The Number of Books Read at Burnaby Public Library Graph

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The number of books read at Burnaby Public Library

The graph shows the number of books read by men and women at Burnaby Public
Library from 2011 to 2014.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

You will increase your Writing Band Score in Academic Writing Task 1 if you:

1) Mention all the major features of the statistics or charts

2) Make sure you describe the statistics accurately

3) Paraphrase the information in the question

4) Avoid repeating the same words and phrases and try to vary the sentence

structures you use

5) Give an overview of the most important trends or patterns

Related Topic: Twenty tips for IELTS success

Model answer

The graph gives information about Burnaby Public Library between 2011 and 2014. It
shows how many library books people read over this four-year period.

As can be seen from the graph, there were different trends for men and women. The
number of books read by men increased steadily between 2011 and 2012, from
about 3000 to 4000. After that, the number rose dramatically to 14000 books in 2014.
This was the highest figure in the period.

Women started off reading more books than men, but their numbers followed a
different pattern. Between 2011 and 2012, there was an increase of 3000 from 5000
books to 8000 books, and then a gradual rise to 10000 books in 2013. However, in
2014, their numbers fell back to 8000 again.

Overall, there was a strong upward trend in the number of books read by men.
Although women read more books than men in 2011, their reading fell to below the
level of men in 2014.

 The line graph illutrates the number of books men and women read from 2011 to
2014. According to the lines, in the first three years, men were dominated by women
when it comes to reading activity, while after year 2013 things have changed.

In the year 2011 women tend to read 3.000 more books than men. Along the period,
women have a slightly increasing to 10.000 books read in 2013, and men face a
exorbitantly growth, from 4.000 books to 10.000 in just a year Between 2013 and
2014, values of women critically decreased from 10.000 to 8.000, whereas men's
reading process rose to 14.000 books.

Overall, from the begining women appear to have a constant movement till 2013,
even if they had more books read in 2011, men present surprising evolution on that
period so that exceeding women after 2013. The last year was dramatic for the
feminine sex.

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Rubén Darío Christian • 3 months ago

wow, you're a great writter!

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ARPITA NAIK • 3 days ago

The graph depicts the information regarding the number of books read by both men
and women. The graph contains the information regarding the readers from Burnaby
Public Library during 2011-2104.
As it can be seen from the graph that the number of books read by both men and
women has changed across the years. Initially women took active participation in
reading but however there is a sudden decline in the female book reading
activity ,that is reduction in the number of books read by women as compared to the
previous years . But its not the case with the male readers , it can be noticed from the
graph that the number of books read by men increased drastically as compared to
the initial years.
As it can be studied from the graph , number of books read by women was around
5000 during the year 2011. In the year 2013 , the number of books read by women
was 10,000. However the graph clearly illustrates that the trend does not continue
that is there is fall in the number of books read by female to 7000.
However the data regarding the number of books read by men was totally
contradicting the female data. Men in the initial year that is in 2011 read around 3000
, whereas in the year 2014 the number rapidly increased to 14000.

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Khairul Fikri • 14 days ago • edited

The line graph gives information about the total of books that are readed by both men
and women at particular library named Burned Public Library between 2011 and

Overal speaking, the data showed that men had been significantly interested to read
books at the library before it was reached the peak in the end of period. while women
increased in the sum of readed books until 2013 when the year was started
decreased until the next year.

Looking the data more details, the total number of books readed by women visitors at
the library were approximately 5000 of books in 2011 and then the total rose arround
twice figuring 10000 in 2013, when the year had the same total of men as women.
And also the year as the begining of decrease was for women until the next years
(arround 8000 in 2014).

Moreover, in men, although the sum of books slightly rose in the first year of the
period figuring from arround 3000 in 2011 to about 4000 in 2012, the total rocketed in
the next two years more than triple. It was 14000 of books readed by men at the
library in 2014.

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Ben Yoo • a month ago

The bar graph below illustrates how many books were read by men and women in
Burnaby Public Library in two years, 2011 and 2014.
Overall, women and men using Burnaby Public Library were reading more books
than the past years until the year 2013, when the men kept going with their pace, but
some women stopped reading as much as before.
The number of books read by women was about two times larger than that of men in
2011 and 2012, accounting for about 5000 and 8000. However, there was a stiff
increase in the year 2013 in the books read by men and the number reached the
women's, which accounted for about 10,000. In contrast, only women showed a fall in
the number of books read in 2014, falling to less than 8000, while the men kept on
reading more books than the past years finally beating the women's number and
finally ended in a number slightly less than the double of women's.

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Renu Goswami • a month ago

The graph shows the information about the books read by the men and women at
Burnaby public library from 2011 to 2014.

Overall the graph shows changes at initial level. Meanwhile women’s graph goes
decline and mens goes on high at the end of the time , However both are on same
position in 2013.

The graph shows various changes throughout the period, while in beginning only
25000 mens and 45000 women’s reads book.

Whereas in year2012 , women’s readers are increase by 25000 and mens readers
increased by only 1000. However in year 2013 both men and women are same in
reading but eventually in 2014 women’s graph goes to downward from 10000 reader
to 8000 readers while mens graph goes on hike and noted 14000 mens readers.

To conclude, from beginning to 2012 women’s readers are more than mens reader
while in 2013 both intersect on same level but at the end of the period mens readers
are noted more than woman’s readers.

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Munzer • a month ago

The line graph gives information about the Burnaby Public Library between 2011 and
2013 and explains the number of books read by males and females over the given

Overall, the figure of books read by meals show an upward trend over the time, while
females increased until 2013 then decreased, so the number of males under females
until 2013, and over women after that.

as can be seen from the graph, the figure of males started with over 2000 in 2011,
then rise slightly to 2012, after that boomed dramatically to 2013 with approximately
10000 and this point consider the equal point with females, furthermore climbed
moderately to 2014 with 14000, so it was jumped seven times from 2011 to 2013,
and this is a significant rise.

on the other hand, females began in 2011 with roughly double the figure of males,
then has a gradual growth until the equal point in 2013, however, in 2014 the number
fell to 8000, so the number doubled over the given time and this consider a moderate
boom in comparison with men.
( 164 words )

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Богдана Демківська • a month ago • edited

Hi! Before you read my text I want to ask something. Please after reading my article,
write to me how it is for you, did you liked it?
The line graph illustrates the number of books readied by men and women at
Burnaby Library from 2011 to 2014. From the first sight on this table understood, that
men’s line slower but more increase rather that women’s one.

Let us discuss both lines. Men’s one was slightly increasing from 2011 to the 2012
year. In that period men read only 4 000 of books while at the same time women’s
line rose from 5 000 to 8 000 of the book by the same year.

In the next year, the number of books read by men sharply gained to 10 000 which
show growth of the interest in reading books. While men showed great leap, women
stability grow and reached the mark 10 000 of readied books too.

And finally, in the last years from 2013 to 2014, men’s line also considerably
skyrocketed to 14 000 points. Women’s line went down threw this year and
plummeted from 10 000 to 8 000 that made them women less interested in books
than men.

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Amer khan Banochi • a month ago • edited

This graph compares the men and women according to the number of books read by
them at Burnaby Public Library within the time period of 4 years from 2011-2014.
Overall, women were more interested toward reading books as compared to men,
which later on, reversed with the passage of time.
Initially, about 5000 books were read by women, which were double in number as
compared to the men in the year 2011. At the end of year 2012, tendency of books
reading among females increased reasonably upto 8000, while books counting for
men remained almost same as it was at the start.
Burnaby Public Library saw a dramatic boost in book reading in the year 2013 among
the male as both genders shared equal figure of 9000 readers each. surprisingly, in
year 2014, reading count for female declined to 8000 while, while number of count
raised upto 14000 for male. (150 words)

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Mujahid • a month ago • edited

The graph indicates figures about the books read by men and women in Burnaby
Public Library in between 2011 to 2014.
According to this graph, in between 2011 and 2012, men are more increasing in
number to read books than women because increment of 2000 books read by men
were made in between this time while women added 1000 more book on their behalf
in the library from 2000 to 3000 books read.
Furthermore, women made drastic progress in reading books and read over 10000
as much as men in 2013 which showed that women made more progress than men
in this year but in 2014, graph showed strange pattern as compared to previous
years because in this year, men lost their gradual improvement and observation
reveals decrease of 2000 books read by men from previous year and they again
came back to 8000 read books which are similar to 2012. For women, fast
improvements were made as they improved double to the previous years and read
almost 14000 books in Library.
In short, data showed quite good increment in the number of books read by women
while gradual increment in the number of book by men but hefty decrement of books
read by them in last year in Burnaby Public Library.

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Mina R • a month ago

The graph gives statistics on number of books read by different genders; men and
women, at Burnaby Public Library between 2011 and 2014.
The number of books read by men shows a continuous increase in this period of
time. Especially a sharp increase has been recorder on 2013 comparing to rest of the
Although men’s number started with half of the women’s in 2011; 2000 to 4000
respectively, the numbers in 2014 shows men read books nearly twice the women.

Women’s numbers started on a higher number comparing to men’s but shows less
increase in two continuous years in 2012 and 2013 comparing to them, to the point
that let men’s number hit them in 2013. Both genders number of books read shows
10000 books at 2013. In 2014 women’s number of read books decreased
dramatically by 2000 and reached the same number at 2012; to 8000 books. Men
numbers recorded 14000 at the same year.

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Ignacio Marin • 2 months ago

This graph illustrates the amount of books read by men and women at Burnaby
Public Library from the years 2011 to 2014.

The number of books read by men increased rapidly from 3000 books in 2011 to
14000 in 2014.This trend rised steadly until 2012 , where the number of books
escalated dramatically.

The books read by women outnumbers the one in men from 2011 with 6000 until
2013 reaching its peak with a total 10000 .On the year 2013 , both genders reach the
same amount of books read with a 10000 in total.On this year the amount of books
read by women dropped from 10000 to 8000 in 2014.

Overall the number of books Read threw this trajectory have different trends in both
genders .However the amount in men does not fall and the one in women
declines.Anyway Both genders grew their amount of books read from 2011 to 2014
at Burnaby Public Library.

(157 WORDS)

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Gauravi Khatu • 2 months ago

The line graph illustrates the number of books read by men and women at the
Burnaby Public Library from 2011 to 2014. Overall, the number of men reading books
has significantly increased, whereas the women readers have dropped slightly over
the 4 year time period in the study.

Male book readers were roughly at 3000 in 2011 which increased marginally to 4000
in 2012. The year 2013 witnessed an exponential rise of book readers to 10,000 with
a continued steady rise in the year 2014 and peaked at 14000.

Amongst the female readers, in 2011 the women readers were ahead of men readers
by 2000. The women readers increased steadily from the year 2011 to 2013 with
peak at 10000 reader in the year 2013. The year 2014 saw a drop in the women
readers from 9000 to 7000.

In conclusion, the male readers have increased consistently over the 4 years in the
study. However the women readers have fluctuated in the 4 years from 2011 to 2014.

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