Woyzeck Final Presentation: Lily Bryson, Jacob Deetz, Tiana Graves, Amelia Tam, & Francesca Zaccor

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Woyzeck Final Presentation

Lily Bryson, Jacob Deetz, Tiana Graves, Amelia Tam, &

Francesca Zaccor
Director – Jake
● Begin at the end
○ No better place to begin
● Start with a hallucination
○ The boy is not okay
● Small changes
○ 3 before 1 and 7 before 6, deleting scene 21 because it doesn’t make sense
● New Ending
○ “Hop! Hop! Hip-hop, horsey! Hip-hop, horsey!”
● The big one
○ We COMBINED scenes
○ Scene 23 and 24 are combined in our script
Class Issues

● Teetering on the edge, wanting to reach for a class that is not yours
● Clean and dirty, shiny and dull


● Blood, anger, violence, sexuality

Animal vs. Human

● Human nature is animalistic

● Dehumanizing the poor
● Maybe Animorphs wasn’t too far off
Woyzeck (1) – Tiana
● Reading the play, it seems that Woyzeck’s goal is to please everyone around him while
trying to stay sane at the same time. Woyzeck is a soldier, an experimental patient, a
husband, and a father. Every day he works to keep his bosses happy, in order to provide
for his family. He has a job that obtains his time, so he works hard so he can bring home
money for his “poor” family.
● In my group's reordering of the play, they decided to put the ending (The death and trial)
as the start of the family. I don't feel that this specific order changes Woyzeck’s point of
view, If anything I feel like it changes the audience's point of view. The original plot of
this story builds up to Marie’s murder. In our specific order, I feel that with the death
being the beginning of the play, it allows us to view the plot as if we're seeing what he
went through that brought him to the point of murdering his wife, and mother of his child.
We are not justifying his decision, but this order of the play seems like an we get to see
insight into his brain, and what exactly brought him to do what he did.
Woyzeck (2)
● I feel that of all his problems, one thing is the fact that he is poor. He may feel pressured
that he has to provide for his family and anything mistake he makes will show. He also
struggles with dealing with the fact that Marie may be giving herself to other men while
he is trying to be there for her. Throughout the play, he continuously tries to find ways to
deal with invasive thoughts that make him feel insane. Unfortunately, those invasive
thoughts get to him and he finds himself trying to cover the murder of his wife and the
mother of his child, at the end of the play.
● Challenges when playing this role would be trying to relate to his irrational decisions. He
seems unhinged after a certain point of the play which causes him to say and do things
that many may not truly understand. Another challenge would be trying to perform the
knife hiding scene. Trying to get the audience to envision the water, and the things he did
inside of the pond is going to be physically a challenge for me to create before I can even
act the part.
Marie – Amelia
● Character Evaluation
o Marie is a common woman who longs for excitement and love.
o Woyzeck and Marie were required to marry, but they are in love
o She is desperately in need of any sort of adrenaline rush.
o Sleeping with another man wouldn’t be anything less than what society already expects of her.
● What is your character’s super-objective?
o Marie’s super objective is to live an exciting life that always keeps her on her toes, despite the societal terms that
have been set in place (son out of wedlock, lives a lower class life).
● If everyone already thinks I’m a whore, what more do I have to lose?
● What are the three largest obstacles standing in your character’s way?
o Her social class
o Her husband (common-law marriage)
o Her child (out of wedlock)
● How does the text of the play support these choices?
o “Our kinds got only a little corner in the world and a piece of broken mirror.”... “I’m just a poor common piece!”
o “You could stare your way through seven layers of leather pants!” -Margret
o “We’ll all end up in hell anyway” -Marie
Costume Design – Lily
Focus on Marie
● True-to-period silhouettes, but slightly ~trashier~
● Fabrics: utilitarian, worn (like clothes have been mended and altered many times over)
● Colors: dark, earthy tones that wouldn’t show dirt and wear, with red accents
○ Keep muted in texture - nothing that would reflect light, so the contrast of the earrings is even greater
● Like she fades into shadows
● Work in layers: undergarments (chemise, petticoat, short stays) and proper clothing (simple dress,
○ Composed so that we can see glimpses of her undergarments even when she’s fully dressed - play with decorative short stays
on outside

Central Theme: Class → Marie’s dissatisfaction with her poverty, desire for excitement

● “Look at the tassels on him! And his wife’s got pants on!” (Scene IV)
● “They must be gold!...I’m just a poor common piece!” (Scene VI)
● “I’ve strutted it in the light of the sun, like the whore I am” (Scene XX)
● “No, it should show on you…It’s got to show! And she looks like innocence herself” (Scene X)
All photos sourced from Pinterest.
Marie: Color Swatches
Marie: Undergarments
Marie: Clothing
Marie: Hair/Jewelry
Final Mockup
Scenic Design - Francesca
● Pinterest Board Inspiration
● Lots of Parallels
● Pulling on original imagery
● Manifesting Themes
Set Inspiration

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