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Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

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Comparative whole building LCAs: How far are our expectations from the
documented evidence?
Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade a, b, *, Geoffrey Guest c, Ben Amor a
Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Sustainable Engineering and Ecodesign, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Universit�e de Sherbooke, 2500 Boul. de
l’Universit�e, Sherbrooke, Qu�ebec, J1K2R1, Canada
NSERC Industrial Research Chair for the development of flowable concrete with adapted rheology (FCAR) and its use in concrete infrastructure, Canada
Construction Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada (NRC), 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0R6, Canada


Keywords: Buildings are responsible for a considerable portion of the embodied and operational CO2 emitted by human
Building activities. Some building attributes have taken on the mantle of “environmentally preferable”. Through a sys­
Life cycle assessment tematic literature review, this paper investigates if the literature on whole building Life Cycle Assessments (LCA)
confirms some environmental assumptions that are perceived as always truthful, e.g. (i) “wood is better than
concrete and steel”, (ii) ”renovation is preferable to demolishing and building anew”, and (iii)“operational loads
Carbonation are more intensive than embodied loads”. The search also allowed to trace if advanced methodological modelling
in LCA brings new insights into the mentioned perceptions. The assessment of over 250 case studies pointed that
LCAs applied to complex systems, such as a building, embed crucial issues to be modeled, and rules of thumb lose
veracity. Furthermore, as LCA incorporates deepened mathematical models, outcomes become less predictable,
and paradigms should be interpreted with care.

1. Introduction regulatory perspective has more than doubled in the past five years [8].
A recent global review of environmental sustainability certifications and
Being intensive in terms of both resources consumed and emissions regulations identified 156 systems across 26 countries of which 105
generated, the building sector’s environmental loads are increasingly include direct measures for embodied carbon [8].
investigated [1–3]. However, due to their long service life, great atten­ In order to measure the interaction of the building stock with the
tion has been given to buildings’ use phase, mostly focusing on their environment, and to identify the load balance between all stages of a
energy consumption. Measures for increasing energy efficiency in building’s service period, Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) are recom­
buildings’ operational phase have shown a successful outcome, greatly mended. LCAs are regulated by international standards ISO 14040 [9]
reducing the amount of electricity consumed [4]. These improvements and ISO 14044 [10]. Considering all flows exchanged between the
have increased the relevance of loads embodied in the building, either analyzed product/system and the environment, LCAs provide an over­
before or after the building’s use [5]. view of the environmental performance of the studied object and help
Buildings were recently found to be responsible for 39% (28% due to support circularity between different product systems. It has been
operations and 11% due to materials) of global energy related green­ widely applied to the construction sector, and increasingly used as a
house gas (GHG) emissions in 2017 [6]. By 2030, 82 billion square decision making supporter throughout all levels of the built environ­
meters—an area roughly equal to 60% of the world’s total building ment: material [11,12], systems [13,14], whole buildings [1,2] and
stock—will be built in urban areas worldwide [7]. Therefore, decar­ neighborhoods [15,16].
bonisation of the built environment is a must to achieve the 1.5 � C target Due to a wide scope of assessment, LCA helps demystify fixed and
of the Paris agreement, where both operational (OC) and embodied biased perceptions on environmental mechanisms. Paradigms such as
carbon (EC) will need to be addressed. Recognizing this urgency, the “recycled and local products are always best” present confusion between
importance of quantifying the embodied and operational impacts from a ends (minimizing flows to and from nature) and means (recycling,

* Corresponding author. Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Sustainable Engineering and Ecodesign, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Uni­
versit�e de Sherbooke. 2500 boul. de l’Universit�
e, Sherbrooke, Qu�ebec, J1K2R1, Canada.
E-mail address: (M.R.M. Saade).
Received 28 June 2019; Received in revised form 5 September 2019; Accepted 1 October 2019
Available online 4 October 2019
0360-1323/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

reusing, minimizing transport distance) [17]. Similar paradigms have Typical comparative LCAs that aimed solely at assessing a building
arisen regarding a building’s environmental performance. Some “rules material’s performance were excluded from the sample. On the other
of thumb” are perceived as always right, such as “wood is better than hand, if examples of advanced LCA methodological approaches focused
concrete and steel”, “renovation is always preferable to demolishing and exclusively on one building system (structure, envelope or technical
building anew”, and “operational loads are more intensive than equipment), these were still kept in the analysis to aid the discussion,
embodied loads”. By taking into consideration different aspects and due to the low total number of contributions in those cases. Residential
stages of a building’s life cycle, LCA puts those rules to test. building cases were also kept within the advanced methods paper
A great number of papers present outcomes of whole building LCAs sample, for the same reasons. Fig. 1 graphically depicts the research
(wbLCA), many times discussing the paradigms previously mentioned. protocol.
This research aims to answer two main questions: (i) does literature
confirm the building-related rules of thumb? Moreover, the LCA method 3. Outcome
has evolved in past years and increasingly incorporates approaches
allowing for more realistic outcomes, such as following a dynamic or 577 documents met our search criteria. After a title analysis assessing
consequential modelling approach, or considering complex carbon cycle the answer to the primary question, 303 documents were kept. An ab­
modelling. (ii) Do these advanced approaches bring new insight stract analysis led to the exclusion of 229 papers, and finally a full paper
regarding the previous perceptions? analysis led to the exclusion of 37 papers. Our final sample was
To answer these questions, we performed a systematic literature composed of the remaining 37 papers, totaling 218 different case
review (SLR) on comparative wbLCAs. SLRs differ from typical narrative studies. Three papers and one report were added through a snowball
reviews mainly due to the adoption of a ‘research protocol’ [18]. The approach. For the advanced issues, after following the same evaluation
researcher is expected to develop a replicable literary search process, stages and adding contributions via snowball, our sample was composed
documenting any decisions, procedures and conclusions. SLRs are usu­ of 4 papers calculating carbon uptake through carbonation, 2 papers
ally accompanied by meta-analyses, which pool together results from calculating biogenic carbon uptake, 4 papers adopting a consequential
different studies, to provide a quantitative evaluation of published approach, 5 papers adopting dynamic modelling, 10 papers adopting
research [19]. Our outcome not only answers the abovementioned multi-criteria decision making or optimization calculation approaches, 9
research questions but helps delineate an overview of how wbLCAs have papers assessing the effect of service life prediction, 7 papers predicting
been structured. phase change materials’ environmental impacts, and finally, 2 papers
discussing the incorporation of rebound effects in LCA. The supple­
2. Method mentary material describes methodological characteristics and findings
of each assessed paper individually. After extraction of relevant infor­
Our search procedure aimed to answer a wider inquiry that allowed mation from each study, a meta-analysis jointly evaluating the findings
us to assess the questions posed in the previous section: “What are the was performed. The confrontation of the typical rules of thumb
common outcomes of comparative whole building LCAs and how have mentioned in the first section with the evidence brought forward in our
LCA practitioners performed them?”. Due to the inherent differences sample is presented in the following subsections.
between residential and non-residential buildings (e.g. operational en­ Fig. 2 depicts the temporal distribution of all papers assessed in our
ergy use, owing to different heating and lighting requirements, equip­ review. As shown by Ref. [21], the number of papers only shows sig­
ment, and peak consumption hours) and the breath and scope required nificant growth after 2011. The sample size hinders a growth trend
in reviewing both typologies, our search was limited to the latter comparison between advanced wbLCAs and typical wbLCAs but they
typology. seem to be increasing with time in a similar fashion.
We searched for contributions in the Scopus database, due to its Our 223 case studies sample on typical wbLCA showed that 144
coverage of a number of journals that publish peer-reviewed construc­ building cases where located in a temperate climate, 66 in a continental
tion-related LCAs. Relevant reports/papers that were left out of our climate, 9 in a tropical climate and 4 in an arid climate. This outcome
search criteria were added via the “snowball approach” [20], by having reveals a gap of studies in warmer countries, where electricity demand
specialists in the field double-check the sample or by checking citations types vary in relation to the bulk of the documented literature.
in the sampled studies. All selected documents were in English, and no Within our typical LCA sample, 4 papers and 1 report compared
time boundary was set. Our keyword string, searched across all fields in renovation or refurbishment versus building anew, 10 papers performed
Scopus, was: [("life cycle assessment" AND building AND compar*) AND a comparison between wood, steel and concrete frames (including
NOT residen*)]. All studies that matched our search criteria were comparisons between only two of the latter options), 6 papers assessed
exported to a reference management software. Documents went through different refurbishment scenarios, and 15 papers assessed rivaling ma­
three conservative filtering rounds: (i) a title analysis, (ii) an abstract terials for different building systems (frame, envelope, insulation, etc.).
analysis and, finally, (iii) an in-depth full document analysis. The remaining papers focused on more particular subjects, such as
We first looked for typical comparative LCAs focused on the whole assessing lean versus traditional building processes [22], different end of
building scale. Within the same sample, we separately identified papers life scenarios [23], and calculation methods validations [24]. In those
that adopted the following approaches (here referred to as “advanced”): cases, the rules of thumb were not investigated. Nonetheless, these
(i) consequential LCAs; (ii) dynamic LCAs, (iii) LCAs modelling studies were kept in our sample to strengthen the methodological dis­
carbonation in concrete structures; (iv) LCAs modelling biogenic carbon cussion regarding typical LCA practice. Last, 12 papers showed the re­
uptake in renewable materials; (v) LCAs considering service life pre­ sults of embodied versus operational loads contribution to whole
diction effects on whole building performance; (vi) LCAs modelling building life cycle loads.
rebound effects and (vii) LCAs considering multi-criteria optimization – LCA’s methodological framework allows practitioners to structure
either between different impacts or environmental and economic per­ the study with certain freedom. It is therefore not uncommon to find
formances. We additionally identified (viii) LCAs assessing the impact of studies providing diverging answers to similar research questions,
phase change materials in the building. Since the latter does not repre­ mostly due to differences in methodological choices. The most influ­
sent an advancement in calculation approaches but on the material encing methodological parameters in wbLCAs were documented indi­
level, we present and treat it separately. It is not our intention to classify vidually for each case study in the supplementary file. The latter allows
the former approaches as the most advanced or as better than typical for the identification of potential sources of variation between the re­
LCAs, these are merely examples of novel modelling solutions that could sults discussed in this review. The frequency of adoption of these pa­
provide different outcomes worthy of discussion. rameters in our sample is briefly discussed here. Regarding the main

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

Fig. 1. Review protocol flowchart.

Fig. 2. Temporal distribution of evaluated papers.

methodological choices, (i) functional unit definition, (ii) system referred to the whole life cycle of the building (cradle-to-site þ use þ end
boundaries selection, (iii) impact distribution, (iv) building service life of life). The whole life cycle excluding end of life was the second most
and (v) data source were of greater interest within our investigation, due adopted boundary (24 case studies), followed by selecting the whole life
to their known influence on the study’s outcome. Most case studies cycle excluding only the transport to the construction site and con­
(118) adopted a m2 of floor area (9 adopted gross floor area, 13 adopted struction itself. Table 1 summarizes system boundaries selection fre­
net floor area and 96 did not specify if net or gross floor area was quency in our sample.
assessed) as functional unit. The lack of specification on the considered Whenever modelling production processes that generate more than
area hinders interpretation. The difference between net and gross floor one product or fulfil more than one function (i.e. multifunctional pro­
area can be significant, especially in buildings with high thermal insu­ cesses), practitioners are required to distribute the input and output
lation levels [25]. In those cases, the net floor area can be as low as 70% flows between the generated products or functions [10]. A great ma­
of the gross area [25], which will influence the documented environ­ jority of the case studies did not address multi-functionality modelling
mental performance. The second most adopted unit was the whole (164 cases). Among those that did consider flow distribution, the avoi­
building (54 case studies). A combined unit of area and year of service ded burden approach stood out, used in 41 case studies. The most used
life (m2.year) was the third most adopted unit, present in 44 case background database was ecoinvent (97 case studies).
studies. Lastly, two papers omitted their chosen functional unit. Finally, in terms of reference study period, most case studies
As for the life cycle scope considered, most case studies (121) considered that buildings lasted for 50 years. Service lives of 30 and 60

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

Table 1
Selection of system boundaries chosen in sample of case studies. Information within brackets refers to life cycle stages’ acronyms according to EN 15978 [26].
Boundaries Cradle- Cradle-to- Cradle-to- Cradle-to- Cradle-to- Cradle-to- Cradle-to- Cradle-to- Use
to-gate site (A1- gate þ use site þ use (A1- gate þ EoL site þ EoL (A1- gate þ use þ EoL (A1- site þ use þ EoL (A1- (B)
(A1-A3) A4 or 5) (A1-A3 þ B) A4 or 5 þ B) (A1-A3 þ C) A4 or 5 þ C) A3 þ B þ C) A4 or 5 þ B þ C)

Number of 10 15 3 24 5 15 19 121 6

years also stood out (44 and 41 case studies, respectively). Thirty-four was built in London. To perform a fair comparison, authors derived a
case studies did not document the reference period considered. hypothetical wooden building using all the information from the British
Although the latter cases addressed either only embodied or operational case study but adapting it to suit Australian conditions [35].
loads, clarifying the service life is still crucial for their interpretation, for In terms of GWP, wood framed buildings performed better than
benchmark creation and comparability. Additionally, in all cases that concrete framed buildings in all comparisons (Fig. 3). One steel framed
did document the study period, uncertainty analyses regarding how far case study showed lower GWP than its wood counterpart. A pre-
these values were from expected service life were absent. Section 3.4.5 engineered steel was used in that paper’s steel framed case study [34],
further discusses the importance of the service life parameter in wbLCAs. which has a high degree of material optimization and durability. The
LCA method designed by those authors translated these qualities into the
smallest embodied GWP. When comparing steel to concrete, one paper
3.1. Expected outcome 1: a wood frame is environmentally better than
[29] dominated the amount of comparisons portraying concrete as the
steel and concrete frames

Eleven papers ranked wood, concrete and/or steel framed buildings

in terms of their environmental adequacy [13,27–36]. Table 2 shows
global warming potential (GWP) and embodied energy (EE) rankings for
the three options in each paper, and Figs. 3 and 4 show comparisons in
one-on-one combinations. Numbers in figures refer to the times one
specific framed case study performed better than the other to which it is
being compared. Most (7) papers assessed the whole life cycle of the
building (from cradle to grave), while two papers [35,36] adopted a
cradle-to-site approach and two papers [28,32] adopted a
cradle-to-site þ use approach. Apart from Ref. [36], the papers did not
focus exclusively on the frame, but also considered other main materials
that composed the building’s envelope and, in some cases, also the
technical equipment used to provide heating and electricity [13,27,28,
With the exception of [28,35,36], the papers compared the same
building in terms of floor area, service life and function, with an altered
frame. The three exceptions referred to similar existing buildings in Fig. 3. Outline of case studies comparing wood, concrete and steel frames in
terms of function and size, with same reference service life. The terms of their global warming potential throughout the building’s life cycle.
approach followed by Ref. [35] was more peculiar: their concrete case Numbers refer to case studies in which the material (identified by the color)
study building is located in Melbourne, while the wood framed building performed better than the alternative. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of
this article.)
Table 2
GWP and EE rankings (from worst to best performing) on the different concrete,
steel and wood-framed buildings assessed in evaluated papers.
Papers GWP ranking (from highest to EE ranking (from highest to
lowest value) lowest value)

Ajayi et al. [27] concrete > steel > wood –

Alshamrani steel > concrete > precast –
[29] concrete
Azzouz et al. reinforced concrete > lighter wood > reinforced
[30] concrete concrete > steel > lighter
structure > steel > wood concrete structure
Buchanan et al. concrete > steel > wood wood > concrete > steel
Cole and – steel > concrete > wood
Kernan [32]
Guggemos and steel > concrete steel > concrete
Lessard et al. concrete > steel > wood
Ooteghem and steel > wood > pre-engineered steel > wood > pre- Fig. 4. Outline of case studies comparing wood, concrete and steel frames in
Xu [34] steel engineered steel terms of their primary energy demand throughout the building’s life cycle.
Sandanayake concrete > wood – Numbers refer to case studies in which the material (identified by the color)
et al. [35] performed better than the alternative. (For interpretation of the references to
Sinha et al. [36] concrete > wood
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of

Xing et al. [28] concrete > steel steel > concrete
this article.)

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

best option in terms of GWP. Alshamrani [29] compared precast con­ making generalizing assumptions in regard to the best structural mate­
crete, concrete and steel framed options, with varying envelope mate­ rial (in terms of lowest GWP and EE).
rials. The precast concrete framed building was the best choice in terms
of GWP. Steel frame performed worst for almost all one-on-one com­
parisons due to its high energy intensity in the manufacturing phase. The 3.2. Expected outcome 2: renovation is environmentally better than
reference building was located in New York City, in which the electricity demolition and new construction
grid is notably fossil fuel-based, which drove the GWP indicator values
for the steel-frame scenarios. Table 3 summarizes the differences found between renovation and
Finally, regarding the frame ranking in terms of primary energy new construction scenarios in the 5 documents [37,38,40-42] that per­
demand, the study performed by Ref. [34] is once again highlighted in formed that comparison. The environmental preference of renovating or
the steel versus wood comparison. In this case, not only the refurbishing a building over demolishing and building anew is clear.
pre-engineered steel building had a better environmental performance Exceptions happened for the ozone layer depletion (ODP) and human
than the wood-framed building, but a typical steel frame option also health (HH) indicators. Still, in those cases, the differences were quite
stood out, due to a preferable roof composition. Buchanan et al. [31] small.
also portrayed a better steel frame building when compared to wood due Assefa and Ambler [37] state that the assemblies that contribute
to the consideration of avoided loads in the building’s end of life, related most to the ODP in their assessment (windows and exterior walls) are
to recycling 85% of the used steel. The wood framed building’s end of comparable in all scenarios, and therefore not influenced by reuse or
life, on the other hand, predicted avoided energy generation both from rebuild activities. The “Preservation Green Lab” report [38], on the
combustion of waste wood or of recovered methane in the landfill [31]. other hand, showed that when repurposing a warehouse into a
The benefits from recycling steel in this study, however, surpassed those multi-family building, the HH indicator pointed to an increase in com­
of using wood for energy generation. These same authors [31] showed parison to a new building’s value and was mostly due to the vast amount
an analogous outcome for the comparison of concrete and wood framed of new materials required for the repurposing. Even though this last case
buildings, due to the recycling of the steel reinforcing bars within the study refers to a residential building – which is outside our initially
concrete structure. Azzouz et al. [30] also showed a building case study proposed scope – we kept it in this analysis to aid in the discussion. The
where the wood frame - combined with steel to replace the heavyweight same report showed that the referred repurposing resulted in a small
reinforced structure - was more energy intensive than the reinforced increment (þ1%) for the Resource Depletion (RD) indicator when the
concrete frame. Authors say that the processing of pressurized timber warehouse is repurposed into a base case building. When the repur­
panels and the use of gluing materials implied in a less favourable en­ posing is performed to build an energy efficient building, a slight
ergy demanding profile. reduction is identified in the same indicator ( 1%). These minor vari­
To sum these findings, apart from wood’s low carbon intensity pro­ ations may fall within that indicator’s error margin and can potentially
file in comparison to concrete, the results point to the inadequacy of be disregarded. Our chart shows the medians of results found in that
report, which – in the latter case – implied in a tie between repurposing

Table 3
Renovating vs. building anew. GWP: global warming potential, PE: primary energy demand, AP: acidification potential, EP: eutrophication potential, HH:
human health, smog: smog formation potential, ODP: ozone layer depletion, RD: resource depletion, EQ: environmental quality. The scenario colors are
replicated in the environmental indicators in which they performed best. % refer to RS impact in relation to the NS impact.

Percentage results show median between all cities considering both base case and advanced buildings in terms of energy efficiency. For EQ median was 100%
(equal performance).

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

and rebuilding.
Within the limited scope of our review’s sample, it seems that the
expected outcome does confirm itself for the most typically measured
impact indicators GWP and primary energy demand (PE). A widened
scope of environmental indicators, however, potentially disputes the
rule of thumb.

3.3. Expected outcome 3: operational loads are greater than embodied


Our outcome showed two different trends in embodied versus

operational load distribution, related to buildings’ energy efficiency. We
therefore chose to categorize buildings as (i) current, where state-of-the-
art measures for decreasing the energy demand were not implemented,
electricity was mostly provided directly from the grid and heating was
mostly provided from fossil fuel based equipment; and (ii) advanced,
which represented low energy, passive, net zero and plus energy
buildings, with decreased energy demand.
Sixty-six case studies documenting embodied versus operational
GWP and PE loads fed the information shown in Figs. 5 to 8. Figs. 5 and 6
show that embodied loads become more significant as we move towards
Fig. 6. Plotted distribution of embodied (blue) and operational (grey) primary
advanced buildings in terms of energy efficiency. Trend identification in
energy demand share values found in all case studies. % labels refer to medians.
Fig. 6 is hindered by the lower number of case studies showing the
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
contribution ranking for PE. Nonetheless, the high correlation between
referred to the Web version of this article.)
GWP and PE indicators [39] allows for the same conclusions to be made.
The outcome confirms previous studies that discuss how advance­
The importance of properly calculating and attempting to minimize
ments in buildings’ operational energy performance led to an increase in
embodied loads is made clear, corroborating findings of many experts in
pre-use environmental loads [5,25,43]. Embodied loads’ contribution
the field [1,5,21]. Figs. 7 and 8 depict the load balance for each case
grows not only due to the relative decrease of operational loads’ per­
study assessed. A specific case study documented null operational loads
centage, but also due to the amount of resources consumed and emis­
refering to a plus-energy administration building in Germany. Case
sions generated in producing the increased and improved materials to
study authors modeled the energy consumption in the operation stage
provide said operational decrease. Increased thermal insulation or
using a tool that included the gains from a rooftop photovoltaic system.
technical on-site equipment to generate renewable energy are expect­
The generated energy surpassed the operational energy demand, which
edly more energy and carbon-intensive in their production than the
justified the null loads.
originally used construction materials. The third assessed rule of thumb
is therefore contested, since the trend weakens it. If public policies
requiring decreased energy demands in buildings are to be imple­ 3.4. Advanced approaches in whole building LCAs
mented, one can expect embodied loads in most buildings to become as
relevant as (if not larger than) operational loads. 3.4.1. Concrete carbonation modelling in LCA
Concrete structures react with airborne CO2, re-absorbing part of the
gas emitted during the cement calcination process. This reaction is
referred to as carbonation and is seldom investigated in concrete LCAs
[44]. Three papers [45–47] in our sample considered carbonation in
concrete structures of wbLCA studies, and one paper was added through
the snowball approach [48]. In terms of the investigated rule of thumbs,
this outcome corroborated that wood frames are preferable to concrete
frames from a carbon emission standpoint.
Furthermore [45], discusses that carbonation in concrete’s primary
life is minor (less than 2% in a mix with 100% ordinary Portland
cement), but after crushing, when the component is used as a recycled
aggregate (RA), significant carbon uptake can take place (around 20%).
Carbonation is however affected by the RA’s application type and sur­
face area exposure and the question of which system life cycle should be
accredited for such CO2 sequestration becomes apparent.
Souto-Martinez et al. [47], on their turn, showed that the calculated
carbonation in their assessment did not deeply affect concrete’s envi­
ronmental profile – adding supplementary cementitious materials (SCM)
is still more influential to diminishing the impact then considering the

3.4.2. Biogenic carbon modelling in LCA

Fig. 5. Plotted distribution of embodied (blue) and operational (grey) GHG Biomass based materials contain biogenic carbon in their composi­
emissions share values found in all case studies. % labels refer to medians. (For tion. When bio-based materials are degraded or combusted, this
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is biogenic carbon is emitted mostly as CO2 [48]. As opposed to fossil
referred to the Web version of this article.) carbon emissions, biogenic emissions sourced from carbon-neutral

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

Fig. 7. Detailed embodied vs. operational GHG emissions in each assessed case study. Numbers refer to percentage contribution to the whole building impact. C:
current buildings; A: advanced buildings in terms of energy efficiency.

Fig. 8. Detailed embodied vs. operational primary energy demand in each assessed case study. Numbers refer to percentage contribution to the whole building
impact. C: current buildings; A: advanced buildings in terms of energy efficiency.

sources do not represent a long-term net addition of CO2 to the atmo­ One paper modelling biogenic carbon uptake matched our search
sphere [49]. For those reasons, biogenic CO2 is often given a null GWP protocol [46] while another was added via snowball [48]. Both studies
and is commonly disregarded in LCA literature related to bio-product considered CO2 uptake by trees to be equal to the wood carbon content
systems. and assumed that wood came from a sustainably managed forest. Pittau

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

et al. [46] considered 0.5 kg C/kg biomass as wood carbon content, operational loads in a highly energy efficient building was challenged, as
while Fouquet et al. [48] estimated the amount of sequestered carbon in the previous subsection. The consequential LCA showed a lower
using the trees’ volume, wood density and growth factor given by a embodied GHG emissions share, shifting the contribution profile that
regional study on the forest assessed, and considering a carbon fraction would be expected for that type of construction. The difference seems to
of dry matter of 0.5 kg C/kg dry matter. come from the consideration of a marginal electricity mix, that predicts
The expected favourable performance of wood frames over concrete more carbon-intensive energy sources. Contrarily, the literature often
frames was confirmed. However, the trend in the balance between points to a trend in decarbonising grids (and – consequently – marginal
embodied and operational loads was questioned in Ref. [48] (see Fig. 9): mixes as well), due to ambitious carbon reduction goals set by some
the consideration of biogenic carbon uptake led to lower embodied loads countries and to possible taxation mechanisms that are expected to take
(1.46E4 kg of CO2eq for building with landfill scenario and 3.57E4 kg of place [55–58]. Nonetheless, temporal and spatial variability play a
CO2eq with incineration scenario) in a highly energy efficient timber major role in determining marginal mixes [59], so a certain level of
building, when compared to the same building with a concrete frame uncertainty is to be expected in predictions for marginal mixes’ carbon
(8.86E4 kg of CO2eq for concrete block frame and 1.13E5 kg of CO2eq intensity such as the one presented by Ref. [53].
for cast concrete). In the timber framed building, the end of life scenario
also had implications in the load balance. The landfill scenario resulted 3.4.4. Dynamic LCA
in less embodied emissions due to the assumption that 97% of the wood In dynamic LCAs, the temporal variation of measured flows is
carbon is permanently sequestered and 75% of the methane released incorporated. These flows become a function of time instead of a fixed
was assumed to be recovered and combusted to form CO2 [48]. value throughout the studied life cycle [60]. The characterization model
Even though not related to the investigated rules of thumb, Pittau in the impact assessment stage also holds the potential to be solved
et al. [46] documented a noteworthy outcome where they quantified the dynamically, with time-dependant characterization factors [60].
life cycle impact of different wall assemblies that included three Even though 6 of the assessed papers adopted a dynamic modelling
renewable materials: timber, hempcrete and straw. They showed that approach [46,48,54,61–63], the use of that modelling did not revisit any
since timber-sourced biomass has a relatively long regeneration period of the rules of thumb since none of the focused comparisons were made.
(90 years), the climate change mitigation benefits due to carbon storage Nonetheless, relevant discussions regarding using static versus dynamic
in timber elements is not necessarily sufficient to offset the embodied modelling arose.
GHG emissions of the timber wall in addition to the GHG emissions that Karl et al. [62] and Roux et al. [54,63] focused on the dynamic
occur at end-of-life, even when product substitution (i.e. system modelling of electricity consumption in the buildings’ use phase. Roux
expansion) is considered. On the other hand, straw and hempcrete had a et al. [63] also took a dynamic modelling approach from the perspective
net negative climate change impact and this outcome was largely due to of considering a changing climate as an input to their energy simulation
the fast rotation period (1 year) exhibited by these biomass resource modelling routine. Collinge et al. [61] included the dynamic modelling
pools. However, the authors did not consider associated upstream in different fronts: (i) within the supply chain, considering fluctuations
biogenic CO2 emissions due to bio-material processing requirements, in fuel mix and efficiency of the electricity grid, in origin of natural gas
nor did they consider the counterfactual which has been recommended and petroleum supplies and in regional waste treatment practices; (ii)
to be considered in a comprehensive review on quantifying the effects of within the inventory, considering the influence of environmental regu­
biogenic carbon dynamics in LCA, and especially from a comparison lations on pollutant emissions and changes in industrial processes’ ef­
perspective [50]. ficiency, and finally (iii) within the characterization factors matrix,
considering fluctuations in system sensitivity due to background con­
3.4.3. Consequential LCA centrations or distribution of populations, changes in ambient condi­
A consequential LCA aims to measure the environmental conse­ tions affecting emission fates, and varying analysis time horizons. Pittau
quences of changes. It attempts to describe how environmentally rele­ et al. [46] and Fouquet et al. [48] considered a dynamic GWP charac­
vant input and output flows of a given product system change in terization factor, adopting an approach developed by Levasseur et al.
response to possible changes in the life cycle [51], associated with the [60].
demand of the studied object. Results pointed that a static modelling can lead to underestimations
Four papers matched our search protocol for comparative conse­ (up to 60% according to Ref. [61], depending on the impact category
quential wbLCAs [14,52–54]. The ranking between concrete and steel assessed) or overestimations (up to 160% according to Ref. [62]), which
building frames was revisited by Ref. [14]. These authors showed that hold the potential to deeply affect rankings in buildings’ comparisons.
consequential LCAs portrayed concrete as better than steel more Collinge et al. [61] state that the decrease in values for dynamic LCA is
frequently than in attributional LCAs, both in terms of GWP and PE. due to lowering of emission factors for criteria air pollutants predicted in
Fig. 10, based on [53], shows how the comparison of embodied vs. their dynamic model. Karl et al. [62], however, justify their

Fig. 9. Embodied vs. operational GHG emissions for a) timber framed buildings and b) concrete framed. Figure built based on findings from Ref. [48].

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

Fig. 10. Embodied vs. operational GHG emissions in a passive building considering attributional and consequential approaches. The slices represent different
modeled scenarios of climate change effect and electricity mix alterations. Numbers stand for percentage of contribution to the whole building impact. Figure built
based on findings from Ref. [53].

overestimation on certain energy production processes present in the buildings LCA has been 50 years (confirmed by our sample, as discussed
reference static grid data but not present to the same extent in the dy­ in section 3), and that value is based on depreciation principles for
namic energy grid. Additionally, in terms of data granularity for dy­ construction investments. Authors argue that “factual data for current
namic electricity grids, Karl et al. [62] state that using daily over hourly building lifespans and annual rates of new construction, renovation and
grid composition is wiser, since the gain in resolution from using the demolition indicate that an average lifespan of 100 years or more would
hourly approach does not seem to compensate the increased amount of be more accurate in LCA calculations in a wider European context”. This
data needed. Roux et al. [63] focused on integrating climate change and same author documented the difference between embodied versus
future energy mix scenarios in the LCA of a home in Macon, France. They operational loads when varying the service life between 50 and 120
found that accounting for different climate change scenarios in the long years (Fig. 11). Once again, the expected trend in increasing embodied
term (2071–2100) led to a heating decrease (relative to recent historical loads presented in section 3.3 is revisited here, showing how service life
climate) of 24 and 44% whereas cooling requirements increased 4–8 scenarios might affect the discussion.
times. Within [46], the estimated service life of wall assemblies under
comparison were based on ISO 15686 methodology [73]. While it is
3.4.5. Service life prediction in LCA clearly preferable to predict performance based on laboratory or real-life
Eight papers considering different approaches for service life data, where microclimate is well known and the performance of the
modelling in building LCAs were traced [64–71]. One paper [72] was component or element is accurately characterized [73], this approach
added through the snowball approach. can be a challenging ideal to live up to from an LCA practitioner’s point
While some papers adopted a deterministic approach towards service of view. Due to these barriers, a simpler ‘factor method’ is recommended
life variation [64–67], others aimed to assess actual variability of for such estimations, where the purpose is to prove a ‘rough-and-ready’
adopted study periods, through varying mathematical models [68–71]. means of estimating, and not predicting, service life [74]. Therefore, as a
Regardless of the paths taken, all authors seem to reach the same ex­ clear next step, it is recommended that the LCA community look towards
pected conclusion: service life definition plays a deeply significant role such performance-based estimation approaches as provided in the ISO
in the environmental outcome of a building, and on the load contribu­ 15686 series and compile an open source database of element-specific
tion of each life cycle phase. In fact [70], used both screening and global reference service lives and corresponding factors that can be utilized
sensitivity analysis methods to identify the most influential factors in a by all.
building LCA outcome and proved that – for the screening methods –
service life was the most influential factor, while for global sensitivity 3.4.6. Rebound effect modelling in LCA
methods it was the second most influential factor, losing only to the time None of the papers in our initially selected sample dealt with the
horizon adopted for GWP. rebound effect in their LCA modelling. However, two papers were
Moreover [67], argue that the most commonly adopted lifespan for identified via snowball [75,76]. While the three main rules of thumb

Fig. 11. Embodied (EC) vs. operational (OC) GHG emissions considering varying service lives. Figure built based on findings from Ref. [67]. Operational emissions
were equal to 14.29 kgCO2eq/m2 in all cases.

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

assessed were not questioned by these papers, relevant affirmations LCAs. Reproducibility, proper revision and interpretation can only be
were made. Cellura et al. [75,76] define the so-called rebound effect as achieved when that information is available.
an attempt to describe the effect that a lower cost, due to increased Another recommendation involves applying more effort into the
energy efficiency or savings, has on consumer behavior. Authors claim interpretation phase of an LCA, by performing uncertainty and/or
to calculate the indirect rebound effect, which assumes that a lower sensitivity analyses. These evaluations enrich results and lift the quality
price of the energy service increases consumers’ income and “this may of their discussion. As LCA evolves, a simple presentation of the outcome
lead to an additional demand for other goods and services”. The authors of the assessment – which knowingly refers solely to potential (i.e. not
assessed the rebound effect arising from benefits of public policies aimed accurate) impacts – bears the risk of becoming scientifically superficial
at building energy efficiency improvements in Italy, and showed that the [94].
avoided loads can be up to 14% higher than expected [75,76]. Thus, A quest for more in-depth LCA modelling might bring forth mathe­
attempting to predict the environmental benefits associated to a less matical complexity and, when dealing with predictions of potential ef­
impacting building stock might be a biased endeavour without consid­ fects, some have questioned if the added complexity is worthwhile [95,
eration of rebound effects. 96]. While that inquiry is clearly valid, the adoption of more advanced
LCA modeling techniques has enabled an increase in robustness of LCA
3.4.7. Optimization in LCA models while also providing novel perspectives which can allow for
In order to assess a wider sample of papers, this section also analyzes more realistic assessments. Be it in considering market mechanisms (e.g.
papers that did not necessarily adopt a mathematical optimization in consequential approaches), physical phenomena previously dis­
model, but used a simplified multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) regarded (e.g. biogenic CO2 dynamics or carbonation in concrete) or
tool. Our 10-paper group is composed of three papers that adopted accounting for temporal variations in systems with relatively long ser­
MCDM [77–79] and seven papers that used mathematical optimization vice lives (e.g. performing dynamic modelling in wbLCAs), the increased
methods [80–86]. model complexity stimulates well-informed decision making and can aid
Almost all papers addressed the search of an optimal solution paradigm shifts to ensure perverse incentives are avoided.
considering environmental impacts and costs, with the exception of [79, Thus, as a final recommendation, practitioners should feel stimu­
85]. The former compared different midpoint indicators to discuss the lated to add a certain level of depth to their studies—as illustrated by the
validity and reliability of single score results, while the latter attempted diverse range of studies presented in this review—with the goal of
to find an optimal solution considering the environmental impacts of providing new insights to fixed perceptions on the environmental per­
envelopes and the building’s energy consumption in the operation formance of the built environment.
The investigated rules of thumb were not thoroughly revisited, apart 4. Conclusions
from a concrete frame being considered an optimal solution when
compared to a wood frame in the MCDM analysis performed by Our systematic review showed that the fixed perceptions on certain
Ref. [77]. These authors considered the cost of both frames in their aspects of buildings’ environmental performance are not always
decision-making framework, which played a significant role in posi­ confirmed. The outcome of an LCA study is deeply dependent of the
tioning concrete as the best option. choices made and scenarios built when modeling the life cycle of the
investigated object. When applying the method to a complex system,
3.4.8. Phase change materials in LCA such as a building, the number of crucial issues to address increases, and
Seven of the evaluated papers performed typical LCAs of phase rules of thumb such as the ones here investigated lose meaning and
change materials (PCM) [87–93]. Since, as described in section 3, this veracity.
analysis refers to an advancement in material as opposed to method, Furthermore, as the method itself evolves and incorporates deepened
changes in the expected outcomes were not identified. An interesting mathematical models, outcomes become less predictable, and para­
outcome from this evaluation was the perception that the environmental digms should be interpreted with care. One could conclude that the
benefit of adding PCMs to building envelopes is not clear: in many cases complex systems that a building is composed of are peculiar enough to
no PCM addition in insulated spaces was environmentally better than deny qualitative assumptions such as the ones exposed in the intro­
adding PCM to the envelope’s main material. In these occasions, PCM duction. Still, in order to scientifically ground sectorial behavior shifts
showed a high embodied energy, which negatively influenced its envi­ and public policies, some aggregation between different buildings is
ronmental profile [90,91]. Moreover, it seems that PCM’s attractiveness expected, which could be achieved by grouping buildings based on ar­
reaches its peak in warm climate environments. chetypes. The discussion in section 3.3 showed that the load balance
trend between embodied and operational stages seems to be replicated
3.4.9. Recommendations arising from performed review within a group of buildings brought together according to their energy
As previously indicated, our main goal was investigating if certain efficiency level. As different modelling assumptions take place, how­
rules of thumb were confirmed by published wbLCA studies. An in-depth ever, these archetype-based groups must be revisited (as per the dis­
analysis of the different methodological aspects within each study that cussion in section 3.4).
may have led to diverging outcomes is out of the scope set for this re­ Lastly, regardless of denying or confirming rules of thumb, this re­
view. Still, the critical assessment of over 250 case studies within 70 view’s outcome highlighted the importance of transparency regarding
documents (accounting for typical and advanced LCA papers) provided a practitioners’ methodological choices. Basic aspects within an LCA, such
reasonable overview on how practitioners usually model their life cycle as functional unit and system boundary definitions, were sometimes
studies and which methodological areas lack attention and/or trans­ hard to trace. Results of unclear LCAs lack significance and hinder any
parency. In fact, perhaps the most pressing recommendation is the latter, collective conclusion that could aid in environmental paradigm shifts.
i.e., the need for clarity in methodological choices. Within (what was
here conventionally called as) typical LCAs, a clear description of the Funding source
adopted functional unit, building service life, and gross versus net floor
space was many times absent. Another methodological choice that de­ Funding of this study was provided by Natural Resources Canada
mands transparency is the data source – practitioners are urged to not (NRCan) and National Research Council of Canada (NRC) [Contract
only declare the background data source, but carefully provide the number NRC 920259].
version and names of datasets used. Foreground data, in turn, should be
provided (ideally) in their entirety, as supporting material to published

M.R.M. Saade et al. Building and Environment 167 (2020) 106449

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