Breeding Your Goblin Big

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Breeding Your Goblin Big Sister

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Original Work, GWA - Fandom
Additional Tags: Screenplay/Script Format, Femdom, Goblins, Adopted Sibling
Relationship, Size Difference, Breeding, Blow Jobs, Creampie
Stats: Published: 2021-09-18 Words: 3554

Breeding Your Goblin Big Sister

by hecatescrossroad (CascadingMarinara)


A young human is rescued by a pair of goblins after being abandoned in the woods. The
goblins adopt him into their clan, and he grows up with their daughter as his sister. As time
passes, the man becomes more interested in his human origins. He decides to leave under
the cover of night to journey to one of the human towns, but is stopped after his adopted
sister discovers what he's doing. She admits her feelings for him, and together the two of
them learn the benefits of not actually being blood related.

[F4M] Breeding Your Goblin Big Sister [Script Offer] [Fdom] [Human x Goblin] [Adopted]
[Human Listener] [Size difference] [Shortstack] [Topping From the Bottom] [Blowjob] [Facial]
[Good boys] [L-Bombs] [Cock Worship] [Stand and Carry] [Creampie] [Breeding] [Characters

Disclaimer: All characters depicted in this script are 18+

You can edit or modify this script however you like. I want you to do what you're comfortable
with, so feel free to add your own flavor to the script, or to change it in a fashion that better suits
your style :)

Anything in asterisks is meant to be emphasized. Words inside braces {} are optional sfx.

This script was written in collaboration with u/GameQube2 on reddit! <3

Thank you for reading!

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

{Gentle knocking}

{Soft} Little bro? Are you awake?

I… uhm… got up to fetch a glass of water and noticed the faint flicker of candlelight under your

{Brief pause}

You aren’t staying up late to read again, are you?

{Sigh} I wouldn’t have lent you those books if I knew this was going to happen.

{Brief pause}

I know you’re up, so there’s no use staying silent.

{Brief pause}

{A little shy} Listen.. I--I’ve had some trouble sleeping. Do you think I could cuddle with you?
Like we used to when we were kids?

Just for tonight? You’ll still have plenty of room in your bed…

{Brief pause}

{Firm} Oh, screw it… I’m coming in.

So… if you’re indecent, cover yourself...

{Almost to herself} Or not. I honestly don’t care….

{Optional sfx: door opening}

Oh… I…

{Nervous} Uhm… w-why are you packing a bag?

{Brief pause to indicate response}

No… that’s way too much stuff for the market…

And is that… the pocketwatch I bought you?

You hardly ever take that out. You said it’s too precious to risk breaking...

Little bro? Is something wrong?

{Optional stammering, she’s very nervous} If you’re going on a trip, you should’ve told us…

Is this… something you have to keep secret from Mom and Dad?

Are you in trouble? Because if you are, I’m coming with you.

Uh, uh, we aren’t debating this. I may be half your size, but I’m still your big sister. You need me.

Plus… it isn’t our clan’s way to abandon kin. I’d dishonor the family name if I let you go off to
fend for yourself.

{Grumbling} Hmph… Just because we’ve lived comfortably for a few generations, that doesn’t
mean we’ve lost our pride.
We’re still warriors, aren’t we?

{Brief pause to indicate response}

{Confused} W-what are you talking about? Of course you’re family…

I don’t— {Pause, interrupted}

{Stern} Who cares if you’re a human?

Is that what this is about?

{Frustrated sigh} You kept going on about finding other people like you, of traveling to the human
kingdoms on your own, but I never thought you were foolish enough to actually try it…

Gods, how many times have our parents warned you against that?

It’s too dangerous out there. And you belong here, with us.

Those people, the humans… they aren’t your real family.

If they were, they wouldn’t have left you alone in the woods like that…

Even after we sent word that a human child had been found near our borders, no one from their
towns rose to take you in. It’s disgraceful.

I’ll never forget the day our parents brought you home… You were in terrible shape, covered in
dirt and scratches. I thought you were a wild animal at first. Yet when I looked into your eyes,
there was such a deep sadness…

I wanted to hold you tight, to tell you everything was going to be okay… because you were finally

Being officially adopted was just a formality. Our parents knew, as I knew, that we were meant to
find you… You’re kin, little brother. An heir to this clan.

{Weak chuckle} I’ve always found your insecurities with being human strange…Gods, I didn’t
even know that there was a real difference between us at first. I just thought you were some overly
tall goblin without green skin or pointed ears…

Needless to say, it was confusing when you kept insisting that I wasn’t your real sister, that
humans and goblins could never be family.

Mmm, you were a really bratty kid, sweetheart…

But big sis taught you proper manners, didn’t she?

You were still a runt back then, only a foot taller than me at best. So if you got too feisty I could
just put you in a headlock…

{Sigh} Too bad I can’t do that anymore. It’d be way easier to beat some sense into you…

{Brief pause to indicate response}

{Clicking tongue} Ridiculous…

I wouldn’t have wasted all that time helping you with your studies if I’d known you were going to
turn out this stupid…

{Frustrated} Of course you don’t have to leave! You have a family that loves you… a family that
takes care of you… And you’re willing to throw that all away?

Can you imagine how much it would hurt our parents if they woke up one day and you were
suddenly gone?

And what about me?!

{Feeling betrayed} Don’t… don’t I matter to you?

{Brief pause to indicate response}

{Soft} Well… this isn’t the way you treat the people you love…

{Deep breath, collecting herself}

Will you at least let me come with you?

{Brief pause}

What the hell do you mean 'I belong here?' So do you! You think it matters to anyone here that
you're not a goblin? You're the one who's being stubborn about it!

The only way I 'belong here' is if you're here too. I want to be by your side, brother. I hate to think
of you out there all alone, not knowing what kind of trouble you might end up in without me.

It's not just because I'm your big sister. I want to be with you so I can know you're safe, so I can
protect you.

I love you... Maybe more than I should.

{Pause to indicate response}

{Groan of frustration} Fine… If reason won’t reach you. I’ll just have to use a different approach.

{Stern} This isn’t a debate. A little brother doesn’t get to disobey his elder sister… I think it’s time
I reminded you of that.

{Stern} You will stay here because *I said so*… Understood?

{Brief pause}

{Optional groaning as she grabs onto him} No… I’ll cling onto your fucking leg if I have to...

Little… fucking… brat… Don’t you dare take another step… Do you want me to start biting your

Fine… I gave you a chance.

{Optional biting sounds}

{Chuckle} Good… I hope it hurts, you bastard. This is what you get for spurning your dear older
Think I’m not good enough for you, huh? You big, stupid, beast… A person’s heart is not a

{Brief pause to indicate response}

{Taken off guard} W-what?

What did you just say?

Oh… *Oh…*

{Collecting herself} Uhm… I guess I should let go of your leg, then…

{Optional clearing throat, shy} How… how long have you felt that way about me?

{Weak chuckle} All my friend’s thought I was crazy for falling in love with a human. They told
me you’d never return my feelings… But I knew.

I knew you’d be mine one day…

‘Unrequited’ {Scoff} If only they could see how you look at me when we’re alone...

Just as we are now...

Your eyes are beautiful, glimmering in the candlelight like this…

Mmm... And that tender gaze, so full of adoration…

You don’t really want to be separated from your big sister, do you?

No… of course not…

{Whispered} You love me… deeply, helplessly…

{Whispered} I’m more than a sister to you; I’m your soulmate...

{Soft} Sweetheart… Why didn’t you say anything?

{Pause to indicate response}

Oh, little brother… You never had to worry about that.

Our parents think the world of you. They wouldn’t be angry if they found out we fell for each

{Suggestive} In fact… I’m pretty sure that’s what they’ve been hoping for.

{Mischievous} It’d be different if we were blood related, of course. But… well, you’re adopted--a
human stray our parents took in out of the kindness of their hearts.

At first they planned on simply treating you as another heir. Yet, after noticing how infatuated their
darling daughter was with her new brother, mom and dad saw an opportunity...

{Mischievous} It really is troublesome finding a worthy partner for one’s child, after all.

Especially when you’re from a respected clan like ours.

Every suitor has to be carefully considered, vetted over the course of various dinners and balls.

Our parents don’t have to bother with any of that matchmaking nonsense, though. Because they
have you: the human they raised to be the perfect groom for their daughter… My sweet, caring
little brother...

{Soft} Aw, you seem so shocked, sweetheart… There must be a lot of conflicting emotions
swirling around inside you right now.

It’s alright. Big sis will stay by your side…

Here… kneel down, baby…

Good boy. Do you want to hold me?

{Soft moan} There you go… Gently rest your head on my shoulder…

Good boy… I’ve got you...

Mmm… what an adorable little brother.

{Soft} Do you know how scared you made me? I thought I'd never see you again.

Look into my eyes. This is where you belong: at home, with your big sister...

{Soft kissing} You’re going to be a good boy and do what I say, right?

{Brief pause}

{Sweet} It’s okay, sweetheart… There’s nothing to be sorry for. You just… got a little confused,
that’s all.

It isn’t easy trying to fit in with a different people, is it?

As well as we’ve treated you, the other goblins are still a little wary about your presence. They see
danger in letting an outsider live with them...

So, I don’t blame you for wanting to learn more about your fellow humans…

{Kiss} Someday we’ll visit one of their cities. But we’ll do it together.

{Kissing} Good boy… I love you too…

Gods, I’ve always wanted to have you in my arms like this… to finally take you as a lover…

My heart is pounding in my chest… because I know… I could cross that line right now, and steal
your innocence forever…

{Kissing, soft moaning} I must be a bad sister… I’m getting so excited at the thought of corrupting
my precious little brother… The taboo only turns me on more…

I keep imagining how good it’ll feel to have you beneath me… {Whispered} how adorable your
moans will sound...

{Kiss} You want it too, don’t you?

Say it… say that you’ll be a good boy for your older sister, and let her use your body however she
likes… Say that you’ll only love me for the rest of your life...

{Brief pause}

{Soft} Such a good, obedient boy…

Can you get onto the bed for me?

Yeah, good boy. Move all the luggage off as well.

Big sis has been waiting a long time to claim you… and nothing’s going to get in her way now…

That’s it… Just lay back into the sheet.. Mhm, relax…

{Contented sigh} Stay still… Everything’s okay… I’m only taking your clothes off…

Good boy, take deep, steady breaths as I… slowly unbutton your shirt… {She does so}

{Teasing} Does it feel nice when big sis traces her fingers over your chest? How about if I… move
down even further… to your stomach… and lower, to your pelvis...

{Chuckle} Let's get these pants out of the way, sweetie… From the looks of things, they’re going
to start getting very uncomfortable soon...

{Optional sfx: unbuckling his pants}

{Soft moan} Fuck… you’re beautiful...

{Amused} Don’t be embarrassed, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you naked. We used to bathe
together all the time, remember?

{Teasing} Though, you’ve… matured a lot since then, haven’t you?

{Soft moan} You're so big down there, little brother. It isn’t even fully hard, and I can barely wrap
my hands around the base…

{Soft moans} Good boy… Gasp and whimper as I gently stroke your cock…

Mmm, you have such a lovely, manly scent, sweetheart… My body’s reacting to it already…

{Soft moans} Such a naughty little boy, making your big sister soak through her panties…

{Teasing} I’m going to have to punish you for that...

{Soft licks} Aw, you’re quivering, baby… Do you like it when I flick my soft little tongue over the


{Chuckle, sadistic} Stop? Aw, is the stimulation too much for your sensitive little penis?

Yeah? Does it drive you crazy when I… {lick} lick along the shaft?

{Sadistic} Poor human, you look like you can barely hold it in… Does my little slut want to cum?

Mmm, but you don’t have permission yet, sweetheart… And you always need permission to cum,
don’t you?
That’s right. Because big sis owns you… I own your heavy balls… and the thick, sticky seed inside
them… I decide if you get to spurt and spasm in ecstasy… or if you deserve to be edged into a
quivering mess…

{Licking, moaning} Good boy… Keep leaking out that delicious pre-cum… Big sis will lap up
every drop...

{Licking} Mhm, I'm going to get you nice and clean…

{Teasing} Let’s see if I can… wrap my lips around the head of your cock, little brother…

{Soft sucking} Fuck… you’re so thick… I have to be really careful not to catch you with my

{Sucking} How do I look with your cock in my mouth, sweetie? Is it cute seeing this tiny goblin
struggling to suck you off?

{Sucking, sadistic} But I’m still in charge… You’re just a subby little boy that serves his older
sister, aren’t you? Mhm, you’re my human… my *slut*...

{Sucking} Good boy…

I’m going to try to take you a bit deeper now, okay?

{Optional struggling to suck him off, maybe some gagging} Fuck… I could feel you pressing
against the back of my throat… Mmm, my jaw’s starting to get sore too…

{Chuckle} Oh, it’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t have to worry about me. I want to pleasure you, to
see your eyes roll back as I deepthroat your thick cock… {Lick} Plus, you make the most adorable

{Teasing} Just keep your hips still, alright? I can’t take the whole thing in my mouth yet...

{More optional deepthroating}

{Licking} You’re doing so well, little brother… Just hold that load in a little longer… I promise
it’ll feel incredible when you finally get to burst…

{More optional deepthroating}

{Heavy breathing} Hah… I… I almost got all the way to the base that time…

{Moan} You were moaning so loud… and I could feel you starting to twitch against my tongue…

Are you getting close, sweetie?

Yeah? It’s okay… You can cum now… I give you permission…

Here… how about big sis finishes you off with her hands?

Oh, good boy… Good boy… Keep telling big sis how much you love her…

Mmm, do you want to blow your load onto my tongue?

{Chuckle} Listen to you beg…

Alright… I won’t tease my cute baby boy anymore...

{Licking, optional wet stroking sfx} Yes... do it, little brother…

Cover me in your warm, creamy cum… Plaster my face…

Do it, slut… Cum for me… Cum for me… Cum for me!

{Improv to his orgasm}

*Good boy*. Let it all out… *Good boy*.

{Chuckle} You made such a mess, sweetie…

I’m going to have to wipe it off with my fingers…

{Soft licking}

{Amused} What? It’d be a shame to waste your cum…

{Soft licking, moaning} I can’t believe you had this much saved up…

Mmm, I’m sorry, baby. I should’ve taken better care of you.

{Teasing} I mean, it’s not like your door is ever locked… I wouldn’t have had any trouble
sneaking in here while you were sleeping…

It’s okay, baby… There’s nothing wrong with a big sister… relieving her brother’s tension…

{Soft moaning} And you *are* tense, sweetheart… Your cock obviously hasn’t been getting
enough attention lately...

{Soft moaning} See? I’m only rubbing my palm over the head, and it’s already getting hard

{Maybe kind of babying him} My sweet little boy… You know you can’t neglect your penis…

Hmph… Bis sis is going to have to milk you again, isn’t she?

{Soft} Do you want to use my little flower this time?

{Firm} Baby… no squirming… What did I say about being disobedient?

That’s right… Settle down…

{Soft moaning, whispered} You didn’t really think we were done yet, did you?

{Chuckle} Good boy… Lie on your back for me...

{Moan} That’s it… Just give in, little brother… Moan and tremble as I… grind on top of you…

Does it feel nice when big sis rubs her wet slit against your cock?

Yeah… You can’t wait to stretch out my little goblin pussy, can you?

{Moaning} Good boy… You're getting all slippery with my juices…

Mmm… guess we won’t need any lube…

Ah… stay still, sweetheart… I’m going to try to… ease you inside…

{Optional slightly more intense moaning} It’s okay, baby… I’m okay…

{Heavy breathing} Fuck… I can barely fit the tip in…

{Brief pause to indicate response}

No… No, we aren’t stopping… I have to claim you, to make sure you never leave me…

Shh… You aren’t hurting me, little brother…

I just have to… get used to your size…

{Moaning} Yeah… good boy… Big sis is going to keep gently fucking you…

Mhm… I’ll gradually slide your thick, aching cock inside me… inch by inch…

See? Each time I lower myself down I can take a little more…

{Moaning} Mmm, you look so precious, trying to hold back…

My pussy feels really good, doesn’t it? I’m clenching around the tip… making sure you can’t pull

{Chuckle} You want to split me open with that big cock, don’t you, baby?

I know… You wish you could just pound your sister’s tiny body… make her drool and whimper as
you fuck her senseless…

{Moaning} Yes, good boy… Grab onto my hips…

You can… you can push me down a bit…

{Slightly more intense moaning} Such a good fucking boy…

Give it to me, slut. Fuck me!

{Moaning} I… I want you to pick me up…

Come on, sweetheart… Show your big sister how much you love her…

{Teasing} Mmm, you *do* love me, don’t you?

{Sex sounds stop if included, as well as moaning for a bit as he picks her up}

Yes… oh, fuck yes… Lift me up… Use your big sis like a sextoy…

{Intense moaning} That’s it… all the way to the base…

Fuck, fuck, fuck… you’re hitting so deep…

{Optional little yelp of mixed pain and pleasure} Ah… c-careful… that spot’s really sensitive…

Good boy… just let me kiss the tip with my cervix…

Mhm, I know you won’t hurt me… I trust you, little brother...

{Moaning}Shit... I can… I can see you bulging in my abdomen…

{Extra optional strangled cries of pleasure as he rails her}

Oh gods… oh fuck… Don’t stop…

It feels amazing...

{Intense moaning} You’re mine, little brother! And I won’t ever let you leave me…

{Moaning} Yeees… keep saying that you love me… that you’re my little slut…

Are you… are you getting close, sweetheart?

It’s okay… you can cum inside…

Mmm, I want your baby, little brother…

{Pleasured whimper} Shit… You just got even bigger… You love the thought of giving yourself
to me, don’t you? Of seeing my small body swell with your child…

Please? We’ll make the most adorable kids, sweetheart… Come on, do it… Mix our blood… Give
me a little half-human baby...

{Moaning} Yes… Bottom out inside me… Press your cock against my cervix and… {moan} flood
me with your seed…

{Improv to orgasm}

That's a good boy, give me all of it...

Gods, you have no idea how long I've wanted this…

{Heavy breathing} That... was intense….

I… I have a feeling you'll want to give your arms a rest…. Why don't you lay us down so we
cuddle on the bed?

But you'd better not pull out. I don't want a single drop to go to waste.

{Contented sigh as he lays her down} Thank you for helping your big sister's dream come true. I
couldn't imagine being with anyone else. And… I'm so happy you feel the same way.

{Soft kissing} You don't need to feel guilty about being in love with me anymore, dear brother. I
promise, nothing will keep us apart.

It's okay if you want to go be with humans, just promise me it'll be with me too, okay?

{Kiss} Thank you...

{Soft kissing} My good little boy… You’re so sweet to me…

Mmm, you’re going to make a really good house husband…

{Teasing} Yeah… I’ll never have trouble reaching anything ever again…
{Chuckle} Sorry… I couldn’t help myself…

{Happy} It’ll be really nice to have you in my bed, though… Waking up with your arms wrapped
around me sounds like heaven… {Soft} Soon I might even be able to feel your hand on my
pregnant belly ...

{Contented sigh} That’s it, little brother… Snuggle up close…

{Kiss} Good boy… Get some rest…

{Amused} We’re going to have some explaining to do in the morning...

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