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11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

Collecting rainwater for drinking purposes may seem simple enough, but there are
many ways it can go wrong – some of which can actually be quite dangerous.

If you would like to start collecting rainwater in a way that is both safe and effective,
make sure that you avoid these common rainwater collection mistakes.

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Mistake #1: Using the Wrong Container

While there are plenty of containers that are capable of holding water, not all of them
are suitable for collecting and storing drinking water. Some containers may leach
dangerous chemicals into your water, while others are not opaque enough to block out
the sunlight – which could encourage algae growth.

Dark-colored plastic barrels are ideal for collecting rainwater, but many other
containers will work so long as they are large enough, opaque enough, and not coated
with any chemicals that could leach into your water.

Mistake #2: Forgetting to Make Sure it is Legal in Your Area

Believe it or not, collecting rainwater is not completely legal in all fifty states. Several
states have decided that rainwater is community property and not something that can
be taken by rainwater collectors.

In other states, collecting rainwater is legal, but there are certain restrictions. In
Kansas, for example, you may be required to apply for a permit before you are able to
collect rainwater. 4/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

If you want to make sure you stay on the right side of the law, check your state’s laws
and regulations regarding the collection of rainwater before you begin. Read this
article to find out of collecting rainwater is legal in your state.

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Mistake #3: Not Collecting Enough

Most people don’t realize how much water they use until it becomes scarce. It takes a
lot of water to survive, even if you start skipping showers and laundry day.

If you are building a rainwater collection system for the purpose of disaster survival,
be sure to calculate how much water you are going to need and how much your
system is going to collect.

If you don’t, you may end up with a system that does not collect nearly enough water
for you to live on. The more that you are able to collect, the better – in a disaster
scenario, there is certainly no such thing as having too much drinkable water. 5/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

Mistake #4: Not Letting the Rain Rinse Your Roof Before
Collecting It
When the rain starts to pour, many people start collecting it right away. However, it is
essential to let the rain rinse your roof for at least ten minutes before you start
collecting it.

The reasons for this are obvious when you think about it. Dirt, plant material, feces,
and all kinds of other debris gather on your roof, which means it will gather in your
water too if you don’t give the rain a chance to wash it away.

Mistake #5: Not Purifying Your Rainwater Before You Drink

In theory, rainwater is completely pure and safe to drink. However, that assumes it
doesn’t come in contact with anything before it lands in your collection barrel. In reality,
your rainwater may be coming into contact with all kinds of unsavory things on its way
down your roof and into your barrel. 6/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

The chances of getting sick from drinking rainwater that you collect may be slim –
much slimmer than drinking water from an unknown stream or pond – but there is still
a chance.

To avoid this risk, all you need to do is purify your water supply. It’s a simple
precaution that could save you from a lot of misery and one that may even save your

Mistake #6: Purchasing a Rainwater Collection System

Unless you have loads of money to throw away, purchasing a pre-made rainwater
collection system is a waste. Making your own rainwater collection system is fairly
simple, and the instructions for doing so as well as the supplies you will need are both
cheap (if not free) and readily available. 7/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

Pre-made rainwater collection systems, meanwhile, can cost upwards of $1000.

There’s simply no real reason to spend that kind of money for something you can do
yourself in a day’s time.

In fact, with a little time spent searching, you can likely find all of the supplies you need
– including collection barrels – for little to no cost at all, and building your collection
system once you have the right supplies is a simple project.

Mistake #7: Not Using a Collection Screen

If you plan to use the rainwater that you collect for any purpose other than watering
your garden, a collection screen is essential. Simply putting a fine, wire mesh screen
over your collection barrel will allow the water to pass through while blocking out
unwanted debris such as leaves, dirt, bird poop, and more. 8/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

If these things don’t sound very appetizing, be sure to put a screen over your collection
barrel. In addition to a mesh screen, you can also use fabric sheets or even a layer of
cooking oil to filter the water that goes into your barrel.

Mistake #8: Not Setting up a System for Getting Your Water

Sure, it’s possible to dip water out of a collection barrel using a cup or other small
container, but there are more efficient ways to access the water you collect. Installing a
spigot on your collection barrel is something that doesn’t take a lot of time, and it will
likely save you a lot of time and hassle in the future.

If you want to really boost the amount of water that you are able to withdraw, you can
even install a pump in your barrel. Small pumps are not as expensive as you might
think, and they can make drawing large amounts of water from your barrel a breeze.

Either way, just know that there are better ways to go about getting your water than
dipping it out of the top of the barrel. 9/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

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11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

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11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site

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Stukahna Sandbahr says

A P R I L 1 1 , 2 0 2 1 AT 9 : 4 9 P M

Bought some 55 gal. plastic containers from our local Pepsi Co. real cheap.
Takes some effort to get the smell of whatever syrup was in it.


robert alan searcy says

A P R I L 1 1 , 2 0 2 1 AT 9 : 2 6 A M

i have a 400 gallon underground poly tank . in the basement is the shallow
well pump , pressure tank and water heater . ive been using the system for 8
years now . i dont even filter or purify the water . i figure its many times safer
than the polluted crap that comes from town or the horrid rural water
company . 12/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site


Paul Kramer says

M A R C H 2 1 , 2 0 2 1 AT 1 0 : 3 0 P M

Another option is to look at auctions for a rain collecting system. I bought

one for 5.00 and I bought the price that is placed in the downspout. Total
cost 30.00. Another thing is to check with you city as many have give aways

or rebates.


John says
M A R C H 2 1 , 2 0 2 1 AT 1 1 : 4 8 A M

Number for says you should rinse off your roof before you collect your rain
wire am I supposed to go outside and turn it on and off how do I know when
it’s going to rain if I’m not home it doesn’t make sense unless you have
some kind of an outfit that works let me know


Dtr says
S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 0 2 0 AT 2 : 3 8 P M

What effed up states prohibits collecting manna from heaven? Someone has
their sticky money grubbing fingers in that, why else make it illegal? At what
point will they be demanding you get a licence to breath the air?


PennaTomCat says
D E C E M B E R 2 0 , 2 0 2 0 AT 3 : 2 0 P M 13/22
11/02/2022, 00:58 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater | Urban Survival Site



Kieran Roberts says

M A R C H 2 1 , 2 0 2 1 AT 1 0 : 4 0 P M

very well said

Forbidden to collect rain water?? that makes no sense at all.

I am going to ignore that idiotic rule. Just go ahead and do it and

ignore the idiot/s who tell you to stop.


Stukahna Sandbahr says

A P R I L 1 1 , 2 0 2 1 AT 9 : 4 6 P M

Oregon. Go figgur!


mtnchild says
J U N E 1 0 , 2 0 2 1 AT 1 1 : 0 4 A M

It is legal to harvest rainwater in Oregon!!! You can harvest all

water that runs off your roof, but you can’t build a catch basin
… Please check the laws in your area …

REPLY 14/22

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