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An Ardent Professional with an experience of 8+ years in IT industry comprising knowledge in Configuration Management
tools like Ansible, Chef, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) using Azure DevOps, Cloud Automation,
Version Control, End-to-End Automation, Build and Release, Linux and System Administration with cloud platforms like
Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), GCP , under the Unix/Linux/Windows platform's with strong knowledge on
the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall

 Good Knowledge in executing Microsoft Azure Service, Azure cloud administrations which incorporates Azure
Active Directory (AAD), Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Key Vault, Azure cloud services, Azure storage, IIS,
Azure Blob Storage, Azure VMs, SQL Database, Azure Functions, Azure Service Fabric, Azure Monitor, Azure
Service Bus, Azure Monitoring, Log Analytics Workspace and Application Insights. 
 Proficiency in working with Azure administrations including Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Resource Groups,
VPN, Azure DNS, Network Peering, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Azure web application, App
administrations, Auto-Scaling and Traffic Manager. 
 Ability in Azure Scalability and Azure Availability - Build VMs accessibility sets utilizing the Azure entrance to give
strength to IaaS based arrangement and Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) utilizing Azure Resource Manager
(ARM) to oversee network traffic.
 Used Azure DevOps pipelines to drive all micro services build using Maven for Artifacts and Dockerfile image
Builds to Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes.
 Expertise in Implementing Application Infrastructure using Azure Devops including designing, configuration
management and Implementation of Infrastructure as Code on Azure Cloud.
 Expertise in deploying microservices, application improvement, and upgradation utilizing Azure administrations
like Azure DevOps, Kubernetes Service (AKS), Container Services, MySQL DB, and Grafana, Azure pipelines, RBAC,
and checking groups.
 Expertise in setting up Kubernetes cluster from scratch and setting azure build agents or Jenkins agents as dynamic
pods for pipelines. Create Custom docker images for build agents and set up docker in docker for Kubernetes pods
to run docker jobs in pipelines.
 Expertise on Terraform scripts to automate AWS services which include ELB, CloudFront distribution, RDS, EC2,
database security groups, Route 53, VPC, Subnets, Security Groups, and S3 Bucket and converted existing AWS
infrastructure to AWS Lambda deployed via Terraform and AWS CloudFormation.
 Expertise Terraform to reliability version and create infrastructure on Azure. Created resources, using Azure
Terraform modules, and automated infrastructure management.
 Worked with Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs, Change
Automation, and Implemented Terraform modules for the deployment of applications across Azure.
 Written templates for Azure infrastructure as code using terraform to build the environments staging and
production. Integrated Azure log analytics with Azure virtual machines for monitoring the logs, store them and
track metrics using terraform, managed multiple infrastructure resources like cloud, VMware, and docker
 Implemented Docker Swarm to deploy load balance, scale and manage docker containers with multiple
namespace versions and integrated cluster management with Docker engine. Proficient in using Docker Hub,
Docker Engine, Docker images, Docker Weave, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, and Docker Registry and used
containerization for applications.
 Implemented Kubernetes Clusters on cloud environments with master/minion architecture and wrote many YAML
files to create many services like pods, deployments, auto scaling, load balancers and Managed Kubernetes charts
using Helm.
 Created and automated the Jenkins pipeline using pipeline groovy script for the applications and owning the
Activity of Upgrading, administering, plug-in management, and User Management and Job creation in Jenkins.
 Implemented a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps (VSTS, TFS) in both cloud and on-premises wit GIT, MS Build,
Docker, Maven along with Jenkins plugins
 Involved in development of test environment on Docker containers and configuring the Docker containers using
Kubernetes. Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, test deploy.
 Implementing Jenkins pipelines into Azure pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker registry and
then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using AKS.
 Experience in Setting Jenkins global shared libraries to use across organization for repeated tasks and create
various groovy files for pipeline configurations.
 Used GIT as source code management tool to for an application and setup the entire GIT branching strategy.
 Automated the infrastructure using Terraform and making it auditable by storing all the infrastructure changes in a
version control system like GIT.
 Created  GIT configuration record for  builds, using derived objects generated during build  audit process
implemented and maintained the branching and  build/release  strategies utilizing GIT.
 Experience in Configuration management tools such as Chef, Ansible, and Puppet. Wrote Chef recipes and
cookbooks in Ruby scripting.
 Extensively worked on monitoring tools like Splunk, Nagios, Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana and worked on ticketing
tools like JIRA, ServiceNow. Proficient with Shell, Python, Ruby, Perl, Power Shell, Node.js, JSON, YAML, Groovy
scripting languages.


Cloud Azure, AWS, GCP

Infrastructure Management Tools Terraform, ARM Templates, Cloud Formation

Configuration Management Tools Ansible, Chef, Puppet

CI/CD Tools Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Bamboo

Build Tools Maven, Gradle, Ant

Container Tools Docker, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm

Version-Control Tools GIT, GitHub, Azure Repo, SVN, Bit Bucket,

Monitoring Tools ELK, Cloud watch, Splunk, Prometheus

Scripting Perl, Python, Shell, Ruby, XML, Json, Powershell, YAML, Groovy

Application/Web Servers Apache Tomcat, NGINX, JBoss, Web Logic

Networking TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, SNMP, SMTP, Ethernet, NFS
Operating Systems Ubuntu, CentOS, Red hat, Linux, Windows.
Repository Management Nexus, JFrog


Client: Dominos, Ann Arbor, MI December 2020 - Present

Role: Sr. Azure DevOps Engineer

 Built an application environment to operate at high availability in different Azure regions by using CDN,
Azure Traffic Manager, App Services-Web Apps, Active Directory, Storage Queues, Cognitive Services,
Azure Search, Storage Blobs, Redis cache, and SQL Database.
 Designed, configured, and deployed Azure Automation Scripts for a multitude of applications utilizing the
Azure stack (Including Compute, Web & Mobile, Blobs, ADF, Resource Groups, HD Insight Clusters, Azure
SQL, Cloud Services, and ARM), Services and Utilities focusing on Automation.
 Created and managed Azure AD (Active Directory) tenants manage users and groups and configure
application integration with Azure AD. Integrate on-premises Windows AD with Azure AD, configure multi-
factor authentication (MFA) and federated single sign-on (SSO).
 Created Azure Role-based Access Control (RBAC) to segregate duties within our team and grant only the
amount of access to users that they need to perform their jobs.
 Created cloud modules for interacting with Azure Services which provides the tools to easily create and
orchestrate infrastructure on Azure and automated cloud-native applications in Azure using Azure
Microservices such as Azure Functions and Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS).
 Provisioned Azure resources of different providers Compute, Network, Service Fabric, using ARM template
and also implemented and maintained dev, test, staging and production environments leveraging
infrastructure as code using Azure ARM templates (Infrastructure as code, JSON / YAML config).
 Created Network Security Groups (NSG) to filter the traffic to and from Azure Resources by configuring the
Inbound and Outbound rules and associating them with Subnet and Network Interfaces.
 Managed Azure Container Registry to store private Docker images, which are deployed and Azure pipelines
to build, test, and deployments. Azure Monitor to collect metrics and logs. Configured Monitor to track
performance and maintain security, and used Grafana tool to collect metrics, queries.
 Involved in Serverless services (Azure Functions) where I created and configured HTTP Triggers in the
Azure Functions with Application insights for monitoring and performing the load testing on the
Applications using the Azure DevOps Test Plans, also configured Shared dashboards with required metrics
and logs.
 Worked on Serverless services, created, and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with
application insights for monitoring and performing load testing on the applications using the Visual Studio
Team Services (VSTS) also called as Azure DevOps Services.
 Acted as build and release engineer, deployed the services by VSTS (Azure DevOps) pipeline. Created and
Maintained pipelines to manage the IAC for all the applications.
 Created CI/CD pipelines for .NET, python apps in Azure DevOps by integrating source codes GitHub, VSTS,
and artifacts. Created deployment areas such as testing, pre-production and production environment in
Kubernetes cluster.
 Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, and built reproducible Kubernetes applications builds, managed
Kubernetes manifest files and Helm package releases.
 Managed Docker Containers, Kubernetes Clusters, Mesos and implemented a production ready, load
balanced, highly available, fault tolerant Kubernetes infrastructure and created Jenkins jobs to deploy
applications to Kubernetes Cluster
 Deployed Kubernetes Cluster on Azure with master architecture and wrote many YAML files to create many
services like pods, deployments, auto-scaling, load balancers, labels, health checks, Namespaces, Config Map,
 Handled Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage docker containers with multiple names
spaced versions. Deployed Kubernetes clusters using managed Azure Kubernetes Service in Azure.
Implemented greenfield project leveraging AKS to prosses real time data streams.
 Created, managed, and performed container-based deployments using Docker images in the Docker Hub
containing Middleware and Applications together and evaluated Kubernetes for Docker container
 Worked on Kubernetes for creating new Projects, Services for load balancing, and adding them to Routes by
accessing from outside, created Pods through new application and controlling, scaling, and troubleshooting
pods through SSH, managed manifest files and releases of Helm charts.
 Integrated Jenkins with Docker container using Cloud Bees Docker pipeline plugin to drive all microservices
builds out to the Docker Registry.
 Experienced with deployment automation of all the microservices to pull the image from the private Docker
Registry and deploy to Docker Swarm Cluster using Ansible.
 Configured Jenkins by identifying and installing required plug-ins. Wrote Seed. Groovy scripts to configure
Build Jobs, Build Pipelines and by using Jenkins created a master and slave configuration to implement
multiple parallel builds through a build farm. 
 Implemented integration testing unit-testing strategies for Jenkins shared libraries using Junit and Groovy
 Automated Datadog Dashboards with the stack through Terraform Scripts. Configured CloudWatch and
Datadog to monitor real-time granular metrics of all the AWS Services and configured individual dashboards
for each resource Agents.
 Provisioned the high availability of Azure VMs using Terraform also wrote new plugins to support new
functionality in Terraform and involved in using Terraform to migrate legacy and monolithic systems
to Azure.
 Configured VNET Peering to enable communication between resources across multiple Virtual Networks
and configured NSGs for two tiers and three tier applications to filter network traffic using Terraform
 Written Templates for Azure Infrastructure as code using Terraform to build staging and production
environments. Integrated Azure Log Analytics with Azure VMs for monitoring the log files, store them and
track metrics.
 Integrated Terraform with Ansible and automated terraform life cycles with Ansible playbooks.
 Automated the tasks with Ansible Playbooks by using YAML functions and migrating the servers with the
required configuration changes and testing and deploying the machines using Ansible Commands.
 Performed job scheduling using Ansible Tower. Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous
Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible playbooks and has Integrated Ansible
with Jenkins.
 Used SonarQube in build system for continuously inspecting the code quality, Nagios for monitoring and
performed log analysis using ELK stack and created monitoring charts.
 Worked on Power Shell scripts to automate the Azure Cloud system in creation of VM, Resource groups,
Web Applications, Azure Storage Blobs & Tables, firewall rules and used Python scripts to automate day
to day administrative tasks Automated and orchestrated workloads using terraform, Ansible, Salt stack and
ARM Templates over Microsoft Azure.

Client: MasterCard, St. Louis, MO Nov 2018 - Dec 2020

Role: Sr. Azure DevOps Engineer

 Worked on escalated tasks related to interconnectivity issues and complex cloud-based identity management
and user authentication, service interruptions with Azure Virtual Machines (their host nodes) and
associated virtual storage (Blobs, Tables, Queues).
 In terms of migrating data to Azure I have knowledge of SQL migrations and other storage data which within
Azure are called Blobs.
 Managed Azure Infrastructure Azure Web Roles, Worker Roles, SQL Azure, Azure Storage, Azure AD
Licenses, Office365. Virtual Machine Backup and Recover from a Recovery Services Vault using Azure
PowerShell and Portal.
 Configured NSGs for two tiers and three tier applications. Experience in integrating on-premises servers to
Azure. Configured VNETs and subnets as per the project requirement. Configure Azure blob storage and
Azure file servers. Configured private and public facing Azure load balancers.
 Worked with Terraform templates to automate the Azure Iaas virtual machines using Terraform modules
and deployed virtual machine Scale sets in production environment.
 Migrating Services from On-premises to Azure Cloud Environments. Collaborate with development and QA
teams to maintain high-quality deployment.
 Created and maintained Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Deployment (CD) In Azure DevOps
over multiple environments to facilitate an agile development process which is automated and repeatable,
enabling MSFT teams for CI/CD pipelines to get Notification (if the pipeline is succeeded or failed).
 Written Runbooks in PowerShell and deployed using Azure DevOps to Automation Accounts. Release
pipelines used AAD Application Registration (service principal) in the Azure DevOps service
connections for authentication to Azure. Runbook uses connections for Authentication.
 Built and Installed Linux and windows servers to different environments such as Dev, Stage and
Production through Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates and Azure DevOps pipelines.
 Created Terraform templates for provisioning virtual networks, VM Scale sets, Load balancers, NAT rules
and used Terraform graph to visualize execution plan using the graph command. Used Terraform to deploy
the infrastructure necessary to create development, test, and production environments for software
development project.
 Used Terraform to create, change, and improve production infrastructure and maintained versioning
infrastructure safely and efficiently by custom in-house solutions.
 Created and automated the Jenkins pipeline using pipeline groovy script for the applications and owning
the Activity of Upgrading, administering, plug-in management, and User Management and Job creation in
 Built end to end CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins to retrieve code, compile applications, perform tests and push
build Artifacts to Nexus and Deploy to orchestrate changes across servers and components.
 Making deployments of Microservices as containers by using containerization tools like Docker and Docker
Compose. Docker Swarm and Kubernetes for orchestration and Microsoft Azure to ensure continuous
deployments into the different environments.
 Created additional Docker Slave Nodes for Jenkins using custom Docker Images and Worked on all major
components of Docker like Docker Daemon, Hub, Images, Registry, Swarm etc.
 Used Kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, Config Maps, selector, Services &
deployed application containers as Pods.
 Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications,
managed Kubernetes manifest files and Managed releases of Helm packages and helped in converting VM
based application to Microservices and deployed as a container managed by Kubernetes.
 Used Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly
deploys critical applications, and proactively manages change.
 Developed an automated deployment tool for dev, UAT and production environments using Ansible. Allows
new services to be deployed and released simply by developers including an Ansible playbook.
 Created branching & tagging strategy to maintain the source code in the GIT repository and coordinated
with developers to establish and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using GIT
source control.
 Initiated responsibility for administering the GIT servers which included install, upgrade, backup, adding
users, creating repository/branches, troubleshooting merging, tagging issues & maintenance. Implemented
GitLab for version control of puppet modules and process documentation.
 Implemented Docker -maven-plugin in Maven pom.xml files to build Docker images for all Microservices
and later used Docker file to build the Docker images from the Java jar files.
 Created dashboards and visualizations using Splunk, Grafana and Nagios for performance and activity
monitoring and setting up Splunk to capture and analyze data from various layers Load Balancers,
Webservers, and application servers.
 Setup and integrated Prometheus with Grafana for Monitoring. Used Elasticsearch (ELK stack) for
centralized logging and analytics in the continuous delivery pipeline to store logs and metrics into Azure
storage using storage function.
 Created Azure PowerShell script for APIM backup and restore operations. Created several SQL scripts as
part of bug fixes to provide immediate solutions for some of the common issues.
 Determined ways to optimize/improve JIRA and JIRA Agile setup and process workflows, as well as identify
where functionality can/cannot meet user requests.
 Setup Nginx, HTTP web server as a reverse proxy to critical applications such as Jira, Jenkins, Application

Client: Sodexo INC, New York Aug 2017 – Nov 2018

Role: Sr. Cloud Engineer

 Configured Azure cloud services, Azure storage, Azure active directory, Azure Service Bus. Created and
managed Azure AD tenants and configured application integration with Azure AD.
 Configured and deployed Azure Automation Scripts for a multitude of applications utilizing the Azure stack
services including Compute, Web & Mobile, Blobs, ADF, Resource Groups, Azure Data Lake, HDInsight
Clusters, Azure SQL and ARM focusing on automation, created quality gates in SonarQube dashboard and
enforced in the pipelines to fail the builds when conditions not met.
 Provisioned Azure resources like SQL Database, Web App, Storage Account, Redis Cache, Virtual
Machine, IoT Hub, and HDInsight using Azure Resource Manager (ARM).
 Experience with Azure Cloud Services (PaaS & IaaS), Azure Virtual Machines Azure Storage, SQL, Azure,
Azure Active Directory, application insights, and logic apps.
 Defined AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one
or more AWS EC2 instances.
 Automated CI/CD pipelines, deployments of web application based on .NET, Node.js, Python, Java, using
AWS Code Deploy, Code Pipeline, EC2, and secured by creating IAM roles and policies for services and
 Experience in setting up the infrastructure using AWS services including ELB, EC2, Elastic container
services (ECS), Auto-scaling, S3, IAM, VPC, Red Shift, DynamoDB, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Elastic
Cache, Lambda, SNS, Glacier, Cloud Formation, SQS, EFS, and Storage Gateway.
 Handling migration of on-premises applications to cloud, and created resources in cloud to enable this, using
all critical AWS tools, used ELB and Auto-Scaling policies for scalability, elasticity, and availability.
 Worked in building servers using AWS, launching EC2, auto-scaling, load balancing for specific virtual
private connection. Worked on major applications migration from internal datacenter to AWS. Successfully
migrated complex applications with no major issues or customer impact.
 Implemented & maintained the branching and build/release strategies using SCM tools GIT, GitLab,
Subversion, Bitbucket and experienced in migrating Bitbucket repositories to GitHub.
 Experience in using Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker images and stores in
Docker registry then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes and performed
Jenkins jobs for deploying using Ansible playbooks and Bitbucket.
 Used Kubernetes for creating new Projects, Services for Load balancing and adding them to Routes by
accessing from outside, created Pods through new application and controlling, scaling, and troubleshooting
pods through SSH.
 Managing major architecture changes from single server large software system to a distributed system with
Docker and Kubernetes orchestration. Executed Kubernetes locally with MiniKube, Created local clusters
and deployable application containers.
 Extensively worked on Kubernetes for scheduling, deploying, and managing pods, replication controllers,
deployments, labels, health checks and ingress by writing YAML Files and Helm Charts to deploy and
maintain the Deployed Services.
 Installed Docker Registry for local upload and download of Docker images and even from Docker hub.
Worked closely with developers to pinpoint and provide early warnings of common build failures.
 Used to write YAML files in which I define multiple services of docker applications and used docker
compose to launch those services in different Environments.
 Expertise Terraform to reliably version and create infrastructure on Azure/AWS. Created resources, using
Azure/AWS Terraform modules, and automated infrastructure management and experienced with
Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs, Change
 Custom Ansible playbooks for deployment orchestration and developed Ansible Playbooks to simplify
and automate day-to-day server administration tasks and used Ansible Tower for deployment. 
 Configured JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations, and plugins
for the JIRA bug/issue tracker.
 Involved in Linux system administration and performance tuning. Wrote Shell Scripts (bash) to automate
the package installation, web server and instance configuration.

Client: Fidelity Investments, Durham, NC Feb 2016 – Aug 2017

Role: AWS Cloud Administrator

 Participated in the release cycle of product which involved environments like Development, QA, UAT and
 Worked on AWS EC2 instances, configured Elastic IP & Storage using AWS S3. Used AWS CloudFront to
deliver content from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on front-end servers.
 Configured S3 versioning and lifecycle policies in AWS, to backup files and archive files in Glacier.
 To trigger changes made in AWS Dynamo DB integrated it with AWS Lambda. Created Cron jobs for
initiating our daily batch data pulls, executing our continuous integration tests done under Jenkins & backup
the Dynamo DB streams.
 Involved in setting up and operating AWS RDS & NoSQL Database DynamoDB services. 
 Migrated on-premises DB to AWS RDS and for High Availability clustering used read-replica data stream so
that RDS automatically creates a primary DB instance and synchronously replicates the data to a standby
instance in a different AZ.
 Implemented Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on external available servers and on AWS Console,
Monitoring and alerting leveraging Cloud Watch and Cloud Trail.
 Written Docker files to build Micro service applications and created docker images to create the servers and
created the lightweight deployment workflow by adopting container strategies.
 Implemented and managed to branch and build/release strategies utilizing SCM tools such as GIT, GitLab,
Subversion, and Bitbucket, and have expertise migrating Bitbucket repositories to GitHub.
 Installed and configuration of Jenkins to support various Java builds and Jenkins plugins to automate
continuous builds
 Utilized CloudWatch to monitor resources such as EC2, Amazon RDS DB services, EBS volumes, to set alarms
for notification or automated actions, and to monitor logs for a better understanding and operation of the
 To make feedback cycles quicker for CI/DevOps teams, Gradle Enterprise Build Cache, Test Distribution,
and resource profiling for Gradle and Maven builds were configured.
 Worked on Jenkins, Git Hub, Puppet, Artifactory and all internal build systems for the core development
team on an enterprise-level Java-based cloud orchestration/automation tool. 
 Performed WebLogic Server administration tasks such as installing, configuring, monitoring and
performance tuning on Linux environment. Planned, scheduled and Implemented OS patches on Linux
servers as a part of proactive maintenance.

Client: Zenq, Hyderabad, India Nov 2014 – Feb 2016

Role: Build & Release Engineer

 As member of Release Engineering Team, redefined processes and implemented tools for software builds, patch
creation, source control, and release tracking and reporting, on UNIX platform.
 Built Puppet enterprise modules using puppet DSL to automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration
management to existing infrastructure by deploying Puppet, Puppet Dashboard, and Puppet.
 Developed Puppet modules with Jenkins for Continues integration and Continues deployment of managed
products, and related services.
 Responsible for User Management, Plugin Management and End-to-End automation of Build and Deployment
process using Jenkins.
 Good exposure on all areas of Jenkins like Plugin Management, Securing Jenkins, Performance issues, Analytics,
Scaling Jenkins, integrating Code Analysis and Test Phases to complete the CD pipelines within Jenkins.
 Created a continuous integration system using Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Puppet full automation, Continuous
Integration, faster and flawless deployments and worked with ANT tool to do the builds, integrated ANT to
Eclipse and did local builds.
 Created GIT configuration record for builds, using derived objects generated during build audit process
implemented and maintained the branching and build/release strategies utilizing GIT.

Client: Hidden Brains InfoTech Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, India Jan 2014 – Nov 2014
Role: Linux Administrator


 Used Shell and Perl scripts to automate system management operations such as user account creation, file
system size monitoring, system resource monitoring, and system maintenance.
 Created tools and scripts to automate integration with other IT solutions to offer accurate asset
management, cyber reporting capabilities, and licensing management.
 VMware ESX server instances were installed and configured for virtual server setup and deployment. In
charge of building VMware virtual guests that run Solaris, Linux, and Windows.
 Installing RedHat Linux using kickstart and applying security policies for hardening the server based on the
company policies.
 Working knowledge on Java based applications such as Spring MVC, Hibernate, Angular JS, J2EE etc. and
web-based applications such as HTML, CSS, Java Script, XML etc.
 Deployed Java applications into Apache Tomcat Application Servers. Involved in troubleshooting the
automation of installing and configuring Java applications in the test and production environments.


 Master of Science in Computers Science from University of Central Missouri, Missouri

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