Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana: Activities Week 3 Presentado Por

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Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana

Activities week 3

Presentado por:
Issa Zuniga

Alejandro Martinez

Cristhian Rodriguez

Elizabeth Elvir

Ilich Wah Lung

Presentado a:
Lic. Libia Peña

World Literature

Tegucigalpa M.D.C, February 2022
Marriage against parents’ wishes

Marriage is a special bond between two human beings that symbolize true love.

Though some may argue that there is no age limit, keeping it legal of course, to marry

someone a young marriage is not the best choice. When we are teenagers and have a

partner, we feel like they are the one, that we will always be with them for the rest of

our lives. Due to our young age, our lack of experience, and lack of maturity we feel

that way. That’s why parents intervene when we try to marry them. They know why

they do it, a young marriage is not always something good. It usually ends badly, as the

lack of maturity leads to decisions that will affect them later on.

They are acting based on feelings and emotions, not from a rational and logical

point of view. By going against their parents wishes, they can affect their relationship

with them. The support coming from them can end and all the benefits will conclude.

In some cases, the basic needs that are covered by the parents can conclude as

they are “independent”. Also, a young marriage imposed by the parents is something

not good. When that occurs, they are only thinking on the benefits that will come, not in

the feelings of the couple.


A young couple Emma and John wanted to get married but they couldn't get their
parents approval. So, they started planning.

John: Are you seriously thinking about this?

Emma: I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I can´t.

John: We are going to figure out a way to be together forever.

Emma: What if we run away from home?

John: I don’t think that’s a good idea Emma, besides, I still have deep respect for my
parents. I can’t leave them like this.

Emma: Then what do you suggest?

John: We have two options, either we try to convince them, or we wait until we
graduate from college and become financially stable enough to build a home.

Emma: But that would take years!

John: We can wait, right?

Emma: I guess we can but, aren’t you a little bit too patient?

John: Times have changed, and I think we can keep going without a legal paper that
shows what we already know.

Emma: Okay well, in that case, I can wait too.

John: Thank you. It won’t take long, I promise. But we still need to talk to our parents.

Emma: Do you think they’re going to react the same way they did yesterday?

John: Not necessarily. They know what is best for us and I think that if we look at this
from their perspective, we would do the same thing.

Emma: You’re right. I’ll talk to mine, but you need to agree to talk to yours, too.

John: No, I’m not letting it happen.

Emma: Well, if you’re not going to talk to them how can I know that you’re being
serious about this?

John: I am serious, but if we talk to them, they will just attack me.

Emma: It’s okay. We will go together, and I will be there for every step of the way.

John: Are you sure? I don’t want them to attack you.

Emma: I am serious about this too. I will be here.

John: Thank you.

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