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Chapter Week Topics to be covered (Lecture hours) Student


Chapter:1 1 Introduction Discussion in

Basic Concepts class on
of quality Quality concepts concept and
Evolution of quality definition of

Chapter 2: 2,3 How much to inspect

Quality Selection of inspectors
Controlling Quality Control techniques

Chapter: 3 4 Quality assurance Discussion on

Quality Importance of Quality; Quality assurance ,quality assurance
assurance control and inspection; Quality assurance in
garment industries;

Chapter 4: 5 Quality management systems principles;

management Quality standards

Chapter 5: ISO 6,7 ISO standards: Discussion on

standards ISO standards
Definition and structure of ISO

ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series of quality

management systems

ISO standard in apparel industries

Chapter: 6 9,10, Key concepts of TQM; Principles and Pattern

Total Quality 11 implementation techniques TQM; TQM Gurus construction
Chapter:7 Quality Assurance in garment manufacturing; Construction
Quality requirements in garment manufacturing of the final
Quality processes; Design principles for pattern and project
Assurance in templates, Dimensional accuracy of the pattern; garment
garment 12,13, Quality in preproduction processes; Spread
manufacturing 14 quality : spread length and heights, accuracy in
cut parts, Accurate pieces in bundles and ticket
numbers; Garment construction standards;
Quality and its cost in Garment production;
Garment manufacturing defects

Chapter: 8 15 Creating Environment for Quality management;

Implementatio Strategies for implementing Quality
n of quality management systems; TQM implementation
management processes

Assignment Activities:

1. Defining quality in different perspective

2. Project on how to implement ISO 9000

Required Text and Reference Books:

1. Managing Quality in Apparel Industries; Delhi: CBS Publishing, Mehta, Pradeep; 2003
2. Joseph Juran “Hand book of quality”
3. Dr.V.K.Kothari, Progress in Textiles: Science and Technology Volume 1,Testing and quality
management, IAFL publications(first edition),1999,New Delhi, India(chapter 1,10-12)
4. Glock E.R and Grace I.Kunz, Apparel manufacturing sewn Product Analysis, Prentice Hall.
INC, 1990
5. Dr.J.V.RaoVivek Agarwal, Quality assurance in apparel manufacturing, ISO 9001
organization NITRA, India, April 2008
6. A.J.Chuter, Introduction to clothing production management(Second Edition) Wrenbury
Associates Leeds,UK,1995 (Chapter 8&9)
7. Bona M, ‘Textile Quality: Physical methods of product and process control’, Eurotex, Italy,
1994.Booth, J.E., Principles of Textile Testing, Newnes Butterworths, London, 1979

The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated separately for 100 % and the
final marks will be arrived at by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture
and Tutorial parts. The details are given below


Lecture and Lab/practical parts of the course will each be evaluated separately for 100%. The
lecture part includes mid examination, assignments and final examination; and the Lab/practical
part includes evaluation of laboratory reports, defense /demonstration and written examination.
The evaluation details given below:


Midterm Examination ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30%

Final Examination ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40%

Project work (Individual/Group1) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 20%

Assignment (1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10%

Total ----------------------------------------------- 100%

• Course Policy

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students (The Senate Legislation
of Federal (TVETI) throughout this course. Academic dishonesty, including cheating,
fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to concerned bodies for
action. If you need to read it you can get a copy (to be copied by yourself) of it from your
academic advisor. Class activities will vary day to day, ranging from lectures to discussions.
Students will be active participants in the course. You need to ask questions and raise issues.

Cell phones: Cell phones MUST be turned off before entering the class as they are disruptive
and annoying to all of us in the class. So please make sure your cell phone is turned off before
entering the class.

Note on class attendance and participation: You are expected to attend class regularly. I
will take attendance on random days during the semester to ensure that students are coming
to class, and if you miss class repeatedly, your grade will be affected. I will not allow you
enter if you are late more than five minutes. You are responsible for all class announcements
and changes. All issues discussed in class or derived from other sources (where I provided
you to read) may be the subject of assignment or exam question items.

Approval BY

Name Signature Date

Instructor: Dr.S.SAKTHIVEL

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