Pasco County Schools Safe Driver Plan

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‘THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF PASCO COUNTY ‘SAFE DRIVER PLAN REV 085 ‘THE POINT SYSTEM [VoLATION CATEGORIES "MARIRTUM POINS TO BE ASSIGNED “The driving record ofall Schoo Board emplayees seqolred fo hold « MEDICAL, EXAMINEW'S [CHRTLFICATE (echoo! bes dyes) vil be reviewed ln accordance with Florida State Board of Waneaton Rule ‘Namber 64-3141 Piste may be sssgned at Violations occur. driver involved in = singe cident or event buted for more than one ‘otto Wit only reste pnts eel cot category receiving the highest umber of punts, Any voltion may be reviewed by the Comssitee ‘any tine, An acral of points as shown blow ‘il result in the Commies recommending ‘Alanitratie setion according ta the follow Points Time Action ‘Aceraed Period Recommended 14 2 month Docomentea Warning 12month Lay suspension withost pay 19 x2 month 3 day suspension ‘witbont pay 11d 12month Termination of employment as tei 1519 month An employec as the right to appeal assesment of petnts, andor administrative ation relating thereto] hy requesting» hearing before the Safe Deter Plan Conrattee. The appeal shal ey tetter tthe Chale withn ive work days of recep af the nts ofthe Conus action ant il tte the ‘employee's objection in deta Further appeal wi ie entertained at Step 3, aceordlag to Article VI, Grievance Procedare Station C of the SRP Master Contractor Applleatie Scheel Board Palicy. -efalt acaidont due to onvction of diving wil paid (OW aving undo re inluene (OUI, or diving wit nln! lead atesho eve (ual) wi result ina mandatory recommendation for termination #63 choo bus ver speading—- (point per SPH over private vetice) (pols per SMP H oversthool a) Revsedsne #3 E Caress VN ects devin Failure to abeere STOP ai, allure to abeerve re ight. Failure to observe trate corzal davies aor si, pers wte ad rsa nee rw sponded et ete. ne UL Imgroper ne change hz-Falwe ws have vohice under canta. # Clg rn rope tava tage 0 ean Diving on te wrong side othe oad 5 mpropr turn, 6 False to Ys entaring through igh. h.rature oye ofa Improper backing. fs.rollowing too cose on ~ Bo. improper posing. BL Knowing leaving he scene of on sexier. 2. Faure to report within the neat woking iy gpy writen cation outecie athe ror af School Beard whens san 2 Fale to nmediatelyreprt any known agent n which You re ivoled rary writen cation youecsve a the diver of 8 Scheel Board owned while. ao 2A. Fore to stop atrairend costing [whch you are exe a 5 5 lei or atempting Wo oude pote of. “0 (ia ever ising ether than School Board awd veicessan 26a to observe any ther etalshed rng aw o regulation, ont tobe etablished ding lof elton, pinto Be tstablshed 040 by the Committee using the above schedule a3 cet detemin heuer of pos dig ihe seve 7.ot at ol 28 Unable te determine. om b.Any action or accident thst: Shows edn of + deve gros neglect, rest in mali serous or ata ruries oF + causes extensive damage to veils or propery oF + demonszates urate dng practes, ‘nay be charged in his category if 75% of tha Committee ‘mambers present vote fo conser lest. Pains tobe established (10. the Committe using tha above shade agua to sete themmber pins are ina sey 310 Fale to secre Veh OF Re 1 Acidnt n/t a student loading/ilondng we 040 ma a) ‘THE DISTRICE SCHOOL BOARD OF PASCO COUNTY ‘SAKE DRIVER PLAN EY Oe pu Feral ened believes that having pla feat assres we dono ie or allow any person to opt a Schoo! Board owes ‘bios who donot ive an scoelable diving recor en ee he potenti for injses ad nwt, Fereons who ave oor (sving econ ll ot be led dive hoo bus. PLAN: Tra, to qulfy for aud remain employed by Parco County Schools, every bus diver sat eoalish and xin an overall ivleg reco tha exemple erefl diving baie und meet he ete prescribed by is pla, The Dipectr of Transporation (Gredesgne) it rebynaile fer he taktoringaf he diving records of a school bs divers, REPORTING: Ree A Neon of each employee inde In tis plan w report the following tothe office of he Direcor of Transporation, ™ sit be repented iment, upon noifcation, prior to operating any sa Eel pat! oward velit. No dive stall be allowed to dive vehicle telonging othe Schock Board without pope eens or whan sich 2 eenseisunde suspension or revocation PraeVeice: “Tar aScience of ay of te following evens mt be reported no ata than he nd ofthe next working da: T'any aotdegsin ich ee isivolved ae driver fe nen School Board owned eke, and abo is ted or change. 2 Rekdptot my clatin hele ovine athe driver a von Seba Board owaed vee School Hourd Oped Vehicle: Free aitnce af sy of be fllowing eens must be reported immediately; before Iaving th ene 1A known aceldent in which fee avlred at fe eiver of School Board ewned vb 2. Any ciation ste estes ashe ave ae School Board owned eb, 15: Ang evidence of damage scoverd polar, dingo ater operation ofa Sehol Bou owned vehicle. DEFINITION: Ranaut deine a a wnforesee enilr uoplnned event or ccurstanc. It sully produces unintended property datas, Jnjory, ordeas ‘Weminston of emplevsen. [BEELCTIVE DATE ‘Ths plan supetees all preceding plans andi elective ised. APPLICABILITY: “Ths pln apples to al School Yard employee who hive shal bus ad ze equ to haven MEDICALEKAMINER'S CERTIFICATE, ME SHETOM: Prospective employee quired to have s MEDICAL EXAMINER'S CERTIFICATE wil ot beret blabe Faeaea ie pots ln team yet, or more hasten oi in he at hee yc, ae recorded is Divison of Highway ‘Seay etd Moor Vehiete records or ve ben eharged th DWI, DUI, or DUBAL i he at oven yar. ‘Ai iver aplcans wil dave ksherocrds eviews. her oor cant pas te ctr, bef will ot eee dives if ae onroyon omitted wiv duet hier diving record ele wil ot Be eemloyed a «ver wt ube combats a eas one 12 moa prod of aro plas ecordance with hs pln. Ifa verison de #2 treme poi, lb may be considered for employment in anon-vingpeiton- ‘Facute wil norm see em and oo sige polas while either eleva cout ution is ending or eine ‘Rtownfon ebay sought, When enter is tabled, any ebsequen ols atigned wil be efecive the date of he volaton aera Gk Th pm willbe else ty the Sts ree Pon Commits, Whi cons ofthe following ‘Sadan ‘Appoisimest Memes: ected Members: one pe tnspotatonJosatian) ‘Training Safety Coordi, Chair (Conral Garege Supervisor of Tenaportaion Maintenance Bat Garage Supers of Transporation Oprtoas Northves Garage Specs of Diver Baveaton Southeast Garage Safety Magee ‘West Gamace imple Hones & Risk Manager “The Chis ofthe Safe DsiverPln Comite wl view dene ecards in acordance with the Horida Sate Boertof ation Rule Nomber 63.014 adh Sapeyee cal be given an postu to ree ti lan nd ave shes questions answered, Each employee shal in 8 fo adeafing that elo has ee hsp.

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