Adult Exam 4

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COURSE NAME: English Language TIME : 2 ½ Hours


Part 1: Listening
(30 marks)
A- You will hear a radio program about exam preparation. Listen and
circle the correct letter a, b or c for each question.

1. When it is near exam time students

a. have a counsellor.
b. stay calm.
c. feel under a lot of pressure.

2. It’s a good idea to revise
a. only for 5 minutes.
b. with 20- minute breaks.
c. with a timetable.

3. When you revise for exams you should

a. study each subject at least twice.
b. write a list of subjects.
c. read all the information once.

4. Drinking a lot of coffee during exams

a. gives you energy.
b. should be avoided.
c. is better than drinking fruit juice.

5. The best way of studying is

a. to study alone.
b. to revise in groups.
c. to find out what suits you best.

6. You have more chance of doing well in your exams when

a. you relax.
b. you take in a lot of information.
c. you worry about it.
(6x2.5=15 marks)

B- You will hear a tourist information officer talking about Baxters Visitors
Center in Scotland. Listen and fill in the missing information in each
numbered space. Number (0) is done for you.


The Baxter story began over (1) ……………………. years ago.

Ethel Baxter was an excellent (2) ……………………. .

Part 2: Reading (34 marks)
Audio-visual and demonstration theatre

Watch a short (3) ……………………., and see our brilliant (4)

…………………….. preparing delicious dishes.

Old Shop Museum

A copy of the first shop the Baxters opened in the year (5)

……………………. .

Lunch - Picnic area

Gordon Room or Spey Restaurant – both offer our traditional

(6) ……………………. .

(6x2.5=15 marks)
A- Read the text below and choose the correct answer for each space.
Circle the correct letter a, b, or c. Number (0) is done for you.
It has been twenty years (0)….…. I last visited the house where I
spent my childhood. I don’t know (1)….…. I wanted to see the place
again-I am not by nature a nostalgic person. It must (2)…..… been
some chance remark of unimportant incident that (3)…..… me of it.
I had only happy memories (4)….…. the house, with its large back garden
where I (5)….…. to climb the apple trees as a child. So, one bright clear
Sunday, I decided to revisit it. I filled the car (6)….…. petrol and set off on
the 100 mile trip.
I don’t know what I expected. It (7)….…. very much the same (8)….…. I
remembered it, but smaller. No one lived there anymore and the garden was
(9)…..… . The tree I used to climb was still there, (10)….…. seemed small
and bent like an old man.
0 A- ago B- when C- since
1 A- where B- why C- what
2 A- has B- have C- would
3 A- reminded B- remembered C- recovered
4 A- of B- from C- with
5 A- did B- could C- used
6 A- at B- to C- with
7 A- looked B- showed C- happened
8 A- as B- with C- like
9 A- overgrow B- overgrew C- overgrown
10 A- so B- but C- however

B- Look at the sign in each question. Circle the letter next to the correct
explanation (a, b or c). Number (0) is done for you as an example.
Mobile phones should a. Do not use mobile phones here.
0 be switched off in this b. Mobile phones do not work.
area c. Only use your mobiles in an emergency.

FRAGILE a. This package should be carried carefully.

1 b. This package contains door handles.
Handle with care! c. This package should be delivered to fragile

LIFT a. No one can give you a lift.

2 OUT OF b. The lift is not working.
ORDER c. Do not lift unless you are ordered.

SALE a. 30% of the items are on sale.

3 30% b. Sales have gone up 30% in the shop.
OFF ALL ITEMS c. All items bought in the sale cost 30%
less than usual.

4 SLOW a. Only children can play here.

b. If you want to play, you must stop here.
CHILDREN c. Drive carefully. Children often play here.

5 a. David has cancelled his lesson tonight.
Your teacher called b. David’s teacher has cancelled the lesson tonight.
-no lesson tonight- c. David has to call his teacher if he wants to have
continue next week. a lesson next week.

(5x2=10 marks)

C- Read the following text.

An American engineer Sherman Poppen invented the first
snowboard for his daughter Wendy. Wendy had problems
skiing and Poppen tied her two skis together so they were
easier to use. The board was a big success, and soon all of
Wendy's friends wanted one. Poppen called his new invention
the 'Snurfer' - a combination of the words 'snow1 and 'surf - and
from 1965 to 1975 toy shops and sports shops sold millions of them. However
it wasn't until the 1980s that the snurfer became the snowboard.
Since the 1980s over ten million people have taken up snowboarding. It
hasn't become as popular as skiing yet, but more and more people are
interested in the sport. Although it's quite dangerous, both girls and boys
enjoy it. In fact more women than men snowboard. In 1998,
snowboarding appeared in the Winter Olympics for the first
time. And it's just become the fastest-growing winter sport in
the world! The earliest bicycles were dangerous to ride because
the front wheel was bigger than the back wheel. But in 1885, J.K.
Starley invented a safer bike with the same size wheels, and
bicycle racing was born. One early race was 'cyclo-cross'. Cyclists rode cross
country, although they could get off and run over difficult areas. This early
sport was similar to today's mountain biking.
Mountain biking as we know it began in California in the
1976. Riders had to ride their bikes cross country, like cyclo-
cross, but they couldn't get off and run. Their bikes were also
different. They were smaller, had fatter tyres and were easier to
ride. Who thought of this great idea? A man named Gary Fisher.
Suddenly bikes weren't only for the streets. This new type of
bicycle could also go up and down mountains!
Today mountain bikes are popular with millions of people. Most cities have
mountain bike parks and the sport has become a major event in the X games.
In 1996 it became an Olympic sport for both men and women.
Read the text again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

(6x 1 = 6 marks)
1. Poppen made the first “snurfer” for his daughter. ______

2. Poppen used the “snurfer” on snow and in the sea. ______

3. Snowboarding is a boys’ sport. ______

4. Early bikes were not easy to use. ______

5. You could get off your bike in cyclo-cross races. ______

6. Cyclo-cross bikes are smaller than mountain bikes. ______

B. Now answer the questions below. (4x2=8 marks)

1.Why did Poppen tied Wendy’s skies together?


2. What did the “snurfer” mean ?


3. Who made a safer bike?


4. When did the mountain bikes become an Olympic sport?

Part 3: Writing (36 marks)

A- You have some housing problems. Write a letter of complaint to your

landlord .

In your writing include the following.

 state where you live

 describe what the problems are
 your request to fix the problems
(Write between 80 – 100 words)


‫للمعلم فقط‬ Accuracy Appropriacy Organisation Task Achievement Total

Score 4 4 4 4 16
B-Answer ONE question ONLY:

1- You have a new neighbour who always parks his car in front of your garage.
You talked to him. But the problem is still there. Write a letter of complaint.


2- You went with a relative to a film. Write an email to your friend telling him/her
about it.

(Write between 100 -120 words)

‫للمعلم فقط‬ Accuracy Appropriacy Organisation Task Achievement Total

Score 5 5 5 5 20

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