently curious.

He continued, “All the people who died because of my orders. My side and... not. The hybrids we
gunned down or cut down, the other vipers, the mutons, the sectoids. Just an... endless stream of
all the death I've caused, and... then...” He looked into her eyes with the most heavy guilt she'd
seen in them. “I couldn't stop you from being killed. My mouth gave orders I didn't want to give,
my soldiers closed in around you. I couldn't break out of my own skin. They... killed you, and your
sister... over and over...”

Zethra's expression fell with empathy, warmth of appreciation glimmering in her red eyes. That
he'd be so afraid for her even in the depths of his subconscious. She squeezed his hand, and
reached up with her other to tenderly caress his cheek. “I'm so sorry, David. Just to say it, I know
you'd never order that. Not without a vital reason.”

He started to weep again. “I'm so sorry I killed Avess. I'm so, so sorry, I...”

As he broke down into sobs, Zethra slid up near him, and pulled him into an embrace again,
nestling his head in her neck, holding to his hair, squeezing around his shoulders.

“War sucks, it screwed us both up, but it's over now,” she rasped softly over his head. “You've
admitted it to me, you never lied to me. My sister's death is settled. Yes, I miss her, it hurts when I
realize I can't talk to her, but it... it hurts when I can't talk to you, too, David. You believed you had
to do what you had to do. I'm not angry at you for it. I'm... I'm grateful you remembered her, even
though she was a faceless enemy to you at the time. I'm grateful for that crazy mind of yours that
could keep that detail in all the mess you have to face every day. I know I can't fix it, I can't make
the pain go away, but please try to remember this. That I'm not angry with you, and I appreciate
how honest you were from the start.”

His sobbing had calmed to heavy breaths, his frame eased into relying on her steady strength to
stay up. “...It hurts... to be the reason... you lost someone you love.”

She shut her eyes, and squeezed gently again. “...You're... you're also the reason I've gained
someone I love...”

He tensed subtly. “W-who...?”

In such a powerful moment, she felt terrible for wanting to burst into giggles at his innocent
question. She eased her head off of his, relaxed her embrace enough for them to find each other's

“You, dumbass.”

His eyes widened, the disbelief slowly fading away behind them. “B-but... I... haven't...”

She had no idea how she felt so powerful all of a sudden. She could be casual, somehow. She
relaxed a little straighter, and tilted her head with a knowing smile. “Haven't what?”

“I haven't... d-done anything to deserve... that...”

She reached up to caress his cheek again. “Well you clearly did something right, because it's true. I
love you.” Finally, the blush was flaring. Her bravado had run its course.

His eyes fell shut, and he reached up to tenderly hold her hand to his face. “...I've been falling in
love with you for so long, I never... thought I'd...”

Her thumb rubbed along his cheek. “Finish the thought. Say it.”

“I-I can't deserve you, but I want you so badly, but I need you to be okay. If I hurt you, I can't... I
can't live with myself.”

She shifted her hands to his shoulders again, calling his eyes to hers from the change. She
specifically lowered her head to look up into his eyes. “I'm not perfect, but I'm okay.” She nodded
softly. “I am. I want to be there for you. I know you're still dealing with so much. Whatever you
need from me, I want to give. Space, closeness, making you do chores,” she added with a gentle

He cracked a wan laugh, nodding. It let them just look at each other for a moment, little smiles
lingering for each.

At last, he gently shook his head at something. “God... how do you just keep getting more and
more beautiful?”

Zethra blushed, jerking and glancing down at herself in disbelief. She was in a stupid, baggy T-
shirt, and her equivalent of sweatpants. “Uh... did you hit your head during your nightmares?” she
asked with playful concern.

David laughed happily. “You're always beautiful, Zethra. And it just... keeps getting more radiant.”

She itched the side of her face, her blush persisting. “Y-you're laying it on a little thick again...”

“And I meant every word,” he affirmed with confidence despite his tiredness.

She rubbed at her arm self-consciously. “I... I am flattered that you think I'm... pretty.”

“Ah, ah, if you're going to quote me, use the right word.”

She glared at him, and he just smirked.

Her blush intensified, and she glanced off, mumbling, “...that you think I'm beautiful...” She curled
into herself a bit.

David grinned, and leaned to give her a gentle hug around the shoulders. She half-smiled out of her
embarrassment, and patted his arm she could most easily reach.

“Lucky you're so charming,” she muttered anyway.

He chuckled as he eased back from the embrace.

More sincere than amused, she relaxed upright again, and looked at him. “I notice it, too. How
much you restrain yourself, so I don't get uncomfortable.”

He glanced off with a blush, nodding. “I know I still slip up, though, I'm sorry.”

She shrugged gently. “Even the slip-ups have been... sweet, not disturbing. I... couldn't tell you at
the time, but when you grabbed my arm that first time at the cafe, I was... caught by how gentle
and sincere you were.”

He did blush afresh at the memory, but smiled a little out of it. “I was so worried I ruined
everything that moment.”

Zethra giggled gently. “You didn't ruin anything. I just couldn't handle that... real concern. That's
why I had to push you away like I did. I... hope that was clear? That I wasn't avoiding you just to be

He shook his head. “You were clear. And it hurt, but I knew it was correct. And you've... you've
grown and healed so much, so fast. I can't even fathom it.”

She wanted to say that wasn't true, but even she was shocked at what she'd been able to handle the
last few days alone. “...Getting help helps,” she finally muttered, shy.

“It does,” David affirmed with a little nod.

Zethra took a breath, and eased off the couch at last. “You should probably try to sleep a little
more. Sorry for... waking you up so much.”

David shook his head. “Being pulled out of nightmares to your beautiful face? Please don't
apologize for that wonderful experience.”

She wanted to playfully dismiss his sentiment, but she could see how sincerely he meant it as he
looked up at her. It made lightning pulse through her skin, and her blush returned. “W-well... e-
even so, you should try to rest some more. J-just knock on the door when you want to use the
shower, I'll get up again then.” She busied herself with starting to slither to her room.


The gentle call paused her at the door, her eyes finding his again.

“I realized I didn't say it properly,” David started with a soft smile. “I love you, too.”

She curled bashfully, but her smile at him was very real. They both knew words were failing her at
that point, so he just offered a little wave for 'good night,' and she tipped her head appreciatively
before slipping into the dark cave of her room again.

He was an early riser, and he'd had nightmares for most of his life since waking up from
ADVENT, so that didn't change his wake-up habits. David stood at her door, frozen, staring at it. It
was her bedroom. Her bedroom. Yes, he just wanted to use the bathroom, as she'd specifically
offered last night, but this was a super-barrier that would've stopped armies in its tracks as far as he
was concerned. He knew he was being unreasonable, however.

He built himself up, and failed to knock three separate times. Finally, he had to turn on his combat
brain, and mechanically drove his arm up, and knocked three times. Then immediately relaxed it
and blushed violently.

He heard shuffling. His mind immediately envisioned her sliding out of her bed, that he'd never
actually seen yet. His body was already responding to the idea, and he cringed. A person just
getting out of their bed shouldn't cause that. Calm it down.

The doorknob jostled, and he blinked rapidly as it finally pulled open to reveal... an adorably
groggy, bleary-eyed Zethra.

For a moment, it was clear she still almost entirely asleep, just staring at him without
comprehension from barely-open eyes. Her tongue actually flicked out, and it made him realize
how little she tasted the air.

Did she deliberately stop herself from smelling to avoid upsetting people?

“Mm?” she grunted in groggy confusion.

David cleared his throat gently. “B-bathroom?”

“Mm.” She nodded, clearly not aware yet, and she just slithered back to her bed, leaving the door
open before she coiled up into her blanket.

David knew he shouldn't stare. It was obviously a bad idea to stare. A terrible idea.

But she was like a giant taquito. Snuggled up and instantly back asleep. It had to be the most
adorable thing he'd ever seen.

When her tongue flicked out of the end, he nearly lost it. He clamped a hand over his mouth to
control bursting into happy laughter, and gingerly tip-toed to her bathroom. He closed and locked
the door, finally breathing, and turning a light on. He was going to treasure that memory for a long,
long time.

Zethra's tongue shot out a few times. Something smelled amazing. More amazing than her
apartment ever had in it. Was there a new foodtruck on the street? That might be breakfast, if this
smell didn't let up.

Roused by hunger, she followed her tongue out of her blanket. It wasn't from outside. What could...

The barest memory of the morning finally returned, and she blushed violently. Was David still
here? Her head whipped around. The bathroom was empty, her door was closed, but the smell was
definitely from toward her living room.

Quickly checking to make sure her pajamas were still actually on her, she slithered out through the
door, and had to stop short immediately.

David waved lightly from the kitchen. “Figured I owed you some breakfast after crashing here.
Also, you had a coffee maker. I didn't expect that. I made a small pot in case I was mistaken.”

Zethra just stared, jaw hanging. “W-what did you find... to cook...?”

“You have all kinds of things in your fridge!” he answered with a light laugh. “I can resupply you,
don't worry.”

She slithered over, her tongue going a mile a minute. Finally seeing it, she could see eggs, bacon,
and hashbrowns. She didn't have hashbrowns. How did he... her potatoes? He actually made them
from scratch!? “It smells so good... This stuff never smells like that...”

David winked at her, and got a portion onto one of her plates, and offered that along with a
steaming mug. “Here.”

Zethra meekly accepted both, and softly slid back to the couch. She curled most of her tail into it,
and sipped the coffee. “Whoa, how did you get the coffee to taste better?” she had to blurt out,
staring at it.

David laughed. “I always use a little more of the grind than is strictly necessary. Naughty habit.”

“Wasting my coffee, huh?”

“Sorry, sorry!”

She smirked and sipped it again, then finally started stuffing her face. It tasted so good. She
moaned gently, her eyes rolling. Why did it even feel better? Like it was soothing her stomach as
much as taking away the bite of hunger.

David smiled over at her from the kitchen, sipping a mug of coffee himself, leaning against the
threshold of the kitchen. “I'm glad you like it so much, but I'm nothing special in the kitchen. Do
you just not cook much?”

Zethra shrugged, looking down at her plate. “I dunno, I thought I did. I usually just scramble some
eggs now that they're cheap again.”

“Any salt?”

She shook her head.

“That's probably all it is then. A little dash of salt wakes up the tongue.” He remained casual as he
got himself a plate finally, and started munching lightly.

“You can come sit, too?” Zethra offered, her tail patting the other end of the couch.

He blushed a little, but tipped his head, and came over to plop down opposite her.

“Can I ask you something personal? I just... noticed it this morning.”

She blinked at him, still eating herself. “I guess...?”

“How come you don't smell much otherwise? I realized this morning was the first time I've seen
you scent the air.”

She angled her head in confusion for a moment. “T-that's... seriously your question?”

He nodded. “I was worried you were stopping yourself for others. Smelling is totally natural, you
shouldn't have to do that.”

She glanced off, self-conscious of his consideration. She itched at her hood. “I... I got teased for it a
lot. Closer to the fall.”

“Who teased you?” he asked, sincere, but clearly outraged in part as well.

Zethra gestured down. “Same friend who helped me get the bar.”

That did conflict David immediately. He frowned at his inability to properly counter this.

Zethra had to giggle a little. “You're adorable when you're so grumpy like that.”

David blushed, and coughed to the side, using the excuse to sip some coffee. “Even so! You
should smell as often as you need to. Stopping that isn't right. For anyone.”

“As often as I need to, huh?”

He nodded.

She leaned closer to him, and her tongue flicked out rapidly, angling near and around his head.

He froze, his blush spreading over his head. She never touched him, but her tongue was large and
fast enough that it was shifting air around his hair and skin.

“You used my bodywash,” she opted to say, as if that was all she was noticing, and leaned back
with an impish grin.

He cleared his throat powerfully. “D-didn't want to... stink up the place.”

He finally glanced up to catch her eyes, and they shared a smile.

Finishing the delicious breakfast, she got up to put the dishes in the sink, snatching his away before
he could get up to help.

“Thanks for breakfast. And for listening to my crazy last night, and crashing here,” Zethra said
openly as she slid out of the kitchen.

David eased up to his feet, smiling. “You did me a favor. Believe me.” He adjusted his coat
simply, and took a breath. “I should head home.”

Zethra knew they were both managing a pang of disappointment for that fact, but she couldn't
come up with any more legitimate reasons to keep him in the building. Making him work for her
again didn't feel right. Although...

“B-before you head out, question for you.”

He was attentive.

“I know you're retired, but... having a helping hand around the place was actually pretty nice.
Would you... like a job?”

David itched his beard as he glanced off. “...Well... I mean... flirting with my boss might cause
some legal concerns...”

“Oh you--!” She grabbed a towel and chucked it at him.

He laughed as he raised his arms to defend himself. He recovered to see her smirking and glaring in
equal parts.

“That actually sounds great, to be honest. I've kept myself busy, but...” he trailed off with a
waggling hand.

She smiled more leisurely. “Alright, great. I'll... draw up some papers to make it official. When
would you like to actually start?”

He glanced off, thinking for a moment. “Give me a week? I need to settle a few things.”

She gave a little thumbs up, and then slid around toward her bedroom. “I should get ready for my
day then. You'll be alright getting home?”

He mock-saluted. “Fit as a fiddle, ma'am.”

“Seriously, stay safe, okay?”

“You, too,” he returned with a more serious tip of his head to her.

She nodded, accepting he took it seriously enough for her anxiety, and they shared a little wave
before he was out the door.

Two things struck her. She already missed him... and that had been a really nice way to wake up.

“I have a question, doctor.”

He looked up form his notes to David, attentive. “Go ahead, David.”

“In your professional opinion, am I... capable of supporting a life partner properly?”

The doctor raised an eyebrow, and set his pen down, easing back in his chair. “A telling question,


“My professional opinion is that you have very serious psychological wounds that a life partner
would need to be properly prepared for. In most cases, it would be enough that I'd caution against
entering into a relationship. However, I assume this is related to one particular person, not a broad

David blushed, but cleared his throat, and nodded.

“To make sure I have context, the last time we discussed... Zethra, right?”

He nodded.

“That last time we discussed Zethra, she was also dealing with her own psychological wounds, and
you had mutually affirmed that you were not ready. Can you carry me through to your current

David rubbed his hands together. He was... shy, not afraid. And he didn't want to ignore the
doctor's advice, either. If he wasn't actually ready, he didn't want to hurt Zethra worse. “Zethra and
I... spent time together recently. It was... A lot happened.”

“Did you become physically intimate?”

David winced a little. “Yes, but not sexually?”

The doctor seemed intrigued, and leaned forward to add to his notes. “I'm not trying to be
inappropriate, David, but may I inquire as to what type of intimacy was shared?”

“She... she had an insight into my difficulties, and it was... was so powerful, to be understood so
clearly, that I... broke down in front of her. She... held me together.” David rolled his hand. “Later
the same day, she was struck by her own difficulties, and... I... I believe I helped her recover as

The doctor glanced at him for a moment. “...Did you feel powerful?”

David blinked. He glanced around, thinking. “I... I'm not... sure...”

“The woman you desire greatly was in your arms, what was your full reaction?”

David swallowed. “I was afraid for her. She was tearing herself down. She's been working so hard
to heal, and I hated it. I had to... I had to make sure she knew she was... a good person.”

The doctor added more notes. “I need to ask a harder question.”

“...Go ahead.”

“Do you believe she needs you to heal properly?”

David blanched. “What? No! No, no, I... she's... already so far ahead of me. I'm just scared to death
I'll drag her down.”

“Will you?”

David winced. “I'm... asking you that.”

“And only you can answer it,” the doctor returned seriously. “David, I'm essentially just a guide, to
offer clarity and perspective as we navigate your wounds, and help them heal properly. Only you
know the true scope of your pain and injuries. Do you believe you can be there for someone else,
day in and day out, through small fights, big fights, annoyances, discomforts, and still be able to
stand with them and help them?”

David stopped himself from snap reacting. He closed his eyes, thinking. The things that set him
off, broke him down... if that hit him, and Zethra was there, but also needed help. If it was the
worst possible scenario... He opened his eyes slowly. “I... I believe that even at my worst, I would
find the strength to put her first. Missteps, yes, I might not pay enough attention sometimes, but I...
I believe I would be able to get through it, to help her.”

The doctor nodded softly. “Then I only have one concern left, David.”


“What if she decides she doesn't need you?”

“S... she doesn't need me.”

“What if she pushes you away, ends the relationship?”

David looked down sadly. “...It'll hurt, but... I couldn't blame her. I don't deserve her already, I
can't... I couldn't blame her for that choice, if she makes it.”

“But, at this time, you believe she accepts a relationship?”

“...I have enough indications that I want to ask her directly about it, yes.”

“And that is why you asked for my opinion today?”


The doctor offered a little smile. “You're a grounded person, David. You know your limits. That,
specifically, combined with how far you've come to this point... Go for it.”

The openly casual phrasing caught David, and he flashed a reflexive smile. “Y-you're serious?”

The doctor nodded. “As long as you respect her boundaries, and recognize your own limits, I have
no reason to suggest you can't handle a committed relationship. I obviously suggest you continue
coming to therapy, but you've demonstrated the right kinds of discipline necessary for the... risk

David exhaled the weight from his frame, a smile staying on his face. “Thank you...”

The doctor just nodded with a little smile back.

Veron blinked rapidly as she was handed a gift-basket. “W-what's this...?”

Zethra smiled lightly as she sat in her chair across. “Just a 'thank you' gift, Veron. I've... seen how
far I've come in just a couple of months, and you're a big part of that.”

Veron blushed gently, smiling sincerely. “Z-Zethra, this is very sweet, but it's, ah... tricky to accept

Zethra blushed. “Oh, sh—I'm so sorry! I forgot!” She planted her face in her hands. “I'll take it
back,” followed, muffled.

Veron pouted, and offered the basket back. Zethra slowly took it, clearly managing embarrassment.
“Please do relax. It was an incredibly sweet gesture, and I'm so happy to hear you're feeling your
progress. That's tremendous.”

Zethra did relax a bit, shuffling the basket away. “Ahem, this time, I actually agree,” she added
with a little laugh.

“It sounds like we have a lot to discuss?”

“Yes! And I'm honestly kinda terrified you're going to give me bad news at the end, so I'm going to
be talking very fast.”

Veron was a bit startled, but nodded. “Alright, fair enough. Let's tackle this as quickly as we
reasonably can for you, then. I don't want my patients terrified of me!”

It let a little giggle start, and then Zethra forced herself to explain. From the various reactions to
the picture of Avess, to Lor's 'ambush,' to... the day with David.

By the end of it, Veron was gently astonished, but didn't seem uncomfortable herself, which helped
keep Zethra at ease.

“And you've no concerns about working together with him, at this stage?” Her tone was simple and
calm, not judgmental.

Zethra shrugged. “I think I'll always have concerns? But I absolutely feel like it was the right thing
to offer?”

Veron smiled, making some notes for herself. “Fair enough, fair enough. Well this is certainly an
exciting development for you, isn't it?”

Zethra nodded rapidly, then swallowed. “Is there where you tell me I shouldn't be dating anyone?”

Veron leaned, showing some mischievous humor. “As if I could stop you.”

Zethra barked a louder laugh than she intended, and coughed into her hand. “Sorry.”

Veron grinned back, and then leaned back with her chair to show her expression becoming serious.
Zethra cleared her throat, and listened.

“So, to rip the band-aid off, I do have concerns about how quickly you're hoping to move forward
with David.”

Zethra wilted.

“But they are only concerns, Zethra. So hear me out?”

That did boost her a little, and she nodded.

“Do you need David in your life to feel happy?”

Zethra started to answer, then paused, thinking seriously. “I... I sincerely had a good time with Lor,
Cherry, and Dua. The dancer was... off-putting, but the rest I really enjoyed. It was... It was feeling
real, after that, feeling alive again, that made me finally realize what David was going through. I...
I don't need him to feel happy. I... want him.”

“And you were pleased by the reactions to the picture of yourself and your sister?”
“Yes, exactly.”

“Okay, next concern.”

“Hit me.”

“Do you believe David needs you to be happy?”

Zethra glanced off, serious, but not afraid. She immediately felt the answer was 'no,' but she also
didn't have enough information. She hadn't seen him actually spend time with his old friends,
though he'd mentioned reaching out. She winced. “I... am confident he doesn't, but I can't be sure
with the information I have.”

Veron wagged a finger. “Excellent answer.”

Zethra blinked as the hybrid woman straightened in her chair.

“That means you're engaging the situation properly, you have enough objectivity that a lot of my
concerns are already handled. So there's really only one thing left.”

“...Find out if he thinks he needs me to heal?”

“Yep. And give him the nudge he needs if it turns out he thinks so. Whatever is giving you that
confidence in him, nudge him toward it, if you find a reason to be worried. If you don't... well...
Maybe I can stop by your bar and get the juicy details so I'm not abusing a session for gossip!”

Zethra blushed, laughing and looking away. Veron giggled with her.

David gave it a few days. Mostly so he could get his session in and ground himself before steam-
rolling forward with Zethra. He also didn't want to be presumptuous. They hadn't really said one
way or another that it was okay for him to just show up regularly again, but he felt like a great deal
was implied. So, today was his confirmation. He showed up at his usual time, and was happy to
see the bar was actually quite busy. He wanted her business to thrive, as convenient as the nearly
empty day had been for spending time with her.

When she spotted him across the crowd at the bar, she gave an open smile and wave. He grinned
easily back with a wave of his own.

First, he went to his table. The bar was crowded tight, he didn't want to push through her business
for his one drink. Hopefully it would calm down enough soon. Second, he scribbled a little note.

Not sure if coming was okay or not.

Can I call tomorrow to sort things out?

He folded it up, and settled in to read news updates on his phone while the bar bustled. When he
glanced up once, he lost track of Zethra. He pouted mildly, but it was so crowded. Even poor Vark
looked annoyed at the bar, since everyone was bumping and jostling him.

“Can't talk right now, sorry!”

Her voice curved around his head, sending a thrill down his spine, and his eyes wide. David
quickly snapped his head around, finally catching sight of her coiling around his table to plant
drinks around from a tray in her one hand. She'd already slapped his down.

Damn, he missed a chance. How cheerful she was despite the obviously hectic work helped keep
his mood very light. “I was just letting the crowd thin a little first!” he managed to get out to her
before she was gone.

She winked at him before she was out of sight again.

As he managed to catch glimpses of her around the bar, he started to smile more. Her tongue was
flicking out every now and then. She was trying to let herself be. That let him feel good.

It took nearly an hour for the place to calm down enough for the bar to be worth approaching.
David kept his annoyance dismissed. This was exactly the kind of night she needed to stay in
business, he wasn't going to be a child about his little note.

But yes, it was frustrating.

He had to lean past poor Vark, who was clearly so tired of humans (as about half the crowd was
actually human this time) David felt compelled to offer an apologetic little wave.

Vark glowered at him, but just sipped his drink.

David handed off his glass with the little note under it. Zethra caught it, but also gave him a little
look for bothering with a note again. He gave an 'I know, I know' gesture with his head, and then
offered the money for another drink.

She smirked, shaking her head at him as she poured it, handed it off, and playfully shoo'd him off
to tend to other orders, the note palmed in her hand.

He returned to his table, but was quickly interrupted by an unexpected voice.

“Hey, David, could we invade your space for tonight?”

He blinked over from his chair, seeing Lor and two other hybrid women with her, drinks in hand,
and looking socially awkward at Lor's clear decision to come over to him.

“Lose your booth to the crowd?”

“Yep!” Lor cheerfully admitted.

David wasn't going to let his favored table cost Zethra good business, or offend her friends, so he
gestured casually across from himself. “By all means. Might stop her from kicking me out for
sticking to my tiny drink.”

Lor laughed, and the other two eased enough to smile at least.

“David, this is Cherry and Dua, all friends of Zeth.”

David actually reached his hand out naturally, and they each shook it.

“Were you all at that club with her the other night?” he tried to engage some semblance of natural

They shared a quick laugh, Cherry adding, “Oh gosh, she told you about that?”
She was immediately reminding him of one of his soldiers. He had to shake that loose, and smiled
lightly. “She did, yes. Apparently she had a grand time, for the most part. Thanks for taking her
out. She's stubborn.”

Dua grinned. “So you're her friend, too, then?”

“I really hope so!” David decided to answer.

Lor smirked knowingly, but just sipped her screwdriver. Cherry and Dua laughed.

“Did she complain about the dancer?” Dua decided to poke lightly.

David just shrugged a bit. “Maybe.”

Lor chuckled. “Maybe we should steal you away to that club some time, hm?”

David waved his hand. “Passss, but thank you for thinking of me. That is not my scene.”

Cherry giggled. “Aw, did you get all embarrassed when she explained the performance?”

“A bit!”

Lor saw the lack of blush, but he was playing along with Cherry's humor, too. He was relaxed on
the topic. That made her a bit curious. “Take her complaints to heart, then?”

“And my habits!” David chimed simply.

Dua smirked. “Do you make a habit of ogling sexy viper dancers?”

“I make a habit of avoiding that problem!” he rephrased with a light smile.

It let them all laugh again.

And then Zethra appeared. All three hybrids saw the instantaneous pleasure on David's face, and
Zethra's cheerful manner seemed to intensify. She then promptly swatted his shoulder with a small
note in her hand.

“Of course, it was fine, dumbass. And just come by in the morning if you need to hash out details.”

Lor was stunned, Cherry giggling, Dua smiling into her drink.

David blushed vibrantly, and quickly hid the note as she dropped it into his hand. “W-well, good,

Zethra patted his shoulder gently this time. “Hey ladies, anyone need refills?” she finally greeted
the others, still smiling. She also happened to scent the air.

Cherry squeaked. “You're so cute!”

Zethra stopped short, everyone staring between the two. “...Wha--?”

“Your little tongue! It's so adorable when it just peeks out to sniff!”

Zethra blushed this time, scrunching up. David immediately put his arm out and just touched her
back. It surprised her, but also helped her straighten before she could fight it. Lor and Dua shared a
surprised glance.
“Cherry, don't tease,” he kept his tone playful despite the admonishment. “People have been

Cherry slapped her hands to her mouth. “Oh no! Oh, no, Zeth, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything
bad, I swear!”

Zethra glanced down, clearing her throat. “I-it's fine, Cherry. David is just being a little white
knight.” She made a show of pinching his arm behind her, and he yanked it back, glancing off in
feigned innocence. Lor and Dua's look turned into a shared smirk.

“It's just so cute, I liked seeing it. I'm sorry for reminding of bad stuff.”

Still blushing, Zethra waved it down lightly, and then eased around David, whispering near one
ear, “That was sweet, but please not at work.”

David dropped his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he nodded. That was probably going to cost

Zethra saw it, and made sure he saw her little half-smile so he knew the damage wasn't severe.

Once she had slithered around to other tables, the three hybrids were smiling at him entirely too
sweetly. David cleared his throat thickly. “I uh... didn't catch myself properly... on that...”

Cherry leaned a little. “So this is what Lor was talking about?”

Dua nodded rapidly.

Lor gave Cherry finger-guns.

David facepalmed. “What did I just confirm?”

“That Zeth totally flirts at work.”

He let his head hit the table, and the three women laughed.

The remainder of the evening went pleasantly. Lor, Cherry, and Dua actually wound up heading
out before David would have, and the bar had quieted down a little more. There were a pair of loud
groups still present, but he could see they were tipping well, so he assumed Zethra didn't mind it.

When it was his usual time to leave, he took his glass up to the counter, a little further down from
Vark this time. Zethra gave him a little smile, and as he returned it, he was glad to see her flicking
her tongue out regularly still.

“I'm really sorry about earlier,” he felt he had to say it clearly.

She blinked at him, then laughed a bit. “Just not at work, okay? I saw what you were doing, it was

He tipped his head. “Just should've occurred to me, yeah. I'm really glad I didn't hurt you.”

She waved it down. “It's fine. See you in the morning?” she checked simply, since he clearly
wanted to talk again.

He nodded. “Yes, thank you for that, too. Take care, alright?”
“As long as you do, too.”

He smiled for her way of phrasing it, and he nodded, waving a little as he headed out.

Once he was out of sight, Vark glanced over. “...You two are cozy.”

Zethra froze up, awkwardly looking at the muton. “Y-yeah... I suppose.”

“He's old resistance, isn't he?”

Vark thankfully kept his voice low, but it was grim, too.

Zethra remained serious, and slid a little closer to speak directly to him. “Does that mean

“You're okay with it?”

“...I am.”

He glanced to the picture, then back to her face meaningfully.

“I said what I said,” Zethra affirmed, keeping her manner neutral.

Vark grew intrigued, his head angling as he squinted at her. “It really doesn't bother you?”

“He's never hidden his past from me. I believe his present.”

Vark tossed his head in a kind of shrug, and put his money down. “Hope he's worth it.”

Zethra had never felt so confused as he trundled out.

David was so glad Zethra thought to call him and confirm when to come over in the morning. It
hadn't occurred to him how different their schedules were despite that one day shared. He was able
to just knock on the door, and she unlocked it to let him in.

“So, just want to confirm things about the previous 'see each other less' agreement, or something
else?” Zethra started right off, her manner casual as she slithered around to the same booth they'd
used last time.

David closed the door, and came over to join her. “Couple things, I suppose.”

She saw how shy he was, and half-smiled a little. “Relax, David. We can talk out whatever it is.”

He tipped his head to her as he fully settled into his side of the booth.

“I was actually glad you wanted to talk again. I wanted to ask you something.”

David blinked at her. “Of course?”

She leaned onto the table, peering at him keenly. “Do you need me in your life to be happy?”

His head angled slightly. He controlled an irrational panic response to the question, and took a
moment to get his mind flowing again. “...I want to be part of your life, if at all possible, but I can
fully accept it if that's not good for you.”

Zethra raised a hand. “I'm sorry, I gave you the wrong idea. I'm not building up to a polite 'leave
me alone.' I'm worried about you, but I think you're okay. If you think you need me to have any
chance of a happy life, that's not healthy for either of us.”

He did ease significantly, and nodded to her. “I see. I... I have good friends. I'm learning to properly
reconnect with them. I... I have a life outside of our relationship that I can find happiness in, if that's
the road ahead, yes.”

Zethra melted with relief. “That's what I believed, but I'm so glad to hear it.”

David smiled gently. “You're very kind.”

“So are you,” she returned gently, meeting his eyes again.

He itched at his beard mildly. “I-I'm very sorry about touching you without permission last night.”

Zethra rolled her eyes. “David! We discussed it already. Do you accept that I just don't want that
shown off during work, around customers?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then it's done, and I'm fine. I saw what you were doing, and if it'd just been us friends, I would've
been okay with it. It was...” she blushed again, “it was very sweet, because you were right. I was
really uncomfortable with Cherry's comment, and you helped me deal with that. Please... relax
about the issue?”

David gave a wan smile, part of him relieved she knew why he'd done it so fully, and the rest
simply shy of annoying her with the subject.

“So... you're wondering how often is okay to come by the bar?”

He nodded. “That's part of it. I... felt like I could go back to my old routine, but... that felt

“I appreciate you thinking to check, but I agree. It's nice seeing you around,” she offered with a
little smile again, and happened to scent the air while she did.

David eased further. “Thank you, it'll be very nice to hang around again.”

She tipped her head. “And are you still interested in the job? I know you needed some time to settle

“I am! Honestly. I have plenty of time for hobby stuff before and after your hours. It'll be a good
thing for me, regardless of... us.”

Zethra smiled again. “I figured you might like it. Keeps you engaged with non-humans, right?”

He huffed a little laugh, nodding. “Right.”

She fidgeted with her claws. “So... um... did you need to touch on anything else?”

He took a breath. “Yes, actually, but I want to make sure you're good so far? Did you need to talk
about anything?”

Zethra's smile returned, a little shy. “I think I do, but... it should wait for yours.”

David swallowed. He'd rather been hoping for some extra time. “Okay. I... uh...” A blush was
rising over his face, and he couldn't get his mind to work. It felt like reality had to be different than
he thought he saw it. She couldn't possibly want this, too... but...

Zethra grew concerned, and reached out, just touching his arm. “Hey... it's okay.”

He adored her touch, and his eyes found hers. He smiled in that reverent, powerful gentleness. “...I
want to ask you out on a real date,” finally fell out of his lips. “Because I want to be with you.”

Her eyes lit, her blush glowed, and her breath caught. She'd half expected it, but it still caught her.
Him actually saying it, with that blazing gentleness in his eyes. She finally smiled softly herself,
and squeezed his arm a little. “I was going to say the same thing,” she explained with a little giggle.

David huffed a relieved, happy laugh. “Thank God, I was so scared...”

She coo'd at him, and slipped around, pulling him into a little hug. He was careful not to touch her
tail, but wrapped his arms around her in return.

Privately worried she'd push things too far herself, she eased the hug to relax away. He let her
instantly, though he clearly longed for her to be close.

Scooting back into her seat, she kept her smile naturally. “So... what did you have in mind?”

“Well, the library idea sounded charming, but also very selfish for me. Movie night I was only
worried might be a little forward, because it's at your home.”

She did huff with a little blush. “Well now, planning to put the moves on me that fast, huh?”

He nearly choked, his head turning red, and she smirked up at him despite her own blush.

“So guilty...”

He coughed into his fist. “I-idea was in my head, so I was trying to keep it under control, ahem,

She leaned onto the table by her elbows. “If you can promise me you'll be a proper gentleman, still,
we can totally do movie night.”

“I would really like to see your favorite movies, I'll be good,” he offered with a little laugh.

She reached over to pat his head. “Good boy.”

He bowed his head to the pat, giving her a playfully grumpy look.

“And next time, we'll do the library.”

He smiled warmly. “You're very sweet.”

She propped her chin on her hands, and 'flicked' her tongue out, letting it flick up and down for far
longer than normal. He burst into giggles.

“So what makes it cute?” she had to ask, even though she'd done it on purpose.

David shrugged helplessly. “It's just... giant, powerful woman, itty-bitty pink tongue flicking
around.” He stuck finger forward from his mouth, “'Hi!'”

Zethra snort-hissed at his impression. “Oh my God, never do that again!”

He collapsed into laughing. “Y-yes, ma'am!”

She cleared her throat out of laughter as well, managing a fresh wave of shyness. “So is it... just
cute, or do you... um... like it, too?” her blush was growing.

He looked up, and she found his eyes. That hint of mischief was twinkling there, but it was joined
by that gentle power. “I like it, too.”

Zethra genuinely froze up from the thrill that writhed up her body from that look, and the soft, but
somehow seductive tilt of his voice. She could feel her hood burning. She coughed a bit, and
bowed her head, looking around. “O-oh! G-good. I... am glad... I was... just a little worried, that...

He offered his hand across the table. She paused, becoming gentle, almost meek, and put her hand
in his. He caressed his thumb over her fingers. “Don't worry. I am intoxicated by you. I'll restrain
that as much as you need me to, and I'll always want what you offer.”

She swallowed softly. “If... if I admit that was... unexpectedly hot, would you please not tease me
about it?”

David smiled gently. “Tease you about what?”

She blinked, and then relaxed into a fond smile. “...You need to warn me when you're going to turn
on that smolder, David.”

It finally got him. He coughed into a blush to the side. “Y-you seemed amenable to a little bit of
forwardness, so I... was... a little more lax, than usual.”

Zethra smiled, both victorious and fond. “So... we should decide on when movie night is

David nodded, swallowing. “Yes, yes, we should! I somewhat assumed you'd prefer an evening on
a day off?”

“I would, yes. Easier to relax.”

“This coming Saturday?”

She grinned, turning mischievous. “Desperate, huh?”

“Utterly,” he didn't even try to deny it.

She giggled, admittedly charmed he had no embarrassment about being head over heels for her.
“Ahem, well. I think that settles all the business we can settle right now. See you tonight for your
usual?” she offered with a casual little wave out to the bar.

David tipped his head, and eased up to his feet. “Tonight for the usual!” He paused. “Oh, uh... are
we... um... am I your boyfriend now?”

Zethra looked at him with a mischievous smile. She slid up to standing, and eased a little closer to
him. She maintained her almost predatory pleasure long enough for him to ease back step by step.
She just kept easing forward, until he bumped into the door, his blush staying over his entire head.
His hands reached back to the door, and he realized he was breathless just from how close she was.

Clearly savoring this moment, Zethra reached in, and actually took his hands, lifting them up over
his head. She gently pinned them to the door over his head, and she leaned her lips just near his
ear. She specifically let her tongue flick out and just barely tap his ear, letting herself enjoy his
little, shocked gasp.

And then she whispered, “Yes, I'm your girlfriend.”

And then she let go, yanked herself back, and gave a big innocent smile and a happy wave of her
hand. “See you later!”

David was left, jaw hanging, arms still up, head red, staring at her in a nearly drunken stupor. “...S-
smolder, huh?”

To which he got the biggest, fanged grin he'd ever seen. “Just evening the score!”

David finally peeled himself off the door, held a hand to his pounding heart, and gulped some air.
“I, uh... shower, yeah... cold shower...”

She burst into giggles, and he grinned at her as he eased out of the door.

“Stay safe, okay?” he started warmly, though still vibrantly blushing.

Warm and sincere, she nodded, “As long as you do, too.”

He was really starting to love that response.

That evening, Lor distinctly noticed that Zethra took plentiful chances to 'check on' David,
including little touches of his shoulder or arm, and the most ridiculously charming smile between
little tongue flicks. She was smirking to herself all the while, until Zethra finally came over to
check on her as well.


Lor lifted the empty glass. “Please! I mean, when you're done flirting with your boyfriend.”

Zethra froze up, her scales clenching and her hood and face turning pink.

Lor grinned fiendishly. “Soooo... you two official finally?”

Zethra urgently made a cutting motion across her neck, staring sharply. Lor did stop talking, but her
impish smile did not waver.

Zethra finally huffed a bit, and said, “Yes!” through her fangs with a rasping hiss. “I wanted to
spread that word myself, so don't you dare!”

Lor giggled. “You got it, you got it. Damn, hon, you are glowing.”

Zethra paused faintly, gentler embarrassment taking over. “I... I am?”

Lor's smile warmed with genuine happiness. “You are. It's adorable.”

That kept Zethra smiling gently as she hurried off to get the new drink. Lor just rested her chin on
her palm, happy for her friend. She glanced across idly, and spotted David glancing her way after
his gaze followed Zethra. Lor opted to give a thumbs-up across the room, and she was rewarded by
David turning red and snapping forward, curling over his drink.
She cackled. Oh this was going to be priceless.
Unexpected Favor

Zethra finally realized that she hadn't seen Vark in a few days. His schedule was a little more
random than David's or Lor's, but it had been long enough that she noticed. Especially considering
their last conversation, she grew uncomfortable. Was her dating a human really so disgusting she'd
lose a regular customer? She... didn't think Vark was like that. Stubborn, not really fond of humans,
but not so racist he'd turn on someone he was usually civil to.

She was troubled enough that David checked on her when she came by his table, and she wasn't
even sure what to say about it. She finally summarized with, “I... think one of my regulars dropped
me because I'm dating a human.”

It troubled David instantly as well, and he gave her a comforting squeeze of her arm. “Do you want
to talk it through after work?”

“...Maybe? I should probably just try to let it go. I-I mean, thank you for the offer, but I... it's too
busy tonight, I need to keep moving.”

David just accepted it, not wanting to add to her stresses. He just kept an eye on her, and wished he
was already working for her so just hopping up and helping wouldn't be awkward.

When the phone for the bar rang, Zethra didn't think much of it. She slid to it, and answered like


She froze, too confused to process much for a moment. “...Vark?”

“Yeah, yeah, it's me. I... need... No, ugh, look, this is my phone call.”

She couldn't stop the bewildered shock exploding across her face. She twisted from looking across
her bar, and huddled near the phone. “You're in jail!?” she rasped as quietly as she could manage
on a busy night.

“Y-yes. Look, I... I don't have anyone else to call...”

“Vark! You're supposed to use this to call a lawyer!”

“I don't know which ones will work with mutons! And I only get one call! Please, I know this is
ridiculous, but I need help.”

Zethra grabbed at her skull with one hand, eyes clenched shut, her tongue flicking violently as she
tried to think. “Dammit, Vark... what did you do?”

“I just got too drunk, and passed out in one of the parks, but they're talking some kind of crazy
assault charge! No one believes me...”

Zethra wanted to scream, punch something, shoot something, poison something, bite something!
“V-Vark, I have no idea how to help you! You're just a customer!” she rasped violently, her whole
frame shaking. “They have to give you a lawyer if you ask for it! Just say nothing else, and demand
a lawyer!”

“They're gonna hold me here for days before that!”

“They c--” she cut herself off with a pained groan.

They could. They could for Mutons. Everyone was scared of them, and everyone would believe he
got drunk and punched someone too hard.

“Fuck!” she finally snapped, more hissing than whispering. “Which jail are you in!?” She snatched
up her notepad, and scribbled rapidly as he listed it off. “Vark, I'm just a damn bartender. I can't
promise anything, but I'll try, okay? That's literally all I can do!”

She heard a soft sigh of relief. “Yeah... yeah, Zethra, that's all. Thank you. I... I really mean it.”

She eased, rubbing along her skull. “J... just keep your mouth shut, okay? I mean it, say nothing.”

Vark grunted something alien. She recognized it sharply. A Muton affirming a commander's
orders. It was literally the most respectful response he could offer.

“...Stay safe, Vark. I... I hope this works out.”

“...Thanks, you too, Zeth.” He hung up on his end.

Zethra groaned as she hung up. She felt dizzy, and planted her hands on the shelves at the back of
the bar to steady herself.


She glanced over her shoulder to see David, deeply worried, but staying on the other side of the
bar. It was clear a few other customers had seen her freaking out on the phone, watching in muted
concern. She blushed.

Focusing, she cleared her throat, and waved David to the end of the bar. She slithered over as he
shot across to that corner, and she leaned to whisper to him quickly.

“Vark used me as his phone call from jail. He has no idea what lawyer will take him, and the cops
are trying to hold him for days before supplying one. I... have no idea how to help...”

David glanced off. “I don't have anything direct, but I have a friend who might.”

Zethra blinked. “...What?”

“Let me make a phone call.”

Normally, Zethra would've at least waited until after closing, but with Vark's situation, she didn't
feel right delaying that much. David got his friend on the phone, made a small introduction, and
offered it to Zethra so she could explain. David took over bartending for a few minutes to let her
focus. That 'awkward' couldn't compare to the stress-panic she was in over Vark.


“Hello, Zethra. I'm Jane Kelly. The C... David explained what's going on, and what I can do is
limited, but I might be able to help.”

Zethra blinked. That name sounded very familiar... “O-of course, thank you. What do you need?”

“If I'm going to pull some favors, I need to ask you bluntly. Is Vark the kind of muton that would
get so drunk he'd hurt someone by accident?”
“In my experience, no, ma'am. Grumpy, yes, but I've never seen him out of control, even with
plenty in his system. Sleepy, yes, not violent.”

“Alright. I owe... David a lot, so I'll stick my neck out a bit here. I can't promise much, but give me
until morning?”

“I can't ask for better. Thank you, ma'am.”

“Zethra, just call me Jane. You don't work for me.”

She blushed a bit, but huffed a weak laugh. “F-fair enough, Jane. I really appreciate this, especially
with zero notice.”

“...It's good to be able to help him out for once, don't thank me too much. I've gotta get to work,
take care.”

“Y-you, too!”

The line disconnected, and Zethra took a breath. She realized she had no idea who... Wait.

Jane Kelly.

The Director of the Reclamation Agency. The woman in charge of the Chimera Squad.

Zethra twisted, shooting to David, slapping his phone into his hands, and shaking him by the collar.
“Jane Kelly!?” she nearly squeaked in whisper. “You pulled the head of the Reclamation Agency
for a favor!?”

He meekly nodded. “She's the only friend I have even remotely connected to the police agencies.”

The scale of his influence wasn't something Zethra really had to process most of the time. 'The
Commander' was still such an esoteric, boogeyman figure in her mind, it was nearly impossible to
tie it to her adorable dork of a boyfriend.

In one phone call, he had one of the most powerful women in the city in action.

Zethra was gaping, realizing she was nearly throttling the poor man, and finally just eased back,
slumping with a weak smile. “...Thank you...”

David smiled back, warm and happy. “I'm sorry it wasn't anything for sure, but Quiet is good
people. She'll do what she can.”


He blinked. “Oh, right... that's how I knew her.”

Zethra rattled her head to accept these revelations, and then gently pulled him out from the bar by
his shoulders. “Thanks for covering for me, go sit. I need to do a round and make sure my
customers aren't going to riot.”

He pouted on her behalf, and obeyed her command.

He really needed to start his job...

Zethra saw two people, one obviously a Muton, appear in front of her door near opening time the
next day. She hadn't heard from anyone yet, and so she wasted no time slithering across her space
to open the door a little early.

Vark was there, meek and apologetic, with a little smile and wave. To his left was an older, human
woman, with long, dark hair, that had started to go silver in a streak. She was attired in fairly high-
class business clothing, too.

“H-hi...” Zethra managed. “Vark, you're okay?”

He nodded. “Director Kelly saved my ass, and wanted to come with me to let you know what

Zethra fully focused on the human, who gave a wan smile. It was clear Jane hadn't slept much.

“Zethra, right?”

Zethra nodded instantly, and waved in as she backed up. “Please, come in. Sit. ...Anything to

“I'm still on duty, myself,” Jane confirmed casually.

Vark eased through after her. “Some water, please. Might drink myself into a nap later. At home.”

Jane just half-smiled, and Zethra chuckled.

“Do you want me to call David over for this... Director?” Zethra managed awkwardly as she got
around to pour a glass of water.

“...He was clear this was a personal matter, and Vark reached out to you.”

Zethra returned, handing a big glass to Vark, who gulped the water down gratefully, nodding to

“So what was the deal?” Zethra asked, since it was apparently okay for her to hear about it.

Vark finally tucked into a chair, Jane pulling herself a seat from the nearest table with him.

“I'm honestly glad I was able to get involved,” Jane started, clasping her hands. “While I don't want
my agency interfering in local police matters, there was a lot of mishandling happening in Vark's
case, and I was able to... update the appropriate authorities. They all agreed on my suggested
course of action.”

Vark nodded rapidly. He was clearly humbled and grateful. Zethra couldn't imagine that having the
human woman in charge of Chimera Squad saving him was easy for his ego, but he wasn't acting
sore over it.

Zethra finally slipped into a chair herself. “So they were just being racist dicks?” she started,
relaxing enough to show dry humor.

Jane nodded. “Pretty much. The 'evidence' they had was just a horrible security cam showing the
shadow of a Muton knocking a human man to the ground. The victim is alright, but there were
minor injuries. Vark had passed out in a park three blocks away from the incident. There was
nothing tying him to it, just over-eager cops. I pointed this out to the commissioner. I'm sure he
wouldn't care off the books, but with a third-party agency aware of the shoddy evidence, he was
obligated to take steps.”
Vark smirked a bit. “The two assholes that arrested me had to apologize.”

Jane grinned finally.

Zethra cackled. “Oh, that's marvelous! So... this is all wrapped up? Vark's okay?”

Vark became shy, and Jane showed gentle humor as she answered, “I've requested he make sure he
doesn't pass out in public spaces, mostly for his own safety, but yes, this is done. I'm agreeing to
keep my side of things quiet, because swift action was taken to correct the 'embarrassing mistake,'”
she confirmed dryly with finger-quotes. Then she gestured to Vark simply, “And he wanted to
thank you in person.”

“S-she agreed to give me a ride. Wasn't familiar with that part of town,” he murmured softly.

Zethra offered a wan smile of relief at both of them. “Well, thank you for letting me know you're
alright. I was... a bit stressed.”

Vark bowed his head. “I know, I'm really sorry, Zeth. I owe you big time. Seriously, anything.”

She waved it down quickly. “Just be polite to my boyfriend if you bump into him, please?”

Jane raised her eyebrows, and Vark smirked.

“The trench-coat human, right?” the muton confirmed.

Zethra blushed, but nodded.

“You got it. Not a cross word from me,” he affirmed, hands lightly opening and waving to the


Vark eased up to his feet. “I'll stop being a pain in your tail now. I can get home from here, no
problem, ladies.” He gestured as if he had a hat to tip, and did an excellent job of gently stepping
along to the door.

Jane offered a casual wave, Zethra matched it, and only once the door had shut again did the two
women look at each other. Zethra grew self-conscious, because it was so clear Jane was analyzing
her in some way. She honestly reminded her of David in his harsher moments.

Jane blinked, and eased back in her chair. “Sorry. I'm... admittedly very curious about a few things,
but I don't mean to be rude, either. It was very kind of you to go to bat for him, Zethra.”

Zethra shrugged, waving it off. “I'll happily avoid any other favors like that. He... kinda ambushed
me in the middle of a busy night. I was... a little mean to him, myself.”

“He clearly didn't take it to heart. He was singing your praises the entire time I was driving him
over here.”

“Not yours?” Zethra had to offer with a little chuckle.

Jane finally glanced off with a mild blush. “Well... let's just say some police officers saw a Muton
groveling at my feet for a few seconds before I could get him to stop.” She sighed a little. “I really
hope Axiom doesn't hear about that one...”

Zethra blinked, but didn't want to stick her snout into the woman's business so severely. “W-well...
I'm glad he was appropriately appreciative of what you did for him. I... didn't realize who you were
until after, ma'am. I would never have presumed...”

Jane waved that down instantly. “He knows what he did, you're fine.”

“...Vark, or David?” Zethra had to check with a little smile starting.


Zethra nodded, laughing a little. “Ahem. Well... I'm... really grateful for the help. Whenever you're
off duty, you absolutely get a round on the house here, any time.”

Jane lifted a finger. “I might take you up on that some time.”

Zethra just smiled.

Jane paused for a moment, considering something. She glanced at the door, then back to Zethra.
“...Zethra... I... should just leave. My business is done. I'm... curious about something. Personally.”

Here it comes. Zethra cleared her throat tensely. “Go ahead.”

“...David is your boyfriend?”

Zethra nodded a little, her tongue flicking a few times out of an old nervous habit that was finally
coming back out from David's support.

Jane relaxed into a little, soft laugh and half-smile. She glanced off, looking through everything,
and seemed... distinctly happy, however subtly it manifested.

“...You're... okay with that?” Zethra felt she needed to ask.

Jane blinked up at her. “...That... wouldn't matter one way or the other.” She showed a sympathetic
pout. “Are you worried about his old comrades' reactions to you?”

“...Very,” Zethra admitted softly.

Jane leaned onto her elbow, giving Zethra a serious, but intent stare. “Zethra... the Commander
wasn't just our leader. Don't get me wrong, that's how we reacted to him, that's how everyone
addressed him, but he was... a symbol, to us. Something stolen from us, possibly a sign of a better,
simpler time, and then something we got back... and he delivered. He wasn't a puffed up legend.
Most of us thought he'd just be a good rallying point while Central and a few others ran the show
for real.” She tilted her head down more, her hair falling past her shoulders. “I had no idea who I
was helping break free that day. But in all the months that followed, we all became believers. And
you want to know the most amazing part?”

Zethra meekly nodded, more than a little overwhelmed by Director Kelly pouring this all out for

“He wasn't just a genius tactician. That's what we needed, but he was more than that. I have never,
not once, seen someone who cared so much about their soldiers. From the greenest rookie grunt, to
his right hand man. He moved mountains to rescue captured troopers. He knew everyone's names.
He never once showed weakness or pain, just focus, sometimes a dark rage, and determination for
all of us.” Jane eased up a little more. “And the only thing I thought I could have faulted him for,
that was totally understandable even so, was his hatred of aliens.”
Zethra's eyes tightened. That... didn't sound like David at all. The care for his soldiers, yes, but
none of the rest. She glanced aside. Perhaps... that dark coldness when he was so focused. He'd...
lived like that?

Jane gestured a little. “I suggested the idea for the Reclamation Agency to him, before he retired.
He specifically removed himself from the decision, and had me discuss it with Central, his XO...
while approving if it Central trusted me with it. I knew why he did it.”

Zethra rubbed her hands together slowly, her tongue flicking faster. “...He was afraid of his own

Jane paused, seeming relieved. “Exactly.” She took a breath, and then refocused. “Zethra, I saw the
hate in his eyes. I saw how he controlled it, stayed on task. At the time, I was right there with him.
But by the end of the fighting, we'd worked with too many defectors to so easily dismiss 'the aliens'
as a block entity. Even after we brought down the Elders, he was burning. I... was privately
relieved that he retired.”

Zethra cleared her throat. “Why are you telling me all this?”

Jane leaned a little further again. “Because the man who called me last night, asking for a favor for
a viper bartender and her muton customer, was not the same man I was worried for. I had no idea
what could have made that change happen. I was so relieved, but so confused.” She tossed a casual
gesture to Zethra. “Now I get it.”

Zethra blinked, then shook her head. “No, no... it wasn't me, ma'am--”

“Please, call me Jane, Zethra.”

“J-Jane... It wasn't me. You... you didn't have a chance to see how hard he was trying. How much
work he was putting into holding himself together, and reaching out to try to fight back that hate.
I... never would've met with him if he still burned like you remember.”

Jane tipped her head, and started to stand up, as if that was the end of the matter.

Zethra eased up as well, clearing her throat.


She focused, attentive.

Jane half-smiled. “There's a big gap between his hard work, and the man I spoke to last night. Don't
sell yourself short.” She eased toward the door. “For what it's worth, thank you for helping my

Zethra's blush returned, and she just meekly waved as the Director smiled and slipped outside.

That evening, business was quiet, but David, Lor, Cherry, and Dua were all there. Though she first
talked with David to both thank him and update him on the Vark situation, Zethra also asked him
to join her at Lor's booth.

David was only shocked when Zethra actually put her arm around him and hugged him to her side.
He blushed, smiling, and Cherry and Dua both lit up, while Lor grinned.

“We're official,” Zethra deadpanned.

Cherry squealed in delight, Dua sincerely congratulated them, and David actually tried to hide a
little in Zethra's side, which only made her coo at him.

They spoke for a few minutes before Zethra had to make sure she checked on her handful of other
customers. Lor actually scooted over and patted her seat for David, who shyly slid in to join the
three women.

“You two are so cute!” Cherry proclaimed, bouncing in her seat.

David was smiling as much as embarrassed, equally happy and shy. “W-well, I can certainly agree
that Zethra is.”

Lor playfully shoulder-bumped him. “So when do we get to drag you both out on the town with

Dua laughed, “That would probably be torture for both of them, you know?”

“And great fun for me!” Lor returned, complete with cartoonish cackle.

David facepalmed, and Cherry leaned across to tap his arm softly. He blinked up at her.

“Can I ask you something?”

It was Lor and Dua's turn to facepalm.

“Sure?” David offered hesitantly, seeing the others' reactions.

“Who initiated!? The official part! Who asked who!”

David's blush brightened. “A-ah, that's... actually a little complicated?”

He didn't think he could have been more relieved to see Zethra, but when she appeared at the table
again that moment, he had to reach out and grab her hand in gratitude.

“Save me,” he said, only partially joking.

The hybrid women laughed happily, though Cherry was still pouting, hoping for her answer.

Zethra actually eased a little closer, and pulled David to her hip as a soft side-hug. Lor saw the soft
gasp it triggered in the man, and he just stared down at the floor.

Yeah, he appreciated her properly. Lor nodded to herself.

Zethra somewhat forced herself to ignore David's reaction to her hug. She'd only meant to offer
affectionate support, and she'd realized too late how much he would react. Still, it would be even
more embarrassing for both of them if she suddenly jerked away, so she just owned it, and started
patting his upper back. “Cherry, are you already picking on my poor boyfriend?”

Cherry squeaked, the others nodded, and she grumped at them. “It was a sincere question!”

“Please, God, tell me you didn't ask him why human men where pants?”

Lor and Dua cried out in shocked laughter, Cherry turning a shade matched to her name, blustering
and giggling in lightning-strike embarrassment. David was caught even through his stupor,
cracking, “What!?”
“Ididn't—Iaskedwho—Nonono!” Cherry flustered, her hands flailing. If the mood weren't so happy
and pleasant, she likely would have been seriously mortified, but she was able to ease into playful
annoyance fairly quickly. “You're all terrible!”

David eased up a little, feeling compelled to defend Cherry's intentions.

Of course, this meant his head effectively brushed up along Zethra's flank, and he stopped short,
seeing her staring down at him, blushing scarlet, clearly restraining her physical reaction to his
movement, and wearing an expression of mingled social horror and playful aggravation. Really?
You did this to me right now?

“S-she just asked which of us asked the other out first,” David scrambled out, his voice pitched

Even Cherry could see the accidentally intimate exchange, and her own vibrant blush returned. She
ducked her head and glanced away, Dua and Lor actually each jealous in their own ways, and just
looked anywhere but the hugging pair.

At last, Zethra was able to hiss-cough out of her thrill, and looked to Cherry with forced ease, and
lingering humor. “He did! After I gave him permission to do it.”

Cherry was caught, and clearly confused emotionally by the logic loop that created in her own
head. Lor and Dua giggled afresh.

“Somehow, that's just the only way I could accept this story going,” Lor chose to comment, sipping
her drink even while giggling still.

And finally, Zethra had recovered enough to ease just out of the hug, and playfully swat-attack
David. “Youknowwhatyoudid!”

The other women howled with laughter as David playfully cowered under his own arms to weather
the storm of attacks.

“Accident, accident! I swear!” he cried and laughed in equal measure.

Lor had some pity for the poor human, and said, “Oh, go easy on him, Zeth. If I had a girlfriend as
hot as you, I'd be nuzzling her stomach aaaaall night.”

“Lor!” David squeaked in only half-playful dismay.

Zethra intensified her swatting attack. “Nonuzzlinginthebar!”

One of her swats got lucky, and actually clipped the back of his head with fairly strong force.
David winced with a quick little 'ow!'

Zethra immediately melted from playful anger to horror, and she coiled down at his side. “Oh
God! Are you okay!? Did my claws get you!?”

Everyone was momentarily, seriously worried, but David's quick wave and smile while nursing the
back of his head confirmed he wasn't actually hurt.

That much allowed the three other women to burst right back into giggles at Zethra's immediate

Zethra completely ignored their nonsense, pouting, reaching up to gently cup where she'd hit him.
“You're sure you're okay?”

David smiled happily for her. “I'm fine, honestly. And I deserved it, anyway.”

“You did not! I was PLAYING!” Zethra returned, able to return somewhat to playful humor in her

Dua finally cut in, “Okay, I don't even find people attractive, and you're actually making me
jealous. You two are far, far too cute.”

Zethra slumped backwards, groaning loudly. “You three never stoooop.”

David chuckled, while Lor and Cherry just grinned along with Dua.
The Best Distraction

The weekend came both surprisingly quickly, and took forever. Work had been busy for Zethra,
David had plenty of books to read, but their date was always waiting. Between a new-usual of
hanging out with Lor, Cherry, and Dua when they came by the bar, and Vark's noticeable
politeness to David (which Zethra had explained during her little update, much to David's
amusement), the new couple was finally hitting the 'purely excited' portion of the early relationship

Once Saturday finally did arrive, Zethra called him briefly to confirm she wanted to discuss
something in addition to their date, and since movie night was literally above the bar, he could just
show up 'early.' He had a rough idea what it would be, but she was being deliberately cryptic, so he
let her have her fun with it. It was obvious she was happy with the movie night plan, so his anxiety
had nothing to lock onto.

He knocked on the Venom's Drip door, and heard her lovely voice call out casually, “It's open!”
from inside.

His old instincts immediately started analyzing security weaknesses for his girlfriend's home and
place of business, triggered by her leaving the door unlocked for him, but he reminded those
instincts they were retired... and she was a veteran combatant with a gun behind the bar.

Slipping inside, instinctively locking the door behind himself, he shared a happy smile with her
before being caught by her appearance.

She was distracted enough with some papers on the counter that she didn't immediately notice his
stare, simply attired in a black T-shirt with a manually stretched neck for her hood to get through,
and khaki-skirt with plentiful pockets.

“...For some reason, that shirt is... distractingly good looking on you.”

She blushed before she could even look up, blinking at him. “What...?”

David showed an apologetic expression, but she could also see the warmth in his cheeks. He wasn't
exaggerating his reaction.

Zethra considered this in confusion for a moment, and then looked down at herself with her arms
up. “This is... this is totally normal clothing!”

“I-I think it's the color? You usually wear bright shades as your shirt. The... um...” David realized
he was effectively staring at her chest, his eyes widened in panic, and he slapped a hand to his face.
“I'm so sorry...”

Zethra was still blushing a little, but a smirk was quickly dominating her mood. “Ooooh. So you
suddenly noticed I have these useless breasts?” Her arms casually flicked gestures at herself while
her tongue flicked.

The absurdity of the moment crystallized, and he burst into laughter, nearly folding away in
continued embarrassment, but too amused not to guffaw.

Zethra grinned naturally. “Seriously, I have no idea why the Elders gave us tits. We can't nurse
children. There's nothing there,” she continued, deliberately keeping it going as he nearly fell over
onto the floor, just airily gesturing at her own torso. “And do you know how much of a pain in the
tail it makes finding shirts? Why are women's tops all different sizes? Is that some kind of torture
tactic the Elders started? So I get guy shirts, most of the time.”

David was waving for her to stop, still hiding his head under his other arm, laughing as he
crouched on the floor. “Mercy! Mercy, please!”

She cackled. “Are you trying to say you weren't staring at my chest?”

He was done. He double-facepalmed, falling on his back, laughing and groaning in social pain in
equal parts.

“Because, don't worry. Human men LOVE telling me about them! I absolutely understand your
need to STARE!”

“Accident! Swear!” he managed, still holding his hands to his face.

Zethra relaxed into giggles. “Get up here, you dork. I was TRYING to be casual today, but I'm
flattered you like the get-up. Come on. Up, up.”

David coughed to help calm his laughter, though periodic giggles still shook his frame as he
clambered up to face her across the counter. “S-So... now that I've completely ruined any chance I
had of appearing charming and aloof, what did you want to discuss?”

Zethra's smile warmed to pleasure rather than humor, and she simply slid one page forward.
“You're hired. Sign here.”

David was only mildly surprised. This conversation was coming soon either way. He slid the paper
closer to himself, glancing it over. “It occurs to me that us starting to date before you hired me is...
legally dubious.”

Zethra nodded. “Yeah, I'm kiiinda relying on you not suing me for sexual harassment,” she dryly
confirmed, squinting at him sidelong. “Mr. Chest-stare.”

He let his head hit the counter with a thud. “You got it, boss,” he managed, muffled, a moment

“And, just to be official, I can't pay much above minimum wage, but the tips are usually pretty
good here.”

“I also don't want to steal away your money flow, I know it's mostly tips. I'm fine just relaying
them to you.”

“Ah, ah, no.”

“...At least a split pot?”

She spread her hands on the counter, settling in to a mildly playful, hard stare. He held it with calm
focus, just the hint of a smile on his lips, too. Her eyes slowly squinted more and more, nearly shut
before she suddenly reanimated with a, “Okay, fine, yeah, I need the money.”

They shared a small laugh, and he signed the paper. “Starting Monday?”

“Yep!” She clasped her hands. “This is great, I can finally take sick days without shutting down!”
She gave him a wicked grin.

David laughed. “I'd actually be happy to help you take more time off, yes.”
Zethra flopped onto the counter off to his side. “David, you're killing my joke...”

David started to speak, then stopped, and just lifted a finger. “...I was trying to crack something
witty about 'killing,' but... uh.... no.”

Zethra winced on his behalf as she straightened up again. “Oof, yeah, uh... let's avoid that line of
thought, huh?”

He gave a thumbs up, clearing his throat.

Zethra let the topic die smoothly, just sliding out from behind the bar. He started to turn to her with
a pleasant little smile, and she returned it before she came right up and pulled him into her arms.
He gave a little gasp, his hands pressing to her back gratefully.

“Oh, thank you,” he breathed out softly.

She gave a gentle laugh. “It's just a hug, David.”

“Your arms around me are so perfect...”

He clearly meant it. A blush grew on her snout, but she was glad she could give him something.
She held the embrace for a little longer than she'd originally meant, and finally eased back. “So...
movie night?”

David eased back a step with the end of the hug, and smiled, nodding. “I've been more excited for
it than I'd normally admit.”

She giggled, and waved for him to follow as she shifted past him.

Once up in her loft, she gestured for him to get comfortable, and she coiled down near her
collection to consider. “I had a general idea of what to start with, but we have a lot of options.”

“Whatever your personal favorites are. I want to enjoy them with you.”

She had to give him an adoring smile for that, and then chose a film quickly. She got it started, and
coiled onto the couch.

They'd both defaulted to opposite corners from several layers of habits and fresh anxiety about
what the new boundaries were. Neither trusted themselves to initiate yet, so they fully focused on
the movie to start.

Once it was clear David was sincerely invested in the movie, Zethra relaxed more. She'd been
worried it would bore him. So, she actually spread out a little more, her recoiled tail shifting across
the couch, nearer to David in part, and her arm and head rested against the back corner.

David immediately noticed, but didn't want to startle her with touch during her movie. When a
transition scene started up, he cleared his throat gently. “Would... would you like to lay part of
your tail across my legs?”

Zethra blinked over at him, both of them starting to blush a little. After a moment, Zethra did unfurl
the last bit of her tail, and let it drape gently across his thighs. David eased his hands out, near her
tail, but not touching.

“Would this be okay?” he checked.

Her blush brightened, but she nodded. It was a shy, small gesture.
David carefully rested his hands on her scales. They were so smooth and cool, yet warmth poured
up from beneath them instantly. Despite his own pleasure, he saw the very tip of her tail twitch and
curl in time with her breath hitching very faintly, and he grew worried he was pushing too far.
However, the movie started to pick back up, and they both refocused.

A little later, Zethra caught her breath again, glancing aside. David, sincerely immersed in the
movie, was gently caressing her tail under his hands without thinking about it. He'd kept them
carefully still at first, but as he'd relaxed, his hands tenderly shifted across her scales in his lap.

She was only so embarrassed because of how intensely her body responded. If she wasn't so
distracted by tingling lightning through her whole frame, it would be a soothing, sweet touch.
Glancing off, she also couldn't completely push aside how much she wanted to be touched and to
touch him. He was being the gentleman she'd requested, and she believed his sincere desire to learn
her favorite movies. Even more, she was worried she would push too far too fast, for both of them,
if she let herself go.

Was it as hard for him as it was for her? She teased him, but her anxiety feared he simply wasn't as
desirous of her as she was of him. That didn't really ring true, especially with his... wonderful
reactions to her touch at times, but...

Zethra closed her eyes, took a breath, and reached down to pause the movie.

David blinked over at her, and then stared down at his hands. “...I... wasn't thinking,” he started in
pained realization.

Zethra, however, poured over herself to draw closer to him, drawing his stunned attention instantly.
She looped one coil of herself over him to the armrest so she wouldn't crush his legs with her full
weight, and put herself in front of him. David was desperately controlling his reaction, his eyes
locked up on hers, seeing a seriousness and intensity in her gaze he wasn't sure he understood the
meaning behind.

“You've never tried to kiss me,” Zethra spoke softly, her breath subtly warming his face. “Is that
just restraint, or do you not want it?”

David widened his eyes, starting to shake his head instantly. “Z-Zethra, I... It's what I said before,”
he calmed a bit with a wan smile. “I want so much, I'll accept anything you offer. I'm so scared of
hurting or offending you if I make a bad decision, or push the wrong way, or...”

“Please be a little pushy,” she whispered back, letting the longing in her eyes finally crack through.
“I'm scared, too, but I want something. I'm practically shaking just from you petting my tail. I'm
scared that I'm not enough for you.”

Astonished disbelief exploded across David's face as much as a new blush.

“J-Just a little,” she rasped again, shaking her head subtly. “I-I don't want to go too far for either of
us, but I--!?”

She was silenced by David lunging up to kiss her, his hands sending their fingers traveling along
her jaw and into her hood, his whole frame lifting him into her.

Zethra's eyes flared at first just from surprise, then from the heart-hammering rush of his touch.
His lips were somehow both desperate and gentle, clinging to the front of her snout, the slit for her
tongue to scent. It let her feel how powerfully his back was sending him against her, even the
tremble in his muscles as the awkward position of his body couldn't restrain what her permission
had granted.

But those fingers. She was breathless, growing dizzy from the surging thunderstorm the trails of
his fingertips ignited along her scales. Her hood was thrumming. Not even conscious of it, her
tongue was trying to slip out and scent him, creating a feathery tingle at his lips.

Once the potent shock had a chance to pass, the pleasure fully enveloped her senses, and she let her
eyes fall shut as she moaned in appreciation, her arms rushing and splitting, one gently raking her
talons down his back, the other clawing up through his hair to keep him pulled into that kiss.

The shivering moan it pulled out of him only made her feel better. The moment his lips parted from
his own shock of pleasure, her tongue flitted across the gap, tickling inside his teeth and feeling the
heat of his breath.

She felt his jaw shiver, his teeth starting to close around her tongue, then realizing they shouldn't.
His fingertips instinctively dug into the crease between her skull and the start of her hood, which
triggered a rush of tingling she never expected. She gasped fully, her jaw falling open.

Running on instinct more than any thought of how to respond, David felt her lower lip fall away,
and his tongue slipped out to just lap under what remained.

With enough of the kiss' connection broken, Zethra turned her head aside to pant, and David
gasped, sinking his head near her shoulder. Their arms were still entangled into each other, but they
were breathless, trembling, and mutually burning in their skin.

Zethra blinked her eyes a few times. She realized she was so violently aroused it actually hurt. Her
most intimate parts were so active they ached, and her body was very clear to her that it was ready
for significantly more than just a kiss.

Which also meant her clothing was intensely uncomfortable, and she was mentally teetering on the
precipice of letting herself go way too far.

David was in a haze between his hammering heart, and his own body being so ready to go further it
also ached... not to mention the sheer speed of how it hit now made his pants hurt.

“O-okay, so...” Zethra got out between gasps for air. “T-that was... amazing... but I... I need us to

She was gently confused, then worried, as David grunted a warped, “Yes,” and pulled himself back
from her.

He was flushed, but he was staring through her, and his arms had retreated to hold back as if he
was avoiding looking like a threat.

Zethra realized what was wrong. He was literally dazed. His system had gone into fully automated
instinct, and he wasn't actually 'awake' yet.

Which meant that her asking to stop had cut through even that, and he'd just done a hard override to
yank himself away to obey her.

“Hey,” she called gently, a hand shifting to just stroke his cheek. “It's okay. It's okay...”

His head angled to her touch, his eyes drowsy, but he started to more fully focus quickly, too. “S-
sorry, I... I needed to be sure I stopped.”
Zethra smiled for him, finding his eyes. “And I appreciate that so much, David. Thank you. ...And
thank you for that... genuinely amazing kiss.”

He smiled back, almost sleepy. “I-I think you were all of the amazing in that kiss. I've... never felt

She gripped his shoulders. “It was not just me. Don't even try it, mister.”

They shared a wan laugh.

Taking a moment to breathe again, Zethra didn't retreat from him. That felt too dismissive of what
they'd just shared. “So... I am... so hot for you right now, I can't process a movie at all, and I...
sincerely don't want to go further right now. It... it scares me. So I... um... H-how about we move to
the cafe? To wrap up our date?”

David tipped his head. “Whatever's comfortable for you, Zethra. Just to say it, though, if you
specifically don't want anything else to happen tonight, I won't let it. We can try to relax a little,
clear our heads, and continue the movie?”

Zethra had to smile fondly at him. “...That's my gentleman.” Then she showed guilt. “I... I honestly
might initiate, David. I can't trust myself right now. That was... everything my body wanted.”

David reached up, his turn to softly touch her cheek. “Zethra, you told me you don't want more to
happen. I will stop you, or I'll leave so we can talk again after cooling off, if I can't stop you.”

“...Even if I beg?” she rasped, both ashamed and serious.

He leaned up, carefully tipping her head down with his hands, and kissed the top of her snout. It
was tender, gentle, a caring affection rather than intense passion. “I need you to think well of
yourself in the morning. For tonight, even if you beg.”

She gripped his wrists, savoring his gentle kindness. Her body was already able to start easing a
little, as well. Now the discomfort was becoming more obvious than the desire, which was
cascading her system back to normal at a pace. “...Is it okay to be so unfair to you, tonight?” she

“It's completely fair. You spoke, you communicated, and I want you to enjoy your evening with

She broke into that fond smile again, finding his mirroring it with her eyes.

“...You're so sweet, David... And... thank you for the kiss. It... shut up a lot of anxiety.”

“Entirely welcome. I'm sorry I set that anxiety off. I should have communicated better.”

She shook her head gently. She eased up a little, and touched her lips to his forehead. She couldn't
'kiss' in the human sense, her lips weren't quite that flexible, but all of the emotion and gentleness
was there. “You did nothing wrong.”

Taking a steadying breath, she eased her coils away and off of his legs, slowly sliding back to her
previous spot on the couch.

“Patting your tail too much tonight?” he checked, his hands simply folded together at his stomach,
away from her tail-end still on his legs.
Zethra tilted her head. “...Try it for a moment?”

He softly caressed her scales, watching her attentively.

Probably because of the actual exertion of their kiss, her body was much calmer now, and she
could feel the soothing, much gentler tingle of his touch. She smiled. “That's fine, tonight.”

He smiled back warmly. “Unpause?”

She giggled a little, nodded, and turned the movie back on.

After two movies, with a dinner break between of simple sandwiches, it was getting a bit late.
While there was still a mild tension in the air thanks to how enjoyable the kiss had been, it was
clear they were both able to relax, and they shared simple, gentle touches while talking during the
dinner break. It was the best kind of comfortable.

Following a big yawn, Zethra eased upright. “I would offer my couch again, but... I'm honestly
either going to coil you up and drag you to my bed, or we're saying good night here.”

They were both blushing with her admission, but shared a little laugh immediately after.

“Thank you for a lovely evening, Zethra,” David added with that soft, reverent version of his smile
that caught her so keenly.

“And thank you, David,” she returned in kind. “...Thanks for taking one for the team tonight, too,”
she added, bashful, but sincere.

He chuckled. “Like I said, I need you to think well of yourself, too.” He was over to the door.

“Oh! I did forget something, one second!” Zethra blurted out, rushing to her bedroom with a full-
body lean for speed.

David was startled for a beat, then just waited. When she came back, she offered a key on a simple
chain. “To the bar, because you're hired.”

He laughed a little, taking it. “That's right! You're my boss!”

Seeing him ease toward the door again, Zethra turned playful, and leaned across the gap, letting
her tongue flick near his ear. “With benefits.”

He froze with the thrill that shot through his body, and she giggled as she straightened back from

David cleared his throat, and then made a show of opening her loft door dramatically. “Cold
shower before bed it is then!”

He grinned, she laughed with him, and they shared a little wave.

“Stay safe, okay? I love you,” David started gently.

Zethra showed a content smile back. “Love you, too. ...I will. Promise.”

They shared a little nod, and he finally shut the door. She could hear him go down the steps before
he finally became distant enough to leave her senses.
Zethra promptly collapsed into her couch, and planted her hands on her face. “I nearly begged!”

David had dated precisely once before Zethra. In Highschool, with a friend he abruptly realized
was very pretty. They were such friends, the one date was pleasant, but they both realized it was
uncomfortable to try for romance. That was it.

After actually sharing a kiss with Zethra, it was clear his body and mind had realized he was in a
relationship, finally, as his dreams were filled with her magnificent form and behavior she
absolutely would not have been ready for.

Every time he woke up, he felt a bit ashamed of himself, but couldn't deny how pleasurable the
dreams were either. It all combined to make him very glad he had a day to calm down before going
in to work for her on Monday.

He'd been so distracted after their kiss, he was grateful for the movies to try to hold his attention.
He did not notice her struggles for his own, however, and felt as though he was a crass creature,
undeserving of the incredible gift she'd given him with that affection. The little, more comfortable
touches during dinner were wonderful, but every. Single. One had flared his desire for her so
potently he nearly forgot to eat.

The phone ringing cut through his haze of overtired distraction as he nursed a now-cold cup of
coffee. It was only late morning. Checking his phone first, he was mildly surprised, but not

It was Wolf's number.

“Hello?” he answered simply.

“'Ello there, mate—You want me to call ya that now, right?” Wolf greeted, and David realized he'd
literally never heard the man be socially awkward before that question.

David chuckled lightly. “Yes, that's fine, Wolf. Uh... should I stop using your callsigns?”

“Fuck that, we've been known by those names more than our born ones, anyway!” Wolf returned

“Yeah, Commander, it's fine,” Raven's voice joined simply, clearly somewhat amused by Wolf's

“Fair enough. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” David prompted simply. A habitual sip
reminded him his coffee was cold, and he put it down with a cringe.

There was a strange pause, and Raven took over, sounding amused. David immediately realized
she was covering for Wolf's awkwardness.

“We would like to come visit you, but we know ambushing you with it would be trouble. Is there a
good window for it?”

David blinked a few times, his mind processing that idea as rapidly as it could manage. Two things
blasted all other concerns aside. He very much wanted to meet with them... and he had to figure out
what to do about Wolf and Zethra being in the same city.

“...Did we lose ya?” Wolf prompted.

David reanimated. “Sorry! No! Thinking.” After a second more, he properly replied, “I would love
to, but I need to figure out something... complicated. I've got you two on the phone right now, so I'll
start here. Ah... Would... would you two be interested in meeting Zethra...?”

“...Do you want us to?” Raven led the response seriously.

“...I do... actually, but obviously, I haven't had a chance to check with her, either. I need to make
sure everyone is on the same page before... bad things happen.”

“We don't have to visit, if it's going to force that,” Wolf offered, his voice unusually measured and

“No! No, no,” David returned instantly, rubbing his forehead. “I-I wouldn't hide it from Zethra, but
we could meet separately. I just... needed to ask...”

There was another pause, everyone thinking intently.

Raven's voice finally returned, “So... we'll come visit for sure, but we still need to confirm if a...
meeting is happening. I only have one concern, sir.”

“Yes?” he returned simply. They were both using their old military discipline to just keep the
conversation going.

“If she shows any signs of rage toward Wolf, I'm expecting you to keep his safety in mind.”

“I don't want to endanger anyone for any reason, Raven. I can promise that. If... I've somehow
dangerously misunderstood where Zethra is on the topic, I'll reach you two again, and we can
change plans.”

Wolf sighed audibly this time. “Commander, mate,” he fused the two, doing his best, “do you
really want ta inflict me on the poor woman?”

David took a breath. “...I believe this could give her a kind of closure that's so rarely possible, but I
may be mistaken. I have to talk to her, too, like I said. If you're simply uncomfortable with the idea,
yourself, Wolf, I'll let it go. There won't be a meeting with her.”

“...If she wants it, I'll meet her,” Wolf returned seriously, “but I'm trustin' you not to force
something on her, mate.”

“Agreed and understood, Wolf. Raven...?”

“Agreed,” she affirmed.

“Alright. How much time do I have to touch base with her before you guys need to settle plans?”

“Couple of days?” Raven offered simply.

“That should work fine. Anything else you wanted to touch on?”

“Nah, that was it, mate. Stay sharp, ey?”

Raven chuckled for her part.

David smiled, “Stay sharp, you two. I'll get back soon.”
Zethra was actually woken up by David's call to ask if they could talk face to face. She'd had a
flare of panic, worried she'd made him so uncomfortable the previous night he wanted to call things
off. He nearly panicked in response, assuring her nothing could've been further from the truth.
Relieved, and VERY awake by that point, she agreed, and would have the bar door unlocked for
him soon.

She was waiting in that same booth near the door they'd used a few times now. He arrived
promptly, which she now realized was just his way of living, and they shared a soft smile as he
closed the door and moved to join her.

“You know you scared me to death, right?” Zethra 'greeted' dryly.

He was sincerely contrite. “I am really sorry about that. Didn't even occur to me.” He offered what
he hoped was a charming smile, “The idea of calling things off with you is utterly foreign to me,

She kept the dry humor, but also leaned onto one elbow and propped her jaw on her palm, flicking
her tongue at him for a few seconds. She knew he liked seeing it, and he did blush gently with a
soft laugh.

“...Also I was dreaming about you all night,” he added, glancing off self-consciously.

A mixture of bashfulness and enjoyment had her glance down to the side with a smile. “Good or
bad?” she was compelled to confirm.

“...Too good,” he added, still looking, his blush worsening.

For some reason, her embarrassment couldn't overpower how flattering that was. She gently
cleared her throat as she watched him controlling himself. “I... um... basically had the same night.”

It was clear it flattered him in turn, a careful happiness showing across his features as he found her
eyes again.

Zethra took a breath, lightly resting her hands on the table. “So! What's on your mind?”

David tipped his head, focusing into a sobered manner. “Yes. I... This will be awkward no matter
how I approach it, and it is going to be... a difficult topic for you. Is that... something you're braced
enough for this morning?”

Her head pulled back in confusion. “Difficult for me...?”

He answered, “It relates to Avess' death.”

Their eyes held locked gazes. He was apologetic, but also focused, and she was wary, but didn't
want to dismiss the whole situation despite the jarring reminder.

“...Yeah, I can handle it,” she explained softly.

David tipped his head to her again, very much a show of respect for her effort. “The source is two
of my friends who want to actually visit me here in City 31. They are good friends of mine, I care
for them, but... one of them is the soldier who cut Avess down.”

Zethra's claws clenched enough to etch into the wood, her eyes staring hard. David swallowed, but
held her gaze. As always, he was accepting of the consequences...
“...What... exactly are you asking?” Zethra managed tensely, keeping her emotions in check, which
even in that moment she could realize was a monumental victory for herself.

David gestured softly to her. “Would you have any desire to meet him? Selfishly, I would like you
to meet a couple of my friends, but your situation is far more important in this case, and I recognize
that. I... have no idea what the correct approach is, so all I could offer was clear communication.”

Zethra's eyes clenched. While David had taken responsibility, and had even explained how the
soldier in question hadn't been emotionally attached to Avess' death, there was a chasm of
difference between the man who gave the order and the one who cleaved through her skin and
bone. “...If I say no?” Zethra started carefully.

David remained calm and soft-spoken. He respected the emotions she was keeping in check. “I
would ask if you wouldn't mind me visiting them separately from you, because they are my
friends, or if my meeting with them would offend you too greatly.”

Zethra eased fractionally. “I... wouldn't stop you from meeting with your old friends, David. That
wouldn't be right, either.”

He gave that effectively-a-bow tip of his head, remaining grim and focused on her eyes.

She took a few moments, and he could see she was thinking, so he said nothing, waiting and
listening. Her breath was steady, but carefully controlled. She was rational, but they both knew she
was on a razor-edge between that and a pained explosion.

“...Does he know?” she finally whispered.

David nodded. “I have explained the situation to them, too. Explicitly including my need to confirm
with you before I could confirm plans with them.”

Zethra couldn't stop suspicion bleeding through her expression. “Does he want to meet me?”

David gestured, “He was worried about hurting you with his presence. I explained that I believe
you two meeting might offer a unique opportunity for closure, which is the main reason I am
actually disturbing you with this idea. My selfish fantasy of having my girlfriend and my old
friends share a pleasant time with me is just that.”

Her head angled slightly with curiosity eking into her suspicion. “He was... worried about
offending me? Of his own volition?”

“Yes. I don't want to be unclear for your, Zethra. They killed hundreds for me, vipers among that
number, but they were never butchers. They fought alongside ADVENT defectors for most of my
time awake. His partner became close comrades with one of the Skirmishers—do you know of

Zethra nodded subtly. Hybrids, probably with defective chips, who broke free and fought against
the Elders. She only heard rumors for the most part, but even under the network, she'd felt jealousy
for their freedom.

David continued, “Neither of them bears unjust ill-will to the survivors. I've specifically
reconfirmed with each of them out of my own fears. Additionally... because you and I are close,
they... are more willing to reach across the gap in this case than normal.”

“...Does he need to meet me himself?”

David shook his head. “He would leave you in peace, happily so.”

“...Do you need me to meet him?”

“I would like you to, I do not need you to.”

Zethra pulled her hands back to her lap, fidgeting slowly, her eyes wandering as she thought, her
tongue flicking out with her breathing unconsciously.

“...Would you feel like... I let you down, if I didn't meet him?”

“Not at all, Zethra,” David answered instantly. “I only hope for a chance at greater healing for you.
I could never second-guess your choices on this topic. It is yours. I am simply in a unique situation
to offer this opportunity. Nothing more, nothing less.” He softened his tone again, “I love you
dearly, Zethra. I don't want to hurt you.”

It let her smile a little at him despite everything weighing her down in that moment. “...You're
lucky you're so sweet,” she muttered.

A bashful touch joined his smile for her.

Zethra took another breath, looking off to think clearly, not distracted by David's disarming eyes.

The one who killed Avess had always been a shadowy monster in her mind. Despite David's
admissions and honesty, he'd never truly taken on that identity to her. He was the commander, the
one giving orders, there was a fundamental gap there, however explicitly he understood his

There was still a rage there, deep in her coils, a hunger for the murderer's pain and agony to pay for
Avess' brutal fall.

But all the times she'd imagined the soldier or group that did it, they were sneering, laughing
monsters, mocking her sister's pain, no humanity in them, only gleeful wickedness.

Would meeting the real person, someone apparently aware of how much harm they'd done, be...

It would certainly feel a little weird knowing David was off meeting with her sister's killer... to chat
over coffee or something?

Knowing what kind of person it was... intrigued part of her. Getting a real face to replace the
'monster,' hearing how vicious or honorable they really were.

Zethra looked across the bar, to the picture of her and Avess. Rather than blinding rage, or images
of Avess screaming at her for revenge, she just felt... as if Avess was grim, unsure, watchful.

The only real worry was that the soldier might try to attack or insult her, which... felt off, for how
David was relaying information.

Zethra focused back on David, serious, but calm. “You... should make alternate plans with them
for the same day, because I doubt I can handle an extended chat, but... I'm willing to meet him.
Them,” she corrected, remembering he mentioned a pair.

David smiled gently, clearly grateful. “I'm only worried that I've pressured you into this...?”

She shook her head, then offered a little smile. “You were very honest, as always, David. That...
helped a lot. You... you're confident he won't be... cruel?” she wasn't sure what word to use, her
eyes clenching.

David nodded. “I am. If he insults you, I'll kick them both out myself.”

Zethra smirked, but knew he was sincere. “Alright... Yeah, you can confirm with them. I'm on

David reached across, offering his hand. She blushed a little, reaching to take it. He gave hers a
gentle squeeze.

“You always astound me with your strength, Zethra.”

She glanced off, shy of the topic. “I don't feel strong.”

“That's why I have to tell you.”

They shared a little laugh.

She gave his hand a squeeze back before she pulled her arm to herself. “So... tell me a little about

David tipped his head. “Wolf is the one in question. His partner is Raven. Two of my most elite
operatives back in the day. ...Also a very cute couple, but please don't say I said that, or Raven
might shoot me from across the country.”

Zethra blinked, then giggled. “A couple?”

“Oh yes. Raven's only concern was that you'd want to hurt Wolf. I promised I'd keep everyone's
safety as my first priority.”

She had to show dry humor for that tidbit. “Planning for every contingency, ey, Commander?”

He wilted a bit, even so, and she regretted the joke.

“I'm sorry, I was trying to be funny,” she admitted weakly.

He quickly waved it down. “And I appreciate you trying. I... didn't want to seem so cold as that. I
knew you wouldn't react like that, I just had to offer Raven a reasonable response based on her
worry. It... helps her calm down faster than anything else I would say.”

Zethra reached over to touch his arm. “I get it. I was sincerely just teasing a little. I misjudged it.”

He reached to press her hand against himself, nodding with a little smile. “I like your humor, don't
feel bad.”

She huffed a little sigh of exasperation, but tipped her head, and retreated back once more. “So,
when are they coming?”

“I will know once I call them back after we're done here!” David returned simply. “They have a
day or two before they need to lock things down.”

Zethra nodded simply, and then actually slid out to stand. “Well! That was... admittedly more
intense than I was expecting, but at least you didn't dump me.” She smirked at his aghast look.

David grumped a little as he moved to stand himself. “As if I'd ever...” Once up, he realized they
were in a very similar position to that moment when she said she was his girlfriend for the first
time, and he grew pink in the face.

Her eyeridge lifted. “What did your dirty little mind just realize?” she teased.

He coughed down to the side. “Uh... just... remembering how you pinned me to the door. That
was... overwhelmingly sexy.”

She grinned. “And I really enjoyed your reaction.”

He managed to look up with a little smile despite his embarrassment.

Zethra eased off to his side, ostensibly just to move toward her loft, but she curved her head, and
her tongue flicked out to tickle his ear as she rasped, “See you tomorrow,” in a deliberately
seductive voice.

David shivered toward his ear, gasping again. She was halfway to her stairs before he could even
try to respond.

“Not fair!” he called with a laugh.

“Oh, as if you didn't love every second of it!”

“...True, but still not fair!”

“Get out of my bar, you dork! I'll see you tomorrow!”

They both laughed as he finally recovered enough to move and slip outside, making sure to lock
the door in his wake.
Difference Between a Job and Hard Work

Zethra slowly blinked as she slipped down her stairs the next morning. David being there already
wasn't a problem. She'd given him a key. It was finding the entire bar set-up, and David already
half-way through her start-up process.

Had he been watching her that closely that morning?

“Hi, boss!” David declared cheerfully as he spotted her on the stairs, just finishing up the bucket-
draining for the pipes. “I think I got most things ready, but definitely check over and tell me what I

Zethra finally hit the floor, sliding up to the bar. “H-how early did you get here?”

“Oh, just an hour ago? Whole point of an extra pair of hands is having less to deal with, right?”

She was gently overwhelmed, glancing around. “Yeah, but... I... I came down with enough time to
take care of it all... I was going to train you...”

David eased upright fully. “I still need you to train me! I just wanted you to have a nice surprise
when you got down here!”

Zethra did smile again, chuckling and shaking her head. “You can't do anything casually, can

“Nope,” he admitted easily. “Just not how I'm wired.”

She huffed a laugh, and slithered around quickly to join him behind the bar. “Alright, inspection
time, mister.”

He snapped to salute, and while entirely playful, it was also flawlessly executed. He was former
military, alright.

Zethra shook her head at his antics, and then started checking things. Mostly she just nodded along,
sincerely impressed. She checked the pipes, too, and nodded to herself. “Okay, yeah. I guess... I'll
just show you how I like to prep things for actual customers. You covered everything.”

“Nothing out of place? I wasn't sure I remembered a few details, so I filled in the gaps.”

Zethra smiled up at him, then rose upright. “Well, you filled in fine. Here, this is how I like to
check the stock. Helps me make serving decisions faster for the day.”

David joined her in facing the back wall with all the dozens of bottles displayed, and she found him
to be a rapturously attentive student. Honestly, he reminded her a bit of a Codex she'd had to guard
a few years before the fall. Quick, darting eye focus, mildly widened eyes, and quick little
affirmations just to confirm he heard her words. He also defaulted into an at-ease military stance
while listening.

After covering most of her preferences for the stock and checks, Zethra reached behind him, just
touching his back. “Just checking, you're okay, right?”

Her touch had him loosen happily, and meet her eyes with all the life and warmth she was used to.
“Oh! Yes, sorry. I wanted to pay proper attention.”
Zethra smiled back, and lifted her same hand to run through his hair. He emitted a little gasp, his
eyes fluttering closed, making her smile broaden. “You're always attentive, David. I appreciate it.
You do know I'm fine with us staying very casual on the job, though, right?”

He almost tilted along with her retreating arm before he could refocus on her eyes. “Yes, Zethra.
Honestly, I'm totally fine. That's... just how I learn.”

She tipped her head finally. “Okay, fair. Just wanted to be sure.”

He touched her arm. “I appreciate it.”

They shared a warmer smile, and then she slipped around him. “Okay, time to show you how I run
the till and the paperwork, since we probably won't have customers for a bit, anyway.”

“I was very curious how you track tabs for different regulars.”

She blinked, glancing off. “Oh... shit. I need to start recording that so you have a reference.”

He stared. “You do it from memory?!”

She shrugged at him. “Elders gave me a fast brain, what can I say?”

David saw an opening. He had to. He leaned just a small amount past, behind her, muttering, “As
fast as your tongue...?”

It did send a thrill up her spine, but she wasn't so shocked as to lose her dry annoyance at his little
game. Shunting her jaw to one side, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Well YOUR tongue is
clearly faster than your brain, or you'd realize that meant you weren't getting ANY of my tongue's
attention today.”

He leaned back, playfully cursing, “Dammit!”

Zethra grinned, slipping into a little hip-shimmy dance, 'singing,' “I win, I win.”

David realized he'd stared, and rattled his head violently. “...Warn me before you move like that,”
he strangled out, and immediately started to mock-flee from her toward the end of the bar.

Zethra did blush, and then lashed after him with several swats that missed, so she snapped part of
her tail out to sting his back. She was rewarded with his half-playing yelp and spring-hop out from
the bar at last.

They were both laughing, even with Zethra trying to show a tough face and failing miserably.
“Now get back here and train!”

“Yes, boss!”

Discovering that David was officially Zethra's employee caused amusing scandal among Lor, Dua,
Cherry, and Vark. Vark wound up adopted by the three hybrids during one of Lor's trips to the bar
to tease Zethra about her new employee, and they wound up getting a table for four, and making
David get them drinks over and over. Zethra was too entertained to stop them by that point.

Once teasing David became humdrum, Zethra and David both watched in growing amusement as
Vark was teased, cajoled, and otherwise inducted into Lor's little collection of people. As it turned
out, Vark had actually worked as a guard for a facility only one zone over from theirs for most of
the occupation. They were each careful to dance around certain topics, but learning they'd been
relatively close by each other for years was enough fodder to keep conversation going. They all
mutually shared contact information before they left that night.

Zethra wasn't truly surprised that David was an excellent employee, but it was still impressive to
watch. She knew he had to be anxious, but he didn't show it. He was darting around, bringing
drinks to large parties (business picked up more than usual once evening hit), taking orders, and
partnering with her at the bar during the peak.

She was also starting to notice that her business was going up in the last few weeks. She went from
having one or two 'heavy' nights a week, to nearly overwhelming crowds three and four times.
Moreover, it was more mixed in clientele. She had plenty of humans mingled among her fellow
non-humans, and even saw a few more vipers and even sectoids.

The only concern she gained was noticing that David started to rub his temple slowly while
listening to orders from the pair of sectoids off in a corner. She saw that they both wore their
psionic inhibitors (sectoids tended to make their inhibitors obvious so people relaxed more in day
to day interactions), so nothing should have bothered David.

With the evening finally calming down, Vark, Lor, Dua, and Cherry already gone home, and the
sectoid pair one of the remaining handfuls of customers near closing, Zethra opted to finally check
on David about it.

“Hey,” she started softly, touching his arm.

He smiled up at her, attentive, but clearly assuming it was work related.

She leaned to speak very quietly near his ear. Even though it was clear she wasn't teasing him, he
couldn't stop a little blush.

“Is something wrong when you're near the sectoids? Are their inhibs malfunctioning?”

David blinked in confused surprise for a moment. “N-no, I'm fine, why...?” he trailed in sincere
confusion as she gave him a doubtful look.

“...You're nursing a headache every time you're near them.”

His eyes flared faintly, and he seemed to think urgently back over the evening. Zethra watched him
appear to reach a pained realization, and showed open concern. He leaned near her earpit to keep it
quiet as well.

“It's... a residual issue. Only actual psionics cause it.”

She winced. “From... from what they did to you?”

He shook his head. “Actually, from how I... dealt with the Elders.”

Zethra angled her head in confusion this time.

“It's a bit of a story. After work?”

She nodded, and they settled back into routine after that.

The sectoids wound up leaving a very generous tip, and David relayed that they appreciated how
welcoming the staff were. Zethra smirked since he was the entire staff, and he rolled his eyes
Zethra did have to do a real final call for once, since the lingering customers weren't familiar with
her specific schedule. Some light grumbling ensued, but no one raised a stink.

After locking up and cleaning, the two settled into one of the booths once again.

“So what's the deal with the sectoids...?” Zethra prompted mildly.

“Any powerful psionic individual will give me pangs,” David started. “The... final mission
involved me... basically body-jacking a prototype Avatar via the psionic network.”

Her eyes widened. “H-how were you even capable of that?”

“Mostly my chief engineer and science-officer's work, to be clear. I was the only person capable of
piloting it, so to speak, because of... being used by the network before,” he managed to clarify
without faltering too heavily.

Zethra leaned back in her seat as she absorbed that. “So... when you... when you said you dealt
with the Elders, you... you really meant in person?”

He nodded seriously. “...More so than usual, in fact. The network started to collapse before my
team could get out, so I used the Avatar's psionic power to keep the gate open for them to get out.
The Elders used that to strike at me. I... assume they were too strained by everything going on. I
was... able to overpower them.”

Zethra leaned her head forward in open disbelief. “Overpowered Elders? Psionically?”

She'd been a grunt, with minimal clearance. The only reason she knew anything about the Avatars
was post-occupation news and a few cryptic notifications through the network to obey human-like
creatures as if the Elders themselves were present if they gated to her facility. However, everyone
knew the Elders were the supreme pisonics. Not even the alien-even-to-ADVENT Gatekeepers
could directly overpower an Elder.

David gestured softly, “They designed Avatars to be potent, and mine was being controlled via the
entire remaining network. I have to assume that was the source of the power necessary.”

Zethra nodded softly, but she had doubts. With what he'd admitted to her before, she could fill in
the gaps without needing him to detail it out. Overpowering the Elders would have had them at his
mercy... and he had none to spare them.

I made sure they felt it, too, he'd said.

She wondered if his attack had felt anything like what they did to her, when she didn't obey, when
she didn't abandon her sister's body on their whim. That crushing, skull-splitting pressure that built
and built until her body gave out beneath her.

But more than that, she knew just how powerful of a mind he really had. To withstand the pain of
what he'd endured, to have so many lives hanging on his orders, to keep such detailed, focused
information flowing for engagements.

She believed she knew where the power that killed the Elders really came from.

Zethra took a breath. “So... because you piloted that... puppet? Your brain feels psionic pressure

David nodded, rubbing at his temple just at the memory of it. “Right where my implant used to be,

She faltered. “T-they implanted you, too?”

He was able to shrug almost casually. “I was their tactical CPU.”

“...I'm sorry for drudging all this back up on you. I wanted this to be a nice day...”

David smiled gently. “Zethra, it is a nice day. You're a great boss,” he added with a bit more of a

It worked. She was able to giggle a bit out of her sadness. “You're a really diligent employee.”

He just maintained his smile back for the praise.

Forcing herself a little, Zethra rose upright from the booth. “I think we should call it a night. Your
friends are visiting this coming weekend, right?”

He stood up, nodding to her. “That's right, yes. You're still alright with Saturday morning? I don't
want to ruin your Friday evening by dreading it.”

Zethra waved it down lightly. “We've talked it through, I agreed to it. It's fine.”

He smiled again, nodding, and started to ease toward the door.


He paused, focusing back on her instantly.

Zethra drew close, and surprised him with a kiss. He nearly gasped out of it, but fell into a relieved
moan, his hands coming up to just rest against her sides, while her own cradled the back of his
head to pull him into the tender affection.

Parting the kiss softly, she smiled at him, enjoying how dazed he still appeared just from a kiss.
“You don't have to just bolt, David. We're together. You can express that.”

Tension melted out of his frame, and he pulled closer to embrace her.

“Wasn't sure if I should stay in 'employee' mode or not,” he admitted quietly.

“You'll never just be an employee, don't worry. Bar's closed, we're done for the day, you can touch
me...” she listed off quietly, blushing a little.

He squeezed the hug gratefully, and she didn't resist the shiver caused by his hands so powerfully
holding to her.

“...It's okay?” he checked gently when he felt her tremble.

She nodded over his shoulder. “I love how you hold me.”

He sank into her more, and she squeezed him back.

They savored it patiently, neither in a rush to break apart. After plenty of time, they finally eased
back, sharing gentle and happy smiles.

“Good night, David. Stay safe getting home, please.”

“Good night, Zethra. As long as you do, too,” he returned as his smile brightened into a grin.

She rolled her eyes at him stealing her line, but was charmed as well. “Yes, the whole flight of
stairs. I'll be super careful.”


They laughed together as he finally moved to the door, shared a wave, and slipped out into the

Zethra couldn't believe she agreed to this. It was a quiet Saturday morning, and she was curled into
the booth nearest the door, rubbing along her own skull as nightmare scenarios played out like
rams bashing into the walls of bone. From the absurd—an XCOM squad busting into the bar,
shooting it up, with David revealing he was a cruel manipulator from the start—to the ridiculous—
the one who killed Avess suddenly professing his undying love for Zethra, too, and he and David
getting into a horrible fight that ruins their decades-old friendship.

She knew most of it was nonsense, but it was storming around in her head. The only oddity in all of
it was how little Avess featured in her nightmare scenarios. Every time she paused to look to her
sister's picture, or just thought of her specifically because of what was coming later this morning,
all she could feel was a quiet kind of grief.

At last, Zethra yanked herself out of the booth, her tail coiling out to catch her from falling as she
lunged across her own bar. She slithered right to the counter, and arched her long body over to
pluck the picture off with her hands, and retreat to a gentle rippled of her coils as she stared into her
sister's frozen eyes.

“...Should I call this off, Avess?”

No rage, no sense of Avess' heartbreak or betrayal. Just sad memory.

Zethra settled more and more, her tongue flicking in a rhythm, her claws cradling the picture with
tender care.

“...I miss you,” she whispered.

Her jaw shifted under her scales, and she lifted up, craning over once more to replace the picture
where it hung. “I wish I could have protected you. I get it, but I can't change the wish.”

The door knocked.

She couldn't help hackling up for a beat, her anxiety turning it into a deathknell. Reacting more for
obligation than want, she stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets, curling it around herself like
armor, and twisted to look toward the door. “It's open!”

It only struck her as odd after the fact.

David didn't use his key. He peeked through after her call, smiled gently with a little nod, and then
pushed the door open to reveal two other humans with him.

Zethra glided up to meet them somewhere in the middle of her bar, offering a sociable smile from
much practice on the job.

What caught her most was how old they both were. The man, Wolf, was well-built, tall, with a
neatly trimmed beard mingled silver and gold, a black beret on his head. Lines etched his face even
beyond his years, but his eyes were bright with life and pain.

The woman with him, Raven, still had some mild tan to her skin from years of work, but her face
was written like a long book, and her gray hair was still thick, tied back in a ponytail behind her.
She also had an eyepatch that was too formidable to be a temporary medical issue.

David introduced everyone smoothly after closing the door for them. “Wolf, Raven, this is Zethra.
Zethra, this is Wolf and Raven.”

Zethra tipped her head for her name being given, while Wolf gave a mild wave from his
unpocketed hand that immediately returned to the pocket, and Raven just half-smiled and nodded

It was only just starting to draw out too long without words when Wolf actually stepped forward.
Raven and David both stared in controlled panic that same instant.

“Zethra, right?”

She was awkward enough herself that repeating her name immediately after an introduction didn't
jar in her ears as much as it might've. Her voice couldn't rise up yet, so she just nodded quickly
again, her eyes locked with his.

“Look, I'm not good at this kind of thing. At all. I'm a blunt asshole, always have been. The
Commander told me what's what for you, and he trusts you, so that's enough for us,” he tossed a
little gesture back to Raven, who was still flitting her eye between him and Zethra as if this was a
fight in progress.

Wolf continued, “I can't apologize for what I did, and I can't ask you to let it go. I killed your sister,
and the Commander made it clear you felt that just like I woulda.”

David was just as tense as Raven, watching Zethra's body language, seeing how still and wide-eyed
she was.

“I have no idea what I'm supposed to do,” Wolf admitted, serious, not dismissive. “So is there
anything you need to hear or ask?”

Zethra swallowed heavily, which her musculature made into a writhing warp up and down her
scaled throat. She could see it trigger old instincts in the two soldiers, a viper about to strike, and
she hoped David would stop an explosion, but her mind was sludge, and she could barely force
words out. “I... havenoideaeither,” she had to physically push the words out, and could finally see
the two soldiers dismissing their tension for sympathy of some kind.

David eased closer to Zethra, though not into her bubble. “...Do you need to step out for air?” he
offered in a soft, quiet tone.

She wanted to reply to him, she didn't want to ignore her sweet David, but her eyes were locked on
Wolf, and his eyes didn't flinch. There was no real grief in Wolf's expression, just sympathy. He
recognized she was suffering.

Finally, a dark, buried thought broiled up from her stomach, and she gasped out something she'd
tried to dismiss for David's sake for a long time. “Did you enjoy it? Did you joke about killing her
to your friends?”

Raven started forward a step, but David raised a hand, just as deadly serious as she. He glanced
quickly to Zethra for Raven, who did slow a fraction, and analyzed Zethra's body language for

Zethra wasn't coiling with rage or building to strike. She was grieved, bursting with sorrow, tears
already starting to drip from her brilliant, crimson eyes and trail along her long snout to her thin

Wolf tightened his eyes, watching all of this for himself. He sent a vague glance toward David, but
it wasn't looking for an escape, it was simply noting something to himself. His eyes returned to
Zethra's tearful stare without hesitation. “...I can't remember. I've joked about kills before, I
might've, and if I did, I'm sorry.”

Zethra stuttered a pained hiss in her throat, but didn't lash out. David clearly wanted to go to her
side, but wasn't sure if that would even help or just insult her in this moment. Raven was anything
but relaxed, but seeing Zethra's reactions had stilled her combat instincts.

Wolf continued after letting that admission sink through the air. “I don't kill for fun. I don't kill for
the thrill. I killed to protect my home. Vipers are bloody dangerous, so I never gave your sister a
chance to strike. I threw a hologram. It distracted her and her partner for that few seconds I needed
to flank them and cut them down. Knowing me, I probably said something awful to her as I did it.”

Raven jerked. “Wolf!” Her voice was a warning hiss, but David could tell it was as close to panic
as she ever manifested.

Zethra curled her lips as her jaw shivered, and her eyes shut. Her claws balled into fists inside her
jacket pockets.

Wolf lifted his arms a little, but let them fall at his sides again. “I... honestly wish I could apologize
to you. I wish I could say I regretted it. I can't.”

Zethra was clearly fighting sobs, but her voice managed to hiss out thickly. “Did... she suffer...?”

Wolf shrugged weakly. “Cut happened in less than a few seconds. I'm not sure how long she was
alive after she dropped. I was focused on the partner as soon as I knew she was down.”

Zethra slowly nodded, swallowing a thickly again.

David finally risked that stride closer, his hand feather-touching her arm. She was mildly caught by
contact, and she found his eyes. Sympathetic pain and guilt filled his kind eyes. He was afraid he
done something awful to her now.

At lease he understood how much this hurt. She needed to see that, but he didn't need to be so
scared. She managed a weak, faint smile, and her far hand finally pulled out of the pocket to come
across and touch his hand reaching to her. She tipped her head subtly, hoping she didn't have to
speak yet.

David swallowed, nodded back, and retreated that same step, letting her face Wolf again. It was
clear that Wolf and Raven saw the interaction keenly, Raven especially appearing to ease more for
some reason.

Building herself up for a moment, Zethra finally spoke again. “...If she'd lowered her gun, would
you have hesitated?”

Wolf glanced off, wincing with uncertainty. She was patient, seeing he was analyzing his memory,
not dismissing the idea.
“...Would depend on how she lowered it. If I thought she was going for a tongue-strike, I would've
dropped her still.”

It was so reasonable. He wasn't hateful about it, she believed his words so far. She took a breath,
calmer and smoother, though it still hissed in her chest, like a cavernous hum. “Can... can I ask why
you had a habit of insulting your kills?”

Raven actually spoke up, “We all did, more or less. It was... part of how we stayed sane.”

Wolf angled so he could properly look at both women, and he gestured to Raven for Zethra to
confirm her answer was accurate for himself as well.

Zethra winced faintly. “W-why?”

Raven bowed her head. “Zethra... until we won, until that network came crashing down, we were
losing. We were just a scraped together bunch of desperate rebels, angry enough to fight instead of
bow. The Elders had endless armies of cloned troopers. We lost friends.” She softly shook her
head. “We had to be glad we took something down, we had to be relieved. If we let the fact that
they were slaves or people just like us stick, linger, dig in, we never would've gotten as far as we

Raven continued with a toss of one arm loosely to one side. “Any one of us would've killed your
sister. I've killed dozens of Vipers alone. Like he said, I honestly wish I could apologize, but I can't.
We'd do it again, given the givens.”

Wolf grimly nodded.

It was clearly a surprise to the pair when Zethra just nodded. “I understand that part. War is hell,
and... we were used to butcher and torment your people. I hate those fucking Elders, too,” she
finally built up real energy and life in her voice, shaking her head slowly despite the tears still in
her eyes. “They wouldn't even let me bury her. They wanted me to go back on patrol like nothing
happened!” She snapped one claw to the side. “I wouldn't let it happen! So they just... squeezed,
and squeezed, and squeezed on my mind, and I just got angrier and angrier, because I was asleep
when I should've been there for my sister!”

David started closer, alarmed and empathetic, but she snapped a hand toward him to stop him as
politely as she could desperately manage. They shared a stare. She wasn't angry at him, she was
focused, barely containing her emotions. He relented, worried, but accepting.

Zethra faced Wolf and Raven again, and realized they were both affected by her words. The pain,
the betrayal of her own body when she wanted to mourn her sister, had gotten through to them far
more keenly than she'd ever expected.

Raven finally glanced down. “...I shouldn't be surprised, I know, but...” A deep rage showed
through as she stared through the floor.

Zethra saw it now. Where all those lines came from. That was the laser focus of an eye that had
killed hundreds, and the rage that fueled her through decades of fighting behind it.

“...I know how I'd feel if something stopped me from burying Wolf,” Raven hissed through her

Wolf reached over, just touching her shoulder as he nodded. “...Likewise.”

His throat had caught.

Zethra was gently astonished. It was the strangest, most painful common ground she'd even heard

They couldn't apologize for killing Avess, but they felt how wrong it was not be allowed to show
her respect in death.

Raven then eased forward herself. “...I'm only confused about one thing.”

Zethra blinked. She wiped at her eyes, but was listening.

“If I found the one who hurt Wolf, I'd skin them alive,” Raven listed off simply, and everyone in
the room knew she meant every word. “So how can you stand the sight of us?”

David cringed, but didn't try to interfere.

Zethra bowed her head with a weak smile. “...You're David's friends.”

All three humans stared in mute surprise.

Zethra took a breath, then explained more, “David never hid anything from me. That honesty
meant so much. I... couldn't be angry with him for Avess' death, even after he took responsibility
for it to my face. He owned up to the facts, and wouldn't have blamed me for reacting terribly, even
though he'd reached out seeking kindness to start. I... can't turn on his friends. I just can't,” she
shook her head gently. “I...” she felt stronger finally, energy filling her frame as she gestured to
Wolf, “appreciate you being blunt, and clear. I didn't want sugarcoating, I didn't want fake
apologies. I love my sister, and I miss her more than I can put into words, but... if the Elders
weren't so callous to everything other than themselves, my sister might've lived, or at least been
treated with some semblance of respect. ...I... hope she didn't hear the insults in her final moments,
but I... understand.”

It was clear that both Wolf and Raven were sincerely at a loss, stunned silent by Zethra's words.
David checked if he could ease closer, and Zethra let him.

He just took one of her hands in both of his own.

“Zethra, this... was a very different exchange than I'd imagined. I am very sorry for not preparing
anyone properly...” David added with a sincere glance to the others.

Zethra playfully tugged her hand loose... so she could loop it across his shoulders and tug him
closer. “You're hopeless.”

David blushed, but huffed a weak laugh. He could tell she was... alright. And being able to be so
after this... “You're so strong,” he whispered gently.

Zethra cleared her throat. “Not noooow,” she whispered back, looking at their guests.

David ducked his head apologetically.

Wolf and Raven, for their part, started to smile casually. They shared a glance, grinned more, and
looked back to the viper and former Commander.

“I'll be damned if you two aren't pretty cute together,” Raven finally said, arms akimbo.

“Yeah, wouldn't have seen it comin', but fair enough,” Wolf added.

Zethra felt relieved enough to take a risk. “That's right! The evil snake woman stole your
Commander's heart. Hah!”

David facepalmed, groaning.

Raven and Wolf shared the humor, both barking with sudden, raucous laughter that filled the room.

Tension finally broke loose. The dark realities couldn't be dispersed fully, but everyone present felt
they'd been faced, and not ignored. The humor was a welcome respite.

Zethra relaxed her side-hug of David, and cleared her throat. “So! Now that we've... had the big
talk, did we just want to enjoy a round here, or was there a bigger plan?”

“You alright to do more?” David checked gently, mindful of her caveat for agreeing to this meeting
at all.

Zethra just nodded.

“Would you be more relaxed just hanging here?” Raven checked, actually stepping up near Wolf
and putting her arm behind him.

Zethra noticed that David noticed that keenly.

“Honestly, for me? Yeah,” Zethra confirmed casually. “I'd still mostly be a hermit if not for a
couple of friends. And this dumbass,” she hip-bumped David, who laughed even as he blushed.

Wolf had to point. “I have never seen that man so... so...”

“Cute?” Raven offered dryly.

“YEH, cute! When did you get CUTE?” he challenged David, barely controlling a grin.

David shrugged in an exaggerated fashion. “When did you two start cuddling in public?”

Wolf blushed, while Raven grinned fiendishly... and then lifted her hand to waggle the fingers,
showing off a glistening, golden ring. Wolf took her cue, and lifted his hand to show the same.

Zethra perked up. “You're married!?”

David was just as astonished for a beat, then clapped at the good of it. “Finally! When did you pull
it off!?”

“About a year ago, actually,” Raven answered, doing her best to hide the fact that she was
blushing, too, for the first time in David's experience. She then showed an apologetic expression.
“We wanted to invite you, but...”

David waved it down. “I'm glad you didn't wait any longer. I'm sorry I wasn't up to it yet.”

“I just wasn't gonna bloody tell ya over a phone call!” Wolf confirmed, only half-playfully

David grinned. “Well, I'm very happy for you both. Come on, let's settle in finally, and have a little
fun, if we can, hm?”

Zethra tipped her head, and started to slither to the bar... taking her jacket off to drape it on a stool.

“Sit, sit!” David chimed, rushing past her. “This whole thing was my idea, you relax!”
Zethra sank her head back with a laugh, Wolf and Raven settling in at a table near where they'd be
standing as they joined the humor again. Zethra coiled back around, and took one of the other

“Your old commander is a total goofball, by the way.”

Wolf snorted, and Raven grinned. “Oh, you have got to tell us everything now. I've never seen the
man flirt, and he's practically putty in your hands.”

“Raveeeen,” David cried from behind the bar.

Everyone at the table laughed... and Zethra happily started regaling Raven with just how sweet her
boyfriend could be, with not a shred of mercy spared.

They actually talked most of the day away, focused on much more pleasant topics. Wolf and
Raven's security work had tied them into mixed-species situations very heavily, in fact, and they
still worked closely with Reckoner from the Skirmishers. Just because of how busy everyone was,
Wolf had a Sectoid friend as his best man, Raven had Reckoner as her maid of honor at the

Eventually, when it was clear they were winding down, the two men tried to be polite and take all
the glasses to go clean them, leaving the two women with a bit of privacy at last.

Zethra wanted to make sure Raven had no lingering worries, so she leaned a little, whispering,
“Just to say it, I'd never try to hurt Wolf. That's all... in the past. I want to move forward.”

Raven actually showed a soft smile that would've shocked any of her old comrades. “I believe
you.” She also tossed a glance toward the bar, “And I've watched your boyfriend smile more in the
last few hours than the entire time I was honored to serve under him. ...Thank you for giving him
something to be happy about.”

Zethra blushed, scrunching up a bit. “H-he worked very hard to heal, for all of you...”

Raven smirked knowingly. “Don't bullshit me, viper. You know what you did.”

The blush got worse as Zethra glared off the side. “Fine, human...”

They both laughed a bit, and Zethra became more sincere before she added, “He makes me happier
than I ever realized I could be...”

Raven showed that softer smile again, and her eye wandered to Wolf. “I know exactly what you

Zethra glanced back to affirm where Raven was focused, and then smiled warmly at the woman
herself. “You two are really cute, too.”

Raven blushed, glancing off, but she managed a small, “Thank you.”

When their men returned, the two couples started preparing to move on for the evening. After
David gave Raven and Wolf each warm hugs, which Zethra could tell was something new for
Raven especially, Zethra actually eased forward, awkwardly offering her arms while openly
wincing with uncertainty.

David was gently astonished, unsure what to even say, Wolf frozen for a moment... and Raven just
walked right over and hugged the viper.

It broke the tension again, and Wolf gave Zethra a surprisingly gentle hug for his part, along with a
meaningful nod afterward. There was a respect there that Zethra appreciated.

They shared sincerely warm farewells for the evening, Wolf and Raven comfortable exploring the
city together as part of their vacation.

It let David gently shut the door, and sink against it, while Zethra started to simply go to the bar to
confirm how much she'd just damaged her own stock.

“...You are so amazingly strong, I'm so grateful... and I'm so, so sorry,” David listed off, bowing
his head into the door.

Zethra blinked wide eyes, looking over at him. More worried by his body language, she quickly
slithered across the room, touching his back.

“Hey... hey, what's wrong?”

He looked to her with tears in his eyes. “If you weren't so amazing, that would have been a disaster,
and so awfully cruel to you. I'm so sorry, Zethra. I never should have pres--!?”

He was startled silent by her leaning in and kissing him. David couldn't even fathom her feeling so
well toward him that he was sincerely frozen for a beat... and then collapsed with relief at her
affection, twisting his body to face her properly as his hands slid gently over her shoulders, just at
the base of her hood.

Zethra drew closer still, and pulled him against her front, his head sinking back as hers leaned over
it, her one hand powerfully pressing into the small of his back, the other lacing through his hair at
the back of his head to keep him at her mercy while she softly shifted her lips along his own.

He moaned for her efforts, and when his arms slipped around behind her to trace his fingers up the
back of her hood, she gave a stuttering hiss of a gasp from the thunderstorm is sent under her skin
through her whole body.

Their arms remained powerful in their embrace, but she broke the kiss subtly, watching his eyes
subtly open up at her. Showing a little smile, she flicked her tongue out to feather-touch his nose.
He actually giggled, playfully cringing his face from how it tickled.

Easing to more serious, but still warm emotion, Zethra stroked his hair back instead of passionately
gripping it. “David, you told me what was happening, and it was never going to be easy. I agreed to
it. And you know what?”

He was clearly still feeling the guilt of it, but he was attentive as always to her. “What...?”

She nodded. “You were right. No one gets that kind of closure, and it hit me in a way I never
would've imagined. It wasn't about making her death somehow better... it was both of them, even
the very ones who killed her, seeing how awful it was that I wasn't allowed to mourn her properly.
They didn't hesitate to recognize she was alive, that her death meant something, even if they
couldn't apologize for it. That... that helped me, David.”

His expression eased with gentle astonishment, and then that gently powerful smile, his eyes all but
glowing with it. He brought a hand back to cup her jaw. “I'm so glad...” weakly got out of his lips.

Zethra angled her head to his touch, letting her eyes drift shut for the pleasure of it. “...So, please,
don't apologize for today. It worked.”

He curled in, shifting to just hug her tight. She reciprocated, bringing her coils around him more as
well, wrapping him in her warmth.

They savored that affection for a long while. As they both subtly shifted, some muscles stiff, joints
a little achy, David finally eased his head back to look up at her again. “...I think being wrapped up
in your scales must be what Heaven feels like.”

He was almost groggy in manner, clearly soothed by the long affection, but his eyes were twinkling
with enough mischief that she smirked down at him. “You just like laying it on too thick, don't

He cheerfully nodded.

Zethra laughed, twisting him back and forth with the last few seconds of the embrace, then
playfully spinning him out onto his own feet. “Spending tomorrow with your friends, I assume?”
she began afresh, quite at ease.

David was still high on the affection and her playful manner, but he answered, “Some, of course,
but I don't intend to abandon you while they're visiting, love.”

They both paused. David realized it had rolled off his tongue naturally, and he turned a little meek.
Zethra's surprise turned into warm fondness.

“Is... is that going to be a running thing?” she asked quietly, still smiling a little.

He cleared his throat, but nodded. “P-probably, unless it bothers you?”

She flicked her tongue playfully at him. “Not at all. It's actually really sweet.” She cleared her
throat this time. “So! What's on the menu for tomorrow, then?”

David shrugged, showing a childish manner. “Library date?”

She grinned, but then couldn't resist turning mischievous. As she slipped around him to move back
into the room proper, she asked, “Sure you wouldn't prefer another movie night? On the couch?
Under me?” her voice coiling around his head like her tongue hinted it might.

David had to just stand very still as tingling thrills danced through his frame like they were racing
each other to hit different sides of his body. “I... I literally don't have enough thinking capacity to
answer that now...”

Zethra cackled. “I had to tease.” Relaxing back to more natural body language and tone as she
moved toward her stairs, she added, “Library sounds fun, actually. Just give me call about... half an
hour before you head over?”

David took a deep breath to steady his jittery muscles. “Sounds perfect! Prefer afternoon or more
toward evening? I'll coordinate with Wolf and Raven around it.”

“Evening!” she chirped lightly, already half-way up her stairs.

“Got it! Good night! Stay safe!”

“As long as you do, too!”

She knew exactly what she was doing with that response, and he smiled happily before he headed
home, locking the door behind him.
In Want of Touch

Zethra had originally intended to just meet David at the closet library, but he'd wanted to walk with
her, and she found it a charming enough idea to agree. There was a mild chill in the air, and while
her body was tougher than a humans by several fold, she liked wearing jackets anyway, so she
bundled up a little. David simply kept his old trench coat on, and she noticed how light and happy
his mood was despite the red tinge to his nose and cheeks. He was delighted to be walking along
with her, and something about that was so deeply soothing to all the anxieties that tried to bubble
up constantly.

“Your tail's not too cold?” he did check after they'd been out for a bit.

Zethra smiled lightly. “I feel it, but it's not really uncomfortable. ...I worked in the cold,
remember?” she carefully referred to her previous life.

He tipped his head, and she was glad he just accepted it and moved on with, “Doesn't mean you
can't catch a chill here.”

She smirked. “Fair, but I'm fine. Really.”

He smiled back and let it go.

The library was actually more of a hub than a silent place of reading. So many public services were
routed through it, the lobby was busy and loud. Zethra was worried for only a moment, as David
didn't seem bothered at all, and took the lead to go deeper.

Though there was still a murmur of chatter, they were soon deep in the folds of the shelves, with
baffling layers of books making the otherwise austere designs feel surprisingly cozy and quiet.

Quickly, she grew fond of his clear appreciation for books, in and of themselves. He hopped with
excitement as found some that he thought fully erased, but recovered since ADVENT's fall. Even
when she couldn't care less about the subject matter, his child-like happiness referencing any of
them kept her smiling for him.

At one point, in the science-fiction and fantasy area, she spotted a title that caught her interest
about two feet over David's head, near the ceiling. He was eagerly checking over a book himself,
considering bringing it home, so she wasn't rushing to push him out of the way.

Another idea occurred to her, and she gained a mischievous glint in her eye and turn of her smile.

David inhaled powerfully as he felt her press against his back, one arm slipping over his shoulder
to rush across his chest in a soft embrace, while the other reached up to the book above him.
Pulling it down, she didn't retreat, and instead rested her jaw on the crown of his head, and started
to examine her choice casually, deliberately ignoring how warm he was getting in her arm.

It was quickly clear neither of them had any desire to break the nearly-inappropriate-in-public
intimacy. David started to 'read' his book, even as she felt him gently lean into her. She took her
time checking over both info-flaps of hers, and even started reading the first chapter.

Her tongue flicking periodically kept her aware of the heavy, musty smell of so many books in one
space, as much as David's collection of scents.

At last, smirking a little to herself, she closed the book quite dexterously with her one hand, and
simply muttered, “Lame, the leading lady is a total ditz.” She placed the book back as it had been
found, and only then eased down and away from her boyfriend, casually slithering over to his left,
as if simply browsing along. Her mischievous smirk never faded, however.

David coughed, managing it so it wasn't too loud, and quickly opted to keep the book, tucking it
under his arm. Drawing up alongside her, careful not to bump her tail with his shoes, he lightly
reached just to touch her back while leaning to her earpit. “You are so delightfully mean

She couldn't stop hiss-coughing a laugh, and just lifted part of her tail up to bap his back in return.

They spent nearly two hours browsing around, Zethra entertained by David's eagerness enough not
to feel too bored, even with her interests more in film and music. His enjoyment was infectious
enough she was seriously considering doing more reading, to give it a fresh try.

Without a word, they seemed to mutually agree they were done browsing. In the lobby, David
checked out a couple of books, including the one he'd 'started' while she ambushed him. Once
done, Zethra actually suggested they visit Cafe Defenestration again. David was happy to spend
more time with her, so they started for it immediately.

Zethra made a point of paying this time, and David ducked his head in playful defeat. Ironically,
this time, the barista seemed to notice they were together, and was privately impressed with a little
glance to David. He blushed vibrantly, and quickly retreated with Zethra to their favored table.

“So it occurs to me, I should've asked a while back. Any crazy exes I need to check around corners
for?” Zethra asked in open, if morbid, humor, leaning onto her wrist while her tongue flicked

David laughed lightly, shaking his head. “No, no. I dated precisely once. In Highschool.”

She showed open surprise. “Really? Especially with how close you are with your old friends... I...
just kinda assumed...”

David half-smiled at her, but shook his head again. Simply serious to be sincere, he explained after
a sip of his coffee, “Before ADVENT, it would have been a massive breach of command ethics to
fraternize that intimately. After ADVENT... well...” he just gestured at his head.

Zethra frowned softly, sympathetic. “...Anyone get close? Or, I guess what I'm really asking is if
you pined after someone?”

He chuckled. “Might've started to at a couple of points, but things were happening too fast and too
desperately for any fixation to really take root.” He paused, reflexively wincing. “...Closest I came
never actually happened.”

Zethra couldn't help wilting slightly. “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--”

He shook his head simply, reaching over to touch her arm. “I'm happy to open up to you, Zethra.
Don't be afraid. Please,” he affirmed with a little bow of his head.

She eased, smiling a little for his kind manner. “...Do you want to talk about the... simulated one?”

David glanced down, thinking enough that his eyes squinted. “...It was a version of Lin. I mostly
knew her as Deathstrike. ...The real woman is doing very well, I'm glad to say. She was one of the
first I reached out to while trying to... make sure I could stand up enough to stand by you.” He
blushed subtly at the admission.
Zethra tilted her head, caught between gentle empathy, and curiosity about the mess of emotions he
had to be feeling on the topic. “Still good friends with the real person?”

He nodded instantly, naturally.

“...What made the simulation... closer?” Zethra tested carefully. If he seemed hurt, she intended to
back off the topic entirely.

“She suffered a great deal in that version. She cyberized herself. I... counseled her privately, to help
her feel less alone. It was helping her, she was...” His eyes watered, and he closed them. “...I'm
sorry, may I... may I drop this?”

Zethra reached over, caressing his cheek. “Of course.”

She'd hoped her touch would distract and sooth him enough, and she was right. His head titled into
her palm naturally, instinctively, the tensions flowing out of his frame in a moment.

After that moment, he added, “And I'm not trying to hide anything from you, I promise. Even in
that false version, nothing truly happened.”

She stroked along his cheek more directly. “David, it's fine. You asked to stop. I trust you.”

He relaxed more fully, and faintly nuzzled her hand. They shared a warm smile before her hand
finally retreated.

After a moment of peacefully sipping their drinks, he turned mildly playful. “How about the
turnaround? Any exes I need to be wary of?”

She blushed more than he expected, glancing off to the side.

“N-no... you're... actually the first person I've dated.”

David immediately felt bad for asking. It made complete sense. She'd handled her pain by finding
a safe space, securing it, finding a routine. That didn't leave room for dating.

“...I must have been horrifically annoying,” he realized with some degree of pain in his tone.

Zethra blinked out of her own embarrassment. “Huh?”

“Pestering you at work, asking to talk. I... really am shocked you actually agreed at all.”

She huffed a laugh. “Oh God... Yes, at the time, it was awful, but I explained why I agreed.”

He chuckled. “I still feel bad. It... took a lot more strength than I'd realized for you to be so
compassionate. I admired it even then, but I'm... in awe of it now.”

Zethra rubbed her arm, glancing off with a bashful smile and very real blush. “Y-you're laying it on
thick again...”

By this point, he knew she said that as a defense response when she was starting to get
overwhelmed. It was adorable, he loved it, but also meant he needed to ease his tone. “Sorry,
love,” returned gently instead.

The term warmed her smile, and she was shy for a much better reason, straightening slightly, but
still ducking her head.
Again, they spent a few minutes in pleasant silence, sipping drinks, sharing little smiles.
Eventually, Zethra realized she was curious about something else, and with the massive obstacle of
Wolf himself out of the way, she felt more open to asking it without fear. “More seriously, do you
have any old friends I should be wary of?”

David blinked, but was listening. He just needed a moment to process her question. She still felt
like he was really did act like a computer sometimes, his face going still as his brain whirred into
high gear.

“...There are a handful that I would take precautions before leaving you alone with them, yes.”

Zethra raised an eyebrow. “Any details you don't mind sharing?”

He shrugged. “Don't mind at all, but it's... difficult subject matter. You're sure?”

She nodded, serious and focused.

David gestured. “A particular set of soldiers were... damaged like me. None of us should've seen
active duty, but the occupation made us desperate enough to deploy anyone who could follow
orders and shoot a gun reliably. I was... particularly mindful of my own challenges when the
question was brought up. If they wanted to fight, I wouldn't block them.”

Zethra nodded along, remaining focused on his words.

“An example of them would be three women that wound up being called the 'French Killsquad.'
All unrelated, but coincidentally French-decent women, who had... horrifying talent for killing.”

“...Horrifying even to you?” Zethra checked carefully.

He nodded. “I had to build tactics around them. I never fully understood how they could do what
they did, but I had the raw data to support patterns, and they excelled when I gave them the chance
to.” He paused, glancing off. “Perhaps... Hm. I'm not sure how well ADVENT spread this kind of
data. Do you recall South American regional information?”

Zethra blinked, then glanced off for a moment. “...Only major changes, but some, yeah.”

“Did your area get notifications of... unusually large losses a couple of years before the fall?”

She pulled her head back. “Y-yes... I always assumed that was XCOM ramping up.”

He shook his head calmly. “That was one of these women.”

“O-one soldier?”

David tipped his head again. “Callsign 'Shinigami.'”

“A... Japanese word for a French woman?”

“She got it from a comrade on loan from Japan's SSDF at the time.”

Zethra angled her head a little. “Death wind?”

“Because she was,” David confirmed simply. “Then there was Sledge, who killed six sectoids and
four thin men on her first deployment, and didn't slow down from there.”

Zethra widened her eyes a little.

“And Nuke... who could thread the same grenade through three different holes and land it on
exactly who she wanted.”

Zethra shook her head slowly. “No wonder you won.”

David gestured. “Exactly. It's why I don't like getting so much credit for it all. It was the soldiers
that turned the tide. I just... aimed them.”

Zethra had to half-smile at him despite the morbid topic. “Aim is important.”

He huffed a weak laugh, tipping his head.

“...But seriously, how did one soldier cripple a region?” Zethra had to poke, sincere doubt having
her jaw hang a bit.

David opted to clarify, “Shinigami took on Berserkers. In melee. With a machete.”

Zethra uncomfortably rubbed at her throat. “...I shouldn't have asked.”


She waved it down.

David appeared to realize something, his eyes staring off as if he'd bluescreened. Zethra grew
concerned, reaching out to touch his arm again.

He jerked into focus on her. “S-sorry, I... should have brought something else up, for your original

“...Wha?” she mumbled in confusion.

“Are you familiar with Reapers?”

She tensed a bit. “...Yes.”

David nodded. “And their dietary habits?”

She grew uncomfortable. “...Yes.”

Reapers were... the most extreme of the human resistance. They camped in the lost cities, which
was suicide, and they survived on the meat of aliens. 'The enemy is food' was even one of their
rallying cries, she'd heard.

“You... had friends in their number?” she risked confirming.

David nodded.

“You, uh... please... please tell me you... discouraged the food thing?”

David glanced down. “Only indirectly, I'm sorry. ...I specifically partnered them with Skirmishers,
once they agreed to work with XCOM. It was tactically sound, but I also specifically did it to make
sure Reapers couldn't dismiss aliens as subhuman.”

Zethra felt nauseous, cringing off to the side. “I-if one of those friends visits, please don't let them
talk about that around me. I... can't handle that...”
David reached over to touch her arm, and she found his gentle eyes.

“If any of my friends ever makes you uncomfortable, just say the word. You don't have to tolerate
that for me, you shouldn't. I only ask that you allow me to maintain the friendship separately.”

Zethra nodded instantly. “Of course, David, I... I wouldn't try to do that to you. It wouldn't be right
either.” She eased into a little smile. “And thank you.”

“And thank you,” he turned around warmly, only then retreating from the touch.

Zethra gently patted the table. “How about a less morbid topic?”


They both laughed a little.

Back at the Venom's Drip, David smiled happily while holding Zethra's hand, playfully 'swinging'
her around toward the door. “I've had a wonderful day with you.”

She giggled softly, lingering near the door, but not moving to open it yet. “Same, David... It's... just
nice being around you.”

They mutually blushed a little.

David took a breath to steady himself, patted her arm before pulling his hand back, and tipped his
head. “I should probably let you turn in.”

Zethra pulled her lips in, glancing off self-consciously. “A-actually, would... you like to come up?
...Tonight?” Red was spreading over her hood.

David paused, his eyes widening a little as his own face quickly changed shades. “I... I would love
to, but are you sure you're comfortable with that?”

She had to smile at him doing his best. “I-I want to be with you tonight. I just, uh...” she winced,
and then quickly waved inside, opening the door with her key after a few fumbles.

David followed her, seeing clearly she needed to say something and wanted privacy rather than
anything else.

She closed the door in their wake, and faced him again. “I-I'm not ready to go all the way, but I... I
like your touch, and being close, and I'd like to enjoy some of that with you...” She winced. “I-if
that... wouldn't be frustrating?”

David blinked rapidly, his blush never fading. “...It wouldn't be frustrating,” he rasped out after a
long pause.

She was adorable, and self conscious. She was admitting she wanted to be intimate. He'd never
been more attracted to a person on every level in his life.

“Y-you're sure?” she checked again, her anxieties flaring up intensely. “I-I know how difficult it
was just after kissing last time, and I... I... I don't know how well I'd handle it if you got angry with
me on this topic...”

David suddenly pulled her into an embrace. She gasped from being startled, and then eased into
returning it as his arms tightened around her, snug and gentle at once.
“If I ever—EVER—get angry with you because of that, you need to dump me immediately, and
kick me out of your home.”

She stared at the floor behind him, hugging him tight, both shocked and deeply soothed by his
fervent words.

David eased only enough to find her eyes with his own, his expression as serious as ever, even with
a blush lingering there for her proximity. “I mean it, Zethra. Don't ever let me do that to you. If I
mistreat you that badly, I'm not worth your time. Please, promise me?”

Part of her mind saw this as absurd, another afraid of losing him despite it all, but the rest of her
was so touched by his sentiment, his sincerity with it. She needed a moment to find her voice, her
throat flexing for a few seconds. “O-only if... you promise the same?”

David blinked. He honestly couldn't imagine her doing anything like it, but... He calmed, and
nodded back. “Promise.”

She smiled through watering eyes, and echoed, “Promise.”

They both took a moment to calm their shaking frames, even so-embraced, and then shared a shy

“...Upstairs?” Zethra offered quietly.

“As long as you're comfortable with it? Please, yes...”

She smiled for him, and playfully took one of his hands before rushing across the room and leading
him up the stairs at full speed. They were both laughing at their own behavior even as they burst
into her living room, and she fumbled locking the door again, facepalming for her own jitters.

David also had no idea how to start properly. It felt so... presumptuous to just try to start kissing or
holding her.

Zethra fidgeted, facing him for a moment, and then burst out with, “There's something I've wanted
to try since I realized you were attractive!”

He was a little overwhelmed by the speed and power of her voice, but was smiling out of it
immediately. “W-what?”

She was clearly anxious and eager in equal parts, and gestured at him quickly. “A-are you okay
with me... wrapping you up?”

For some reason the image of a present popped into his brain instead of anything else, and he just
froze for a moment of incomprehension.

“...With my body!” Zethra clarified, wincing at the sheer heat rising over her entire head.

He rattled his head. “You... you mean coil around me...?”

She nodded rapidly, shrinking to a meek posture.

He had to smile happily at her adorable worry. “Have I done anything to make you think I wouldn't
want it?”

It was enough to set off her rush of eagerness and excitement. She practically tackled him, but
twisted herself before he could touch the floor. She moved with such speed and precision, he was
twisted around thrice, her body sliding along the carpet so fast it made rushing sounds, before he
was even horizontal.

An instant later, her upper-half over his chest and head, she took his hands, and pinned them over
his head on the carpet, staring down into his eyes as they both panted from the instant rush of her

Only one part of his body was uncomfortable, and it very much confirmed the rest was fine with

Her powerful form supported so much of him, he didn't even really notice he was mildly hanging
over the last coil with his upper back. He could feel each breath of her powerful frame, and the
minute waves of tension in her muscles as she kept her coils safe, but snug around his torso,
middle, hips, thighs, and shins. The haze over his mind was palpable enough to be clear to him,
letting him realize he was literally overwhelmed with desire from the most primal level to the
rational layers of his mind in unison.

Zethra swallowed heavily, her eyes dancing over his features, savoring the silent longing in his
gaze. No alarm, no fear, no panic, just that exact mixture of lust and adoration she'd hoped for in
her fantasies, only better because his eyes were real, and lit with that somehow gently violent
power he could manifest when looking at her so wonderfully.

Her tongue was already flicking rapidly from her own excitement, but able to calm just a touch, she
realized it would add to his enjoyment, too. She leaned down, and started to let the forks flutter
along his neck.

David gasped, his body instinctively flexing, his back trying to arch, his hands contorting under
hers, but his muscles couldn't match her own. She just felt the cathartic rush of his whole body
surging to her touch.

It sent such rushes of thrill through her own body that she had to sink over him softly, her tongue
almost lazily flowing out of her lips to actually glide across his throat, and curl up along the
opposite cheek.

He didn't gasp this time. He inhaled so deeply and powerfully she was almost worried for a
heartbeat. She froze for just that moment, her eyes opening to see his eyes literally rolling back as
his body tried to flex into her touch again.

Her desire for him was flared to the point of aching again, but she didn't want to end this, either
way. She wanted to enjoy him, she wanted him to enjoy her more.

Zethra leaned her head up to face him properly again, their hazy eyes meeting as she started to
tenderly lick his lips. Her hands shifted from pinning his with passionate force, to curling into
them, holding them, while she let her body relax more and more over his, pressing them together.

He moaned, his hands squeezed hers, his legs trying to shift, but not fighting her restraint either.
His lips tried to find hers around her tongue, resulting in an almost silly series of kisses on her
tongue itself, but the touch was still thrilling in their pleasure-drunk states.

Zethra's mind was getting cloudy with desire, but she still remembered what she wanted to share
with him. It would have been easy to just savor each other like this for hours, but she knew the
cruel sun would rise all too soon, and she wanted to know if her ideas were enjoyable for him, too.

Mutually breathless, she eased her lips and tongue away just enough to speak, her voice rushing air
along his cheek and beard. “I-I'd like to try something more...”

“Anything,” he groaned back.

There was a power and awareness of the control he was freely giving her that made her insides
dance with want, but she also didn't want this to be domineering, at least not beyond what she'd
already started. “B-breathe, David. I-I need to know this is okay first...”

He consciously focused his eyes, taking a few short breaths that really only reminded me how
wonderfully compressed they were. “Ask...”

“Could I...” she flushed with embarrassment despite herself. Asking this felt too much, but she'd
already prepared it! “I-I... want to...”

One of his hands squeezed hers, then released, and glided in to caress over her head. It was a
soothing, loving touch, and somehow that made it even more potent in that moment. She caught a
gasp in her throat, shivering around him.

He moaned gently, but wanted to speak to her, too, so he made his voice steady, “I won't be angry,
love. If I don't want it, that's all I'll say, and I'll still want you close.”

How did he always say the exact, perfect thing? She had to kiss him. Instantly, passionately,
squeezing almost to the verge of dangerous all around him. The nearly desperate moan it brought
out of him confirmed he enjoyed it just as much.

Breaking that kiss, she found his eyes again. “I-I want to... I want to put my tongue in your mouth.
I-I know it's weird, I--!?”

His hand got behind her hood, and pulled her face to his. He kissed her first, but made sure she felt
his lips opening.

A strangled whine of gratitude came out of her core, and her tongue slid forward, gliding between
his teeth and reaching far deeper than a human tongue could have.

It was an alien touch, something his body had no idea what to do with, but he also wanted her to
feel safe, as drunk on her touch as he was. He had to resist a gag reflex once, then carefully keep
his jaw loose so he didn't accidentally bite down into the stronger muscle of her tongue.

And as her tongue slowly, powerfully curled and caressed in his cheeks, across the top of his
mouth, his body started to accept it... and then started to enjoy it.

His one hand was still 'pinned' overhead, but the free hand started to contort as his body tried to
flex and arch with the alien pleasure of her unique touch. A moment more, and his hand powerfully
sank onto her back, nearly clawing at her scales through her jacket and shirt as his head tilted back,
his mouth opening more.

It called Zethra upward, letting her extend more of her tongue out to dance in his mouth, and the
power in his grip on her back had her moaning in rhythm with her breath. She lost track of herself,
and her tongue went too deep. She felt him gag, his body tensing with controlled panic.

Her eyes flared, and she yanked her tongue back into her lips. “I'm sorry!” gasping out as she
urgently looked down into his eyes.

He coughed a few times, but his hand on her back immediately started petting her to let her know it
was okay.
“F-fine,” he managed at last.

They were both panting, but she released his other hand and pushed her torso up to check on him
still. “Y-you're sure? I'm so sorry, David! I didn't mean to scare you!”

He smiled happily, and reached up with both arms to gently caress her jaw. “I wasn't scared,
Zethra. I just realized it was too deep,” they both blushed more, “and was about to figure out how
to signal you I needed air. That's all.”

She eased slightly. “Y-you're really sure?”

He nodded. “You can do it again, if you want?” he opted to offer back.

Her hood turned red, and she curled down into his chest thanks to how flexible her lower half was.
“I-I think I'm good for now. I... It was really kind of you to let me try that. Y-you're sure it's not...

“Oh very weird, and I loved it.”

She squeaked into his chest. “Not helping!”

He kissed the back of her hood, wrapping his arms around her tenderly. “I also meant it. If that's
enjoyable for you, we can absolutely do it again.”

She eased a little, letting one of her hands softly caress his chest. A soothed exhaled came from
him in response, and she smiled a little more.

“...And I'm not too tight around you?”

She heard his mouth open, but it took a moment for words to follow. “It's perfect.”

Zethra eased up, subtly concerned as she found his eyes. “You hesitated...”

He glanced off with a blush. “My instinctive response was... a bit forward.”

“Tell me, please? I need the truth right now,” she explained, a hand resting over his heart.

He swallowed, nodding to her. “I... was going to say it would only be better if clothes weren't in the

She did blush more, but was smiling. “R-really?”

He nodded.

She shifted to kiss him again, curling her arms beneath him to get her fingers into his hair and
along his back. He moaned in appreciation as he reciprocated, his fingers tracing over her
shoulders, across her powerful back muscles under her jacket, and into the base of her hood.

As they both shifted a little, Zethra was uncomfortably reminded how ready her body was for more
than making out. Her breath hitched, and David felt it, immediately breaking the kiss to look at her
with concern.

“What's wrong?”

Zethra turned vibrantly red, glancing off. “N-nothing...”

“Hey... no shame,” he whispered, reaching up to caress her jaw. “Tell me, please?”

Zethra groaned, burying her face in his chest. “I-I'm... so turned on my clothes are uncomfortable.”

He coiled his arms around her softly, chuckling in a gentle manner. “Poor thing. Do you want to go
change? Or should we stop?”

She blinked.

No sly flirt about getting clothes out the way. No teasing. Just acceptance.

She coiled tight, hugging him with everything she could use to do so. He gasped, and held her close
in return, but grew worried.

“...Did I hurt you?” he whispered, clearly afraid.

She wiggled her head to shake it.

“Thank you for not teasing me,” she muffled out weakly.

He eased with relief, and leaned his head to kiss her hood again. “Never, love... You're sharing
something precious with me. I do enjoy teasing you playfully, but I wouldn't when it's clear you're
actually worried.”

She eased enough to lift her head over his again, smiling with warmth only he'd really seen from
her. “...This is nice.”

He grinned lightly. “It really is.”

She took a breath, and controlled a giggle as she watched how much it forced him to control his
response with them so bound together. “I think... it's your turn.”

He blinked out of his haze. “...Huh?”

Zethra grinned with just a touch of mischief, and then rolled them both over carefully, letting
herself uncoil from him in a carefully precise manner. It didn't make him dizzy, but it let him softly
spill onto the carpet, free of her glistening scales.

“We've been doing what I wanted for,” she glanced to the clock, staring at it in incomprehension
for a moment. “ hour...” She rattled her head free of that loss of time, and focused back on him.
“So what's something you've wanted to try?” She had enough confidence back to show an alluring
little smirk with her body S-curving near him.

David only eased up enough to sit, his back against the front of the couch. He realized his coat was
still on, so he laughed a bit, and pulled his arms out of it. “Z-Zethra, I... sincerely don't know what
to ask for. I'm scared of what would push you too far, or make you uncomfortable.”

Zethra leaned down into his face. “Just ask. The worst I'll do is say no.”

He smiled at her return of his own words. He thought for a moment, and then winced a little, his
blush worsening.

“Looks like we have a winner?” she prompted him, only mildly teasing in tone.

He scrunched up. “I-I'm not sure it's okay...”

“Just ask, you goof.”

He cleared his throat, unable to meet her eyes while forcing the words out. “I'd... like to... feel
under your shirt...”

She gently chuckled, lowering herself near him. “Just fair warning, my breasts don't do much for

He blinked up at her. “O-oh, no, no, I... wasn't going to push that far.” He itched at his beard

She blinked. She'd been braced for much worse, so assuming he wanted to enjoy the fairly standard
'men want that' part of her body had been easy. Now she was confused. “Then... what... do you

“...I want to feel your back and stomach without anything in the way,” he whispered quietly, clearly
self conscious now, and glancing off.

She pouted. “Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was just confused, David.”

He shook his head. “You're fine. I... just... feel very strange asking for something about your

Zethra had to smile at him. She then shifted her tail around very specifically, letting her effectively
'pull' her torso down, and lay it across his lap.

David tensed up, his head turning red afresh as his girlfriend just manifested herself across his lap.

And she played it up. Her arms stretched above her head, she angled her hood to smile enticingly at
him, and let her arching back pull her shirt and jacket open to expose some of her pale, cream-
colored scales.

“Don't feel strange,” she offered gently even with the seductive turn of her smile.

He had to take a breath. “S-smolder warning. We discussed this...”

It let them both laugh.

“But I mean it,” she persisted as her laughter faded gently. “It's okay. If you make me
uncomfortable, I'll ask you to stop, nothing worse.”

David swallowed again, clearly still overwhelmed by her display and offer. Was accepting this
alright? Was he mistreating her by indulging like this? “Y-you're... sure this is okay?”

Her smile softened to gentle appreciation for how worried he was. “I'm sure, David. It's okay.”

He tipped his head to her, entirely serious for it, and then his gaze and hands drifted to the hint of
her stomach that was exposed for him.

It was fascinating to watch him. She saw his hands shaking as they hovered just over her scales, his
eyes clouding over with a dreamy haze, like he was expecting a dream to evaporate around him.

“...Touch me,” she whispered for him.

It was that last permission he needed. His expression shifted to reverent appreciation, and his hands
tenderly pressed down onto her scales. The faint pressure and painstaking care in the contact made
it somehow even more powerful.

Zethra had to contain a gasp, and she wasn't even sure why. The feather touch of his fingers, just
barely dancing along her scales, was somehow making tingling waves shoot across her body even
more than those wonderful touches of her back or along her hood. It was something in the frailty of
it. She was an armored fighting machine by nature, and his fingers were caressing her scales like
the most precious, most delicate treasure.

David glanced to her face, seeing her eyes droop, her body flexing so beautifully with her inhale. It
was clearly pleasurable for her. He wasn't hurting her, she wasn't tensing up to put up with it for

“You are so beautiful,” he had to say.

She blinked gently, looking up at him with a little pout of confusion. “W-what...?”

“You are,” is all he returned, and then looked back to her stomach. He let his hands spread, the
fingers slipping under the edge of her shirt, spreading across her stomach like warm water.

Zethra openly gasped this time, though it was a gentle, deep one, her hands flexing a bit on the
carpet over her head, her eyes widening a touch at the ceiling.

It was such a simple touch, but it was igniting her body like an explosive. She was becoming
breathless again as his hands glided along her scales, the fingertips finding her humanoid ribs, and
actually massaging subtly along their curves. Her gasp sharpened, her breath shortening more.

And then his hands split, enveloping her scales along her flanks, and starting to crest around to her
back. Zethra's head pitched back, panting outright. She was startled even through that by hearing
David moan just from experiencing her reaction.

And his moan was closer than she thought. It was at her stomach, his warm breath washing over
her scales.

“D-David,” she managed his name, confused how she was so lost in pleasure from such simple,
tender contact.

His lips pressed to the crook of her hip.

Zethra cried out, her hands clawing into the carpet, her spine flexing over his lap.

David jerked back, worried, his hands retreating. “I'msosorry!”

Zethra whined, a hissing squeak in her core, in instinctive frustration before she could think to stop
it. She melted out of that into a plaintive laugh. “Daaaavid, that wasn't baaaaad!”

He blinked, blushing more again. “It... it wasn't? I... I was so scared I caused pain somehow.”

Zethra giggled, lifting herself up to pull him into a hug. “You are so sweet...”

He returned the hug, easing with relief. “Sorry for spoiling it then...”

She swatted his shoulder. “Stop apologizing.” She eased from her panting at last, swallowing some
of the tension out of her frame. “That was... honestly amazing. I'd... never expected something like
that to affect me so much.” She curled her lips near his ear. “Those hands of yours are going to get
me in trouble...”
He shivered, and she had to grin.

“Seriously, that was... wonderful,” she affirmed, easing away enough for them to look at each
other. “I'll be happy to let you do that whenever you want.”

He ducked his head shyly. “Y-you're sure? I... I still feel like I'm getting away with something...”

Zethra laughed happily, and then smirked at him. “Well, if you ever try that out in public, I'll tail-
whip you in the balls.”

He actually physically constricted at the idea. “Oh... fair...”

Zethra petted his hair to let him know it was safe to relax, sharing a fond smile with him. “...So...
now that I can assume we're both ridiculously uncomfortable in our clothes, I... had what's probably
a really bad idea.”

David blinked at her, still half-embraced casually as they were. “What is it...?”

She glanced off, fidgeting a little. “I... wanted to... invite you to... literally sleep with me,” she
emphasized firmly, clearly using it to control her own embarrassment.

David smiled gently. “I would obviously love to stay close to you, but I also agree it's a bit risky.
Are you sure you'd feel safe?”

She huffed a weak laugh. Safe. Safe from herself.

Admittedly, thinking it through, visualizing having him close, with no rush to force them apart, it
would be so easy to... She had to shift her tail slightly as she cringed with discomfort. “...Shit.”

“...Not safe enough?” David surmised, sympathetic.

Her head sank. “...No...”

His hand caressed down her hood, and she gave a pleased sound as she savored it.

“I'll be fine getting home, love. Thank you for a... perfect evening.”

She pouted a little. “You're sure you're not frustrated with me?”

He leaned and carefully pulled her into a tender, but deep kiss. She moaned softly, caressing his
face, his hands reciprocating behind her hood.

Gently parting the kiss to find her eyes, he smiled, “I'll always want you, love, but I'm not

Zethra curled up bashfully. “...I really appreciate how kind you are about this...”

He chuckled, hugged her gently again, and then they started to pick themselves up.

They shared an awkward look, and just silently agreed to face away as they readjusted their clothes
a bit. After that, David plucked his jacket off the ground, folded it over his arm, and smiled
warmly at her again. “Stay safe, love.”

Their shared smile grew before she even said it.

“As long as you do, too.”

A warm farewell at the door preceded his steps down the stairs, carrying him off into the night. It
was only after he was departed that Zethra looked down at herself, and more specifically her
jacket. “...Why am I still wearing this?”
Shared Journey
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

There were many more dates and visits from friends over the following year. The Venom's Drip
gained a swell of popularity, which was great for business, and stressful, as the bar stayed packed
right up to closing multiple times a week.

A local news article had apparently commented on the 'sweet, mixed-species couple' staffing the
bar at some point, and it snowballed.

Zethra met about a dozen of David's old comrades, some who moved to City 31 as well, others
who just had the chance to stop by. None of the visits were as stressful as meeting Wolf and Raven
had been at the start, and Zethra was touched by how much care his friends took to help her feel

David was surprised when Zethra actually raised the idea of hosting a party for their friends, any
who could actually make it in a reasonable manner. He made sure she was actually interested in
the idea, and not just trying to do something for him. She swatted him.

So, one Saturday, they moved some of the tables out of the center of the Drip, set up some free
drinks on the counter itself, and arrayed snacks and catering down one side of the now-open space,
while still leaving several places to sit.

Lor, Cherry, Dua, and Vark arrived first. The three hybrids made sure to get big hugs from the
host-couple, Zethra playfully gave Vark a hug after his timid offer of one, and Vark and David
shared wry humor while shaking hands.

Vark wasn't just remembering his favor to Zethra anymore. He'd seen David treat her right for long
enough that he respected the human. (He just still didn't 'get it.')

And not long after that, Cherry making sure to get some lively music playing in the background,
David's friends started to arrive. Shen showed up with ROVR, the only real change in her
appearance to David's eye being her hair growing out enough to be tied back in a ponytail.

Not their first meeting by this point, Shen happily hugged Zethra as ROVR zipped around,
maneuvering paddles shifting about, analyzing the food and drink set-ups, and starting to act like
wait-staff. Cherry found this adorable, and would absolutely call to the drone whenever her drink
was low.

Dr. Tygan arrived, the somewhat socially stiff man giving handshakes and nods with his faint, but
sincere smile.... Right up until Cherry grabbed him into a bear-hug that knocked his glasses askew
on his bald, scarred head. David and Zethra both came to his rescue, but it was clear he wasn't
actually distressed, just startled.

Deathstrike and Hitch arrived some time later. Zethra had been introduced to them only a month
ago, when they actually moved to City 31 as well. They'd actually been married for a few years at
this point, and Zethra had immediately known why David had a soft-spot for Deathstrike (she did
prefer calling her 'Lin'). Despite some hints of graying hair, Lin was gentle, warm, and happy, and
Hitch was a charming, sincere, Nigerian man. Hitch had hugged Zethra immediately on meeting
her, and she could tell it was totally sincere, not forced. He made a great first impression, and had
never given her a reason to doubt his sincerity. In short, they were an adorable couple. Also,
David's slight confusion on seeing Lin with long hair amused Zethra to no end.

Today, they were all hugs and happy greetings, even grabbing Tygan almost has heartily as Cherry

Obviously, Cherry and Lin got on famously.

Next to arrive were Wolf and Raven. Zethra and David had checked with them early enough that
they could use some vacation time again, and they were happy to do so. With the harshest things at
least settled, Zethra was able to share a simple hug with Wolf and Raven each, sincere smiles on
their faces, with David right behind to give them each a hearty hug and clap on the back.

Their mutual friends knew that Wolf and Zethra had an understanding, those aware of why that
mattered had always opted to let it be quietly resolved rather than ask questions. Everyone had
things like that.

Two more of David's old friends was expected, though clearly running late. The party was going
well. Dua and Cherry playfully dragged Lin and Hitch out to dance, and they had the exact
carefree, silly humor to enjoy it. Lor half-dragged Shen off her seat because she was watching the
others with a bit of longing, but wouldn't admit it.

“I can't dance!”

“No one can, just be silly!” Lor returned.

No one was teasing Shen for her awkward motions, and she started to relax more and more in just a
few minutes. Lor made sure she had a dance partner, playful and happy.

Zethra and David caught up with the others, light laughs and smiles plentiful. Raven did notice that
David's glances to Zethra were a little more intent than even usual, and squinted with a knowing

Finally, the door knocked again. David waved everyone else down, and hurried over himself.

The mildly scruffy, always-tired-looking John 'Central' Bradford was there, with Jane Kelly

The XCOM-vets gave a playful cheer at seeing Central and Quiet. Zethra and the others remained
pleasant, just unsure how best to welcome the new-to-them face.

It was clear John was a bit awkward, letting Jane shoot forward, quickly hug David, and then bee-
line for Zethra with a little laugh and another hug.

David chuckled for his old friend, and pulled the man by a handshake into a clapping hug. It broke
the ice for John, and he weakly laughed, returning the hug before walking over with David to the

Zethra tipped her head to him, offering her hand, and he leaned out to shake it with a strong grip,
though she could tell he was terribly shy and forcing himself to be sociable.

A few minutes later, David called for a toast, and Cherry lowered the music volume so it was easier
to hear him.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to say cheers to John Bradford. He held a lot of people
together with shoe-string and hope for twenty years, and never gets enough credit for it.”

John was blushing despite his scruffy beard, trying to wave it down even as the XCOM-vets started
a boisterous cheer, and everyone else joined in just for the fun of it.

John finally just sunk his head into one hand. “Commander,” growled out of his teeth.

David grinned, and side-hugged his grumpy friend. “Okay, I'm done torturing the poor man. Get
that music loud again!”

Cherry cheered again, and did exactly that.

The clusters of chatter and socializing shifted here and there, the people dancing switched out
regularly. When David playfully lifted their held hands above Zethra, and she smoothly spun on
her coils around him, half the party cheered, making them both collapse into a blushing hug.

Well into the party, Zethra and David lingered off to the side, watching their mutual friends
interact quite pleasantly. Vark and Dr. Tygan had apparently found something to share, Shen
checking in on John with Wolf and Raven. Cherry, Jane, and Lin were giggling off on the side
together, Jane looking more relaxed than David could remember, while Hitch was... being Hitch
for Dua and Lor, giving them gentle, sincere advice on personal life troubles.

It also gave the pair some defacto privacy, off to one side, with music covering their voices just

“This is a miracle, right here in front of us,” David muttered gently.

Zethra leaned against his arm, fond of his manner in that moment. “Old enemies, sharing a random


He rested his head on her shoulder, savoring the moment with her for a time.

Zethra was only mildly confused when he shifted out of it, instinctively checking to see what he
was going to do next, but he just twisted to face her more fully, so she smiled, listening.

“It's been about a year, hasn't it?” he started softly, a bit of anxiety in his manner, but mostly

Not sure where the anxiety would come from, Zethra patted his arm as she answered, “Yeah, just

“It's been the best year of my life.”

She blushed, turning bashful. “...I'd... say you're laying it on too thick, but... I kinda feel the

David smiled at her, but was also growing very shy. He rubbed the back of his own head, ducking
it down to the side for a moment. “I was... wondering if... um...”

She normally didn't see him blush that much unless she was literally wrapped around him. Her
head tilted gently, and she touched his shoulder. “Why are you so scared...?”

He had to smile at her gentle concern, easing his ragged nerves instantly. He looked up from
below, that gentle glow in his eyes nearly blazing this time. She was caught, blushing a little

“...Would you like to get married?” he whispered out at last.

She got it now. What it was like to have her entire brain lock-up like an engine with a wrench in
the gears. Her eyes were wide, her blush lingering, the shock too severe for other bodily functions
to even bother.

David started to wilt a bit, seeing the severity of her reaction. He rationally knew that could be for
good reasons, but it could also be for very, very bad ones. He swallowed. “It's... totally
understandable, if you're not ready for that. I... just... needed to ask.”

It was the fear in his eyes that broke her loose. She didn't want him to suffer like that, not alone, not
anymore. “Easy,” finally got out of her lips, her hand shifting to grip his arm in a supportive
manner. “I... I'm just shocked.”

He brought a hand over to hers, squeezing it gently on his own arm. “You're such a kind person,”
he said, marveling at her strength of will.

Zethra did finally get her mind back, and then his question finally hit in a way that could get a
reaction. Her hood turned red, her heart hammering in her chest, her throat writhing as she tried to
swallow the crazed thrill and giddy fear building up through her core. “A-are you... sure that's...
something you want, too?”

David nodded. It was gentle, soft, but immediate. “I've... wanted to ask for a while, but I was so
scared I was going to scare you off, rush you. Please don't say yes if you're not sure. I can't hurt
you like that.”

Zethra felt so much it was hard to figure out what her body even wanted to do. Sob, laugh, turn into
a living embodiment of the color red. There was really only one piece of her mind that was clear.
With the idea, the actual question, she could look forward, years and years... and she absolutely
wanted David to be there. The idea of him stepping off, moving aside as she moved forward was...

Which gave her an answer, didn't it?

“...I'm sure. Yes.”

It was so simple, but she had no idea what else to put out of her throat. She was teetering on the
edge of being overwhelmed. They were at a party! People could see!

David body eased as if some kind of boulder had been shrugged off his back, his eyes falling shut
with a blissful smile as his hand pulled hers into a small, but so powerful squeeze. She started to
smile more naturally, each of them practically glowing.

Taking a beat, David cleared his throat to calm himself, and lifted his free hand to silently ask for a
moment. She blinked, but nodded a little, her other hand easing back to let him do... whatever it
was he was building up to after THAT.

He pulled a little box out of his pocket, her eyes widening again, and he got down on one knee in
front of her. Her hands clenched together at her stomach. This was what it looked like!?

And his motion was too obvious for the others to miss. Cherry's squeal was like a siren in the
background, Vark giving a surprised bellow, and laughter and cries of pleased surprise filled the
room as David, now turning very red himself, opened the little box for Zethra.
Zethra stared at it. Just a simple, silvery band, with twin rubies coiled into it, subtle but bright. A
hissing whine was all she could manage.

David grinned through his own nerves, and asked, “May I put it on your finger?”

Her throat wouldn't work, she knew that. She just nodded rapidly, and snapped her hand out before
she could think how embarrassed she was.

David pulled the ring loose, and tenderly took her hand, slipping it over her taloned finger. He then
pulled the hand to his lips for a gentle kiss. Zethra had to pull her lips in, more embarrassingly
high-pitched sounds rippling in her throat, but it was clear she was overwhelmed in the best way,
tears in her eyes, but a smile starting to blossom at the corners of her snout.

Another round of cheers, whistles, and hollers resounded, even John joining in.

David only stood so he could support her side. Zethra tried to smile at the others with him, but she
was already bashful, and having all of their friends clapping and cheering was just too much. She
actually curled in, whining softly as she hid in David's shoulder.

“OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SO CUTE!” Cherry squealed in delight.

Lin held her hands to her lips. “Aw, the poor thing. Commander, she needs a little privacy!”

“Yeah, get a room!” Raven called over, deadpan, but smirking to show she knew exactly what she
was saying.

Even Wolf gaped at her, though embarrassed laughter filled the bar a moment later, and David gave
Lin a thumbs-up, before whispering softly to Zethra. She nodded clearly, and he helped her flee to
the stairs.

“That was so romantic!” Cherry cried, sinking in her chair, as if heart-stricken.

Vark chuckled at her, shaking his big head a little.

Lin held a hand to her own cheek in sympathetic embarrassment. “God, I jus' 'ope the poor thing
go' a little warning, at least...”

Hitch chuckled warmly. “I think it'll be good, Lin, sweetie. She just absolutely needed that
breather, so good on you.”

She relaxed into a smile, and leaned over to peck his cheek, making him grin happily.

Once alone, just inside her door, Zethra still didn't have words... but she did pin David to the door
the second it closed with a kiss. He was more than happy to return it.

Sharing a deep, loving touch seemed to rejuvenate them both, and after a little nuzzle in its wake,
she gestured out. They should get back to the party...

Once they returned, though she still blushed, Zethra was clearly joyful. Lor immediately pulled her
into a hug, and everyone started to follow-suit, taking a few moments to properly congratulate the
pair on the big step.

At one point, John shook David's hand, admitting, “I never thought I'd see the day.”

David chuckled. “Me neither.”

They pulled into another clap-hug, John finally loosened up enough to smile openly without
looking like he was avoiding a grimace.

Shen got big hugs out of each of them, admitting, “I'm only not teasing you both horribly because I
know you're barely holding together in front of all of us.”

“Appreciated,” David affirmed, Zethra nodding as well.

Music and laughter filled the space once again, everyone, even John and Jane, hopping up to dance
for a little while. Lor and Vark seemed to be having the most fun, both doing excellent, old-style
swing dancing.

They all stayed much later than originally planned, the glowing happiness of the proposal making
everyone want to hold onto the day, the moment a little more. Tygan and Jane were the first to
admit they had obligations that meant they had to get home. It started the cascade of almost-sad
farewells, tight hugs, and promises to visit again soon.

Naturally, everyone at least playfully demanded an invite to the wedding, which just made Zethra
more and more shy.

Vark offered to stick around to help clean up, but the couple waved it down casually. He wished
them well, and was the last friend out the door.

The pair gently and quietly went about cleaning the bar up, shifting tables back, making sure
everything would be easier to prep come Monday. When it was clear they were done, they looked
at each other across the small gap between a few tables. They were both tired, drained, even if for
the best reasons, but so happy to see each other even with so little energy left to use. They drew
closer, and just naturally flowed into a soft, tight embrace.

It was happy silence and warmth for a long while before Zethra finally spoke, her voice a tender

“Rest with me, tonight?”

He stroked her back. “You feel safe?”

She nodded. “I just want you close.”

“Please, yes,” he returned.

They didn't even make it to the bed upstairs. They just curled into the couch, nestled into each
other, and passed out. Giving each other peaceful rest, sharing precious warmth, their hearts
soothed each other, and allowed their minds to heal.

The End

Chapter End Notes

So... this story completely blindsided ME. The kernel of it, the characters who would
be David and Zethra, had been lingering in my brain in different forms for a long
while, but I always had other projects with more cohesion ready to go once I was able
to write again (after a six year hiatus, X Chronicle fans are painfully aware).

75k words... all written in under 2 weeks. 25k were written in a single 48 hour period.
I've never been able to do that, and I don't expect to be able to repeat it. I'd just
finished a separate project, I was feeling a little down about my writing, and so I
decided to just do a few scenes for this story and then move on. Then two things

The characters hit the exact mark I wanted, and I also happened to (way late) discover
Toga's story on Ao3, 'On the Fringes.' Toga's work hit almost every mark my fan-
brain wanted, and he did it better than I ever could... I just still had a story in my head.
Something about reading his story, instead of settling the mood, ignited my
inspiration... and now here's an entire story fully composed in less than two weeks.

I'm at a loss, folks. I don't even try to claim this is 'really good writing,' or anything
like that. It was in my head, I really liked it, and it just kept flowing out. 3-5k words
per evening, when I normally do 400 and call it done. 25k over one weekend. I have
no idea...

So thank you for coming on this fluke journey with me, and I hope you enjoyed Zethra
and David.

If you're curious about the story David's experiences are based on (including the
mission where Avess dies), I have a youtube series you can check out
( I
basically edited a play-through with speech-bubbles and such so the soldiers are real
characters, including bits and pieces of (David's) the Commander's own arc. All of
David's 'old friends' in this story are pulled directly from that series, and this story is a
de-facto sequel, I just made sure to write it in a way that you never needed to touch my
youtube project.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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