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Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415

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Development of thermal insulation sandwich panels containing

end-of-life vehicle (ELV) headlamp and seat waste
Yee Choong Wong a,b,⇑, Norhayati Mahyuddin a,⇑, Asrul Mahjuddin Ressang Aminuddin a
Centre for Building, Construction & Tropical Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Architecture and Sustainable Design, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recycling automotive waste has increasingly become an alternative solution towards producing sustain-
Received 9 June 2020 able materials given the rising issue of raw material shortages and waste management challenges at glo-
Revised 5 August 2020 bal level. The improper end-of-life vehicle (ELV) waste management poses detrimental impacts on the
Accepted 23 August 2020
environment. This paper proposes a novel method to develop thermal insulation sandwich panels using
Available online 16 September 2020
ELV waste, motivated by the critical needs of creating high-performance thermal insulation for buildings.
Six sandwich panels (P1-P6) of different weight and ratio of shredded ELV particles were manufactured.
The sandwich panels structure was made of three layers: a core, and a glass face sheet bonded to each
End-of-life vehicle waste
side. The core structure composed of Polycarbonate (PC) from headlamp lenses and polyurethane (PU)
Sandwich panel from seat, bonded using resin casting approach. Thermal conductivity of the samples was measured using
Thermal insulation guarded hot-plate apparatus. Results corroborated that thermal conductivity of ELV-based sandwich pan-
Thermal conductivity els reduced remarkably compared to panel without ELVs, recorded at 15.51% reduction. Composition
Transparency test gives the best thermal performance was made of mixed ELV core materials of ratio 50%PC:50%PU, it
has a thermal conductivity value of 0.1776 W/mK. The transparency data were obtained using Haze-
gard plus haze meter. The best luminous transmittance value was exhibited by P2 (100% PC), 67.47%.
The best clarity value and haze value were shown by P6 (25% PC: 75% PU), 55.13% and 52.6% respectively.
ELV waste can be recycled to develop useful sustainable thermal insulation to improve thermal and opti-
cal transparency performance of buildings as a substitute for conventional materials which have a rele-
vance for future façade concepts.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction duce them (Zorpas and Inglezakis, 2012). About 5.3 million passen-
ger cars and light good vehicles weighed a total of 5.7 million
1.1. ELV waste context tonnes were scrapped in the EU in 2017. The total weight of ELVs
were peaked at 7.1 million tonnes in 2009 (Eurostat, 2020). In Asia,
End-of-Life vehicle (ELV) waste has incrementally become a approximately 5 million vehicles are disposed annually (JETRO
major global issue impacting many aspects of society and economy Japan Economic Report, 2006).
given their non-biodegradability and expected growth of produc- Landfilling of ELVs is truly unsustainable, the available landfill
tion quantity. The poor management of ELV waste has profound sites worldwide are running out, the new ones cannot be located.
ramifications on the environment, human health and climate Without a systematic separation, collection and treatment of ELV
change. The aftermath is the growing ecological damages such as waste often leads to further contamination with other types of
resource shortages and wastages, high carbon footprints and waste categories when it is openly dumped (Salem, 2008). ELV
immeasurable pollutions (ECOSCO, 2019). recycling level worldwide remains lacklustre because of the diffi-
Currently, automotive industry generates about 5% of the global culties in processing and lack of incentives (Nikles and Farahat,
industrial waste, from cars and the manufacturing plants that pro- 2005). Substantial quantities of valuable parts and components
end up downcycled or even worse accumulated as debris in nat-
ural habitats due to a desynchronisation between automakers
⇑ Corresponding authors. and ELV recyclers. The most downcycled parts are accessories,
E-mail addresses:, (Y.C. Wong), electrical and electronic components, and engines (Ortego et al., (N. Mahyuddin), (A.M.R. 2018).
0956-053X/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415 403

In recent years, EU implemented ELV Directive (2000/53/EC) to ods and sustainable materials that are renewable, reusable and
regulate automotive and material manufacturers to meet specific abundant. Several authors have conducted research using agricul-
targets, a wide range of recycling activities to tackle ELV challenges tural wastes (Paiva et al., 2012), newspaper residue (Ng and Low,
have been carried out. Sustainable waste management measures 2010), polymeric wastes (Quaranta et al., 2010), textile wastes
are taken by several automakers worldwide to optimise ELV recy- (Dissanayake et al., 2018) in the development of building compo-
cling in a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC), taking responsibility for nents such as sandwich panels, particle boards, and composite
their own products. Resource efficiency programmes to recycle panels, focusing on thermal insulation performance evaluation
ELVs have been developed by several automakers to utilise recy- and characterisation.
clable car components and green parts. Re-manufacturing of used
merchandise by channelling them back to Original Equipment 1.2. Development of sandwich panels
Manufacturers (OEMs) provides vehicles production costs cutting
within the automotive industry itself (Hatcher et al., 2011). A lot of research is being carried out worldwide to study sand-
Nissan promotes the use of reusable parts under the name Nis- wich panels. Sandwich panels are made of multi-layer construc-
san Green Parts. There are 31 different reusable parts that are tion. It is usually composed of two face sheets (or skins) of rigid
prone to collisions, including headlamps, combination lights, and surface layer bonded either mechanically or chemically by a thick
other front and back vehicle components (Nissan Environmental core. There are two groups of sandwich core materials, homoge-
report, 2004). Ford has been a leader in using recycled materials nous and structured cores (Pflug et al., 2002). A huge variety of
in its cars. Since 2011, all seat cushions made from soy foam for cores can be utilised in sandwich structures from foams to struc-
vehicles built in North America have reduced the company’s yearly tured (non-homogenous) support (Allen, 1969). The skin materials
CO2 emissions by 20 million pounds. In 2010, Chrysler estimated and core can vary widely, the core may be a solid filing or a honey-
the process of using recycled PU foam save 180,000 lb of foam comb. The most common core materials are foam core, plastic hon-
going to landfills per year (Sanchez, 2015). eycomb, wood core and mineral wool while face sheets are usually
A study suggests that plastics represents the third highest in made of aluminum, steel, ABS, plywood, MDF and plexiglass
percentage by weight, approximately 7–9.3% of the average com- (Kleiberit, 2020). Homogenous core material such as PU foam is
position of an ELV weight, after ferrous metal 65.4–71% and non- widely used in the automotive industry. Structured core material
ferrous metal 7–10% (Vermeulen et al., 2011). From the total shred- such as honeycomb core is often used in aerospace industries for
ded output of an ELV, approximately 70–75% represents ferrous buckling and bending sensitive panels while corrugated core has
fraction, 5% non-ferrous metals and the remainder 20–25% referred been commonly used in headliners, cabin floor and car roofs
as automotive shredder residue (ASR). In the composition, the per- (Pflug et al., 2002). The development of sandwich panels has been
centage by weight of ASR, textiles and foam represents about 27– extensive in many sectors, it has many applications and come in
27.2%, while plastics 19–20.2%. Due to ASR heterogenous and com- many forms. German automaker Karmann presented a concept of
plex mixtures, it is currently largely landfilled (Cossu and Lai, sandwich panels made of aluminium foam. The technology was
2015). In order to meet future ELV targets and escape fiscal penal- improved in automotive sectors such as ship building, aircraft
ties, plastics and composites have to be greener, more recyclable and railway industry (Qingxian et al., 2015). Sandwich panels
and sustainably sourced (Frost and Sullivan, 2010). may be used for building external walls and interior partition walls
In terms of recycling technology, welding and composite mate- for vertical and horizontal installations as well as roofs. It can also
rials cause difficulties in dismantling ELVs (Tian and Chen, 2014). be used to build enclosures for industrial equipment and air condi-
The joint characteristics of a vehicle part can influence the valuable tioning devices (Izopanel, 2020).
material losses and leads to impurities, influencing material sepa- Oliveira investigated a sustainable sandwich panel manufac-
ration practices of multi-material vehicle design (Soo et al., 2017). tured from aluminum skins encapsulated with recycled thermo-
Numerous mechanical methods have been used to separate and plastic bottle caps core proved that the discarded bottle caps is
recycle ASR such as polyurethane and ABS using Changing World a promising lightweight and cheap honeycomb component for
Technologies (CWT) thermal process (Winslow and Adams, structural applications (Oliveira et al., 2018). An on-field experi-
2004). Currently, the separation of plastics that is done efficiently ment conducted using the honeycomb sandwich panels inserted
from ASR is not widely applied (Davies, 2012; Passarini et al., with chinese plywood found that the test room walls installed
2012). The non-ferrous fraction in a heavy and light fraction is sep- with chinese plywood reinforced sandwich material reduced elec-
arated using air classification, magnetic and eddy current, screen- tricity consumption by 0.17 kw compared with the conventional
ing or trommel separation methods (Ferrao and Amaral, 2006; walls (1.07 kw) (Reengwaree et al., 2013). The PU roof sandwich
Cossu and Lai, 2015). Sink/float separation is most commonly panels product manufactured by BRDECO are composed of 3 lay-
applied in mixed plastics separation basing on density difference. ers, the face sheet layer is two dyed galvanised corrugated plates
Froth flotation, static hydrodynamic separation or thermo mechan- and the core is made of density 40 kg/m3 PU foam. The thermal
ical sorting have been developed (Miller et al., 2014; Hopewell conductivity value of 50 mm thick sandwich panel is 0.022 W/
et al., 2009; Vermeulen et al., 2011) mK, it is widely used in steel structure factory building, offices
In construction industry context, initiative to utilise ELV waste and commercial buildings (Brdeco, 2020). Teknopanel produces
for manufacturing building materials is limited. There is very little several sandwich panels products. The 50 mm thick PU/PIR insu-
evidence suggesting that any of these are being used in construc- lated sandwich wall panels made of prepainted galvanized steel
tion industry and commercially available today. Part of the reasons inner and outer sheet has a thermal conductivity value of
is due to building user requirements that are difficult to meet or 0.027 W/mK while the 50 mm thick rockwool insulated sandwich
time consuming (Hatcher et al., 2011; Wong et al., 2018). The wall panel has a thermal conductivity value of 0.0345 W/mK
low recycling level can be reversed if high-value products can be (Teknopanel, 2020).
generated from ELV waste (Thai et al., 2019). If the building user Glass sandwich panel GSP was first developed by Iconic Skin
requirements are fully understood, the recycling of ELVs to create Seele group in Germany. It is a 3-in-1 product which combines a
building products can be more effectively developed in the future glass, wall and insulation in one construction element as building
(Wong et al., 2018). façade material. The face sheet is a 6 mm thick pane of glass
Multiple waste utilisation projects have given good impacts in bonded on the sandwich panels. The insulating core is made of
construction industry: Recycling, opting for low technology meth- polyurethane (PU) or mineral wool (MV). The glass sandwich panel
404 Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415

can be integrated with conventional window and façade systems Manufacturing process
for offices, public buildings and industrial buildings. The panel is flow
also UV and weather resistant printed based on design specifica-
tions (Brucha, 2020). Vitale et al. manufactured several sandwich ELV waste collection 1
panels made of glass fiber and vegetable (jute) fiber composite face
sheets and different cores: honeycomb cores made of glass fiber
polyester composites to evaluate their thermal properties (Vitale ELV headlamp ELV seat
et al., 2017). AungYong fabricated green sandwich panels by incor-
porating polyurethane-based foams with incorporated waste glyc-
erol and agricultural waste residues, i.e., rice hulls as filler. The
Manual dismantling 2
findings show that the foams increase the strength of the panels,
it can be used as non-load bearing panels to construct green build-
ings (AungYong, 2014). Manual materials
Another study by Wang et al. focused on the development of
sandwich panels made of aluminium alloy face sheets and a hier-
archical composite square-honeycomb sandwich core to study the
vibration characteristics/performance of the sandwich structures PC PU
using experimental tests under clamped-free boundary condi-
tions. The results indicated that geometric parameters have an
impact on the vibration characteristics and performance of the Granulator crushing/ Manual cutting/
4a 4b
sandwich panels (Wang et al., 2019). Petrone et al. manufactured shredding shredding
and tested sandwich panels consist in a three-layer composite
made of recyclable pre-preg compatible foam core and two differ-
Glass face sheet/
ent face sheets, flax-PE foam and glass-PP foam to evaluate vibra- 5
container fabrication
tional characteristics and the damping and mode shape ratio
using roving hammer method (Petrone et al., 2014). Lisicins PC & PU core
materials insert 6
et al. investigated sandwich wall panels based on cellular core
made of perforated steel tapes and plates from waste materials
using stamping method. The proposed sandwich panels could
be used as supporting or decorative structures. The thermal insu- Resin casting/bonding 7
lation property of the sandwich panels is improved by filling the
cellular structure with insulation filler materials (Lisicins et al.,
2015). Waste automotive plastic (WAP) and non-metallic waste Sandwich panels
from printed circuit boards (PCBs) were used by researchers to
Fig. 1. Flow chart of manufacturing process of the proposed sandwich panels.
develop sustainable composite panels, medium density fibreboard
for wide range of uses. The composite panels made of various
proportions of PCBs and WAP were fabricated using hot press i. ELV components needed in this research were selected
method (Rajagopal et al., 2017). based on their characteristic and suitability. They were col-
In Colombia, Changemakers has reported projects to recycle lected from the local ELV recycling centres and sent to ded-
plastic and rubber waste to create sandwich panel by melting icated recovery plant for processing.
and pouring into a mould to produce building blocks which func- ii. ELV headlamp and seat components were dismantled man-
tion like Lego pieces with the participation of whole communities ually to extract useful materials.
in the construction of their own dwellings. Additives were added to iii. Manual ELV materials separation was conducted to sort sin-
the blocks to make them resistant to fire and earthquake resistant gle type of material for crushing and shredding.
(Mendez, 2017). iv. Crushing and shredding of ELV PC and PU waste into fine
In this study, a method to develop thermal insulation sandwich particles.
panels based on glass face sheets and sustainable core made of ELV v. Fabrication of clear glass container of dimension
waste was presented, as an innovative system for energy efficient 300 mm  300 mm  18 mm (L  W  T) to encapsulate
building that can be applied internally and externally. Six types the shredded PC and PU particles.
of sandwich panels were designed and manufactured with differ- vi. ELV shredded particles were inserted into the glass contain-
ent weights and ratios of shredded ELV PC and PU. The developed ers according to predetermined compositions, weights and
sandwich panels were subjected to thermal conductivity testing ratios.
using guarded hot-plate apparatus and transparency measurement vii. Epoxy resin was used to cast the sandwich panel and bond
using Haze-gard plus haze meter. This paper is organised in few the ELV waste particles together.
sections. It begins with an introduction, the second section pre-
sents the materials and methods used to develop the sandwich In this study, six different types of sandwich panels were man-
panels and the laboratory testing set-up, the third section presents ufactured and tested in laboratory as highlighted below (Type P1 -
the results and discussion, and the fourth section presents P6). Each panel was designed to have different weight and ratio of
conclusions. PC and PU (Table 1). The sandwich panels consist of 10 mm thick
core that were sandwiched by 4 mm thick glass face sheets. The
total thickness of the sandwich panels is 18 mm (Fig. 2).
2. Materials and methods
i. Control panel, no ELVs material (P1)
The manufacturing process to recycle ELVs to produce sandwich ii. 100%PC (P2)
panels is summarised schematically in Fig. 1, it constituted of 7- iii. 100%PU (P3)
step process. iv. 50%PC:50%PU (P4)
Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415 405

Table 1
(a) Measured thermal conductivity data of the proposed sandwich panels in different compositions using guarded hot-plate apparatus; (b) Measured statistical transparency data
of the proposed sandwich panels using Haze-gard plus apparatus.

Panel Panel composition Thickness Total Amount of Amount of Ratio of Area, Measured Percentage reduce
type of sample sample ELV waste epoxy resin ELV waste A thermal in thermal
(mm) weight (g) used (g) used (g) used (m2) conductivity (W/ conductivity
P1 Sandwich panels (air cavity, 18 1587 – – – 0.09 0.2102 –
without ELVs) and clear glass
face sheets
P2 Sandwich panels (ELV PC 18 2490 100 g PC 803 100% PC 0.09 0.1895 9.85%
particles core) and clear glass
face sheets
P3 Sandwich panels (ELV PU 18 2447 8 g PU 852 100% PU 0.09 0.1867 11.18%
particles core) and clear glass
face sheets
P4 Sandwich panels (ELV PC and PU 18 2473 50 g PC_4g 832 50% 0.09 0.1776 15.51%
particles core) and clear glass PU PC_50%PU
face sheets
P5 Sandwich panels (ELV PC and PU 18 2485 75 g PC_2g 821 75% 0.09 0.1785 15.08%
particles core) and clear glass PU PC_25%PU
face sheets
P6 Sandwich panels (ELV PC and PU 18 2452 25 g PC_6g 834 25% 0.09 0.1778 15.41%
particles core) and clear glass PU PC_75%PU
face sheets
Panel type Measuring point Luminous transmittance (%) Haze (%) Clarity (%)
Test value SD Test value SD Test value SD
P1 1 83.00 0.45 3.19 0.38 99.20 0.10
2 82.60 3.80 99.30
3 83.50 3.09 99.40
P2 1 67.10 1.48 58.90 4.80 53.20 1.90
2 69.10 59.30 55.10
3 66.20 67.40 51.30
P3 1 53.20 0.72 78.90 1.07 19.70 3.21
2 54.40 78.80 22.40
3 54.50 77.00 26.10
P4 1 59.70 3.96 58.80 0.70 50.60 0.93
2 66.40 59.50 51.10
3 59.40 58.10 49.30
P5 1 53.60 2.51 71.80 2.70 45.80 0.59
2 58.40 73.60 46.70
3 57.30 68.30 46.90
P6 1 47.10 4.01 54.30 2.52 57.90 3.29
2 53.50 49.70 56.00
3 46.10 53.80 51.50

SD = standard deviation.

v. 75%PC:25%PU (P5) In this study, ELV materials were selected by considering crite-
vi. 25%PC:75%PU (P6) ria of thermal insulation. Polycarbonate used in engineering sec-
tors are strong and tough, its demand is increasing by a 7% per
year. Some grades are optically transparent. PC is easy to mould
2.1. Collection of ELV waste materials and thermoform. PC has density of 1.2 g/cm3 maintains toughness
up to 140 °C and down to 20 °C, it is virtually unbreakable. PC is
ELVs are usually collected by the licensed recyclers or disman- an extremely clear plastic that allow transmission of 90% of light as
tlers in authorised treatment facilities (ATFs) from the ELV last good as glass. PC thermal conductivity is about 0.19, melting tem-
owners, car dealers or at auctions from insurance companies perature about 265 °C. PC is the dominant material for creating
(Ferrao and Amaral, 2006). From the observation, the ELV waste transparent parts (i.e., headlamp lenses and windows) of automo-
materials will normally be disposed to landfill site, incineration biles and trains as well as civil construction. Some small motorised
facility or dumped by roadside especially parts that are broken or vehicles such as motorcycles utilise PC to make windscreens. Typ-
dysfunctional which cannot be directly recycled or reused by the ical applications of PC on buildings include the safety and security
end users or ELV collectors. The heterogenous materials often glazing as well as overhead glazing (Zhang and Xu, 2019).
regarded as no economic value or classified as materials that are PU is the polymer that is formed by the reaction between the
difficult to recycle due to multi-material system and the issue of OH (hydroxyl) groups of a polyol with the NCO (isocyanate group)
commingled materials. The selection of polymeric wastes for this groups of an isocyanate (Ashida, 2007). PU is manufactured by
research considered the fact that ratio of polymeric waste recycled reacting polyols and diisocyanates derived from crude oil. PU foam
from ELVs is low compared to other materials. It is also worth not- is lightweight, it offers same mechanical properties even though its
ing that the increasing amounts of thermoplastic polymers con- density has been reduced by 30%. PU is also good in reducing noise
sumption in the manufacture of new vehicles in the future. which has the excellent sound-absorbing and vibration dampening
406 Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415

Fig. 2. (a) Proposed sandwich panels composition; (b) vehicle headlamp components; (c) ELV headlamps; (d) dismantled PC; (e) shredding of PU from ELV seat; (f) crushed
PC; (g) shredded PU.

qualities that offer high safety levels and comfortability. PU is not Kuala Lumpur. The headlamps collected for this research were
prone to corrosion throughout their life, it ensures stability even it faulty and cracked headlamps that cannot be reused anymore in
is under severe conditions. PU possesses high tear resistance along another vehicle as spare-part. The headlamp is manufactured by
with high tensile properties (Euro moulders, 2014). PU foam cores bonding various composites: PC, PP, ABS and PMMA and seat:
have been a prime choice for thermal insulation due to low ther- PU, PVC and metals (Zhang and Chen, 2014). An abandoned ELV
mal conductivity as well as materials for noise abatement, it is also rear seat was collected from a local dumping ground. These two
cheaper and easy to manufacture than honeycomb cores (Gibson ELV components were transported to treatment facility and labora-
and Ashby, 1999). tory for further processing and investigation to produce core
ELV materials that are suitable for thermal insulation have materials.
undergone some screening. Two types of ELV materials were iden-
tified and used to manufacture the sandwich panels: PC from ELV 2.2. Dismantling of ELV components
headlamp lenses and PU from ELV seats. Both are under shredder
light fraction SLF category, they are abundantly available and have 2.2.1. Manual dismantling method
longer lifespan compared with other materials. The required PC During the dismantling stage, useful ELV components (i.e. head-
and PU waste materials were extracted from retired ELVs of lamps and seats) were disconnected from the ELV and sent to ded-
approximately 12 years of age. A total of nine headlamp compo- icated manufacturing plant. ELV headlamp consists of multi-
nents were collected from the licensed ELV recycling centres in material components (i.e., lens, projection modules, reflector, and
Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415 407

housing). The collected headlamps composed of few materials: PC,

polypropylene PP, polybutylene terephthalate PBT and polyethy-
lene terephthalate PET and metal accessories, bracket, fasteners
and steel bolt screws. It needs to be dismantled manually to sepa-
rate the PC lenses from other materials using tools to achieve high-
est purity to prevent mixture contamination of different materials
(Fig. 2).

2.3. Manual ELV materials separation

In this study, manual separation technique was employed as it

gives an advantage for full material separation and achieve a
higher recoverability rate of the ASR (Fig. 2). The dismantled com-
ponents were separated according to similar type of materials in
order to obtain pure resources and remove impurities as the ELV
components contain multi-materials that complicates the recy-
cling process. Pure PC was extracted as a material to be crushed
and used to manufacture the sandwich panels.

2.4. Crushing and shredding of ELV waste

2.4.1. Crushing of ELV headlamp PC with granulator

The PC materials dismantled previously were crushed to the
proper size (3 mm particles) using granulator at the manufacturing
plant of V.P. Plastics Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia (Fig. 3). A CHESO CN gran-
ulator model CN-5 of dimension 860 mm  570 mm  1340 mm
(L  W  H) (410 kg) was used as it is suitable for crushing runner
and semi-products. The granulator comes with durable claw steel
blades and 6 rotary blades. The input speed is 360 rpm/min and
a capacity of 150–250 kg/hr.

2.4.2. Shredding of PU foam

PU foam from the rear seat of an ELV was shredded manually
into fine shreds using blade (Fig. 2). This method is sustainable
as it does not consume any energy to process the waste material.

2.5. Fabrication of glass container

The glass container with an enclosed air cavity size set at

10 mm was fabricated using 4 mm thick clear glass sheets with a
thermal conductivity value of 1.0 W/mK. The clear glass sheets
were cut to form a glass container sized
300 mm  300 mm  18 mm (L  W  T). The sandwich panels
were fabricated based on the recommended dimensions to fit the
standard size of a test cell metering in the GHP apparatus. Alley
Seal high performance Grade 107A silicone sealant was used to
bond the glass sheets as it offers excellent adhesion to wide range
of materials such as glass, plastic and steel. When applying silicone
sealant, all surfaces of the glass sheets were cleaned. The tack-free Fig. 3. (a) Crushing of ELV PC into fine particles using CN granulator; (b) Crushed
ELV PC; (c) epoxy resin AB glue set; (d) mixing of epoxy resin and catalyst; (e)
time for silicone sealant application on glass and plastic surfaces is
spreading over of epoxy resin to glass container to bond crushed ELV PC.
approximately 30 min.

2.6. ELV core materials insert tionships were established in the mixture proportioning of ELV
materials to ensure they are evenly distributed into the glass con-
The shredded ELV PC and PU particles were inserted in the tainers (i.e., 100 g PC = 100% PC; 50 g PC = 50% PC; 8 g PU = 100%
18 mm thick glass container according to the predetermined PU; 4 g PU = 50% PU).
weight and ratio (Table 1). The shredded particles were sand-
wiched between the glass face sheets. Epoxy resin was used as bin-
der to bond the shredded particles together and protect them from 2.7. Resin bonding and casting
damage. Several criteria to determine the weights and ratios of ELV
core materials insert were considered. The amount of ELV materi- Resin bonding method was employed to bond the ELV waste
als used dependent upon the amount of void space within the glass materials together in the glass container to form a sandwich panel.
container which needs to be filled and surface area which needs to It is a method of plastic casting where a mould is filled with a liq-
be covered for the best thermal and optical-transparent perfor- uid synthetic resin, which then cured for 1 day under room tem-
mance. The surface area covered by the ELV materials insert of perature. During the setting process, the liquid monomer
the sandwich panels was kept at 50%. The weight-percentage rela- polymerises into the polymer, thereby hardening into a solid. In
408 Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415

such cases, the curing agent mixed with resin contains what is
loosely referred to as a catalyst at room temperature and normal
The selection of this particular process considered several crite-
ria. The process should minimise the change in physical mechani-
cal properties of ELV materials that will affect its final appearance
and performance: colour, transparency, structure and grade. It is
important to maintain the capacity of internal transmission of light
passing through the sandwich panels. This method takes into
account eco-design requirements which contributes in reducing
carbon footprint and minimising waste production. The production
cycle of this method is much shorter and cost-effective compared
to other methods.

2.7.1. Preparation of resin binder

It is important to choose a resin binder which does not emit
VOCs. 2 kg ultra-clear transparent strong hardness epoxy resin
AB glue set was used to bond the shredded ELV waste within the
glass container since the resin binder is hard as rock after drying
(Fig. 3). The drying took less than 24 hr at 25 °C. The epoxy resin
is crystal clear, moisture resistant, waterproof and chemical resis-
tant and resistant to yellowing from UV exposure. The resin is self-
levelling, self-degassing and odour free. Degassing is important to
remove dissolved gas bubbles when the resin is cured. The resin is
commonly used to coat tables and encapsulate objects. The volume
ratio is set at 25 ml (A glue): 10 ml (B glue). The epoxy resin and
catalyst were measured using respective cups 5 cc. The 2 mediums
were mixed and stirred thoroughly in the 250 ml measuring cup
(mixture ratio = dosage 2 parts catalyst:10 parts epoxy resin) to
ensure it is evenly cured on all surfaces. The simplest method is
gravity casting where the resin is spread over the glass container
and pulled down into all parts by gravity.
The whole curing process occurred in the laboratory under
room temperature. During the curing process, the catalysed epoxy
resin went through several stages from a liquid form to soft gel in
20 min and click-hard (cured stage) in 1 day. The panel samples
were completely dried during the laboratory tests.

2.8. Methods for measuring thermal conductivity

Steady-state method was employed to measure thermal con-

ductivity (k) of the developed sandwich panels using guarded
hot-plate GHP method which conforms to standard ISO 8302.
Steady-state method performs when the tested material is in com- Fig. 4. (a) Sectional illustration of the guarded hot-plate apparatus; (b) Guarded
plete equilibrium and does not change with time. GHP method is hot-plate apparatus interior with 6 thermocouples; (c) Guarded hot-plate apparatus
widely employed to measure thermal conductivity of commercial experimental set-up in civil engineering laboratory Universiti Tunku Abdul
products such as building thermal insulation, low-density insula- Rahman, Malaysia; (d) P2 sample tested using Haze-gard plus haze meter; (e)
Measuring points; (f) Measurement principle according to ASTM D1003: A beam
tion for refrigerators and certification of reference materials of strikes the sample and enters an integrating sphere.
low conductivity (Carollo et al., 2012). GHP method can be per-
formed either with two-sample apparatus or with a single-
sample apparatus. The GHP apparatus experiment is usually per-
formed according to standard ISO 8302 (Jones and Brischke, 2017). sition during the tests was performed in which the values of the
heat flow across the panel measured by thermocouples. The cold
2.8.1. Measuring procedures of GHP apparatus plate temperature was kept almost uniform, at 20 °C approxi-
A guarded hot-plate GHP apparatus in civil engineering labora- mately while hot-plate temperature was kept at 40 °C, in all cases
tory Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia was adopted to (Fig. 4). Each sandwich panel was sandwiched between the cold
conduct the thermal conductivity experiment. Three Type-J ther- plate and hot plate for consecutive 24 hr to collect the surface tem-
mocouples with Teflon casing were affixed on the hot plate surface perature data and the amount of electricity used in amps to cool
and cold plate surface respectively. The thermocouples were con- the cold plate. A total of 20 hr of data were used in calculations
nected to AM25T 25-channel Solid State Multiplexer, and CR800 and analysis. A continuous data acquisition during the tests was
Datalogger (Fig. 4). Thermocouple is thermoelectric device for performed in which the values of the heat flow across the panel
measuring temperature, consisting of two wires of different metals measured by thermocouples. The surface temperatures of the
connected at two points, a voltage being developed between the guarded hot-plate and cold plate were recorded at 1 min interval,
two junctions in proportion to the temperature difference. 24 hr a day. The results were transferred from the datalogger to a
The investigated sandwich panels (P1-P6) were tested sepa- computer. The data collected from the GHP apparatus were shown
rately. These samples are shown in Fig. 5. A continuous data acqui- in Table 1.
Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415 409

Fig. 5. Samples of the investigated sandwich panels (L: 300 mm; W: 300 mm; T: 18 mm) in different compositions.

The equation in accordance with standard ISO 8302 was used to the incident light is 100%, but the total transmittance may only
calculate thermal conductivity (k) K-value (ISO, E., 1991. 8302., be 91% due to absorption and reflection (BYK-Gardner, 2020).
1991): Haze is measured with a wide-angle scattering test in which
light is diffused in all directions results in a loss of contrast. Haze
K¼ / ðT1  T2 Þ has no specific unit, it is measured as the percentage % of light
A passing through the sample which deviates from the incident
beam by more than 0.044 rad (2.5°) on average (ASTM D1003-13,
/ average power supplied to the metering section of the heating 2013). Clarity or known as see-through quality is measured using
unit. narrow angle scattering test in which light is diffused in a small
D = average sample thickness. range with high concentration. Finer details can be seen through
A = metering area. if the material tested possesses clarity quality (BYK-Gardner,
T1 = average temperature on hot side of sample. 2020).
T2 = average temperature on cold side of sample. Clarity can be evaluated at angle of less than 2.5°. Factors
responsible for light scattering include impurities contained in
2.9. Transparency measurement the material, internal optical irregularities caused by crystallisa-
tion, porosity, density difference, inhomogeneities of pigments/-
Transparency of a material is influenced by the absorption and particles. As a general rule, a correlated haze value of 0%
scattering behavior of the sample. Visually transparency is indicates complete transparency. The perceived quality of a trans-
described by two phenomena: haze and clarity. Essential criteria parent material is judged based on its clarity, how well we can see
of transparency are luminous transmittance, haze and clarity. through the material. i.e., clear sample (0% haze and 100% clarity);
Luminous transmittance is the measure of the total incident light milky/hazy appearance (high haze value); unsharp appearance
compared to the light that is actually transmitted. For instance, (low clarity value) (BYK-Gardner, 2020).
410 Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415

In this research, a BYK Gardner Haze-gard plus haze meter was of the sandwich panels was arranged contributes to significant
used to measure the three transparency parameters: luminous change in thermal conductivity value.
transmittance, haze and clarity. Haze-gard plus apparatus displays The irregularities of the shredded PU and PC in P4 was the
the results in accordance to the ASTM D1003 standard test meth- greatest among all samples which may have contributed the best
ods (Fig. 4). The dimension of Haze-gard plus apparatus is in heat absorbance. The primary heat transfer path across the sam-
62 cm  33 cm  22 cm and weight 18 kg. The measurement area ple may be weakened when the irregularities of materials
is ø18 mm, measurement range 0–100% and operating tempera- increased.
ture +10 to 40 °C. The apparatus test conditions shall be set up in It is possible to conclude that the presence of air space may
an atmosphere at 23 ± 2 °C (73.4 ± 3.6 °F) and 50 ± 10% relative speed up the heat transfer across the P1 sample via convection
humidity (ASTM D1003-13, 2013). Data acquisition for trans- which contributes to the highest thermal conductivity value
parency measurement was conducted by placing the samples among all samples.
(P1-P6) perpendicular to the haze port and clarity of Haze-gard
plus. The sample surface was illuminated perpendicularly, and 3.2. Comparison with conventional thermal insulation materials and
the transmitted light was measured photoelectrically, using an sandwich panels
integrating sphere (0° /diffuse geometry) (Fig. 4). The spectral sen-
sitivity conforms to CIE standard spectral value function y, under There are many established commercial industrialised sand-
standard light C resp. A. The samples must have plane-parallel sur- wich panel products in the market. Table 2 summarises the ther-
faces free of dust, scratches, grease and blemishes as specified in mal conductivity of the conventional materials and results
standard ASTM D1003 (ASTM D1003-13, 2013). Three sets of trans- obtained from the proposed sandwich panels. These panels were
parency data were collected from the 3 measuring points of each manufactured using different core and face sheet materials,
sample as depicted in Fig. 4. The data obtained by Haze-gard plus designs and methods.
apparatus are reported in Table 1. The measured thermal conductivity of the glass fiber honey-
comb core bonded with glass fiber honeycomb was 0.123 W/mK
(Vitale et al., 2017). As can be observed in Table 2, the trend was
3. Results and discussion
very similar among the conventional sandwich panels made of
PU core in terms of thermal conductivity, ranged between 0.019
The results of the investigated sandwich panels are presented in
and 0.027 W/mK. Thermal conductivity of sandwich panels made
Fig. 5. The thermal conductivity data obtained were analysed by
of PU core was much lower compared with other core materials.
comparing them with the existing conventional thermal insulation
Sandwich panels product made of stiff polyurethane foam PU core
materials and established sandwich panel products developed by
and stiff polyisocyanurate foam IPR core have thermal conductivity
others (Table 2).
rating of 0.022 W/mK and 0.020 W/mK respectively (Izopanel,
2020). The sandwich panels product manufactured using 6 mm
3.1. Effects of ELV waste on thermal conductivity thick float glass outer skins encapsulated with 140 mm thick PU
core has a K-value of 0.04257 W/mK and U-value of 0.18 W/
Table 1 summarises thermal conductivity data of all sandwich (m2K) while the other panel with 100 mm thick PU core has a K-
panels tested using GHP apparatus. The results show that sand- value of 0.038 W/mK and U-value of 0.25 W/(m2K) (Brucha, 2020).
wich panels with ELV waste were effective in reducing thermal The comparison was performed between sandwich panels with
conductivity. similar characteristics (Table 2). A value of 0.1895 W/mK of ther-
Thermal conductivity was improved from P1 (control panel mal conductivity was obtained for P2 sandwich panels (100% PC
without ELV material) to P2 (with 100% PC), it reduced from core) which is higher than 0.153 W/mK of clear PC honeycomb core
0.2102 W/mK to 0.1895 W/mK (9.85% reduction). The thermal con- sandwich panels indicated in (Surface products inc, 2020) (i.e.,
ductivity value was further reduced to 0.1867 W/mK (P3 with 170% higher). This difference may be related to the amount of PC
100% PU) and 0.1776 W/mK (P4 with 50%PC _50%PU). Thermal core materials encapsulated within P3 is much denser. The thermal
conductivity values for P5 and P6 were 0.1785 W/mK and conductivity value of P3 sandwich panels (100% PU core) was
0.1778 W/mK respectively, slightly higher than P4. The thermal 0.1867 W/mK which is higher compared to 0.4257 W/mK from
conductivity value did not decrease when the percentage of PU industrialised commercial sandwich panels made of PU core and
increased in the samples. It could be due to the number and size float glass sheets manufactured by (Brucha, 2020) (i.e.,128%
of pores in between the PU foams were reduced during the manu- higher).
facturing process, its porosity was reduced and density increased.
These result in low absorption of heat. 3.3. Transparency data
Comparing P2 and P3 that were made of homogenous ELV
materials, P3 shows much better thermal performance compared The measured transparency data are presented in Table 1 and
to P2 probably because PU has far better thermal conductivity Fig. 6. The three readings collected from measuring point 1–3 of
value than PC (0.026 W/mK against 0.22 W/mK) due to its low den- the samples achieved a low standard deviation (less than 5%), indi-
sity and high porosity. Moreover, the ELV material surface property cates that the obtained values tend to be close to the mean. The
(smoothness/roughness) directly impacts its thermal performance. obtained results corroborated that all samples have tendency in
The rough surfaces of PU have more frictions between; it increases light transmittance. The luminous transmittance mean value for
thermal absorptivity and reduces heat flux across more efficiently ELV-based samples P2-P6 did not differ very much statistically,
than PC. their mean values were slightly more or less than 50%.
The thermal conductivity of P4-P6 were improved when the Among all ELV-based sandwich panels (P2-P6), P2 (100% PC)
cores have a mixture of heterogenous ELV materials, slightly better demonstrates the best light transmittance performance, its lumi-
than those made of homogenous ELV material (P2 and P3). This nous transmittance value was 67.47%. This may be due to its opti-
implies that thermal conductivity value of the samples is greatly cal properties and homogeneity of the sample composition. P6 (25
improved when more than one type of ELV material is used in %PC: 75%PU) is the clearest ELV-based sandwich panel, it has
the sample. The thermal conductivity value highly dependent on 55.13% clarity value and 52.6% haze value. For clarity, narrow-
the structure and arrangement of each sample. The way structure angle scattering deflects light in small angles, so that the light
Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415 411

Table 2
(a) Comparison of thermal conductivity of proposed sandwich panels with conventional thermal insulation materials; (b) comparison of proposed sandwich panels with
conventional sandwich panels used in construction industry.

Material Thermal conductivity (W/mK) Reference
Wood fiber (Rigid) 0.038 (Greenspec, 2018)
Wool 0.038
Cellulose (blown/sprayed) 0.038–0.040
Hemp 0.039–0.040
Hempcrete 0.060
Cellular glass 0.041
Straw 0.08
Glass mineral wool 0.035
Icynene H2FoamLite/LD-C-50 0.039
Phenolic foam 0.020
Polyisocyanurate (PIR) 0.023–0.026
Polyurethane foam (PU) 0.023–0.026
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) 0.034–0.038
Extruded polystyrene (XPS) 0.033–0.035
Aerogel 0.014
Mineral wool (quilt) 0.042 (Thorpe et al., 2017)
Urea formaldehyde (UF) foam 0.04
Blown fibre 0.04
Polyethylene (PE) Plastic (recycled) 0.01443 mm thick 0.4 (Din et al., 2015)
Bagasse (recycled) 0.01618 mm thick 0.046
Oil palm leaf (recycled) 0.01515 mm thick 0.00365
Textile (recycled) 0.0145 mm thick 0.230
Twigs (recycled) 0.01548 mm thick 0.130
Corn cob (recycled) 0.01528 mm thick 0.096
Rubber: Polypropylene (recycled) 0.01923 mm thick 0.130
Kenaf hibiscus cannabicus (recycled) 0.01645 mm thick 0.0208
Coconut fiber (recycled) 0.01435 mm thick 0.140
Granules of clay, vermiculite or expanded perlite 0.060–0.160 (Briga-Sa et al., 2013)
Polyurethane soy-based 0.026–0.038 (Thorpe et al., 2017)
Foil-faced Polyurethane with pentane up to 32 kg/m3 0.020
Sheep’s wool [25 kg/m3] 0.034–0.054
Cotton 0.039–0.040
Cork slab [120 kg/m3] 0.041–0.055
Vermiculite 0.039–0.060
Strawboards [420 kg/m3] 0.081
Air 0.026 (Palomar et al., 2019)
Glass (borosilicate flint glass) 0.85
Glass (heavy flint glass) 0.6–0.65
Glass (Soda-lime silicate) 0.95
Control sandwich panels (without ELVs, air filled core) -P1 0.2102 (Authors)
New sandwich panels (ELV PC particles core) - P2 0.1895
New sandwich panels (ELV PU particles core) - P3 0.1867
New sandwich panels (ELV PC and PU particles core) - P4 0.1776
New sandwich panels (ELV PC and PU particles core) - P5 0.1785
New sandwich panels (ELV PC and PU particles core) - P6 0.1778
Sandwich panel Core material Face sheet Total panel Thermal Reference
thickness conductivity (W/
(mm) mK)
PU roof sandwich panels made of PU Dyed galvanised corrugated 50 0.022 (Brdeco,
two dyed galvanised corrugated plates 2020)
Sandwich panels made of stiff PU Steel sheet – 0.022 (Izopanel,
polyurethane foam PU core 2020)
Sandwich panels made of stiff PIR Steel sheet – 0.020 (Izopanel,
polyisocyanurate foam IPR core 2020)
PU/PIR insulated sandwich wall PU/PIR Prepainted galvanised steel 50 0.027 (Teknopanel,
panels prepainted galvanised sheet 60 0.0225 2020)
steel sheet 80 0.0219
Rockwool insulated sandwich wall Rockwool Prepainted galvanised steel 50 0.0345 (Teknopanel,
panel with prepainted sheet 60 0.0347 2020)
galvanised steel sheet
EPS insulated sandwich wall panel EPS Prepainted galvanised steel 50 0.0368 (Teknopanel,
sheet 60 0.0364 2020)
80 0.0364
Sandwich panel made of float glass PU Float glass 152 0.04257 (Brucha,
face sheets encapsulated with 2020)
140mm thick PU core
UV-protected clear four-walls Four wall PC sheets PC sheet 18 0.0541 (Saining,
polycarbonate hollow core 2020)
sandwich panels

(continued on next page)

412 Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415

Clear translucent polycarbonate PC-TRIcore spy honeycomb Translucent coloured 19 0.513 (Surface
panels with PC honeycomb core polycarbonate products inc,
Glass fiber vacuum-infused Glass fiber honeycomb Glass fiber sheet 12 0.123 (Vitale et al.,
honeycomb cores 2017)
PU roof sandwich panel, coloured PU Coloured steel sheets 60–100 0.019–0.023 (SQGP, 2020)
steel sheet
Hollow glass magnesium oxide Air cavity Glass MGO 50–150 0.041 (SQGP, 2020)
(MGO) sandwich panel
Glass magnesium rock wool Rockwool Glass MGO 50,75,100,150 0.039 (SQGP, 2020)
insulated wall sandwich panel
for cleanroom
Fiber glass wool sandwich exterior Fiber glass wool Coloured steel sheet 50,75,100, 0.039 (SQGP, 2020)
wall panel with coloured sheets 150
Propor and prepainted steel sheet Propor Prepainted steel sheet 50 0.039 (SQGP, 2020)
sandwich panels
PU sandwich panel for wall PU foam 2 layers coloured steel sheets 50,75,100 0.019–0.023 (SQGP, 2020)
cladding system with coloured 0.7mm
steel sheets
EPS cement sandwich panel with EPS, cement and sand Calcium silicate board 50 0.042–0.055 (SQGP, 2020)
calcium silicate board
Cryogenic sandwich-type PVC foam 2 mm thick E-glass/epoxy – 0.018 (Choi and Yu,
insulation board composed of E- composite box-type faces 2013)
glass/epoxy composite and
polymeric foams
Lightweight precast concrete Phenolic foam PF, vacuum insulated Concrete wythes 150 0.02 (O’Hegarty
sandwich cladding panels with panels VIP & Carbon fiber reinforces et al., 2020)
phenolic foam, VIP & CFRP polymer (CFRP) grid connectors
Newspaper sandwiched aerated Tabloid newspaper (dimension Portland cement mortar paste – 0.509 (1700 kg/m3); (Ng and Low,
lightweight concrete panel 580mm395mm) with countless of pinhole size 0.394 (1500 kg/m3); 2010)
(0.3–0.8mm diameter) air 0.310 (1100 kg/m3)
Control sandwich panels (Air- Air cavity 4mm thick clear glass face sheet 18 0.2102 (Authors)
filled) - P1
New sandwich panels (ELV PC 100% PC particles 4mm thick clear glass face sheet 18 0.1895 (Authors)
particles core) - P2
New sandwich panels (ELV PU 100% PU particles 4mm thick clear glass face sheet 18 0.1867 (Authors)
particles core) - P3
New sandwich panels (ELV PC and 50%PC_ 50%PU 4mm thick clear glass face sheet 18 0.1776 (Authors)
PU particles core) - P4
New sandwich panels (ELV PC and 75%PC_ 25%PU 4mm thick clear glass face sheet 18 0.1785 (Authors)
PU particles core) - P5
New sandwich panels (ELV PC and 25%PC_ 75%PU 4mm thick clear glass face sheet 18 0.1778 (Authors)
PU particles core) - P6

Luminous transmittance Haze Clarity

Mean value (%) - ASTM D1003

Mean value (%) - ASTM D1003

Mean value (%) - ASTM D1003

100 83.3 100 78.23 100
67.47 71.23
80 61.83 56.43 80 61.87 58.8 80
54.03 48.9 52.6 53.2 50.33 46.47 55.13
60 60 60
40 40 40 22.73
20 20 3.36 20
0 0 0
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Sample Sample Sample

Fig. 6. Measured mean values (%) of the transparency parameters: luminous transmittance, haze and clarity of the investigated sandwich panels.

intensity is concentrated within this narrow angular range. As the particles in the sandwich panels can be used for solar shading and
percentage of clarity value increased, the resolution of fine details partially control glare when it is applied to a facade.
of the observed object is also increased.
The highest haze level was exhibited by P3 (100% PU) with
78.23% haze value, it is possible that wide-angle scattering diffused 3.4. Potential applications of the proposed method
light uniformly in all directions, and the light intensity per angle is
small as the intensity of the transmitted light diminished by the The proposed method provides a significant achievement as lit-
inherent absorbance of the PU materials and pigments. The parti- tle or no research has utilised ELV headlamp waste to produce
cles inside the material on its surface may act as scatterers, the building products. There is no specific recycling method and tech-
more scatterers are present, the greater the amount of scattered nology for ELV headlamp and seat have been proposed locally and
light. This effect reduces contrast and results in a cloudy/hazy abroad in the construction industry. This study generates new
appearance. The haze and luminous transmittance data presented understanding and identifies recycling possibilities for research
are useful specification for quality control of sandwich panels. ELV and practice. It can be adopted to reduce ELV waste with better
Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415 413

eco-design where the production process consumes less energy Several technical challenges may exist in the products that need
while maintaining resources available for further use. to be overcome to elevate the circularity of ELV materials at the
The proposed sandwich panels are sustainable, low-cost and highest value and quality requirements. PU usage in construction
easy shaping for wide range of building applications including industry may sometimes cause hazards in case of fire. Further
walls, windows, sun screens, facades and roof skylights, charac- research is recommended to reduce the flammability of the pro-
terised by their low thermal conductivity while its transparency posed sandwich panels to meet the local and international regula-
may allow daylight to penetrate through to elevate interior bright- tions of construction authority.
ness. Furthermore, it can be retrofitted as external cladding or infill In addition, proper evaluation should be carried out on chemical
precast panels fixed in the structural frame and combined with processes to reduce the hazard levels to comply the building mate-
conventional window, façade and interior partition systems as rial standards to eliminate possible toxic chemicals. In fact, the
shading and privacy devices (Fig. 5). The proposed sandwich panels future research and development in the automotive industry
are reliable considering long run in the building industry. PC struc- should focus on the sustainably grown plastics such as renewable
tures are characterised by high durability which the expected use- high-performance Polyurethane bioplastic for manufacturing car
ful life is over 30 years. PU has the ability to withstand external components are even more promising to move away from our
impacts such as moisture ingress or air movement, its useful life overreliance on petrochemical plastics. For instance, Toyota has
is more than 60 years. PU performs well for hardness, high tensile achieved great success in utilising bio-based plastics in the seat
and compression strength, impact resistance and abrasion resis- of Corolla, Prius, RAV4 and Matrix. The plastics are derived wholly
tance. The sandwich panels containing ELV PC and PU will remain from plant materials. On the other hand, Ford teamed up with
functional over many years and water-proof as well as mechani- Coca-Cola in using plant-based renewable material from recycled
cally reliable. Coke bottles for the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) seats
There are possible improvements that can be made to the pro- (Sanchez, 2015).
posed method to develop the concerns of the study. Apart from It is recommended that new vehicle productions could use
using manual approach to decouple ELV materials, there are sev- single-family plastic and favourite dismantling through smart fas-
eral emerging technologies that can be used to efficiently separate tening systems in future. The improvement in ELV recycling tech-
the highly commingled ELV materials. For instance, sensor-based nology, rapid assembly and disassembly joining solutions can
sorting (SBS) technologies have been used for materials recycling facilitate efficient recycling of ELVs across all industries.
for the last two decades to optimise the recycling of ASR. The A lot of research can be explored using other automotive com-
sensor-based sorting of diverse plastics or recovering of non- ponents/parts such as door panels and dashboard. ELV waste can
ferrous metal from car shredding operations can be done using also be combined with other types of industrial waste or agricul-
automated sensor-based sorting machine, this innovative technol- tural waste for better performance and results. This study focuses
ogy results in systems that can recognise the smallest input parti- on post-consumer ELV waste, same concept can be applied by recy-
cles (Tomra, 2019). Huang et al. established a pilot sorting system cling natural ELVs rejected during the inspection process when
which consists of a 3-dimensional visual sensor and an acoustic manufacturing new vehicles which are recommended as further
sensor to test vehicle PC, ABS and PP plastics. The separation effi- research.
ciency could achieve a 70.8% for ABS/PC scraps (Huang et al., 2017).
Mechanical process to shred PU foam such as foam shredding
machine is also suitable for PU foam shredding for a large-scale 4. Conclusions
production at industrial scale due to its high efficiency and capac-
ity. The advantage of using foam shredder machine is the size of This paper comprehensively describes the development of a
output particles can be adjusted by inserting required diameter novel method to produce thermal insulation sandwich panels
of mesh. using recycled PC from ELV headlamp and PU from ELV seat. It pre-
The method proposed in this research is potential to become sents results of thermal performance and transparency level of the
operational on an industrial scale by employing efficient moulding developed sandwich panels.
technology for large production runs (i.e., compression moulding). Six sandwich panels (P1-P6) were produced in manufacturing
Compression moulding method to mould ELV waste is applicable plant and tested in laboratory to verify the proposed development
as it can produce high-volume materials and suitable for moulding process. Steady-state laboratory tests using guarded hot-plate
complex thermoplastics. Both cold press and hot press of compres- apparatus to measure thermal conductivity were performed
sion moulding utilised moulding compound. Pressure is applied for according to standard. The experimental work showed that P4
cold press method and cure under room temperature but pressure composed of 50% PC mixed with 50% PU exhibits the best thermal
and temperature are required for the hot press method (Hashmi, performance, it has a thermal conductivity value of 0.1776 W/mK,
2016; Elshabini et al., 2017). However, it should be noted that reduced 15.5% against P1. In terms of transparency, Haze-gard plus
impurities exist in ELV waste materials can be an issue to mould haze meter was used to quantify the visual perception with objec-
ELV waste using the typical compression moulding machine as it tive measurement criteria in %: Luminous transmittance, haze and
would provide poor product consistency and difficult to control clarity. Results corroborated that all sandwich panels have light
its physical appearance (i.e., colour and transparency). Hence, transmission potential. P1 exhibits the highest luminous transmit-
appropriate heating technique and pressure is important to ensure tance (83.3%) while P6 the lowest (48.9%). All sandwich panels
ELV materials would not be downgraded when its polymer and allow light to filter through, potential in providing effective interior
mechanical characteristics are changed. lighting. P3 exhibits the highest haze value (78.23%) while P1 the
lowest (3.36%). The hazy appearance of the sandwich panels
3.5. Recommendations dependent on their light scattering behaviour. Each panel presents
considerable level of visibility, the clarity value for P1 is the highest
This work as the pilot study for more comprehensive research (99.3%), while P3 is the lowest (22.3%).
in the future. It is expected to have further research to improve This method offers sustainable approach to produce energy-
the overall performance and serviceability of the sandwich panels. saving and low-cost thermal insulation for wide range of building
Numerous research works are required to qualify the usage of the applications (i.e., wall, façade and roof system). It requires minimal
proposed sandwich panels and for commercialisation purpose. processing of the ELV waste. From environmental sustainability
414 Y.C. Wong et al. / Waste Management 118 (2020) 402–415

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