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Diabetes Care Volume 40, August 2017 1017

Beverley M. Shields,1,2
Population-Based Assessment Maggie Shepherd,1,2 Michelle Hudson,1

Timothy J. McDonald,1,3 Kevin Colclough,4
of a Biomarker-Based Screening Jaime Peters,5 Bridget Knight,1,2
Chris Hyde,5 Sian Ellard,1,4
Pathway to Aid Diagnosis Ewan R. Pearson,6 and
Andrew T. Hattersley,1,2 on behalf of the
of Monogenic Diabetes in UNITED study team

Young-Onset Patients

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Diabetes Care 2017;40:1017–1025 |

Monogenic diabetes, a young-onset form of diabetes, is often misdiagnosed as type 1
diabetes, resulting in unnecessary treatment with insulin. A screening approach for
monogenic diabetes is needed to accurately select suitable patients for expensive
diagnostic genetic testing. We used C-peptide and islet autoantibodies, highly sen-
sitive and specific biomarkers for discriminating type 1 from non–type 1 diabetes, in
a biomarker screening pathway for monogenic diabetes.
Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Science, Uni-
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS versity of Exeter Medical School, Exeter, U.K.
We studied patients diagnosed at age 30 years or younger, currently younger than NIHR Exeter Clinical Research Facility, Royal
50 years, in two U.K. regions with existing high detection of monogenic diabetes. The Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter,
biomarker screening pathway comprised three stages: 1) assessment of endogenous 3
Blood Sciences, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS
insulin secretion using urinary C-peptide/creatinine ratio (UCPCR); 2) if UCPCR Foundation Trust, Exeter, U.K.
was ‡0.2 nmol/mmol, measurement of GAD and IA2 islet autoantibodies; and 3) if Molecular Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory,
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust,
negative for both autoantibodies, molecular genetic diagnostic testing for 35 mono-
Exeter, U.K.
genic diabetes subtypes. 5
Exeter Test Group, University of Exeter Medical
School, Exeter, U.K.
Division of Molecular & Clinical Medicine,
A total of 1,407 patients participated (1,365 with no known genetic cause, 34 with School of Medicine, University of Dundee,
Dundee, U.K.
monogenic diabetes, and 8 with cystic fibrosis–related diabetes). A total of 386 out of
1,365 (28%) patients had a UCPCR ‡0.2 nmol/mmol, and 216 out of 386 (56%) were Corresponding author: Andrew T. Hattersley,
negative for GAD and IA2 and underwent molecular genetic testing. Seventeen new
Received 30 January 2017 and accepted 26 April
cases of monogenic diabetes were diagnosed (8 common Maturity Onset Diabetes of 2017.
the Young [Sanger sequencing] and 9 rarer causes [next-generation sequencing]) in Clinical trial reg. no. NCT01238380, clinicaltrials
addition to the 34 known cases (estimated prevalence of 3.6% [51/1,407] [95% CI .gov.
2.7–4.7%]). The positive predictive value was 20%, suggesting a 1-in-5 detection rate This article contains Supplementary Data online
for the pathway. The negative predictive value was 99.9%. at
CONCLUSIONS © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association.
The biomarker screening pathway for monogenic diabetes is an effective, cheap, and Readers may use this article as long as the work
is properly cited, the use is educational and not
easily implemented approach to systematically screening all young-onset patients.
for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
The minimum prevalence of monogenic diabetes is 3.6% of patients diagnosed at age mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
30 years or younger. .org/content/license.
1018 Monogenic Diabetes Biomarker Screening Pathway Diabetes Care Volume 40, August 2017

Correct classification of a patient’s diabe- young-onset diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosis (16), it is crucial to study adults
tes is important to ensure he or she re- characterized by autoimmune destruc- as well. Furthermore, the combined diag-
ceives the most appropriate treatment tion of the b-cells in the pancreas, lead- nostic performance of the two bio-
and ongoing management. The most ing to absolute insulin deficiency, so two markers as a screening pathway has not
common form of diabetes in children tests that could be used to diagnose been formally assessed.
and young adults is type 1 diabetes, ac- type 1 diabetes are islet autoantibodies By excluding those with type 1 diabetes
counting for .90% of cases (1,2). Other (markers of the autoimmune process) using these two biomarkers, we can
forms of diabetes in this age group, and C-peptide (a marker of insulin de- obtain a smaller percentage of patients
such as monogenic diabetes (including ficiency). C-peptide has been shown to in whom diagnostic molecular testing
Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young be a highly sensitive and specific bio- for monogenic diabetes could be per-
[MODY]), or young-onset type 2, are not marker for discriminating between formed. We tested a screening pathway
often considered. It is estimated that at type 1 and type 2 diabetes and MODY using both C-peptide and islet autoanti-
least 80% of patients with MODY are mis- 3–5 years after diagnosis (10,11). Urine bodies to exclude type 1 diabetes in two
diagnosed (3), and other rarer forms of C-peptide/creatinine ratio (UCPCR) can populations with previously high pickup

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monogenic diabetes often go unrecog- be used to remove the need for blood rates of MODY (3) and performed genetic
nized because of lack of awareness (4). samples, which may be of particular con- testing on all patients with significant en-
Patients with MODY or type 2 diabetes cern in the pediatric population, and dogenous insulin and absence of islet
misclassified as type 1 diabetes will means that the sample can easily be autoantibodies. This allowed us to deter-
be treated with insulin, whereas noninsu- taken at home and posted to the labora- mine the prevalence of all monogenic di-
lin therapy would be more appropriate. tory (12). GAD and IA2 islet autoanti- abetes subtypes in those diagnosed at
Diet and metformin are the treatment of bodies also discriminate well between 30 years or younger and to calculate the
choice in young type 2 diabetes (5). Pa- type 1 and MODY, with cross-sectional positive predictive values (PPVs) and neg-
tients with MODY because of mutations studies showing they are present in 80% ative predictive values (NPVs) for the
in the HNF1A or HNF4A genes respond of patients with type 1 diabetes and pathway.
well to low-dose sulphonylureas (6,7), in ,1% of patients with MODY (13).
and those with MODY because of muta- These biomarkers have been used to RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS
tions in the GCK gene require no pharma- screen for MODY in other studies (14,15), Subjects
cological treatment (8). Getting a correct but have been limited to pediatric cases Patients diagnosed at age 30 years or
diagnosis for all forms of monogenic di- only. Given that the median age at di- younger, and currently aged younger
abetes has important implications for man- agnosis for MODY is 20 years (from U.K. than 50 years, in the catchment areas of
agement of an individual’s diabetes, a referrals data [3]), and there is on the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Founda-
prognosis, and recognition of associated average a delay of 13 years from diabe- tion Trust (Exeter, U.K.) and Ninewells
clinical features; it also allows appropriate tes diagnosis to a confirmed genetic Hospital (Dundee, U.K.) were invited to
counseling of other family members re-
garding likely inheritance (4).
Identifying patients with monogenic di-
abetes, particularly MODY, can be chal-
lenging. Monogenic diabetes is confirmed
by molecular genetic testing, but this is
expensive, so testing all patients is not
feasible. An approach that could be
used to enrich for monogenic diabetes,
increasing the proportion identified in
those who undergo genetic testing,
would be helpful. Clinical features can
aid identification of those who may
have an alternative diagnosis, and a
probability calculator has been devel-
oped to help determine which patients
are likely to have the most common forms
of MODY (9). However, this will not pick
up other forms of monogenic diabetes,
and its performance is weaker for detect-
ing MODY in insulin-treated patients
compared with non–insulin-treated
An alternative approach to enrich for Figure 1—The UNITED biomarker screening pathway to investigate etiology of diabetes in patients
diagnosed at age 30 years or younger. Genetic testing is carried out on all patients who have
monogenic diabetes is to use biomarkers endogenous insulin (UCPCR $0.2 nmol/mmol) and do not have either GAD or IA2 islet autoanti-
that have been shown to discriminate bodies. Patients without endogenous insulin or with GAD and/or IA2 islet autoantibodies are classed
well between type 1 and other forms of as having type 1 diabetes. Shields and Associates 1019

take part in the study via the doctors look- appointment with the study’s research comparing the biomarker screening path-
ing after their medical care. All patients nurse to provide blood samples for islet way with an approach using clinical fea-
with diabetes in this age group were eli- autoantibody testing and DNA. tures (including the MODY probability
gible regardless of cause. Both regions GAD and IA2 antibody analysis was per- calculator [9]) to detect monogenic dia-
had existing high pickup rates for MODY formed using commercial ELISA assays betes, variables were categorical, and
prior to the study because of research (RSR Ltd., Cardiff, U.K.) and a Dynex DSX therefore, x2 and Fisher exact tests
interests (3). Patients who consented automated ELISA system (Launch Diag- were used.
provided samples as part of the bio- nostics, Longfield, U.K.) (13). Both meth- Prevalence of MODY
markers screening pathway (the Using ods are highly specific and sensitive (GAD The prevalence of MODY in this popula-
pharmacogeNetics to Improve Treatment antibodies, 98 and 84%, and IA-2 anti- tion was determined as the proportion of
in Early-onset Diabetes [UNITED] study; bodies, 99 and 74%, respectively). The positive cases (including both known NCT01238380). laboratory participates in the Diabetes MODY who were recruited and those
Autoantibody Standardization Program. identified through the study) out of the
Biomarker Screening Pathway
Patients were considered positive for an- total recruited.
All recruited patients followed the bio-

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tibodies if their results were .99th centile To determine whether there was any
marker screening pathway (Fig. 1).
(64 World Health Organization units/mL potential bias in recruitment of MODY
Assessment of Endogenous Insulin, in for GAD and 15 World Health Organiza- patients that may affect our prevalence
Insulin-Treated Patients, Using UCPCR tion units/mL for IA2) (13). estimate, we also obtained summary
A key determinant of requirement for data on the number of patients with pre-
insulin treatment is lack of endogenous Diagnostic Molecular Genetic Testing for viously confirmed monogenic diabetes in
insulin secretion, and UCPCR is an easy Monogenic Diabetes in Patients With each study area who had not been re-
screening test that can be done at home. Significant Endogenous Insulin and cruited into this study.
UCPCR was used to rule out the majority of Negative Antibody Results
Positive and Negative Predictive Values of
patients with type 1 diabetes in the first Sequencing of Three MODY Genes, the Most Pathway
stage of screening, with minimal patient Common Forms of Monogenic Diabetes. For Calculating the prevalence in this popula-
burden. all patients who were negative for both tion allows us to determine the PPVs and
Insulin-treated patients were asked to GAD and IA2 antibodies with significant NPVs for the pathway, the most impor-
collect a urine sample 2 h after the largest endogenous insulin, DNA sequencing of tant statistics for the clinician. PPVs and
carbohydrate-containing meal of the day HNF1A, HNF4A, and GCK was performed NPVs were calculated as posttest odds =
and to post this direct to the laboratory by PCR amplification of purified genomic pretest odds 3 positive likelihood ratio,
in a pack provided to allow analysis within DNA, followed by Sanger DNA sequencing in which pretest odds is prevalence/(1 2
72 h of sample collection, in line with of each gene’s exons and flanking intronic prevalence), and positive likelihood
assay stability (12). regions. Dosage analysis of HNF1A, ratio is sensitivity/(1 2 specificity). PPV
Urinary C-peptide was measured by an HNF4A, and GCK for partial- and whole- (equivalent to posttest probability) is
electrochemiluminescence immunoassay gene deletions was also performed by posttest odds/(1 + posttest odds). NPV
(intra-assay coefficient of variation, 3.3%; multiplex ligation-dependent probe am- was calculated similarly, but using a neg-
and interassay coefficient of variation, plification using the MRC-Holland MODY ative likelihood ratio (1 2 sensitivity/
4.5%) on an E170 analyzer (Roche Diagnos- multiplex ligation-dependent probe am- specificity), with negative posttest proba-
tics, Mannheim, Germany) (12). The lower plification kit (P241-B1). bility equal to 1 2 NPV. Number needed
limit of the C-peptide assay was 0.03 Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing for to test was calculated as 1/PPV.
nmol/L. Urinary creatinine was analyzed 35 Genes in Which Mutations Are Known Performance of the Pathway: Sensitivity and
on the Roche P800 platform using creat- to Cause Monogenic Diabetes. If no patho- Specificity
inine Jaffé reagent (standardized against genic mutation was identified in HNF1A, The key question is: how well, if applied
isotope dilution mass spectrometry) and HNF4A, or GCK, further targeted next- to a whole population, do the biomarkers
used to calculate UCPCR (nmol/mmol). generation sequencing was performed perform in a pathway for identifying new
Patients with UCPCR $0.2 nmol/mmol for mutations in 35 monogenic diabetes cases? Screening literature emphasizes
were considered to have significant en- genes (all genes in which mutations are the difference between program sensi-
dogenous insulin secretion (10). known to cause MODY, neonatal dia- tivity/specificity and test sensitivity/
Islet Autoantibody Measurement in Patients betes, and other genetic diabetic syn- specificity, in which assessing the sensitiv-
With Significant Endogenous Insulin dromes) using a custom SureSelect ity/specificity of a screening program
Islet autoantibodies (GAD and IA2) were exon-capture assay (Agilent Technolo- such as this necessarily requires approxi-
measured in patients who tested positive gies, Santa Clara, CA) (17) (see Supple- mation using multiple data sources (18).
for UCPCR ($0.2 nmol/mmol) or who mentary Data and Supplementary Table 1 As this was a population-based study
were noninsulin treated. In order to min- for methodology, sensitivity, and details rather than a case-control study, formal
imize taking blood samples, particularly in of genes tested). assessments of sensitivity and specificity
children, the local pathology databases (as normally conducted using a 2 3 2 ta-
were checked for previous GAD and IA2 Statistical Analysis ble) of the pathway were limited because
results, and these were used if available. For comparing new cases diagnosed of the rarity of monogenic diabetes
Patients with no previous islet autoanti- through the screening pathway to known (meaning a small sample size of true pos-
body results were invited to attend an cases of monogenic diabetes and for itive cases of monogenic diabetes) and
1020 Monogenic Diabetes Biomarker Screening Pathway Diabetes Care Volume 40, August 2017

the expense of genetic testing (restricting the performance because of spectrum Of the 1,407 remaining patients, 1,365 had
confirmation of all the true negative non- bias (19). We therefore calculated spec- no known genetic cause for their diabetes.
monogenic cases). ificity based on one minus the false- Characteristics of these patients are shown
Assessments of sensitivity of the com- positive rate of the pathway (i.e., proportion in Supplementary Table 2, and subse-
ponents of the pathway for detecting UCPCR-positive/antibody-negative, but quent results on the screening pathway
monogenic diabetes have been carried not having a confirmed diagnosis of are based on these patients. A total of
out in larger case-control cohorts (n = monogenic diabetes on subsequent ge- 42 patients had a known genetic cause
508 monogenic diabetes cases for islet netic testing). This assumes that all patients for their diabetes prior to participating
autoantibodies [99% sensitivity] [13]; negative according to the pathway are in this pathway: 34 patients had con-
and n = 160 for UCPCR [99% sensitivity, true negatives. As an additional test of firmed monogenic diabetes (Table 1),
both studies combined] [10,11]), so it is this assumption, a subset of patients neg- and 8 patients had cystic fibrosis–related
more appropriate to use these estimates. ative for islet autoantibodies received ge- diabetes.
We assumed a 98% sensitivity for both netic testing for the three main MODY Biomarker Screening Pathway
combined, based on these larger studies genes, and the proportion of MODY was Identifies 17 New Cases of Monogenic

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(assuming 1% missed because of false- calculated. Diabetes
negative UCPCR and 1% because of Health economic evaluation of the Excluding dropouts, 1,281 (94%) of 1,365
false-positive islet autoantibodies). How- pathway is addressed in a separate proj- patients with no known genetic cause for
ever, the detection rate in all true mono- ect (20,21). their diabetes were insulin treated and pro-
genic cases in this pathway will be vided a sample for UCPCR testing. Two pa-
calculated for comparison. RESULTS tients were anuric because of renal failure
Calculation of the specificity is limited, as Subjects and therefore went straight on to antibody
we have not performed genetic testing on The flow of subjects through the study is testing. A total of 979 of these patients
all C-peptide–negative patients. Previous shown in Fig. 2. A total of 2,288 patients (76%) had minimal endogenous insulin
larger studies have shown ,1% of pa- were eligible in area, and 1,418 subjects secretion (UCPCR ,0.2 nmol/mmol),
tients are missed (10,11,13). However, (62%) in total consented to the study and indicating a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes,
specificity of the biomarkers in these were recruited: 716 from the Exeter area and received no further testing.
studies was assessed using gold-standard and 702 from Dundee. A total of 11 pa- Islet autoantibodies were tested in
type 1 diabetes as the comparison group, tients dropped out (9 did not provide the 84 non–insulin-treated patients,
rather than all non-MODY patients in this blood samples for antibody testing, and 300 UCPCR-positive patients, and 2 anuric
age range, and thus likely overestimates 2 did not provide samples for DNA testing). patients. A total of 170 out of 386 (44%)
tested positive for GAD and/or IA2 anti-
bodies, confirming islet autoimmunity
and hence a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.
Therefore, these patients received no fur-
ther testing.
Sanger sequencing for the three most
common MODY genes was undertaken in
216 patients (16% of the whole cohort).
Eight patients tested positive, confirming
a diagnosis of MODY: five HNF1A, two
HNF4A, and one GCK (Fig. 2 and Table 1).
Of the 208 who tested negative for the
common MODY genes, additional testing
by targeted next-generation sequencing
identified mutations in genes associated
with monogenic diabetes in a further
8 patients, and 1 patient had a mutation
in POLD1 identified through exome se-
quencing (Fig. 2 and Table 1).

New Cases of Monogenic Diabetes

Identified Were More Likely to Be Rarer
Causes and Atypical
More of the new cases of monogenic di-
abetes identified had mutations in genes
other than the three most common forms
of MODY (25 out of 34 [74%] of those
Figure 2—Flow chart of patients recruited as part of UNITED. Biomarker screening pathway in 1,376
patients with no known genetic cause for their diabetes in Exeter and Tayside. Eleven dropped out.
diagnosed prior to the study had muta-
Seventeen new cases of monogenic diabetes detected (*one case identified through exome tions in HNF1A, HNF4A, or GCK compared
sequencing). with 8 out of 17 [47%] identified from Shields and Associates 1021

Table 1—Characteristics of patients diagnosed with monogenic diabetes and details of mutations found for those recruited but
diagnosed with monogenic diabetes prior to the study and those diagnosed as a result of the biomarker pathway
Clinical characteristics
Genetic characteristics
Age at Parent Age at Additional
DNA level diagnosis with recruitment clinical
ID Gene Method Zygosity description (years) Treatment diabetes BMI HbA1c (years) features
Recruited but diagnosed prior to the UNITED study
211 GCK Sanger Het c.97_117dup 3 Diet Yes 34.0 48 16
523 GCK Sanger Het c.97_117dup 27 Diet No 51.7 55 43
537 GCK Sanger Het c.683C.T 11 Diet Yes 13
538 GCK Sanger Het c.683C.T 9 Diet Yes 11
542 GCK Sanger Het c.184G.A 29 Diet Yes 38.9 48 39
543 GCK Sanger Het c.184G.A 4 Diet Yes 4
544 GCK Sanger Het c.184G.A 3 Diet Yes 5
1155 GCK Sanger Het c.1343G.T 25 Diet Yes 19.3 50 25

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82095 GCK Sanger Het c.1019G.T 9 Diet Yes 21.9 45 14
535 HNF1A Sanger Het c.379_381del 24 OHA Yes 25.9 51 47
547 HNF1A Sanger Het c.1748G.A 22 Diet Yes 24.4 40 30 Low renal threshold
554 HNF1A Sanger Het c.872dup 18 OHA Yes 30 86 39
566 HNF1A Sanger Het c.872dup 17 OHA Yes 29.2 51 42 Sulphonylurea
sensitivity, low renal
603 HNF1A Sanger Het c.1420C.T 20 OHA Yes 26.5 56 42 Low renal threshold
617 HNF1A Sanger Het c.779C.T 25 Diet Yes 25.4 44 26
892 HNF1A Sanger Het c.476G.A 14 Insulin Yes 30.0 63 40
1370 HNF1A Sanger Het c.872dup 21 Diet Yes 36.1 83 21
1409 HNF1A Sanger Het c.872dup 21 OHA+Ins Yes 32.8 95 42 Sulphonylurea
80480 HNF1A Sanger Het c.1093_1107+6del 19 OHA 22.9 73 40
82261 HNF1A Sanger Het c.185del 12 OHA+Ins Yes 23.7 73 25 Low renal threshold
82276 HNF1A Sanger Het c.434C.T 13 Insulin Yes 23.8 60 27
82301 HNF1A Sanger Het c.1340C.T 20 OHA Yes 27.4 91 37
82310 HNF1A Sanger Het c.185del 18 OHA Yes 24.4 48 45 Low renal threshold
82374 HNF1A Sanger Het c.1093_1107+6del 19 OHA Yes 23.8 83 20 Sulphonylurea
82258 HNF4A Sanger Het c.322G.A 28 Insulin Yes 20.9 60 31
600 HNF1B Sanger Het c.982_986del 20 Insulin No 23.4 122 35 Renal cysts
82033 HNF1B Sanger Het c.466A.G 17 Insulin No 25.3 54 35 Genital tract
malformations, renal
82006 KCNJ11 Sanger Het c.601C.T 0 OHA No 26.6 33 35 Diagnosed at 12 weeks
of age
539 LMNA Sanger Het c.1930C.T 17 OHA+Ins Yes 24.2 114 49 Lipodystrophy
595 LMNA Sanger Het c.1444C.T 21 OHA+Ins Yes 25.1 62 34
604 3243 Hp m.3243A.G 27 Insulin Yes 26.9 54 36
80541 3243 Hp m.3243A.G 28 Insulin Yes 26.4 83 48
82399 3243 Hp m.3243A.G 29 Insulin Yes 26.4 56 41 Deafness
540 NEUROD1 Sanger Het c.616dup 21 OHA+Ins Yes 49.8 83 36 Lipodystrophy and
Identified as part of the biomarker pathway
82372 GCK Sanger Het c.1340G.A 18 Diet No 25.5 46 19
82316 HNF4A Sanger Het c.1064–5_1070del 14 Diet Yes 32.3 38 33
377 HNF4A Sanger Het c.-12G.A 11 Insulin Yes 28.4 104 14
80089 HNF1A Sanger Het c.1349dup 30 Insulin Yes 31.0 72 48
80170 HNF1A Sanger Het c.391C.T 21 Insulin No 23.5 52 35 Low renal threshold
80173 HNF1A Sanger Het c.495G.C 17 Insulin Yes 24.5 56 46
82003 HNF1A Sanger Het c.28A.C 26 Diet Yes 29.8 73 26
82352 HNF1A Sanger Het c.814C.T 13 Insulin Yes 32.3 91 45
82013 HNF1A tNGS Het c.-258A.G 24 OHA Yes 39.6 75 43
307 HNF1B tNGS Het c.1-?_1674+?del 29 Insulin No 22.7 62 31 Aspergersyndrome,renal
cysts, low fecal elastase,
low magnesium
82014 NEUROD1 tNGS Het c.616dup 21 OHA No 35.3 88 31
183 NEUROD1 tNGS Het c.616dup 29 Insulin No 27.1 55 46
82010 3243 tNGS Hp m.3243A.G 27 OHA+Ins Yes 28.6 91 46

Continued on p. 1022
1022 Monogenic Diabetes Biomarker Screening Pathway Diabetes Care Volume 40, August 2017

Table 1—Continued
Clinical characteristics
Genetic characteristics
Age at Parent Age at Additional
DNA level diagnosis with recruitment clinical
ID Gene Method Zygosity description (years) Treatment diabetes BMI HbA1c (years) features

82038 PPARG tNGS Het c.1154G.A 22 OHA No 26.6 53 36 Lipodystrophy,

80925 TRMT10A tNGS Hom c.79G.T 23 OHA+Ins No 33.0 69 28 Microcephaly, learning
difficulties, epilepsy
17 WFS1 tNGS C/Het c.874C.T & c.877del 20 Insulin n/k 21.8 42 24 Bilateral optic atrophy,
neurogenic bladder, diet
treatment, muscle pain
on exercise
175 POLD1 Exome Het c.1812–1814del 14 OHA No 18.6 30 21 Total lipodystrophy,

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deafness, mandibular
undescended testes,
severe insulin resistance
References for the genes and further details of the mutations are in Supplementary Table 3. C/Het, compound heterozygous; Het, heterozygous; Hom,
homozygous; Hp, Hp gene deletion; Ins, insulin; OHA, oral hypoglycemic agent; tNGS, targeted next-generation sequencing.

Sanger sequencing as part of the bio- gene, but this was not significant given islet autoantibody positive is 0.1% (1 in
marker screening pathway; P = 0.06) the small numbers (46 vs. 26%; P = 0.1). 1,000) (Table 2).
(Supplementary Fig. 1). Those diagnosed There was no difference in terms of age at
Comparison of Biomarker Screening
with monogenic diabetes as part of the diagnosis (mean 18 vs. 19 years; P = 0.5),
Pathway With Clinical Features
study were less likely to have a parent age at time of recruitment (using 2011 for
If genetic testing had been limited to the
known to be affected than those with a nonrecruited patients) (32 vs. 32 years;
standard clinical criteria for MODY (age at
previous known monogenic diagnosis P = 0.98), or sex (35 female vs. 45%
diagnosis younger than 25 years, non–
(8 out of 17 [47%] vs. 29 out of 34 [85%]; male; P = 0.4).
insulin-requiring, and a parent known to be
P = 0.007).
affected with diabetes), fewer patients
Performance of the Pathway
would have required testing (n = 33),
Minimum Prevalence of Monogenic In line with what was expected given
leading to a higher pickup rate and PPV
Diabetes of 3.6% in Those Diagnosed at larger studies of the diagnostic accuracy
(57.6%) than the biomarker pathway, but
30 Years or Younger, Currently of UCPCR and islet autoantibodies and
the majority of monogenic cases would
Younger Than 50 Years the known pathophysiology of mono-
have been missed (63% compared with
We found 51 cases of monogenic diabe- genic diabetes, all case subjects with pre-
0% for the biomarker pathway) (Table
tes (which represents a further 50% [n = viously diagnosed monogenic diabetes
2). The MODY probability calculator also
17] in addition to the 34 previously diag- who provided all samples for the pathway
had a higher PPV (40.4%), but missed
nosed) out of 1,407 recruited patients, (n = 21) were UCPCR positive and anti-
more cases (55%) compared with the
providing a prevalence of 3.6% (95% CI body negative. Similarly, all antibody-pos-
biomarker pathway.
2.7% to 4.7%) in patients diagnosed at itive patients with DNA available (n = 47)
30 years or younger and currently youn- tested negative for the three main MODY
ger than 50 years. genes, so no additional MODY cases were CONCLUSIONS
From the database of U.K. referrals, we picked up in this group. The biomarker screening pathway for
identified 26 patients with a diagnosis of A total of 199 out of 1,348 (15%) pa- monogenic diabetes is a systematic,
monogenic diabetes in the Exeter and tients were put forward for genetic testing cheap (U.K. UCPCR cost of £10.80 and
Tayside regions who met study inclusion who were not found to have monogenic antibodies cost of £20), and easily imple-
criteria but were not recruited to the diabetes (i.e., 15% false-positive rate, so mented approach to screening all pa-
UNITED study. Therefore, the proportion 85% specificity). Assuming a 98% sensitiv- tients with young-onset diabetes in a
of known monogenic diabetes prior to ity and 85% specificity, the PPV for the clinic or population that helps identify
the study in the recruited population pathway is 20%, suggesting a 1-in-5 suitable patients for molecular diagnostic
(34 out of 1,407 [2.4%]) was similar to pickup rate for monogenic diabetes, a genetic testing. The pathway picked up
the proportion in the nonrecruited pop- 5.6-fold increase in probability over the new cases of monogenic diabetes, even
ulation (26 out of 870 [3.0%]) (P = 0.4), background prevalence alone (Table 2). in areas of existing high detection be-
suggesting no overall bias in recruitment. The NPV was 99.9%, indicating that the cause of research interests in the regions.
More of the nonrecruited cases had probability of having monogenic diabe- We found that 3.6% of patients diag-
MODY caused by mutations in the GCK tes if a patient is UCPCR negative or nosed at younger than 30 years of age Shields and Associates 1023

Table 2—PPV and NPV values for the biomarker pathway, traditional MODY criteria genes for which treatment change is not
(age at diagnosis younger than 25 years, non–insulin-treated, and parent affected an option, a confirmed diagnosis can still
with diabetes), and the MODY probability calculator (using a probability >25%, the help with management, prognosis, and
pickup rate for the diagnostic laboratory) advice on risk to other family members
Prevalence of Percentage of Number (4). The decision whether to pay for the
monogenic monogenic needed more expensive, but more comprehen-
N diabetes PPV (%) NPV (%) cases missed to test sive, next-generation sequencing, rather
Biomarker than Sanger sequencing for MODY genes
pathway 1,407 3.6% (51/1,407) 20.0 99.91 0 5 only, would depend on assessing the
Traditional MODY tradeoffs of additional costs with long-
criteria 1,362 3.6% (49/1,362) 57.6 97.7 63 2 term benefits to the patient. The pres-
MODY probability ence of additional clinical features (e.g.,
calculator 1,347 3.3% (45/1,347) 40.4 98.3 55 3
renal cysts associated with HNF1B) may
Prevalence is the proportion of diagnosed monogenic diabetes, percentage of monogenic cases also point to specific monogenic diagno-

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missed is the proportion of monogenic cases not picked up by the approach, and number needed to ses and increase the likelihood of a posi-
test is 1/PPV.
tive genetic test result.
A limitation of our study was that we
had small numbers of patients with
have monogenic diabetes. In areas in forms of monogenic diabetes, which tra- monogenic diabetes on which to evaluate
which no cases have been identified, we ditional criteria may miss. The use of clin- the sensitivity of the pathway. Consider-
estimate that 1 in 5 patients referred for ical features, however, results in fewer ably larger studies have shown the
genetic testing because of the pathway cases being sent for genetic testing that biomarkers individually to be highly sen-
will have monogenic diabetes, which is a are negative, which clearly has cost impli- sitive for monogenic diabetes (99% for
5.6-fold higher detection rate than if all cations. The most cost-effective approach UCPCR [10,11] and .99% for islet auto-
patients in this age range received genetic is likely to involve a combination of bio- antibodies [13]), and by using both of
testing. The high NPV of 99.9% indicates it markers and clinical features. Further these markers in a pathway, the number
is an extremely effective approach for rul- studies are needed to determine whether of missed cases should be minimal at
ing out monogenic diabetes. the pickup rate could be further improved a population level (2% of 3.6% = 0.07%,
There have been relatively few studies by integrating the pathway with clini- reflected in the NPV of 99.9%). Although
that have systematically screened whole cal features, such as the MODY calcula- there have been reports of MODY pa-
populations for monogenic diabetes. The tor, or whether this would result in tients who are positive for islet autoanti-
majority of studies have been in pediatric more missed patients because of reduced bodies (reviewed in Ref. 13), these are
populations only (14,15,22–26), with only testing. rare and likely to be cases with coinciden-
two studies that have screened adults In this study, we also systematically tal type 1 diabetes. Previous studies re-
(27,28). No other study has systematically tested all known genes for monogenic di- porting high prevalence of positive
screened a whole population of both abetes, rather than just the most com- autoantibodies in their cohort have in-
adults and children together. Only 8 out mon MODY genes (GCK, HNF1A, and cluded clinically defined, rather than ge-
of 51 (16%) of patients with a genetic HNF4A). Nine out of 17 (53%) of the cases netically confirmed, MODY (31) or use
diagnosis of monogenic diabetes in our identified as part of our cohort had mu- low cutoffs for antibody positivity, which
cohort were in the pediatric age range tations identified through additional test- can be inappropriate (32), and are likely
(younger than 20 years) at the time of ing on the targeted capture, and 17 out of to represent an overestimate. There is
recruitment, highlighting the importance 51 (33%) of all of the monogenic diabetes also the potential for missed cases based
of looking for monogenic diabetes in adult cases found in total had mutations in on UCPCR, but again, the number of these
diabetes clinics. This may explain why the other genes, highlighting the advantage patients will be small, and as they have
prevalence we find is higher than in any of of further testing using targeted next- insulin levels suggestive of type 1 diabe-
the previous pediatric studies. generation sequencing. tes (33), they are unlikely to be able to
The strength of our pathway is the in- Health economic evaluation of the transfer off insulin even if a genetic diag-
tegration of two biomarkers (C-peptide pathway for detecting the common forms nosis is made.
and islet autoantibodies [both GAD and of MODY (GCK, HNF1A, and HNF4A) has A further limitation is that despite
IA2]), rather than relying on clinical fea- been carried out as a separate project, screening using C-peptide and antibody
tures. This offers a simple approach that which has shown the pathway to be testing, the PPV is still fairly low at 20%,
does not require specific clinician inter- cost-saving (20,21). The cost-effectiveness indicating that four out of five screened
pretation or complex algorithms of differ- of additional testing for other forms of will not have a monogenic cause identi-
ent combinations of features. We showed monogenic diabetes has not been as- fied on diagnostic molecular genetic test-
that by using clinical features alone, over sessed. Because of the rarity of other ing. However, the aim of our screening
half of the cases of monogenic diabetes monogenic diabetes, there are few data pathway is that it is used purely as a
would be missed. By combining the two available to inform such analyses. Treat- tool to narrow down those individuals
biomarkers, we increase the discrimina- ment change from insulin to sulphonylur- who would be more appropriate for ge-
tory ability and allow the clinician to eas is still possible in cases diagnosed with netic testing. This approach is a vast im-
pick up even atypical cases and rarer ABCC8 and KCNJ11 (29,30), and for other provement over no screening (which
1024 Monogenic Diabetes Biomarker Screening Pathway Diabetes Care Volume 40, August 2017

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