Tales of A Broken Heart

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4, 2020



Patient Perspective
LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE artery. I have to go to my husband’s funeral. What in
the world? I do not have time for this! Well, we had to
reschedule the funeral. I came home on September 5

Tales of a Broken Heart and had to go back to the hospital the same night
because my lungs were filling up with fluid again. The
ambulance picked me up at 11:00 PM . They thought
My name is Carolyn Cross and I am happy to be alive they were going to lose me.
enjoying life with my family and friends today. Until I was again rushed to the catheterization labora-
June 8, 2016, I was working, busy being a wife and tory after my lungs continued to fill with fluid. Be-
grandmother, and serving in many aspects of minis- tween September 6 and 8, I received the second stent
try in my church. My journey began on this date and sometime during the procedure, I must have
because my world began changing in a direction I was coded. I woke up with a huge weight on my chest and
not expecting or prepared for. As I came home from being thrown up off the stretcher. They shocked my
work on this day, my husband was sitting on the heart and revived me. During this time the doctor
porch having difficulty breathing. We immediately found I had blood clots in my heart also. Dear Lord,
went to the emergency department where he was please do not let me die! My children and grand-
admitted. A radiograph was done and a huge mass children need me. I heard on the inside of me, “Stay
was found in his lung. The next day a confirming strong, do not let your faith waver.” I knew I would be
diagnosis of lung cancer was given to us. My children, okay, either way I was going to be alright! I did miss
grandchildren, and I were all devasted. My Marcell Marcell’s funeral, but very thankful I did not have my
was a tower of strength to our family and we could own. Between September and March, I was in and out
not imagine life without him. of the hospital at least 13 times because of congestive
At this time, I completely forgot about taking care heart failure.
of myself. I wrapped my entire being into taking Being in and out of the hospital took its toll on my
care of him and my family. We had to be okay, I had to whole family. Colton, my little 8-year-old grandson,
be okay, just keep going putting one foot in front of lives next door to me. He says, “Mawmaw, you are my
the other. I felt in shock, numb, paralyzed with un- best friend.” When I was home, he wanted to spend
certainty, and slowly coming to the realization of the the night with me and he prayed every day for me.
coming life changes. Especially since losing his Pa, I try to spend as much
Marcell went to Heaven, Wednesday, August 31, time as I can with him. I did not always feel like doing
2016. Just 11 weeks after receiving the diagnosis of what I wanted to do with him, but I tried to make the
lung cancer. I did not know what to do or how to most of the moments we had. This child needs me
handle it all. My heart had too many directions to run. and I need him!
How was I to keep it all together? I had to be strong In March 2017, I began receiving information about
for my children, my heart was broken as was theirs. the CardioMEMS HF System. I had no choice but to do
Our world had just fallen apart. something and I knew Dr. Karia and Dr. Chandler
Saturday, September 3, 2016, at 3:30 AM (the day of wanted the best for me. So, I was thoroughly
my husband’s funeral) I woke up feeling like my heart educated through teaching and videos on the lifestyle
exploded. I could feel my lungs filling up with fluid. changes and benefits of this procedure. It seemed
After talking to 911, they could not get to me for pretty simple and I thought it was worth a try. I was
40 min. I woke my brother and sister-in-law up and so looking forward to feeling better, it was definitely
told them to get me to the hospital. I told them to the only option for me! The lifestyle changes, diet and
drive me the 25 miles to the hospital at 100 miles an exercise, were nothing compared with feeling normal
hour. I knew I was in trouble! and having energy to do the things I love.
Having my clothes ripped off while being wheeled On March 30, the CardioMEMS sensor was inserted
down the hospital corridor on the way to the cardiac into my pulmonary artery. I immediately felt relief
catheterization laboratory, I was told it was a classic come over me and within about a month, we had my
heart attack—whatever that means. I had a stent medications adjusted. I noticed it the most in the
placed in my marginal branch left anterior descending evening because I was not retaining fluid. I began my
328 Letter to the Editor JACC: HEART FAILURE VOL. 8, NO. 4, 2020
APRIL 2020:327–8

cardiac rehabilitation and diet and have not stopped mountains, the movies, fishing, and bowling to name
since. I send in my readings every day. If I need to a few! I would like to say thank you to the researchers,
make changes to my diet or medication the nurse doctors, nurses, and program coordinators, and
from the heart failure clinic calls and tells me. After God, for making my life full, enjoyable, and healthy
receiving the CardioMEMS HF System, I have not again!
been in the hospital again for congestive heart failure.
A month later, Dr. Hall did a mitral valve repair on *Carolyn Cross
May 19th that was very successful. He said, “It was *35 Lentz Lane
the best he has ever done!” So, now my friends who Edgefield, South Carolina 29824
are 10 years younger than I am complain because they E-mail: carolyndcross@aol.com
cannot keep up with me. I started a new ministry at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jchf.2020.01.010
church for prime timers! I keep up with my grand-
Please note: Ms. Cross has reported that she has no relationships relevant to the
children enjoying every moment. We go to the beach, contents of this paper to disclose.

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