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Bhadra M



Certified Azure DevOps Engineer with 8+ years of comprehensive IT experience in Cloud (Microsoft
Azure and AWS) with major focus on Microsoft Azure. Acclaimed excellent knowledge in DevOps, Configuration
Management, Infrastructure Automation, Build and Deployment Automation, Designing, Development, Integration of
DevOps Tools, Environment Management and Cloud Migration on Microsoft Azure.

 Hands on Experience Administrating Microsoft Azure Services like Azure App services, Azure SQL Database, Azure
AD, Azure Blob storage, Azure Functions, Virtual machines, Azure Fabric controller, Azure Data Factory, Azure web
applications, Azure Service Bus, and Notification hub.
 Experience in designing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template to deploy multiple resources as well as in
designing custom build steps using Power Shell and Developed PowerShell scripts and ARM templates to automate
the provisioning and deployment process. 
 Expertise in using Packer tool to generate Virtual Machines (VM's) from the base OS Image and experience in using
Azure Shared Image Gallery to store VM Images and Share the Images automatically across multiple
 Seasoned in Configuring Azure Automation Desired State Configuration (DSC) configuration management to assign
permissions through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), assign nodes to proper automation accounts and
DSC configurations, to get alerted on any changes made to nodes and their configuration. 
 Expertise in Designing and implementing Continuous Integration (CI) throughout many environments utilizing Azure
DevOps tools to provide an agile development process that is automated and repeatable, allowing teams to safely
deploy code several times per day while ensuring Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) are supported.
 Well versed with using Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Provisioning VMs, Virtual Networks, Deploying Web
Apps, Microsoft SQL Server, using ARM Templates and Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines.
 Expertise in configuring the Monitoring and Alerting tools according to the requirement like Prometheus and
Grafana, setting up alerts and deployed multiple dashboards for individual applications in Kubernetes.
 Experience in Configuring VNET Peering using Terraform Modules and configure NSGs for two tiers and three tier
applications were setup to filter network traffic, in order to facilitate connectivity between resources across various
Virtual Networks.
 Hands-On Experience with writing Terraform Modules for creating Virtual Networks, VM Scale sets, Load
balancers, and NAT rules. Also had Experience in using Terraform to install the infrastructure required to construct
software development, test, and production environments.
 Proficiency in using Docker File to create Docker Images, knowledge of Docker Hub, Docker Engine, Docker
Registry, and Containerization to create application platforms that can be transported into various environments.
 Implemented a production-ready, load-balanced, highly available, fault-tolerant Kubernetes infrastructure and
developed Jenkins scripts to deploy apps to Kubernetes Cluster using the OpenShift platform.
 Expertise in using Kubernetes to run/manage containers, images, and container snapshots, as well as to build a
platform for automating, deploying, and scaling application containers across clusters of hosts.
 Written various RBAC policies to specify user rights in Kubernetes and built Ingress, Egress rules to regulate the
Kubernetes cluster's inbound and outbound traffic.
 Expertise in Cloud Formation templates and deploying AWS resources using it, as well as creating alerts and
notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch, installing applications on AWS EC2 instances, and configuring
storage on S3 buckets.
 Expertise on AWS services such as EC2, VPC, IAM, RDS, ELB, EKS, ECS, Auto Scaling, S3, S3 Glacier, Elastic Beanstalk,
Lambda, Redis Cache, Route53, Ops Works, CloudWatch, Cloud Formation, Redshift, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, SES,
Storage Gateway, CloudTrail.
 Experience in Implementing AWS Lambda functions to run scripts in reaction to events in an Amazon Dynamo DB
table or S3 bucket, as well as HTTP requests made using Amazon API Gateway.
 Experience with Jenkins as a Continuous Integration tool as well as End-to-End Automation for all builds and
deploys. Hands-on experience constructing Jenkins CI/CD Pipelines with Groovy Script to automate the deployment
and automation of the CI/CD Pipelines.
 Expertise in using Jenkins pipelines to push all microservice application docker builds to the Docker registry, which
were subsequently deployed to Kubernetes and also Created Pods, managed them with Kubernetes deployments.
 Used Ansible to manage the systems configuration to facilitate interoperability between existing infrastructure and
new infrastructure in alternate physical data centers also Created inventory in Ansible for automating continuous
deployment and wrote playbooks using YAML scripting.
 Extensive experience in building Artifacts using various build tools like Ant, Maven and Gradle and store back to
Nexus, JFROG and Artifactory, run environmental jobs by using provisioning tools Docker and Vagrant.
 Working knowledge of version control systems such as GIT and Subversion, as well as experience with source code
management client tools such as Visual SVN, GIT BASH, GIT HUB, GIT LAB, Bitbucket, and other command line
 Experienced in resolving issues that arose during the Development and Testing stages, as well as testing numerous
Linux Environments during those stages.
 Hands-On working with Python Scripts that helps automate day to day administrative tasks and automation of the
build and release process.


Title Tools Used

Cloud Environments Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services
Configuration Ansible, Ansible Tower, Chef, Puppet
Build Tools ANT, Maven, Gradle
CI/CD Tools Jenkins, Bamboo
Monitoring Tools Splunk, Nagios, CloudWatch, Elastic Search, Log Stash, Kibana (ELK)
Container Tools Kubernetes, Docker
Scripting/programming Python, Shell (PowerShell/Bash), Ruby, YAML, JSON, Perl, Groovy, JavaScript
Version Control Tools GIT, SVN. Subversion, Bit Bucket, Git Lab
Operating Systems Windows, UNIX, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, & SOLARIS
Databases SQL Server, MYSQL, Oracle, NoSQL, MongoDB, Dynamo DB, Cassandra
Change Management Service Now
Testing/Ticketing Tools Jira, Selenium, SonarQube
Web/Application Servers Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, Oracle Application Server
Virtualization Tools Oracle Virtual Box, VMWare, vSphere, Vagrant


1) Microsoft Azure Administrator

2) Microsoft DevOps Engineer Expert
3) Kubernetes Administrator

Client: Cerner Corporation, North Kansas City, MO Duration: August 2019 – Current

Role: Sr. Cloud/DevOps Engineer

Key Responsibilities:

 Worked Extensively on Configuring and Provisioning of Virtual Machines, Storage accounts, App Services, Virtual
Networks, Azure SQL Database, Azure Search, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Azure Blob Storage, Azure
Service Bus, Function Apps, Application Insights, Express Route.
 Have Worked on Setting up Azure Monitor Dashboard for various Azure Services by enabling Diagnostic settings and
writing queries in Log Analytics Workspace to send the logs to Azure storage accounts and stream the logs to Azure
Event Hubs.
 Hands on Experience defining Inbound and Outbound rules and associating them with Subnet and Network
Interfaces to filter traffic to and from Azure Resources, as well as creating Azure Key Vault to store certificates and
 Created and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with Application insights for monitoring and
performing load testing on the applications using the VSTS and used Python API for uploading all the agent logs into
Azure blob storage.
 Performed Azure Scalability configuration that sets up a group of Virtual Machines (VMs) and configures Azure
Availability and Azure Scalability to provide High Application Availability and can automatically increase or
decrease in response to demand.
 Working on a migration project from On-Premises to Microsoft Azure, contributing to Platform Services
Deployment, Including Architecture, Provisioning, Configuration, and Product deployment in the Microsoft Azure
cloud platform.
 Data was transferred from On-Premises SQL Database servers to Azure SQL Database servers via Azure Data
Factory Pipelines created with the Azure Data Factory copy tool and Self-Hosted Runtimes.
 Created and maintained Continuous Integration (CI) using tools Azure DevOps (VSTS) over multiple environments
to facilitate an agile development process which is automated and repeatable, enabling teams to safely deploy code
in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) using VSTS by YAML scripting.
 Worked on Integrating Azure-DevOps Boards with Microsoft Teams and Pipelines for Notifying Sprint Boards and
Teams respectively.
 Focused on Creating and installing plug-ins, custom workflow activities, and java script extensions for CRM in Visual
Studio and deploying them in the cloud using Azure DevOps Pipeline services.
 Well versed with using Terraform templates for provisioning Virtual Networks, Subnets, VM Scale sets, Load
balancers, and NAT rules. Configured BGP Routes between on-premises data centers and Azure cloud to enable
ExpressRoute connections.
 Developed an automated Stack driver Monitoring alerts using Terraform on Azure Cloud Platform. Worked on
Python and PowerShell Runbooks in Automation accounts In-Order to build and remove projects within a
 Used Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure and created an AKS cluster
in the Azure portal used template driven deployment options such as Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates
and terraform.
 Used Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for Implementing Jenkins pipelines into Azure pipelines to drive all micro
services builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed them.
 Assisted in the creation of a Kubernetes sandbox on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) to test various features and
manage containerized applications using Nodes, Config-Maps, selectors, services, and deployed application
containers as Pods.
 Maintained Bitbucket Repositories, including Jenkins for integration, building new repositories, enabling GIT to
ignore, branching, merging, creating pull requests, and Bitbucket and JIRA access control schemes.
 Involved in integrating Azure Log Analytics with Azure VMs for Monitoring, Storing, tracking Metrics, resolving and
investigating Root cause issues.
 Worked with Nagios and Splunk for load balancing, integrating, monitoring and checking the health of applications
and for easy monitoring of applications, services, network protocols and email monitoring with powerful script APIs.
 Developed Build and Deployment Scripts using build tools like MS Build, Maven in Jenkins to migrate from one
environment to another environment and utilized Nexus for artifacts and SonarQube for code analysis.
 Written Ansible playbooks, which are the entry point for Ansible provisioning, and in which the automation is
described through tasks in YAML format to build a Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline and execute Ansible Scripts to
provide Development servers.
 Used Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys
critical applications, and proactively manages change and Experience in managing Ansible Playbooks with Ansible
roles, group variables, inventory files, copy and remove files on remote systems using file module.
 PowerShell runbooks were written and deployed to Automation Accounts using CICD Azure DevOps. PowerShell
scripts were also written to make API calls to Azure DevOps and find Users who had not accessed Azure DevOps in
more than 90 days.

Environment: Azure, Terraform, Kubernetes, Ansible, Shell, Python, Linux, Jira, Bitbucket, My SQL, Jenkins, Apache
Tomcat 7.x, Azure-DevOps, Docker, NoSQL, ARM, Virtualization, Kubernetes, Nagios, Splunk, App Dynamics Nginx, LDAP,
JDK1.7, XML, SVN, Git, Windows, Maven.

Client: New Wave Telecom and Technologies, Inc., Elkridge, MD Duration: February 2018 – July 2019

Role: Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

 Hands on Experience in creating Azure Key Vaults to hold Certificates and Secrets, designing Inbound and Outbound
traffic rules and linking them with Subnets and Network Interfaces to filter traffic to and from Azure Resources.
 Deployed Azure Cloud services (PAAS role instances) into secure VNETS, subnets, and built Network Security
Groups (NSGs) in order to govern Inbound and Outbound access to Network Interfaces (NICs), VMs, and Subnets.
 Well-versed in automating Infrastructure using Azure CLI, monitoring and troubleshooting Azure resources with
Azure App Insights, and accessing subscriptions with PowerShell.
 Configured and maintained Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks, which use virtual Network Service
Endpoints to allow administrators to define network rules that only allow traffic from specific V-Nets and subnets, so
creating a secure network border for their data.
 Implemented and provided Single Sign-On (SSO) access to users using Software as a Service (SAAS) applications
such as Dropbox, Slack, and using Azure Active Directory (AAD) in Microsoft Azure.
 Using Git as an SCM tool with Azure DevOps, I built a local repo, cloned the repo, added, committed, and pushed
changes to the local repo, recovered files, set tags, and viewed logs.
 Developed continuous integration and deployment pipelines that automated builds and deployments to many
environments using VSTS/TFS in the Azure DevOps Project.
 Focused on using Terraform Templates to automate Azure IAAS VMs and delivering Virtual Machine Scale Sets
(VMSS) in a production environment using Terraform Modules.
 Collaborated with Terraform on deploying High-availability Azure VMs and building new Terraform plugins to
support new Terraform Functionality.
 Involved in creating Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker images and stores in Docker
registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes and also performed
Jenkins jobs for deploying using Ansible playbooks and Bitbucket.
 Evaluated Kubernetes for Docker container orchestration and managed Kubernetes charts with Helm, producing
reproducible builds of Kubernetes apps, templatizing Kubernetes manifests, providing a set of configuration settings
to tailor the deployment, and managing Helm package releases.
 Involved in integrating Docker container-based test infrastructure into the Jenkins CI test flow and setting up a build
environment integrating with GIT and JIRA to trigger builds using Web Hooks and Slave Machines.
 Played a significant role as a part of an engineering team designated to design a new platform to host
applications on AWS and set up VPN tunnels from corporate network to VPC, also designed the Subnets, Routing
and IAM policies in AWS.
 Configured CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery process,
accommodate software teams with compilation and artifact deployment requests in an AWS cloud environment.
 Configured cluster operations in AWS Kubernetes (EKS) to deploy microservices using CI/CD, and used Kubernetes
cluster to scale up cluster operations, manage cluster services, load balancing, network policies, and group Docker
containers across platforms.
 Written Ansible playbooks, which are the entry point for Ansible provisioning, and in which the automation is
described through tasks in YAML format to build a Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline and execute Ansible Scripts to
provide Development servers.
 Managed Web apps, Configuration Files, mounting points, and packages, launching Azure Virtual Machines (VMs)
with Ansible Playbooks.
 Collaborated on code revisions in associated Git Hub Enterprise project folders and granted User-Level Access.
 Managed and used the GitHub Enterprise code management repo to import and manage various corporate apps.
 Splunk experience includes installing, setting, and troubleshooting the software, monitoring server application logs
with Splunk to detect production issues.
 Have worked on Logging and Monitoring tools such as Prometheus, as well as their configuration and management.
 Handled integrating JIRA with GIT repositories to track all code changes and implementing Azure Boards to track all
issues relevant to the software development lifecycle.

Environment: Azure, Azure-DevOps, Jenkins, Web logic, Nexus, JIRA, Ansible, Oracle, Terraform, Kubernetes,
Prometheus, Python, Maven, Java, GitHub, Linux, ELK, GIT, LDAP, NFS, NAS, MS Share point, Windows, Splunk,
PowerShell Scripts, Shell Scripts, Chef, Ansible, OpenStack, Docker, Service-Now, Kubernetes.
Client: Deloitte US, Chicago, IL Duration: December 2016 – January 2018

Role: DevOps Engineer

Key Responsibilities:

 Managed Azure Subscriptions, Azure AD, Azure AD Application Proxy, Azure AD Connect, and Azure AD Pass
through Authentication Identity Access.
 As part of SDLC/Agile Methods, Designed, Installed, maintained, and implemented Cloud solutions using
Confidential Azure and underlying technologies employing IAAS & PAAS services.
 Integrated Azure App Insights with Azure App Services and Function App using PowerShell script to monitor the
Application Logs and Metrics.
 Written Terraform Scripts to automate AWS services such as ELB, Cloud Front distribution, RDS, EC2, Database
Security Groups, Route 53, VPC, Subnets, Security Groups, and S3 Bucket, as well as converting existing AWS
infrastructure to AWS Lambda deployed via Terraform and AWS Cloud Formation.
 Implemented Auto-Scaling, Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs), Volume Importing, and EC2, RDS, and Security Groups in
a defined Virtual Private Connection (VPC).
 Focused on AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions, as well as implementing and maintaining
monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers/storage using AWS Cloud watch.
 Worked on maintaining Bitbucket Repositories for the services built and used Jenkins to set up automated testing
and deployments.
 Integrated SonarQube in Jenkins Pipeline, and the CI/CD pipelines on Private Cloud were automated using Shared
Libraries. Merge conflicts were resolved, and new builds were queued within the release pipeline.
 Worked and developed Shared Libraries in Jenkins for API-based functionality like PR Checker and Slack/Team
 Collaborated and managed Nexus Repository Manager and also the build utilities like Gradle for creating .jar, .war,
and .ear files.
 Used Kubernetes manage Containerized Applications utilizing its Nodes, Config-Maps, and Services, and application
containers were deployed as pods.
 Have worked on configuring Ingress Controller Load Balancer to expose application to internet with Certificate
 Assisted in the creation of additional Docker Slave Nodes for Jenkins utilizing bespoke Docker Images, which were
then fetched into ECR and worked on all of Docker's major components, including the Docker Daemon, Hub,
Images, and Registry.
 Managed and used Docker Swarm to Load balance, scale, and manage docker containers with multiple names
spaced versions and integrated Cluster Management with Docker Engine.
 Involved in creating up builds and managing the configurations of Abundant of Servers (40) using Ansible as a
configuration management tool.
 Collaborated and monitored server performance using Dynatrace, resolving network issues using manual
commands, and setting up a Splunk Cluster setup with high availability resources.
 Written and deployed shell scripts for setting up CRON jobs for deleting the application logs for every seven days for
more disk utilization.
 Involved in troubleshooting Hardware issues and diagnosing and resolving network service problems on Linux
servers, as well as Shell scripts (Bash) for task automation and scheduling.

Environment: Azure, AWS, Linux, Troubleshooting, Jenkins, Docker, Dynatrace, Gradle, Ansible, MS Build, Shell Scripting,
Kubernetes, Terraform, Bitbucket, GIT, MySQL, MongoDB, Node.js, .Net, Splunk, Json, Slack, Teams.

Client: Cyient, Hyderabad, INDIA Duration: September 2015 - November 2016

Role: Cloud Engineer

Key Responsibilities:

 Worked on converting existing AWS infrastructure to a server less architecture (AWS Lambda, AWS Kinesis) using
AWS Lambda, API gateway, Route 53, and S3 buckets.
 Coordinated with the AWS Config stack in Cloud Formation, which will monitor everything that enters the AWS
 Have worked on delivering and scaling web applications and services written in Java, PHP, NodeJS, Python, Ruby,
and Docker on familiar servers like Apache and IIS utilizing AWS Beanstalk.
 Assisted in the creation of Chef Cookbooks for Data Base (DB) setups in order to optimize and modularize final
product configurations, also the testing of Cookbooks using Food Critic and Test Kitchen.
 Using GIT version control, collaborated and maintained source code, and then connecting Jenkins with GIT to assist
build automation and JIRA commit monitoring.
 I've worked on ANT Scripting to automate weekly releases by compiling java code, debugging, and pushing builds
into the repository.
 Configured and utilized Bamboo for Continuous Integration and end-to-end automation, with Jenkins as a code
Deploy Plugin for all builds and deploys.
 Linux/Unix System Administrator with experience in Centos, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and VMWare
environments, as well as troubleshooting, tuning, security, backup, recovery, and upgrades of Linux Operating
 Installed software, performed upgrades/patches/packages, troubleshooted problems, and maintained UNIX and Red
Hat Enterprise Linux servers.

Environment: AWS, AMI, Elastic IP’s, Beanstalk, LDAP servers, Linux/Unix, Chef, Jenkins, Bamboo, Python, GIT, ANT.

Client: Mindtree, Bengaluru, INDIA Duration: June 2014 - August 2015

Role: Build & Release Engineer

Key Responsibilities:

 Have worked on installing and configuring Puppet Master and Client, updating and creating modules and pushing
them to puppet clients. Worked on provisioning different environments with Puppet as the Configuration
Management tool.
 Built Puppet Manifests and Modules to integrate Puppet Manifests with Jenkins jobs for a Continuous Delivery (CD)
Framework to automate the deployment process.
 Involved in configuring Jenkins Master and Agent (Slave) Nodes to facilitate Agility and Scalability by installing
appropriate plugins.
 Focused in using SonarQube to check the quality of the code in Jenkins Pipeline, and the CI/CD pipelines on Private
Cloud were automated using Shared Libraries. New builds were queued within the release pipeline after merge
conflicts were resolved.
 Have worked with Git as a Source Code Management (SCM) tool, including branching, tagging, labeling, and
merging codes on GIT for QA testing and release.

Environment: Jenkins, GIT, Subversion, Maven, Puppet, Shell, Java, Linux.

Client: Auronova Consulting, Mumbai, INDIA Duration: April 2013 - May 2014

Role: Linux Administrator

Key Responsibilities:

 Have worked in Linux/UNIX system development, Administration, Installation, Upgrades, and troubleshooting on
various distributions such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat, and RHEL 4.x/5.x/6.x2.
 Scheduled CRON Jobs to automate different build-related tasks and data synchronization tasks. Also, for file
backups, I designed CRON Jobs.
 Provided Linux System Administration and support for all pSeries servers, including OS installation and upgrade, OS
problem resolution, OS fix application, and application software installation.
 Integrating, deploying, and automating numerous Application Servers like Apache HTTP and Tomcat on many Linux
Platforms such as Ubuntu, Centos, and RedHat, as well as Administering Linux Operating Systems.

Environment: Windows, Linux, Python, DNS, DHCP, NFS, SMTP, Apache, SSH, MySQL and Java.


University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO.

Master’s In Computer Science.

GPA - 3.50

Year of Graduation - 2020

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