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<Team Name>

<Theme-2 Size and Fit>

<Indian Institute of technology, Roorkee>

• <Saakshi Choudhary>:<>
• <Shukshi Raj>:<>
• <Vadaparthi Sai Sanjana>:<>
Problem Statement
Based on Theme 2 : Size and Fit

Current research shows that, as the number of

options increases, so does the complexity of the
decision itself.
While shopping online, people get confused,
comparing an infinite number of choices and not
understanding what might suit them. The absence
of support that most customers are used to in the
in-store experience is missing makes it hard to
compare between different styles, and it's hard to
know for sure how they will fit.
Proposed Solution - Cloper
Every customer and their
requirements, body shape,
measurements, and preferences
are different. You can’t show
everything to everyone and if you
do it might leave your customer
feeling overwhelmed and
confused. To provide a better
solution we need to understand all
these requirements.
Two basic things that we need to
understand is
1. what suits the customer
2. what will fit the customer
Solution deep-dive
1. Key Technologies

To provide better suggestions according to customers

need we need to know customers body features and the
apparel style which suits on person with those body
features. To do so we can ask for a full-body image of the
customer, using the image we can get to know about
his/her body shape, complexion and other features that
can be used to recommend clothes.
Solution deep-dive

We can ask customers to add their pictures in the

clothes they bought. This can help other customers to
understand how this clothe looks on an actual person,
not a model. Also, pictures of customers with similar
body features can be shown to other customer so he can
get a better understanding of how it might look on

We can ask our customers to select the size of brands

they usually wear (for eg Nike-M, Puma-L) to suggest
what size of shirt (or any other clothing) of the other
brand they should buy.
2. Core Components

Body Scanning Customer’s body is scanned to provide better recommendations

AI Models A % match level is shown upfront on clothes card to show how does the
clothe suits on your body as per AI.

Customer Interaction Connecting Customers of similar body feature

Search according to categories and filter or sort according to requirements of

Categories customer and AI algorithm (customer can turn off the AI recommendations)

Product rating product details, rating, reviews and pictures of other customers. Also find similar
products and complete outfits.
3. User Flow
Different brands
Increase in Measurement:
Suits and Fits Fashion for you =
acceptance % Not an issue
Same chart

Better analysis of
the fact that will a
particular apparel Fashion sense differ Customers will have
style suit the for different shapes no problem even if No worries for
customer. Often and size. Interaction they are unaware of shopping from
options which will
particular T-Shirt with similar body their actual different clothing
reduce the risk of
might suit the shape customer will measurements like brands using
returning of the
model but not the help in if their shoulders different size charts
customer. understanding are 17” or 17.5”.
Cloper will help to
remove such doubts
1. Scope of Solution : 3Ps

Process People Practicality

1. The addition of
1.Customer will AI algorithm and
1. Purchase order
have higher AI
process has an
satisfaction on recommendation
additional feature
the product on catalogues
of AI algorithm
will help in
stating exact ‘Size
2. Shop keepers solving the multi
and Fit’
and vendors will dimensional
experience profit problem of ‘Size
and Fit’
2. Demoing in Stage -II



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