Kushalv Final Updated Resume

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(919) 764-4274

Sr. Azure DevOps Engineer having 8+ years of IT Experience. Implemented successful IT strategies and hands-on
experience supporting, automating, and optimizing critical deployments in Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web
Services, DevOps processes Cloud Migration, Linux System Administrator and Expertise in Continuous
Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins. Comfortable in managing systems, projects, and
teams in a range of IT environments.

 Expertise in using various Azure services like Compute, Virtual machines, Virtual Networks, Azure Active
Directory, Azure VPN Gateway, Azure search, App Services, Service Bus, Auto Scaling, API
Management, Notification hub, Caching, Azure service fabric, Data Factory.
 Proficient in migrating on premise storage to Microsoft Azure using Azure site recovery, Azure backups
and deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines and cloud services (PaaS role instances) into secure V nets
and subnets with Azure Internal Load balancers. 
 Implemented several Continuous Delivery pipelines for different products using Ant, Maven, Gradle, Git,
Bit bucket, Hudson, Bamboo, Jenkins & Chef, Puppet, Ansible.  
 Implemented a DevOps pipeline in azure from scratch setting up boards, pipeline, repos, agent pools. 
 Expertise in migrating the existing v1(classic) Azure infrastructure into v2 (ARM), scripting and
templating the whole end to end process. Migrated on-prems to Windows Azure by building Azure
Disaster Recovery Environment, Azure Recovery Vault and Azure Backups from the scratch using
PowerShell script.  
 Experience in Architecting and securing the Infrastructure on AWS using EC2 instances and deploying
applications utilizing all the AWS services majorly focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and
Autoscaling in AWS CloudFormation. 
 Experienced in OpenShift platform in managing Docker Containers, Kubernetes Clusters, and Mesos and
implemented a production ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant Kubernetes
infrastructure and created Jenkins jobs to deploy applications to Kubernetes Cluster. 
 Worked extensively with Kubernetes where I started spinning of clusters for POC and all the Stages (DEV,
QA, STG and PROD) for the application deployments. 
 Proficiency in using Docker Hub, Docker Engine, Docker images, Docker Weave, Docker Compose,
Docker Swarm, and Docker Registry and used containerization to make applications platform when
moved into different environments. 
 Implemented Docker-Maven-Plugin and Maven POM.xml to build Docker images for all Microservices
and later used Docker file to build the Docker images from the WAR/JAR files. 
 Expertise in deploying microservices, application improvement, and upgradation utilizing Azure
administrations like Azure DevOps, Kubernetes Service (AKS), Container Services, MySQL DB, and
Grafana, Azure pipelines, RBAC, and checking groups.
 Provisioned the high availability of Azure VMs using Terraform also wrote new plugins to support new
functionality in Terraform and involved in using Terraform to migrate legacy and monolithic systems
to Azure.   
 Proficient in Writing Terraform templates, Chef Cookbooks, recipes and pushed them onto Chef Server
for configuring EC2 Instances. Used Terraform to map more complex dependencies and identify network
 Expertise in building Jenkins jobs to create AWS infrastructure from GitHub repos containing code and
administered/engineered Jenkins for managing weekly builds.   
 Proficient in Designing, Installing, and Implementing Ansible configuration management system and in
writing playbooks for Ansible deploying applications and maintained role-based access control by using
Ansible Tower to manage web applications, Environment’s configuration files, Users and Packages. 
 Experienced in working with version control systems like GIT and used Source code management client
tools like GitHub, Azure Repo and SVN.
 Experience in branching strategies, merging, and tagging to facilitate defect or change management in
conjunction within projects across the organization using GIT and Subversion (SVN). 
 Installed, Configured, Managed Monitoring Tools such as Splunk, Nagios for Resource
Monitoring/Network Monitoring/Log Trace Monitoring.
 Proficient with Shell, Python, Ruby, Perl, Power Shell, Node.js, JSON, YAML, Groovy scripting languages.

Cloud Services AWS, Microsoft Azure
CI/CD Tools Jenkins, Bamboo, Azure DevOps Pipelines
Configuration Management Tools Ansible, Chef, Puppet
Version Control Tools GIT, SVN, Bit Bucket, Azure Repos
Container Tools Docker, Kubernetes
Scripting Languages Shell/Bash, Ruby, Perl, Python, JavaScript, PowerShell, JSON, YAML

Monitoring Tools Cloud Watch, Cloud Trial, Splunk, Nagios, ELK, Azure Log Analytics
Virtualization Technologies VMWare vSphere ESX/ESXi, VMWare Workstation, Virtual box


Databases Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra DB, DynamoDB
Web/Application Servers Tomcat, Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, WebLogic, JBOSS
Operating Systems Windows, Unix, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu
Other Tools Vagrant, Nexus, SonarQube

Sr. Azure DevOps Engineer Dec 2019 - Present

Client- CBRE - Boston, MA,

 Created Azure Automation Assets, Graphical runbooks, PowerShell Runbooks that will automate
specific tasks. deployed Azure AD Connect, configuring ADFS authentication flow, ADFS installation
using Azure AD Connect.  
 Deployed Cloud services (PaaS role instances) and Azure IaaS Virtual machines (VMs) into secure
subnets and VNets and designed Network Security Groups (NSGs) to control inbound and outbound
access to network Interfaces (NICs), subnets and VMs. 
 Implemented Azure Active Directory for single sign-on access to thousands of cloud SaaS applications
like Office 365, Dropbox. Worked as cloud Engineer, involved in configuration for Web apps/Function
apps, V-net, Application gateway, App Insights, Active directory, Azure Key Vault, Encryption and
Security on Azure.
 Configured Azure Virtual Networks, subnets, DHCP address blocks, Azure network settings, DNS
settings, security policies and routing. Also, deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines and Cloud services
(PaaS role instances) into secure Virtual Networks and subnets.
 Azure Network Configuration - Created resource groups using resource manager which allow to see
cost/billing and monitoring information for resources within a resource group and manage access to those
resources as a set for individual customer. Also used Azure log analytics workspace to store, query data
collected from various resources monitored
 Developed Pipelines in Azure data factory to call Notebooks to transform data for reporting and analytics.
 Configured diagnostics, monitoring and analytics on Azure using API Management, Logic Apps and set up
documentation using Swagger API, while focusing on scale and resilience for Azure Web Apps. 
 Provisioned the high availability of Azure VMs using Terraform and ARM templates, wrote new plugins to
support new functionality in Terraform and involved in using Terraform to migrate legacy and monolithic
systems to Azure.   
 Used Azure DevOps services like Azure Repos, Azure Boards, Azure Test Plans, Azure Artifacts to plan
work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications.
 Created and maintained various Azure DevOps related tools for the team such as provisioning scripts,
deployment tools and staged virtual environments using Docker.
 Created an Azure DevOps pipeline to attach Azure policies for management groups for subscriptions 
 Used Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure and created an AKS
cluster in the Azure portal, with the Azure CLI, also used template driven deployment options such as
Resource Manager templates and terraform.
 Managing the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) policies, providing access to different Azure resources and
deploying and improving the workflow that govern access.
 Worked with Kubernetes to provide a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of
application containers across clusters of hosts and managed containerized applications using its nodes,
config maps, selectors, and services. 
 Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm. Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications,
managed Kubernetes manifest files and managed releases of Helm packages. 
 Created and monitored the Kubernetes master cluster and configuring networking and other Kubernetes
primitives like Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). 
 Created Docker Swarm using Docker CLI to Orchestrate, schedule and deploy the services to Swarm and
managed the Swarm behavior and created virtual networks to connect Docker containers across multiple
hosts using Docker weave. 
 Developed Networking policies for Docker Containers. Worked on Open-source development tools like
Docker Containers and Kubernetes. Deployed Kubernetes cluster in production using Terraform scripts and
Troubleshooted networking related issue. Supported provisioning by creating and configuring virtual
development environments using Hashicorp tool Vagrant. 
 Setup Docker to automate container deployment through Jenkins and Dealt with Docker Hub, making
Docker Images and taking care of various Images essentially for middleware establishments. 
 Used Terraform to Setup infrastructure in PCF and Azure Environments. Converted existing Terraform
modules that had version conflicts to utilize cloud formation during Terraform deployments to enable more
control or missing capabilities.
 Developed Terraform scripts to create New Relic policies, alert conditions, send alerts to Teams and to HPSM
for ticketing.
 Designed quality profiles and certain standards set by installing Quality Gates in SONARQUBE. 

Sr. Azure Infrastructure Engineer Nov 2017 – Nov 2019

Client- Cigna – Raleigh, NC,


 Experienced in migrating On-premises Instances or Azure Classic Instances to Azure ARM subscription with
Azure site Recovery and experienced on creating Azure VM, Cloud Services and Storages by using Azure
Power-Shell Script.
 Used Azure BLOB to access required files and Azure Storage Queues to communicate between related
processes and used Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (CLI) to deploy and manage applications on to
Pivotal Cloud Foundry PCF.
 Azure Automation through Runbooks Creation, Migration of existing scripts, Authorizing, Configuring,
Scheduling and involved in administrative tasks that include Build, Design, Deploy of Azure environment.
 Used Azure Boards service to track ideas at every development stage and aligned with all code changes
linked directly to work items.
 Automated a portfolio of scripts using Azure automation tool. Created ad hoc scripts to add a virtual
machine using Desired State configuration tool. Provided real time predictions by using Azure Stream
Analytics and used Azure IOT Hub for Monitoring Assets and Telemetry Ingestion.  
 Used Azure Streaming Analytics with Event Hubs and sending output to PowerBI Dashboard.
 Implemented ETL and data movement solutions for Data Migration using Azure Data Factory . Built
multiple Data Lakes and recreated existing application logic and functionality in the Azure Data Lake,
Azure Data Bricks, Data Factory and SQL data warehouse environment. 
 Created Azure Blueprints to apply naming conventions when deploying Infrastructure where I  assigned
Roles, Policies, ARM Templets and resource groups to users Via Azure Blueprints. 
 Extensively worked on Azure Service Fabric to build and manage scalable and reliable applications
composed of microservices that run at high density on a shared pool of machines. 
 Created and maintained Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Deployment  (CD) In Azure DevOps
over multiple environments to facilitate an agile development process which is automated and
repeatable, enabling teams MSFT Teams for CICD pipelines to get Notification (if the pipeline is
succeeded or failed). 
 Written runbooks in PowerShell and deployed using CICD Azure DevOps to Automation Accounts .
Release pipelines used AAD Application Registration (service principal) in the Azure DevOps service
connections for authentication to Azure. Runbook uses connections for Authentication. 
 Worked on Serverless services, created and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with
application insights for monitoring and performing load testing on the applications using the Visual
Studio Team Services (VSTS) also called as Azure DevOps Services.
 Migrating Repos from Azure DevOps to GITHUB and create GITHUB pipelines from scratch using GITHUB
 Worked on Docked-Compose, Docker-Machine to create Docker containers for testing applications in
the QA environment and automated the deployments, scaling and management of containerized
applications across clusters of hosts. 
 Configured applications that run multi-container Docker applications by utilizing the Docker-Compose
tool which uses a file configured in YAML format and Built complete Configuration Management for the
Microservices using Kubernetes, Docker, and Ansible. 
 Creating manifests and classes in Puppet for automation and worked on infrastructure with Docker
 Created several pods using Master and Minion architecture of Kubernetes and developed microservice
on boarding tools leveraging Python allowing for easy creation and maintenance of build jobs and
Kubernetes deploy and services using python in Kubernetes deploy services. 
 Provided consistent environment using Kubernetes for deployment scaling and load balancing to the
application from dev through production, easier the code development and deployment pipeline. 
 Created Ansible roles in YAML and defined tasks, variables, files, handlers and templates. Created
inventory and configured the ansible files for parallel development in Ansible for automating the
continuous delivery process. 
 Installed Ansible Tower, which provides an easy-to-use dashboard and role-based access control, so that
it's easier to allow individual teams access to use Ansible for their deployments.   
 Used Ansible as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical
applications, and proactively manages change. 
 Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH to manage Configurations of AWS node. Created windows
virtual machines and supported windows workloads using PowerShell. Used Terraform for Server
 Expertise in Creating Custom Golden Images for VM, created a Packer script for Image customizing and
Deployed the Custom Golden Image into a VM’s using Terraform. 

Sr. AWS Cloud Engineer April 2016 – Oct 2017

Client – Capital One – Virginia,


 Involved in building servers using AWS, importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating security
groups, auto-scaling, load Balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection. 
 Design highly available, cost effective and fault tolerant systems using multiple AWS EC2 instances, Auto
Scaling, AWS Elastic Load Balance and AWS Amazon machine image (AMIs), DNS mapping with
subdomain using Route 53. 
 Design roles and groups for users and resources using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) and
implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on externally available servers and on AWS Console,
Monitoring and alerting leveraging Cloud Watch and Cloud Trail. 
 Migrated in-house DB to AWS RDS and for High Availability clustering used read-replica data stream so
that RDS automatically creates a primary DB instance and synchronously replicates the data to a
standby instance in a different AZ. 
 Knowledge in Implementation of horizontal auto-scaling use cases using OpenStack components - Heat,
 Deployed Zabbix to monitor and alert the health of Nova, Neutron, Keystone and other OpenStack
 Designed Kubernetes cluster using AWS-Kops (EKS) and configuring and deploy the Kubernetes
dashboard to access the cluster via its web-based user interface. 
 Created Projects and services for load balancing and adding them to Routes to be accessible from
outside in Kubernetes and creation of pods through new application and control the scaling of pods,
troubleshooting pods through SSH and logs using Kubernetes. 
 Integrated container systems like Docker and container orchestration like EC2 Container Service,
Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage docker containers with multiple name
spaced versions. 
 Integrated Docker container-based test infrastructure to Jenkins CI test flow and set up build
environment integrating with GIT and JIRA to trigger builds using Web Hooks and Slave Machines. 
 Worked with various components of Chef including Chef Server, workstations, Nodes, configurations of
chef-client and written cookbooks and recipes for Chef and assigning roles to nodes. 
 Developed multiple Chef Cookbooks from scratch and implemented automation with Vagrant, Chef on
AWS for application testing, deployment, and development. 
 Written Shell and Ruby Scripts to manage CI/CD pipeline tools supporting chef on rapid-provisioning and
life-cycle management for Ubuntu Linux using Amazon EC2, and Chef. 
 Administered Jenkins continuous integration server installation and configuration to automate
application packaging and deployments by integrating it with Git, Maven, Chef, JIRA and Email servers. 
 Automated CI/CD with Jenkins, build-pipeline-plugin, Maven, GIT to set up Jenkins master/slave nodes
and distribute builds on salve nodes. 
 Developed build and deployment scripts using MAVEN and initiated them using Jenkins to move from
one environment to other environments. 
 Managed Maven pom.xml files and scripts for repository management tools Artifactory and Nexus. 
 Developed automated jobs to migrate SVN repos to multiple GitHub repos with history and created one-
way bridge to update Git contents and Automated merges to remote repository. 
 Involved in monitoring System/Application Logs of server using Splunk to detect Prod issues. 
 Involved in setting up JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations
and plugins for the JIRA bug/issue tracker. 
 Worked on testing, evaluation and troubleshooting of MongoDB and Cassandra NoSQL database
systems and cluster configurations to ensure high-availability in various crash scenarios. 
 Managed deployment procedures using middleware like Apache Tomcat by creating deploy scripts and
setting for the Production Release. 

DevOps Engineer April 2015 – March 2016

Client – American Bureau of Shipping
Houston, TX, USA.


 Created volumes for Kubernetes  and integrated with Jenkins.

 Expert level experience working on  Docker  hub, creating  Docker  images, and handling multiple images
primarily for middleware installations and domain configuration. 
 Used Docker to containerize Microservices in cloud and managed clusters using Kubernetes.
 Worked on several  Docker  components like  Docker  Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose
and  Docker  Registry. 
 Experienced in Ansible configuration management system.
 Used Ansible to manage Web applications, Environment’s configuration Files, Users, Mountpoints and
 Developed Playbooks using Ansible to deploy consistent infrastructure code across multiple
 Worked with Vault for transit backend, database backend.
 Automated encryption and decryption process in vault using Ansible.
 Worked with Jenkins for enterprise scale infrastructure configuration, creating required scripts in Python
and checking out the code from GIT and use Maven pom.xml to build Jar, war, tar, and ear artifacts. 

Sr. Linux Administrator June 2014 – March 2015

Apalya Technologies Pvt Ltd,
Hyderabad, India.


 Setting up continuous integration and formal builds using Bamboo with the Artifactory repository and
Resolved update, merge and password authentication issues in Bamboo and JIRA. 
 Participated in configuring and monitoring distributed and multiple platforms servers using Puppet
Version. Used Puppet Server and Workstation to manage and configure nodes.
 Administration/Maintenance experiences of a continuous integration build engineer, such as Bamboo.
Also, built and Configured Bamboo Slaves for Parallel Job execution. 
 Maintained build related scripts in ANT, Shell and Python. Created and modified build configuration files
including Ant's build.xml. 
 Backed up crucial data via duplicity and Rackspace Cloud Files. Contributed to company codebase via
 Created a continuous integration system using Bamboo, Puppet full automation, Continuous
Integration, faster and flawless deployments. Managed user authentication and authorization for the
users in both Subversion & Perforce. Created branches, performed merges in version control systems
SVN and Perforce.   
 Responsible for maintaining Version Control Repositories, User Management in SVN. Involved in
Branching and Merging of the code in Tortoise SVN.  Installation, configuration and administration of
Red Hat  Linux  servers and support for Servers. 
 Installation, maintenance and regular upgrades of Red Hat  Linux  Servers using kick start based network
 Provided 24x7 System Administration support for Red Hat  Linux  3.x, 4.xservers and resolved trouble
tickets on shift rotation basis.
 Configured and maintained Linux virtualization in a test and prod environment using VMware, vSphere,
Client and HPSA for the Red Hat Linux OS installation. 

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