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Part 1: Listening
(30 marks)

A- You will hear a radio interview with a woman who works on an

international camp. Listen and circle the correct letter a, b or c
for each item.

1. If you want to apply for the camp you must

a. be a student.
b. speak more than one language.
c. be at least twenty-four years old.

2. In a camp tent you can expect to

a. know the other people. 15
b. mix with other nationalities.
c. share with other five people.

3. The camp wants people who are

a. able to mix well.
b. good organisers.
c. good at cooking.

4. What do you have to take to the camp?

a. a tent
b. a map
c. pictures

5. As a camp member you should

a. join in performances.
b. be a good singer.
c. be good at acting.

6. the camp fees must be paid

a. in dollars.
b. by cheque.
c. before the camp starts.
(6x2.5=15 marks)
B- You will hear a radio programme in which young people from different
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parts of the country are interviewed. Listen and fill in the missing
information in each numbered space.

(6x2.5=15 marks)


information sheet

Name: Mike Davis

Age: 13 years old

Favourite subject: (1) …………………….……………..………

Favourite sport: (2) …………………………………………..….

bicycle/ bike
Usual transport: (3) …………………………...………..……….

milks cows/ (sometimes)

On Saturday: (4) ……..………………………….………..……..
cows/sometimes cleans
cleans cowsheds

On (5) ………………………:
Monday(s) Agricultural School

Future job: (6) …………………………………………….…….

farmer/ (his)own
(to) have (his) farm/work in (the)
own farm/(to) work
in the countryside

(6x2.5=15 marks)

Part 2: Reading (34 marks)

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A- Read the text below and choose the correct answer for each space.
Circle the correct letter a, b, or c. Number (0) is done for you.


Last year my Dad got a new job. It was in a town (0)….. is 100 kms
from our home. Mum and Dad (1).…. we had to move, because it was a
long way for Dad to (2)..… every day.
When they (3)….. me about their plan I was upset (4)….. I loved my home
and school. I was worried that I would (5)….. my friends and teachers a lot.
Anyway, six months (6)….. that, my family moved to the town of Hexford.
The house was much bigger than our old one, and (7)….. my bedroom window
I (8)….. see the sea.
I wasn’t looking forward to the first day at my new school. I felt really nervous
about (9)..… lots of new people. But when I got there everyone was great! My
class teacher was nice and I (10)….. friends with two girls in my class.
Moving home isn’t that bad, after all!
0 A- which B- where C- what
1 A- chose B- decided C- selected
2 A- transport B- tour C- travel
3 A- said B- spoke C- told
4 A- because B- so C- but
5 A- forget B- miss C- leave
6 A- after B- next C- later
7 A- down B- from C- along
8 A- could B- must C- shall
9 A- meet B- met C- meeting
10 A- knew B- made C- found
(10x1=10 marks)
B- Look at the text in each question. Circle the letter next to the correct
explanation a, b or c. Number (0) is done for you.

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Mobile phones a. Do not use mobile phones here.
0 should be switched b. Mobile phones do not work here.
c. Only use your mobiles in an emergency.
off in this area .

PARKING IN a. Park in this space only in an emergency.

1 THIS SPACE b. Tell the doctors if you need to park here.
FOR DOCTORS c. Only the doctors working today can park here.

2 WARNING! a. The building is guarded by cameras.

SECURITY CAMERAS b. You must look after your cameras here.
IN USE AROUND c. You can’t use cameras near this building.

3 AVAILABLE! a. Flats in this area do not cost a lot.

WE HAVE MANY b. There is only one flat to rent in this area.
FLATS TO RENT c. We offer a choice of flats to rent in this area.

NO BICYCLES a. Do not ride your bicycle in this area.
AGAINST GLASS b. Do not leave your bike touching the window.
PLEASE c. Broken glass may damage your bicycle tyres.

I can’t go to Emma’s a. Charlotte wants Jane to phone Emma.
5 party. Do you know her b. Charlotte wants Jane to give her Emma’s details
new phone number? Can later today.
you give it to me this c. Charlotte wants Jane to tell Emma what her new
evening? phone number is.
(5x2=10 marks)
C- Read the following text carefully. MODEL ANSWERS


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By Paul Hannan

My family have always been huge fans of New Zealand -

my mum comes from the capital - so we saved up and
went for a holiday there. We started with a week in the
city she grew up in. After that, we toured around for a
while before ending up by chance in Kaikoura, a small
town on the coast. The first evening it seemed a rather
dull place, but the next day I remembered what I'd read
about it - that it was often possible to see dolphins and
whales there! I’ll always think of Kaikoura as the place
where I finally achieved my lifelong ambition - to swim
with wild dolphins.
My family and I set off on a dolphin trip on a cold, grey day with a number of other
people on a small boat. However, the sky soon turned blue, and we raced across the
waves in the sunshine until we finally reached the place where we were supposed to go
swimming. To my surprise, this was more than 40 km from land. I was quite cold by
this time, and really starting to wonder why my family had made me come all the way
out there, when suddenly someone shouted ‘Dolphins!’
All I could see were fins everywhere - there were more than a hundred dolphins, all
swimming towards our boat! Many of them were jumping around in the water as if
they were asking us to come and play. I put on my snorkel and jumped into the sea.
Everywhere I looked, all I could see was dolphins, swimming under me and round me.
Then I remembered the guide had told us to make sounds in the water to attract them.
So I did and actually heard them making similar sounds, as if they were trying to
answer me. I even made eye contact with one dolphin, and watched it carefully as I
swam round in a circle. Amazingly, the dolphin almost followed me, but then changed
its mind, although it kept eye contact with me all the time. It really made me realise
how intelligent and beautiful these creatures are.
Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back onto the boat.
Although I had enjoyed myself, I was keen to leave the water by then as I was very
cold. As I got dry I noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realised what a
very special moment we'd had.
I'll never forget that experience, and Kaikoura will always have a special place in my

A. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

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Paul and his family chose to go to Kaikoura as part of their ____
2. Paul has expected to go swimming closer to land. ____
Paul believed the dolphins were inviting him to join them ____
in the water.

Paul felt that he had failed to communicate with the F
5. One dolphin copied exactly what Paul did in the water. ____

Paul was pleased when the guide called them back onto the T

(6x1 = 6 marks)
B. Answer the questions below.

1. Where is Kaikoura located?

In New Zealand (On the coast of New Zealand).


2. Why did Paul feel excited about being in Kaikoura?

Because he has always wanted to swim with dolphins.


3. How was the weather like at the beginning of the dolphin trip?

It was cold and cloudy (grey).


4. How long were they able to swim with the dolphins?

(For) an hour/ (For) one hour.


(4x2 = 8 marks)
Part 3: Writing (36 marks)
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A- Write a paragraph about strategies for learning English.
In your paragraph…
 explain why people need to learn English
 name three strategies for learning English
 give one example for each strategy
(Write between 80 -100 words)


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‫ للمعلم فقط‬Accuracy Appropriacy Organisation Task Achievement Total

Score 4 4 4 4 16

B- Answer ONE question ONLY. MODEL ANSWERS

1. You have a new job. Write an email to your friend telling him/her about the
job and why you think it is suitable for you.
2. You have some housing problems. Write a letter of complaint to your
landlord manager requesting to fix the problems.

(Write between 100 – 120 words)

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‫ للمعلم فقط‬Accuracy Appropriacy Organisation Task Achievement Total
B- Answer
Score 5 ONE question
5 ONLY5 5 20


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