Reading 3 - Adil Parvaiz - Bright Star

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Name: Adil Parvaiz

Roll Number: 231451928

“Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art”

By John Keats
The writer is addressing the star and expresses his wish to become as steady and constant
as the star is. But the writer does not want to be left alone or isolated as the star is, with gazing
eyes always gazing the sky like a hermit, watching the oceans wash off the shores of human
civilization as the priests wash people as a ritual to purify them, or looking at the freshly fallen
soft snow. The writer says, he does not want to experience any of that but still wants to be steady
and wants to constantly lay his lover’s breasts which he symbolizes as soft pillow. The writer
just wants to stay in that position where he can feel his lover the closest, or else he would prefer
to die.

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