3. نص الاستماع

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==================================== AUDIO SCRIPT

Part 1: Listening
(30 marks)

This is the Kingdom of Bahrain General Intermediate Certificate (Continuous

Education) End-of-Second Semester 2015/2016 English Listening Examination.
There are two questions in this exam. You will hear each recording twice. At the
beginning of each recording, you will hear this sound (beep). During the exam,
there will be a pause before each question to allow you to look through the items,
and other pauses to let you think about your answers. Write your answers on the
question paper. Please get ready because the exam is about to start.

[Pause 10 seconds]

Question A

You will hear a radio programme about traffic and travel in England. Circle the
correct letter a, b or c for each item. You will hear the recording twice. You have
one minute to look at the items for this question.
[Pause 1 minute]
Now we are ready to start. Listen Carefully.
[Pause 5 seconds]
Reporter 1: ... and now at 7.00 a.m., we come to our weekend travel check with
Sue Williams.
Reporter 2: Thanks a lot, Alan. Good morning. And after a week which has
been problem-free, I am afraid there are difficulties ahead for some
of you planning to travel this weekend. However, the weather
forecast is for less rain, so that's something.
First of all, for those of you travelling into London. There has been
a crash on the M4 motorway and police say that long queues of cars
are building up. You should try to leave the motorway at exit
number 3, and take another route using one of the main roads into
the capital.

In the centre of London, a lorry has lost its load of bottles while
crossing London Bridge. Police warn that there is a lot of broken
glass not just on the road, but on the pavements as well, and it will
take a few hours before everything is cleared up. If you can, you
should avoid walking or driving over London Bridge until after
If you are planning on travelling by train over the weekend,
checking train times with your local station is essential before
leaving home. There is a lot of engineering work and although most
services are normal, some journeys may take longer than usual.
Now for those of you flying from Manchester airport and hoping to
leave your car at the airport car park: be prepared for delays, or
better still, leave your car at home. Part of the underground car park
is being rebuilt at the moment, so only half the usual car park spaces
are in use. You may arrive to find that there is no space at all! So do
try to use public transport to reach the airport.
We have also been told that university students in Birmingham are
planning to march to raise money for the sake of the homeless. This
means that the main shopping streets will be closed to private traffic
from noon, and police expect the march to last at least two hours. If
you are planning on shopping in Birmingham city centre you may
prefer to travel into the city by bus.
And finally for those of you using the M6 motorway. The
motorway police are asking motorists to watch for signs telling
them to reduce speed. There is thick fog on some sections of the M6
motorway which is not likely to clear before mid-morning. It rained
heavily during the night and the motorway can be dangerous if you
are driving too fast and suddenly run into fog. You have been
listening to..... (fade)

[Pause 10 seconds]
Now listen again.
Repeat from Ф to Ώ.
[Pause 5 seconds]
This is the end of Question A.

You now have one minute to check your answers. We will tell you when Question B
[Pause 1 minute]
Now turn to Question B.
[Pause 10 seconds]
Question B
You will hear a teacher talking to his class about a brave woman, Amanda Morris. Listen and
fill in the missing information in each numbered space. You will hear the recording twice. You
have one minute to look at the items for this question.

[Pause 1 minute]
Now we are ready to start. Listen Carefully.
[Pause 5 seconds]

Teacher: I would like to tell you about a very brave woman. I hope you will
learn something from her story. Ten years ago, Amanda Morris
was a healthy young woman enjoying life. Then, when she was 21
she was told there was something very seriously wrong with her.
Amanda wasn't strong enough to work, and slowly she became so
ill that she couldn't even walk. She didn't give up, though. With the
help of her grandmother she raised enough money to fly to USA for
an operation. After the surgery Amanda got stronger, but the
doctors told her there was a chance that she would become ill again.
Instead of feeling sorry for herself, Amanda decided to try a new
treatment. She had read about how swimming with dolphins had
helped other sick people. Eighteen months later, Amanda collected
enough money to go swimming with dolphins in Sydney, Australia.
As soon as she got into the sea, Amanda felt much better. The
dolphins gave her the strength to go on. She wanted to get better so
that she could swim with them for longer the next time. Today,
Amanda lives her life as any young person would. She goes to the
gym, and she sends e-mails to friends all over the world, friends she
has made through the internet. They call her the 'dolphin girl'
because she loves dolphins so much. Amanda knows that one day
she might become ill again and be back in a wheelchair. Her love of
life and strong will to survive keeps her going and has inspired
other sick people. She has taught them not to give up hope, and how
to become stronger by swimming with dolphins. Now children, I
hope that you..... (fade)

[Pause 10 seconds]
Now listen again.
Repeat from ФФ to ΏΏ.
[Pause 5 seconds]

This is the end of Question B.

You now have three minutes to check your answers. We will remind you when there is
one minute left.
[Pause 2 minutes]
You now have one minute left.
[Pause 1 minute]
This is the end of the Listening Section.

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