$andeep DRESUME

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Email: sandeepdevopseng99@gmail.com PH: 309-

Sr. DevOps Engineer


 Having 8+ Years of experience as a DevOps Engineer/Build Release Engineering application

configurations, code compilation, packaging, building, and automating, managing and releasing code
from one environment to other environment and deploying to servers.
 Experience in working on version control systems like Subversion, and GIT and used Source code
management client tools like Visual SVN, Tortoise SVN, SVNx, Puppet, UberSVN, Stash, SourceTree,
GitBash, GitHub, Git GUI and other command line applications etc.
 Expertise in using build tools like Maven and Ant for the building of deployable artifacts such as war &
ear from source code. Application Deployments & Environment configuration using Chef, Ansible.
 Experienced in AWS cloud, Linux, Infrastructure Design & Implementation, Identifying bottlenecks
and optimizing the software architecture, Configuration Management, Vulnerability Assessment &
Penetration Testing, Vagrant, Information Security, and Networking Platform. And also responsible for
resilient infrastructure.
 Experience in using containerization and container management tools like Docker, Docker Compose
and Kubernetes, for Orchestration, deploying the services related to the Containers and with container-
based deployments using Docker.
 Managed servers on Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform using Puppet configuration management.
 Experience of working with AZURE monitoring, Data Factory, Traffic Manager, service bus and key
 Experience working with Puppet Enterprise and Puppet Open Source.
 IIS Windows Configuration Microsoft SQL Server 2008/R2
 Deployed Puppet, Puppet Dashboard and Puppet DB for configuration management to existing
 Well versed with Software development (SDLC), Test life cycle (STLC), and Bug life cycle and worked
with testing methodologies like waterfall and Agile Methodology (SCRUM) with in-depth
understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM).
 Extensively worked on Hudson, Jenkins and Anthill Pro for Continuous Integration (CI) and for End-to-
End automation for all build and deployments.
 Configured servers to host Team Foundation Server (TFS) instance, build controllers and build agents.
 Worked on Cloud automation using AWS Cloud Formation templates.
 Experience in scripting languages Ruby, Shell, Groovy and Python.
 Experienced in deployment, configuration and support of pivotal container services on VMware and
google cloud platform. Setting up GCP firewalls rules to allow or to deny traffic on the instances.
 Experienced in Infrastructure Automation tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Cloud Formation and
 Experience of VS Build Pro, Apache Ant, Apache Tomcat, Subversion, Git, Maven& Jenkins/ Hudson.
 Experienced in build tools such as Apache Ant, Maven, Atlassian, Bamboo, Cruise Control.
 Ability in execution of XML, Ant Scripts, Ruby, Shell Scripts, Perl Scripts, Power Shell scripts and
JAVA Scripts.
 Used chef for server provisioning and infrastructure automation in a SaaS environment.
 Trouble shooted and resolved Build failures due to infrastructure issues reduced by 95% stabilizing the
build process. Setup and executed process to code review system effectively.
 Experience in working with Tracking Tools like JIRA, Red Mine, and Bugzilla.
 Experience in Deploying JBoss, Apache Tomcat web server, IIS Server, Oracle web logic, and IBM
 The Open vRAN approach is a modular strategy for designing and building networks that combine the
optionality of open interfaces and a robust ecosystem, with cloud-scale economics. Cisco took a
leadership approach in defining a solution approach to Open vRAN in 2018 with the founding of the
Open vRAN Ecosystem.
 Application lifecycle management (ALM) is the people, tools, and processes that manage the life cycle
of an application from conception to end of life. Application lifecycle management provides a
framework for software development while also helping you to manage your software over time.
 Midlevel expertise in PERL CGI, Web development and basic understanding in SQL & Python.
 Experience of working with the release and deployment in Java/J2EE, C, C++ and ASP.net Web
applications environment.
 Written cookbooks for various packages and installed them on VMs to perform QA testing.
 Responsible for defining branching & merging strategy, check in policies, improving code quality,
automated Gated Checkins, defining backup and archival plans.
 Knowledge on Deploying Couchbase, Tomcat and Elastic search clusters using Docker.
 Used Rundeck to execute shell scripts on remote nodes to facilitate deployment tasks.
 Used Nagios and Cacti for performance monitoring.
 Efficient in working closely with Development, QA, Product and Business owner teams to ensure high
quality and timely delivery of builds and releases across multiple platforms and environments.
 Self-motivated team player with excellent interpersonal and technical documentation skills and handling
multiple projects simultaneously.


Operating Systems Windows 98/XP/NT/2000/2003/2008, UNIX, LINUX, UBUNTU,

Cloud Providers AWS, Azure, Open Stack, PCF

Source control tools Subversion, GIT, Clear case and Perforce

Build Tools ANT, MAVEN, Gradle, MS Office Suite, Nexus, Docker,
Confluence, and Atlassian
CM Tools Puppet, Chef, Ansible
CI Tools Hudson/Jenkins, Bamboo and Build Forge
Repositories Nexus, Antifactory
Containerization/Orchestration Docker, Kubernetes, Apache Mesos, Marathon, Prometheus
Languages C, C++, Perl scripting, Shell scripting, Python, SQL, Java/J2EE
Tracking tools Atlassian JIRA, BMC Remedy, HPSM, Clear Quest, Bugzilla
Web servers Web logic, Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS
Databases Oracle, SQL SERVER, Mongo DB, MY SQL, DB2, Mariah


Wellcare, Tampa, FL August 2019 to Present

Sr. DevOps Engineer
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Deployed Cloud services (PaaS role instances) and Azure IaaS Virtual machines (VMs) into
secure subnets and VNets and designed Network Security Groups (NSGs) to control inbound
and outbound access to Network Interfaces (NICs), subnets and VMs.
 Provides support to team members in order to achieve partners, business, and customer results
 Configured NSGs for two tiers and three tier applications. Experience in integrating on premises
servers to Azure. Grouping VNETs and subnets as per the project requirement. Alignment of
Azure blob storage and Azure file servers. Array private and public facing Azure load Balancers
Performed provisioning of IaaS, PaaS Virtual Machines and Web, Worker roles on Microsoft AZURE
Classic and Azure Resource Manager, and Deployed Web applications on Azure using PowerShell
 Worked with Terraform Templates to automate the Azure IaaS virtual machines using terraform
modules and deployed virtual machine scale sets in production environment.
 Provisioning servers/instances using infrastructure as code such as Terraform and
CloudFormation. Code is stored in a private repository and constantly updated.
 Planned and implemented microservices model for the applications leveraging PaaS product
Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF). Trained offshore teams on PCF administration, deployment,
logging and monitoring.
 Used CF push in Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (CFCLI) for deploying the
applications in PCF. Fine tune and scale the applications in Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Used BOSH
CLI for troubleshooting PCF.
 Implemented cluster services using Docker and Kubernetes to manage local deployments in
Kubernetes by building a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster using Terraform and Ansible and
deploying application containers.
 Used Kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, Config Maps, selector,
Services & deployed application containers as Pods.
 Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes
applications, managed Kubernetes manifest files and Managed releases of Helm packages.
 configured a private Docker Registry, authored Docker files to run apps in containerized
environments and used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance and manage Docker containers
with multiple namespace ids.
 Conducted POCs with Docker based applications, server configurations in cloud. Setup the
Automated build on Docker HUB.
 Created additional Docker Slave Nodes for Jenkins using custom Docker Images and Worked on
all major components of Docker like Docker Daemon, Hub, Images, Registry, Swarm etc.
 Created Ansible roles in YAML and defined tasks, variables, files, handlers and templates.
Created inventory and configured the Ansible files for parallel deployment in Ansible for
automating the Continuous delivery process.
 Used Ansible and Ansible Tower as configuration management tool, to automate repetitive
tasks, deploy applications and manage changes and automate software update and Verify
 Developed Ansible playbooks for managing the application/OS configuration files in GitHub,
integrating with Jenkins, and Verifying with Jenkins plugins, deploying the application into the
Linux environment.
 Worked with an agile Development team to deliver an end to end continuous
integration/continuous delivery product in an open source environment using Jenkins. Created
and executed test cases and test scenarios for various functionalities using Selenium.
 Responsible for CI/CD process implementation using Jenkins along with Python and Shell
scripts to automate routine jobs.
 Configured and maintained Jenkins to implement the CI process and integrated the tool with
Maven to schedule the builds. Took the sole responsibility to maintain the CI server.
 Performed all necessary day-to- day GIT support for different projects, Responsible for design
and maintenance of the GIT Repositories, and the access control strategies.
 Monitored the servers and Linux scripts regularly and performed troubleshooting steps like
testing and installing the latest software on server for end-users.
 Administered Microsoft window server including security patching, kernel tuning, RAID disk
array management, software packaging and installation using RPMs.
 Used Elasticsearch (ELK stack) for centralized logging and analytics in the continuous delivery
pipeline to store logs and metrics into Azure storage using storage function.
 Assisted internal users of Splunk in designing and maintaining production-quality dashboard.
Involved in Creating and managing index, create user, role, Permissions to knowledge objects,
also providing user and role access permissions to the other teams.
 Helped with the migration from the old server to Jira database (Matching Fields) with Python
scripts for transferring and verifying the information.
 Determined ways to optimize/improve JIRA and JIRA Agile setup and process workflows, as
well as identify where functionality can/cannot meet user requests.


AgFirst, Columbia, SC January 2018 to July

Sr. DevOps Engineer
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Designed the overall SCM, CI and Release Management process and workflows.
 Implemented branching and strategies and automated release branching process.
 Automated the deployments using scripts which execute the automated CI and release management
 Created a reusable deploy distribution for the system which can be ported to multiple environments
without having the need to run separate builds.
 Created cookbooks for Chef using the Ruby programming.
 Implemented all the build and deployment scripts which execute the automated CI and release
management process.
 Created Build Jobs and Deployments in Jenkins and Implemented a CD pipeline with Docker, Jenkins,
GitHub, Ansible and AWS AMI's.
 Configured servers to host Team Foundation Server (TFS) instance, build controllers and build agents.
 Manage configuration of Web App and Deploy to AWS cloud server through Chef.
 Used RabbitMQ for message queue systems between the components of application.
 Distributed the application across multiple servers and provided communication between those servers
with RabbitMQ.
 Business data analysis using Big Data tools like Splunk, ELK.
 Work with and administered various source control (ClearCase, SVN, Git, TFS, etc)
 Setup monitoring and alerting mechanisms for AWS and private datacenter infrastructure.
 Transitioned Infrastructure from private data center to Cloud (AWS).
 Work with and administered various continuous build systems (Jenkins, CruiseControl, Bamboo, TFS,
VSTS, Git & Azure Pipelines)
 Tested various in-house Windows/ Linux based installers.
 Refractor existing Opscode Chef Automation code.
 Automate and configure all basic setting of server including DNS setting, yum configuration, mount
disk space and make server to behave as chef-client using Cookbooks on various Platform.
 Automate all the tool and Product and Integrate together required for company specific product through
 Responsible for Design and architecture of different Release Environments for new projects.
 Writing Make, Maven and Ant build tools for application layer modules.
 Implemented rapid-provisioning and life-cycle management for Ubuntu Linux using Amazon EC2,
Chef, and custom Ruby/Bash scripts.
 Proposed solutions, and migration plan; worked with stakeholders to validate/accept, and wrote the
automation to migrate hosts from ESX, existing Openstack clusters, and AWS.
 Worked on Managing the Private Cloud Environment using Chef.
 Implementing new projects builds framework using Jenkins & maven as build framework tools.
 Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Chef, and Puppet Maven & Nexus as
 Defining Release Process & Policy for projects early in SDLC.
 Responsible for nightly and weekly builds for different modules.
 Member of CCM representing changes for Release and environment configuration.
 Responsible for configuring management of different application layer modules.
 Responsible for Database build, release and configuration.
 Documentation for every release and installation walk through.
 Perform Deployment of Release to various QA & UAT environments.
 Possess in depth understanding of implementation knowledge of CICD. Worked with technical
Architects and Agile transformation team to iron out any testing bottle neck.
 Work with different team members for automation of Release components.
 Supporting different projects build & release SCM effort e.g. branching, tagging, merge etc.

Environment: Jenkins, Python, Chef, JIRA, JUnit, JMock, Maven, Artifactory, Git, Ansible, Ubuntu, CentOS,
Open VPN, Twilio, LogMeIn, AWS ELB, AWS SQS, AWS S3, AWS Cloud Formation Templates, AWS
RDS, AWS Cloud Watch, Ruby, Chef-solo, S3FS.

Quotient, Mountain view, CA February 2016 to December 2017

DevOps Engineer
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Installing and upgrading Redhat Linux on HP x86 and Itanium Servers and Solaris on Sun SPARC, HP
DL 380 G 4, 5, 6 and 7 & Dell Power Edge servers.
 Installing and maintaining Solaris Jumpstart environment and Redhat Kickstart environment.
 Involved in application deployments in java using Anthill pro 4.x and 5.x component from development
to production environment.
 Used Openstack and AWS cloudservices to launch Linux and windows machines, created security
groups and written basic Powershell scripts to take backups and mount network shared drives.
 Worked on AWS service to create, launch, configure EC2 instance, worked on S3, RDS, Auto Scaling,
SES, SQS, and VPC, to build given architectures.
 Used puppet and Chef Automation tools for configuration management.
 Implemented Puppet modules to automate configuration of a broad range of services
 Responsible for supporting and maintaining Openstack in a production environment.
 Creating sparse root and whole root zones and administered the zones for Web, Application and
Database servers and worked on SMF on Solaris 10.
 Used HP Service center and Remedy change management system for ticketing.
 Worked on MySQL migration level, created MySQL master replication detail plan, MySQL Slave
replication detail plan.
 Troubleshooting and performance tuning issues with applications like Oracle 10g, JBoss 4.x, WebLogic
10, MQSeries 6.x and the operating systems which included Solaris and RHEL.
 Worked on the administration of the Apache, JBoss 4.2.2 servers including installation and
 Experience in building customized RPM packages.
 Backup MySQL database by creating script to run the MySQL dump and package it in a zip file.
 Shell scripting to automate the regular tasks like removing core files, taking backups of important files,
file transfers among servers.
 Experience in writing scripts in Ruby and Python for automation.
 Used Sun Volume Manager for Solaris and LVM on Linux to create volumes with layouts like RAID 1,
5, 10, 51.
 Experience in NAS environment carrying Netapp filers and EMC Celerras.
 Experience managing SAN disks like EMC Clarions and VMAX using EMC Power path and Volume
management software.
 Experience working with GIT and LDAP.
 Worked with VERITAS Foundation Suite 5 and performed tasks like creating disk groups, volumes,
initializing disks, replacing failed disks etc.
 Implemented HA using VERITAS Cluster Server 5.0 for Apache gent and Ldom.
 Installed, configured and administrated a multiple number of virtualization environments which includes
LDOM, Zone and Hardware Domain etc.
 Implemented and administered VMware ESX for running the Windows, Redhat Linux Servers on
development and test servers.
 Installed and upgraded VMware vSphere ESXi 5.0/4.1/4.0 and ESX server 4.1/4/3.5.
 Configured VMware HA, VMware DRS in acquiring higher efficiency for VMware Infrastructure.
 Installation, configuration and troubleshooting of Redhat, Ubuntu on various hardware platforms on
Amazon AWS cloud services.
 Implemented the monitoring tools like Nagios 3.0 to monitor services like CPU, Disk-spaces, Memory,
process counts, Users, http, ssh etc.
 Experience Installing and configuring Splunk to gather stats/logs on the servers.
 Documenting all the processes for above, issues caused and its solutions in timely manner.

Environment: Redhat, Solaris, Sun SPARC HP DL 380 G 4,5,6,7, Dell Power Edge servers, Kickstart,
PowerShell, Open stack, SMF, Oracle 10g, JBoss 4.x, Weblogic 10, MQSeries 6.x, JBoss 4.2.2, Ruby, Python,
LVM, RAID, Veritas, GIT, LDAP, VMware, VSphere ESXi 5.0.

Grapesoft Solutions, India May 2014 to November 2015

Build and Release Engineer
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Used Maven as build tool on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
 Designed and implemented Subversion and GIT metadata including elements, labels, attributes, triggers
and hyperlinks.
 Implemented & maintained the branching and build/release strategies utilizing Subversion /GIT.
 Performed all necessary day-to-day Subversion/GIT support for different projects.
 Responsible for design and maintenance of the Subversion/GIT Repositories, views, and the access
control strategies.
 Involved in periodic archiving and storage of the source code for disaster recovery.
 Worked closely with developers to pinpoint and provide early warnings of common build failures.
 Used ANT and MAVEN as build tools on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the
source code.
 Automated the build and release management process including monitoring changes between releases.
 Deployed the Java applications into web application servers like Web logic.
 Executed user administration and maintenance tasks including creating users and groups, reports and
 Worked as a system administrator for the build and deployments process on the enterprise server.
 Documented project's software release management procedures with input decisions.
 Developed, maintained, and distributed release notes for each scheduled release.
 Provided periodic feedback of status and scheduling issues to the management.
 Kept track of all the releases and request of the developers through Infrastructure management tool.
 Used the continuous integration tool AnthillPro to automate the daily processes.
 Created views and appropriate meta-data, performed merges, and executed builds on a pool of dedicated
build machines.
 Worked on the Microsoft Release management server for maintaining the release management
 Experience with writing Perl, PowerShell, shell scripts.
 Used Maven scripts to build the source code. Supported and helped to create Dynamic Views and
Snapshot views for end users.
 Implemented & maintained the branching and build/release strategies utilizing GIT.
 Deployed the Java applications into web application servers like JBoss.
 Comfortable and flexible with installing, updating and configuring various flavors of UNIX and
 Documented all build and release process related items. Level one support for all the build and deploy
issues encounter during the build process.
 Performed and deployed Builds for various Environments like QA, Integration, UAT and Productions
 Integration of the created automation suites with Jenkins CI for continuous development & integration
 Responsible for developing Test Scripts using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG with Java.
 Automated deployment of builds to different environments using Jenkins.
 Worked on Atlassian confluence a team collaboration software for creating the design documents and
sharing the documents within the team members.
 Created release management script to find out what changed between two releases for automated
generation of release notes.
 Worked on administering the METACASE client-server architecture a domain specific modelling
 Worked on the configuring the Jenkins to use MetaCase Software to build Java code and also to do the
whole C.I process on the java code generated by MetaCase.
Environment: Subversion, GIT, Anthill pro, Jenkins, Java/J2EE, ANT, MAVEN, JIRA, Ruby, LINUX, XML,
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Web logic, MY SQL, Perl Scripts, Shell scripts, GIT, Apache webserver,
Apache JMETER, MetaCase, Bamboo, Python, Perl, Shell, PowerShell.
Cybage Software Private Limited, India March 2012 to April 2014
Associate Build & Release Engineer
Roles & Responsibilities:
 Managed Hudson / Jenkins-based build system, producing semi-continuous builds
 Developed comprehensive Hudson / Jenkins command line tool, vastly increasing
 Efficiency and accuracy of common, repetitive tasks.
 Maintained the environment configuration, including maintenance of Linux and Unix Servers for Build
and Release of products.
 Performed daily Night Build & Weekly Build & Release for the product using Ant, Maven build scripts
 Wrote Perl & Shell Script for automation of Build & Release of Product
 Responsible for Deployment of the build to Production environment, coordinating build activities with
QA, UAT Teams
 Deployed and released multiple builds on different Environments and products.
 Ensured processes are deployed successfully to production environment
 Coordinated Build & Release with other group members for Java, J2EE based applications
 Wrote SQL Queries for generating different reports & data mining.
 Setting and Maintenance of source code repository
 Defining repository access, backup and restore processes
 Installation of JIRA, and customization of JIRA for workflow, look & feel, fields, user & group
management etc
 Coordinated in CVS to Subversion migration
 Automated and performed smoke testing of products before promoting to QA.

Environment: Jenkins, JIRA, Redhat, J2EE, SQL, Apache, Perl, Python, JAVA, QA, Ant, Maven.

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