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Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________

Plant Growth and Adaptations

Unit Test

Part I Vocabulary

Column A Column B

______ 1. Substances that all living things need to grow. A. transpiration

______ 2. Gas breathed out by animals. B. tuber

______ 3. Process by which plants make their own food. C. taproots

______ 4. Process by which leaves give off water. D. germinates

______ 5. State of lower activity during cold seasons. E. carbon dioxide

______ 6. Long, shallow roots F. spores

______ 7. Deep roots that have tiny hairs to absorb water G. nutrients
and nutrients
______ 8. Swollen underground stem H. fibrous roots

______ 9. Sprouts and begins to grow I. dormancy

______ 10. Tiny cells from which plants germinate J. photosynthesis

______ 11. Pollen is carried from a stamen to a pistil K. stamen

______ 12. Part of a flower that makes pollen L. pistil

______ 13. Part of a flower that collects pollen M. pollination

Part II Science Concepts and Understanding
For questions 14 – 16, write the letter of the best choice.

______ 14. What is the term for the process that joins a cut stem of one plant to a slice in the
stem of another plant?

A. photosynthesis C. grafting
B. transpiration D. dormancy

______ 15. Spores grow in ________.

A. capsules C. seeds
B. animals D. cones

______ 16. Grass is an example of a plant with which of the following?

A. fibrous roots C. taproots

B. tubers D. cones
Read each sentence. Number the sentences 1, 2, and 3 to order events in a life cycle of a
flowering plant.

______ 17. Animals such as birds and bees feed on its nectar, which helps the plant prepare more

______ 18. For the seed of a flowering plant to begin to grow, it needs warmth, water, and air.

______ 19. The seed sprouts and becomes a seedling.

Use the letters of the terms in the Word Bank to complete the sentence.

20. Sunlight is trapped by a leaf’s ______. A. roots

B. oxygen
21. The leaves give off ______ as waste.
C. sugar
22. – 24. ______ and ______ in the leaves combine to make D. water
______. E. chlorophyll

25. The ______ take in water. F. carbon dioxide

Use the letters of the pictures below to answer questions 26 – 28.


26. Which of these plants have stems that can cling to other objects in order to reach toward the
sunlight? ______

27. Which of these plants have roots that grow near the surface to help them obtain water?

28. Which of these plants have roots that help them absorb nutrients from the mud? ______

Part III Critical Thinking

29. Since photo means “light” and synthesis means “putting together,” how does the word
photosynthesis describe the process by which a plant makes its own food?
30. Why do big trees have many small leaves instead of just a few very large leaves?

31. Why are plants with active traps found in areas that have poor soil?

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