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English 2010 Notebook

Peyton Bisquera
Notebook #2:

Posts I found corresponding with my topic of what the corporate moral obligation is:

The hashtag ‘tax the rich’ has over 2,000 posts stating
or implying that if the rich were more heavily taxed the
majority of worldly issues would be able to be solved.
However, contradicting posts have been made with the
adventures and outlandish acts that could be
done within the richest one percent.

This post portrays the ultimate power of

billionaires. The official Ukraine government
tweeted asking Elon Musk for support in their
war. Musk then responded saying the actions
asked had been done to support. Governments
turn to billionaires for aid when other countries
don’t comply.
There are several posts swarming
Instagram urging the largest corporations
such as Amazon, Apple, and Google to
make sustainable and ethical actions
regarding their products and corporate
values. This is because their
conglomerate has such a large impact on
the environment and their media can
control the scope of how many people
Direct responses from my followers:

I posed the question, “should corporations be held accountable by the American public, or
granted absolute freedom based on the basis of personal liberty?” on my Instagram story. The
followers I have on this social media range in ages from around twelve to around forty; thus
providing me with a large variety of perspective responses. Several replied saying they did not
know enough about the topic to even begin to have an opinion. However, when a person
responded they responded extremely dedicated to one perspective. There were little to no neutral
responses. Several responses contained the worry of billionaires and corporations progressively
taking control of greater issues such as war, elections, environmental impact, and media
regulation. The opposing side argued the basis of free will and the free market. Setting
limitations on the free market poses questions of what other leeway can be regulated. Where is
the line for when regulations and restrictions start occurring? Both sides exemplified an avid
worry for explanations and solutions.

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